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skupni zastopnik
751 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0535
Ta odločba uvaja skupni tehnični predpis, ki zajema tehnične lastnosti, zahteve za električni in mehanski vmesnik ter protokol za krmiljenje dostopa, ki ga zagotavlja terminalska oprema, s katero je mogoče in jo proizvajalec ali njegov zastopnik nameni za uporabo v prizemnem letalskem telekomunikacijskem sistemu (TFTS).
This Decision establishes a common technical regulation covering the technical characteristics, electrical and mechanical interface requirements, and access control protocol to be provided by terminal equipment which is capable of and intended by the manufacturer or his representative for use in the terrestrial flight telecommunications system (TFTS).
752 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0035
Proizvajalec ali njegov zastopnik ali oseba, po katere naročilu se izdelek proizvaja, ali oseba, odgovorna za dajanje uvoženega izdelka na trg v Skupnosti, mora zaradi nadzora imeti za pristojne organe zadevne države članice vselej na voljo naslednje informacije na naslovu, navedenem na etiketi v skladu s členom 6(1)(a):
The manufacturer or his agent or the person to whose order a cosmetic product is manufactured or the person responsible for placing an imported cosmetic product on the Community market shall for control purposes keep the following information readily accessible to the competent authorities of the Member State concerned at the address specified on the label in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a):
753 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2245
Vročitev naslovnikom, ki nimajo ne stalnega bivališča ne glavne poslovalnice ne poslovne enote v Skupnosti in ki ne imenujejo zastopnika v skladu s členom 77(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 6/2002, se opravi tako, da se dokument, za katerega se zahteva vročanje po navadni pošti, pošlje na zadnji naslov naslovnika, ki je znan uradu.
Notifications to addressees having neither their domicile nor their principal place of business nor an establishment in the Community and who have not appointed a representative in accordance with Article 77(2) of Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 shall be effected by posting the document requiring notification by ordinary mail to the last address of the addressee known to the Office.
754 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0385
Na trgovskih sejmih, razstavah, predstavitvah itd. države članice ne preprečijo prikazovanja pripomočkov, ki niso v skladu s to direktivo, če je z vidnim znakom jasno prikazano, da niso skladni in da se ne morejo začeti uporabljati, dokler jih proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti ne uskladi.
At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc., Member States shall not prevent the showing of devices which do not conform to this Directive, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that such devices do not conform and cannot be put into service until they have been made to comply by the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community.
755 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0014
Proizvajalec opreme iz člena 2(1) ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti hrani vzorec ES-izjave o skladnosti 10 let od dneva, ko je bila oprema nazadnje izdelana, skupaj s tehnično dokumentacijo, kot je predvidena v točki 3 Priloge V, točki 3 Priloge VI, točki 2 Priloge VII, točkah 3.1 in 3.3 Priloge VIII.
The manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the Community, of equipment referred to in Article 2(1) shall keep a specimen of the EC declaration of conformity for 10 years from the date on which the equipment was last manufactured, together with the technical documentation as provided for in Annex V point 3, Annex VI point 3, Annex VII point 2, Annex VIII points 3.1 and 3.3.
756 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0037
Vsak del verige za dviganje, vrvi ali tkanja, ki ni sestavni del kakega sklopa, mora imeti oznako, ali kadar to ni mogoče, napisno ploščico ali neodstranljiv obroček, na katerem so navedeni ime in naslov proizvajalca ali njegovega pooblaščenega zastopnika s sedežem v Skupnosti ter identifikacijska oznaka zadevnega certifikata.
Each length of lifting chain, rope or webbing not forming part of an assembly must bear a mark or, where this is not possible, a plate or irremovable ring bearing the name and address of the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community and the identifying reference of the relevant certificate.
757 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0014
Države članice sprejmejo ukrepe, potrebne za zagotovitev, da proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti pošlje pristojnemu organu države članice, kjer ima sedež ali kjer daje na trg ali v obratovanje opremo iz člena 2(1), in Komisiji kopijo ES-izjave o skladnosti za vsako vrsto opreme iz člena 2(1).
Member States shall take the measures necessary to ensure that the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the Community, shall send to the responsible authority of the Member State where he resides or where he places on the market or puts into service the equipment referred to in Article 2(1) and to the Commission a copy of the EC declaration of conformity for each type of equipment referred to in Article 2(1).
758 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31973L0361
Vsaka dolžina žične vrvi, verige in vsak kavelj mora biti opremljen z znakom ali, če to ni možno, s ploščico oziroma neodstranljivim obročem, ki vključuje podatke o proizvajalcu ali njegovem pooblaščenem zastopniku s sedežem v Evropski gospodarski skupnosti, in s številko ustreznega potrdila (prim. točke 2.1, 3.1 in 4.1).
Every length of wire-rope and chain and every hook must bear a mark or, if marking is not possible, a small plate or ring securely attached, which must carry information as to the manufacturer or his authorized agent established in the European Economic Community and the number of the relevant certificates (cf. points 2.1, 3.1 and 4.1).
759 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0016
če država članica ugotovi, da je bila oznaka CE nepravilno pritrjena, mora monter dvigala, proizvajalec varnostnega sestavnega dela ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti zagotoviti skladnost izdelka v zvezi z določbami, ki zadevajo oznako CE, in prenehati kršenje pod pogoji, ki jih opredeljuje država članica;
where a Member State establishes that the CE marking has been affixed irregularly, the installer of the lift, the manufacturer of the safety component or the authorized representative of the latter established within the Community shall be obliged to make the product conform as regards the provisions concerning the CE marking and to end the infringement under the conditions imposed by the Member State;
760 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0048
mora država članica v vsakem primeru, ko ugotovi, da je izjavo ES o skladnosti nepravilno sestavljena, zahtevati, da proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti zagotovi ponovno vzpostavitev skladnost sestavnega dela interoperabilnosti in prenehanje kršitve po pogojih, ki jih ta država članica predpiše;
in each instance where a Member State finds that the EC declaration of conformity has been drawn up improperly, the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community shall be required to ensure that the conformity of the interoperability constituent is re-established and that the infringement ceases under the conditions laid down by that Member State;
761 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0336
Skladnost aparata, zajetega v členu 2(2) Direktive 86/361/EGS, z določbami te direktive se potrdi v skladu s postopkom iz odstavka 1, potem ko je eden od priglašenih organov, opisanih v odstavku 6 tega člena, proizvajalcu ali njegovemu pooblaščenemu zastopniku s sedežem v Skupnosti izdal certifikat o ES-pregledu tipa za ta aparat.
Conformity of apparatus covered by Article 2 (2) of Directive 86/361/EEC with the provisions of this Directive shall be certified in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 1 once the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community has obtained an EC type-examination certificate concerning this apparatus issued by one of the notified bodies referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article.
762 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1125
Pri dobavi govejega/telečjega mesa in prašičjega mesa se pri intervencijski agenciji, ki ima proizvod, in izbranem ponudniku ali, če je to primerno, skladiščniku za račun izbranega ponudnika opravijo vsi nadzorni pregledi, ki jih zahtevajo in izvedejo zastopniki, ki jih država prejemnica imenuje na carinskem območju Skupnosti.";
In the case of the supply of beef/veal and pigmeat, the intervention agency holding the product and the successful tenderer, or, where applicable, the storekeeper for the account of the successful tenderer, shall undergo any controls requested and conducted by agents designated by the recipient country on Community customs territory.";
763 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0068
V zvezi z nadzorom nad identifikacijskimi številkami proizvajalec ali njegovi zastopniki s sedežem v Skupnosti na zahtevo pristojnemu homologacijskemu organu brez odloga predložijo vse potrebne informacije v zvezi s kupci, skupaj z identifikacijskimi številkami motorjev, ki jih poročilo navaja kot proizvedene v skladu s členom 6(3).
With regard to the control of the identification numbers, the manufacturer or his agents established in the Community shall without delay give, on request, to the responsible approval authority all the information needed related to his/their purchasers together with the identification numbers of the engines reported as produced in accordance with Article 6(3).
764 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
Če v postopku sodelujeta dve stranki ali več, ki niso obvestile urada o zastopniku v postopku, velja, da je stranka v postopku, ki je prva navedena na prijavi za žlahtniteljsko pravico v Skupnosti ali za pravico izkoriščanja, ki jo podeli urad, ali v ugovoru, določena kot zastopnik v postopku druge stranke ali drugih strank v postopku.
If there are two or more parties to proceedings acting in common, which have not notified a procedural representative to the Office, the party to proceedings first named in an application for a Community plan variety right or for an exploitation right to be granted by the Office or in an objection shall be deemed to be designated as the procedural representative of the other party or parties to proceedings.
765 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0009
pri drugi opremi v teh skupinah in kategorijah mora proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti za pritrditev oznake CE izpeljati postopek v zvezi z notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje (naveden v Prilogi VIII) predložiti spis iz odstavka 3 Priloge VIII priglašenemu organu, ki mora čim prej potrditi prejem, in ga shraniti;
in the case of other equipment in these groups and categories, the manufacturer or his authorized representative established in the Community must, in order to affix the CE mark, follow the procedure relating to internal control of production (referred to in Annex VIII) and communicate the dossier provided for in Annex VIII, paragraph 3, to a notified body, which shall acknowledge receipt of it as soon as possible and shall retain it.
766 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0336
Pri aparatu, pri katerem proizvajalec ni uporabil standardov, navedenih v členu 7(1), ali jih je uporabil samo delno ali če teh standardov ni, proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti takoj na začetku prodaje aparata na trgu pripravi njegovo tehnično dokumentacijo in jo dá na voljo ustreznim pristojnim oblastem.
In the case of apparatus for which the manufacturer has not applied, or has applied only in part, the standards referred to in Article 7 (1) or failing such standards, the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community shall hold at the disposal of the relevant competent authorities, as soon as the apparatus is placed on the market, a technical construction file.
767 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2647
Stroški, ki jih ima proizvajalec s plačilom zastopniku, ki je ukrepal v njegovem imenu in za njegov račun pri zastopanju pri institucijah Skupnosti, se povrnejo na pavšalni osnovi po stopnji 0,5 % zneska odškodnine iz člena 10 Uredbe (ES) št. 2330/98, in sicer najmanj 500 ECU v primeru proizvajalcev, ki sprožijo postopke proti Skupnosti na Sodišču prve stopnje, in najmanj 250 ECU v ostalih primerih.
The costs incurred by a producer in respect of payment of an agent who has acted in his name and on his behalf in dealing with the Community institutions shall be reimbursed on a flat-rate basis at the rate of 0,5 % of the amount of the compensation referred to in Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 2330/98, subject to a minimum of ECU 500 in the case of producers who have brought proceedings against the Community in the Court of First Instance, and a minimum of ECU 250 in other cases.
768 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0051
Kadar so ugotovljene nepredvidene nezaželene interakcije med dodatki iz člena 2(aaa) in drugimi dodatki ali veterinarskimi zdravili, države članice zahtevajo, da oseba, odgovorna za dajanje dodatka v promet, ali njen zastopnik v Skupnosti, če dodatki izvirajo iz tretjih držav, zbere vse relevantne podatke in jih posreduje pristojnim oblastem."
Where there is found to be unforeseen undesirable interaction between additives referred to in Article 2 (aaa) and other additives or veterinary medicines, Member States shall require that the person responsible for putting the additive into circulation, or his representative within the Community where additives originate in third countries, gathers all the relevant information and forwards it to the competent authorities.`.
769 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0037
Ko so stroji dani v promet ali prvič dani v uporabo, mora proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti z ustreznimi ukrepi ali ukrepi, ki jih po njegovem naročilu izvedejo drugi, zagotoviti, da lahko za uporabo pripravljena pomožna oprema za dviganje in stroji - gnani ročno ali strojno - varno opravljajo svoje funkcije.
When machinery is placed on the market or is first put into service, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community must ensure, by taking appropriate measures or having them taken, that lifting accessories and machinery which are ready for use - whether manually or power-operated - can fulfil their specified functions safely.
770 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0051
Država članica zagotovi, da osebe, odgovorne za dajanje dodatkov iz člena 2(aaa) v promet, kar najhitreje posredujejo komisiji ime in naslov ali firmo in sedež proizvajalcev, ki so ji bile dodeljene pravice proizvajanja dodatka in, če so proizvajalci iz tretjih držav, tudi ime ali ime družbe in naslov ali sedež njihovih zastopnikov v Skupnosti.
Member State shall ensure that the persons responsible for putting the additives referred to in Article 2 (aaa) into circulation forward to the Commission as quickly as possible the name or corporate name and the address or registered office of the producers to whom they have granted the right to manufacture the additive and, if the producers are established in a third country, also the name or corporate name and the address or registered office of their representatives in the Community.
771 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1808
Brez poseganja v člen 23 uvoznik ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik preda izvirnik (obrazec 1), "kopijo za imetnika" (obrazec 2) in, kadar je to določeno v uvoznem dovoljenju, kakršno koli dokumentacijo države izvoza ali ponovnega izvoza mejnemu carinskemu uradu na kraju vnosa v Skupnost, določenemu skladno s členom 12(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 338/97.
Without prejudice to Article 23, the importer or his authorised representative shall surrender the original (form 1), the "copy for the holder" (form 2) and, where this is specified in the import permit, any documentation from the country of export or re-export to the border customs office at the point of introduction into the Community, designated in accordance with Article 12(1) of Regulation (EC) No 338/97.
772 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0368
Ko se stroj daje na trg, ali ko se prvič preda v obratovanje, mora izdelovalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti sprejeti ali dati sprejeti primerne ukrepe, s katerimi zagotovi, da pomožna dvigalna oprema in stroji - z ročnim ali električnim upravljanjem - ki so pripravljeni za uporabo, lahko varno opravljajo predvidene naloge.
When machiney is placed on the market or is first put into service, the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community must ensure, by taking appropriate measures or having them taken, that lifting accessories and machinery which are ready for use - whether manually or power-operated - can fulfil their specified functions safely.
773 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0037
Na sejmih, razstavah, predstavitvah itd. države članice ne preprečujejo prikazovanja strojev ali varnostnih komponent, ki ne ustrezajo določbam te direktive, če vidna oznaka jasno kaže, da ti stroji ali varnostne komponente niso skladni in da niso naprodaj, dokler jih proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti ne uskladi.
At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc., Member States shall not prevent the showing of machinery or safety components which do not conform to the provisions of this Directive, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that such machinery or safety components do not conform and that they are not for sale until they have been brought into conformity by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community.
774 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0735
Ta modul opisuje tisti del postopka, s katerim proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti preveri in potrdi, da je zadevna komponenta interoperabilnosti, za katero veljajo določbe točke 3, skladna s tipom, opisanim v certifikatu ES o tipskem pregledu, in da izpolnjuje zahteve Direktive 96/48/ES in TSI, ki se zanjo uporabljajo.
This module describes that part of the procedure whereby a manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community checks and attests that the interoperability constituent concerned, subject to the provisions of point 3 is in conformity with the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate and satisfies the requirements of Directive 96/48/EC and of the TSI that apply to it.
775 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1026
Komisija zagotovi, da pooblaščeni zastopniki in druge osebe, ki nastopajo z njenim pooblastilom, upoštevajo predpise Skupnosti in nacionalne predpise o varstvu osebnih podatkov, zlasti določbe Direktive 95/46/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 24. oktobra 1995 o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov in o prostem pretoku takih podatkov 8.
The Commission shall ensure that authorised agents and other persons acting under its authority comply with Community and national provisions concerning the protection of personal data, in particular those laid down by Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data(8).
776 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0037
Države članice ne smejo prepovedati, omejiti ali ovirati dajanja strojev v promet, če proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti skladno s točko B Priloge II izjavi, da so namenjeni za vgradnjo v stroje ali sestav z drugimi stroji, da bi tako tvorili stroje, ki jih zajema ta direktiva, razen takrat, ko lahko delujejo samostojno.
Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of machinery where the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community declares in accordance with point B of Annex II that it is intended to be incorporated into machinery or assembled with other machinery to constitute machinery covered by this Directive, except where it can function independently.
777 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0356
SKLEP KOMISIJE z dne 28. decembra 1995 o sklenitvi Izvedbenega sporazuma med Evropsko skupnostjo za atomsko energijo, ki jo zastopa Komisija Evropskih skupnosti, in podjetjem Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, imenovanim za izvršilnega zastopnika s strani Vlade Kanade, o sodelovanju Kanade pri prispevku Evropske skupnosti za atomsko energijo pri dejavnosti tehničnega projektiranja (EDA) Mednarodnega termonuklearnega poskusnega reaktorja (ITER), s strani Komisije v imenu Skupnosti (95/356/Euratom)
COMMISSION DECISION of 28 June 1995 concerning the conclusion of the Implementing Agreement between the European Atomic Energy Community, represented by the Commission of the European Communities, and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited designated as implementing agent by the Government of Canada on the involvement of Canada in the European Atomic Energy Community contribution to the Engineering Design Activities (EDA) for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), by the Commission, on behalf of the Community (95/356/Euratom)
778 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0014
Na sejmih, razstavah, predstavitvah in podobnih prireditvah države članice ne smejo preprečiti razstavljanja opreme iz člena 2(1), ki ni skladna z določbami te direktive, če viden napis jasno navaja, da ta oprema ni skladna, ter da ne bo dana na trg ali v obratovanje, dokler je proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti ne bo uskladil.
At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, and similar events, Member States shall not prevent the showing of equipment referred to in Article 2(1) which does not conform to the provisions of this Directive, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that such equipment does not conform and that it is not placed on the market or put into service until it has been brought into conformity by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community.
779 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0336
Skladnost aparata za oddajanje radijskih zvez, kakor jo določa Zveza mednarodne konvencije o telekomunikacijah, z določbami te direktive se potrdi v skladu s postopkom odstavka 1, potem ko je eden od priglašenih organov, opisanih v odstavku 6, proizvajalcu ali njegovemu pooblaščenemu zastopniku s sedežem v Skupnosti izdal certifikat o ES-pregledu tipa za ta aparat.
The conformity of apparatus designed for the transmission of radiocommunications, as defined in the International Telecommunication Union Convention, with the provisions of this Directive shall be certified in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 1 once the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community has obtained an EC type-examination certificate concerning this apparatus issued by one of the notified bodies referred to in paragraph 6 below.
780 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0016
Še zlasti na obrtnih sejmih, razstavah ali predstavitvah države članice ne smejo preprečiti prikazovanja dvigal ali varnostnih sestavnih delov, ki so v skladu z veljavnimi določbami Skupnosti, če viden znak jasno kaže, da taka dvigala ali varnostni sestavni deli niso v skladu in da niso za prodajo, dokler jih monter dvigala, proizvajalec varnostnih sestavnih delov ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti ne uskladi.
At trade fairs, exhibitions or demonstrations in particular, Member States shall not prevent the showing of lifts or safety components which do not conform to the Community provisions in force, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that such lifts or safety components are not in conformity and are not for sale until they have been brought into conformity by the installer of the lift, the manufacturer of the safety components or the latter's authorized representative established in the Community.
781 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2700
Število oseb, ki delajo, je opredeljeno kot skupno število oseb, ki delajo pri opazovani enoti (vključno z lastniki, ki delajo, partnerji, ki redno delajo v enoti in neplačanimi družinskimi člani), kakor tudi vse osebe, ki delajo izven enote in ki ji pripadajo in ki jih enota plačuje (to so prodajni zastopniki, osebe, ki dobavljajo, skupine za popravila in vzdrževanje).
The number of persons employed is defined as the total number of persons who work in the observation unit (inclusive of working proprietors, partners working regularly in the unit and unpaid family workers), as well as persons who work outside the unit who belong to it and are paid by it (e.g. sales representatives, delivery personnel, repair and maintenance teams).
782 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0735
Če podsistem izpolnjuje zahteve TSI, mora priglašeni organ na osnovi pregleda tipa in odobritve ter nadzora sistema(-ov) kakovosti sestaviti certifikat o verifikaciji ES, namenjen naročniku ali njegovemu pooblaščenemu zastopniku s sedežem v Skupnosti, ki v zameno sestavi izjavo ES o verifikaciji za nadzorni organ v državi članici, v kateri podsistem obstaja in/ali deluje.
Where the subsystem meets the requirements of the TSI, the notified body must then, based on the type-examination and the approval and surveillance of the quality system(s), draw up the certificate of EC verification intended for the adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community, which in turn draws up the EC declaration of verification intended for the supervisory authority in the Member State within which the subsystem is located and/or operates.
783 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0735
Proizvajalec(-ci) in, če je vključen, naročnik ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti, morata(-jo) priglašenemu organu iz točke 3.1 poslati (ali sta (so) mu poslala(-li)) vse dokumente, potrebne v ta namen, in zlasti načrte izvedbe in tehnične evidence v zvezi s podsistemom (kolikor je to potrebno za specifičen prispevek vlagatelja k podsistemu), zlasti:
The manufacturer(s) and, if involved, the adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community must send the notified body referred to under point 3.1 (or have sent it) all the documents needed for that purpose and in particular the implementation plans and technical records concerning the subsystem (as far as relevant for the specific contribution of the applicant to the subsystem), in particular:
784 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988L0378
Igrače, ki v celoti ali delno niso skladne s standardi iz člena 5(1), je treba, preden pridejo v promet, označiti z znakom ES, s čimer proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti potrjuje, da je zadevna igrača skladna s pregledanim modelom v skladu s postopki iz člena 10, za katerega odobreni organ navaja, da izpolnjuje temeljne zahteve iz člena 3;
Toys which do not conform in whole or in part to the standards referred to in Article 5 (1) must have affixed to them, before being placed on the market, the EC mark by which the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community confirms that the toy concerned conforms to the model examined in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 10 which an approved body has stated complies with the essential requirements referred to in Article 3;
785 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0009
Proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti izda pisno potrdilo, s katerim izjavlja skladnost komponent z določbami te direktive, ki se uporabljajo zanje, ter z opisom njihovih lastnosti in zahtev, kako morajo biti vgrajene v opremo ali zaščitne sisteme, da ti izpolnjujejo bistvene zahteve, ki se uporabljajo za dokončano opremo ali zaščitne sisteme.
A certificate shall be issued by the manufacturer or his authorized representative established in the Community, declaring the conformity of the components with the provisions of this Directive which apply to them and stating their characteristics and how they must be incorporated into equipment or protective systems to assist compliance with the essential requirements applicable to finished equipment or protective systems.
786 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0735
Če podsistem izpolnjuje zahteve TSI, mora priglašeni organ na osnovi pregleda projektiranja in odobritve ter nadzora sistema(-ov) kakovosti, sestaviti certifikat o verifikaciji ES za naročnika ali njegovega pooblaščenega zastopnika s sedežem v Skupnosti, ki v zameno sestavi izjavo ES o verifikaciji za nadzorni organ v državi članici, v kateri podsistem obstaja in/ali deluje.
Where the subsystem meets the requirements of the TSI, the notified body must then, based on the design examination and the approval and surveillance of the quality system(s), draw up the certificate of EC verification intended for the adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community, which in turn draws up the EC declaration of verification intended for the supervisory authority in the Member State within which the subsystem is located and/or operates.
787 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0023
Na sejmih, razstavah, predstavitvah itd. države članice ne smejo preprečiti prikaza tlačne opreme ali sklopov, kakor je določeno v členu 1, ki niso v skladu z določbami te direktive, če oznaka na vidnem mestu jasno kaže na njihovo neusklajenost in na to, da jih ni mogoče prodajati, dokler jih proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti ne uskladi.
At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc., Member States shall not prevent the showing of pressure equipment or assemblies as defined in Article 1 not in conformity with the provisions of this Directive, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates their non-conformity and their non-availability for sale until brought into conformity by the manufacturer or by his authorized representative established within the Community.
788 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0055
Proizvajalec predstikalne naprave, njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti ali oseba, odgovorna za dajanje predstikalnih naprav v promet, bodisi kot posamezno komponento bodisi vgrajeno v svetilko, je odgovoren za zagotavljanje, da vsaka predstikalna naprava, ki je dana v promet, bodisi kot posamezna komponenta bodisi vgrajena v svetilko, izpolnjuje zahteve iz odstavka 1.
The manufacturer of a ballast, its or his authorised representative established in the Community or the person responsible for placing the ballast, either as a single component or incorporated in luminaires, on the market shall be responsible for ensuring that each ballast placed on the market, either as a single component or incorporated in luminaires, conforms with the requirements referred to in paragraph 1.
789 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0035
Kozmetični izdelek, ki je dan na trg v Skupnosti, ne sme škodovati zdravju ljudi, če je uporabljen pod normalnimi ali razumno predvidljivimi pogoji uporabe, zlasti ob upoštevanju videza izdelka, njegovega etiketiranja, navodil za uporabo in odstranjevanje, pa tudi kakršnih koli drugih navedb ali informacij, s katerimi ga je opremil proizvajalec, njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik ali katera koli druga oseba, odgovorna za dajanje izdelka na trg v Skupnosti.
A cosmetic product put on the market within the Community must not cause damage to human health when applied under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use, taking account, in particular, of the product's presentation, its labelling, any instructions for its use and disposal as well as any other indication or information provided by the manufacturer or his authorized agent or by any other person responsible for placing the product on the Community market.
790 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1808
Uvoznik ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik mora, kadar je primerno, izpolniti okenca 1 do 13 na izvirniku (obrazec 1) in "kopiji za uvoznika" (obrazec 2) obvestila o uvozu in ju brez poseganja v člen 23 skupaj z morebitno dokumentacijo države izvoza ali ponovnega izvoza predati mejnemu carinskemu uradu na kraju vnosa v Skupnost, določenemu skladno s členom 12(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 338/97.
The importer or his authorised representative must, where appropriate, complete boxes 1 to 13 of the original (form 1) and the "copy for the importer" (form 2) of the import notification and, without prejudice to Article 23, surrender them together with the documentation from the country of export or re-export, if any, to the border customs office at the point of introduction into the Community designated in accordance with Article 12(1) of Regulation (EC) No 338/97.
791 Prevajalska redakcija
Da bi se izognili morebitnim negativnim učinkom na malo priobalno ribištvo v sejšelskih vodah, plovila Skupnosti nimajo dovoljenja za ribolov v območjih, opredeljenih v sejšelski zakonodaji, niti v območju treh milj okoli katere koli naprave za zbiranje rib, ki jo namestijo sejšelski organi, katerih zemljepisni položaji so bili posredovani predstavnikom ali zastopnikom lastnikov ladij.
To avoid any adverse effect on small-scale fisheries in Seychelles waters, fishing by Community vessels shall not be authorised in the zones defined in Seychelles legislation nor within three miles around any fish-aggregating device placed by Seychelles authorities, the geographical positions of which have been communicated to the shipowners' representatives or agents.
792 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0014
"zajamčena raven zvočne moči" pomeni raven zvočne moči, določeno v skladu z zahtevami, določenimi v Prilogi III, ki vključuje negotovosti zaradi variacij v proizvodnji in merilnih postopkih, ter če proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti potrdi, da v skladu z uporabljenimi tehničnimi instrumenti, navedenimi v tehnični dokumentaciji, raven ni presežena.
"guaranteed sound power level" means a sound power level determined in accordance with the requirements laid down in Annex III which includes the uncertainties due to production variation and measurement procedures and where the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the Community, confirms that according to the technical instruments applied and referred to in the technical documentation it is not exceeded.
793 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0465
Ta modul opisuje postopek, s katerim proizvajalec, ki izpolnjuje obveznosti iz točke 2, zagotavlja in izjavlja, da [so] proizvodi [v skladu s tipom, opisanim v ES-certifikatu o pregledu tipa, in da] izpolnjujejo zahteve direktive, ki veljajo zanje, Proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti mora vsakemu proizvodu pritrditi znak CE in sestaviti pisno izjavo o skladnosti.
This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer who satisfies the obligations of point 2 ensures and declares that the products concerned [are in conformity with the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate and] satisfy the requirements of the directive that apply to them. The manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community must affix the CE mark to each product and draw up a written declaration of conformity.
794 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0016
Proizvajalec varnostnega sestavnega dela ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti mora obvestiti priglašeni organ o kakršnih koli spremembah, celo o manjših, ki jih je izvedel ali jih namerava izvesti na odobrenem varnostnem sestavnem delu, vključno z novimi razširitvami ali različicami, ki niso podrobno opredeljene v izvirni tehnični dokumentaciji (glej prvo alineo oddelka 3).
The manufacturer of the safety component or his authorized representative established in the Community must inform the notified body of any alterations, even of a minor nature, which he has made or plans to make to the approved safety component, including new extensions or variants not specified in the original technical dossier (see the first indent of Section 3).
795 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0017
Vsak izdelovalec, ali njegov zastopnik, ali oseba, za račun katere se kozmetični izdelek proizvaja, ali vsakdo, ki je odgovoren za dajanje uvoženega kozmetičnega izdelka na trg Skupnosti in zaradi poslovne tajnosti ne želi vključiti ene ali več sestavin kozmetičnega izdelka na seznam iz člena 6(1)(g) Direktive 76/768/EGS, vloži za to zahtevo pri pristojnem organu iz člena 10 te direktive države članice kraja izdelave ali prvega uvoza, preden da izdelek na trg Skupnosti.
Any manufacturer or his agent or person on whose account a cosmetic product is manufactured, or any person responsible for placing an imported cosmetic product on the Community market, who, for reasons of trade secrecy, wishes not to include one or more ingredients of a cosmetic product on the list referred to in Article 6 (1) (g) of Directive 76/768/EEC, shall submit a request to that effect to the competent authority referred to in Article 10 of this Directive of the Member State of the place of manufacture or initial importation, prior to placing the product on the Community market.
796 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0009
Na tržnih sejmih, razstavah, predstavitvah ipd. države članice ne preprečujejo prikazovanja opreme, zaščitnih sistemov ali naprav iz člena 1(2), ki niso v skladu z določbami te direktive, če viden znak jasno sporoča, da oprema, zaščitni sistemi ali naprave iz člena 1(2) niso v skladu s to direktivo, in če niso naprodaj, dokler jih proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik v Skupnosti ne uskladi.
At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc., Member States shall not prevent the showing of equipment, protective systems, or the devices referred to in Article 1 (2) which do not conform to the provisions of this Directive, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that such equipment, protective systems, and devices referred to in Article 1 (2) do not conform and that they are not for sale until they have been brought into conformity by the manufacturer or his authorized representative established in the Community.
797 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0732
Pri nadaljnjih ocenjevalnih postopkih katerega koli sestavnega dela infrastrukturnega podsistema, katerega lastnosti se razlikujejo od tistih, opisanih v Prilogi A, ki pa so na začetku uspešno opravili postopek verifikacije infrastrukturnega podsistema, in kadar se nov podsistem uporablja z vmesniki, ki so enaki vmesnikom pri začetni uporabi, ima proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik v Skupnosti na izbiro:
For further assessment procedures of any constituent of the infrastructure subsystem, having properties which differ from those described in Annex A, but having satisfied initially the verification procedure of an infrastructure subsystem, and where application in the new subsystem is made with identical interfaces as for the initial application, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community may choose either:
798 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
"oseba, odgovorna za tovor" pomeni katero koli pravno ali fizično osebo, ki je v skladu z določbami Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2913/92 z dne 12. oktobra 1992 o Carinskem zakoniku Skupnosti [7] odgovorna za razvoj različnih situacij, ki jih zajema navedena uredba, v katerih se lahko znajde pošiljka, kakor tudi zastopnika iz člena 5 navedene uredbe, ki prevzame takšno odgovornost za nadaljevanje pregledov, določenih s to direktivo;
'person responsible for the load` means any natural or legal person who, in accordance with the provisions of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code (7) has responsibility for the development of the various situations covered by the said Regulation in which the consignment may be, and also the representative referred to in Article 5 of the said Regulation who assumes such responsibility for following up the checks laid down in this Directive;
799 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0016
Skladnost s tipom je postopek, s katerim proizvajalec varnostnih sestavnih delov ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti zagotovi in izjavi, da so varnostni sestavni deli v skladu s tipom, kakršen je opisan v certifikatu o tipu ES, in da izpolnjujejo zahteve direktive, ki veljajo zanje, ter kateremu koli dvigalu, v katerem so pravilno montirani, omogočajo izpolnjevanje bistvenih zdravstvenih in varnostnih zahtev direktive.
Conformity to type is the procedure whereby the manufacturer of the safety components or his authorized representative established in the Community ensures and declares that the safety components are in conformity with the type as described in the EC type certificate and satisfy the requirements of the Directive that apply to them and enable any lift to which they are correctly fitted to satisfy the essential health and safety requirements of the Directive.
800 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0735
Za postopek ocenjevanja komponent interoperabilnosti kakor so končne spenjače, kolesa, komponente, ki imajo vlogo vmesnika s podsistemom vzdrževanja, osvetlitev in opozorilne naprave na koncih vozil, vetrobran v kabini strojevodja v podsistemu železniškega voznega parka, proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik v s sedežem Skupnosti uporabi postopek tipske potrditve z izkušnjami pri uporabi (modul V), naveden v Prilogi F k tej TSI.
For the assessment procedure of interoperability constituent such as end couplers, wheels, constituents that interface with the maintenance subsystem, lighting and warning devices at the vehicle ends, driver's cab windscreen within the rolling stock subsystem, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community shall apply the type validation of in service experience procedure (module V) indicated in Annex F to this TSI.
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