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accident investigation
51 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0050
«In particular, the body and the staff responsible for the checks must be functionally independent of the authorities designated to issue authorisations for placing in service in the framework of this Directive, licences in the framework of Council Directive 95/18/EC of 19 June 1995 on the licensing of railway undertakings(21) and safety certificates in the framework of Directive 200./49/EC, and of the bodies in charge of investigations in the event of accidents.
"Zlasti organ in osebje, ki je pristojno za preglede, morata biti funkcionalno neodvisna od organov, pristojnih za izdajo dovoljenj za začetek obratovanja v okviru te direktive, licenc v okviru Direktive Sveta 95/18/ES z dne 19. junija 1995 o izdaji licence prevoznikom v železniškem prometu [21], varnostnih spričeval v okviru Direktive 200./49/ES, in od organov, ki vodijo preiskave v primeru nesreč."
52 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0050
«In particular, the body and the staff responsible for the checks must be functionally independent of the authorities designated to issue authorisations for placing in service in the framework of this Directive, licences in the framework of Council Directive 95/18/EC of 19 June 1995 on the licensing of railway undertakings(27)and safety certificates in the framework of Directive 2004/49/EC, and of the bodies in charge of investigations in the event of accidents.
"Zlasti organ in osebje, ki je pristojno za preglede, morajo biti funkcionalno neodvisni od organov, pristojnih za izdajo dovoljenj za začetek obratovanja v okviru te direktive, licenc v okviru Direktive Sveta 95/18/ES z dne 19. junija 1995 o izdaji licence prevoznikom v železniškem prometu [27], varnostnih spričeval v okviru Direktive 2004/49/ES, in od organov, ki vodijo preiskave v primeru nesreč.";
53 Pravna redakcija
whereas particular account should be taken of Annex 13 to this Convention which lays down recommended international standards and practices for aircraft accident investigation;
ker naj se upošteva zlasti Priloga 13 k tej konvenciji, ki določa mednarodne smernice in priporočila za preiskavo letalskih nesreč;
54 Pravna redakcija
Council Directive 80/1266/EEC of 16 December 1980 on future cooperation and mutual' assistance between the Member States, in the field of air accident investigation (1) is hereby repealed.
Direktiva Sveta 80/1266/EGS z dne 16. decembra 1980 o prihodnjem sodelovanju in medsebojni pomoči držav članic na področju preiskav letalskih nesreč( fn ) se s to direktivo razveljavi.
55 Pravna redakcija
Council Directive No 80/1266/EEC of 16 December 1980 on future cooperation and mutual assistance between the Member States in the field of air accident investigation (OJ No L 375, 31.12.1980, p. 32).
Direktiva Sveta št. 80/1266/EGS z dne 16. decembra 1980 o prihodnjem sodelovanju in medsebojni pomoči med državami članicami v preiskovanju letalskih nesreč (UL L 375, 31.12.1980, str. 32).
56 Pravna redakcija
Every accident or serious incident shall be the subject of an investigation.
Za vsako nesrečo ali resni incident se uvede preiskava.
57 Pravna redakcija
Whereas investigation of serious incidents should be carried out in a similar way to investigation of accidents;
ker naj se preiskava resnih incidentov izvaja na podoben način kakor preiskava nesreč;
58 Pravna redakcija
Whereas it is important for accident prevention to make public the findings of accident investigations in the shortest time possible;
ker je za preprečevanje nesreč pomembno, da se izsledki preiskav javno objavijo v čim krajšem času;
59 Pravna redakcija
Any investigation into an accident shall be the subject of a report in a form appropriate to the type and seriousness of the accident.
Za vsako preiskavo nesreče se izdela poročilo v obliki, ki je primerna glede vrste in resnosti nesreče.
60 Pravna redakcija
investigations into accidents involving aircraft registered in a Member State, when such investigations are not carried out by another State;
preiskave nesreč, v katere so vpleteni zrakoplovi, ki so registrirani v državi članici, če takih preiskav ne izvaja druga država;
61 Pravna redakcija
establishing the fundamental principles governing the investigation of civil aviation accidents and incidents
o določitvi temeljnih načel za vodenje preiskav nesreč in incidentov v civilnem letalstvu
62 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the expeditious holding of technical investigations of civil aviation accidents and incidents improves air safety in helping to prevent the occurrence of such accidents and incidents;
ker se s hitrimi tehničnimi preiskavami nesreč in incidentov v civilnem letalstvu izboljšuje varnost v zračnem prometu, kar prispeva k preprečevanju takih dogodkov;
63 Pravna redakcija
A Member State may delegate the task of carrying out an investigation into an accident or incident to another Member State.
Država članica lahko nalogo preiskovanja nesreče ali incidenta prenese na drugo državo članico.
64 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0425
Independent technical investigations of transport accidents and incidents are one way of improving safety by identifying the causes of such accidents and thereby preventing them from occurring.
Neodvisne tehnične preiskave prometnih nesreč in okvar so eden od načinov za izboljšanje varnosti, tako da se opredelijo vzroki za take nesreče in da se na ta način nesreče preprečijo.
65 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0425
(2) Investigations into the causes of accidents should not be linked to compensation for damages or determination of liability.
(2) Preiskave vzrokov nesreč ne smejo biti povezane z nadomestili škode ali ugotavljanjem odgovornosti.
66 Pravna redakcija
'flight recorder' means any type of recorder installed in the aircraft for the purpose of facilitating accident/incident investigations;
"registrator parametrov leta" pomeni vsako vrsto registratorja, ki je v zrakoplovu zaradi lažje preiskave nesreč/incidentov;
67 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the safety recommendations resulting from an accident or incident investigation should be duly taken into account by the Member States;
ker naj države članice ustrezno upoštevajo varnostna priporočila, ki izhajajo iz preiskave nesreče ali incidenta,
68 Pravna redakcija
Council Directive of 21 November 1994 establishing the fundamental principles governing the investigation of civil aviation accidents and incidents.
Direktiva Sveta z dne 21. novembra 1994 o določitvi temeljnih načel za preiskovanje nesreč in incidentov v civilnem letalstvu.
69 Pravna redakcija
Council Directive 94/56/EC of 21 November 1994 establishing the fundamental principles governing the investigation of civil aviation accidents and incidents
DIREKTIVA SVETA 94/56/ES z dne 21. novembra 1994 o določitvi temeljnih načel za vodenje preiskav nesreč in incidentov v civilnem letalstvu
70 Pravna redakcija
'safety recommendation' means any proposal by the investigating body of the State conducting the technical investigation, based on information derived from that investigation, made with the intention of preventing accidents and incidents.
"varnostno priporočilo" pomeni vsak predlog za preprečevanje nesreč in incidentov, ki ga na podlagi informacij, ki izhajajo iz tehnične preiskave, predloži preiskovalna služba države, ki jo izvaja.
71 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, according to the international standards in Annex 13, the investigation of accidents is to be carried out under the responsibility of the State where the accident occurs;
ker je v skladu z mednarodnimi smernicami iz Priloge 13 država, v kateri se nesreča zgodi, pristojna za njeno preiskavo;
72 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0425
(5) The setting up of this Group will contribute to the advancement of Community policy in the field of independent accident investigations, alongside other appropriate consultation procedures.
(5) Ustanovitev skupine bo skupaj z drugimi ustreznimi posvetovalnimi postopki prispevala k napredku politike Skupnosti na področju neodvisnih preiskav nesreč.
73 Pravna redakcija
The purpose of this Directive is to improve air safety by facilitating the expeditious holding of investigations, the sole objective of which is the prevention of future accidents and incidents.
Namen te direktive je izboljšati varnost v zračnem prometu z lajšanjem hitrega izvajanja preiskav, katerih edini cilj je preprečevanje nesreč in incidentov v prihodnosti.
74 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0425
time to decide(1), the Commission indicated that there is a growing need for independent technical investigations geared towards revealing the causes of accidents and ways of improving legislation.
čas odločitve fn je Komisija navedla, da narašča potreba po neodvisnih tehničnih preiskavah, namenjenih odkrivanju vzrokov nesreč in načinov izboljšanja zakonodaje.
75 Pravna redakcija
This Directive shall apply to investigations into civil aviation accidents and incidents which have occurred in the territory of the Community taking into account the international obligations of the Member States.
Ta direktiva velja za preiskave nesreč in incidentov v civilnem letalstvu, ki so se zgodili na ozemlju Skupnosti, ob upoštevanju mednarodnih obveznosti držav članic.
76 Pravna redakcija
The extent of investigations and the procedure to be followed in carrying out such investigations shall be determined by the investigating body, taking into account the principles and the objective of this Directive and depending on the lessons it expects to draw from the accident or serious incident for the improvement of safety.
Obseg preiskav in postopek, po katerem je treba ravnati pri takih preiskavah, določi preiskovalna služba ob upoštevanju načel in cilja te direktive ter spoznanj, ki jih zaradi izboljšanja varnosti pričakuje o nesreči ali resnem incidentu.
77 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0425
(4) For the examination of all issues pertinent to independent technical accident investigations, the Commission intends to set up a Group of Experts to advise the Commission on a strategy for dealing with accidents in the transport sector.
(4) Za preiskavo vseh zadev v zvezi z neodvisnimi tehničnimi preiskavami nesreč Komisija namerava ustanoviti skupino strokovnjakov za svetovanje Komisiji o strategiji v zvezi z nesrečami v sektorju prometa.
78 Pravna redakcija
When a ro-ro ferry or high-speed passenger craft is involved in a marine casualty, the investigation procedure shall be launched by the State in whose waters the accident or incident occurs or, if in other waters, by the last Member State visited by the ferry or craft.
Če je ro-ro trajekt ali visokohitrostno potniško plovilo udeleženo v pomorski nezgodi, sproži preiskovalni postopek država, v katere vodah se je nesreča ali incident pripetil, ali, če gre za druge vode, zadnja država članica, v kateri je bil trajekt ali plovilo.
79 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the sole aim of the technical investigation is to draw lessons which could prevent future accidents and incidents and whereas therefore the analysis of the occurrence, the conclusions and the safety recommendations are not designed to apportion blame or liability,
ker je edini cilj tehnične preiskave pridobiti spoznanja, ki bi lahko preprečila prihodnje nesreče in incidente, in ker tudi analiza dogodka, sklepi in varnostna priporočila niso namenjeni pojasnjevanju krivde ali odgovornosti,
80 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0425
The Group of Experts shall be composed of qualified individuals competent to consider matters relating to transport safety issues, in particular independent technical accidents investigations in all modes of transport, including the transport of energy (oil and gas pipelines).
Skupino strokovnjakov sestavljajo usposobljeni posamezniki, ki so sposobni preučiti zadeve o varnosti v prometu, zlasti neodvisne tehnične preiskave o nesrečah za vse vrste prevoza, vključno s prenosom energetskih virov (naftovodi in plinovodi).
81 Pravna redakcija
'investigation' means a process conducted for the purpose of accident and incident prevention which includes the gathering and analysis of information, the drawing of conclusions, including the determination of cause(s) and, when appropriate, the making of safety recommendations;
"preiskava" pomeni postopek, ki se izvaja zaradi preprečitve nesreče ali incidenta, ki vključuje zbiranje in analizo informacij, sestavo sklepov, vključno z določitvijo vzroka(-ov), ter po potrebi izdelavo varnostnih priporočil;
82 Pravna redakcija
Whereas investigation of accidents and incidents which have occurred in civil aviation should be carried out by or under the control of an independent body or entity in order to avoid any conflict of interest and any possible involvement in the causes of the occurrences being investigated;
ker naj preiskavo nesreč in incidentov, ki so se zgodili v civilnem letalstvu, bodisi izvaja neodvisna služba ali subjekt bodisi naj preiskava poteka pod njegovim nadzorom, da se prepreči vsako navzkrižje interesov in morebitna vpletenost v vzroke preiskovanih dogodkov;
83 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Member States should ensure that their internal legal systems enable them and any other substantially interested Member States to participate or cooperate in, or conduct, accident investigations on the basis of the provisions of the IMO Code for the investigation of marine casualties;
ker morajo države članice zagotoviti, da bo njihov notranji pravni red njim in drugim utemeljeno zainteresiranim državam članicam omogočal udeležbo ali sodelovanje v preiskavi o nesrečah ali njeno vodenje na podlagi določb Kodeksa IMO o preiskovanju pomorskih nezgod;
84 Pravna redakcija
the completed registration forms will be kept for the competent authorities or forwarded to them where such authorities deem this necessary for the prevention of threats, for criminal investigations or for clarifying the circumstances of missing persons or accident victims, save where national law provides otherwise.
da se izpolnjene prijavnice hranijo za pristojne organe ali se jim posredujejo, kadar ti organi menijo, da je to potrebno, zaradi preprečevanja groženj, kriminalističnih preiskav ali zaradi pojasnitve okoliščin pogrešanih oseb ali žrtev nesreč, razen če nacionalna zakonodaja določa drugače.
85 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0056
Council Directive 80/1266/EEC of 16 December 1980 on future cooperation and mutual assistance between the Member States in the field of air accident investigation (4) is hereby repealed.
Direktiva Sveta 80/1266/EGS z dne 16. decembra 1980 o prihodnjem sodelovanju in medsebojni pomoči držav članic na področju preiskav letalskih nesreč 4 se razveljavi.
86 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0734
87 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0425
Investigations into the causes of accidents should not be linked to compensation for damages or determination of liability.
Preiskave vzrokov nesreč ne smejo biti povezane z nadomestili škode ali ugotavljanjem odgovornosti.
88 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0724
it shall facilitate cooperation between the Member States and the Commission in the development, with due regard to the different legal systems in the Member States, of a common methodology for investigating maritime accidents according to agreed international principles, in the provision of support to the Member States in activities concerning investigations related to serious maritime accidents, and in the carrying out of an analysis of existing accident investigation reports;
olajša sodelovanje med državami članicami in Komisijo pri razvijanju, pri čemer ustrezno upošteva različne pravne sisteme v državah članicah, skupne metodologije za preiskavo pomorskih nesreč v skladu z dogovorjenimi mednarodnimi načeli, pri zagotavljanju podpore državam članicam pri dejavnostih, ki zadevajo preiskave, povezane z resnimi pomorskimi nesrečami, in pri izdelavi analize obstoječih poročil o preiskavi nesreče;
89 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1406
it shall facilitate cooperation between the Member States and the Commission in the development, with due regard to the different legal systems in the Member States, of a common methodology for investigating maritime accidents according to agreed international principles, in the provision of the support of the Member States in activities concerning investigations related to serious maritime accidents, and in the carrying out of an analysis of existing accident investigation reports;
lajša sodelovanje med državami članicami in Komisijo pri razvoju skupne metodologije za preiskavo pomorskih nesreč v skladu z dogovorjenimi mednarodnimi načeli, ob upoštevanju različnih pravnih sistemov držav članic, pri zagotavljanju podpore državam članicam pri dejavnostih v zvezi s preiskavami resnih pomorskih nesreč in pri opravljanju analiz obstoječih poročil o preiskavi nesreč;
90 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0056
COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 94/56/EC of 21 November 1994 establishing the fundamental principles governing the investigation of civil aviation accidents and incidents
Direktiva Sveta 94/56/ES z dne 21. novembra 1994 o določitvi temeljnih načel za vodenje preiskav nesreč in incidentov v civilnem letalstvu
91 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0042
Council Directive 94/56/EC of 21 November 1994 establishing the fundamental principles governing the investigation of civil aviation accidents and incidents(4), aims at preventing accidents by facilitating the expeditious holding of investigations.
Direktiva Sveta 94/56/ES z dne 21. novembra 1994 o določitvi temeljnih načel za vodenje preiskav nesreč in incidentov v civilnem letalstvu [4] ima za cilj preprečevanje nesreč s pospeševanjem hitrega izvajanja preiskav.
92 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1592
Entities entrusted with the investigation of civil aviation accidents and incidents, or with the analysis of occurrences, are entitled to access to that information.
Subjekti, ki so jim zaupane preiskave ali analize nesreč in incidentov v civilnem letalstvu, so upravičeni do dostopa do takšnih informacij.
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accident investigation