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timer control
701 Prevod
CELEX: 32002D0079
Given that this measure has a serious impact on the control resources of the Member States, the results of this measure will be evaluated after a short period of time and the measures amended if appropriate.
Glede na to, da ta ukrep resno vpliva na nadzorne vire držav članic, bodo rezultati teh ukrepov po kratkem obdobju ovrednoteni in, če je ustrezno, spremenjeni.
702 Prevod
It shall at any time be possible to replace one or more movement certificates EUR.1 by one or more other certificates provided that this is done by the customs office or other competent authorities responsible for controlling the goods.
Možno je kadar koli zamenjati enega ali več potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 z enim ali več drugimi potrdili, pod pogojem, da to opravi carinski urad ali drugi pristojni organi, odgovorni za nadzor blaga.
703 Prevod
CELEX: 32002D0075
Given that the measures provided for in this Decision would have a serious impact on the control resources of the Member States, the results of these measures should be evaluated after a short period of time and the measures amended if appropriate.
Glede na to, da bi ukrepi opredeljeni v tej odločbi resno vplivali na nadzorne vire držav članic, naj se rezultati teh ukrepov po kratkem obdobju ovrednotijo in, če je ustrezno, spremenijo.
704 Prevod
control measures, including the authorisation of vessels to fish, the marking of vessels and fishing gear, the recording of fishing activities, and the near-to-real time reporting of vessel movements and activities by means such as satellite surveillance;
nadzorne ukrepe, ki vključujejo dovoljenja plovil za ribolov, označevanje plovil in ribolovnega orodja, beleženje ribolovnih dejavnosti in poročanje v skoraj realnem času o premikih in dejavnostih plovil s pomočjo tehnik, kot je satelitsko spremljanje;
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timer control