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court of first instance
701 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0350
'By way of derogation from Article 44 of the Treaty, decisions of the Court of First Instance declaring a general decision or general recommendation to be void shall take effect only as from the date of expiry of the period referred to in the first paragraph of Article 49 of this Statute, or if an appeal shall have been brought within that period, as from the date of dismissal of the appeal, without prejudice, however, to the right of a party to apply to the Court of Justice pursuant to the second and third paragraphs of Article 39 of the Treaty, for the suspension of the effects of the act which has been declared void or for the prescription of any other interim measure.'
"Z odstopanjem od člena 44 Pogodbe veljajo odločbe Sodišča prve stopnje, ki razglasijo splošni akt ali splošno priporočilo za nično, le od datuma izteka obdobja iz prvega odstavka člena 49 tega Statuta, ali če je v tem obdobju vložena pritožba, od datuma zavrnitve pritožbe, vendar brez vpliva na pravico stranke, da skladno z drugim in tretjim odstavkom člena 39 Pogodbe zahteva od Sodišča, da zadrži izvršitev akta, ki je bil razglašen za ničnega, ali določitev kakšnega drugega začasnega ukrepa."
702 Prevajalska redakcija
This concept, already outlined in the Court of First Instance judgments in Hercules and Cimenteries CBR (15), was confirmed and developed in the Soda-ash case, where the Court held that 'in the defended proceedings for which Regulation No 17 provides it cannot be for the Commission alone to decide which documents are of use for the defence… The Commission must give the advisers of the undertaking concerned the opportunity to examine documents which may be relevant so that their probative value for the defence can be assessed.
Ta koncept, ki je že bil opisan v sodbah Sodišča prve stopnje v primeru Hercules in Cimenteries CBR [15], je bil potrjen in razvit v primeru Soda-pepel, v katerem je Sodišče menilo, da "v zagovarjanem postopku, za katerega Uredba št. 17 določa, da Komisija sama ne more odločati o tem, kateri dokumenti so koristni za obrambo.… Komisija mora dati svetovalcem zadevnih podjetij možnost vpogleda v dokumente, ki bi bili lahko pomembni, tako da je mogoče oceniti njihovo dokazno vrednost za obrambo."
703 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988D0591
Whereas it is therefore necessary to make use of the powers granted by Article 32d of the ECSC Treaty, Article 168a of the EEC Treaty and Article 140a of the EAEC Treaty and to transfer to the Court of First Instance jurisdiction to hear and determine at first instance certain classes of action or proceeding which frequently require an examination of complex facts, that is to say actions or proceedings brought by servants of the Communities and also, in so far as the ECSC Treaty is concerned, by undertakings and associations in matters concerning levies, production, prices, restrictive agreements, decisions or practices and concentrations, and so far as the EEC Treaty is concerned, by natural or legal persons in competition matters,
ker je zato potrebno uporabiti pooblastila, ki jih predvideva člen 32d Pogodbe ESPJ, člen 168a Pogodbe EGS in člen 140a Pogodbe ESAE, in prenesti na Sodišče prve stopnje pristojnost za obravnavo in odločitev na prvi stopnji o določenih vrstah tožb ali postopkov, ki pogosto zahtevajo preiskavo zapletenih dejstev, to se pravi tožb ali postopkov, ki jih vložijo uslužbenci Skupnosti in v zvezi s Pogodbo o ESPJ tudi podjetja in združenja v zadevah glede davkov, proizvodnje, cen, omejevalnih sporazumov, sklepov ali ravnanj in koncentracije ter v zvezi s Pogodbo EGS tudi fizične ali pravne osebe v zadevah konkurence,
704 Prevajalska redakcija
In paragraph 54 of Hercules, referred to in paragraph 41 of the Cimenteries judgment, the Court of First Instance held that the Commission has an obligation to make available to the undertakings all documents, whether in their favour or otherwise, which it has obtained during the course of the investigation, save where the business secrets of other undertakings, the internal documents of the Commission or other confidential information are involved.
V odstavku 54 primera Hercules, ki je navedene v odstavku 41 sodbe v primeru Cimenteries je Sodišče prve stopnje menilo, da je Komisija dolžna dati podjetjem na voljo vso dokumentacijo ne glede na to, ali je ta v njihovo korist ali ne, ki jo je pridobila med preiskavo, razen kadar gre za poslovne skrivnosti drugih podjetij, interne dokumente Komisije ali druge zaupne informacije.
705 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2647
The costs incurred by a producer in respect of payment of an agent who has acted in his name and on his behalf in dealing with the Community institutions shall be reimbursed on a flat-rate basis at the rate of 0,5 % of the amount of the compensation referred to in Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 2330/98, subject to a minimum of ECU 500 in the case of producers who have brought proceedings against the Community in the Court of First Instance, and a minimum of ECU 250 in other cases.
Stroški, ki jih ima proizvajalec s plačilom zastopniku, ki je ukrepal v njegovem imenu in za njegov račun pri zastopanju pri institucijah Skupnosti, se povrnejo na pavšalni osnovi po stopnji 0,5 % zneska odškodnine iz člena 10 Uredbe (ES) št. 2330/98, in sicer najmanj 500 ECU v primeru proizvajalcev, ki sprožijo postopke proti Skupnosti na Sodišču prve stopnje, in najmanj 250 ECU v ostalih primerih.
706 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
Where these actions are pending at first instance, any court other than the court first seised may also, on the application of one of the parties, decline jurisdiction if the court first seised has jurisdiction over the actions in question and its law permits the consolidation thereof.
Če tečejo te pravde na prvi stopnji, se lahko vsa sodišča, razen tistega, ki je prvo začelo postopek, na zahtevo ene od strank izrečejo za nepristojna, če je sodišče, ki je prvo začelo postopek, pristojno za odločanje v zadevnih postopkih in če zakon dovoljuje združitev pravd.
707 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0406
With the entry into force of the Treaty concerning the accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic to the European Union(1), the new official languages, namely Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Slovak and Slovene should be added to the list of languages of the case in Article 35(1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities.
Z začetkom veljavnosti Pogodbe o pristopu Češke republike, Republike Estonije, Republike Ciper, Republike Latvije, Republike Litve, Republike Madžarske, Republike Malte, Republike Poljske, Republike Slovenije in Slovaške republike k Evropski uniji [1] je treba nove uradne jezike, in sicer češčino, estonščino, latvijščino, litovščino, madžarščino, malteščino, poljščino, slovaščino in slovenščino uvrstiti v seznam jezikov postopka iz člena 35(1) Poslovnika Sodišča prve stopnje Evropskih skupnosti.
708 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0006
The Member States shall designate in their territories as limited a number as possible of national courts and tribunals of first and second instance (Community design courts) which shall perform the functions assigned to them by this Regulation.
Države članice na svojem ozemlju določijo kar najmanjše število nacionalnih sodišč prve in druge stopnje (sodišča za modele Skupnosti), ki izvajajo naloge po tej uredbi.
709 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0081
Without prejudice to the role of national courts and the Court of Justice, the parties to this agreement request that any matter relating to the interpretation of this agreement at European level should, in the first instance, be referred by the Commission to them for an opinion.
Stranke tega sporazuma brez vpliva na vlogo sodišč v državah članicah in vlogo Sodišča zahtevajo, da na evropski ravni vse zadeve, povezane z razlago tega sporazuma, na prvi stopnji obravnava Komisija, ki da svoje mnenje.
710 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0034
Without prejudice to the respective role of the Commission, national courts and the Court of Justice, any matter relating to the interpretation of this agreement at European level should, in the first instance, be referred by the Commission to the signatory parties who will give an opinion.
Brez vpliva na vlogo Komisije, nacionalnih sodišč in Evropskega sodišča, mora vsako zadevo, ki se nanaša na razlaganje tega sporazuma na evropski ravni, Komisija na prvi stopnji predložiti podpisnicam, ki podajo svoje mnenje.
711 Prevod
by the Governments of the EFTA States concerning a court of first instance
712 Prevod
Declaration by the Governments of the EFTA States concerning a court of first instance.
Izjava vlad držav Efte o sodišču prve stopnje;
713 Prevod
The EFTA States will establish a court of first instance for cases in the field of competition, should the need arise.
Po potrebi bodo države Efte ustanovile Sodišče prve stopnje za zadeve s področja konkurence.
714 Prevod
It also undertakes to ensure that lawyers entitled to practise before a court of an EFTA State may represent individuals and economic operators before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance of the European Communities.
Zavezuje se tudi, da bo zagotovila, da bodo odvetniki, ki imajo pravico nastopati pred sodiščem države Efte, lahko zastopali posameznike in gospodarske subjekte pred Sodiščem Evropskih skupnosti in Sodiščem prve stopnje Evropskih skupnosti.
715 Prevod
In order to reinforce the legal homogeneity within the EEA through the opening of intervention possibilities for EFTA States and the EFTA Surveillance Authority before the EC Court of Justice, the Community will amend Articles 20 and 37 of the Statute of the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance of the European Communities.
Za okrepitev pravne homogenosti EGP tako, da se državam Efte in Nadzornemu organu EFTA omogoči možnosti posredovanja Sodišča ES, bo Skupnost spremenila člena 20 in 37 statuta Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti in Sodišča prve stopnje Evropskih skupnosti.
716 Prevod
The Community undertakes to amend the Statute of the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance of the European Communities so as to ensure that agents appointed for each case, when representing an EFTA State or the EFTA Surveillance Authority, may be assisted by an adviser or by a lawyer entitled to practise before a court of an EFTA State.
Skupnost se zavezuje, da bo spremenila statut Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti in Sodišča prve stopnje Evropskih skupnosti, tako da bo za posamezno zadevo imenovanim pooblaščencem pri zastopanju države Efte ali Nadzornega organa EFTA lahko pomagal svetovalec ali odvetnik, ki ima pravico nastopanja pred sodiščem države Efte.
717 Prevod
Such agents, advisers and lawyers shall, when they appear before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance of the European Communities, enjoy the rights and immunities necessary to the independent exercise of their duties, under the conditions to be laid down in the rules of procedure of those Courts.
Ti pooblaščenci, svetovalci in odvetniki uživajo pri zastopanju na Sodišču Evropskih skupnosti in Sodišču prve stopnje Evropskih skupnosti pravice in imunitete, potrebna za neodvisno opravljanje njihovih nalog, pod pogoji, ki se določijo v poslovnikih navedenih sodišč.
718 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Unless otherwise provided by the statute, appeals and pleas shall be filed within eight days of the day the decree of the court of the first instance is served.
Pritožbo in ugovor je treba vložiti v osmih dneh od vročitve sklepa sodišča prve stopnje, če ni v zakonu drugače določeno.
719 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
If an application for execution is lodged with the court which did not decide upon the claim in the first instance, it shall be enclosed with the original executive instrument or an authenticated copy thereof, to which the certificate of enforceability shall be affixed.
Če je predlog za izvršbo vložen pri sodišču, ki o terjatvi ni odločalo na prvi stopnji, mu je treba priložiti izvršilni naslov v izvirniku ali overjenem prepisu, na katerem je potrdilo o izvršljivosti.
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court of first instance