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appeal body
51 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-39
The exchange of information is not restricted by Articles 1 and 2. Any information received by a Contracting State shall be treated as secret in the same manner as information obtained under the domestic laws of that State and shall be disclosed only to persons or authorities (including courts and administrative bodies) concerned with the assessment or collection of, the enforcement or prosecution in respect of, or the determination of appeals in relation to, the taxes referred to in the first sentence.
Izmenjava informacij ni omejena s 1. in 2. členom. Vsaka informacija, ki jo prejme država pogodbenica, se obravnava kot tajnost na isti način kot informacije, pridobljene po domači zakonodaji te države, in se razkrije samo osebam ali organom (vključno s sodišči in upravnimi organi), udeleženim pri odmeri ali pobiranju, izterjavi ali pregonu ali pri odločanju o pritožbah glede davkov iz prvega stavka.
52 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-94
The exchange of information is not restricted by Articles 1 and 2. Any information re­ceived by a Contracting State shall be treated as secret in the same manner as information obtained under the domestic laws of that State and shall be disclosed only to persons or authorities (including courts and administrative bodies) concerned with the assessment or collection of, the enforcement or prosecution in respect of, or the determination of appeals in relation to the taxes referred to in the first sentence.
Izmenjava informacij ni omejena s 1. in 2. členom. Vsaka informacija, ki jo prejme država pogodbenica, se obravnava kot tajnost na isti način kot informacije, pridobljene po domači zakonodaji te države, in se razkrije samo osebam ali organom (vključno s sodišči in upravnimi organi), udeleženim pri odmeri ali pobiranju, izterjavi ali pregonu ali pri odločanju o pritožbah glede davkov iz prvega stavka.
53 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
When the relevant body at the ZAPS determines that an individual that has lodged a request for the issue of a licence coded P fulfils the conditions specified in the second paragraph of this article, it shall enter the individual in the register and issue a confirmation of the conferral of a licence thereto and of entry in the register. If the relevant body at the ZAPS determines that an individual that has lodged a request for the issue of a licence coded P fails to fulfil the conditions specified in the second paragraph of this article, it shall deny the issue of the licence via a ruling issued in an administrative procedure. An appeal shall be allowed against the ruling, on which the ministry responsible for spatial planning and construction matters shall rule.
(4) Ko pristojni organ ZAPS ugotovi, da posameznik, ki je vložil zahtevo za izdajo licence z označbo “P”, izpolnjuje pogoje iz drugega odstavka tega člena, ga vpiše v imenik in mu o pridobitvi licence ter o tem, da je vpisan v imenik, izda potrdilo. Če pa pristojni organ ZAPS ugotovi, da posameznik, ki je vložil zahtevo za izdajo licence z označbo “P”, ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz drugega odstavka tega člena, izdajo licence z odločbo, izdano v upravnem postopku, zavrne. Zoper to odločbo je dovoljena pritožba, o kateri odloča ministrstvo, pristojno za prostorske in gradbene zadeve.
54 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
the name of the court which has appointed the representative ad litem; the legal ground for appointment; the name of the defendant or the plaintiff to whom the representative is appointed; the matter in dispute; the name of the representative, his occupation and residence; and a notice to the effect that the representative will represent the defendant, or the plaintiff, in the proceedings as long as the defendant or the plaintiff, or their respective attorneys, appear in court or until the body competent for social affairs notifies the court on appointment of a guardian.
navedbo sodišča, ki je postavilo začasnega zastopnika, zakonito podlago, ime tožene stranke ali tožeče stranke, ki se ji postavlja zastopnik, sporni predmet, ime zastopnika ter njegov poklic in prebivališče in pa opozorilo, da bo zastopnik zastopal toženo stranko ali tožečo stranko v postopku vse do takrat, dokler tožena stranka ali tožeča stranka ali njen pooblaščenec ne nastopi pred sodiščem oziroma dokler organ, pristojen za socialne zadeve, ne sporoči, da je postavil skrbnika.
55 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
When the relevant body at the ZAPS determines that an individual that has lodged a request for the issue of a licence coded A or a licence coded KA fulfils the conditions specified in the first paragraph of this article, it shall issue a confirmation of the conferral of a licence thereto and shall record such information in the register in which the individual is entered. If the relevant body at the ZAPS determines that an individual that has lodged a request for the issue of a licence coded A or a licence coded KA fails to fulfil the conditions specified in the first paragraph of this article, it shall deny the issue of the licence via a ruling issued in an administrative procedure. An appeal shall be allowed against the ruling, on which the ministry responsible for spatial planning and construction matters shall rule.
(3) Ko pristojni organ ZAPS ugotovi, da posameznik, ki je vložil zahtevo za izdajo licence z označbo “A” oziroma licence z označbo “KA”, izpolnjuje pogoje iz prvega odstavka tega člena, mu izda potrdilo o pridobitvi licence, hkrati pa v imenik, v katerega je vpisan, vpiše takšen podatek. Če pa pristojni organ ZAPS ugotovi, da posameznik, ki je vložil zahtevo za izdajo licence z označbo “A” oziroma licence z označbo “KA”, ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz prvega odstavka tega člena, izdajo licence z odločbo, izdano v upravnem postopku, zavrne. Zoper to odločbo je dovoljena pritožba, o kateri odloča ministrstvo, pristojno za prostorske in gradbene zadeve.
56 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Pending the outcome of any such appeal, the decision of the national regulatory authority shall stand, unless the appeal body decides otherwise.
Do koneanja vsakega takega pritožbenega postopka velja odloeba nacionalnega regulativnega organa, razen ee pritožbeni organ ne odloei drugaee.
57 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0030
Provisions should be adopted to ensure the right of appeal against the introduction of operating restrictions to an appeal body, which may be a court.
Treba je sprejeti določbe, ki zagotavljajo pravico do vložitve pravnega sredstva zoper uvedbo omejitev obratovanja na pritožbeni organ, ki je lahko sodišče.
58 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Where the appeal body referred to in paragraph 1 is not judicial in character, written reasons for its decision shall always be given.
Kadar pritožbeni organ iz odstavka 1 nima sodnega znaèaja, se razlogi za njegovo odloèitev vedno obrazložijo v pisni obliki.
59 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0030
Member States shall ensure the right to appeal against the measures taken pursuant to Article 6 and Article 7(b) before an appeal body other than the authority that has adopted the contested measure, in accordance with national legislation and procedures.
Države članice v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo in postopki zagotoviti pravico do vložitve pravnega sredstva zoper ukrepe, sprejete po členu 6 in členu 7(b), pred pritožbenim organom, ki ni organ, ki je sprejel sporni ukrep.
60 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Member States shall ensure that effective mechanisms exist at national level under which any user or undertaking providing electronic communications networks and/or services who is affected by a decision of a national regulatory authority has the right of appeal against the decision to an appeal body that is independent of the parties involved.
Države èlanice poskrbijo, da so na nacionalni ravni na voljo uèinkoviti mehanizmi, po katerih ima vsak uporabnik ali podjetje, ki zagotavlja elektronska komunikacijska omrežja in/ali storitve ter je prizadet z odloèbo nacionalnega regulativnega organa, pravico do pritožbe zoper odloèbo pri pritožbenem organu, ki je neodvisen od udeleženih strank.
61 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Name and address of the body responsible for appeal and, where appropriate, mediation procedures.
Ime in naslov pritožbenega organa in, če je to primerno, postopki posredovanja.
62 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Name and address of the body responsible for appeal and, where appropriate, mediation procedures.
Ime in naslov pritožbenega organa in, če je to primerno, postopki posredovanja.
63 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Name and address of the body responsible for the appeal and, where appropriate, mediation procedures.
Ime in naslov pritožbenega organa in, če je to primerno, postopki posredovanja.
64 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
National Regulatory and Appeals bodies [such as in the telecommunications, energy, planning etc. areas]
Državni organi za nadzor in pritožbe (kot npr. v telekomunikacijah, energetiki, načrtovanju)
65 Končna redakcija
When top models do appear at such shows, the purpose is to additionally stylize the clothes by lending fashionable bodies to them.
Če na takšnih prireditvah nastopajo zvezdni.ki modeli, je namen dodatno stilizirati obleko, hkrati pa se modni obleki poda modno telo.
66 Končna redakcija
Fashion is very selective; in many cases, it is the body that must be adapted to fashion trends and to the overall fashionable appearance.
Moda je zelo selektivna; večkrat se mora telo prilagajati modnim smernicam in celostnemu modnemu videzu.
67 Končna redakcija
By and large, women do not appear as political protagonists either on this year's posters distributed countrywide or in the top bodies of the parties.
Nasploh žensk kot političnih protagonistk na letošnjih vseslovenskih plakatih - kot tudi v najožjih vrhovih strank - ni.
68 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Any party who is the subject of a decision by a national regulatory authority should have the right to appeal to a body that is independent of the parties involved.
Vsaka stranka, za katero velja sklep nacionalnega regulativnega organa, mora imeti pravico do pritožbe pri organu, neodvisnem od udeleženih strank.
69 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977R0818
Whereas in these circumstances a suspension of this Regulation appears desirable with a view to avoiding a burden which is not strictly necessary on the bodies concerned;
ker je v teh okoliščinah zaželeno začasno prenehanje uporabe te uredbe, da bi se preprečilo obremenjevanje vpletenih organov, ki ni nujno potrebno;
70 Končna redakcija
Cosmetic treatment of the body exacts from a woman constant concentration on her body and image including close self-observation (watching for the appearance of wrinkles, gray hair, body hair, monitoring changes in skin color, increase of cellulite and fat deposits, the quality of nails, shine of the hair, etc.)
Kozmetični tretmaji telesa zahtevajo od žensk nenehno osredotočenost na svoje telo in svojo podobo, natančno samoopazovanje (nastajanja gub, pojavljanja sivih las, rasti dlačic, spreminjanja barve polti, širjenja celulitisa in maščobih blazinic, kakovosti nohtov, leska las ipd.)
71 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Member States shall ensure that effective mechanisms exist to allow undertakings to appeal against decisions on the granting of rights to install facilities to a body that is independent of the parties involved.
Države èlanice zagotovijo obstoj uèinkovitih mehanizmov, s katerimi se lahko podjetja pritožijo zoper odloèbe o podelitvi pravic za vgradnjo naprav organu, ki je neodvisen od udeleženih strank.
72 Končna redakcija
Together with the accompanying text (special columns like Beauty, Beauty Tips, News, Health, Recreation), this amounts to nearly 50% of each issue being dedicated exclusively to the female body and its appearance.
Če prištejemo še strani spremljevalnega teksta (gre za posebno rubriko Lepota, lepotni nasveti, novice, zdravje, rekreacija), se približamo številki 50 odstotkov obsega revije, ki obravnava izključno žensko telo in njeno zunanjo podobo.
73 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0812
Wine imports under concessions provided for in agreements with certain third countries are subject to the presentation of attestations, issued by official bodies or bodies officially recognised by both contracting parties and appearing on lists drawn up jointly, to the effect that the wine in question meets the conditions for access to the concessions.
Uvoz vina s koncesijami, predvidenimi v sporazumih z nekaterimi tretjimi državami, je dovoljen na podlagi potrdil, ki jih izdajo uradna telesa ali telesa, ki jih uradno priznata obe pogodbenici in so vključeni v sezname, ki jih pogodbenici izdelata skupaj, z namenom, da zadevno vino izpolnjuje pogoje za dostop do koncesij.
74 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
DRUGO: 025-12-0006-2011-1
Such information shall be disclosed only to persons or authorities (including courts and administrative bodies) concerned with the purposes specified in Article 1, and used by such persons or authorities only for such purposes, including the determination of any appeal.
Take informacije se razkrijejo samo osebam ali organom (vključno s sodišči in upravnimi organi) za namene, navedene v 1. členu, in jih te osebe ali organi uporabljajo samo za te namene, vključno z odločitvijo o pritožbah.
75 Končna redakcija
Our analysis of the quantity and contents of the advertisements that appeared in Glamur during 2001 confirms our initial hypothesis that women's magazines in modern society perform the function of disciplining the woman's body and through it subjectify the modus of femininity typical o f an image-ridden consumer society.
Z analizo količine in vsebine kozmetičnih oglasov v reviji Glamur, letnik 2001, lahko vsekakor potrdimo izhodiščno tezo, da opravljajo ženske revije v sodobni družbi funkcijo discipliniranja ženskega telesa in s tem subjektivacije za potrošniško družbo podob značilnega modusa ženskosti.
76 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
whereas it appears possible to take specific measures - in respect of armed forces which are under the command either of a Member State or an international organisation of which at least one of the Member States is a member, in respect of international organisations of which at least one Member State is a member and in respect of diplomatic bodies - which provide that the proof of import shall be furnished by a special document;
ker se zdi možno za oborožene sile pod poveljstvom bodisi države članice ali mednarodne organizacije, katere članica je najmanj ena država članica, za mednarodne organizacije, katerih članica je najmanj ena država članica in za diplomatska telesa, sprejeti posebne ukrepe, ki določajo, da se dokazilo o uvozu predloži s posebnim dokumentom;
77 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
DRUGO: 025-12-76-2008-1
Any information received by a Contracting State shall be treated as secret in the same manner as information obtained under the domestic laws of that State, and shall be disclosed only to persons or authorities (including courts and administrative bodies) concerned with the assessment or collection of, the enforcement or prosecution in respect of, or the determination of appeals in relation to, the taxes covered by the Agreement.
Vsaka informacija, ki jo prejme država pogodbenica, se obravnava kot tajnost na isti način kot informacije, pridobljene po domači zakonodaji te države, in se razkrije samo osebam ali organom (vključno s sodišči in upravnimi organi), udeleženim pri odmeri ali pobiranju, izterjavi ali pregonu ali pri odločanju o pritožbah glede davkov, za katere se uporablja ta sporazum.
78 Končna redakcija
Without prejudice to the Decision of 8 April 1965 and the provisions and possibilities contained therein regarding the seats of institutions, bodies and departments to be set up, the Luxembourg Government undertakes not to claim the seat of the Boards of Appeal of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (trade marks and designs), which will remain in Alicante, even if those Boards were to become judicial panels within the meaning of Article 220 of the Treaty establishing the European Community.
Brez poseganja v sklep z dne 8. aprila 1965 in v njem vsebovane določbe in možnosti glede sedežev institucij, organov in služb, ki bodo vzpostavljeni, luksemburška vlada zagotavlja, da ne bo zahtevala sedeža pritožbenih senatov Urada za usklajevanje na notranjem trgu (znamke in modeli), ki bodo ostali v Alicanteju, četudi bi ti senati postali sodni oddelki v smislu člena 220 Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti.
79 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
Any information received under paragraph 1 by a Contracting State shall be treated as secret in the same manner as information obtained under the domestic laws of that State and shall be disclosed only to persons or authorities (including courts and administrative bodies) concerned with the assessment or collection of, the enforcement or prosecution in respect of, or the determination of appeals in relation to, the taxes referred to in paragraph 1. Such persons or authorities shall use the information only for such purposes.
Vsaka informacija, ki jo prejme država pogodbenica na podlagi prvega odstavka, se obravnava kot tajnost na isti način kot informacije, pridobljene po domači zakonodaji te države, in se razkrije samo osebam ali organom (vključno s sodišči in upravnimi organi), udeleženim pri odmeri ali pobiranju davkov, izterjavi ali pregonu ali pri odločanju o pritožbah glede davkov iz prvega odstavka. Te osebe ali organi uporabljajo informacije samo v te namene.
80 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
DRUGO: 025-12-0038-2010-1
However, if the information is originally regarded as secret in the transmitting state it shall be disclosed only to persons or authorities (including courts and administrative bodies) involved in the assessment or collection of, the enforcement or prosecution in respect of, or the determination of appeals in relation to, the taxes which are the subject of the Convention, such persons or authorities shall use the information only for such purposes but may disclose the information in public court proceedings or in judicial decisions.
Če pa se informacija šteje za tajnost v državi, ki informacijo da, se razkrije samo osebam ali organom (vključno s sodišči in upravnimi organi), udeleženim pri odmeri ali pobiranju, izterjavi ali pregonu ali pri odločanju o pritožbah glede davkov, za katere se uporablja konvencija; te osebe ali organi uporabljajo informacije samo v te namene, vendar pa jih lahko razkrijejo v sodnih postopkih ali pri sodnih odločitvah.
81 Končna redakcija
Female body care includes facial gymnastics, avoidance of strenuous facial gestures, regular use of numerous chemical products ranging from a myriad of powders (that 'softly cover and care', 'reflect light', 'smooth', are 'as light as air2, give you 'natural matte look', protect 'against stress2, are ideal 'for oily skin'), cleansing milks, refreshing lotions, deep exfoliating products and nourishing face masks, to countless creams including day, night and moisturizing creams, those that prevent the appearance of wrinkles, are made for delicate skin around the eyes, contain vitamin C, anti-stress creams and many more.
Nega ženskega telesa vključuje izogibanje močni obrazni mimiki, izvajanje obraznih vaj, redno uporabo številnih kemičnih preparatov od pudrov (ki jih je spet cela paleta: »nežno prekriva in neguje«, »lahek kot zrak«, »odbija svetlobo «, »gladi fizično«, »za naraven mat videz«, »proti stresu«, »za mastno kožo«), čistilnega mleka, osvežilnega losijona, globinskega luščenja in hranilne maske do neskončne vrste krem: dnevne, nočne, vlažilne, proti gubam, za okoli oči, z vitaminom c, antistresno
82 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0915
Article 14 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2729/81 of 14 September 1981 laying down special rules implementing the system of import and export licences and the advance fixing of refunds in respect of milk and milk products(3) provides that for the purposes of applications for licences with advance fixing of the refund submitted under a tendering procedure opened in a non-member country, the only invitations to tender that may be considered are those issued by public agencies or bodies governed by public law appearing on the list attached to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2730/81 of 14 September 1981 establishing a list of agencies in non-member importing countries entitled to issue invitations to tender in the milk and milk products sector(4).
Člen 14 Uredbe Komisije (EGS) št. 2729/81 z dne 14. septembra 1981 o določitvi posebnih pravil za uporabo sistema uvoznih in izvoznih dovoljenj in vnaprejšnje določanje nadomestil za mleko in mlečne izdelke [3] določa, da se za zahtevke za dovoljenja z vnaprejšnjo določitvijo nadomestila, vložene v okviru razpisnega postopka v državi nečlanici, lahko upoštevajo samo tisti razpisi, ki jih objavijo javne agencije ali osebe javnega prava, ki so na seznamu, priloženem Uredbi Komisije (EGS) št. 2730/81 z dne 14. septembra 1981 o določitvi seznama agencij in v državah uvoznicah, ki niso članice EU in so upravičene do objave javnih razpisov v sektorju mleka in mlečnih izdelkov [4].
83 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0385
Following a successful appeal of an operator to an independent body under Dutch jurisdiction against the decision of the Dutch authorities not to approve that operator in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 780/2003 of 7 May 2003 opening and providing for the administration of a tariff quota for frozen meat of bovine animals covered by CN code 0202 and products covered by CN code 0206 29 91 (1 July 2003 to 30 June 2004)(2) and, consequently, to reject his application for an import licence lodged during the first period (1 to 4 July 2003) in accordance with the first indent of Article 12(2) of that Regulation, the Dutch authorities were bound to approve this operator retrospectively and to issue an import licence in respect of 33,34071 tonnes of frozen meat of bovine animals for that period.
Po uspešni pritožbi izvoznika na neodvisni organ v nizozemski sodni pristojnosti proti odločitvi pristojnih nizozemskih organov, da v skladu s členoma 8 in 9 Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 780/2003 z dne 7. maja 2003 o odpiranju in dodeljevanju tarifne kvote za zamrznjeno goveje meso, zajeto v oznaki KN 0202, in za proizvode, zajete v oznaki KN 02062991 (od 1. julija 2003 do 30. junija 2004) [2], ne potrdijo tega izvoznika in posledično zavrnejo njegov zahtevek za uvozno dovoljenje, oddan v prvem obdobju (od 1. do 4. julija 2003) v skladu s prvo alineo člena 12(2) Uredbe, so morali pristojni nizozemski organi izvozniku odobriti zahtevek z učinkom za nazaj in izdati uvozno dovoljenje za 33,34071 tone zamrznjenega govejega mesa za to obdobje.
84 Pravna redakcija
The efficient management and fair and non-discriminatory use of rail infrastructure require the establishment of a regulatory body that oversees the application of these Community rules and acts as an appeal body, notwithstanding the possibility of judicial review.
Učinkovito upravljanje ter pravična in enakopravna uporaba železniške infrastrukture zahtevata ustanovitev upravnega organa, ki nadzoruje uporabo predpisov Skupnosti in deluje kot pritožbeni organ, ne glede na možnost sodne revizije.
85 Pravna redakcija
The body appealed to shall act as though on its own behalf.
Zaprošena služba ravna kot v svojem imenu.
86 Pravna redakcija
In agreement with the body appealed to, the applicant body may designate officials:
V dogovoru z zaprošeno službo lahko služba, ki zaprosi, določi uradnike svoje države članice:
87 Pravna redakcija
If the enquirer lodges and appeal to the joint supervisory body provided for in Article 24, the appeal shall be examined by that body.
Če prosilec pošlje pritožbo skupnemu nadzornemu organu iz člena 24, navedeni organ pritožbo pregleda.
88 Pravna redakcija
The body appealed to shall provide all such information as may enable the applicant body to carry out its duties.
Zaprošena služba priskrbi službi, ki zaprosi, vse informacije, ki bi lahko omogočile izpolnjevanje njenih nalog.
89 Pravna redakcija
The officials of the body appealed to shall remain in charge of the control operations at all times.
Uradniki zaprošene službe ves čas skrbijo za izvajanje nadzora.
90 Pravna redakcija
Number allocated by competent body that appears on the application form for the use of the eco-label.
Številka, ki jo je dodelilo pristojno telo, prikazano na obrazcu za vlogo, za uporabo znaka za okolje.
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appeal body