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certified seed
51 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
"certified seed, second generation": (groundnut, flax, linseed, soya, cotton) means seed
»certificirano seme, druga množitev«: (zemeljski orešek, navadni lan, laneno seme, soja, bombaževec) pomeni seme
52 Končna redakcija
Member States shall provide that beet seed may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed".
Države članice zagotovijo, da se da na trg le seme pese, ki je bilo uradno potrjeno kot "osnovno seme" ali "certificirano seme".
53 Končna redakcija
'Member States shall provide that beet seed may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed".`;
"Države članice določijo, da se seme pese ne sme dajati na trg, če ni uradno potrjeno kot "osnovno seme" ali "certificirano seme".";
54 Končna redakcija
which is intended for the production of seed of the category "certified seed" or of plants;
ki je namenjeno za proizvodnjo semena kategorije "certificirano seme" ali rastlin;
55 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
The colour of the label shall be blue for certified seed and dark yellow for standard seed.
Barva etikete za certificirano seme je modra in za standardno seme temno rumena.
56 Končna redakcija
The Member States shall require that packages of basic seed and certified seed of all kinds:
Države članice zahtevajo, da se vsa pakiranja osnovnega semena in certificiranega semena vseh vrst: (a)
57 Končna redakcija
The Member States shall provide that cereal seed may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed", "certified seed", "certified seed, first generation" or "certified seed, second generation" and unless it satisfies the conditions laid down in Annex II.
Države članice določijo, da se seme žit ne sme tržiti, če ni bilo uradno potrjeno kot "osnovno seme", "certificirano seme", "certificirano seme prve množitve" ali "certificirano seme druge množitve" in če ne izpolnjuje pogojev, predpisanih v Prilogi II.
58 Končna redakcija
in Article 2(1)(G), the words 'basic seed,` shall be inserted before the words 'certified seed`;
v členu 2(1)(G) se besedilo "osnovno seme" vstavi pred besedilom "certificirano seme";
59 Končna redakcija
For certified seed of the second generation and subsequent generations after basic seed: number of generations after basic seed
Za certificirano seme druge generacije in naknadne generacije po osnovnem semenu: šštevilo generacij po osnovnem semenu
60 Končna redakcija
a similar derogation may also be granted in respect of certified seed of Trifolium pratense where such seed is intended for the further production of certified seed.
podobno odstopanje velja tudi za certificirano seme Trivolium pratense, kadar je to seme namenjeno za nadaljnjo proizvodnjo certificiranega semena.
61 Končna redakcija
Member States shall provided that seed of other vegetable species may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed", or is standard seed.
Države članice določijo, da se seme drugih vrst rastlin ne sme dati na trg, razen če je uradno potrjeno kot »osnovno seme« ali »certificirano seme« ali je standardno seme.
62 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
8. Reference number enabling the certified lot to be identified - in the case of certified seed.
Sklicna številka, ki omogoča identifikacijo certificirane partije - v primeru certificiranega semena.
63 Končna redakcija
Member States shall provide that seed of industrial chicory may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed".
Države članice določijo, da se seme cikorije ne sme dati na trg, razen če je uradno potrjeno kot »osnovno seme« ali »certificirano seme«.
64 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
"certified seed, first generation": (groundnut, monoecious hemp, flax, linseed, soya, cotton) means seed
»certificirano seme, prva množitev«: (zemeljski orešek, enodomna konoplja, navadni lan, laneno seme, soja, bombaževec) pomeni seme
65 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0095
'Ca. Certified seed, first generation (Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. and Medicago sativa) seed:
"Ca. Certificirano seme, seme prve množitve (Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. in Medicago sativa):
66 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0095
Cb. Certified seed, second generation (Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. and Medicago sativa) seed:
Cb. Certificirano seme, seme druge množitve (Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. in Medicago sativa):
67 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
Member States shall provide that seed of oil and fibre plant species other than those listed in paragraph 1 may not be placed on the market unless the seed has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed", or is commercial seed.
Države članice določijo, da se seme vrst oljnic in predivnic, razen tistih, ki so uvrščene na seznam v odstavku 1, ne sme dati na trg, razen če je uradno potrjeno kot »osnovno seme« ali »certificirano seme« ali je trgovsko seme.
68 Končna redakcija
which is of direct descent from basic seed or from certified seed of the first generation of a given variety;
ki je neposredni potomec osnovnega semena ali certificiranega semena prve množitve določene sorte;
69 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Member States shall require that packages of basic seed and certified seed, except where seed of the latter category takes the form of small packages:
Države članice zahtevajo, da se za embalažo osnovnega semena in certificiranega semena, razen kjer se seme slednje kategorije pakira v obliki majhnih zavojev, upošteva naslednje:
70 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
which satisfies the conditions laid down in Annexes I and II for certified seed;
ki izpolnjuje pogoje, določene v Prilogah I in II za certificirano seme;
71 Končna redakcija
As a general rule, beet seed should be allowed to be marketed only if it has been officially examined and certified, in accordance with the rules for certification, as basic seed or certified seed.
Večinoma bi moralo biti trženje semena pese dovoljeno le, če je uradno pregledano in potrjeno v skladu s pravili za potrjevanje kot osnovno seme ali certificirano seme.
72 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
The description of the varieties shall relate to plants produced directly from seed of the category "certified seed" or the category "standard seed".
Opis sort se nanaša na rastline, proizvedene neposredno iz semena kategorije »certificirano seme« ali kategorije »standardno seme«.
73 Končna redakcija
As a general rule, vegetable seed should be allowed to be marketed only if it has been officially examined and certified, in accordance with the rules for certification, as basic seed or certified seed.
Kot splošno pravilo je trženje semena zelenjadnic treba dovoliti le, če je uradno pregledano in potrjeno v skladu s pravili potrjevanja kot osnovno seme ali certificirano seme.
74 Končna redakcija
The Member States shall provide that cereal seed produced directly from basic seed or from certified seed of the first generation certified in one Member State and harvested in another Member State or in a third country is to be regarded as equivalent to certified seed or to certified seed of the first or second generation if that seed has been harvested in the State which produced either the basic seed or the certified seed of the first generation, if it has undergone field inspection satisfying the conditions laid down in Annex I and if official examination has shown that the conditions laid down in Annex II for certified seed or certified seed of the first or second generation are satisfied.
Države članice zagotovijo, da se seme žit, proizvedenih neposredno iz osnovnega semena ali iz certificiranega semena prve množitve, ki je bilo potrjeno v eni državi članici in požeto v drugi državi članici ali v tretji državi, šteje kot enakovredno certificiranemu semenu ali certificiranemu semenu prve ali druge množitve, če je bilo seme požeto v isti državi, ki je proizvedla osnovno seme ali certificirano seme prve množitve, če je seme v poljskem pregledu izpolnilo pogoje iz Priloge I in če je bilo pri uradnem pregledu ugotovljeno, da so izpolnjeni pogoji iz Priloge II za certificirano seme ali za certificirano seme prve ali druge množitve.
75 Končna redakcija
may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed" and unless it satisfies the conditions laid down in Annex II.
lahko daje na trg samo, če je bilo uradno potrjeno kot "osnovno seme" ali "certificirano seme" in, če izpolnjuje pogoje iz Priloge II.
76 Končna redakcija
Whereas, as a general rule, cereal seed should be allowed to be marketed only if it has been officially examined and certified, in accordance with the rules for certification, as basic seed or certified seed;
ker bi moralo biti praviloma določeno, da se dovoli trženje semena žit le, če je bilo skladno s pravili za potrjevanje uradno pregledano in potrjeno kot osnovno seme ali certificirano seme;
77 Končna redakcija
The choice of the technical terms "basic seed" and "certified seed" is based on already existing international terminology.
Izbira strokovnih izrazov »osnovno seme« in »certificirano seme« temelji na že obstoječi mednarodni terminologiji.
78 Končna redakcija
which is intended either for the production of seed of the category "certified seed, second generation" or for purposes other than the production of cereal seed;
ki je namenjeno za proizvodnjo semena kategorije "certificirano seme druge množitve" ali za druge namene kot za proizvodnjo semena žit;
79 Končna redakcija
the quantities of certified seed produced, expressed in quintals to one decimal point;
Kolièine proizvedenih certificiranih semen, izraženih v kvintalih na eno decimalno vejico;
80 Končna redakcija
The Member States shall provide that fodder plant seed of genera and species other than those listed in paragraph 1 may not be placed on the market unless the seed has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed", or is commercial seed, and unless the seed also satisfies the conditions laid down in Annex II.
Države članice določijo, da se sme seme krmnih rastlin rodov in vrst, razen tistih na seznamu v odstavku 1, dajati na trg samo, če je bilo uradno potrjeno kot "osnovno seme" ali "certificirano seme" in, če izpolnjuje pogoje iz Priloge II.
81 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
which is intended either for the production of seed of the category "certified seed, second generation" or, where appropriate, of the category "certified seed, third generation", or for purposes other than the production of seed of oil or fibre plants;
ki je namenjeno za proizvodnjo semena kategorije »certificirano seme, druga množitev« ali, kjer je to primerno, »certificirano seme, tretja množitev« ali za druge namene kot za proizvodnjo semena oljnic ali predivnic;
82 Končna redakcija
in Annex III(B)(8), the words 'certified seed` shall be replaced by the word 'category`.
v Prilogi III(B)(8) se besedilo "certificirano seme" nadomesti z besedo "kategorija".
83 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
As a general rule, seed of oil and fibre plants should be allowed to be marketed only if it has been officially examined and certified, in accordance with the rules for certification, as basic seed or certified seed.
Kot splošno pravilo je trženje semena oljnic in predivnic lahko dovoljeno le, če je uradno pregledano in potrjeno v skladu s pravili potrjevanja kot osnovno seme ali certificirano seme.
84 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
B. Supplier's label or inscription on the packages (standard seed and small packages of the category "certified seed")
Dobaviteljeva etiketa ali napis na pakiranjih (standardno seme in majhna pakiranja kategorije »certificirano seme«)
85 Končna redakcija
in Annex IV(B)(a)(8), the words "certified seed" shall be replaced by the word "category".
v Prilogi IV(B)(a)(8) se besedilo "certificirano seme" nadomesti z besedo "kategorija".
86 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0095
'C. Certified seed: seed of all the species listed under A other than Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. and Medicago sativa:
"C. Certificirano seme: seme vseh vrst, naštetih pod A, razen Lupinus spp., Pisum sativum, Vicia spp. in Medicago sativa:
87 Končna redakcija
which is intended either for the production of seed of the category "certified seed, second generation" or for purposes other than the production of seed of fodder plants;
ki je namenjeno bodisi za pridelavo semena kategorije "certificirano seme, druga množitev" bodisi za druge namene, razen za pridelavo semena krmnih rastlin;
88 Končna redakcija
whereas the choice of the technical terms "basic seed" and "certified seed" is based on already existing international terminology;
ker izbira strokovnih izrazov "osnovno seme " in "certificirano seme" temelji na že obstoječi mednarodni terminologiji;
89 Končna redakcija
For certain species of vegetable, it is impossible to restrict marketing to certified seed.
Pri nekaterih vrstah zelenjadnic ni mogoče omejiti trženja na certificirana semena.
90 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
which has been produced directly from basic seed or certified seed officially certified either in one or more Member States or in a third country which has been granted equivalence under Article 37(1)(d) or which has been produced directly from the crossing of basic seed officially certified in a Member State with basic seed officially certified in such a third country, and
ki je poizvedeno neposredno iz osnovnega semena ali certificiranega semena, uradno potrjenega v eni ali več državah članicah ali v tretji državi, ki ji je bila podeljena enakovrednost po členu 37(1)(d), ali ki je proizvedeno neposredno z oprašitvijo osnovnega semena, uradno potrjenega v državi članici, z osnovnim semenom, uradno potrjenim v taki tretji državi, in
91 Končna redakcija
which has been produced directly from basic seed or certified seed officially certified either in one or more Member States or in a third country which has been granted equivalence under Article 37(1)(d), or which has been produced directly from the crossing of basic seed officially certified in a Member State with basic seed officially certified in such a third country, and
ki je proizvedeno neposredno iz osnovnega semena ali certificiranega semena, uradno potrjeno v eni ali več državah članicah ali v tretji državi, ki ji je bila priznana enakovrednost po členu 37(1)(d), ali ki je proizvedeno neposredno z opraševanjem osnovnega semena, uradno potrjenega v državi članici, z osnovnim semenom, uradno potrjenim v taki tretji državi, in
92 Končna redakcija
Member States may restrict the certification of seed of oats, barley, rice and wheat to that of certified seed of the first generation.`;
Države članice lahko omejijo potrjevanje semena ovsa, ječmena, riža in pšenice na certificirano seme prve množitve.";
93 Končna redakcija
Whereas the aid may be granted only for the production of basic seed or certified seed and whereas these products should be clearly defined;
ker se pomoè lahko podeli samo za proizvodnjo osnovnih ali certificiranih semen in ker je treba te proizvode jasno opredeliti;
94 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
It is desirable that provision also be made for official pre-control of certified seed, and that the obligations should be laid down which are to be fulfilled by the person marketing standard seed and certified seed made up in small packages.
Zaželeno je, da se zagotovi tudi uradna predhodna kontrola certificiranega semena in da se določijo obveznosti, ki jih mora izpolniti oseba, ki trži standardno seme in certificirano seme v majhnih pakiranjih.
95 Končna redakcija
which has been produced directly from basic seed or certified seed of the first generation officially certified either in one or more Member States or in a third country which has been granted equivalence under Article 20(b), or which has been produced directly from the crossing of basic seed officially certified in a Member State with basic seed officially certified in such a third country, and
ki je bilo proizvedeno neposredno iz osnovnega semena ali certificiranega semena prve množitve, uradno potrjenega v eni ali več državah članicah ali v tretji državi, ki ji je bila priznana enakovrednost po členu 20(b), ali ki je bilo proizvedeno neposredno z oprašitvijo osnovnega semena, uradno potrjenega v državi članici, z osnovnim semenom, uradno potrjenim v taki tretji državi, in
96 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
an indication of the quantity of certified seed produced, expressed in quintals to one decimal point;
navedbo količine proizvedenega certificiranega semena, izražene v centih na eno decimalno mesto;
97 Končna redakcija
It may, however, under the procedure referred to in Article 46(2) be provided that after specified dates seed of certain vegetable species may not be placed on the market unless it has been officially certified as "basic seed" or "certified seed".
Vendar se lahko po postopku iz člena 46(2) določi, da se po navedenih datumih seme nekaterih vrst zelenjadnic ne sme dati trg, razen če je uradno certificirano kot »osnovno seme« ali »certificirano seme«.
98 Končna redakcija
which is intended for the production of seed of this variety of the category "certified seed" or of Top Cross hybrids or of intervarietal hybrids;
ki je namenjeno proizvodnji semena te sorte kategorije "certificirano seme" ali "top cross" hibridov ali večsortnih hibridov;
99 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
6. Category: in the case of small packages, certified seed may be marked with the letter "C" or "Z" and standard seed with the letters "ST".
Kategorija: v primeru majhnih pakiranj, je certificirano seme lahko zaznamovano s črko »C« ali »Z« in standardno seme s črkama »ST«.
100 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
which has been produced directly from certified seed of the first generation which has been established and officially controlled with a special view to the production of certified seed of the second generation;
ki je bilo proizvedeno neposredno iz certificiranega semena prve množitve, ki je bilo vzgojeno in uradno nadzorovano posebej za proizvodnjo certificiranega semena druge množitve;
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certified seed