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bank account
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CELEX: 31993R3274
The Government and the public authorities of Libya and any commercial, industrial or public utility undertaking which is owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by the Government or public authorities of Libya, or by any person identified by the Member States as acting either on behalf of the Government or Libyan authorities or on behalf of an entity which they control for the purposes of this Regulation, may have at their disposal funds or other financial resources, derived from the sale or supply by them of any petroleum or petroleum products, including natural gas and natural gas products, agricultural products or commodities, originating in Libya and exported therefrom after 1 December 1993, provided that such funds are paid into bank accounts used exclusively for those funds.
Libijska vlada in libijske oblasti ter trgovska, industrijska podjetja ali javne gospodarske službe, ki so posredno ali neposredno v lasti ali pod nadzorom libijske vlade ali libijskih oblasti, ali osebe, za katero države članice vejo, da posluje v imenu libijske vlade ali libijskih oblasti ali v imenu subjekta, ki je pod njihovim nadzorom v smislu te uredbe, lahko razpolagajo s sredstvi ali drugimi finančnimi viri, pridobljenimi tako, da so sami prodali ali dobavili nafto ali naftne proizvode, vključno z naravnim plinom in proizvodi iz naravnega plina, kmetijske proizvode ali blago po poreklu iz Libije ali izvožene iz nje po 1. decembru 1993, pod pogojem, da se ta sredstva vplačajo na bančne račune, predvidene izključno za ta sredstva.
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bank account