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administrative court
51 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(2) If the court establishes that the administrative act is void, it shall make the decision ' without sending the lawsuit for an answer.
(2) Če sodišče ugotovi, da je upravni akt ničen, odloči ne da bi poslalo tožbo v odgovor.
52 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
if it establishes that the contested administrative acts are void, and the court of first instance rejected the lawsuit as unsubstantiated.
če ugotovi, da je izpodbijani upravni akt ničen, sodišče prve stopnje pa je tožbo kot neutemeljeno zavrnilo.
53 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) When the court adjudicates at a session, it may only make the decision on the basis of facts established in the administrative procedure.
(1) Kadar sodišče sodi na seji, lahko odloči le na podlagi dejanskega stanja, ki je bilo ugotovljeno v upravnem postopku.
54 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(2) The court shall also make the decision from the preceding paragraph if it realises that the contested administrative acts are substantiated in law but for reasons other than those cited in the administrative acts;
(2) Sodišče odloči po prejšnjem odstavku tudi, če spozna, da je izpodbijani upravni akt po zakonu utemeljen, vendar iz drugih razlogov, kot so navedeni v upravnem aktu;
55 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) The court may remove the administrative act and decide on the matter with a ruling, if this is permitted by the nature of the matter and if:
(1) Sodišče sme upravni akt odpraviti in s sodbo odločiti o stvari, če narava stvari to dopušča in če:
56 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-55
b) grant to the Court, in the interest of its efficient functioning, the necessary level of administrative autonomy within the Council of Europe.
b) v okviru Sveta Evrope Sodišču zagotovijo potrebno raven upravne samostojnosti za njegovo učinkovito delovanje.
57 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
The Supreme Court shall, with a resolution, annul the ruling of the court of first instance if it establishes that an essential violation of provisions on administrative dispute procedures has been committed, and shall return the case to the same court of first instance for a repeat procedure.
Vrhovno sodišče s sklepom sodbo sodišča prve stopnje razveljavi, če ugotovi, da je podana bistvena kršitev določb postopka v upravnem sporu, in vrne zadevo istemu sodišču prve stopnje ali jo odstopi pristojnemu sodišču prve stopnje, da opravi nov postopek.
58 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
If necessary, an order of enforcement shall on request be issued by a court, tribunal or an administrative authority of the Contracting Party addressed.
Če je potrebno, sodišče, razsodišče ali upravni organ pogodbenice, na katero se odločitev nanaša, na podlagi zahtevka izda odločbo o izvršbi.
59 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
Each Contracting Party shall inform EUROCONTROL of the procedures applied in that State and of the competent courts, tribunals or administrative authorities.
Vsaka pogodbenica EUROCONTROL obvesti o postopkih, ki se uporabljajo v tej državi, in o pristojnih sodiščih, razsodiščih ali upravnih organih.
60 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(3) In the case from the preceding paragraph, the court shall request from the competent body an explanation as to why it did not issue the administrative act.
(3) V primeru iz prejšnjega odstavka sodišče od pristojnega organa zahteva pojasnilo, zakaj upravnega akta ni izdal.
61 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100
If the dispute cannot be settled in the manner determined in the preceding paragraph, the Supreme Court shall decide on the matter in an administrative dispute.
Če spora ni mogoče rešiti na način iz prejšnjega odstavka, odloči Vrhovno sodišče v upravnem sporu meritorno.
62 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
A duly certified translation of the documents shall be supplied if the court, tribunal or administrative authority of the Contracting Party addressed so requires.
Priloži se pravilno overjen prevod vseh dokumentov, če to zahteva sodišče, razsodišče ali upravni organ pogodbenice, na katero se odločitev nanaša.
63 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
lf the court establishes that the reasons from point 4 of the first paragraph of Article 25 exist, it shall proclaim the administrative act void with a resolution.
Če sodišče ugotovi, da so podani razlogi iz 4. točke prvega odstavka 25. člena tega zakona, s sklepom izreče upravni akt za ničen.
64 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The property and assets of the Union shall not be the subject of any administrative or legal measure of constraint without the authorisation of the Court of Justice.
Nepremičnine in premoženje Unije ne morejo biti predmet upravnega ali sodnega prisilnega ukrepa brez dovoljenja Sodišča.
65 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(3) When, in an administrative dispute, the court only rules on the legality of an administrative act and in disputes from the third paragraph of Article 2 of this Law, each of the parties shall be billed for their own costs related to the procedure.
(3) Kadar sodišče v upravnem sporu odloča le o zakonitosti upravnega akta in v sporih iz tretjega odstavka 2. člena tega zakona, trpi vsaka stranka svoje stroške postopka.
66 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
In the resolution, the court shall decide on which actions, contained in the essential violation of provisions in administrative dispute procedures, must be repeated.
V tem sklepu sodišče odloči tudi o tem, katera dejanja, ki jih zajema bistvena kršitev določb postopka v upravnem sporu, se ponovno opravijo.
67 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
In the resolution, the court shall decide on which actions, contained in the essential violation of provisions on administrative dispute procedures, must be repeated.
V tem sklepu sodišče odloči tudi o tem, katera dejanja, ki jih zajema bistvena kršitev določb postopka v upravnem sporu, se ponovno opravijo.
68 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The exclusive territorial jurisdiction to decide upon disputes arising during or due to the judicial or administrative execution proceedings and upon disputes arising during or in relation to bankruptcy proceedings, shall be vested in the court conducting the execution or bankruptcy proceedings and in the court of territorial jurisdiction over the court conducting the execution proceedings or, respectively, in the court on the territory of which the administrative execution is being carried out.
Za sojenje v sporih, ki nastanejo med sodnim ali upravnim izvršilnim postopkom oziroma zaradi sodnega ali upravnega izvršilnega postopka oziroma med stečajnim postopkom ali v zvezi s stečajnim postopkom, je izključno krajevno pristojno sodišče, ki vodi izvršilni ali stečajni postopek, oziroma sodišče, na območju katerega je sodišče, ki vodi izvršilni postopek, oziroma sodišče, na območju katerega se opravlja upravna izvršba.
69 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-59
The property and assets of the Communities shall not be the subject of any administrative or legal measure of constraint without the authorization of the Court of Justice.
Za lastnino in premoženje Skupnosti ne veljajo nikakršne upravne ali pravne omejitve, ne da bi jih odobrilo Sodišče.
70 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
EUROCONTROL shall have the capacity to institute proceedings before the competent courts, tribunals and administrative authorities of States not parties to the Convention.
EUROCONTROL ima pravico sprožiti postopke pri pristojnih sodiščih, razsodiščih in upravnih organih držav, ki niso pogodbenice te konvencije.
71 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
and legal remedy. (2) The court shall not have to cite the reasons for the decision if it follows the justification of the administrative act and asserts this in the ruling.
(2) Sodišču ni treba navajati razlogov za odločitev, kolikor sledi utemeljitvi upravnega akta in to v sodbi ugotovi.
72 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(2) At the main hearing, the court shall take evidence when it is necessary for adjudication in the administrative dispute, if the evidence was not taken in the procedure of issuing the contested administrative acts, or if other facts point to the need for a different assessment to the one made by the body which passed the contested administrative act.
(2) Na glavni obravnavi sodišče izvaja dokaze, kadar in kolikor je to potrebno za odločitev v upravnem sporu, pa dokazi niso bili že izvedeni v postopku izdaje izpodbijanega upravnega akta ali če druga dejstva kažejo na to, da jih je treba drugače presoditi, kot jih je presodil organ, ki je izdal izpodbijani upravni akt.
73 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(2) If the court removes the administrative act, it shall return the matter to the body which issued the administrative act for a repeat procedure and, in a case from point I of the preceding paragraph, it shall send that matter to the competent body for a repeat decision.
(2) Če sodišče upravni akt odpravi, vrne zadevo organu, ki je upravni akt izdal, v ponoven postopek, v primeru iz 1. točke prejšnjega odstavka pa pošlje zadevo v odločitev pristojnemu organu.
74 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) The court shall, in the same ruling in which it removed the contested administrative act, decide on the plaintiff's request to be returned items or to be reimbursed for damages.
(1) S sodbo, s katero se izpodbijani upravni akt odpravi, odloči sodišče tudi o tožnikovem zahtevku, da se mu vrnejo vzete stvari ali povrne škoda.
75 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) If, under the conditions from the second paragraph of Article 30 of this Law, the competent body does not suspend the implementation of an administrative act until a court ruling has been passed, the plaintiff may request a suspension from the court for the same reasons.
(1) Če pristojni organ v primerih in pod pogoji iz drugega odstavka 30. člena tega zakona ne odloži izvršitve upravnega akta do izdaje sodne odločbe, lahko tožnik zahteva odložitev iz enakih razlogov od sodišča.
76 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(2) In an administrative dispute, the court shall rule on the legality of individual final acts issued by state bodies, local community bodies or other holders of public authorisations.
(2) V upravnem sporu odloča sodišče o zakonitosti dokončnih posamičnih aktov, ki jih izdajo državni organi, organi lokalne skupnosti ali druge osebe, ki so nosilci javnih pooblastil.
77 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
(d) if proceedings relating to the same route charges have been previously instituted and are still pending before a court, tribunal or an administrative authority of the Contracting Party addressed;
(d) če je bil postopek glede istih preletnih pristojbin predhodno začet in še vedno o njem ni odločeno na sodišču, razsodišču ali pri upravnem organu pogodbenice, na katero se nanaša;
78 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(4) If, in the event of the body of first instance not issuing and serving the administrative act to the party within the prescribed period (an act issued after the lawsuit was filed), the court shall stop the procedure with a resolution, if an appeal may be filed against the issued administrative act.
(4) Če je bil v primeru, ko prvostopenjski organ ni izdal in vročil stranki upravnega akta v predpisanem roku, tak akt izdan po vložitvi tožbe, sodišče s sklepom ustavi postopek, če je zoper izdani upravni akt dovoljena pritožba.
79 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 29-2009
Proceedings with respect to the existence, validity or the amount of a revenue claim of a Contracting State shall not be brought before the courts or administrative bodies of the other Contracting State.
Obstoj, veljavnost ali višina davčne terjatve države pogodbenice ne bodo predmet postopka pred sodišči ali upravnimi telesi druge države pogodbenice.
80 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
(b) decisions of an administrative authority which have been subject to review by a court or tribunal, but are no longer so, either because the court or tribunal has dismissed the appeal by a final decision, or because the appeal has been withdrawn, or because the time for lodging the appeal has expired.
(b) odločitve upravnih organov, o katerih lahko odloča sodišče ali razsodišče, pa to ni mogoče bodisi zaradi tega, ker je sodišče ali razsodišče odločilo o pritožbi z dokončno odločitvijo ali ker je bila pritožba umaknjena ali ker je pretekel čas, v katerem je dovoljeno vložiti pritožbo.
81 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
Information, documents, and other communications received in the course of mutual assistance may only be used for the purposes specified in this Agreement, including the use in judicial and administrative proceedings.
Informacije, dokumente in druga sporočila, prejeta v okviru medsebojne pomoči, je mogoče uporabiti le za namene, določene v tem sporazumu, vključno z uporabo v sodnih in upravnih postopkih.
82 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) If the court adjudicates on a right, obligation or legal benefit in an administrative dispute, it shall apply the provisions of the Law on the Civil Procedure for the decision relating to the costs of the procedure.
(1) Če sodišče v upravnem sporu odloča o pravici, obveznosti ali pravni koristi, odloči o stroških postopka po določbah zakona o pravdnem postopku.
83 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(3) If the administrative body is authorised to adopt discretionary decisions, the court shall test whether the administrative act is illegal because the limits of discretionary decision making have been transgressed, and whether the discretionary right was used in a manner that does not suit the purpose for which it was granted.
(3) Če je upravni organ pooblaščen, da odloča po prostem preudarku, sodišče preveri, ali je upravni akt nezakonit, ker so bile prekoračene meje prostega preudarka ali ker je bil prosti preudarek uporabljen na način, ki ne ustreza namenu, za katerega je določen.
84 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(3) If the administrative body is authorised to adopt discretionary decisions, the court shall test whether the administrative act is illegal because the limits of discretionary decision making have been transgressed, and whether the discretionary right was used in a manner which does not suit the purpose for which it was granted.
(3) Če je upravni organ pooblaščen, da odloča po prostem preudarku, sodišče preveri, ali je upravni akt nezakonit, ker so bile prekoračene meje prostega preudarka ali ker je bil prosti preudarek uporabljen na način, ki ne ustreza namenu, za katerega je določen.
85 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(4) Matters which, under the provisions of the iaw were regulated before the entry into force of this Law and were to be adjudicated on by the Supreme Court in administrative disputes, shall lie within the competence of a court of first instance from 1 January 1998, unless matters specified in Article 10 of this Law are involved.
(4) Za zadeve, za katere je bilo po določbi zakona, uveljavljenega pred dnem pričetka uporabe tega zakona, pristojno odločiti v upravnem sporu vrhovno sodišče, je po 1. januarju 1998 pristojno na prvi stopnji upravno sodišče, če ne gre za zadeve, določene v 10. členu tega zakona.
86 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-26
Information, documents, and other communications received in the course of mutual assistance may only be used for the purposes specified in the present Agreement, including the use in judicial and administrative proceedings.
Informacije, dokumente in druga sporočila v okviru medsebojne pomoči je mogoče uporabiti le za namene, ki so določeni v tem sporazumu, vključno z uporabo v sodnih in upravnih postopkih.
87 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
(c) if the debtor did not receive notice of the decision of the administrative authority or of the institution of the proceedings in sufficient time to enable him/her to defend the case or to appeal to a court or a tribunal;
(c) če dolžnik ni pravočasno prejel obvestila o odločitvi upravnega organa ali o začetku postopka, da bi lahko pripravil obrambo ali se pritožil na sodišče ali razsodišče;
88 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
( I ) If an administrative act contains essential deficiencies which make an assessment of its legality impossible, the court may, for this reason, remove the act with a resolution, without sending the lawsuit for an answer.
(1) Če ima upravni akt take bistvene pomanjkljivosti, da zaradi njih ni mogoče presoditi, ali je zakonit ali ne, sme sodišče akt iz tega razloga s sodbo odpraviti, ne da bi poslalo tožbo v odgovor.
89 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(2) During a transitional period, the expiry of which shall be determined by the Administrative Council, the Administrative Council, after consulting the President of the European Patent Office, may appoint as members of the Enlarged Board of Appeal or of the Boards of Appeal technically or legally qualified members of national courts and authorities of Contracting States who may continue their activities in their national courts or authorities.
(2) V prehodnem obdobju, katerega trajanje določi upravni svet, lahko upravni svet po posvetu s predsednikom Evropskega patentnega urada imenuje kot člane razširjenega pritožbenega senata ali pritožbenih senatov tehnično ali pravno usposobljene člane državnih sodišč in organov držav pogodbenic, ki lahko še naprej opravljajo svoje dejavnosti na njihovih državnih sodiščih ali v njihovih državnih organih.
90 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Central Bank and the European Investment Bank shall be subject to the provisions of Article I-50(3) and to this Article only when exercising their administrative tasks.
Sodišče Evropske unije, Evropska centralna banka in Evropska investicijska banka upoštevajo tretji odstavek I-50. člena Ustave ter ta člen le pri izvajanju svojih upravnih nalog.
91 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
If other legal protection is not provided, the court having jurisdiction to review administrative acts also decides on the legality of individual actions and acts which intrude upon the constitutional rights of the individual.
Če ni zagotovljeno drugo sodno varstvo, odloča v upravnem sporu pristojno sodišče tudi o zakonitosti posamičnih dejanj in aktov, s katerimi se posega v ustavne pravice posameznika.
92 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-2
Information, documents, and other communications received in the course of mutual assistance may only be used for the purposes specified in the present Agreement, including their use in judicial and administrative proceedings.
Informacije, dokumente in druga sporočila v okviru medsebojne pomoči je mogoče uporabiti le za namene, določene v tem sporazumu, vključno z njihovo uporabo v sodnih in upravnih postopkih.
93 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
In addition, the report may mention transactions which have been posted in the course of an earlier budgetary period and about which new information has been obtained or transactions which are to be carried out in the course of a later financial period and about which it seems desirable to inform the Administrative Committee in advance.
Poleg tega lahko poročilo opozori na transakcije, ki so bile knjižene v nekem prejšnjem proračunskem obdobju in o katerih obstajajo novi podatki, ali transakcije, ki jih je treba opraviti v poznejšem proračunskem obdobju in o katerih je zaželeno vnaprej obvestiti upravni odbor.
94 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(2) If the court passed the ruling without the main hearing, an essential violation of the provision on administrative dispute procedures shall exist if it affected or could have affected the legality and correctness of the ruling.
(2) Če je sodišče izdalo sodbo brez glavne obravnave, je podana bistvena kršitev določb postopka v upravnem sporu, če je to vplivalo ali moglo vplivati na zakonitost in pravilnost sodbe.
95 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(3) In an administrative dispute, the court shall adjudicate on the legality of individual acts and actions which interfere with the constitutional rights of an individual, unless a different form of due process has been guaranteed.
(3) V upravnem sporu odloča sodišče o zakonitosti posamičnih aktov in dejanj, s katerimi se posega v ustavne pravice posameznika, če ni zagotovljeno drugo sodno varstvo.
96 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) The court shall, with a ruling, reject a lawsuit as unsubstantiated if it establishes that the procedure prior to the issuing of the contested administrative acts was correct, and that the decisions were correct and based in law.
(1) Sodišče s sodbo tožbo kot neutemeljeno zavrne, če ugotovi, da je bil postopek pred izdajo izpodbijanega upravnega akta pravilen, da je odločba pravilna in na zakonu utemeljena.
97 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
The Contracting Parties recognize each other's administrative or judicial decisions on the recovery of undue payments made under their legislations, provided that such decisions are no longer subject to appeal before any national court.
Pogodbenici si medsebojno priznavata upravne ali sodne odločbe o izterjavi preveč plačanih zneskov v skladu s svojima zakonodajama pod pogojem, da pritožba zoper te odločbe ni več mogoča pred katerim koli sodiščem pogodbenic.
98 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(2) If such agreement is not reached within six months from the date when the Administrative Council was seized of the dispute, any one of the States concerned may submit the dispute to the International Court of Justice for a binding decision.
(2) Če ta sporazum ni dosežen v šestih mesecih od datuma, ko je bil spor predložen upravnemu svetu, lahko vsaka od prizadetih držav predloži spor Mednarodnemu sodišču, da to izda zavezujočo odločitev.
99 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(2) If the decisions on the request from the preceding paragraph require facts to be established which would essentially prolong the administrative dispute procedure, the court may instruct the plaintiff to enforce the claim in a civil lawsuit.
(2) Če odločitev o zahtevku iz prejšnjega odstavka zahteva ugotavljanje dejstev, ki bi pomenilo bistveno podaljševanje postopka v upravnem sporu, lahko sodišče napoti tožnika, naj uveljavlja svoj zahtevek v pravdi.
100 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(1) Professional, administrative/technical and other staff employed by state authorities with the title of misdemeanour judge and staff employed by the Misdemeanours Panel of the Republic of Slovenia shall be assumed by and shall conclude employment relationships with courts as professional associates, court clerks, administrative/technical and other judiciary staff.
(1) Strokovne, administrativno tehnične in druge delavce, zaposlene v državnih organih z imenom sodnik za prekrške in na Senatu za prekrške Republike Slovenije, prevzamejo v delovno razmerje sodišča kot strokovne sodelavce, sodne referente, upravno tehnično in drugo sodno osebje.
Prevodi: en > sl
administrative court