Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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determine a benefit
51 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: PP-aa00007
For the purpose of determining entitlement to benefits in kind pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1 of Title III of the Regulation, the expression "member of the family" means a spouse and/or a dependent child as defined by the State Social Support Act No 117/1995 Sb.";
Za določanje upravičenosti do storitev v skladu z določbami Poglavja 1 iz Naslova III uredbe pomeni izraz "družinski član" zakonca in/ali vzdrževanega otroka, kakor je ta opredeljen v Zakonu o državni socialni pomoči št. 117/1995 Sb.";
52 Končna redakcija
For the purpose of determining entitlement to benefits in kind pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1 of Title III of the Regulation, "member of the family" means a spouse and/or a dependent child as defined by the Act on child allowances and additional child allowances.";
Za določanje upravičenosti do storitev v skladu z določbami Poglavja 1 iz Naslova III uredbe pomeni izraz "družinski član" zakonca in/ali vzdrževanega otroka, kakor je ta opredeljen v Zakonu o otroškem dodatku in dodatnih otroških dodatkih.".
53 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0448
The maximum eligible expenditure of the operation is determined pro rata to the proportion of the benefits from the operation which it is foreseen will accrue to the region and shall be based on an evaluation by a body independent of the managing authority.
Največji možni upravičeni izdatki za aktivnost se določijo sorazmerno z deležem koristi iz aktivnosti, predvidene za regijo, in temeljijo na vrednotenju neodvisnega organa upravljanja.
54 Končna redakcija
If a person receives benefits under the legislation of one Member State in respect of an injury resulting from an occurence in the territory of another Member State, the provisions of the said legislation which determine in which cases the civil liability of employers or of their employees is to be excluded shall apply with regard to the said person or to the institution responsible for benefits.
Če oseba prejema dajatve po zakonodaji ene države članice za poškodbo, ki je posledica dogodka na ozemlju druge države, določbe omenjene zakonodaje, ki določajo, v katerih primerih je civilna odgovornost delodajalcev ali oseb, ki jih ti zaposlujejo, izključena, veljajo za osebo ali za pristojnega nosilca.
55 Končna redakcija
For the purpose of determining entitlement to benefits in kind pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1 of Title III of the Regulation, the expression "member of the family" means a spouse and/ora dependent child as defined by the State Social Support Act No 117/1995 Sb.";
Za določanje upravičenosti do storitev v skladu z določbami Poglavja 1 iz Naslova III uredbe pomeni izraz "družinski član" zakonca in/ali vzdrževanega otroka, kakor je ta opredeljen v Zakonu o državni socialni pomoči št. 117/1995 Sb.";
56 Končna redakcija
if, in the case covered by subparagraph (b), an employed or self-employed person suffering from sclerogenic pneumoconiosis or from a disease determined under Article 57 (4) is not entitled to benefits under the legislation of the second Member State, the competent institution of the first Member State shall be bound to provide benefits under the legislation which it administers, taking into account the aggravation.
če v primeru iz pododstavka (b) zaposlena ali samozaposlena oseba, ki ima sclerogenic pneumoniosis ali bolezen, ki je določena v členu 57(4), ni upravičena do dajatev v skladu z zakonodajo druge države članice, mora pristojni nosilec prve države članice dodeliti dajatve v skladu z zakonodajo, ki jo izvaja, ob upoštevanju poslabšanja.
57 Končna redakcija
In order to determine whether a child is receiving an orphan's pension, receipt of one of the benefits referred to in Article 78 or of another family benefit granted under French legislation for a minor residing in France shall be treated as the receipt of an orphan's pension under German legislation.
Za določitev, ali otrok prejema družinsko pokojnino, se prejemanje ene izmed dajatev iz člena 78 ali druge družinske dajatve, dodeljene v skladu s francosko zakonodajo za krajše prebivanje v Franciji, šteje kot prejemanje družinske pokojnine na podlagi nemške zakonodaje.
58 Končna redakcija
All insurance periods and, where appropriate, all periods of employment or residence completed under the legislation of a Member State before the date of entry into force of this Regulation shall be taken into consideration for the determination of rights to benefits under this Regulation.
Vse zavarovalne dobe in, kjer je to predvideno, vse dobe zaposlitve ali prebivanja, dopolnjene po zakonodaji države članice pred pred datumom začetka veljavnosti te uredbe, se upoštevajo pri ugotavljanju pravic, pridobljenih po določbah te uredbe.
59 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0868
In determining the existence of a subsidy, it is necessary to demonstrate that there has been a financial contribution by a government or regional body or other public organisation via a transfer of funds or that debts of any kind representing government revenue that are otherwise due are foregone or not collected, and that a benefit has thereby been conferred on the recipient enterprise.
Pri ugotavljanju subvencije je treba dokazati obstoj finančnega prispevka vlade ali regionalnega organa ali druge javne organizacije s prenosom sredstev ali obstoj kakršnih koli dolgov, ki sicer predstavljajo predpisane dajatve, vendar se jih vlada odpove ali jih ne izterja in s tem sprejemniku podeli ugodnosti.
60 Končna redakcija
The competent institution of a Member State whose legislation provides that the calculation of cash benefits shall be based on an average wage or salary shall determine such average wage or salary exclusively by reference to wages or salaries recorded during the periods completed under the said legislation.
Pristojni nosilec države članice, katere zakonodaja določa, da izračun denarnih dajatev temelji na povprečnem zaslužku, določi povprečni zaslužek izključno na podlagi zaslužkov, ki so potrjeni kot izplačani v dobah, dopolnjenih po tej zakonodaji.
61 Končna redakcija
"1. The competent institution of a Member State whose legislation provides that the calculation of cash benefits shall be based on average earnings shall determine such average earnings exclusively by reference to earnings confirmed as having been paid during the periods completed under the said legislation.
"1. Pristojni nosilec države članice, katere zakonodaja določa, da izračun denarnih dajatev temelji na povprečnem zaslužku, določi take povprečne zaslužke izključno s sklicevanjem na zaslužke, za katere je potrjeno, da so bili plačani v obdobjih, dopolnjenih v skladu z omenjeno zakonodajo.
62 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31971R1408
"1. The competent institution of a Member State whose legislation provides that the calculation of cash benefits shall be based on average earnings, shall determine such average earnings exclusively by reference to earnings confirmed as having been paid during the periods completed under the said legislation.
"1. Pristojni nosilec države članice, katere zakonodaja določa, da izračun denarnih dajatev temelji na povprečnem zaslužku, določi take povprečne dohodke izključno s sklicevanjem na dohodke, za katere je potrjeno, da so bili plačani v obdobju, dopolnjenem v skladu z omenjeno zakonodajo.
63 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
For the purposes of this Article, those third countries to which the benefit of the provisions of this Directive has been extended by a Council Decision in accordance with paragraph 1 shall not be taken into account for determining the proportion, referred to in paragraph 2, of products originating in third countries.
Za namene tega člena se tiste tretje države, na katere so se z Odločba Sveta v skladu z odstavkom 1 razširile ugodnosti določb te direktive, ne upoštevajo pri določanju deleža iz odstavka 2 glede proizvodov, ki so po poreklu iz tretjih držav.
64 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Any sums due from a contract staff member to the Communities under this insurance scheme at the date when the benefits are payable shall be deducted from the amount of his benefit or from the benefits payable to those entitled under him in a manner to be determined by the institution referred to in Article 45 of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations.
Od zneska dajatve ali od dajatev, izplačljivih njegovim upravičencem, se na način, ki ga določi institucija iz člena 45 Priloge VIII h Kadrovskim predpisom, odštejejo vsi zneski, ki jih pogodbeni uslužbenec dolguje Skupnostim za zavarovanje na datum, ko postanejo pravice iz tega sistema izplačljive.
65 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0868
Provisional measures may be imposed if a provisional affirmative determination has been made that the non-Community carriers concerned benefit from subsidies or are engaged in unfair pricing practices causing injury to the Community industry and that the Community interest calls for intervention to prevent further such injury.
Začasni ukrepi se lahko uvedejo, če je začasno pozitivno ugotovljeno, da obravnavani prevozniki iz tretjih držav uživajo ugodnosti subvencij ali so vpleteni v nepošteno prakso oblikovanja cen, ki povzroča škodo industriji Skupnosti, in da interes Skupnosti poziva k intervenciji za preprečitev nadaljnje tovrstne škode.
66 Končna redakcija
The competent institution of a Member State whose legislation provides that the calculation of cash benefits shall be based on an average wage or salary, shall determine that average wage or salary exclusively by reference to wages or salaries confirmed as having been paid during the periods completed under the said legislation.
Pristojni nosilec države članice, katere zakonodaja predvideva, da izračun denarnih dajatev temelji na povprečnem zaslužku ali na povprečnih prispevkih, določi povprečne zaslužke ali prispevke izključno glede na zaslužek ali prispevke, plačane po tej zakonodaji.
67 Končna redakcija
The competent institution of a Member State whose legislation provides that the calculation of cash benefits shall be based on a standard wage or salary shall determine such average wage or salary exclusively by reference where appropriate, the average of the standard wages or salaries corresponding to the periods completed under the said legislation.
Pristojni nosilec države članice, katere zakonodaja določa, da izračun denarnih dajatev temelji na standardnem zaslužku, upošteva izključno standardni zaslužek ali, če to pride v poštev, povprečni standardni zaslužek v dobah, dopolnjenih po tej zakonodaji.
68 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0307
Whereas, although the specific nature of the situation relating to students may not have enabled rules to be laid down to determine which legislation is applicable, it is nevertheless desirable, as far as possible, to prevent the persons concerned from being subject to a double levy of contributions, or acquiring dual rights to benefits;
ker čeprav zaradi posebnega položaja študentov morda ni bilo mogoče sprejeti pravil, ki bi določali, katera zakonodaja se uporabi, je kljub temu zaželeno kar najbolj preprečiti, da bi za te osebe veljalo dvojno plačevanje prispevkov ali dvojno upravičenje do dajatev;
69 Končna redakcija
If, under the legislation of a Member State, the amount of benefits is determined taking into account the existence of members of the family other than children, the competent institution of that State shall also take into consideration the members of the family of the person concerned who are residing in the territory of the competent State.
Če se po zakonodaji države članice znesek dajatev določa ob upoštevanju družinskih članov, ki niso otroci, pristojni nosilec te države članice upošteva tudi družinske člane osebe, ki stalno prebivajo na ozemlju druge države članice, kot če bi stalno prebivali na ozemlju pristojne države.
70 Končna redakcija
If the right to benefits was acquired under the legislation administered by the latter institution, taking into account Article 57 (2) and (3) (a) and (b) of the Regulation, that institution shall pay advances up to an amount to be determined, where necessary, after consultation with the institution against whose decision the appeal was lodged.
Če je bila pravica do dajatev pridobljena v skladu z zakonodajo, ki jo izvaja ta zadnji nosilec, upoštevajoč določbe člena 57(2) in (3)(a) in (b) uredbe, ta nosilec izplača predujme do zneska, ki se določi, kjer je to potrebno, po posvetovanju z nosilcem, ki je izdal odločitev, zoper katero je bila vložena pritožba.
71 Končna redakcija
Whereas, before any steps can be taken in pursuance of the normalisation of accounts to pay any compensation due as a result of that normalisation, it is necessary to determine the financial burdens borne or benefits enjoyed by railway undertakings by comparison with their position if they operated under the same conditions as other transport undertakings;
ker je treba pred vsakim plačilom nadomestila zaradi normalizacije kontov določiti finančne obveznosti ali ugodnosti železniških podjetij v primerjavi s stanjem, v katerem bi ta bila, če bi delovala pod enakimi pogoji kot druga prevozna podjetja;
72 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31981R1390
For the purpose of determining entitlement to benefits in kind pursuant to Articles 22 (1) (a) and 31 of the Regulation, the expression "member of the family" shall mean: (a) as regards the legislation of either Great Britain or Northern Ireland, any person regarded as a dependant within the meaning of the Social Security Act 1975 or, as the case may be, the Social Security (Northern Ireland) Act 1975, and
Za določitev upravičenosti do storitev na podlagi členov 22(1)(a) in 31 uredbe 'družinski član' pomeni: (a) v zvezi z zakonodajo Velike Britanije ali Severne Irske vsako osebo, ki se šteje kot vzdrževana po Zakonu o socialni varnosti, 1975, ali, kakor je ustrezno, po Zakonu o socialni varnosti (Severna Irska), 1975, in
73 Končna redakcija
Any benefit which has not been awarded or which has been suspended by reason of the nationality or place of residence of the person concerned shall, on the application of the person concerned, be awarded or resumed with effect from the entry into force of this Regulation provided that the rights previously determined have not given rise to a lump sum payment.
Vsaka dajatev, ki ni bila dodeljena ali je bil prekinjena zaradi državljanstva ali kraja stalnega prebivališča zadevne osebe, se ob uporabi pri le-tej dodeli ali nadaljuje od začetka veljavnosti te uredbe pod pogojem, da prej določene pravice niso povzročile pavšalnega plačila.
74 Končna redakcija
For the purposes of determining the number of eligible animals under points (a) and (b) of the first subparagraph, whether cows belong to a suckler herd or to a dairy herd shall be established on the basis of the beneficiary's individual reference quantity as defined in Article 16(3) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 of 17 May 1999 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products(15) and the average milk yield.
Da bi ugotovili, koliko živali izpolnjuje pogoje v skladu s točkami (a) in (b) prvega pododstavka, se na podlagi upravičenčeve individualne referenčne količine, kakor je opredeljeno v členu 16(3) Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1255/1999 z dne 17. maja 1999 o skupni ureditvi trga za mleko in mlečne izdelke, in povprečne mlečnosti ugotavlja, ali krave spadajo v čredo dojil j ali v mlečno čredo.
75 Končna redakcija
Normalisation of the accounts of railway undertakings shall, within the meaning of this Regulation, consist in: (a) determination of the financial burdens borne or benefits enjoyed by railway undertakings, by reason of any provision laid down by law, regulation or administrative action, by comparison with their position if they operated under the same conditions as other transport undertakings;
V smislu te uredbe je normalizacija kontov železniških podjetij sestavljena iz: (a) določitve naloženih finančnih obveznosti ali ugodnosti, ki jih uživajo železniška podjetija, v skladu z vsako določbo zakona ali drugih predpisov, v primerjavi s položajem, ki bi ga imela, če bi delovala pod enakimi pogoji kot druga prevozna podjetja,
76 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31981R1390
In order to determine whether the conditions of a right to maternity benefits laid down in Chapter 12 of the Law on the daily cash benefits for sickness or maternity are satisfied in the case where the person concerned was not subject to the Danish legislation throughout the whole period referred to in Article 34 (1) or (2) of the aforementioned Law: (a) account shall be taken of the periods of insurance completed, as appropriate, under the legislation of a Member State other than Denmark, during the course of the said period of reference during which the person concerned was not subject to the Danish legislation, as if those periods completed were under the latter legislation; and
Za določitev, ali so pogoji za upravičenost do dajatev za materinstvo, predpisani v poglavju 12 Zakona o dnevnih denarnih dajatvah za bolezen in materinstvo, izpolnjeni, če za zadevno osebo ni veljala danska zakonodaja v celotnem obdobju iz člena 34(1) ali (2) zgoraj navedenega zakona: (a) upoštevajo se zavarovalne dobe, dopolnjene, kakor je ustrezno, v skladu z zakonodajo države članice, ki ni Danska, v navedenem referenčnem obdobju, ko za osebo ni veljala danska zakonodaja, kakor da bi bile te dobe dopolnjene v skladu z le-to; in
77 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0463
Any consortium claiming the benefit of this Regulation must be able, on being given a period of notice which the Commission or the Member States' competition authorities shall determine on a case-by-case basis and which shall be not less than one month, to demonstrate at the request of the Commission or the Member States' competition authorities that the conditions and obligations imposed by Articles 5 to 8 and paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article are met.
Vsak konzorcij, ki zahteva ugodnosti po tej uredbi, mora biti na zahtevo Komisije ali organov države članice, ki so pristojni za konkurenco, v roku, ki ga ti predhodno določijo za vsak posamezni primer in ki je dolg najmanj en mesec, sposoben izkazati, da izpolnjuje pogoje in obveznosti, ki mu jih nalagajo členi od 5 do 8 in odstavka 2 in 3 tega člena.
78 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31981R1390
Where the legislation of the country of stay or residence includes one or more special schemes, covering all or most occupational categories of self-employed persons, which grant benefits in kind less favourable than those granted to employed persons, the provisions applicable to the person concerned and to the members of his family pursuant to Article 19 (1) (a) and (2), Article 22 (1) under (i) and (3), Article 28 (1) (a) and Article 31 (a) shall be those of the scheme or schemes determined by the implementing Regulation referred to in Article 97: (a) where, in the competent State, the person concerned is insured under a special scheme for self-employed persons which also grants less favourable benefits in kind than those granted to employed persons, or
Če zakonodaja v državi začasnega ali stalnega prebivališča vključuje enega ali več posebnih sistemov, ki zajemajo vse ali večino poklicnih kategorij samozaposlenih oseb in ki zagotavljajo storitve, manj ugodne od tistih, dodeljenih zaposlenim osebam, so veljavne določbe za zadevno osebo in njene družinske člane v skladu s členom 19(1)(a) in (2), členom 22(1) na podlagi (i) in (3), členom 28(1)(a) in členom 31(a) tiste iz sistema ali sistemov, določenih v izvedbeni uredbi iz člena 97: (a) če je v pristojni državi oseba zavarovana po posebnem sistemu za samozaposlene osebe, ki prav tako dodeli storitve, manj ugodne kakor tiste, dodeljene zaposlenim osebam, ali
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determine a benefit