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801 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-2
b) In the event the Customs Authority of the requested Contracting Party is not the appropriate agency to comply with a request, it shall either promptly transmit the request to the appropriate agency, which shall act upon the request according to its powers under the law, or advise the applicant Authority of the appropriate procedure to be followed regarding such a request.
b) Če carinski organ zaprošene pogodbenice ni ustrezen organ za izpolnitev zaprosila, mora zaprosilo nemudoma poslati ustreznemu organu, ki bo nanj odgovoril v skladu s svojimi zakonskimi pooblastili, ali pa organ prosilca obvestiti o ustreznem postopku, po katerem mora ravnati pri takem zaprosilu.
802 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(2) If the examination of a European patent application reveals that the application or the invention to which it relates does not meet the requirements of this Convention, the Examining Division shall invite the applicant, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations and as often as necessary, to file his observations within a period to be fixed by the Examining Division.
(2) Če se pri preizkusu evropske patentne prijave ugotovi, da prijava ali izum, na katerega se ta nanaša, ne izpolnjuje pogojev te konvencije, oddelek za preizkuse pozove prijavitelja v skladu s pravilnikom o izvajanju in kolikorkrat je treba, da vloži svoje pripombe v roku, ki ga določi oddelek za preizkuse.
803 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(6) If the Examining Division does not consent to an amendment or correction requested under paragraph 5, it shall, before taking a decision, give the applicant an opportunity to submit, within a period to be specified, his observations and any amendments considered necessary by the Examining Division, and, where the claims are amended, a translation of the claims as amended.
(6) Če se oddelek za preizkuse ne strinja s spremembo ali popravkom, zahtevanim po petem odstavku, pred odločitvijo omogoči prijavitelju, da v roku, ki ga določi, predloži svoje pripombe in vse spremembe, ki so po mnenju oddelka za preizkuse potrebne, če pa so patentni zahtevki spremenjeni, tudi njihov prevod.
804 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-73
(4) [Filing Date Where Applicant's Contracting Party Requires a Security Clearance] Notwithstanding paragraph (3), a Contracting Party whose law, at the time that it becomes party to the 1999 Act, requires security clearance may, in a declaration, notify the Director General that the period of one month referred to in that paragraph shall be replaced by a period of six months.
(4) [Datum vložitve, kadar pogodbenica prijavitelja zahteva varnostno preverjanje] Ne glede na tretji odstavek lahko pogodbenica, katere zakonodaja takrat, ko postane pogodbenica akta iz leta 1999, zahteva varnostno preverjanje, z izjavo uradno obvesti generalnega direktorja, da se enomesečni rok iz tretjega odstavka zamenja s šestmesečnim rokom.
805 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
[ Notification ] Where one or more of the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) to (3) are not complied with, the Office shall notify the assignee of the application, applicant, owner or other interested person, giving the opportunity to comply with any such requirement, and to make observations, within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations.
Uradno o bvestilo ab ab Če en ali več pogojev, ki jih pogodbenica predvideva na podlagi prvega do tretjega odstavka, ni izpolnjenih, urad uradno obvesti prejemnika prenesene prijave, prijavitelja, lastnika ali drugo zainteresirano osebo in ji da priložnost, da v roku, predpisanem v pravilniku, vsak tak pogoj izpolni in da pripombe.
806 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
[ Notification ] Where one or more of the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) to (6) are not complied with in respect of communications, the Office shall notify the applicant, owner or other interested person, giving the opportunity to comply with any such requirement, and to make observations, within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations.
Uradno o bvestilo Če en ali več pogojev, ki jih pogodbenica predvideva na podlagi prvega do šestega odstavka, ni izpolnjenih, kar zadeva sporočila, urad uradno obvesti prijavitelja, lastnika ali drugo zainteresirano osebo in ji da priložnost, da v roku, predpisanem v pravilniku, vsak tak pogoj izpolni in da pripombe.
807 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(iv) where the mark can be classified according to the International Classification of Figurative Elements, and unless the international application contains a declaration to the effect that the applicant wishes that the mark be considered as a mark in standard characters, the relevant classification symbols of the said Classification as determined by the International Bureau,
(iv) če je znamko mogoče razvrstiti po mednarodni klasifikaciji figurativnih elementov in če mednarodna prijava ne vsebuje izjave o prijaviteljevi želji, da se znamka obravnava kot znamka v standardnih znakih, ustrezne razvrstitvene simbole omenjene klasifikacije, kot jih določi Mednarodni urad,
808 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Z1-05-2070
(4) [Filing Date Where Applicant` s Contracting Party Requires a Security Clearance] Notwithstanding paragraph (3), a Contracting Party whose law, at the time that it becomes party to the 1999 Act, requires security clearance may, in a declaration, notify the Director General that the period of one month referred to in that paragraph shall be replaced by a period of six months.
(4) [ Datum vložitve, kadar pogodbenica prijavitelja zahteva varnostno preverjanje ] Ne glede na tretji odstavek lahko pogodbenica, katere zakonodaja takrat, ko postane pogodbenica akta iz leta 1999, zahteva varnostno preverjanje, z izjavo uradno obvesti generalnega direktorja, da se enomesečni rok iz tretjega odstavka zamenja s šestmesečnim rokom.
809 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(5) [Notification] Where one or more of the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) to (3) are not complied with, the Office shall notify the assignee of the application, applicant, owner or other interested person, giving the opportunity to comply with any such requirement, and to make observations, within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations.
(5) [Uradno obvestilo] Če en ali več pogojev, ki jih pogodbenica predvideva na podlagi prvega do tretjega odstavka, ni izpolnjenih, urad uradno obvesti prejemnika prenesene prijave, prijavitelja, lastnika ali drugo zainteresirano osebo in ji da priložnost, da v roku, predpisanem v pravilniku, vsak tak pogoj izpolni in da pripombe.
810 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(7) [Notification] Where one or more of the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) to (6) are not complied with in respect of communications, the Office shall notify the applicant, owner or other interested person, giving the opportunity to comply with any such requirement, and to make observations, within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations.
(7) [Uradno obvestilo] Če en ali več pogojev, ki jih pogodbenica predvideva na podlagi prvega do šestega odstavka, ni izpolnjenih, kar zadeva sporočila, urad uradno obvesti prijavitelja, lastnika ali drugo zainteresirano osebo in ji da priložnost, da v roku, predpisanem v pravilniku, vsak tak pogoj izpolni in da pripombe.
811 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
If the national application is in a language which the International Searching Authority considers it is not equipped to handle, the international-type search shall be carried out on a translation prepared by the applicant in a language prescribed for international applications and which the International Searching Authority has undertaken to accept for international applications.
Če je državna prijava sestavljena v jeziku, ki ga ustanova za mednarodno poizvedbo po njegovem mnenju ne more uporabljati pri obdelavi prijave, se poizvedba mednarodnega tipa opravi na podlagi prevoda, ki ga je prijavitelj predložil v enem izmed jezikov, predpisanih za vlaganje mednarodnih prijav, ki jih je imenovana ustanova sprejela za vlaganje mednarodnih prijav.
812 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
No designated Office shall reject an international application on the grounds of non-compliance with the requirements of this Treaty and the Regulations without first giving the applicant the opportunity to correct the said application to the extent and according to the procedure provided by the national law for the same or comparable situations in respect of national applications.
Noben imenovani urad ne sme zavrniti mednarodne prijave zato, ker ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz te pogodbe in pravilnika, ne da bi prijavitelju poprej omogočil, da to prijavo uredi v obsegu in po postopku, kot je določeno z notranjo zakonodajo za enake ali podobne primere pri državnih prijavah.
813 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(7) If the European patent application in the text in which the Examining Division intends to grant the European patent comprises more than ten claims, the Examining Division shall invite the applicant to pay claims fees in respect of each additional claim within the period laid down in paragraph 6 unless the said fees have already been paid in accordance with Rule 31, paragraph 1.
(7) Če vsebuje evropska patentna prijava v besedilu, v katerem se namerava podeliti patent, več kot deset patentnih zahtevkov, pozove oddelek za preizkuse prijavitelja, da v roku, določenem v četrtem odstavku, plača pristojbino za vsak dodatni patentni zahtevek, razen če ta pristojbina že ni bila plačana po prvem odstavku 31. pravila.
814 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(3) [Recording and Notification of Appointment of a Representative; Effective Date of Appointment] (a) Where the International Bureau finds that the appointment of a representative complies with the applicable requirements, it shall record the fact that the applicant or holder has a representative, as well as the name and address of the representative, in the International Register.
(3) [Uradno obvestilo in vpis imenovanja zastopnika; dan veljavnosti imenovanja] (a) Kadar Mednarodni urad meni, da je imenovanje zastopnika opravljeno skladno z veljavnimi zahtevami, vpiše dejstvo, da ima prijavitelj oziroma imetnik svojega zastopnika, ter ime, priimek in naslov zastopnika v mednarodni register.
815 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
The International Bureau shall notify accordingly and at the same time the applicant and the Office of origin, reimburse any designation fee already paid in respect of that Contracting Party and indicate that the designation of the said Contracting Party may be effected as a subsequent designation under Rule 24, provided that such designation is accompanied by the required declaration.
Mednarodni urad o tem uradno obvesti prijavitelja in hkrati tudi urad izvora, vrne pristojbino za imenovanje, ki je bila za to pogodbenico že plačana, in opozori, da se imenovanje te pogodbenice lahko izvede kot naknadno imenovanje po 24. pravilu, če je temu priložena zahtevana izjava.
816 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
3 In general terms, if the required audit reveals that opportunities exist for waste prevention at source, an applicant is expected to formulate and implement a waste prevention strategy, in collaboration with relevant local and national agencies, which includes specific waste reduction targets and provision for further waste prevention audits to ensure that these targets are being met.
3 Če potrebna presoja odkrije, da obstajajo možnosti za preprečevanje nastajanja odpadkov pri viru, se od prosilca pričakuje, da bo v sodelovanju z ustreznimi lokalnimi in državnimi agencijami pripravil in izvajal strategijo za preprečevanje nastajanja odpadkov, kar vključuje cilje za zmanjševanje odpadkov in zagotavljanje nadaljnjih presoj za preprečevanje nastajanja odpadkov zaradi uresničevanja teh ciljev.
817 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
[ Exception to Time Limit Under Article 5(4)(b) ] Where a notification under Article 5(3) has not been made because indications allowing the applicant to be contacted by the Office have not been filed, the time limit referred to in Article 5(4)(b) shall be not less than two months from the date on which one or more elements referred to in Article 5(1)(a) were first received by the Office.
Izjema glede roka po pododstavku (b) četrtega odstavka 5. člena Če uradnega obvestila po tretjem odstavku 5. člena ni bilo, ker niso bile predložene navedbe, ki bi omogočale uradu, da vzpostavi stik s prijaviteljem, rok iz pododstavka (b) četrtega odstavka 5. člena ne sme biti krajši od dveh mesecev, šteto od datuma, ko je urad prvič prejel eno ali več sestavin iz pododstavka (a) prvega odstavka 5. člena.
818 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-1
Duly authorized officials of a Party may, with the agreement of the other Party involved and within the conditions laid down by the latter, obtain from the offices of the requested authority or other authority for which the requested authority is responsible, information relating to the contravention of customs legislation which the applicant authority needs for the purposes of this Annex.
Pravilno pooblaščene uradne osebe pogodbenice lahko sporazumno z drugo vpleteno pogodbenico in v okviru pogojev, ki jih ta določi, dobijo od služb zaprošenega organa ali drugega organa, za katerega je zaprošeni organ odgovoren, informacije glede kršitev carinske zakonodaje, ki jih organ prosilec potrebuje za namene te priloge.
819 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
The national law of any elected State may provide that, where its national Office finds the invitation of the International Preliminary Examining Authority justified, those parts of the international application which do not relate to the main invention shall, as far as effects in that State are concerned, be considered withdrawn unless a special fee is paid by the applicant to that Office.
Notranja zakonodaja vsake izbrane države lahko določi, da se če državni urad zadevne države meni, da je poziv ustanove za mednarodni predhodni preizkus upravičen deli mednarodne prijave, ki se ne nanašajo na glavni izum, štejejo za umaknjene, kar zadeva učinek v zadevni državi, razen če je prijavitelj plačal temu uradu posebno takso.
820 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(2) [Exception to Time Limit Under Article 5(4)(b)] Where a notification under Article 5(3) has not been made because indications allowing the applicant to be contacted by the Office have not been filed, the time limit referred to in Article 5(4)(b) shall be not less than two months from the date on which one or more elements referred to in Article 5(1)(a) were first received by the Office.
(2) [Izjema glede roka po pododstavku (b) četrtega odstavka 5. člena] Če uradnega obvestila po tretjem odstavku 5. člena ni bilo, ker niso bile predložene navedbe, ki bi omogočale uradu, da vzpostavi stik s prijaviteljem, rok iz pododstavka (b) četrtega odstavka 5. člena ne sme biti krajši od dveh mesecev, šteto od datuma, ko je urad prvič prejel eno ali več sestavin iz pododstavka (a) prvega odstavka 5. člena.
821 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-94
Where the applicant for asylum is in possession of one or more residence permits which have expired more than two years previously or one or more visas which have expired more than six months previously and enabled him or her to enter the territory of a Member State and where an alien has not left Community territory, the Member State in which the application is lodged shall be responsible.
Če ima prosilec za azil eno ali več dovoljenj za prebivanje, ki so potekla pred več kot dvema letoma, ali enega ali več vizumov, ki so potekli pred več kot šestimi meseci in so mu omogočili vstop na območje države članice, in če tujec ni zapustil območja Skupnosti, je odgovorna država članica, v kateri je prošnja vložena.
822 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
Printed forms shall be made available to applicants free of charge by the authorities referred to in Article 75, paragraph 1.
Organi iz prvega odstavka 75. člena dajo prijaviteljem brezplačno na razpolago tiskane obrazce.
823 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
(c) If the applicant does not comply with the invitation referred to in subparagraph (a) within the prescribed time limit, the International Preliminary Examining Authority shall establish an international preliminary examination report on those parts of the international application which relate to what appears to be the main invention and shall indicate the relevant facts in the said report.
(c) Če prijavitelj v predpisanem roku ne odgovori na poziv iz pododstavka (a), pošlje ustanova za mednarodni predhodni preizkus poročilo o mednarodnem predhodnem preizkusu o delih mednarodne prijave, ki se nanašajo na tisto, kar je po vsej verjetnosti glavni izum, in to navede v poročilu.
824 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
(5) The Programme should be executed on a decentralised basis following a Commission Decision conferring management of aid on an Agency in the Republic of Slovenia taken in accordance with Article 12 (2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1266/1999 of 21 June 1999 on co-ordinating aid to the applicant countries in the framework of the pre-accession strategy and amending Regulation (EEC) No 3906/89,2
(5) bi bilo treba ta program izvajati decentralizirano v skladu s sklepom Komisije o prenosu upravljanja pomoči na agencijo v Republiki Sloveniji, sprejetim na podlagi drugega odstavka 12. člena Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1266/1999 z dne 21. junija 1999 o usklajevanju pomoči državam prosilkam v okviru predpristopne strategije in dopolnitvi Uredbe (EGS) št.
825 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-58
(1) A Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (hereinafter referred to as ` SAPARD` ) providing for a Community financial contribution has been established by Council Regulation (EC) No. 1268/1999 on Community support for pre-accession measures for agriculture and rural development in the applicant countries of central and eastern Europe in the pre-accession period;(1)
(1) je bil z Uredbo Sveta (ES) št. 1268/1999 o podpori Skupnosti za predpristopne ukrepe za kmetijstvo in razvoj podeželja v državah prosilkah iz Srednje in Vzhodne Evrope v predpristopnem obdobju ustanovljen Posebni pristopni program za kmetijstvo in razvoj podeželja (v nadaljevanju imenovan ` SAPARD` )(1), ki zagotavlja finančni prispevek Skupnosti;
826 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
[ Elements of Application ] (a) Except as otherwise prescribed in the Regulations, and subject to paragraphs (2) to (8), a Contracting Party shall provide that the filing date of an application shall be the date on which its Office has received all of the following elements, filed, at the option of the applicant, on paper or as otherwise permitted by the Office for the purposes of the filing date:
Sestavine prijave (a) Če ni drugače predpisano v pravilniku in ob upoštevanju drugega do osmega odstavka, pogodbenica zagotovi, da je datum vložitve prijave tisti datum, na katerega je njen urad prejel vse naslednje sestavine, vložene po izbiri prijavitelja na papirju ali na drug način, ki ga urad dopušča za namene datuma vložitve:
827 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
[ Exception to Time Limit Under Article 7(6) ] Where a notification referred to in Article 7(5) has not been made because indications allowing the applicant, owner or other interested person to be contacted by the Office have not been filed, the time limit referred to in Article 7(6) shall be not less than three months from the date on which the procedure referred to in Article 7(5) was commenced.
Izjema glede roka po šestem odstavku 7. člena Kadar uradnega obvestila iz petega odstavka 7. člena ni bilo, ker niso bile predložene navedbe, ki bi omogočale uradu, da vzpostavi stik s prijaviteljem, lastnikom ali drugo zainteresirano osebo, rok iz šestega odstavka 7. člena ne sme biti krajši od treh mesecev, šteto od datuma, ko se je začel postopek iz petega odstavka 7. člena.
828 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
(2) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) and Articles 36(1) and (3) and 37(3)(b), neither the International Bureau nor the International Preliminary Examining Authority shall, unless requested or authorized by the applicant, give information on the issuance or nonissuance of an international preliminary examination report and on the withdrawal or nonwithdrawal of the demand or of any election.
(2) S pridržkom določb prvega odstavka tega člena in prvega ter tretjega odstavka 36. člena in tretjega odstavka 37. člena pod (b) Mednarodni urad in ustanova za mednarodni predhodni preizkus ne smeta dati, razen na zahtevo ali s pooblastilom prijavitelja, nobenega obvestila o izdaji ali zavrnitvi izdaje poročila o mednarodnem predhodnem preizkusu in o umiku zahteve ali vztrajanju pri zahtevi za mednarodni predhodni preizkus ali umiku kake izbire ali vztrajanju pri njej.
829 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(1) [Elements of Application] (a) Except as otherwise prescribed in the Regulations, and subject to paragraphs (2) to (8), a Contracting Party shall provide that the filing date of an application shall be the date on which its Office has received all of the following elements, filed, at the option of the applicant, on paper or as otherwise permitted by the Office for the purposes of the filing date:
(1) [Sestavine prijave] (a) Če ni drugače predpisano v pravilniku in ob upoštevanju drugega do osmega odstavka, pogodbenica zagotovi, da je datum vložitve prijave tisti datum, na katerega je njen urad prejel vse naslednje sestavine, vložene po izbiri prijavitelja na papirju ali na drug način, ki ga urad dopušča za namene datuma vložitve:
830 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(6) [Exception to Time Limit Under Article 7(6)] Where a notification referred to in Article 7(5) has not been made because indications allowing the applicant, owner or other interested person to be contacted by the Office have not been filed, the time limit referred to in Article 7(6) shall be not less than three months from the date on which the procedure referred to in Article 7(5) was commenced.
(6) [Izjema glede roka po šestem odstavku 7. člena] Kadar uradnega obvestila iz petega odstavka 7. člena ni bilo, ker niso bile predložene navedbe, ki bi omogočale uradu, da vzpostavi stik s prijaviteljem, lastnikom ali drugo zainteresirano osebo, rok iz šestega odstavka 7. člena ne sme biti krajši od treh mesecev, šteto od datuma, ko se je začel postopek iz petega odstavka 7. člena.
831 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-73
(vi) ` communication` means any international application or any request, declaration, invitation, notification or information relating to or accompanying an international application or an international registration that is addressed to the Office of a Contracting Party, the International Bureau, the applicant or the holder by means permitted by these Regulations or the Administrative Instructions;
(vi) "sporočilo" pomeni vsako mednarodno prijavo ali vsako zahtevo, izjavo, poziv, uradno obvestilo ali informacijo, ki se nanaša na mednarodno prijavo ali mednarodno registracijo ali je dana skupaj z njo in je naslovljena na urad pogodbenice, Mednarodni urad, prijavitelja oziroma imetnika tako, kot dopuščajo ta pravilnik ali upravna navodila;
832 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-40
That section requires that the president and two-thirds of the board of directors and other managing officers of a corporation be U.S. citizens, that at least 75 percent of the voting stock be owned by U.S. citizens, and that the corporation be under the actual control of U.S. citizens. The requirement must be met initially by an applicant, and continue to be met by a U.S. airline holding a license.
To poglavje zahteva, da so predsednik ter dve tretjini upravnega odbora in drugi direktorji družbe državljani ZDA, da je vsaj 75 odstotkov delnic z glasovalno pravico v lasti državljanov ZDA in da imajo dejanski nadzor nad družbo državljani ZDA. To zahtevo mora najprej izpolnjevati prosilec, nato pa letalska družba ZDA z licenco.
833 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(iii) ` communication` means any international application or any request, declaration, invitation, notification or information relating to or accompanying an international application or an international registration that is addressed to the Office of a Contracting Party, the International Bureau, the applicant or the holder by means permitted by these Regulations or the Administrative Instructions;
(iii) ` sporočilo` pomeni vsako mednarodno prijavo ali vsako zahtevo, izjavo, povabilo, uradno obvestilo ali informacijo, ki se nanaša na mednarodno prijavo ali mednarodno registracijo, naslovljeno na urad pogodbenice, Mednarodni urad, prijavitelja oziroma imetnika na način, ki ga dopušča ta pravilnik ali upravna navodila, ali je dana skupaj z njo.
834 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
applicants for membership whose application for membership has been approved in accordance with Article VI paragraph B number 2.
prosilkam za članstvo, katerih vloga za članstvo je bila odobrena v skladu z 2. točko odstavka B VI. člena.
835 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(2) Where the priority of an earlier application is claimed and the file number or copy provided for in Article 88, paragraph 1, and Rule 38, paragraphs 1 to 3, have not yet been submitted at the expiry of the period provided for in Rule 107, paragraph 1, the European Patent Office shall invite the applicant to furnish the number or copy of the earlier application within such period as it shall specify.
(2) Če se zahteva prednost prejšnje prijave in številka vložitve te prijave ali kopija, predvidena v prvem odstavku 88. člena in prvem do tretjem odstavku 38. pravila, ni bila predložena do poteka roka, predvidenega v prvem odstavku 107. pravila, Evropski patentni urad pozove prijavitelja, da predloži številko vložitve ali kopijo te prejšnje prijave v roku, ki ga določi.
836 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
Where the applicants for or proprietors of a European patent are not the same in respect of different designated Contracting States, they shall be regarded as joint applicants or proprietors for the purposes of proceedings before the European Patent Office.
Če prijavitelji ali imetniki evropskega patenta za različne imenovane države pogodbenice niso isti, se v postopku pri Evropskem patentnem uradu obravnavajo kot skupni prijavitelji ali imetniki.
837 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
[ Exception to Time Limit Under Article 8(8) ] Where a notification under Article 8(7) has not beenmade because indications allowing the applicant, owner or other interested person to be contacted by the Office have not been filed, the time limit referred to in Article 8(8) shall be not less than three months from the date on which the communication referred to in Article 8(7) was received by the Office.
Izjeme glede rokov po osmem odstavku 8. člena Kadar uradnega obvestila po sedmem odstavku 8. člena ni bilo, ker niso bile predložene navedbe, ki bi omogočale uradu, da vzpostavi stik s prijaviteljem, lastnikom ali drugo zainteresirano osebo, rok iz osmega odstavka 8. člena ne sme biti krajši od treh mesecev, šteto od datuma, ko je urad prejel sporočilo iz sedmega odstavka 8. člena.
838 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
If the European Patent Office considers that this is not the case, it shall inform the applicant that a European search report can be obtained in respect of those parts of the international application which have not been searched if a search fee is paid for each invention involved within a period specified by the European Patent Office which may not be shorter than two weeks and may not exceed six weeks.
Če Evropski patentni urad meni, da ni tako, sporoči prijavitelju, da lahko dobi evropsko poročilo o poizvedbi za tiste dele mednarodne prijave, za katere ni bila opravljena poizvedba, če se za vsak zadevni izum plača pristojbina za poizvedbo v roku, ki ga določi Evropski patentni urad in ki ne sme biti krajši od dveh in ne daljši od šestih tednov.
839 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
[ Exception to Time Limit Under Article 8(8) ] Where a notification under Article 8(7) has not been made because indications allowing the applicant, owner or other interested person to be contacted by the Office have not been filed, the time limit referred to in Article 8(8) shall be not less than three months from the date on which the communication referred to in Article 8(7) was received by the Office.
Izjeme glede rokov po osmem odstavku 8. člena Kadar uradnega obvestila po sedmem odstavku 8. člena ni bilo, ker niso bile predložene navedbe, ki bi omogočale uradu, da vzpostavi stik s prijaviteljem, lastnikom ali drugo zainteresirano osebo, rok iz osmega odstavka 8. člena ne sme biti krajši od treh mesecev, šteto od datuma, ko je urad prejel sporočilo iz sedmega odstavka 8. člena.
840 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
(1) As far as the protection of any rights of the applicant in a designated State is concerned, the effects, in that State, of the international publication of an international application shall, subject to the provisions of paragraphs (2) to (4), be the same as those which the national law of the designated State provides for the compulsory national publication of unexamined national applications as such.
(1) Kar zadeva varstvo katerekoli pravice prijavitelja v posamezni imenovani državi, ima mednarodna objava mednarodne prijave v zadevni državi, s pridržkom določb drugega do četrtega odstavka, enake učinke, kot jih notranja zakonodaja predvideva za obvezne državne objave nepreizkušenih državnih prijav kot takih.
841 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(2) [Exception to Time Limit Under Article 8(8)] Where a notification under Article 8(7) has not been made because indications allowing the applicant, owner or other interested person to be contacted by the Office have not been filed, the time limit referred to in Article 8(8) shall be not less than three months from the date on which the communication referred to in Article 8(7) was received by the Office.
(2) [Izjeme glede rokov po osmem odstavku 8. člena] Kadar uradnega obvestila po sedmem odstavku 8. člena ni bilo, ker niso bile predložene navedbe, ki bi omogočale uradu, da vzpostavi stik s prijaviteljem, lastnikom ali drugo zainteresirano osebo, rok iz osmega odstavka 8. člena ne sme biti krajši od treh mesecev, šteto od datuma, ko je urad prejel sporočilo iz sedmega odstavka 8. člena.
842 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
[ Single Request ] A single request shall be sufficient even where the change relates to more than one application or patent of the same person, or to one or more applications and one or more patents of the same person, provided that the change in applicant or owner is the same for all applications and patents concerned, and the numbers of all applications and patents concerned are indicated in the request.
Ena sama zahteva Ena sama zahteva zadošča tudi, če se sprememba nanaša na več prijav ali patentov iste osebe ali na eno ali več prijav in enega ali več patentov iste osebe, pod pogojem, da je sprememba prijavitelja ali lastnika ista za vse zadevne prijave in patente in so v zahtevi navedene številke vseh zadevnih prijav in patentov.
843 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(5) [Single Request] A single request shall be sufficient even where the change relates to more than one application or patent of the same person, or to one or more applications and one or more patents of the same person, provided that the change in applicant or owner is the same for all applications and patents concerned, and the numbers of all applications and patents concerned are indicated in the request.
(5) [Ena sama zahteva] Ena sama zahteva zadošča tudi, če se sprememba nanaša na več prijav ali patentov iste osebe ali na eno ali več prijav in enega ali več patentov iste osebe, pod pogojem, da je sprememba prijavitelja ali lastnika ista za vse zadevne prijave in patente in so v zahtevi navedene številke vseh zadevnih prijav in patentov.
844 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-94
Measures taken under Article 18 may subsequently determine the details of the process by which applicants shall be taken in charge.
Z ukrepi, sprejetimi po 18. členu, se lahko pozneje določijo podrobnosti postopka, s katerim se prevzame odgovornost za prosilce.
845 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
(1) A Special Pre-Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (hereinafter referred to as ` SAPARD` ) providing for a Community financial contribution has been established by Council Regulation (EC) No 1268/1999 of 21 June 1999 on Community support for pre-accession measures for Agriculture and Rural Development in the applicant countries of central and eastern Europe in the pre-accession period.1
(1) je bil z Uredbo Sveta (ES) št. 1268/1999 z dne 21. junija 1999 o podpori Skupnosti za predpristopne ukrepe za kmetijstvo in razvoj podeželja v državah prosilkah Srednje in Vzhodne Evrope v predpristopnem obdobju1 ustanovljen Posebni predpristopni program za kmetijstvo in razvoj podeželja (v nadaljevanju imenovan ` SAPARD` ), ki zagotovlja finančni prispevek Skupnosti,
846 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(xi) where the basic application or the basic registration contains a description of the mark by words and the applicant wishes to include the description or the Office of origin requires the inclusion of the description, that same description; where the said description is in a language other than the language of the international application, it shall be given in the language of the international application,
(xi) opis znamke, če osnovna prijava ali osnovna registracija vsebuje besedni opis znamke in želi prijavitelj vključiti opis ali pa njegovo vključitev zahteva urad izvora; če je tak opis v jeziku, ki ni jezik mednarodne prijave, mora biti naveden v jeziku mednarodne prijave,
847 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(2) An operating license shall be issued to an applicant if he meets prescribed conditions in relation to its principal place of business and its possible registered office, main occupation, ownership of the undertaking and effective control, financialfitness, qualified personnel, insurance, disposal of aircraft, if it has a valid air operator` s certificate, all in compliance with the provisions of this Section.
(2) Operativna licenca se izda prosilcu, če izpolnjuje predpisane pogoje glede sedeža podjetja in morebitne registrirane podružnice oziroma predstavništva, pretežne dejavnosti, lastništva podjetja in dejanskega nadzora, finančne sposobnosti, usposobljenega osebja, zavarovanja, razpolaganja z zrakoplovi, če ima veljavno spričevalo letalskega prevoznika, vse v skladu z določbami tega poglavja.
848 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(3) [Prohibition of Requirement of Certification of Signature of Power of Attorney and of Signature of Application] Any State or intergovernmental organization may declare that, notwithstanding Article 8(4), the signature of a power of attorney or the signature by the applicant of an application may be required to be the subject of an attestation, notarization, authentication, legalization or other certification.
(3) (Prepoved zahteve za overitev podpisa pooblastila in podpisa prijave) Vsaka država ali medvladna organizacija lahko izjavi, da ne glede na četrti odstavek 8. člena lahko zahteva, da je podpis pooblastila ali prijaviteljev podpis prijave potrjen, notarsko ali kako drugače overjen, legaliziran ali kako drugače certificiran.
849 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
The nomination shall be accompanied by a declaration from the expert vis-à-vis the applicant in which he enters into the undertaking given pursuant to paragraph 3 until either the date on which the patent expires in all the designated States or, where the application has been refused, withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn, until the date referred to in paragraph 4(b), the requester being regarded as a third party.
Skupaj z imenovanjem se predloži tudi izjava izvedenca, da prevzema obveznosti do prijavitelja po tretjem odstavku do datuma, ko varstvo patenta preneha v vseh imenovanih državah, če pa je bila prijava zavrnjena, umaknjena ali se šteje za umaknjeno, do datuma iz pododstavka (b) četrtega odstavka, s tem da se vložnik zahteve šteje za tretjo osebo.
850 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(1) [Communication of Irregularity by the International Bureau to the Office of Origin] If the International Bureau considers that any of the goods and services is indicated in the international application by a term that is too vague for the purposes of classification or is incomprehensible or is linguistically incorrect, it shall notify the Office of origin accordingly and at the same time inform the applicant.
(1) [Sporočanje Mednarodnega urada nepravilnosti uradu izvora] Če Mednarodni urad meni, da je neki proizvod ali storitev v mednarodni prijavi navedena s premalo opredeljenim izrazom za klasifikacijo ali da je ta nerazumljiv ali jezikovno nepravilen, o tem uradno obvesti urad izvora in hkrati obvesti tudi prijavitelja.
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