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certification procedure
51 Končna redakcija
Commission Directive 2001/2/EC(2) has amended the certification procedures provided for in Directive 1999/36/EC as regards the combination of the modules to be followed for the conformity assessment of new receptacles and new tanks.
Direktiva Komisije 2001/2/ES je spremenila certifikacijske postopke, predvidene v Direktivi 1999/36/ES glede kombinacije modulov, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri ugotavljanju skladnosti novih posod in novih cistern.
52 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0022
The European Parliament and Council invite the Commission to evaluate whether conformity assessment procedures for industrial products are properly applied and, where appropriate, to propose amendments in order to ensure consistent certification.
Evropski parlament in Svet povabita Komisijo, da oceni, ali se postopki za ugotavljanje skladnosti uporabljajo pravilno v zvezi z industrijskimi izdelki, in da, če je to primerno, predlaga spremembe zaradi zagotovitve enotnega potrjevanja skladnosti.
53 Končna redakcija
have been surveyed for the issue of certificates in accordance with the relevant procedures and guidelines annexed to IMO Assembly Resolution A.746(18) on survey guidelines under the harmonised system of survey and certification, as they stand at the time of adoption of this Directive or with procedures designed to achieve the same goal;
so bili pregledani za izdajo spričeval v skladu z ustreznimi postopki in smernicami iz Priloge k Resoluciji skupščine IMO A.746(18) o smernicah za preglede na podlagi usklajenega sistema za pregledovanje in certifikacijo, kakor veljajo ob sprejetju te direktive, ali s postopki, določenimi za isti namen;
54 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0022
Continued development in measurement technology as well as concerns expressed by stakeholders about certification, stress the need to ensure consistent conformity assessment procedures for industrial products, as requested by the Council Resolution adopted on 10 November 2003(8).
Nenehni razvoj merilne tehnologije in zanimanje zainteresiranih strani glede potrjevanja skladnosti poudarjata potrebo po zagotovitvi doslednih postopkov za ugotavljanje skladnosti industrijskih proizvodov, kakor zahteva Resolucija Sveta, sprejeta 10. novembra 2003 [8].
55 Končna redakcija
The products set out in Annex I shall have their conformity attested by a procedure whereby, in addition to a factory production control system operated by the manufacturer, an approved certification body is involved in assessment and surveillance of the production control or of the product itself.
Skladnost proizvodov, ki so navedeni v Prilogi I, se potrdi s postopkom, po katerem je poleg proizvajalca, ki upravlja sistem nadzora tovarniške proizvodnje, v oceno in nadzorovanje kontrole proizvodnje ali samega proizvoda vključen tudi odobren certifikacijski organ.
56 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0093
The products set out in Annex II shall have their conformity attested by a procedure whereby, in addition to a factory-production control system operated by the manufacturer, an approved certification body is involved in assessment and surveillance of the production control or of the product itself.
Skladnost proizvodov, ki so navedeni v Prilogi II, se potrjuje po postopku, po katerem je poleg sistema kontrole tovarniške proizvodnje, ki ga izvaja proizvajalec, v oceno in nadzor kontrole proizvodnje ali samega proizvoda vključen tudi certifikacijski organ.
57 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0606
The products set out in Annex II shall have their conformity attested by a procedure whereby, in addition to a factory production control system operated by the manufacturer, an approved certification body is involved in assessment and surveillance of the production control or of the product itself.
Pri proizvodih in družinah proizvodov, ki so določeni v Prilogi II, se njihova skladnost potrjuje s postopkom, pri katerem je poleg sistema nadzora tovarniške proizvodnje, ki ga izvaja proizvajalec, v ocenjevanje in nadzor proizvodnje ali samega proizvoda vključen odobren certifikacijski organ.
58 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
Mutual trust in the administration of justice in the Member States justifies the assessment by the court of one Member State that all conditions for certification as a European Enforcement Order are fulfilled to enable a judgment to be enforced in all other Member States without judicial review of the proper application of the minimum procedural standards in the Member State where the judgment is to be enforced.
Vzajemno zaupanje v pravosodje držav članic utemeljuje presojo sodišča ene države članice, da so izpolnjeni vsi pogoji za potrditev sodbe kot evropskega naloga za izvršbo, ki omogoča, da se sodba izvrši v vseh drugih državah članicah brez sodnega preizkusa pravilne uporabe minimalnih postopkovnih standardov v državi članici, kjer naj se sodba izvrši.
59 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
The Commission, in particular in the light of the proceedings conducted by its Joint Research Centre, should also provide detailed technical guidelines, definitions and procedures for the technical characteristics of identifiers and readers, test procedures, acceptance criteria and the certification model for approved test laboratories, the procurement of appropriate identifiers and readers, the application of identifiers, their reading and recovery, the codification of identifiers, a common glossary, a data dictionary and communication standards.
Komisija bi morala, zlasti v zvezi s postopki, ki jih vodi Skupno raziskovalno središče, pripraviti podrobne tehnične smernice, opredelitve in postopke za tehnične značilnosti identifikacijskih oznak in čitalcev, preskusne postopke, merila sprejemljivosti in vzorce certificiranja za pooblaščene testne laboratorije, za nabavo primernih identifikacijskih oznak in čitalcev, za nameščanje identifikacijskih oznak, njihovo odčitavanje in odvzem, kodifikacijo identifikacijskih oznak, enotno terminologijo, podatkovni slovar in komunikacijske standarde.
60 Pravna redakcija
61 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31977R1784
The certification procedure shall include the issue of certificates and the marking and sealing of the packages,
Postopek certificiranja vključuje izdajo certifikata,označevanje in plombiranje tovorkov.
62 Pravna redakcija
63 Pravna redakcija
'Hops imported with a control attestation and hop products prepared from hops imported with such an attestation may not be covered by a certification procedure.
`Hmelj, uvožen s kontrolnim spričevlom, in hmeljni proizvodi, pripravljeni iz hmelja, uvoženega s takim spričevalom, ne smejo biti zajeti s postopkom certificiranja.`
64 Pravna redakcija
whereas, therefore, provision should be made for hops imported with a control attestation and hop products prepared from such hops not to be covered by a certification procedure;
ker bi bilo treba zato izdelati določbo za hmelj, uvožen s kontrolnim spričevalom, in hmeljne proizvode, pripravljene iz tega hmelja, ki niso zajeti v postopku certificiranja;
65 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31977R1784
Certification procedures shall take place at the farm or in establishments approved by the Member States and known as 'certification centres' or 'certification warehouses'.
Postopki certificiranja se opravijo na gospodarstvu ali v obratih, ki so jih odobrile države članice in so poznani kot ` centri za certificiranje` ali `skladišča za certificiranje.`
66 Pravna redakcija
The procedures for such certifications shall be described in the Statute;
Postopki za taka potrdila se določijo v statutu.
67 Pravna redakcija
whereas the existing certification procedures differ from one Member State to another;
ker se veljavni certifikacijski postopki med državami članicami razlikujejo;
68 Pravna redakcija
Any freezer bottom trawler wishing to leave Mozambique's EEZ with its catches shall undergo a fisheries inspection, the certification procedure required for the transit of the goods and a customs check in the ports of Beira or Maputo, which shall be requested two business days in advance.
Na vseh zamrzovalnih plovilih za lov s pridneno vlečno mrežo, ki želijo zapustiti mozambiško izključno ekonomsko cono s svojim ulovom, se opravijo ribiška inšpekcija, certifikacijski postopek, ki je potreben za tranzit blaga, in carinski pregled v pristaniščih Beira ali Maputo, za katere je treba zaprositi dva delovna dneva vnaprej.
69 Pravna redakcija
certification is done on the basis of existing procedures, including the application of their mark.
bo certificiranje opravljeno na osnovi obstoječega postopka, vključno z namestitvijo njihovega znaka.
70 Pravna redakcija
whereas such administrations should accept the use of harmonised survey and certification procedures;
ker morajo takšni organi sprejeti uporabo usklajenih postopkov za preglede in certifikacijo;
71 Pravna redakcija
whereas the certification and inspection procedures for such devices differ from one Member State to another;
ker se postopki za izdajanje potrdil in inšpekcijski postopki med državami članicami razlikujejo;
72 Pravna redakcija
the certification of conformity to standards and functional specifications in accordance with properly harmonized procedures.
potrjevanju skladnosti s standardi in funkcijskimi specifikacijami v skladu s primerno usklajenimi postopki.
73 Pravna redakcija
For purposes of certification procedures, the Parties shall comply with the principles and criteria set out in Appendix IX.A.
Za namen postopkov izdaje spričeval pogodbenici izpolnjujeta načela in kriterije iz Dodatka IX.A.
74 Pravna redakcija
certification body, which means an impartial body, governmental or non-governmental, possessing the necessary competence and responsibility to carry out conformity certification according to given rules of procedure and management;
certifikacijski organ, to je nepristranski, državni ali nedržavni organ, primerno usposobljen in odgovoren za certificiranje skladnosti v skladu z danimi pravili o postopku in vodenju;
75 Pravna redakcija
The Commission, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 5, shall determine the appropriate forms for such certification.
Komisija določi primerne oblike za tako potrditev v skladu s postopkom, določenim v členu 5.
76 Pravna redakcija
In order that a watch with a movement of Swiss manufacture as regards not less than 50 % of the value of ail the constituent parts including the cost of assembly by virtue of Article 2 (2) (b) of the ordinance of the Swiss Federal Council of 23 December 1971 governing the use of the description 'Swiss' for watches can be considered to be Swiss, a certification procedure shall be established between Switzerland and the Community in accordance with following rules:
Da bi ročna ura z mehanizmom švicarske izdelave v vsaj 50 % vrednosti vseh sestavnih delov, vključno s stroški sestavljanja glede na člen 2 (2) (b) odloka Švicarskega zveznega sveta z dne 23. decembra 1971, ki ureja uporabo oznake "švicarski" za ure, lahko veljala za švicarsko, se med Švico in Skupnostjo določi certifikacijski postopek v skladu z naslednjimi pravili:
77 Pravna redakcija
whereas this procedure does not, however, conform to Community legislation, which lays down that certification must take place before any processing;
ker ta postopek ni v skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti, ki predpisuje, da je treba certificiranje opraviti pred kakršnokoli obdelavo;
78 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R1987
whereas his procedure does not, however, conform the Community legislation, which lays down that certification must take place before any processing;
ker ta postopek ni v skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti, ki predpisuje, da je treba certificiranje opraviti pred kakršnokoli obdelavo;
79 Pravna redakcija
whereas, in order to facilitate mutual recognition of certification procedures, harmonized Community procedures should be set up and the criteria for appointing the bodies responsible for carrying out these procedures should be harmonized;
ker je treba za pospešitev vzajemnega priznavanja certifikacijskih postopkov določiti usklajene postopke Skupnosti in uskladiti merila za imenovanje organov, odgovornih za izvajanje teh postopkov;
80 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0059
As part of a specific selection procedure, the instructors must provide certification showing a knowledge of both the subject material and teaching methods.
V okviru posebnega izbirnega postopka morajo inštruktorji izkazati poznavanje vsebin ter pedagoških in didaktičnih metod.
81 Pravna redakcija
the accreditation requirements for the certification bodies are recognised by the Commission acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 14(2).
je zahteve za akreditacijo certifikacijskih organov priznala Komisija v skladu s postopkom iz člena 14(2).
82 Pravna redakcija
technical regulations or standards, or conformity assessment or certification rules, procedures or practices going beyond the purposes for which they are required,
tehnične predpise ali standarde ali pravila, postopke ali prakse pri ugotavljanju skladnosti ali certificiranju, ki presegajo namene, za katere so potrebni,
83 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0493
- no adequate traceability system is in place in relation to Brazil nuts, either during the process chain, or in relation to the export procedure and certification,
- za brazilske orehe ni v veljavi noben zadovoljiv sistem sledljivosti, niti med procesno verigo niti med izvoznim postopkom in izdajo potrdil,
84 Pravna redakcija
- technical regulations or standards, or conformity assessment or certification rules, procedures or practices going beyond the purposes for which they are required;
- tehnične predpise ali standarde ali pravila o presoji skladnosti ali certificiranju, postopke ali prakse, ki presegajo namene, zaradi katerih so potrebni;
85 Pravna redakcija
- technical regulations or standards, or conformity assessment or certification rules, procedures or practices going beyond the purposes for which they are required,
- tehnične predpise ali standarde ali pravila o presoji skladnosti ali certificiranju, postopke ali prakse, ki presegajo namene, zaradi katerih so potrebni,
86 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0580
Furthermore, the process of export and associated analysis and certification for aflatoxin was seen as satisfactory, with the exception of the applied sampling procedure.
Poleg tega se je postopek izvoza in z njim povezana analiza in potrjevanje količine aflatoksina smatral za zadovoljivega, z izjemo uporabljanega postopka vzorčenja.
87 Pravna redakcija
No later than 1 February 2004, the Commission shall submit a detailed evaluation of the simplification of the certification procedures introduced by Article 1 of Directive 98/96/EC.
Najpozneje do 1. februarja 2004 Komisija predloži podrobno oceno poenostavitve postopkov potrjevanja, uvedenih s členom 1 Direktive 98/96/ES.
88 Pravna redakcija
The Parties shall take appropriate steps to promote the use by Morocco of Community technical rules and European standards for industrial and agri-food products and certification procedures.
Pogodbenici sprejmeta ustrezne ukrepe za pospeševanje uporabe tehničnih pravil Skupnosti v Maroku in evropskih standardov za industrijske in agroživilske proizvode in certifikacijske postopke.
89 Pravna redakcija
evidence of procedures for follow-up of certification activities including the identification of a contact point responsible for initiating action with manufacturers of the products when necessary.
dokazilo o postopkih za spremljanje certifikacijskih dejavnosti, vključno z opredelitvijo kontaktne točke, odgovorne za proženje ukrepov s proizvajalci proizvodov, kadar so ti potrebni.
90 Pravna redakcija
These conditions concern the procedures for granting, suspending and withdrawing approval, the types and models of the certificates to be issued by SAs as well as the requirements for certification.
Ti pogoji zadevajo postopke za dodelitev, začasno odložitev in razveljavitev odobritve, tipe in vzorce potrdil, ki jih izdajajo NA, kot tudi zahteve za potrjevanje.
91 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the results of the experiment have shown that, for certain purposes, there could be a simplification of the procedures for official seed certification of 'certified seed' of all categories, if inspections were allowed to be carried out by inspectors other than those charged with official examination by the seed certification authority;
ker so rezultati poskusa pokazali, da je za nekatere namene mogoče poenostaviti postopke za uradno potrjevanje semena vseh kategorij "certificiranega semena", če bi lahko preglede opravljali pregledniki, ki niso zadolženi za uradne preglede, ki jih opravlja organ za potrjevanje semena;
92 Pravna redakcija
Whereas practice has shown that import procedures would become more efficient, and that respect of Community rules on certification could be ensured better if use of control attestations were abolished;
ker je praksa pokazala, da bi uvozni postopki postali učinkovitejši in da bi bilo mogoče zagotoviti večje spoštovanje pravil Skupnosti o certificiranju, če bi opustili uporabo kontrolnih spričeval;
93 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1428
Control procedures and certification of the product will be carried out by the designated State agencies on the basis of the legislation in force for designated origin and geographical indication products.
Kontrolne postopke in certifikacijo proizvoda opravlja imenovana državna služba na podlagi veljavne zakonodaje za proizvode z označbo porekla in geografsko oznako.
94 Pravna redakcija
No later than five years after the date of the entry into force of this Directive, the Commission shall submit a detailed evaluation of the simplifications of the certification procedures introduced thereby.
Najkasneje pet let po datumu začetka veljavnosti te direktive Komisija predloži podrobno oceno poenostavitev postopkov potrjevanja, ki so se z njo uvedli.
Prevodi: en > sl
certification procedure