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51 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0080
A manufacturer may request that the type-approval authority grant a deficiency retrospectively when such a deficiency is discovered after the original type-approval.
Če se pomanjkljivost ugotovi, ko je bila homologacija že podeljena, lahko proizvajalec od homologacijskega organa, ki je podelil prvotno homologacijo, zahteva sprejetje pomanjkljivosti s povratno veljavo.
52 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1093
Where irregularities are discovered during the checks referred to in the first subparagraph, the Member State concerned shall inform the competent authority of the importer Member State.
Kadar se pri preverjanju iz prvega pododstavka ugotovijo nepravilnosti, zadevna država članica obvesti pristojni organ države članice uvoznice.
53 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0573
Previously unknown medical dispositions, which are discovered immediately before departure and which may affect the enforcement of the removal, should be assessed with the responsible authorities;
Predhodno neugotovljena zdravstvena stanja, ki se jih odkrije neposredno pred odhodom in ki lahko vplivajo na izvršitev odstranitve, je treba presoditi z odgovornimi organi;
54 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2343
The authorising officer responsible shall cancel an established amount receivable when the discovery of a mistake as to a point of law or fact reveals that the amount had not been correctly established.
Pristojni odredbodajalec razveljavi pripoznani znesek terjatve, če se na podlagi ugotovljene napake v zvezi s pravno ali stvarno podlago izkaže, da terjatev ni bila pravilno pripoznana.
55 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Where the customs authorities themselves discover within this period that one or other of the situations described in the first and second subparagraphs of paragraph 1 exists, they shall repay or remit on their own initiative.
Carinski organi po službeni dolžnosti povrnejo ali odpustijo dajatve, če v tem roku sami ugotovijo, da gre za enega od primerov iz prvega in drugega pododstavka odstavka 1.
56 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Amendment of the goods declaration for home use does not prevent the customs authorities from taking any necessary action if an offence has been discovered during the checking of the declaration or the examination of the goods.
Sprememba deklaracije blaga za domačo uporabo carinskim organom ne preprečuje izvajanja kakršnih koli potrebnih ukrepov, če se med preverjanjem deklaracije ali pregledom blaga odkrije prekršek.
57 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Withdrawal of the goods declaration for home use does not prevent the customs authorities from taking any necessary action if an offence has been discovered during the checking of the declaration or the examination of the goods.
Umik deklaracije blaga za domačo uporabo carinskim organom ne preprečuje izvajanja kakršnih koli potrebnih ukrepov, če se med preverjanjem deklaracije ali pregledovanjem blaga odkrije prekršek.
58 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1517
Should a significant number of irregularities be discovered in a Nomos the competent authority shall make additional checks during the year in question and increase the percentage of applications to be checked in the following year in that Nomos.
Če se ugotovi znatno število nepravilnosti v nomosu, izvede pristojni organ med zadevnim letom dodatne preglede in poveča odstotek zahtevkov, ki jih bo v tem nomosu preverjal naslednje leto.
59 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0308
Member States shall ensure that if, in the course of inspections carried out in credit or financial institutions by the competent authorities, or in any other way, those authorities discover facts that could constitute evidence of money laundering, they inform the authorities responsible for combating money laundering.
Države članice zagotovijo, da kreditne ali finančne ustanove, pri katerih se med inšpekcijskimi pregledi, ki jih izvajajo pristojni organi, ali na drug način odkrijejo dejstva, ki lahko predstavljajo dokaz o pranju denarja, o tem obvestijo organe, odgovorne za boj proti pranju denarja.
60 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R1382
When in a Member State an alleged infringement relating to a vessel of another Member State has been discovered, the former Member State shall inform the competent authority of the flag State of this fact and also of any administrative or legal action taken as a result.
Ko država članica ugotovi domnevno kršitev v zvezi s plovilom druge države članice, prva država članica o tem dejstvu obvesti pristojne organe države, pod katere zastavo plovilo pluje, kot tudi o vsakem upravnem ali sodnem postopku, ki je bil uveden na tej podlagi.
61 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2343
The authorising officer responsible shall adjust the amount of an established debt upwards or downwards when the discovery of a factual error entails the alteration of the amount of the debt, provided that this correction does not involve the loss of the established entitlement of the Community body.
Pristojni odredbodajalec popravi pripoznani znesek terjatve navzgor ali navzdol, če je popravek zneska potreben zaradi odkritja stvarne napake, pod pogojem, da popravek ne pomeni odstopa od ugotovljene upravičenosti organa Skupnosti.
62 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0012
The duty of auditors to communicate, where appropriate, to the competent authorities certain facts and decisions concerning a credit institution which they discover during the performance of their tasks in a non-financial undertaking does not in itself change the nature of their tasks in that undertaking nor the manner in which they must perform those tasks in that undertaking.
Obveza revizorjev, da pristojnim organom po potrebi sporočajo nekatera dejstva in odločitve, povezane s kreditno institucijo, ki jih odkrijejo med opravljanjem svojih nalog v nefinančnem podjetju, sama po sebi ne spremeni narave njihovih nalog v tem podjetju, niti načina opravljanja teh nalog v istem podjetju.
63 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989D0285
When the customs causes the approval plate to be removed or when a serious defect is discovered in a series of containers which renders them no longer in compliance with the standards under which they were approved for tansport under customs seal, the approval authority or, where appropriate, the customs administration responsible for the approval should be notified accordingly.
Kadar carina poskrbi za odstranitev verifikacijske ploščice ali kadar se odkrije večja okvara pri skupini zabojnikov, tako da ti ne ustrezajo več standardom, po katerih so bili odobreni za prevoz pod carinsko oznako, bi se moral o tem obvestiti organ, ki je izdal odobritev, ali, kjer je to primerno, carinska uprava, odgovorna za odobritev.
64 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0083
The duty of auditors to communicate, where appropriate, to the competent authorities certain facts and decisions concerning an assurance undertaking which they discover during the performance of their tasks in a non-assurance undertaking does not in itself change the nature of their tasks in that undertaking nor the manner in which they must perform those tasks in that undertaking.
Dolžnost revizorjev, da po potebi pristojne organe obvestijo o nekaterih dejstvih in odločitvah v zvezi z zavarovalnico, če taka dejstva pri opravljanju njihovih nalog v podjetju, ki ni zavarovalnica, ugotovijo, sama po sebi ne spremeni niti narave njihovih nalog v navedenem podjetju niti načina, kako morajo te naloge v navedenem podjetju opraviti.
65 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0026
Whereas the duty of auditors to communicate, where appropriate, to the competent authorities certain facts and decisions concerning a financial undertaking which they discover during the performance of their tasks in a non-financial undertaking does not in itself change the nature of their tasks in that undertaking nor the manner in which they must perform those tasks in that undertaking;
ker dolžnost revizorjev, da sporočijo, kadar je primerno, pristojnim organom nekatera dejstva in sklepe v zvezi s finančnim podjetjem, ki so jih odkrili med izvajanjem svojih nalog v nefinančnem podjetju, sama po sebi ne menja narave njihovih nalog v tem podjetju, niti načina, kako morajo opraviti te naloge v tem podjetju;
66 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0023
Where unauthorized substances or products or substances listed in Group A and Group B (1) and (2) of Annex I are discovered in the possession of non-authorized persons, those unauthorized substances or products must be placed under official control until appropriate measures are taken by the competent authority, without prejudice to the possible imposition of penalties on the offender(s).
Kadar se nedovoljene snovi in pripravke ali snovi iz skupine A in skupine B(1) in (2) Priloge I odkrije pri nepooblaščenih osebah, morajo nedovoljene snovi in pripravki preiti pod uradni nadzor, dokler pristojni organ ne sprejme ustreznih ukrepov, vendar to ne vpliva na morebitne kazni za kršitelja/kršitelje.
67 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Where the customs authorities sell goods which have not been declared within the time allowed or could not be released although no offence has been discovered, the proceeds of the sale, after deduction of the import duties and taxes and all other charges and expenses incurred, should be made over to the person(s) entitled to receive them, when this is possible, or be held at their disposal for a specified period.
Če carinski organi prodajo blago, ki ni bilo pravočasno prijavljeno ali ga ni bilo mogoče prepustiti, čeprav ni bil ugotovljen noben prekršek, se iztržek od prodaje po odbitku uvoznih dajatev in davkov ter vseh drugih nastalih taks in stroškov, če je mogoče, vrne osebi ali osebam, ki so do njega upravičene, ali pa se določen čas hrani za njih.
68 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1148
The inspection bodies of a Member State on whose territory a lot of goods from another Member State is found not to conform with the standards because of defects or deterioration which could have been detected at the time of packaging shall immediately notify such cases of non-conformity discovered up to the wholesale marketing stage, including at distribution centres, to the authorities of the other Member States likely to be concerned.
Inšpekcijski organi države članice, na ozemlju katere je ugotovljeno, da serija blaga iz druge države članice zaradi pomanjkljivosti ali poškodb, ki bi se lahko ugotovile že med pakiranjem, ni skladna s standardi, o takih primerih neskladnosti, ugotovljenih do stopnje trženja na debelo, vključno v centrih za distribucijo, nemudoma obvestijo organe drugih držav članic, ki bi jih to lahko zadevalo.
69 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
During the clearance of goods declared for home use, or after their release, it may be discovered, either by the importer himself or by the customs authorities, that the basis upon which the customs charges were calculated was incorrect owing inter alia to an error on the part of the customs authorities, the declarant or some other person concerned (e.g., the consignor or shipper), and that for this reason the import duties and taxes charged or to be charged are greater than those which were actually chargeable.
Med carinjenjem blaga, prijavljenega za domačo uporabo, ali po njegovi prepustitvi lahko uvoznik sam ali carinski organi odkrijejo, da je osnova, iz katere so bile izračunane carinske bremenitve, nepravilna, med drugim zaradi napake pri carinskih organih, deklarantu ali kakšni drugi osebi, ki jo to zadeva (npr. pošiljatelju), in da so zato obračunane ali obračunljive uvozne dajatve in davki večji, kot bi bilo dejansko upravičeno.
70 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Where an offence has been discovered during the checking of the goods declaration or the accompanying documents or during the examination of the goods, the customs authorities should not wait for the offence to be regularized before they release the goods, provided that the declarant furnishes security to ensure collection of the additional import duties and taxes and of the penalties to which he is liable and that the goods art not liable to confiscation.
Kadar je bil med pregledom deklaracije blaga ali spremljajočih dokumentov ali med samim pregledom blaga odkrit prekršek, naj carinski organi ne bi čakali s prepustitvijo blaga na konec postopka zaradi prekrška, če deklarant predloži zavarovanje za plačilo vseh dodatnih uvoznih dajatev in davkov ter kazni, ki jih je zavezan poravnati, in če ne gre za blago, ki ga je treba odvzeti.
71 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0122
"orphan source" means a sealed source, the activity level of which, at the time of its discovery, is above the exemption level referred to in Article 3(2)(a) of Directive 96/29/Euratom, and which is not under regulatory control, either because it has never been under regulatory control or because it has been abandoned, lost, misplaced, stolen or transferred, without proper notification of the competent authority, to a new holder or without informing the recipient;
"vir neznanega izvora" pomeni zaprti vir, katerega stopnja aktivnosti je v času njegovega odkritja višja od izvzete ravni iz člena 3(2)(a) Direktive 96/29/Euratom in ki ni pod pravnim nadzorom, bodisi zato, ker ni nikoli bil pod pravnim nadzorom, bodisi zato, ker je bil opuščen, izgubljen, založen, ukraden ali prenesen novemu imetniku brez ustreznega sporočila pristojnemu organu ali brez obvestila prejemniku;
72 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0583
After the discovery of this residue finding, the authorities in the United States of America reinforced their hormone-free cattle programme in June 1999, but in the face of further problems in this programme identified in the course of a mission to the United States by the Food and Veterinary Office of the Commission, the hormone-free programme was suspended in July 1999 and relaunched later in September 1999, in an enhanced form as the non-hormone-treated cattle programme.
Po odkritju tega ostanka so organi v Združenih državah Amerike junija 1999 okrepili svoj program za proizvodnjo mesa govedi brez vsebnosti hormonov, vendar je bil ob nadaljnjih problemih v tem programu, identificiranih med misijo v Združenih državah, ki jo je opravil Urad Komisije za prehrano in veterinarstvo, program za proizvodnjo mesa brez vsebnosti hormonov julija 1999 ukinjen in pozneje septembra 1999 ponovno uveden v izboljšani obliki kakor program za proizvodnjo govedi, ki niso bile tretirane s hormoni.
73 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R1768
The competent authority shall only accept the application referred to in the third paragraph on condition that it includes a commitment by the person concerned to pay to the competent authority a sum equal to the securities released if it is discovered, during any control that the public authorities may carry out during the 12 months following the date of signature of the commitment, that the caseins or caseinates concerned had a destination other than that indicated in the supporting documents submitted in accordance with the third paragraph.
Pristojni organ sprejme zahtevek iz tretjega odstavka le pod pogojem, da vsebuje zavezo zadevne osebe, da bo pristojnemu organu plačala znesek, ki je enak znesku sproščene varščine, če se ob kontroli, ki jo lahko izvajajo državni organi v obdobju 12 mesecev po datumu podpisa zaveze, ugotovi, da so zadevni kazein in kazeinati prispeli v drug namembni kraj, kot je bilo navedeno v dodatni dokumentaciji v skladu s tretjim odstavkom.
74 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
The authorising officer responsible shall adjust the established amount receivable upwards or downwards if the discovery of an error of fact necessitates the alteration of the amount, provided that the correction does not imply relinquishment of the Communities' established entitlement.
Odgovorni odredbodajalec popravi ugotovljeni znesek terjatve navzgor ali navzdol, če je sprememba zneska potrebna zaradi odkritja stvarne napake, pod pogojem, da popravek ne pomeni odstopa od ugotovljene upravičenosti Skupnosti.
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