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851 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Having established contact with a ship, the PFSO should advise the ship of any subsequent change in the port facility's security level and should provide the ship with any relevant security information.
Potem, ko je stik z ladjo vzpostavljen, mora varnostni uradnik pristanišča ladjo seznaniti s kakršnimi koli kasnejšimi spremembami stopnje zaščite pristanišča in ji posredovati kakršne koli ustrezne podatke o zaščiti.
852 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0019
prohibit the manufacture and importation into the Community of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs and which do not comply with this Directive, from 1 March 2006.
od 1. marca 2006 prepovejo proizvodnjo in uvoz v Skupnost materialov in izdelkov iz plastične mase, namenjenih za stik z živili, in ki niso v skladu s to direktivo.
853 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0019
At the marketing stages other than the retail stages, plastic materials and articles which are intended to be placed in contact with foodstuffs shall be accompanied by a written declaration, which shall:
V fazah trženja, razen pri prodaji na drobno, mora polimerne materiale in izdelke, namenjene za stik z živili, spremljati pisna izjava, ki:
854 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Identify the Member State or Member States which, pursuant to Article 4(4), you submit should examine the concentration, indicating whether or not you have made informal contact with this Member State/s.
Navedite državo članico ali države članice, ki naj bi v skladu s členom 4(4) po vašem predlogu pregledale koncentracijo, in navedite, če ste ali niste vzpostavili neformalni stik s to državo članico/državami članicami.
855 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31974L0060
If there is no point of contact in the case of adjustment within the above limits, with the test apparatus ve rtical, possible points of contact shall be determined by pivoting the measuring apparatus forwards and downwards through all arcs of vertical planes as far as 90ş from the vertical plane perpendicular in relation to the longitudinal vertical plane of the vehicle and passing through the H point.
Če tedaj, ko se priprava za preskušanje nahaja v navpičnem položaju, nobena točka dotika ni v območju zgoraj navedenih meja, se določijo morebitne točke dotika s pregibanjem merilne priprave v smeri naprej in navzdol, pri čemer priprava opiše vse loke v navpičnih ravninah vse do 90° od navpične ravnine, ki je pravokotna glede na vzdolžno navpično ravnino vozila in poteka skozi točko H.
856 Končna redakcija
If there is no point of contact in the case of adjustment within the above limits, with the test apparatus vertical, possible points of contact shall be determined by pivoting the measuring apparatus forwards and downwards through all arcs of vertical planes as far as 90Ĺź from the vertical plane perpendicular in relation to the longitudinal vertical plane of the vehicle and passing through the H point.
Če tedaj, ko se priprava za preskušanje nahaja v navpičnem položaju, nobena točka dotika ni v območju zgoraj navedenih meja, se določijo morebitne točke dotika s pregibanjem merilne priprave v smeri naprej in navzdol, pri čemer priprava opiše vse loke v navpičnih ravninah vse do 90° od navpične ravnine, ki je pravokotna glede na vzdolžno navpično ravnino vozila in poteka skozi točko H.
857 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0074
"nest" means: a separate space for egg laying, the floor components of which may not include wire mesh that can come into contact with the birds, for an individual hen or for a group of hens (group nest);
"gnezdo" pomeni: ločeni prostor za valjenje jajc za posamezno kokoš ali za skupino kokoši (skupinsko gnezdišče), katerega tla ne smejo biti iz žične mreže, ki bi prišla v stik s kokošmi;
858 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0874
Registrars shall require all applicants to submit accurate and reliable contact details of at least one natural or legal person responsible for the technical operation of the domain name that is requested.
Registratorji zahtevajo, da vsi vlagatelji predložijo točne in zanesljive kontaktne podrobnosti o vsaj eni fizični ali pravni osebi, odgovorni za tehnično delovanje zahtevanega domenskega imena.
859 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0011
Documents shall be transmitted directly between the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties, the contact details of which shall be furnished by the vehicle registration authorities (Article 3(2)).
Dokumente si pristojni organi držav pogodbenic neposredno pošiljajo med seboj, podatke o kontaktnih osebah pa posredujejo organi za registriranje vozil (člen 3(2)).
860 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: 025-10-11-2007-2
The Information Point contact number is given in the attachment to this Programme Book. [note: actually, the info is not in an attachment, it is in the ` useful information ` section (Uporabne informacije)]
Telefonska številka informacijske točke je navedena v prilogi ( Uporabne informacije ) programske knjižice
861 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0874
The purpose of the WHOIS database shall be to provide reasonably accurate and up to date information about the technical and administrative points of contact administering the domain names under the.eu TLD.
Namen zbirke WHOIS je, da zagotovi razumno točne in najnovejše informacije o tehničnih in upravnih kontaktnih točkah, ki upravljajo domenska imena z domeno.eu najvišje ravni.
862 Končna redakcija
"suspected holding" means any pig holding which contains one or more pigs suspected of being infected with classical swine fever virus or a contact holding as defined in Article 2(v) of Directive 2001/89/EC;
"sumljivo gospodarstvo" pomeni prašičerejski obrat, za katerega obstaja sum, da je eden ali več prašičev okuženih z virusom klasične prašičje kuge ali gospodarstvo, ki je v stiku s sumljivim gospodarstvom, v smislu člena 2(v) Direktive 2001/89/ES;
863 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0025
In so doing, the contact committee may make use of the information which Member States are to provide on the basis of this Directive concerning takeover bids that have taken place on their regulated markets.
Pri tem lahko kontaktni odbor uporablja informacije, ki jih na podlagi te direktive posredujejo države članice, o ponudbah za prevzem, do katerih je prišlo na njihovih organiziranih trgih.
864 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Any gas which this protection device allows to escape must be evacuated into the open air without any risk that it may penetrate inside the vessel or come into contact with anything that might set it on fire;
Plin, ki uide iz te zaščitne naprave, mora biti odveden v zunanje ozračje brez kakršne koli nevarnosti, da bi lahko prodrl v plovilo ali prišel v stik s čimer koli, kar bi lahko zanetilo požar;
865 Končna redakcija
tolerance is a value of which one boasts, but it lasts only as long as homosexuality remains invisible and hidden or until the respondent has no contact, neighborly or similar relations, with gays or lesbians.
strpnost kot vrednota, s katero se je treba ponašati, zdrži le toliko časa, kolikor homoseksualnost ostane skrita in nevidna ali pa dokler vprašani nimajo nobenega opravka, sosedskih odnosov ali česa podobnega z geji in lezbijkami.
866 Končna redakcija
specific operations to eliminate the vector from the premises and places where the pigs are to be kept or can come into contact with the vector have been successfully carried out under official supervision, or
če so bili pod uradnim nadzorom uspešno izvedeni posebni ukrepi za odstranitev in uničenje vektorja v objektih in na krajih, kjer naj bi se nastanili prašiči ali kjer bi lahko prišli v stik z vektorjem, ali
867 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0711
COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 18 October 1982 laying down the basic rules necessary for testing migration of the constituents of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs (82/711/EEC)
DIREKTIVA SVETAz dne 18. oktobra 1982o določitvi temeljnih pravil za preskušanje migracije sestavin polimernih materialov in izdelkov, namenjenih za stik z živili(82/711/EGS)
868 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
In order to facilitate and accelerate cooperation, and more particularly exchange of information, Member States shall designate one single competent authority as a contact point for the purposes of this Directive.
Da bi olajšale in pospešile sodelovanje in zlasti izmenjavo informacij, države članice imenujejo en sam pristojni organ kot kontaktno točko za namene te direktive.
869 Končna redakcija
This kind of contact problem has been given little attention, even on an elementary level [5], and research reports that focused on the technology of deep drawing can be traced only in recent years ([3], [4] and [6]).
Taki kontaktni problemi so malo raziskani že na elementarni ravni [5], raziskave v smeri kontaktnih napetosti v tehnoloških pogojih globokega vleka pa se pojavljajo šele v zadnjih letih ([3], [4] in [6]).
870 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0016
Wherever possible, apparatus coming into contact with the sample should be made of inert materials e.g. plastics such as polypropylene, PTFE etc., and these should be acid cleaned to minimise the risk of contamination.
Kadar je možno, mora biti naprava, ki pride v stik z vzorcem, izdelana iz intertnega materiala, npr. plastike, kot je polipropilen, PTFE itd., in te je treba očistiti s kislino, da se kar najbolj zmanjša tveganje za onesnaženje.
871 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
5 the names and contact details of those who have been designated to be available at all times to provide advice or assistance to ships and to whom ships can report any security concerns, referred to in regulation 7.2;
.5 imena oseb, ki so pristojne, da kadarkoli svetujejo ali pomagajo ladjam, in ki jim ladje lahko poročajo o kakšnih koli skrbeh glede zaščite iz pravila 7.2, ter podatke, potrebne za navezavo stikov z njimi;
872 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0874
Objections and designations of contact points shall be notified in the form of electronic mail, delivery by courier or in person, or by postal delivery effected by way of registered letter and acknowledgement of receipt.
O ugovorih in imenovanju kontaktnih točk se uradno obvešča v elektronski obliki ali po kurirju ali osebno ali po pošti s priporočenim pismom in potrdilom o prejemu.
873 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
2 Contracting Governments shall provide a point of contact through which such ships can request advice or assistance and to which such ships can report any security concerns about other ships, movements or communications.
Vlade pogodbenice zagotovijo kontaktno točko, pri kateri lahko ladje zaprosijo za nasvet ali pomoč in ji lahko poročajo o kakršnih koli skrbeh o varnosti glede drugih ladij, premikov ali sporočil.
874 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0761
The contact strips (XIV, XVI and XVII) must be placed in relation to the positioning lugs either in the position indicated in the drawing or at an angle of 180_ from that position, with a tolerance of _ 20_ in either case.
Kontaktni jezički (XIV, XVI in XVII) morajo biti glede na pozicionirne nosove razporejeni bodisi v skladu z risbo bodisi pod kotom 180° od tega položaja, pri čemer je v vsakem primeru dovoljeno odstopanje ± 20°.
875 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0059
The central contact point of the Schengen State which has proposed the assignment shall be responsible for operational coordination (preparation, implementation and follow-up with regard to specific secondment activities).
Centralna kontaktna služba tiste schengenske države, ki je predlagala izvedbo naloge, prevzame njeno operativno usklajevanje (priprava, izvajanje in analiza izvajanja posameznih dejavnosti).
876 Končna redakcija
- Contacts with the medial profession and specialised press.
Odnosi z medicinsko stroko in specializiranim tiskom.
877 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0028
For each wave of EU-SILC longitudinal component, the distribution of households by household status, by record of contact at address, by household questionnaire result and by household interview acceptance will be provided.
Za vsak val vzdolžne komponente EU-SILC porazdelitev gospodinjstev glede na status gospodinjstva, glede na vpis stika na naslovu, glede na rezultat vprašalnika gospodinjstva in glede na sprejemljivost ankete gospodinjstva.
878 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Metal parts not current-carrying when in use, such as machine frames and casings, appliances, fittings and accessories, must be earthed if they are not already so mounted as to be in effective metallic contact with the hull.
Kovinski deli, ki med uporabo ne prenašajo toka, kakor so strojni okviri in ohišja, naprave, armature in pripomočki, morajo biti ozemljeni, če niso že nameščeni tako, da imajo učinkovit kovinski stik s trupom.
879 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0011
These documents shall be transmitted via the designated central authorities of the Contracting Party if the contact details of the competent authority cannot be inferred from the information referred to in the first sentence.
Dokumente se pošilja preko pooblaščenih centralnih organov držav pogodbenice, če iz podatkov iz prvega stavka ni mogoče povzeti podatkov o kontaktnih osebah pristojnega organa.
880 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0019
sheet, film or other material or articles which cannot be filled or for which it is impracticable to estimate the relationship between the surface area of such material or article and the quantity of food in contact therewith.
pri ploščah, filmih in podobnih materialih ali izdelkih, ki jih ni mogoče napolniti ali za katere je težko določiti razmerje med površino materiala ali izdelka in količino živila v stiku z materialom.
881 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
The competent authority of the home Member State shall, within one month of receiving the information, forward it to the competent authority of the host Member State designated as contact point in accordance with Article 56(1).
Pristojni organ matične države članice v enem mesecu po prejetju informacij te informacije posreduje pristojnemu organu države članice gostiteljice, imenovanemu za kontaktno točko v skladu s členom 56(1).
882 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0059
The central contact points shall regularly determine the need for training material, which it shall supplement where appropriate on the basis of practical experience, and shall inform each other immediately of new modi operandi.
Centralne kontaktne službe redno usklajujejo potrebe po učnem gradivu in ga glede na praktične izkušnje, kadar je to potrebno, dopolnjujejo ter se medsebojno obveščajo o novih načinih storitve.
883 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0080
If the deciding authority decides, in accordance with the law of its Member State, to hear the applicant or any other person such as a witness or an expert, it may contact the assisting authority for the purpose of arranging for:
Če organ za odločanje skladno z zakonodajo svoje države članice sklene zaslišati prosilca ali kako drugo osebo, na primer pričo ali izvedenca, se lahko poveže s pomožnim organom zato, da poskrbi za naslednje:
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