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Vlada Republike Slovenije
501 Končna redakcija
(2) Vlada mora vsaki dve leti ob pripravi predloga zakon o izvrševanju proračuna Republike Slovenije določiti vrednost, ko mora naročnik opraviti postopek po tem zakonu.
(2) Every two years, upon preparing the proposed draft Act on the implementation of the budget of the Republic of Slovenia, the Government shall determine the threshold which contractors shall carry out the procedures prescribed by this Act.
502 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
Ob podpisu Sporazuma med Vlado Države Katar in Vlado Republike Slovenije o izogibanju dvojnega obdavčevanja in preprečevanju davčnih utaj v zvezi z davki od dohodka sta se podpisana sporazumela o naslednjih določbah, ki so sestavni del sporazuma.
At the moment of signing the Agreement between the Government of the State of Qatar and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income, the undersigned have agreed upon the following provisions which shall form an integral part of the Agreement.
503 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: 025-10-11-2007-2
1515 pogovor na štiri oči predsednika Vlade Republike Slovenije gospoda Janeza Janše in predsednika Evropskega parlamenta gospoda Hansa-Gerta Pötteringa v Stekleni dvorani v Kongresnem centru Brdo,
15:15 Tęte-ŕ-tęte meetin
504 Končna redakcija
(1) Državna revizijska komisija mora najkasneje do konca februarja za preteklo leto sporočiti Vladi Republike Slovenije, glede na posamezne vrste postopkov in predmet javnega naročila, naslednje podatke:
(1) The National Review Commission shall inform the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, not later than by the end of February for the previous year, the following data by individual types of procedures and the object of the public procurement:
505 Končna redakcija
(4) Vlada odloči o zahtevku v 30 dneh od prejema popolnega zahtevka na podlagi mnenja ministrstev, pristojnih za ekonomske odnose s tujino, gospodarske dejavnosti in finance ter mnenja Carinske uprave Republike Slovenije o pogojih za izvajanje carinskega nadzora.
(4) The Government shall make a decision on the request within 30 days after the receipt of a complete request on the basis of the opinion of ministers responsible for external economic relations, economic activities and finance, and the opinion of the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia on the conditions for carrying out customs supervision.
506 Končna redakcija
(1) Urad za javna naročila je Služba Vlade Republike Slovenije, ki skrbi za takšen razvoj sistema javnega naročanja, ki zagotavlja gospodarnost, učinkovitost in preglednost porabe javnih sredstev za javna naročila ter vzpodbuja konkurenčnost in enakopravnost ponudnikov v postopkih javnega naročanja.
(1) Public Procurement Office is the Government of the Republic of Slovenia Office responsible for such a development of public procurement system which ensures rationality, efficiency and transparency of the use of public finance for public procurement and encourages competition and equality of tenderers in public procurement procedures.
507 Končna redakcija
(2) Če je namen oddaje naročila za blago ali za gradnje odpraviti regionalne razlike ali odpiranje novih delovnih mest na manj razvitih območjih, tak način oddaje naročila določenim ponudnikom ne sme biti v nasprotju s sklenjenimi mednarodnimi sporazumi Republike Slovenije. Vlada sme določiti strateške interese za določanje drugih meril in pogojev.
(2) Where the purpose of the award of a service contract or a works contract is to eliminate regional disparities or to create jobs in less developed areas, this method of awarding contracts to certain tenderers must be in conformity with international agreements concluded by the Republic of Slovenia. The Government may set up strategic interests in defining other terms and conditions.
508 Končna redakcija
(1) Naročnik mora svojo odločitev o zavrnitvi vseh ponudb pisno utemeljiti, posebej natančno pa mora navesti razloge za zavrnitev. O zavrnitvi vseh ponudb mora naročnik obvestiti vlado oziroma svoj nadzorni organ in Komisijo Evropskih skupnosti. Navedeno odločitev mora poslati v objavo Uradnemu listu Republike Slovenije in Uradnemu glasilu Evropskih skupnosti.
(1) Contractors shall explain in writing their decision to reject all tenders and, in particular, state exact reasons for the rejection. Contractors shall notify the Government or their supervisory body, and the Commission of the European Communities, of the rejection of all tenders. The decision in question shall be forwarded for publishing to the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia and the Official Journal of the European Communities.
509 Končna redakcija
Letna poročila o izvajanju letnega programa statističnih raziskovanj, ki jih Statistični urad RS predloži Statističnemu svetu, in vmesna in končna poročila o izvajanju srednjeročnega programa, ki jih Statistični urad RS predloži Statističnemu svetu in Vladi Republike Slovenije, so pomembni dokumenti za uporabnike in poročevalske enote ter tudi vodstvena orodja za ves sistem.
Yearly reports on the execution of the annual programme of statistical surveys, which SORS submits to the Statistical Council, and interim and final reports on the execution of the medium-term programme of statistical surveys, which SORS submits to the Statistical Council and the Government, are important documents for the users and data providers as well as management tools for the whole system.
510 Pravna redakcija
VLADE Zvezne republike Nemčije, Kraljevine Belgije, Kraljevine Danske, Kraljevine Španije, Republike Finske, Francoske republike, Helenske republike, Italijanske republike, Kraljevine Norveške, Kraljevine Nizozemske, Portugalske republike, Združenega kraljestav Velike Britanije in Severne Irske, Republike Slovenije, Kraljevine Švedske, Švicarske konfederacije in Republike Turčije so se
THE GOVERNMENTS of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Kingdom of Spain, the Republic of Finland, the French Republic, the Hellenic Republic, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Portuguese Republic, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of Slovenia, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Swiss Confederation and the Republic of Turkey,
511 Pravna redakcija
DRUGO: 025-24-21-2008-1
Drugi strateški dokument, ki je pred vami je Strategija Vlade Republike Slovenije na področju spodbujanja telesne dejavnosti za krepitev telesne dejavnosti za zdravje za obdobje 2007 do 2012, ki je bila sprejeta s strani Vlade 7. marca 2007.
The second strategic document presented is the Strategy of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Promoting Physical Activity to Enhance National Health for the period 2007- 2012, which was adopted by the Government on 7 March 2007.
512 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
K statutu daje soglasje Vlada Republike Slovenije, k drugim splošnim aktom pa minister, pristojen za pravosodje.
The statute shall be subject to the consent of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, while the other documents shall be subject to the consent of the minister responsible for justice.
513 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Način zaznambe v posebnem registru določi Vlada Republike Slovenije določila v podzakonskem aktu v treh mesecih od uveljavitve tega zakona.
The method of entry in a special register shall be defined by a special regulation which the Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall adopt within three months of the day the present Law enters into force.
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Vlada Republike Slovenije