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801 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0033
Pri alogenih in tudi avtolognih odvzemih – navedba razlogov za zahtevo po pregledu, ugotavljanju zdravstvenega stanja, navedbi bolezni in zdravljenja v preteklosti, testiranju odvzemov ter obrazložitev pomena "pojasnjene privolitve".
For both allogeneic and autologous donations, the reasons for requiring an examination, health and medical history, and the testing of donations and the significance of "informed consent".
802 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Sisteme ugotavljanja usposobljenosti je treba izvajati v skladu z objektivnimi pravili in merili, ki se po izbiri naročnikov lahko nanašajo na sposobnosti gospodarskih subjektov in/ali lastnosti gradenj, blaga ali storitev, ki jih zajema sistem.
Qualification systems should be operated in accordance with objective rules and criteria, which, at the contracting entities' choice, may concern the capacities of the economic operators and/or the characteristics of the works, supplies or services covered by the system.
803 Končna redakcija
To seveda ne pomeni, da bi v podaljšanem ugotavljanju odgovornosti za poklicno napako novinar ostal izvzet, a to bi postala notranja stvar vsake medijske hiše, kjer bi ključno odgovornost, tako kakor je to tudi v praksi, prevzel odgovorni urednik.
This of course does not mean that a journalist would be exempt from further investigation into the reasons that led to a mistake, but that would be an internal issue for the media company itself and the responsibility would be taken on by the editor in chief.
804 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0022
Organ, njegov direktor in osebje, ki sodelujejo pri ugotavljanju skladnosti, ne smejo biti načrtovalec, proizvajalec, dobavitelj, monter ali uporabnik merilnih instrumentov, ki jih pregledujejo, niti pooblaščeni zastopnik katerega koli izmed njih.
The body, its director and staff involved in conformity assessment tasks shall not be the designer, manufacturer, supplier, installer or user of the measuring instruments that they inspect, nor the authorised representative of any of them.
805 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0251
Države članice, z uporabo ustreznih načrtov vzorčenja in metod ugotavljanja, pri vsaki pošiljki perutninskega mesa in kozic, uvoženih s Tajske, opravijo kemijske preiskave, da tako zagotovijo, da so omenjeni proizvodi za zdravje ljudi nenevarni.
Member States shall, using appropriate sampling plans and detection methods, subject each consignment of poultrymeat and each consignment of shrimps imported from Thailand to a chemical test in order to ensure that the products concerned do not present a danger to human health.
806 Končna redakcija
Vse zavarovalne dobe in, kjer je to predvideno, vse dobe zaposlitve ali prebivanja, dopolnjene po zakonodaji države članice pred pred datumom začetka veljavnosti te uredbe, se upoštevajo pri ugotavljanju pravic, pridobljenih po določbah te uredbe.
All insurance periods and, where appropriate, all periods of employment or residence completed under the legislation of a Member State before the date of entry into force of this Regulation shall be taken into consideration for the determination of rights to benefits under this Regulation.
807 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Dejstvo, da posamezna zvezna država lahko odobri različne oprostitve ali izvzetja od plačila davka ne igra vloge pri ugotavljanju, ali so potrebni izravnalni ukrepi za shemo vračil centralnega prometnega davka, plačanega na lokalno kupljeno blago.
The fact that a particular State may grant certain different exemptions or concession from payment of tax is not relevant when assessing the countervailability of the scheme in respect of reimbursement of central sales tax paid on goods procured locally.
808 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
Pri nalogi ugotavljanja, ali so bili prihodki prejeti in ali so odhodki nastali na zakonit in primeren način ter ali je bilo finančno poslovodenje dobro, se ugotavlja tudi, kako organi zunaj institucij uporabljajo sredstva, ki jih prejmejo v obliki donacij.
The task of establishing that the revenue has been received and the expenditure incurred in a lawful and proper manner and that the financial management has been sound shall extend to the utilisation, by bodies outside the institutions, of Community funds received by way of grants.
809 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
Preizkus VNT temelji na ugotavljanju virusno nevtralizacijske aktivnosti protiteles v vzorcu seruma, ki se izrazi kot ND 50 (nevtralizacijska doza 50 oz. tisto redčenje seruma v VNT, ki še preprečuje razmnoževanje virusa v 50 % nacepljenih celičnih kultur).
The VNT is based on the determination of the virus neutralising activity of the antibodies of the serum sample, expressed as neutralising 50 % end point.
810 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Če naročniki uporabljajo sistem ugotavljanja usposobljenosti, morajo v takih primerih zagotoviti, da so vse informacije vsaj tako podrobne kot tiste, ki jih vsebuje kategorija iz seznama usposobljenih ponudnikov storitev, sestavljenega v skladu s členom 53(7).
If they use a qualification system, contracting entities shall ensure in such cases that such information is no less detailed than the category referred to in the list of qualified service providers drawn up in accordance with Article 53(7).
811 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0033
določitev krivulj pogreškov v odvisnosti od pretoka z ugotavljanjem učinka tlaka in upoštevanjem normalnih pogojev montaže za preiskovani tip vodomera (ravni deli cevi pri toku navzgor in navzdol od vodomera, skrčki, ovire, itd.), ki jih določi proizvajalec;
determination of the error curves on the basis of the flowrate by ascertaining the effect of the pressure and taking into account the normal installation conditions for this type of meter (straight sections of piping upstream and downstream of the meter, constrictions, obstacles, etc.) stipulated by the manufacturer;
812 Končna redakcija
Zakonski člen, ki na prvi pogled zelo natančno definira način omejevanja koncentracije, bo pristojnemu ministrstvu naložil izjemno težko delo (po našem mnenju tako rekoč neizvedljivo) ugotavljanja prevladujočega položaja na medijskem (oz. oglaševalskem) trgu.
This article, which at first glance define s restrictions on media concentration very clearly, imposes a very demanding task upon the Ministry of Culture, or rather, in our opinion, it is a task that is impossible to realize. As a matter of fact, according to the provisions of Article 58, when considering an application for the acquisition of shares in excess of the prescribed 20%, the Ministry of Culture should assess the currently prevailing situation in the media (or advertising) market.
813 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0237
Ta odločba je bila prvi korak na poti k postopni popolni odpravi obveznosti ugotavljanja prisotnosti hormonov pri vsaki pošiljki, izbrani za fizični pregled, odločba je bila preučena glede na prihodnje rezultate preverjanj, skladno s členom 2 Odločbe 1999/302/ES.
This Decision was a first step towards phasing out completely the obligation to test for hormones each consignment selected for physical checks, and the Decision was subject to review in the light of future test results in accordance with Article 2 of Decision 1999/302/EC.
814 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
DRUGO: 025-12-0038-2010-1
Pri ugotavljanju dobička stalne poslovne enote je dovoljeno odšteti stroške, ki nastanejo za namene poslovanja stalne poslovne enote, vključno s poslovodnimi in splošnimi upravnimi stroški, ki so tako nastali v državi, v kateri je stalna poslovna enota, ali drugje.
In determining the profits of a permanent establishment, there shall be allowed as deductions expenses which are incurred for the purposes of the business of the permanent establishment, including executive and general administrative expenses so incurred, whether in the State in which the permanent establishment is situated or elsewhere.
815 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0038
ob upoštevanju Direktive Sveta 76/625/EGS z dne 20. julija 1976 o statističnih raziskovanjih, ki jih države članice izvajajo z namenom ugotavljanja proizvodnega potenciala intenzivnih sadovnjakov določenih vrst sadnega drevja 1, in zlasti člena 4(2) in (4) Direktive,
Having regard to Council Directive 76/625/EEC, of 20 July 1976, concerning the statistical surveys to be carried out by the Member States in order to determine the production potential of plantations of certain species of fruit trees(1), and in particular Article 4(2) and (4) thereof,
816 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0107
Države članice ne smejo zavrniti, prepovedati ali omejiti dajanja na trg in uporabe kot merilnih posod steklenic, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve in preglede, navedene v tej direktivi glede prostornine, ugotavljanja njihove prostornine oziroma metod, po katerih so bile pregledane.
Member States may not refuse, prohibit or restrict the marketing and use as measuring containers of bottles which satisfy the requirements and tests laid down in this Directive for reasons concerning their volume, the determination of their volume or the methods by which they have been checked.
817 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0757
Pristojni organ, ki je podelil oznako EGS-homologacije sestavnega dela, obdrži dva vzorca, ki sta skupaj s certifikatom o EGS-homologaciji sestavnega dela namenjena ugotavljanju, ali odsevniki, dani v promet in z oznako EGS-homologacije sestavnega dela, izpolnjujejo ta pogoj.
The competent authority issuing the EEC component type-approval mark shall retain two samples which together with the EEC component type-approval certificate shall serve to establish whether reflex reflectors put on the market bearing the EEC component type-approval mark satisfy this condition.
818 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
V tem primeru mora naročniku predložiti dokazilo, da bo imel na voljo potrebna sredstva v celotnem obdobju veljavnosti sistema ugotavljanja usposobljenosti, na primer s predložitvijo izjave navedenih subjektov, da bodo gospodarskemu subjektu dali na voljo potrebna sredstva.
In this case the economic operator must prove to the contracting entity that these resources will be available to it throughout the period of the validity of the qualification system, for example by producing an undertaking by those entities to that effect.
819 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
V tem primeru mora naročniku predložiti dokazilo, da bo imel na voljo potrebna sredstva v celotnem obdobju veljavnosti sistema ugotavljanja usposobljenosti, na primer s predložitvijo izjave navedenih subjektov, da bodo gospodarskemu subjektu dali na voljo potrebna sredstva.
In this case the economic operator must prove to the contracting entity that those resources will be available to it throughout the period of the validity of the qualification system, for example by producing an undertaking by those entities to make the necessary resources available to the economic operator.
820 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
Določbe te konvencije se ne smejo razlagati, kot da kakor koli omejujejo kakršno koli izločitev, oprostitev, odbitek, dobroimetje ali drugo ugodnost, ki jo zdaj ali jo bo v prihodnje zagotavljala zakonodaja države pogodbenice pri ugotavljanju davka, ki ga nalaga ta država.
The provisions of this Convention shall not be construed to restrict in any manner any exclusion, exemption, deduction, credit or other allowance now or hereafter accorded by the laws of a Contracting State in the determination of the tax imposed by that State.
821 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0022
Sprejeti postopki morajo biti v skladu s Sklepom Sveta 93/465/EGS z dne 22. julija 1993 o modulih za različne faze postopkov ugotavljanja skladnosti in o pravilih za označevanje in uporabo znaka skladnosti "CE", ki so namenjeni uporabi v direktivah o tehničnem usklajevanju [7].
The procedures adopted are as required by Council Decision 93/465/EEC of 22 July 1993 concerning the modules for the various phases of the conformity assessment procedures and the rules for the affixing and use of the "CE" marking, which are intended to be used in the technical harmonisation Directives(7).
822 Končna redakcija
ob upoštevanju Direktive Sveta (EGS) 76/625 z dne 20. julija 1976 o statističnih raziskovanjih, ki jih države članice izvajajo z namenom ugotavljanja proizvodnega potenciala določenih vrst sadnih dreves v intenzivnih sadovnjakih, in zlasti člena 2(1)B, člena 2 (1)Cin člena 9 direktive
Having regard to Council Directive 76/625/EEC of 20 July 1976 concerning the statistical surveys to be carried out by the Member States in order to determine the production potential of plantations of certain species of fruit trees (1), and in particular Articles 2 (1) B, 2 (1) C and 9 thereof,
823 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
Vendar je sprejeti pristop, po katerem se reprezentativnost domače prodaje ocenjuje za vsakega izvoznika posebej, skladen z ustaljeno prakso upoštevanja okoliščin in ločenega ugotavljanja rezultatov za vsakega izvoznika, ki tvori del vzorca posebej pred ugotavljanjem končnega izida vzorca.
However, the approach adopted of assessing the representativity of domestic sales for each exporter separately, is consistent with the established practice of considering the circumstances and determining the results of each exporter forming part of a sample separately before determining the overall result for the sample.
824 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
Zoper odredbodajalce, ki pri ugotavljanju upravičenj do povračil ali izdaji nalogov za terjatve, prevzemanju obveznosti za odhodke ali podpisovanju nalogov za plačilo ne upoštevajo te uredbe in pravil za njeno izvajanje, se uvede disciplinski postopek in so dolžni povrniti škodo, če je primerno.
Authorizing officers who, when establishing entitlements to be recovered or issuing receivable orders, entering into commitments of expenditure or signing payment orders do so without complying with this Regulation and the rules for its implementation shall be liable to disciplinary action and, where appropriate, to pay compensation.
825 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
1. naložbe banke v delnice oziroma podrejene dolžniške instrumente drugih bank oziroma drugih finančnih organizacij, v katerih kapitalu je banka udeležena z več kot 10% in druge naložbe v te osebe, ki se pri ugotavljanju kapitalske ustreznosti teh oseb upoštevajo pri izračunu njihovega kapitala,
1. the bank's investments in shares or subordinate debt instruments of other banks or other financial organisations in whose capital the bank has participation of over 10 per cent and other investments in such persons that, in the determination of capital adequacy of such persons, are counted in the calculation of their capital
826 Končna redakcija
Administrativna preverjanja in zdravniške preglede, predvidene v primeru ponovnega ugotavljanja pravice do pokojnine, na zahtevo pristojnega nosilca izvede nosilec države članice, na katere ozemlju je oseba, upravičena do dajatev, v skladu s postopki, določenimi z zakonodajo, ki jo izvaja ta nosilec.
Administrative checks and medical examinations provided for in the event of pensions being reviewed shall be carried out at the request of the competent institution by the institution of the Member State in whose territory the person entitled to benefits happens to be, in accordance with the procedure laid down by the legislation administered by the latter institution.
827 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0869
vsi zadevni podatki so pridobljeni in izmenjani z drugimi pogodbenicami ali sodelujočimi nepogodbenicami, pravnimi osebami in pravnimi osebami v ribiškem sektorju, zaradi ugotavljanja in preprečevanja uporabe lažnih uvoznih/izvoznih dovoljenj za tune in tunu podobne ribe s plovil, ki so na seznamu IUU.
all relevant information is obtained and exchanged with other contracting parties and cooperating non-contracting parties, entities and fishing entities for the purpose of detecting and preventing the use of false import/export licences for tunas and tuna-like fish from vessels on the IUU list.
828 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0022
Organ, njegov direktor in osebje, ki sodelujejo pri ugotavljanju skladnosti, ne smejo biti podvrženi pritiskom in spodbudam, zlasti finančnim, ki bi lahko vplivale na njihovo razsodbo ali na rezultate ugotavljanja skladnosti, zlasti s strani oseb ali skupin oseb, ki imajo interes pri rezultatih ocenjevanja.
The body, its director and staff involved in conformity assessment tasks shall be free from all pressures and inducements, in particular financial inducements, that might influence their judgement or the results of their conformity assessment, especially from persons or groups of persons with an interest in the results of the assessments.
829 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0868
Pri ugotavljanju subvencije je treba dokazati obstoj finančnega prispevka vlade ali regionalnega organa ali druge javne organizacije s prenosom sredstev ali obstoj kakršnih koli dolgov, ki sicer predstavljajo predpisane dajatve, vendar se jih vlada odpove ali jih ne izterja in s tem sprejemniku podeli ugodnosti.
In determining the existence of a subsidy, it is necessary to demonstrate that there has been a financial contribution by a government or regional body or other public organisation via a transfer of funds or that debts of any kind representing government revenue that are otherwise due are foregone or not collected, and that a benefit has thereby been conferred on the recipient enterprise.
830 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0891
Z namenom da bi ugotovili, ali so meroslovne lastnosti števcev, izdelanih in posredovanih v prvo overitev, skladne z zahtevami te direktive, se na treh naključno izbranih števcih po prevzemnih preskusih in v presledkih, ki jih določi pristojni organ, izvede postopek ugotavljanja skladnosti s homologiranim tipom.
In order to determine whether the metrological properties of the meters manufactured and presented for initial verification conform to the requirements of this Directive, an examination for conformity to the approved type may be carried out at intervals determined by the competent metrological authority, on three meters chosen at random after the acceptance tests.
831 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0851
Center na področjih svojega delovanja v sodelovanju z državami članicami vzpostavi postopke za sistematično iskanje, zbiranje, združevanje in analizo informacij in podatkov z namenom ugotavljanja nastajajočih nevarnosti za zdravje, ki lahko imajo tako duševne kot telesne zdravstvene posledice in ki lahko prizadenejo Skupnost.
1.The Centre shall in the fields within its mission establish, in cooperation with the Member States, procedures for systematically searching for, collecting, collating and analysing information and data with a view to the identification of emerging health threats which may have mental as well as physical health consequences and which could affect the Community.
832 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
Države članice Komisijo in druge države članice obvestijo o organih, ki jih imenujejo za izvajanje nalog v zvezi z ugotavljanjem skladnosti ali primernosti za uporabo iz člena 5 in/ali verifikacijo iz člena 6, pri čemer navedejo področje odgovornosti vsakega organa in njegovo identifikacijsko številko, ki jo dodeli Komisija.
Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the bodies they have appointed to carry out tasks pertaining to the assessment of conformity or suitability for use referred to in Article 5, and/or the verification referred to in Article 6, indicating each body's area of responsibility and its identification number obtained from the Commission.
833 Končna redakcija
(1) Naročnik lahko pri ugotavljanju sposobnosti za izvedbo naročila od ponudnikov zahteva, da v ponudbi navedejo, če bodo izvedbo naročila delno ali v celoti zaupali podizvajalcu. V tem primeru mora ponudnik navesti ime podizvajalca in v primeru sklenitve pogodbe je isti podizvajalec tudi imenovan v pogodbi med naročnikom in izvajalcem.
(1) In establishing the capability to execute a public contract, contractors may ask tenderers to state in their tenders whether the execution of the contract will be, in part or in full, entrusted to a subcontractor. If it will, tenderers shall name such subcontractor and if a contract is signed, the same subcontractor shall be named in the contract between the contractor and the tenderer.
834 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
Če v trenutku namestitve niso na voljo evropske specifikacije za določene vmesnike med podsistemom vodenje-upravljanje in signalizacija ter drugimi podsistemi (npr. elektromagnetna združljivost med ugotavljanjem lokacije vlakov in železniškim voznim parkom), je treba ustrezne značilnosti in uporabljene standarde navesti v infrastrukturnih registrih (TEN HS).
In case European specifications for some interface between control-command and signalling and other subsystems are not available at the moment of installation (e.g., electromagnetic compatibility between train detection and RS), the corresponding characteristics and the standards applied shall be indicated in the registers of infrastructure (TEN HS).
835 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
Pri ugotavljanju dobička stalne poslovne enote je dovoljeno odšteti stroške, ki nastanejo za namene stalne poslovne enote, vključno s poslovodnimi in splošnimi upravnimi stroški, ki so tako nastali v državi, v kateri je stalna poslovna enota, ali drugje, in so dovoljeni v skladu z določbami domače zakonodaje države pogodbenice, v kateri je stalna poslovna enota.
In the determination of the profits of a permanent establishment, there shall be allowed as deductions expenses which are incurred for the purposes of the permanent establishment, including executive and general administrative expenses so incurred, whether in the State in which the permanent establishment is situated or elsewhere, which are allowed under the provisions of the domestic law of the Contracting State in which the permanent establishment is situated.
836 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
DRUGO: 025-12-76-2008-1
Pri ugotavljanju dobička stalne poslovne enote je dovoljeno odšteti vse stroške, vključno s poslovodnimi in splošnimi upravnimi stroški, ki bi jih bilo mogoče odšteti, če bi bila ta poslovna enota ločeno podjetje, če jih je razumno mogoče pripisati tej stalni poslovni enoti, ne glede na to, ali so nastali v državi pogodbenici, v kateri je stalna poslovna enota, ali drugje.
In determining the profits of a permanent establishment, there shall be allowed as deductions all expenses, including executive and general administrative expenses, which would be deductible if the permanent establishment were an independent enterprise, insofar as they are reasonably allocable to the permanent establishment, whether incurred in the Contracting State in which the permanent establishment is situated or elsewhere.
837 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Za namene ugotavljanja, ali je bil dosežen prag 5000 EUR iz člena 12 Uredbe (ES) št. 1782/2003, se upošteva skupni znesek neposrednih plačil, ki bi bila podeljena pred uporabo katerih koli znižanj v skladu s to uredbo, ali pri shemah pomoči iz Priloge I k Uredbi (ES) št. 1782/2003, ki pa ne sodijo pod Naslov III ali IV te uredbe, v skladu s posebno zakonodajo, ki se za to uporablja.
1.For the purposes of determining whether the threshold of EUR 5000 referred to in Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 has been reached, the total amount of direct payments that would have to be granted before the application of any reductions under this Regulation or, in the case of aid schemes listed in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 but not falling under Titles III or IV of that Regulation, under the specific legislation applicable thereto, shall be taken into account.
838 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0056
Direktiva Sveta 77/799/EGS z dne 19. decembra 1977 o medsebojni pomoči pristojnih organov držav članic na področju neposredne obdavčitve, nekaterih trošarin in obdavčitve zavarovalnih premij [3] je določila temeljna pravila za upravno sodelovanje in izmenjavo informacij med državami članicami zaradi ugotavljanja in preprečevanja davčne utaje in davčne goljufije in omogočanja pravilne davčne odmere državam članicam.
Council Directive 77/799/EEC of 19 December 1977 concerning mutual assistance by the competent authorities of the Member States in the field of direct taxation, certain excise duties and taxation of insurance premiums(3) established the ground rules for administrative cooperation and the exchange of information between Member States in order to detect and prevent tax evasion and tax fraud and to enable Member States to carry out a correct tax assessment.
839 Končna redakcija
e) če gre za zapletene izdelke, zahtevnejše storitve in gradnje, ali če je predmet naročila v izjemnih primerih namenjen za posebne namene, je treba opraviti ogled. Ogled opravijo predstavniki naročnika ali po naročnikovem pooblastilu pristojni organ države, kjer ima ponudnik svoj sedež. Pregled obsega ponudnikove proizvodne zmogljivosti, če je potrebno tudi njegove raziskovalne in študijske zmogljivosti ter način ugotavljanja kakovosti.
e) where the products to be supplied are complex, or the services or works are very demanding, or if in exceptional cases the subject of the contract is intended for special purposes, an examination shall be carried out. The examination shall be carried out by contractors' representatives, or on their behalf, the competent official body of the country in which the tenderer is established. The examination shall focus on the production capabilities of tenderers and, where necessary, also their research and study capabilities, and quality establishing methods.
840 Končna redakcija
(1) Naročnik sme določiti izbor najugodnejše ponudbe na podlagi določitve posebnega sistema omejenega postopka izbire ponudnikov (kvalifikacijski postopek). V tem primeru mora naročnik zagotoviti različnim ponudnikom, da kadarkoli zahtevajo ugotovitev sposobnosti za sodelovanje v postopku. Če poteka razpis po kvalifikacijskem sistemu, morajo biti ponudniki po postopku izbire s predhodnim ugotavljanjem sposobnosti ali udeleženci v postopku, ki vključuje pogajanja, izbrani izmed kandidatov, skladno s takim načinom izbiranja.
(1) Contractors may select the best tender on the basis of setting a special restricted procedure system for the selection of tenderers (a qualification procedure). In this case, they shall ensure that various tenderers may at any time request that their qualification to participate in the procedure be established. If the invitation to tender is carried out by the qualification procedure, tenderers who were selected by prior establishment of qualification, or by the negotiating procedure shall be selected from among these candidates in accordance with such method of selection.
841 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0022
Države članice priglasijo drugim državam članicam in Komisiji organe v njihovi pristojnosti, ki so jih imenovale za opravljanje nalog, povezanih z moduli ugotavljanja skladnosti iz člena 9, o identifikacijski številki, ki so jo dobile od Komisije v skladu z odstavkom 4 tega člena, vrsti ali vrstah merilnih instrumentov, za katere je posamezni organ imenovan, in poleg tega, kadar je to ustrezno, o razredih točnosti instrumentov, merilnem območju, tehniki merjenja ter o vseh lastnostih instrumentov, ki omejujejo obseg priglasitve.
Member States shall notify to the other Member States and the Commission the bodies under their jurisdiction, which they have designated to carry out the tasks pertaining to the conformity assessment modules referred to in Article 9, together with the identification numbers given to them by the Commission in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Article, the kind(s) of measuring instrument for which each body has been designated and in addition, where relevant, the instrument accuracy classes, the measuring range, the measurement technology, and any other instrument characteristic limiting the scope of the notification.
842 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
Če v trenutku namestitve niso na voljo evropske specifikacije za določene vmesnike med podsistemom vodenje-upravljanje in signalizacija ter drugimi podsistemi (npr. elektromagnetna združljivost med ugotavljanjem lokacije vlakov in železniškim voznim parkom, podnebnimi razmerami in fizičnimi razmerami, v katerih lahko vlak obratuje, geometrijskimi parametri vlaka, kot je dolžina, največja osna razdalja v vlaku, dolžina nosu prvega in zadnjega vagona vlaka, zavorni parametri), je treba ustrezne značilnosti in uporabljene standarde navesti v registrih železniškega voznega parka (TEN HS).
In case European specifications for some interface between control-command and signalling and other subsystems are not available at the moment of installation (e.g., electromagnetic compatibility between train detection and rolling stock, climatic conditions and physical conditions in which the train can work, geometric parameters of the train like length, maximal distance of axles in the train, length of the nose of the first and of the last car of the train, braking parameters), the corresponding characteristics and the standards applied shall be indicated in the registers of rolling stock (TEN HS).
843 Pravna redakcija
Odbori za ugotavljanje rente
Rent Assessment Panels
844 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Oprema za ugotavljanje smeri
Direction - finding equipment
845 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Aparati za ugotavljanje tekočin
Apparatus for detecting fluids
846 Pravna redakcija
Organi za ugotavljanje skladnosti
Conformity assessment bodies
847 Pravna redakcija
Boljše ugotavljanje odgovornosti
Better identification of responsibilities
848 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Postopek za ugotavljanje kršitev
Infringement procedure
849 Pravna redakcija
organi za ugotavljanje skladnosti;
conformity assessment bodies;
850 Pravna redakcija
uporabljene ukrepe za ugotavljanje;
the identification measures applied;
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