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501 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31969L0060
"(c) v prehodnem obdobju največ treh let po začetku veljavnosti zakonov in drugih predpisov, potrebnih za uskladitev s to direktivo, in z odstopanjem od odstavka 1 (E), (F) in (G), kot certificirano seme potrdijo seme, ki izhaja neposredno iz semena, ki je bilo uradno pregledano v državi članici v okviru takrat veljavnega sistema in ki nudi enaka jamstva kot osnovno seme, potrjeno v skladu z načeli te direktive;
"(c) during a transitional period of not more than three years after the entry into force of the laws, regulations or administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive, and by way of derogation from paragraph 1 (E), (F) and (G), certify as certified seed seed which is of direct descent from seed officially controlled in a Member State under the scheme in operation at that time and which affords the same assurances as basic seed certified in accordance with the principles of this Directive;
502 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0049
Komisija mora Svetu poročati o izvajanju direktive tri leta po zahtevanem datumu za njen prenos, zlasti zaradi razširitve njene uporabe na ostale družbe ali podjetja in zaradi pregleda obsega opredelitve obresti ter licenčnin z namenom doseči potrebno konvergenco določb, ki se nanašajo na obresti ter licenčnine v nacionalnem pravu ter v dvostranskih in večstranskih sporazumih o izogibanju dvojnega obdavčevanja.
It is necessary for the Commission to report to the Council on the operation of the Directive three years after the date by which it must be transposed, in particular with a view to extending its coverage to other companies or undertakings and reviewing the scope of the definition of interest and royalties in pursuance of the necessary convergence of the provisions dealing with interest and royalties in national legislation and in bilateral or multilateral double-taxation treaties.
503 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D2046
Postopek iz člena 8(2) se uporablja v zvezi z odobritvijo na podlagi skladnosti s prednostnimi nalogami iz člena 4 in načeli iz člena 5 tistega dela delovnega programa IDA, v zvezi z izvajanjem te odločbe, ki jo Komisija pripravlja vsako leto in jo je mogoče pregledati v referenčnem letu. Delovni program IDA vključuje: - razčlenitev preteklih odhodkov po projektih za preteklo(-a) leto(-a), - oceno prihodnjih stroškov, ki jih bodo financirale Skupnost in države članice, in - kratko izjavo o rezultatih/storitvah, doseženih iz teh preteklih odhodkov.
The procedure referred to in Article 8(2) shall apply in respect of the approval, on the basis of compliance with the priorities established in Article 4 and the principles laid down in Article 5, of the section of the IDA work programme concerning the implementation of this Decision, which the Commission shall draw up at yearly intervals and which may be reviewed during the year of reference. The IDA work programme shall include: - a breakdown of past expenditure by project for the previous year(s), - an estimate of the future costs to be funded by the Community and the Member States, and - a short statement on the results/services developed from this past expenditure.
504 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31969L0063
Države članice lahko v prehodnem obdobju največ štirih let po uveljavitvi zakonov in drugih predpisov, potrebnih za uskladitev s to direktivo, in z odstopanjem od odstavka 1(C), potrdijo kot ,certificirano seme, seme, ki je neposredni potomec uradno pregledanega semena v državi članici v okviru takrat veljavne sheme in ki daje enaka zagotovila kot seme, potrjeno kot osnovno seme ali certificirano seme v skladu z načeli te Direktive.
Member States may, during a transitional period of not more than four years after the entry into force of the laws, regulations or administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive, and by way of derogation from paragraph 1 (C), certify as certified seed seed which is of direct descent from seed officially controlled in a Member State under the scheme in operation at that time and which affords the same assurances as seed certified as basic seed or certified seed in accordance with the principles of this Directive.
505 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0812
Z odstopanjem od odstavka 4 zgoraj, mejne kontrolne točke s proizvodnjo do 500 pošiljk na leto lahko uporabljajo iste objekte in naprave, namenjene za raztovarjanje, preglede in skladiščenje, za vse proizvode, za katere je odobrena zadevna mejna kontrolna točka, pod pogojem, da se upošteva časovna zakasnitev med posameznimi pošiljkami in da se po potrebi v času med prispetjem posameznih pošiljk prostori temeljito očistijo in dezinficirajo.
By derogation from paragraph 4 above, border inspection posts having a throughput of less than 500 consignments per year may utilise the same facilities provided for unloading, inspection and storage for all products for which the post is approved, provided that a time separation of consignments is implemented, and that adequate cleansing and disinfection of the premises between arrivals of different consignments is undertaken as necessary.
506 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0789
ladje, ki jim je bil zavrnjen dostop do pristanišč držav članic v skladu z Direktivo 95/21/ES v treh letih pred predložitvijo vloge za vpis, in ladje, ki so bile po inšpekcijskem pregledu zadržane v pristanišču države podpisnice Pariškega memoranduma o soglasju glede nadzora, ki ga opravlja inšpekcija za varnost plovbe, iz leta 1982 in več kakor enkrat iz razlogov v zvezi z zahtevami iz člena 2(b) v treh letih pred predložitvijo vloge za vpis.
ships that have been refused access to Member States' ports in accordance with Directive 95/21/EC during the three years preceding application for registration and to ships that have been detained following inspection in the port of a State signatory of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding of 1982 on Port State Control and for reasons relating to the requirements defined in Article 2(b), more than once during the three years preceding application for registration.
507 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31979D0639
Vsako leto in ob težavah s preskrbo skupina, predvidena v Direktivi 73/238/EGS, na podlagi statističnih informacij, ki so jih Komisiji posredovale države članice skladno s členom 10, pregleda možnosti držav članic za nadomestitev tistih naftnih derivatov, ki zadovoljujejo predvsem potrebe po kurilnemu olju za proizvodnjo električne energije, vendar tudi ob upoštevanju možnosti za nadomestitev kurilnega olja v industriji vključno s samoproizvajalci.
The group set up by Directive 73/238/EEC shall examine annually and, in case of supply difficulties, on the basis of information supplied to the Commission by the Member States, calculated pursuant to Article 10, the capacity for substitution in the Member States of petroleum products defined as covering primarily fuel oil requirements for electricity generation, but also having regard to any possibilities of substitution of fuel oil in industry, including autoproducers.
508 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0030
Komisija pregleda uporabo te direktive in predloži poročilo o izkušnjah, pridobljenih v zvezi z delovanjem notranjega trga z zemeljskim plinom, in o izvajanju splošnih pravil iz člena 3, da omogoči Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu, da v luči pridobljenih izkušenj v primernem času preučita možnosti sprejetja določb za nadaljnjeizboljševanje notranjega trgaz zemeljskim plinom, ki bodo začele učinkovati deset let po začetku veljavnosti te direktive.
The Commission shall review the application of this Directive and submit a report on the experience gained on the functioning of the internal market in natural gas and the implementation of the general rules mentioned in Article 3 in order to allow the European Parliament and the Council, in the light of experience gained, to consider, in due time, the possibility of provisions for further improving the internal market in natural gas, which would be effective 10 years after the entry into force of the Directive.
509 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0062
v okviru sektorskega poročila iz člena 4 Direktive Sveta 91/692/EGS z dne 23. decembra 1991 o standardiziranju in racionaliziranju poročil o izvajanju posameznih direktiv, ki se nanašajo na okolje([9]), vsaka tri leta in najpozneje devet mesecev po preteku vsakega triletnega obdobja, pošljejo Komisiji informacije s pregledom ugotovljenih ali, če je primerno, ocenjenih ravni onesnaženosti na območjih in v strnjenih naseljih, kakor je navedeno v členih 8 in 9;
shall forward fo the Commission every three years within the framework of the sectoral report referred to in Article 4 of Council Directive 91/692/EEC of 23 December 1991 standardizing and rationalizing reports on the implementation of certain Directives relating to the environment (9), and no later than nine months after the end of each three-year period, information reviewing the levels observed or assessed, as appropriate, in the zones and agglomerations referred to in Article 8 and Article 9;
510 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0092
Komisija pregleda uporabo te direktive in predloži poročilo o pridobljenih izkušnjah pri delovanju notranjega trga z električno energijo in o izvajanju splošnih pravil iz člena 3 z namenom, da omogoči Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu, da v luči pridobljenih izkušenj v primernem času preučita možnosti nadaljnjega odpiranja trga, ki naj bi se ga izvedlo devet let po začetku veljavnosti te direktive, ob upoštevanju hkratnega obstoja sistemov iz členov 17 in 18.
The Commission shall review the application of this Directive and submit a report on the experience gained on the functioning of the internal market in electricity and the implementation of the general rules mentioned in Article 3 in order to allow the European Parliament and the Council, in the light of experience gained, to consider, in due time, the possibility of a further opening of the market which would be effective nine years after the entry into force of the Directive taking into account the coexistence of systems referred to in Articles 17 and 18.
511 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2070
Zadnji pododstavek člena 32 se nadomesti z naslednjim: "Pred 1. januarjem tržnih let 1999/2000, 2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03 in 2003/04 države članice proizvajalke predstavijo zbirno poročilo o številu pregledov, izvedenih po členih 28, 29 in 30, številu primerov, kjer so bile potrebne prilagoditve, z navedbo zadevnih informacij ali količin, in o kaznih, ki so bile naložene ali pa se obravnavajo, skupaj s kratko oceno o vzpostavljeni ureditvi nadzora in o vseh nastalih težavah."
The final subparagraph of Article 32 is replaced by the following: "Before 1 January of the 1999/2000, 2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03 and 2003/04 marketing years, producer Member States shall present a summary report of the number of checks carried out under Articles 28, 29 and 30, the number of cases where adjustment was required, with an indication of the information or quantities concerned, and the penalties imposed or under consideration, along with a brief assessment of the control arrangements set up and any difficulties encountered."
512 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Vlade pogodbenice po 1. juliju 2004 v petletnih časovnih presledkih sporočijo Organizaciji pregledan in posodobljen seznam vseh varnostnih načrtov pristanišč, odobrenih za pristanišča na njihovem ozemlju, ter območje ali območja, zajeta v vsakem odobrenem varnostnem načrtu pristanišča, in ustrezne podatke o odobritvi (ter datum odobritve kakršnih koli sprememb), ki bo nadomestil in zamenjal vse informacije, sporočene Organizaciji v skladu z odstavkom 3 v predhodnih petih letih.
4 Contracting Governments shall, at five year intervals after 1 July 2004, communicate to the Organisation a revised and updated list showing all the approved port facility security plans for the port facilities located within their territory together with the location or locations covered by each approved port facility security plan and the corresponding date of approval (and the date of approval of any amendments thereto) which will supersede and replace all information communicated to the Organisation, pursuant to paragraph 3, during the preceding five years.
513 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0414
V obdobju dvanajstih let iz prvega pododstavka se lahko na podlagi pregleda aktivne snovi, ki ga opravi Odbor iz člena 19, po postopku iz navedenega člena odloči, da se snov uvrsti v Prilogo I in določi pogoje za uvrstitev, ali da se take aktivne snovi ne uvrsti v Prilogo I, če zahteve iz člena 5 niso izpolnjene ali pa potrebni podatki niso bili predloženi v predpisanem roku. Države članice zagotovijo, da se v predpisanem roku ustrezne registracije odobri, prekliče oziroma spremeni.
During the 12-year period referred to in the first subparagraph it may, following examination by the Committee referred to in Article 19 of such active substance, be decided by the procedure laid down in that Article that the substance can be included in Annex I and under which conditions, or, in cases where the requirements of Article 5 are not satisfied or the requisite information and data have not been submitted within the prescribed period, that such active substance will not be included in Annex I. The Member States shall ensure that the relevant authorizations are granted, withdrawn or varied, as appropriate, within a prescribed period.
514 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R1617
Posvetovanja med letalskimi prevozniki o potniških in tovornih tarifah se zato lahko začasno dovolijo, a le pod pogojem, da so omejena na prevoznine in tarife, ki vodijo k dejanskemu interliningu, da sodelovanje v takih posvetovanjih ni obvezno, da ne vodijo do dogovora glede prevoznin, tarif ali drugih pogojev, da lahko Komisija in zadevne države članice v interesu preglednosti na posvetovanja pošljejo opazovalce ter da se od letalskih prevoznikov, ki sodelujejo na posvetovanjih, zahteva medlinijska povezava z vsemi drugimi zadevnimi prevozniki, in sicer po tarifah, ki jih nosilni letalski prevoznik uporablja za zadevno tarifno skupino.
Consultations between air carriers on passenger and cargo tariffs may therefore be permitted for the time being, provided that they are limited to fares and rates which give rise to actual interlining, that the participation in such consultations is optional, that they do not lead to an agreement in respect of fares, rates or related conditions, that in the interests of transparency the Commission and the Member States concerned can send observers to them, and that air carriers participating in the consultation mechanism are obliged to interline with all other carriers concerned, at the tariffs applied by the carrying airline for the tariff category under discussion.
515 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0501
ker prvi pododstavek člena 7(3) Uredbe (ES) št. 1260/1999 določa, da Komisija po preglednih postopkih določi po državah članicah okvirno razdelitev odobrenih pravic za prevzem obveznosti, ki so na voljo za programiranje v obdobju od leta 2000 do 2006, pri čemer za Cilj 1 in Cilj 2 v celoti upošteva eno ali več objektivnih meril, podobnih tistim, ki so bila uporabljena v prejšnjem obdobju in zajeta v Uredbi Sveta (EGS) št. 2052/88 z dne 24. junija 1988 o nalogah Strukturnih skladov in njihovi uspešnosti ter o koordiniranju njihovih dejavnosti med seboj in z Evropsko investicijsko banko ter drugimi obstoječimi finančnimi instrumenti[2], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 3193/94[3], namreč: upravičeno prebivalstvo, regionalno razvitost, nacionalno razvitost in sorazmerno resnost strukturnih problemov, zlasti stopnjo brezposelnosti;
Whereas the first subparagraph of Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 stipulates that the Commission is to use transparent procedures to make indicative breakdowns by Member State of the commitment appropriations available for programming in 2000 to 2006 taking full account, for Objectives 1 and 2, of one or more objective criteria similar to those applied during the previous period covered by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2052/88 of 24 June 1988 on the tasks of the Structural Funds and their effectiveness and on coordination of their activities between themselves and with the operations of the European Investment Bank and the other existing financial instruments(2), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 3193/94(3), namely: eligible population, regional prosperity, national prosperity and the relative severity of the structural problems, especially the level of unemployment;
516 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0504
ker prvi pododstavek člena 7(3) Uredbe (ES) št. 1260/1999 določa, da Komisija po preglednih postopkih določi po državah članicah okvirno razdelitev odobrenih pravic za prevzem obveznosti, ki so na voljo za programiranje v obdobju od leta 2000 do 2006, pri čemer za Cilj 1 in Cilj 2 v celoti upošteva eno ali več objektivnih meril, podobnih tistim, ki so bila uporabljena v prejšnjem obdobju in zajeta v Uredbi Sveta (EGS) št. 2052/88 z dne 24. junija 1988 o nalogah Strukturnih skladov in njihovi uspešnosti ter o koordiniranju njihovih dejavnosti med seboj in z Evropsko investicijsko banko ter drugimi obstoječimi finančnimi instrumenti [2], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 3193/94 [3], namreč upravičeno prebivalstvo, regionalno razvitost, nacionalno razvitost in sorazmerno resnost strukturnih problemov, zlasti stopnjo brezposelnosti;
Whereas the first subparagraph of Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 stipulates that the Commission is to use transparent procedures to make indicative breakdowns by Member State of the commitment appropriations available for programming in 2000 to 2006 taking full account, for Objectives 1 and 2, of one or more objective criteria similar to those applied during the previous period covered by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2052/88 of 24 June 1988 on the tasks of the Structural Funds and their effectiveness and on coordination of their activities between themselves and with the operations of the European Investment Bank and the other existing financial instruments(2), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 3193/94(3), namely eligible population, regional prosperity, national prosperity and the relative severity of the structural problems, especially the level of unemployment;
517 Prevod
pregled in oceno stanja sodelovanja po tem sporazumu in pripravo letnih poročil o tem,
review and assess the state of cooperation under this Agreement and prepare annual reports thereon,
518 Prevod
Prvi tak pregled se opravi najpozneje ob koncu tretjega leta po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
The first such review shall take place not later than the end of the third year after the entry into force of this Agreement.
519 Prevod
Pogodbenici pregledata delovanje tega sporazuma najpozneje tri leta po začetku njegove veljavnosti, da bi ga po potrebi izboljšali.
The Parties shall complete a review of the functioning of this Agreement not later than three years from the date of its entry into force with the aim of improving its operation, if necessary.
520 Prevod
Svet guvernerjev pregleda ustreznost sredstev na drugem računu najpozneje do konca tretjega leta po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
The governing council shall review the adequacy of the resources of the second account not later than the end of the third year after the entry into force of this Agreement.
521 Prevod
Ta sporazum se sklene za začetno poskusno obdobje dveh let. Po preteku tega dvoletnega obdobja se bo Sporazum skupaj pregledalo ali obnovilo za novo obdobje.
This Agreement is concluded for an initial trial period of two years, after which the Agreement will either be subject to a joint review, or be renewed for a further period to be determined.
522 Prevod
Konferenca pogodbenic pregleda učinkovitost mehanizma, sprejetega na podlagi tega člena, vključno z merili in smernicami iz točke 2, najmanj dve leti po začetku veljavnosti te konvencije, nato pa redno.
The Conference of the Parties shall review the effectiveness of the mechanism established under this Article, including the criteria and guidelines referred to in paragraph 2, not less than two years after the entry into force of this Convention and thereafter on a regular basis.
523 Prevod
Udeleženke so se sporazumele, da bodo v luči tehnične specifičnosti izdelkov informacijske tehnologije udeleženke med pregledom, predvidenim v odstavku 3 Priloge k Izjavi, morebiti želele razmisliti o dodatnih postopkih, s katerimi bi se upoštevale skrbi malih in srednje velikih udeleženk izvoznic glede njihovih pravic po členu XXVIII, zavedajoč se, da bo Svet za blagovno menjavo pregled opravil pet let po začetku veljavnosti Sporazuma STO v skladu z odstavkom 1 Dogovora o razlagi člena XXVIII Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini 1994.
The participants agreed that, in light of the technical specificity of information technology products, participants may wish to consider, in the course of the review provided for in paragraph 3 of the Annex to the Declaration, additional procedures to address the concerns of small-and medium-sized exporting participants regarding their rights under Article XXVIII, bearing in mind that a review will be conducted by the Council for Trade in Goods five years from the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement pursuant to paragraph 1 of the Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994.
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