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EDF Committee
51 Končna redakcija
Each Member State may demand that operations approved directly by the Commission shall be discussed at a future meeting of the EDF Committee.
Vsaka država članica lahko zahteva, da se o financiranjih, ki jih Komisija odobri neposredno, razpravlja na prihodnjih sestankih Odbora ERS.
52 Končna redakcija
This document shall be the subject of an exchange of views between the Member States and the Commission in the framework of the EDF Committee.
Ta dokument je predmet izmenjave mnenj med državami članicami in Komisijo v okviru Odbora ERS.
53 Končna redakcija
The Commission shall inform the EDF Committee of these allocations as well as of any provision made in accordance with Article 3(4) of Annex IV.
Komisija obvesti Odbor ERS o dodeljenih sredstvih in o vseh določbah v zvezi s členom 3(4) Priloge IV.
54 Končna redakcija
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The proposals referred to in Article 25(1), together with the opinion of the EDF Committee, shall be submitted to the Commission for its decision.
Predlogi iz člena 25(1) se skupaj z mnenjem Odbora ERS predložijo Komisiji v odločitev.
55 Končna redakcija
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After the EDF Committee referred to in Article 21, acting by a qualified majority, has delivered its opinion, the Commission shall use such revenue:
Ko ERS iz člena 21 s kvalificirano večino sprejme svoje mnenje, Komisija ta dohodek uporabi za:
56 Končna redakcija
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Where the additional commitment referred to in (a) exceeds ECU 4 million but is under 20 % of the initial commitment, the EDF Committee's opinion shall be sought under simplified, expedited procedures to be laid down, on the basis of Commission proposals, when the Rules of Procedure of the EDF Committee are adopted.
Če so dodatne obveznosti iz (a) večje kakor 4 milijona ekujev, vendar manjše kakor 20 % začetnih obveznosti, se zahteva mnenje Odbora ERS po poenostavljenem postopku, ki se določi na podlagi predlogov Komisije, ko se sprejme poslovnik Odbora ERS.
57 Končna redakcija
The Council shall decide on it according to the same voting procedure as the EDF Committee within a period which, as a general rule, may not exceed two months.
Svet odloča o njem v skladu z enakim postopkom glasovanja kot Odbor ERS v roku, ki načeloma ne sme biti daljši od dveh mesecev.
58 Končna redakcija
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If the EDF Committee still refuses to deliver a favourable opinion, the Commission shall inform the ACP State or States concerned, which may then request either:
Če Odbor ERS še vedno ne da pozitivnega mnenja, Komisija obvesti zadevno državo ali države AKP, ki potem lahko zahtevajo bodisi:
59 Končna redakcija
The EDF Committee shall deliver its opinion in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 and in accordance with its Rules of Procedure referred to in Article 21(2).
Odbor ERS poda svoje mnenje v skladu z določbami člena 21 in v skladu s svojim poslovnikom iz člena 21(2).
60 Končna redakcija
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Following the consultations referred to in paragraph 1, the Commission may submit a revised or extended proposal to the EDF Committee at one of its subsequent meetings.
Komisija lahko po posvetovanjih iz odstavka 1 predloži Odboru ERS popravljeni ali razširjeni predlog na eni izmed njegovih naslednjih sej.
61 Končna redakcija
between EUR 500000 and EUR 2 million, the Commission will provide the EDF Committee with a succinct ex ante information at least two weeks before the decision is taken;
med 500000 evrov in 2 milijonoma evrov Komisija zagotovi Odboru ERS predhodne strnjene informacije vsaj dva tedna pred sprejetjem odločitve;
62 Končna redakcija
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A Committee (hereinafter called 'the EDF Committee`) consisting of representatives of the Governments of the Member States shall be set up under the auspices of the Commission, for the Fund resources it administers.
Odbor (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Odbor ERS"), ki je sestavljen iz predstavnikov vlad držav članic, se ustanovi pod pokroviteljstvom Komisije in v zvezi s sredstvi Sklada, s katerimi slednja upravlja.
63 Končna redakcija
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If the Commission decides to depart from the opinion expressed by the EDF Committee or if the Committee has not delivered a favourable opinion, the Commission shall either withdraw the proposal or, at the earliest opportunity, refer the proposal to the Council, which shall decide on it according to the same voting procedure as the EDF Committee within a period which, as a general rule, may not exceed two months.
Če se Komisija odloči, da ne sprejme mnenja, ki ga je podal Odbor ERS, ali če Odbor ne poda pozitivnega mnenja, Komisija bodisi umakne predlog ali ob prvi priložnosti predstavi predlog Svetu, ki o njem odloča po enakem glasovalnem postopku kakor Odbor ERS in v roku, ki praviloma ni daljši kakor dva meseca.
64 Končna redakcija
During the review process, the EDF Committee shall deliver its opinion in accordance with the provisions of Article 27 on the basis of a summary document to be submitted by the Commission.
Med postopkom revizije Odbor ERS poda mnenje v skladu z določbami člena 27 na podlagi strnjenega dokumenta, ki ga predloži Komisija.
65 Končna redakcija
In this context, the thresholds for referral of financing proposals to the EDF Committee in Article 24 and the decision-making procedure set out in Article 27 may be reviewed in the year 2003.
V tem kontekstu se pragove iz člena 24, na podlagi katerih se finančni predlogi predložijo Odboru ERS, in postopek odločanja iz člena 27 lahko ponovno preučijo leta 2003.
66 Končna redakcija
The Commission shall send the draft estimate to the EDF Committee and to the corresponding Committees for the operations in respect of which the intervention of the Agency is or will be necessary.
Komisija pošlje osnutek načrta prihodkov in izdatkov za dejavnosti, pri katerih so ali bodo potrebni ukrepi agencije, Odboru Evropskega razvojnega sklada in ustreznim odborom.
67 Končna redakcija
A Committee (hereinafter called "the EDF Committee") consisting of representatives of the governments of the Member States shall be set up at the Commission for the European Development Fund resources which the Commission administers.
Pri Komisiji se za sredstva Evropskega razvojnega sklada, ki jih upravlja Komisija, ustanovi odbor (v nadaljevanju "Odbor ERS"), ki ga sestavljajo predstavniki vlad držav članic.
68 Končna redakcija
Within the period specified for the mid-term and end-of-term reviews, the EDF Committee shall deliver its opinion in accordance with Article 27 on the basis of a document to be provided by the Commission, on:
V obdobju, določenem za revizije sredi in ob koncu obdobja, Odbor ERS v skladu s členom 27 na podlagi dokumenta, ki ga zagotovi Komisija, poda svoje mnenje o:
69 Končna redakcija
between EUR 2 million and EUR 8 million, the Commission will provide the EDF Committee with ex ante information according to the criteria specified in paragraph 5 at least two weeks before the decision is taken;
med 2 milijonoma evrov in 8 milijoni evrov Komisija zagotovi Odboru ERS predhodne informacije v skladu z merili iz odstavka 5 vsaj dva tedna pred sprejetjem odločitve;
70 Končna redakcija
If the Commission decides to depart from the opinion expressed by the EDF Committee, or if the committee has not delivered a favourable opinion, the Commission shall either withdraw the proposal or, at the earliest opportunity, refer the proposal to the Council.
Če se Komisija ne strinja z mnenjem Odbora ERS ali če odbor ni podal pozitivnega mnenja, Komisija bodisi umakne svoj predlog ali ob prvi priložnosti predloži predlog Svetu.
71 Končna redakcija
The EDF Committee shall give its opinion, in accordance with the procedure defined in Article 27, on the method used in the application of the general criteria for resource allocation, as presented by the Commission.
Odbor ERS poda svoje mnenje v skladu s postopkom, opredeljenim v členu 27, o metodi, ki jo predlaga Komisija in se uporablja pri uporabi splošnih meril za dodeljevanje sredstev.
72 Končna redakcija
The EDF Committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft RCS and its indicative programme in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 27, taking into account the provisions of Article 23(1) of this Agreement.
Odbor ERS poda svoje mnenje o osnutku RSS in njenega indikativnega programa v skladu s postopkom iz člena 27, pri čemer upošteva določbe člena 23(1) tega sporazuma.
73 Končna redakcija
Without first seeking the opinion of the EDF Committee, the Commission is authorised to approve operations with a value less than or equal to EUR 8 million and representing less than 25 % of the indicative programme.
Komisija je pristojna, da brez predhodne pridobitve mnenja Odbora ERS, odobri financiranja v vrednosti, ki je manjša ali enaka 8 milijonom evrov in predstavljajo manj kot 25 % indikativnega programa.
74 Končna redakcija
mid-term appraisal of projects and programmes where requested by the EDF Committee when approving the financing proposals, or where this appraisal gives rise to substantial modifications to the project or programme concerned.
o ocenah projektov in programov sredi obdobja, kadar to zahteva Odbor ERS, ko odobrava finančne predloge, ali kadar te ocene povzročijo bistveno spreminjanje zadevnih projektov ali programov.
75 Končna redakcija
Before the expiry of the 9th EDF, the Member States shall set a date beyond which the funds of the 9th EDF may no longer be committed.
Države članice pred iztekom veljavnosti 9. ERS določijo datum, po katerem sredstev iz 9. ERS ni več mogoče črpati.
76 Končna redakcija
The Commission, the Bank and the Member States shall take all necessary measures, in particular in relation to the process of the EDF Committee opinion referred to in paragraph 4, to ensure that the time frames for these reviews are respected.
Komisija, Banka in države članice sprejmejo vse potrebne ukrepe, zlasti v zvezi s postopkom mnenja Odbora ERS iz odstavka 4, da se zagotovi izpolnjevanje roka za te revizije.
77 Končna redakcija
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If the EDF Committee requests substantial changes to one of the proposals referred to in Article 25(1), or in the absence of a favourable opinion on the proposal, the Commission shall consult the representatives of the ACP State or States concerned.
Če Odbor ERS zahteva bistvene spremembe enega izmed predlogov iz člena 25(1) ali če predlog ne dobi pozitivnega mnenja, se Komisija posvetuje s predstavniki zadevne države ali držav AKP.
78 Končna redakcija
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The EDF Committee shall focus its work on the substantive problems of cooperation on a country-by-country basis and seek appropriate coordination of the approaches and operations of the Community and its Member States in the interests of consistency and complementarity.
Odbor ERS osredotoči svoje delo na vsebinske probleme sodelovanja v zvezi z vsako posamezno državo ter si prizadeva primerno uskladiti stališča in dejavnosti Skupnosti in njenih držav članic zaradi skladnosti in dopolnjevanja.
79 Končna redakcija
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If it is not possible to reach the consensus referred to in the first paragraph, and at the request of a Member State or the Commission, the EDF Committee will also give its opinion acting by a qualified majority in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21.
Če ni mogoče doseči konsenza iz prvega odstavka in na zahtevo države članice ali Komisije, Odbor ERS poda tudi svoje mnenje, ki ga sprejme s kvalificirano večino v skladu s postopkom iz člena 21.
80 Končna redakcija
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The Commission shall decide, case by case, on the allocation and level of a second instalment of the indicative programme following an exchange of views with the Member States in the EDF Committee pursuant to Article 23, on the basis of a summary document from the Commission departments.
Komisija v zvezi z vsakim posameznim primerom odloča o dodelitvi in višini drugega obroka iz indikativnega programa, po izmenjavi mnenj z državami članicami in Odborom ERS v skladu s členom 23 ter na podlagi skupnega dokumenta, pripravljenega v službah Komisije.
81 Končna redakcija
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This document shall be examined by the representatives of the Member States, the Commission and the Bank, within the EDF-Committee referred to in Article 21, in order to assess the general framework of the Community's cooperation with each ACP State and to ensure, as far as possible, consistency and complementarity between Community aid and aid from the Member States.
Ta dokument pregledajo predstavniki držav članic, Komisije in Banke v okviru Odbora ERS iz člena 21, da bi ocenili splošni okvir sodelovanja Skupnosti z vsako državo AKP ter zagotovili, kolikor je mogoče, skladnost in medsebojno dopolnjevanje med pomočjo Skupnosti in pomočjo držav članic.
82 Končna redakcija
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The Member States and the Commission shall also communicate to each other, by means of regular meetings between the Commission and Member State representations on the spot, bilateral contacts or meetings of Member State and Commission experts and in the context of the proceedings of the EDF Committee referred to in Article 21, any information they possess on other bilateral, regional or multilateral aid granted to or envisaged for ACP States.
Države članice in Komisija si v rednih srečanjih Komisije in predstavnikov držav članic na kraju samem, v dvostranskih stikih ali srečanjih strokovnjakov Komisije in držav članic ter v okviru postopkov Odbora ERS iz člena 21 sporočajo vse informacije, ki jih imajo o drugi dvostranski, regionalni ali večstranski pomoči, dodeljeni ali namenjeni AKP državam.
83 Končna redakcija
Any balances remaining from previous EDFs on the date of entry into force of the Financial Protocol to the ACP-EC Agreement, as well as any amounts that will be de-committed at a later date from ongoing projects under these EDF, shall be transferred to the 9th EDF.
neporabljena sredstva prejšnjih ERS na dan začetka veljavnosti Finančnega protokola k Sporazumu AKP-ES, in zneski, ki bodo sproščeni iz tekočih projektov v okviru teh ERS, se prenesejo na 9. ERS.
84 Končna redakcija
The Commission is also authorised to approve, without seeking the EDF Committee's opinion, the additional commitments required to cover expected or actual overspending under a project or programme referred to in paragraphs 1(a) and (b), where the overspending or additional amount required does not exceed 20 % of the initial commitment fixed in the financing decision and/or EUR 5 million, and does not entail any substantial modification to the project.
Komisija je tudi pristojna, da brez predhodne pridobitve mnenja Odbora ERS odobri dodatne obveznosti, potrebne za pokrivanje pričakovanih ali dejanskih prekoračitev pri projektih ali programih iz odstavkov 1(a) in (b), če prekoračitveni ali dodatni znesek ne presega 20 % začetne obveznosti, določene v sklepu o financiranju, in/ali 5 milijonov evrov in ne zahteva bistvenega spreminjanja projekta.
85 Končna redakcija
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The Commission is also authorised in the circumstances provided for in (b), to approve, without seeking the EDF Committee's opinion, the additional commitments required to cover expected or actual overspending under a project or programme referred to in paragraphs 1(b) and 2, to cover additional financing requirements for structural adjustment tranches which are the subject of the proposals referred to in paragraph 1(c), where the overspending or additional amount required does not exceed 20 % of the initial commitment fixed in the financing decision.
Komisija je v okoliščinah iz (b) pooblaščena tudi za potrditev - brez predhodnega mnenja Odbora ERS - dodatnih finančnih obveznosti, ki nastanejo zaradi kritja pričakovanih ali dejanskih presežnih stroškov v okviru projekta ali programa iz odstavkov 1(b) in 2, ali zaradi kritja dodatnih finančnih potreb v zvezi s tranšami za strukturne prilagoditve, za katere veljajo predlogi iz odstavka 1(c), če presežni stroški ali dodatni zahtevani znesek ne presega 20 % začetnih obveznosti, določenih v sklepu o financiranju.
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EDF Committee