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acknowledge the notification
51 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1084
If the notification fulfils the requirements set out in paragraphs 1 to 4, the competent authority of the reference Member State shall within 14 days following receipt of the notification acknowledge the validity of this notification and shall inform the other competent authorities concerned and the holder accordingly.
Če priglasitev izpolnjuje zahteve iz odstavkov 1 do 4, pristojni organ referenčne države članice v 14 dneh po prejemu priglasitve potrdi formalno popolnost priglasitve in ustrezno obvesti druge zadevne pristojne organe in imetnika.
52 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0094
Such notification shall be given by the requested authority as soon as it has taken its decision and in any event within three months of the date of the acknowledgement of the receipt of the request.
Zaprošeni organ to obvestilo pošlje, takoj ko sprejme odločitev, vsekakor pa v treh mesecih od datuma potrditve prejema prošnje.
53 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
On receipt of the notification the competent authority of destination shall send, within three working days, an acknowledgement to the notifier and copies thereof to the other competent authorities and to the consignee.
Po prejemu prijave pristojni organ namembne države v treh delovnih dneh pošlje potrditev prijavitelju, njene kopije pa drugim pristojnim organom in prejemniku.
54 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3385
The Commission shall, without delay, acknowledge in writing to the applicant or notifying party receipt of the application or notification, and of any reply to a letter sent by the Commission pursuant to Article 4 (2).
Komisija brez odlašanja vložniku ali priglasitelju pisno potrdi prejem vloge ali priglasitve ter kakršnega koli odgovora na pismo, ki ga je Komisija poslala na podlagi člena 4(2).
55 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
On receipt of the notification, the competent authority of destination shall, within three working days, send a written acknowledgement ot the notifier, with copies to the competent authorities of transit in the Community.
Ob prejemu prijave pristojni organ namembne države v treh delovnih dneh pošlje pisno potrditev prijavitelju, kopije pa pristojnim organom držav tranzita v Skupnosti.
56 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
The Commission shall without delay acknowledge in writing to the notifying parties or their representatives receipt of the notification and of any reply to a letter sent by the Commission pursuant to Article 5(2) and 5(3).
Komisija strankam, ki priglašajo, ali njihovim zastopnikom nemudoma pisno potrdi, da je prejela priglasitev in kakršen koli odgovor na pismo, ki ga je poslala v skladu s členom 5(2) in 5(3).
57 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
On receipt of the notification, the competent authority of destination shall, within three working days, send an acknowledgement to the notifier and copies thereof to the other competent authorities concerned and to the consignee.
Po prejemu prijave pristojni organ namembne države v treh delovnih dneh pošlje potrditev prijavitelju, njene kopije pa drugim pristojnim organom in prejemniku.
58 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1745
The participating NCBs shall publish calendars indicating the forthcoming time limits for notification and acknowledgement of data relevant to minimum reserves for the implementation of the procedures mentioned in this Article.
Za izvajanje postopkov iz tega člena sodelujoče NCB objavijo koledarje prihodnjih rokov glede sporočanja in potrditve podatkov v zvezi z obveznimi rezervami.
59 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1745
The procedures for calculation, notification, confirmation, revision and acknowledgment set out in Article 5(3), (4) and (6) of Regulation (EC) No 2818/98 (ECB/1998/15) shall apply to this transitional maintenance period.
Postopki za izračun, sporočanje, potrditev, popravke in ponovno potrditev, kakor so določeni v členu 5(3), (4) in (6) Uredbe (ES) št. 2818/98 (ECB/1998/15), se uporabijo za to prehodno obdobje izpolnjevanja.
60 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0081
Member States shall designate the authority or authorities competent to implement the measures which they adopt in application of this Directive and to receive and acknowledge the notifications referred to in Articles 7, 9 and 10.
Države članice določijo organ ali organe oblasti, pristojne za izvajanje ukrepov, ki jih sprejmejo v skladu s to direktivo, ter za sprejemanje in potrjevanje prijav iz členov 7, 9 in 10.
61 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1745
If the notified party has not replied to the notification by the end of the NCB business day preceding the start of the maintenance period, it shall be deemed to have acknowledged the amount of minimum reserves of the institution for the relevant maintenance period.
Če se obveščena stranka ne odzove na obvestilo do konca zadnjega delovnega dne NCB pred začetkom obdobja izpolnjevanja, velja, da je znesek obveznih rezerv institucije za ustrezno obdobje izpolnjevanja potrjen.
62 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0219
Member States shall designate the authority or authorities competent to implement the measures which they adopt in application of this Directive and to receive and acknowledge the notifications referred to in Article 8, Article 9 (2) and Article 10.
Države članice določijo organ oblasti ali organe oblasti, pristojne za izvajanje ukrepov, ki jih sprejmejo za uporabo te direktive, in za sprejemanje ter potrjevanje prijav iz člena 8, člena 9(2) in člena 10.
63 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1946
Failure by the Party or non-Party of import to acknowledge receipt of a notification or to communicate its decision in accordance with paragraph 2 shall not imply its consent or refusal to the import of a GMO intended for direct use as food or feed, or for processing.
Če pogodbenica ali nepogodbenica uvoznica ne potrdi prejema priglasitve ali ne sporoči svoje odločitve v skladu z odstavkom 2, to ne pomeni, da soglaša z uvozom ali zavrača uvoz GSO, namenjenega za neposredno uporabo kot živilo ali krma ali za predelavo.
64 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2245
Where notification is effected by registered letter, whether or not with acknowledgement of delivery, it shall be deemed to be delivered to the addressee on the 10th day following that of its posting, unless the letter has failed to reach the addressee or has reached him/her at a later date.
Če se vročanje opravlja s priporočenim pismom, s potrdilom o izročitvi ali brez, se dokument šteje za dostavljenega naslovniku deseti dan po dnevu, ko je bil odposlan, razen če pismo ni prišlo do naslovnika ali je prišlo do njega na kasnejši datum.
65 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1084
If, within 30 days of the date of the acknowledgement of receipt of a valid notification the competent authority of the reference Member State has not sent the holder its opinion provided for in paragraph 8, the notified variation shall be deemed to have been accepted by all competent authorities of the Member States concerned.
Če pristojni organ referenčne države članice v 30 dneh od datuma potrditve prejema veljavne priglasitve imetniku ne pošlje svojega mnenja, predpisanega v odstavku 8, se šteje, da so spremembo, ki je predmet priglasitve, sprejeli vsi pristojni organi zadevnih držav članic.
66 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1946
The exporter shall for a period of a minimum of five years keep a record of the notification referred to in Article 4 and the acknowledgement of receipt and the decision of the Party or, where appropriate, non-Party of import and send a copy of these documents to the competent authority of the Member State from which the GMO is exported and to the Commission.
Izvoznik vsaj pet let hrani dokumentacijo o priglasitvi iz člena 4 in o prejemu potrdila ter odločitvi pogodbenice ali, če je primerno, nepogodbenice uvoznice ter pošlje izvod teh dokumentov pristojnemu organu države članice, iz katere se GSO izvaža, in Komisiji.
67 Prevajalska redakcija
Non-nuclear material, nuclear material and equipment transferred between the Parties or their respective persons or undertakings, whether directly or through a third country, shall become subject to this Agreement upon their entry into the territorial jurisdiction of the receiving Party, provided that the supplying Party has notified the receiving Party in writing of the intended transfer and the receiving Party has acknowledged in writing the receipt of this notification.
Nejedrski materiali, jedrski materiali in oprema, ki se prenašajo med pogodbenicama ali njunimi osebami ter podjetji bodisi neposredno ali prek tretje države, postanejo predmet tega sporazuma po njihovem vstopu v ozemeljsko jurisdikcijo pogodbenice prejemnice, pod pogojem, da je pogodbenica dobaviteljica pisno obvestila pogodbenico prejemnico o nameravanem prenosu ter pogodbenica prejemnica pisno potrdila prejetje tega obvestila.
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acknowledge the notification