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začasno dovoljenje
801 Prevod
uveljavljanje ustreznih predpisov in pogojev dovoljenj, vključno z začasnim odvzemom, spremembo ali preklicem.
the enforcement of applicable regulations and of the terms of licences, including suspension, modification or revocation.
802 Prevod
V primeru neizpolnitve teh določb lahko grenlandski organi oblasti začasno prekličejo ribolovno dovoljenje zadevne ladje, dokler omenjene formalnosti niso izpolnjene.
In the event of these provisions not being complied with, the Greenland authority may suspend the fishing licence of the vessel involved until the said formalities have been complied with.
803 Prevod
V primeru začasnih skupnih podjetništev, ko je Skupni odbor podal pozitivno mnenje o projektih, grenlandski organi oblasti izdajo potrebne avtorizacije in ribolovna dovoljenja.
In the case of temporary joint ventures, once the projects have received a favourable opinion from the Joint Committee, the Greenland authority shall issue the necessary authorisations and fishing licences.
804 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R1923
Vloge za dodelitev začasnih izvoznih dovoljenj, dane v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 1332/2002 za blagovne skupine, navedene v stolpcu 3 Priloge pod opombo 18-Urugvaj, se odobrijo za prijavljene količine.
Applications for provisional export licences lodged pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1332/2002 in respect of the product group identified by 18-Uruguay in column 3 of the Annex shall be accepted for the quantities requested.
805 Prevod
Komisija, v imenu Skupnosti, in Nekdanja jugoslovanska republika Makedonija sta se v Dodatnih protokolih o vinu k Sporazumu o stabilizaciji in pridruževanju in Začasnemu sporazumu sporazumeli o izvedbenih pravilih za zgoraj omenjeno dovoljenje.
The Commission, on behalf of the Community, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia have agreed in the Additional Protocols on wine to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and the Interim Agreement implementing rules for the abovementioned certificate.
806 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R1923
Vloge za dodelitev začasnih izvoznih dovoljenj, dane v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 1332/2002 za blagovne skupine in kvote, navedene v stolpcu 3 Priloge pod opombami 16-Tokio, 16-, 17-, 20- in 21-Urugvaj, 22-Tokio, 22-Urugvaj, 25-Tokio in 25-Urugvaj,
Applications for provisional export licences lodged pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1332/2002 in respect of the product groups and quotas identified by 16-Tokyo, 16-, 17-, 20- and 21-Uruguay, 22-Tokyo, 22-Uruguay, 25-Tokyo and 25-Uruguay in column 3 of the Annex hereto:
807 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R1923
Pri nadaljnjih vlogah trgovca, danih v 15 delovnih dneh od začetka veljavnosti te uredbe, in po predložitvi veljavne varščine se lahko izdajo začasna izvozna dovoljenja za dodatne količine, kolikor to dopušča uporaba koeficienta iz stolpca 7 Priloge na prijavljeni količini.
On the further application of the trader within 15 working days of the entry into force of this Regulation and subject to the lodging of the security applicable, provisional export licences may be issued for further quantities in so far as the application of the coefficient in column 7 of the Annex to the quantity applied for allows.
808 Prevod
Če pristojni organi Skupnosti ugotovijo, da skupne količine, ki jih zajemajo izvozna dovoljenja, ki so jih pristojni organi Kambodže izdali za določeno kategorijo v katerem koli letu, presegajo količinske omejitve, določene v skladu s členom 4 tega sporazuma za to kategorijo, kakor so lahko spremenjene v skladu s členi 3, 5 ali 7 tega sporazuma, lahko omenjeni organi začasno ustavijo nadaljnjo izdajo uvoznih dovoljenj.
If the competent authorities of the Community find that the total quantities covered by export licences issued by the competent authorities of Laos for a particular category in any year exceed the quantitative limit established in accordance with Articles 4 of the Agreement for that category, as may be modified by Articles 3, 5 or 7 of the Agreement, the said authorities may suspend the further issue of import authorisations.
809 Prevod
Odstavek 6 Priloge 1 (Sporazum o vzajemnih preferencialnih trgovinskih koncesijah za nekatera vina) Dodatnih protokolov o vinu k Sporazumu o stabilizaciji in pridruževanju in Začasnemu sporazumu, sklenjenih 18. decembra 2001, določa, da je pogoj za upravičenost do koristi iz tarifnih koncesij predložitev dovoljenja, ki ga izda vzajemno priznani uradni organ, naveden na skupno pripravljenem seznamu, o tem, da je zadevno vino skladno s točko 5(b).
Paragraph6 of Annex 1 (Agreement on reciprocal preferential trade concessions for certain wines) of the Additional Protocols on wine to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and the Interim Agreement, concluded on 18 December 2001, stipulates that the entitlement to benefit from the tariff concessions is subject to presentation of a certificate issued by a mutually recognised official body appearing on a list drawn up jointly, to the effect that the wine in question complies with point 5(b).
810 Prevod
Če ima pogodbenica zaradi novih informacij ali ponovne ocene obstoječih informacij izčrpne razloge za ugotovitev, da odobrena enološka praksa ali postopek ogroža zdravje ljudi, lahko začasno ustavi dovoljenje, omenjeno v členu 4, ali omeji predpise za to prakso ali postopek, navedene v Prilogi I. Drugo pogodbenico se o tem obvesti vsaj štiri tedne pred začetkom veljavnosti umika ali omejitve dovoljenja, z navedbo razlogov, ki utemeljujejo to odločitev.
Where a Contracting Party as a result of new information or of a reassessment of existing information has detailed grounds for establishing that an authorized oenological practice or process endangers human health, it may temporarily suspend the authorization referred to in Article 4 or restrict the prescriptions regarding this practice or process listed in Annex I. The other Contracting Party shall be informed of this at least four weeks before the suspension or restriction takes effect with an indication of the reasons which justify this decision.
811 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R1923
V skladu s členom 20(3) Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 174/1999 z dne 26. januarja 1999 o podrobnih pravilih za uporabo Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 804/68 glede izvoznih dovoljenj in izvoznih nadomestil za mleko in mlečne izdelke ( fn ), kot je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 1472/2002 ( fn ), se lahko pri vlogah za začasna dovoljenja, danih v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 1332/2002, za količine izdelkov blagovne skupine, ki presegajo razpoložljive količine, pri dodeljevanju dovoljenj upoštevajo količine enakih izdelkov, ki jih je vlagatelj izvozil v Združene države Amerike v preteklosti, in dovoljenja se lahko prednostno izdajo tistim vlagateljem, katerih pooblaščeni uvozniki so hčerinska podjetja.
Commission Regulation (EC) No 174/1999 of 26 January 1999 laying down special detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 as regards export licences and export refunds in the case of milk and milk products, as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1472/2002, provides in Article 20(3) that in the case of applications for provisional licences lodged pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1332/2002 relating to quantities of products in any product group greater than those available, the allocation of licences may take into account the quantity of the same products exported to the United States of America by the applicant in the past and preference may be given to applicants whose designated importers are subsidiaries.
812 Prevod
CELEX: 31995R0657
ker je bila dodelitev prvega dela kvot za leto 1995 netradicionalnim uvoznikom za izdelke, ki spadajo pod oznake KN 640351, 640359 in 852729 začasno ustavljena, ker količine, ki naj bi se dodelile, niso bile gospodarsko pomembne; ker bi bilo zato treba količine iz drugega dela, rezervirane za netradicionalne uvoznike, prišteti količinam iz prvega dela, ki se niso mogle dodeliti, tako dobljene količine pa bi bilo treba dodeliti netradicionalnim uvoznikom, katerih zahtev ni bilo mogoče izpolniti s prvim delom; ker se torej lahko določijo količinska merila za dodelitev tako dobljenih količin navedenim uvoznikom; ker se skladno s tem ne bi smel odpreti postopek za oddajo vlog za izdajo dovoljenja za izdelke iz tega dela kvote;
Whereas the allocation of the first tranche of 1995 quotas to non-traditional importers in respect of products falling within CN codes 640351, 640359 and 852729 was suspended because the quantities to be allocated were not economically significant; whereas the quantities from the second tranche set aside for non-traditional importers should therefore be added to those from the first tranches which could not be allocated and the resulting quantities should be allocated to non-traditional importers, whose requests could not be met from the first tranche; whereas the quantitative criteria for the allocation of the resulting quantities to those importers may therefore be determined; whereas accordingly the procedure for the submission of licence applications should not be opened in respect of products from this portion of the quota;
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začasno dovoljenje