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601 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Èe nacionalni regulativni organ posreduje pri reševanju spora med podjetji, ki ponujajo elektronska komunikacijska omrežja ali storitve v državi èlanici, naj poskuša zagotoviti skladnost z obveznostmi, ki izhajajo iz te direktive ali posebnih direktiv.
The intervention of a national regulatory authority in the resolution of a dispute between undertakings providing electronic communications networks or services in a Member State should seek to ensure compliance with the obligations arising under this Directive or the Specific Directives.
602 Končna redakcija
Je potemtakem kaj čudnega, če v tem okolju ne boste našli analitičnega teksta, ki bi poskusil pojasniti dva v oči bijoča fenomena danega neoslovenstva, in sicer to, da se Janševa stranka imenuje socialdemokratska, in to, da je SNS bojda stranka levice?
Is it then any wonder that it is impossible to find any analytical text around here that would attempt to answer the question of how to explain the two glaring contradictions of neo-Slovenianness: first the fact that Janša's party is called Social Democratic, and secondly, that the Slovenian National Party is presumably left-wing.
603 Končna redakcija
Med najbolj problematičnimi pa so nasveti za heteroseksualna razmerja, ki jih Cosmopolitan ponuja že na naslovnici in ki bi jim lahko rekli kar »kriki z naslovnice«, ker tako tipografsko kot vsebinsko poskušajo pritegniti pozornost potencialnih nakupovalk.
One of the most problematic elements is, however, advice on heterosexual relationships. It is featured already on the front cover and, given the font size and content of these cover headlines, designed to attract attention, it practically 'screams from the front cover.'
604 Končna redakcija
Preučil bom poskuse, da bi Slovenijo ločili od območja Balkana in jo prikazali kot sodobno državo s tehnološkimi zmožnostmi, utemeljili njeno ustreznost za priključitev k NATO, pritegnili neposredno tuje investiranje in omogočili turistično potrošnjo.
Efforts to disassociate Slovenia from the Balkan region, to position Slovenia as modern state with technological capability, to argue that it was qualified for NATO accession, to attract foreign direct investment and to facilitate tourism expenditures will be examined.
605 Končna redakcija
'Subverzivna' vloga interneta v zapatističnem uporu proti mehiški državi in upor proti rigoroznim kitajskim ukrepom na Trgu Tiananmen prek faksimilov (Adams, 1996) ponazarjata, da poskušajo države nadzorovati tehnologijo, ki jo uporabljajo širom po svetu.
The 'subversive' role of the Internet in the Zapatista Revolt against the Mexican state and the resistance via fax machines to the Chinese Crackdown in Tiannemen Square (Adams, 1996) illustrates that states are trying to control a technology that is appropriated globally.
606 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0011
Komisija mora ob pomoči Stalnega odbora za seme in razmnoževalni material za poljedelstvo, vrtnarstvo in gozdarstvo določiti pogoje, pod katerimi lahko države članice odobrijo trženje razmnoževalnega materiala za poskuse, znanstvene namene ali selekcijo.
The Commission, assisted by the Standing Committee on Seeds and Propagating Material for Agriculture, Horticulture and Forestry, should be able to lay down the conditions under which Member States may authorise the marketing of propagating material for trials, scientific purposes or selection work.
607 Končna redakcija
V tem primeru govorimo o tako imenovanem prikritem oglaševanju. Temeljno vprašanje, na katero poskuša odgovoriti članek, izhaja iz problematike odvisnosti revijalnega tiska - predvsem ženskih revij - od lastniških oziroma kapitalskih in oglaševalskih interesov.
The basic problem, and the question that this article attempts to answer, stems from the dependence of magazines (particularly women's magazines) on the interests of their owners (i.e. capital) and advertisers.
608 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
Obstoječa dovoljenja za novo zasaditev na površinah za matične nasade za cepiče, komasacije in obvezni odkup, pa tudi za vinogradniške poskuse niso povzročila nobenih večjih motenj na trgu z vinom, zato naj ostanejo v veljavi ob upoštevanju potrebnega nadzora;
the existing permission for new planting of areas intended for graft nurseries, land consolidation and compulsory purchase as well as wine-growing experiments has shown itself not to unduly disturb the wine market and should therefore be continued subject to the necessary controls;
609 Končna redakcija
Tako so se tistim državam, ki so zaprosile za »pomoč« pri sprejemanju nove medijske zakonodaje, ponujali popolnoma neustrezni »modeli«, ki so poskušali nanje »cepiti« posamezne rešitve (ali pa kar zakone v celoti), ki so že obstajale v državah članicah eu.
As a result, legislative models offered to those countries looking for 'help' in adopting new media legislation were frequently inadequate. These were actually attempts to transplant to post-socialist countries various individual solutions (or complete media legislations) employed by eu member states.
610 Končna redakcija
Že stoletja so statistika in informacije vitalnega pomena za uveljavljanje državnih interesov. Urad se poskuša predstaviti na način, ki ustreza mednarodnim standardom in praksam; na skupini spletnih strani se temu reče 'evropeizacija slovenske statistike' (ibid.).
Statistics and information have been vital for the advancement of state interests for centuries, and this office attempts to position itself in such a manner as to conform with international standards and practices, in what the website terms the 'Europeanization of Slovenian statistics.' (Ibid.)
611 Končna redakcija
Vrtanje po osebnih zgodbah, paparazzovsko zasledovanje znanih osebnosti, milijonske vsote za fotografije golih članov kraljevskih družin, premierne podobe novorojenih princes in princev . vse to poskušajo prikazati, kot da je predvsem stvar ekscesnega rumenega tiska.
Digging into private lives, paparazzi-style chasing of famous people, millions paid for the nude pictures of royal family members, the first exclusive images of newborn princes and princesses - there have been attempts to present these things as excesses restricted to the tabloids.
612 Končna redakcija
Prav kontrast med zavzetim, kramljajočim voditeljem, tipičnim človekom, ki mu gre zaupati, saj preiskuje za nas in poskuša vzpostaviti intimen odnos z gledalci na eni strani, in nevtralnim superprofesionalcem na drugi pa je vir 'ideološkega učinka' zabavnih novic.
Precisely the contrast between the engaged, chatty newspresenter - a typical man/woman who can be trusted, for he/she investigates on our behalf and endeavours to establish an intimate relationship with the audience - on the one hand, and the neutral super-professional on the other, is the source of the 'ideological effect' of the entertainment news.
613 Končna redakcija
Če pa sreča ni mila in takih empiričnih dogodkov ni zadosti ('manko 'štofa'', če se izrazim v novinarskem žargonu), potem so ti kriminalni pijani južnjaki spremenjeni v ustrezno apriorno (nadomestno) snov za generalno 'teorijo', ki ji bomo tukaj poskušali slediti.
But, if luck is less agreeable and empirical events are running short (a shortage of 'stuff', to use a journalistic term), then these criminal and drunken southerners are turned into a suitable, a priori (substitute) material to support a general 'theory' that we shall try to trace through this text.
614 Končna redakcija
Prednosti so očitne . ne samo, da je s skupnimi moč- mi laže spodbujati samoregulacijo tiska, kjer je ta nezadostna, ampak je mreža podobno mislečih organizacij lahko v pomoč tudi pri odvračanju od poskusov omejevanja pravice tiska, da sam uravnava svoje delovanje.
The merits are obvious . not only can efforts be shared to encourage self-regulation of the press where it is lacking, but a network of like-minded bodies can be useful in staffing off attempts to undermine the freedom of the press to regulate itself (...)
615 Končna redakcija
Avstrijci so se problema seveda zavedali in so ga poskušali omiliti s celo vrsto zelo zapletenih in natančnih procesnih določb (dokazno breme medija, razdelitev postopka na hitri postopek za provizorično odločitev in na poznejši nekoliko temeljitejši postopek itd.).
The Austrians were aware of this problem, of course, and tried to alleviate it through a whole series of intricate and detailed rules of proceedings (burden of proof of the media, the splitting of the procedure into a quick procedure with an interim decision and a subsequent, more detailed procedure).
616 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0128
Kadar se ocenjuje nova metoda, pogosto ni ocenjene referenčne ali zakonsko določene metode, s katero bi lahko primerjali merila natančnosti, zato je uporabno, da se podatke o natančnosti, dobljene s sodelovalnim poskusom, primerja s,predvidenimi' stopnjami natančnosti.
When assessing a new method there is often no validated reference or statutory method with which to compare precision criteria, hence it is useful to compare the precision data obtained from a collaborative trial with 'predicted' levels of precision.
617 Končna redakcija
Z reprezentacijskimi prostori na spletnih straneh Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve se je Slovenija poskušala zoperstaviti hegemonističnemu diskurzu in s komunikacijsko tehnologijo izkoristiti svojo omejeno moč oz. zmožnost oblikovanja geopolitičnega diskurza (O'Tuathail, 1996).
Employing the representational spaces of the Foreign Ministry pages, Slovenia waged an effort to counter hegemonic discourse and deploy the limited geopower (the ability to shape geopolitical discourse) it possessed via communications technology. (O'Tuathail, 1996.)
618 Končna redakcija
Temeljno vprašanje, za katero bomo v pričujoči analizi poskušali sestaviti kratko argumentacijo, izhaja iz problematike odvisnosti revijalnega tiska - pod drobnogledom so tako imenovani ženske revije - od lastniških in kapitalskih oziroma oglaševalskih interesov in trendov.
The fundamental question which we will try to answer in this study arises from the dependence of various magazines - we will concentrate on women's magazines - on the interests of owners, advertisers and capital.
619 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0008
Da bi dosegli svoje cilje, so pripravljeni ravnati tudi brezobzirno, z uporabo groženj in nasilja proti osebam in lastnini ter poskušajo vplivati na politike, poslovneže in državne uradnike. Pri tem je njihov glavni motiv čim večje ustvarjanje dobička in pridobivanje moči.
They are also prepared to act ruthlessly to achieve their objectives, threatening or resorting to violence against people and property and seeking to manipulate politicians, businessmen and public officials, their main motivation being the maximisation of profits and the pursuit of power.
620 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
V poskusu uskladitve z metodo stalne inventarizacije ESR 95 priporoča "kvantitativna" metoda, ki obsega merjenje sprememb stanj kot razlike v obsegu med zalogami na začetku in na koncu obračunskega obdobja, vrednotenih po povprečnih cenah, ki veljajo v obravnavanem obdobju.
In an attempt to get into line with the perpetual inventory method, the ESA 95 recommends a "quantitative" method which consists in measuring changes in stocks as the difference in volume between the stocks at the opening and closing of the accounting period, valued at the average prices in force during the period concerned.
621 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0128
Poskusni rezultati so bili pregledani, da bi evidentirali individualno sistematsko napako (p < 0,025) z zaporedno uporabo Cochranovega testa in Grubbovega testa, s postopki, opisanimi v mednarodno sprejetem Protokolu za projektiranje, izvedbo in interpretacijo študij izvajanja metode.
The trial results were examined for evidence of individual systematic error (p < 0,025) using Cochran's and Grubb's tests successively, by procedures described in the internationally agreed Protocol for the Design, Conduct and Interpretation of Method-Performance Studies.
622 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
Države pogodbenice menijo, da se lahko v nekaterih izjemnih primerih na podlagi dvostranskega dogovora mejne kontrole na notranjih mejah za poskusno dobo že sedaj opustijo tam, kjer je ta simbolična poteza primerna pod pogojem, da pri tem ni resno ogrožena varnost (poskusni projekti).
In the opinion of the Contracting Parties, internal border checks may, where appropriate, be discontinued by bilateral agreement in some cases, as a symbolic gesture and for a trial period, provided that security is not seriously undermined (pilot projects).
623 Končna redakcija
Kratkoročno so stroške in porabo v hiši poskusili začrtati v dokumentu Strategija ravnanja do konca leta 1996, v katerem so zapisali, da bodo zmanjšali število zaposlenih in honorarnih sodelavcev za 10 odstotkov, plače za 3, najemanje kapacitet in zunanjo produkcijo pa za 50 odstotkov.
The document entitled The Strategy of Operation Until the End of 1996 represented an attempt to contain short-terms costs and expenditures of the institution. The document specified a 10% reduction in the staff and outsourced force, 3% reduction in salaries and 50% reduction in hired capacities and external production.
624 Končna redakcija
zunanje zadeve
Priznam pa, da si vedno, ko se po osemnajsti luknji kakega bolj dinamičnega igrišča, po kakih osmih kilometrih hoje in vleke vozička po hribčkih in dolinah gor in dol, po vseh zamahih in poskusnih zamahih, privlečem do devetnajste luknje (restavracije), zaželim, da bi bil ta mit resnica.
But I must admit that every time I finally make it to the 19th hole (the clubhouse) after playing a full round on a difficult course, five miles of walking, pulling the trolley and climbing up and down the slopes, after all those shots and practice swings, I wish that this particular myth were true.
625 Končna redakcija
Med neuspele poskuse sprejemanja medijske zakonodaje lahko štejemo tudi pripravo zakona, ki bi reguliral tiskane medije. Leta 1995 je estonsko ministrstvo za kulturo pripravilo predlog zakona, po katerem bi vpeljalo sistem registracije (licenciranja) ustanavljanja novih publikacij v tuji lasti.
The bill drafted by the Estonian Ministry of Culture in 1995, proposing a system of regulation (licensing) of new publications owned by foreigners, is just one example of abortive attempts to introduce media legislation.
626 Končna redakcija
V tem spisu o tistem delu televizije, ki naj bi bil najbližje realnosti, pravzaprav pa mora z vsemi jezikovnimi in vizualnimi sredstvi zgolj konstruirati vtis transparentnega odseva realnosti, bomo poskušali razkriti principe, po katerih ta žanr reprezentira, interpretira in nadzoruje realnost.
In this essay on the television genre that is supposed to be the closest to reality, while it should actually use all verbal and visual means merely to construct the impression of the transparent reflection of reality, we shall try to disclose the principles in which this genre represents, interprets and controls reality.
627 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0491
Natančneje, Komisija je od Evropskega sveta v Tampereju poskušala vključiti zadeve v zvezi z migracijo v načrtovanje zunanje pomoči Skupnosti, da bi neposredno podprla tretje države v njihovem prizadevanju za obravnavanje problemov, ki izhajajo iz zakonite, nezakonite ali prisilne migracije.
More specifically, since the Tampere European Council, the Commission has been trying to incorporate migration-related concerns into the programming of the Community's external aid in order to give direct support to third countries in their efforts to deal with the problems arising from legal, illegal or forced migration.
628 Končna redakcija
V tej tematski študiji obravnavam skupine spletnih strani slovenske vlade in poskušam pokazati, da država čuti potrebo, da nadzoruje informacije in projicira podobe, s katerimi želi spodbuditi dejavnosti, kot so turizem, investiranje in diplomacija, ter oblikovati razločno državno identiteto.
In the case study, I examine Slovenia's government websites to demonstrate that a state does have a need to control information, to project images that are aimed to induce activities like tourism, investment, diplomacy, and establish an unequivocal state identity.
629 Končna redakcija
Če ima Komisija popolno priglasitev, ki kaže, da ukrep vsebuje številne pozitivne elemente in nobenega negativnega, jo bo Komisija poskušala čimprej preučiti v roku, določenem v Uredbi Sveta (ES) 659/1999 z dne 22. marca 1999 o določitvi podrobnih pravilih za uporabo člena 93 Pogodbe ES [30].
Where the Commission is in possession of a complete notification which shows that a measure contains numerous positive elements, and no negative elements, the Commission will aim to make a rapid assessment of it within the deadlines laid down in Council Regulation (EC) No 659/1999 of 22 March 1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Article 93 of the EC Treaty(30).
630 Končna redakcija
Sestavljavci pravil so poskušali uravnotežiti stranske učinke poročanja in temeljno novinarjevo delo z določbo, po kateri si je treba prizadevati, da mediji med ljudmi ne bi povzročali neutemeljene panike, prizadevati pa si je treba tudi za to, da bi se ljudje zavedali nevarnosti nasilnih dejanj.
The makers of the rules attempted to find a balance between these side effects and the fundamental role of journalists by inserting a provision stating that one should strive not to cause groundless panic among people, while making people aware of the dangers of violent acts.
631 Končna redakcija
V nadaljevanju bodo opisane poglavitne težave, ki so to ustavno določbo spremljale v celotnem obdobju tranzicije, hkrati pa bom poskušala osvetliti tudi tisti poglavitni namen, ki naj bi ga v svobodni in demokratični družbi takšna pravica (do popravka, odgovora ali podobnega sredstva) sploh imela.
We will now describe the main difficulties associated with this constitutional provision throughout the transitional period; at the same time we will try to shed some light on the essential purpose that this right (of correction, reply or similar instruments) should have in a free and democratic society.
632 Končna redakcija
Ljudje, o katerih je mislila, da so globoko verni, in ki jih je s katastrofalnim neuspehom poskušala pridobiti zase, so se kar na lepem začeli zanimati zanjo in pokazati sovražnost do konvencionalne vere, kakršna bi se ji nikoli ne zdela mogoča drugače kakor kvečjemu med najbolj brezupnimi značaji.
People she had thought deeply religious, and had tried to conciliate on that tack with disastrous results, suddenly took an interest in her, and revealed a hostility to conventional religion which she had never conceived possible except among the most desperate characters.
633 Končna redakcija
Moja teza se glasi: za funkcioniranje politike, ki jo za zdaj poskušam misliti skrajno (matematično-prostorsko) abstraktno, ne zadoščata zgolj levi in desni esktremizem. Kratko malo zato, ker ti ekstremi ne morejo funkcionirati in niso v praznem, izpraznjenem, decentriranem prostoru, v nekakšnem neprostoru.
My thesis is: for the functioning of politics, which for the time being I am trying to consider as an abstract space, neither the left nor the right extreme alone suffice, for the simple reason that these extremes cannot function and do not exist in an empty, or vacated, or decentralized space, or a non-space.
634 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Posameznikom, ki nočejo ali ne morejo dokazati svoje identitete in/ali potrditi razloga za svoj obisk, kadar se od njih to zahteva, je treba prepovedati dostop do ladje, o njihovem poskusu dostopa pa je treba poročati varnostnemu uradniku pristanišča in nacionalnim in lokalnim organom, odgovornim za zaščito.
Those unwilling or unable to establish their identity and/or to confirm the purpose of their visit when requested to do so should be denied access to the port facility and their attempt to obtain access should be reported to the PFSO and to the national or local authorities with security responsibilities.
635 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0011
Države članice zahtevajo, da so pakiranja in svežnji razmnoževalnega materiala zapečateni uradno ali pod uradnim nadzorom, tako da jih ni mogoče odpreti, ne da bi poškodovali pečat, ali odstranili uradno etiketo iz člena 10(1) ali ne da bi bili, kadar gre za pakiranje, na embalaži vidni poskusi odpiranja.
Member States shall require packages and bundles of propagating material to be sealed officially or under official supervision in such a manner that they cannot be opened without damaging the seal or without the official label referred to in Article 10(1) or, in the case of packaging, the packaging showing signs of tampering.
636 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Države članice obvestijo Komisijo o vseh splošnih težavah, s katerimi se, zakonsko ali dejansko, srečujejo in o njih poročajo njihova podjetja in ki nastanejo zaradi nespoštovanja določb mednarodnega delovnega prava iz Priloge XXIII, ko so ta podjetja poskušala pridobiti javna naročila v tretjih državah.
Member States shall inform the Commission of any difficulties, in law or in fact, encountered and reported by their undertakings and which are due to the non-observance of the international labour law provisions listed in Annex XXIII when these undertakings have tried to secure the award of contracts in third countries.
637 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Če se pri poskusih naknadne kontrole na polju vedno znova ugotovi, da seme katere koli sorte ne izpolnjuje pogojev, določenih za sortno pristnost ali sortno čistost, države članice zagotovijo, da se osebi, ki trži, popolnoma ali delno prepove trženje takšnega semena (če je to primerno, za določeno obdobje).
If it is repeatedly found, during post-control tests carried out in the field, that seed of any one variety does not adequately satisfy the conditions laid down in respect of varietal identity or varietal purity, Member States shall ensure that the person marketing it is wholly or partially forbidden to market such seed (where appropriate, for a specified period).
638 Končna redakcija
Kot je bilo že omenjeno v izhodiščni tezi, bomo v tem delu poskušali pokazati, kako oglasi za kozmetične izdelke, ki so namenjeni negi in dekoraciji ženskega telesa, objektivizirajo žensko telo, ga izpostavijo (naravoslovnemu) znanstvenemu diskurzu in njegovim postopkom »obdelave « ter ga tako subjektivirajo.
As we have already mentioned when expounding our initial hypothesis, in the second part of this study we will attempt to show how the advertisements for body care and decoration products turn the female body into an object, submit it to (natural) scientific discourse and the procedures it uses to 'cultivate' the body, and through this subjectify the female body.
639 Končna redakcija
Če te popularne sheme prevedemo v jezik medijskih reprezentacij, lahko rečemo, da časopisna besedila, ki na splošno obravnavajo homoseksualnost in poskušajo odgovoriti na vprašanje, kdo so geji in lezbijke in kako jih je moč prepoznati, pri odgovarjanju na zastavljena vprašanja uporabljajo prav te rigidne okvire.
In trying to answer the question of who gays and lesbians are and how to distinguish them, the media use precisely this rigid popular schema.
640 Končna redakcija
Tisti z malo boljšim spominom se bodo spomnili, da so med sprejemanjem zakona o varuhu človekovih pravic poslanci poskušali ombudsmanu postaviti vrsto ovir zlasti pri dostopu do obrambnega ministrstva, čeprav bi lahko imel prav zaradi represivne narave tega organa, podobno kot pri policiji, največ pritožb proti njemu.
Those with longer memories will recall that when passing the law on the human rights ombudsman, deputies to the National Assembly made attempts to place a number of obstacles particularly with regard to the ombudsman's access to defense ministry sources, that is, the sector in which one could expect the greatest number of complaints because of the repressive nature of that body, similar to that of the police.
641 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0318
S svojimi ponudbami se prodajalci obvežejo, da bodo, kadar pregled ob vstopu v skladišče, ki ga določi intervencijska agencija, pokaže, da maslo ne izpolnjuje zahtev iz členov 3 in 4, ali kadar se ob koncu poskusnega skladiščnega obdobja pokaže, da je minimalna organoleptična kakovost masla pod tisto iz Priloge I:
By their offers, sellers shall undertake that, where the inspection on entry into the store designated by the intervention agency shows that the butter does not meet the requirements of Articles 3 and 4, or where, at the end of the trial storage period, the minimum organoleptic quality of the butter proves to be below that set in Annex I:
642 Končna redakcija
Kot navaja Rajko Gerič iz sindikata novinarjev tv Slovenija, so sindikati poskušali doseči spremembe statuta, po katerih bi svet vse svoje odločitve sprejemal javno (18 svetnikov je glasovalo proti), in spremembo, po kateri bi bilo svetnikom rtvs prepovedano vsakršno poslovno sodelovanje z javnim zavodom (16 glasov proti).
Rajko Gerič from the Journalists' Trade Union at rtv Slovenia explained that the union strived to bring about a change in the voting system and to replace secret ballot with public voting (18 council members voted against this proposal), and to attain a ban on every kind of business dealings with rtv Slovenia for council members (16 members voted against this proposal).
643 Končna redakcija
Naloga in cilj reprezentativne prakse pa sta ravno fi ksiranje pomena, saj med mnogimi možnimi razlagami poskuša privilegirati eno. Pri tem ima najpomembnejšo vlogo podpis pod sliko (ali naslov članka, ki mu je slika pridana), saj zoži možnost interpretacije na tako imenovano preferirano razumevanje slike (Hall, 1997:228).
The task and the objective of any representative practice is thus precisely to fix meaning whereby one of several potential explanations is given priority. The most important role here is played by the caption (or the title of an article including a picture), since it reduces the choice of interpretations to a preferred understanding of the picture (Hall, 1997:228).
644 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
Predloge za dejavnosti iz členov 5, 6 in 7 lahko predložijo pravne osebe javnega sektorja ali druge pravne ali fizične osebe, ki so državljani države članice in ki imajo sedež v Skupnosti, vključno z genskimi bankami, nevladnimi organizacijami, rejci, tehnični inštituti, poskusnimi kmetijami, vrtnarji in lastniki gozdov.
Proposals for actions referred to in Articles 5, 6 and 7 may be submitted by a public sector body or any natural or legal person who is a national of a Member State and established in the Community, including gene banks, non-governmental organisations, breeders, technical institutes, experimental farms, gardeners and forest owners.
645 Končna redakcija
Naročnik sme oddati javno naročilo po postopku s pogajanji po predhodni objavi v primerih iz drugega odstavka 20. člena tega zakona in naročilo, kjer je gradnja vključena ali opravljena izključno za potrebe razvoja, poskusa ali raziskave in ni namenjena poslovnim potrebam naročnika ali nadomestilu stroškov raziskave ali razvoja.
Contractors may award contracts by negotiated procedure with prior publication of a contract notice in the cases referred to in Article 20(2) above, and the contracts where the construction is included or performed exclusively for the purpose of development, experiment or research, and is not intended for any commercial purposes of contractors or for the reimbursement of research or development costs.
646 Končna redakcija
S pričujočo analizo poskušamo dokazati, da so v ženskih revijah na delu diskurzivni mehanizmi, ki dosledno brišejo mejo med oglaševalsko in uredniško-novinarsko vsebino ter jih spreminjajo v privlačno obliko za uveljavljanje komercialne popularne kulture. Ta deluje po skupni formuli: dobiček, oglaševanje, ženska kot potrošnica.
The basic conclusion of our study, which proves the presence of discursive mechanisms that consistently obscure the boundary between advertisements and editorial content, is that women's magazines represent an attractive format for the promotion of commercialized popular culture which is based on 'the cycle of publishing profit, advertising and women's role as the primary purchasers of consumer goods.'
647 Končna redakcija
Torej je kritika množične kulture lahko tudi težavna zadeva, zlasti če se hočemo izogniti temu, da bi vse tovrstne pojavne oblike kratko malo zavrnili kot nekaj povsem manjvrednega, namesto da bi jih poskušali vsaj na neki ravni analizirati, razumeti, pojasniti, da bi pustili, da spregovori tudi tisto, kar je izpuščeno in popačeno.
85 Obviously, the criticism of mass culture can also be a difficult task, particularly if, rather than dismissing these phenomena on account of them being inordinately inferior, we venture to analyze them at a certain level and attempt to understand and explain them, thus allowing what has been omitted or distorted to speak for itself.
648 Končna redakcija
Zveza komunistov Jugoslavije je po stari recepturi, da neprijetnih dogodkov ni, če o njih ne širiš novic, poskušala informacije zadržati pod pokrovko, a je to prakso prav zaradi Smoletovih beograjskih nastopov počasi opuščala in novice o dogajanjih na Kosovu dajala v javnost - kajpada opremljene s primernimi ideološkimi komentarji.
The Yugoslav Communist Party initially adhered to the old formula that unpleasant events do not exist as long as the news about them is not spread, but Smole's public appearances in Belgrade set an example, so they dropped that practice and allowed the news to leak into the public arena - of course, it was still accompanied by appropriate ideological comments.
649 Končna redakcija
Govori se celo o filozofiji Cosmopolitana, ki se optimistično glasi »Zakaj pa ne?«: »Zakaj ne bi tudi same poskusile slediti svojim ciljem in željam. In ugotovile, da življenje ima smisel. Da se lahko zgodijo na videz nemogoče stvari in vam spremenijo življenje« (»Cosmopolitankam za popotnico«, uvodnik v prvo slovensko številko).
We can even talk of the philosophy of Cosmopolitan, which is an optimistic 'Why not?' 2Why not try to pursue your goals and desires and conclude that life has a point; that apparently impossible things do happen and may change your life.' ('Cosmopolitankam za popotnico'/A travel companion for Cosmopolitanke, the editorial in the first issue).
650 Končna redakcija
Člen 12 te uredbe določa, da mora prispevek Skupnosti pokriti stroške periodičnih popisov škode na gozdovih, zlasti zaradi onesnaženosti zraka, omrežja opazovalnih točk za intenzivno in stalno spremljanje gozdnih ekosistemov, poskusov ter pilotskih in predstavitvenih projektov za izboljšanje varstva gozdov pred onesnaženostjo zraka.
Article 12 of that Regulation stipulates that the Community's contribution is to cover the periodic inventory of damage caused to forests, in particular by atmospheric pollution, the network of observation points for intensive and continuous monitoring of the forest ecosystems, experiments, and pilot and demonstration projects to improve the protection of forests against atmospheric pollution.
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