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Document Review
51 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: PP-aa00043
"Slovenia is pleased to note that the EU noted that the whole territory of Slovenia will be considered as one single region at NUTS 2 level for the period up to the end of 2006, that Slovenia intends to implement one Single Programming Document covering the whole territory of Slovenia for the programming period up to the end of 2006, and that Slovenia will continue discussions on the territorial division ensuring balanced regional development with the Commission in order to review, already being a Member State, its NUTS classification at the end of 2006 at the latest.
"Slovenija z zadovoljstvom ugotavlja, da je EU vzela na zanje, da se bo v obdobju do konca leta 2006 celo ozemlje Slovenije obravnavalo kot enotna regija na ravni NUTS, da Slovenija namerava izvajati en enotni programski dokument za celo ozemlje Slovenije za obdobje programiranja do konca leta 2006 in da bo Slovenija nadaljevala razprave s Komisijo o ozemeljski razdelitvi, ki bi zagotavljala uravnotežen regionalni razvoj, da bi se, ko bo že država članica, najkasneje do konca leta 2006, ponovno preučilo njeno NUTS klasifikacijo.
52 Pravna redakcija
This review shall be documented.
Ta pregled mora biti dokumentiran.
53 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0069
III.Documentation and review of site selection
III. Dokumentiranje in pregled izbora lokacije
54 Pravna redakcija
Review and evaluation of documentation (exchange of documentation)
Pregled in vrednotenje dokumentacije (izmenjava dokumentacije)
55 Pravna redakcija
changes to documents are reviewed and approved by authorized personnel;
11.2.2 da spremembe dokumentov pregleda in odobri pooblaščeno osebje;
56 Pravna redakcija
The document review may consist of a review of the documents and records as referred to in point 3.1, the structures and powers of the auditee, and any changes in food inspection and certification systems since the adoption of this Annex or since the previous audit, with emphasis on those aspects of the inspection and certification system that relate to the animals or products concerned.
Revizija dokumentov lahko obsega revizijo dokumentov in registrov v skladu s točko 3.1, revizijo struktur in pooblastil pogodbenice, ki je predmet revizije, in vseh sprememb v zvezi z inšpekcijami živil in certifikacijskimi sistemi od sprejetja te priloge ali od prejšnje revizije, s poudarkom tistih vidikov inšpekcij in certifikacijskega sistema, ki se nanašajo na zadevne živali ali proizvode.
57 Pravna redakcija
The document review may consist of a review of the documents and records referred to in paragraph 3.1, the structures and powers of the auditee, and any relevant changes to inspection and certification systems since the entry into force of this Agreement or since the previous verification, with emphasis on the implementation of elements of the system of inspection and certification for animals, animal products plants or plant products of interest.
Pregled dokumentacije je lahko sestavljen iz pregleda dokumentov in evidenc iz odstavka 3.1, struktur in pooblastil revidiranca ter vseh pomembnih sprememb sistemov inšpekcije in certificiranja od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma ali od prejšnje kontrole, s poudarkom na izvajanju elementov sistema inšpekcije in certificiranja za pomembne živali, živalske proizvode, rastline ali rastlinske proizvode.
58 Pravna redakcija
59 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32003D0874
By mid 2003, 12 regulatory documents, from a total of 16, had been drafted and six of them reviewed.
Do sredine 2003 je bilo od skupno 16 predpisov pripravljenih 12, šest izmed njih pa tudi pregledanih.
60 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32003D0874
The second, improved version of three documents was ready for final review prior to official publication.
Druga, izboljšana različica treh dokumentov je bila za končni pregled pripravljena pred uradno objavo.
61 Pravna redakcija
data reviews have been performed and documented according to generally recognised scientific principles and procedures;
so bili podatki pregledani in dokumentirani po splošno priznanih znanstvenih načelih in postopkih;
62 Pravna redakcija
reviewing the SSRS to ensure consistency with these security regulations and the INFOSEC policies and architecture documents,
preverjanje SSRS zaradi zagotavljanja skladnosti s temi predpisi o varovanju tajnosti in politiko INFOSEC in arhitekturno dokumentacijo,
63 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0069
Sites should be reviewed at regular intervals with repeated documentation to ensure that selection criteria remain valid over time.
Lokacije naj bi se v rednih intervalih pregledovale in ponovno dokumentirale, da se zagotovi, da ostanejo izbirna merila ves čas veljavna.
64 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2082
Revisions of the other referenced documents shall not form pan of the provisions of this Eurocontrol Standard Document until they are formally reviewed and incorporated into this Eurocontrol Standard Document.
Revizije drugih sklicnih dokumentov niso sestavni del določb tega Eurocontrolovega standardnega dokumenta, dokler niso formalno pregledane in vključene v ta Eurocontrolov standardni dokument.
65 Pravna redakcija
Revisions of the other referenced documents shall not form part of the provisions of this Eurocontrol Standard Document until they are formally reviewed and incorporated into this Eurocontrol Standard Document.
Revizije drugih sklicnih dokumentov niso sestavni del določb tega Eurocontrolovega standardnega dokumenta, dokler niso formalno pregledane in vključene v ta Eurocontrolov standardni dokument.
66 Pravna redakcija
Otherwise, they shall keep the documents under review every five years, at the latest, in order to ensure that the original classification is necessary.
V nasprotnem primeru ti organi dokumente preverjajo najpozneje vsakih pet let, da tako zagotovijo potrebno izvorno razvrstitev dokumenta.
67 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32003D0874
The present project covers the financing of three further documents written by the GAN and its advisers, and the review of Russian work by EU safety experts.
Ta projekt zajema financiranje še treh dokumentov, ki so jih napisali GAN in njegovi svetovalci, ter pregled ruskega dela s strani strokovnjakov EU za varnost.
68 Pravna redakcija
(b) witnesses may be presented and documentation relating to procurement under challenge and necessary to the proceedings shall be disclosed to the review body
(b) se lahko predstavijo priče in se dokumentacija v zvezi z naročili v pritožbenem postopku in potrebna za postopke razkrije revizijskemu organu
69 Pravna redakcija
Otherwise they shall keep the documents under review every five years at the latest, in order to ensure that the original classification is necessary [SVII(1)].
V nasprotnem primeru strani izvora dokumente preverjajo najpozneje na vsakih pet let, da tako zagotovijo potrebno izvorno razvrstitev dokumenta [SVII(1)].
70 Pravna redakcija
Otherwise they shall keep the documents under review every five years at the latest, in order to ensure that the original classification is necessary [SIII(10)].
V nasprotnem primeru strani izvora dokumente preverjajo najpozneje na vsakih pet let, da tako zagotovijo potrebno izvorno razvrstitev dokumenta [SIII(10)].
71 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32003D0874
- review of VNIINM design documentation on process modernisation for testing MOX fuel fabrication process using Russian materials, and certification of the related equipment.
- pregled projektne dokumentacije VNIINM o modernizaciji procesa za testiranje procesa izdelave goriva MOX z uporabo ruskih materialov in izdaja potrdil za potrebno opremo.
72 Pravna redakcija
A review of the references to relevant documents/opinions will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and will be listed after a Commission Decision has been taken.
Pregled sklicevanj na ustrezne dokumente/mnenja bo objavljen v Uradnem listu Evropske unije in bo vključen v seznam po sprejetju Sklepa Komisije.
73 Pravna redakcija
At the request of a designated authority or body, the Commission shall review the confidential status of information or documents, in consultation with the parties which established them.
Komisija na zahtevo pristojnega organa oblasti ali organa in v posvetovanju s stranmi, ki so informacije ali dokumente oblikovale, pregleda njihov zaupni status.
74 Pravna redakcija
Such assessments shall be well documented, subsequently updated in the light of operating experience and significant new safety information, and reviewed under the authority of the regulatory body;
Take ocene morajo biti dobro dokumentirane, kasneje pa dopolnjene glede na obratovalne izkušnje in pomembne nove varnostne podatke, in pregledane v okviru pristojnosti upravnega organa;
75 Pravna redakcija
Revisions of the other referenced documents shall not form part of the provisions of this Eurocontrol Standard until they are formally reviewed and incorporated into this Eurocontrol Standard Document.
Revizije drugih sklicnih dokumentov niso sestavni del določb tega Eurocontrolovega standarda, dokler niso formalno pregledane in vključene v ta Eurocontrolov standardni dokument.
76 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32003D0874
- review of design documentation on construction of a fuel fabrication facility at NIIAR site for the three lead test assemblies to be loaded in a VVER-1000 reactor; certification of the related equipment,
- pregled projektne dokumentacije za gradnjo obrata za izdelavo goriva na zemljišču NIIAR za 3-LTA, ki bodo vloženi v reaktor VVER-1000; izdaja potrdil za potrebno opremo,
77 Pravna redakcija
At that meeting, the auditor shall be entrusted with the task of reviewing the audit plan and confirming that adequate resources, documentation, and any other facilities necessary are available for conducting the audit.
Na tem sestanku dobi revizor nalogo, da pregleda načrt revizije in potrdi, ali so na voljo ustrezni viri, dokumentacija in vsa druga sredstva, ki so potrebna za izvajanje revizije.
78 Pravna redakcija
At this meeting the auditor will be responsible for reviewing the verification plan and confirming that adequate resources, documentation, and any other necessary facilities are available for conducting the verification.
Na tem srečanju je revizor dolžen pregledati načrt kontrol in potrditi, da so na voljo zadostni viri, dokumentacija in vsa druga potrebna sredstva za izvedbo kontrole.
79 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32003D0874
The project was implemented under the French-German-Russian Agreement of 1998, by the CEA (Commissariat á l'énergie atomique), who passed contracts with the GAN and its advisers (IBRAE) to draft such regulatory documents, and also with experienced EU safety experts (grouped under Risk-Audit) for reviewing these documents.
Projekt so v skladu s Francosko-nemško-ruskim sporazumom iz leta 1998 izvedli CEA (Commissariat á l'énergie atomique), ki je sklenil pogodbe z GAN in njihovimi svetovalci (IBRAE) za pripravo takih predpisov, pa tudi izkušeni strokovnjaki EU za varnost (zbranih v Risk-Auditu), ki so te dokumente pregledali.
80 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32003D0874
In addition to reviewing the three GAN documents quoted, the EU safety experts will also review, in parallel to their US counterparts, the general safety regulations for nuclear fuel cycle facilities, a document under revision at GAN.
Poleg pregleda treh navedenih dokumentov GAN bodo strokovnjaki EU za varnost, skupaj s svojimi kolegi iz Združenih držav, pregledali tudi splošne varnostne predpise za naprave jedrskega gorivnega kroga, dokument, ki ga pregleduje GAN.
81 Pravna redakcija
Amendments or additions affecting the basic principles or grammar of the ADEXP format shall only be made following the formal review procedure as provided in the Directives for the Uniform Drafting and Presentation of Eurocontrol Standard Documents.
Spremembe ali dopolnitve, ki vplivajo na temeljna načela ali gramatiko formata ADEXP, se opravijo le po formalnem postopku pregleda, predvidenem v direktivah za enotno načrtovanje in predstavitev Eurocontrolovih standardnih dokumentov.
82 Pravna redakcija
elaborate inventories on relevant point sources including the pollutants discharged (emission inventories) and estimate the water pollution from non-point sources taking into account Annex II, Part 2; review these documents according to the actual state.
izdelajo popise ustreznih točkovnih virov, vključno z izpuščenimi onesnaževali (popis emisij), in ocenijo onesnaženost vode iz razpršenih virov ob upoštevanju dela 2 Priloge II; te dokumente pregledajo glede na dejansko stanje.
83 Pravna redakcija
The documentation to be examined in advance of the visit shall include basic information about the organisation and activities there, the environmental policy and programme, the description of the environmental management system in operation in the organisation, details of the environmental review or audit carried out, the report on that review or audit and on any corrective action taken afterwards, and the draft environmental statement.
Dokumentacija, ki jo je treba pregledati pred obiskom, vključuje osnovne informacije o organizaciji in njenih dejavnostih, okoljsko politiko in program, opis sistema okoljskega ravnanja, ki ga je uvedla organizacija, podrobnosti o izvedenem okoljskem pregledu ali presoji, poročilo o tem pregledu ali presoji in o vseh po tem uvedenih korektivnih ukrepih ter osnutek okoljske izjave.
84 Pravna redakcija
We want to assure you that we have carefully reviewed the FTC authorizing legislation, related documents, and relevant case-law and have concluded that the FTC has the same jurisdiction in the employment-related data situation as it would generally under Section 5 of the FTC Act(11).
Zagotavljamo vam, da smo skrbno pregledali zakonodajo o pooblastilih FTC, s tem povezane dokumente in ustrezno sodno prakso ter prišli do sklepa, da ima FTC enake pristojnosti na področju podatkov, povezanih z zaposlitvijo, kakor jih ima na splošno po oddelku 5 FTC Act fn.
85 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
In the second category, a judgment should only be certified as a European Enforcement Order if the Member State of origin has an appropriate mechanism in place enabling the debtor to apply for a full review of the judgment under the conditions set out in Article 19 in those exceptional cases where, in spite of compliance with Article 14, the document has not reached the addressee.
V drugi kategoriji se sodbo potrdi kot evropski nalog za izvršbo samo, če ima država članica izvora vzpostavljen ustrezen mehanizem, ki omogoča dolžniku zoper sodbo vložiti pravno sredstvo pod pogoji, določenimi v členu 19 v tistih izjemnih primerih, ko dokument ne doseže naslovljenca kljub temu, da se je ravnalo v skladu s členom 14.
86 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
b) The documentation submitted by the applicant should cover all aspects of the safety and/or efficacy assessment and must include or refer to a review of the relevant literature, taking into account pre- and post-marketing studies and published scientific literature concerning experience in the form of epidemiological studies and in particular of comparative epidemiological studies.
(b) Dokumentacija, ki jo vlagatelj predloži, naj vključuje vse vidike ocene varnosti in/ali učinkovitosti in mora vključevati ali se sklicevati na pregled ustrezne literature, ob upoštevanju študij pred začetkom in po začetku trženja ter objavljene znanstvene literature o izkušnjah v obliki epidemioloških študij in zlasti primerjalnih epidemioloških študij.
87 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
(7) In order to guarantee the Community's economic operators and customs administrations the most harmonised and simplified documentation possible, it also seems necessary to conduct, in due consultation with the representatives of the business circles concerned, a regular review of the requirements connected with the use of the form, in the light of developments in business practices and the activities of international fora in this area.
(7) Za zagotovitev kar najbolj usklajene in poenostavljene dokumentacije gospodarskim subjektom in carinskim upravam Skupnosti se zdi potrebno v posvetovanju s predstavniki zadevnih poslovnih krogov opraviti redni pregled zahtev, povezanih z uporabo obrazca, glede na razvoj poslovnih praks in dejavnosti mednarodnih forumov na tem področju.
88 Pravna redakcija
Audit activities shall include discussions with personnel, inspection of operating conditions and equipment and reviewing of records, written procedures and other relevant documentation, with the objective of evaluating the environmental performance of the activity being audited to determine whether it meets the applicable standards, regulations or objectives and targets set and whether the system in place to manage environmental responsibilities is effective and appropriate.
Aktivnosti v okviru vključujejo pogovore z osebjem, pregled obratovalnih pogojev in opreme ter pregled zapisov, napisnih postopkov in druge ustrezne dokumentacije, z namenom, da se ovrednotijo okoljska uspešnost presojane dejavnosti in ugotovi, ali ta dejavnost izpolnjuje ustrezne standarde, predpise ali zastavljene splošne in posamične cilje in ali je vzpostavljeni sistem vodenja okoljskih nalog učinkovit in primeren.
89 Pravna redakcija
Officials of the requesting Party, authorised to investigate breaches of customs legislation may, in particular cases and. with the agreement of the requested Party, be present respectively in the Community or in Israel, when its officials are investigating breaches which are of concern to the requesting Party and may ask that the requested Party review relevant books, registers and other documents or data-media and supply copies thereof or provide any information relating to the breach.
Uradniki pogodbenice prosilke, pooblaščeni za preiskovanje kršitev carinske zakonodaje, so v posebnih primerih in s soglasjem zaprošene pogodbenice lahko navzoči v Skupnosti oziroma Izraelu, kadar njeni uradniki preiskujejo kršitve, ki so v interesu pogodbenice prosilke, in lahko zaprosijo, da zaprošena pogodbenica pregleda zadevne knjige, registre in druge dokumente ali nosilce podatkov ter priskrbi njihove kopije ali kakršne koli informacije v zvezi s kršitvijo.
90 Pravna redakcija
judgments and orders by judicial authorities and bodies, and (b) generally, documents such as originating applications to the courts and steps in appellate proceedings, such as EN applications to set aside a judgment by default, appeals, applications for retrial or review, proceedings brought by parties or others against extra-judicial and judicial acts, intervention in legal proceedings, notifications and citations, summonses to preparatory inquiries, summonses to further hearings, notification of witnesses, etc.
sodbe in sklepi sodnih organov in teles in (b) spisi nasploh, kot so začetne vloge pred sodišči in procesna dejanja v pritožbenem postopku, kot so vloge za razveljavitev zamudnih sodb, pritožbe, vloge za obnovo ali revizijo, postopki, ki jih sprožijo stranke ali kdo tretji zoper izvensodne in sodne akte, intervencija v sodnih postopkih, obvestila in vabila, pozivi na pripravljalne poizvedbe, pozivi na nadaljnja zaslišanja, vabila pričam itn.
91 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
In carrying out investigations under this Article, the exporters, importers, the country of origin and/or export and the Community producers shall be provided with the opportunity to amplify, rebut or comment on the matters set out in the review request, and conclusions shall be reached with due account taken of all relevant and duly documented evidence presented in relation to the question as to whether the expiry of measures would be likely, or unlikely, to lead to the continuation or recurrence of subsidization and injury.
Pri izvajanju preiskav na podlagi tega člena se izvoznikom, uvoznikom, državi porekla in/ali izvoza ter proizvajalcem Skupnosti ponudi priložnost za razširitev, zavrnitev ali razlago zadev iz zahtevka za pregled, sklepi pa se sprejmejo ob ustreznem upoštevanju vseh pomembnih in pravilno dokumentiranih dokazov, ki se predložijo v zvezi z vprašanjem, ali je verjetno, da bi iztek ukrepov povzročil nadaljevanje ali ponovitev subvencioniranja in škode.
92 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0030
Documentation and review of site selection
Dokumentiranje in pregled izbire vzorčevalnih mest
93 Prevajalska redakcija
documents are disclosed to the review body.
se dokumenti razkrijejo revizijskemu organu.
94 Prevajalska redakcija
review these documents according to the actual state.
te dokumente pregledajo glede na dejansko stanje.
95 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1970
changes to documents are reviewed and approved by authorised personnel;
da spremembe dokumentov pregleda in odobri pooblaščeno osebje;
96 Prevajalska redakcija
The document review may consist of a review of the documents and records referred to in paragraph 3.1, the structures and powers of the auditee, and any relevant changes to food inspection and certification systems since the adoption of this Agreement or since the previous audit, with emphasis on the implementation of elements of the system of inspection and certification for animals or products of interest.
Pregled dokumentov lahko vsebuje pregled dokumentov in spisov iz odstavka 3.1., struktur in pooblastil pregledovanca, in vseh morebitnih ustreznih sprememb glede sistemov pregleda hrane in certificiranja od sprejetja tega sporazuma ali od prejšnje revizije, s poudarkom na izvajanje elementov sistema nadzora in certificiranja za živali ali proizvode, ki nas zanimajo.
97 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003E0805
support the Final Document of the 2000 NPT Review Conference and the Decisions and Resolution adopted at the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference,
podpira zaključni dokument Revizijske konference o neširjenju jedrskega orožja NPT leta 2000 ter sklepe in resolucijo, sprejete na Konferenci o reviziji in podaljšanju NPT leta 1995,
98 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
The ship security assessment shall be documented, reviewed, accepted and retained by the Company.
Oceno varnosti ladje dokumentira, pregleda, sprejme in shrani družba.
99 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0304
"decision guidance document" means the technical document prepared by the Chemical Review Committee for chemicals subject to the PIC procedure.
"navodila za odločanje" pomeni tehnično listino, ki jo za kemikalije, za katere velja postopek PIC, pripravi Odbor za pregled kemikalij.
100 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2042
no inconsistencies can be found between the aircraft and the paragraph (a) documented review of records.
ni mogoče najti neskladnosti med zrakoplovom in dokumentiranim pregledom evidence po odstavku (a).
Prevodi: en > sl
Document Review