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examination of facts
51 Pravna redakcija
The examination of the trend of imports, of the conditions in which they take place and of the serious injury or threat of serious injury to Community producers resulting from such imports, shall cover in particular the following factors:
Proučevanje gibanja uvoza, pogojev uvoza, resne škode ali nevarnosti resne škode proizvajalcem Skupnosti kot posledica takega uvoza se nanaša predvsem na naslednje dejavnike:
52 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1339
In accordance with Article 3(5) of the basic Regulation, the examination of the impact of the dumped imports on the Community industry included an evaluation of all relevant economic factors and indices having a bearing on its state.
V skladu s členom 3(5) osnovne uredbe je bila v preučitev vpliva dampinškega uvoza na industrijo Skupnosti vključena ocena vseh ustreznih gospodarskih dejavnikov in kazalcev, ki imajo vpliv na njeno stanje.
53 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2605
In accordance with Article 3(5) of the basic Regulation, the examination of the impact of the dumped imports on the Community industry included an evaluation of all economic factors and indices having a bearing on the state of the industry.
V skladu s členom 3(5) osnovne uredbe je preiskava vplivov dampinškega uvoza na industrijo Skupnosti zajela oceno vseh gospodarskih dejavnikov in kazalcev, ki so imeli zvezo s položajem industrije.
54 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1338
In accordance with Article 8(5) of the basic Regulation, the examination of the impact of the subsidised imports on the Community industry included an evaluation of all relevant economic factors and indices having a bearing on its state.
V skladu s členom 8(5) osnovne uredbe je bila v preučitev vpliva subvencioniranega uvoza na industrijo Skupnosti vključena ocena vseh ustreznih gospodarskih dejavnikov in kazalcev, ki imajo vpliv na njeno stanje.
55 Pravna redakcija
The complainants and the exporters and importers concerned and the representatives of the country or countries concerned may ask to be informed of the principal facts and considerations resulting from the examination procedure.
Pritožniki, zadevni izvozniki in uvozniki ter predstavniki zadevne države ali zadevnih držav lahko zaprosijo, da so obveščeni o bistvenih dejstvih in premislekih, ki izhajajo iz postopka pregleda.
56 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2604
In accordance with Article 3(5) of the basic Regulation the examination of the impact of the dumped imports on the Community industry included an evaluation of all relevant factors and indices having a bearing on the state of the Community industry.
V skladu s členom 3(5) osnovne uredbe je bila v preveritev vpliva dampinškega uvoza na industrijo Skupnosti zajeta ocena vseh pomembnih dejavnikov in indeksov, ki so vplivali na položaj industrije Skupnosti.
57 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0408
In accordance with Article 3(5) of the basic Regulation, the examination of the impact of the dumped imports on the Community industry included an evaluation of all relevant factors and indices having a bearing on the state of the Community industry.
V skladu s členom 3(5) osnovne uredbe je preiskava vplivov dampinškega uvoza na industrijo Skupnosti obsegala oceno vseh zadevnih dejavnikov in kazalcev, ki so vplivali na položaj industrije Skupnosti.
58 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
In this respect it should be noted that injury has to be established on the basis of an examination of numerous factors and that, according to Article 8(5) of the basic Regulation, any one or more of these can necessarily give decisive guidance.
Naj spomnimo, da je bilo treba nastanek škode ugotoviti na podlagi preučitve številnih dejavnikov in da je, v skladu s členom 8(5) osnovne uredbe, lahko katerikoli teh dejavnikov, ali tudi več dejavnikov, odločilen.
59 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2603
In accordance with Article 8(5) of the basic Regulation, the examination of the impact of the subsidised imports on the Community industry included an evaluation of all relevant factors and indices having a bearing on the state of the Community industry.
V skladu s členom 8(5) osnovne uredbe je preveritev vpliva subvencioniranega uvoza na industrijo Skupnosti zajemala presojo vseh pomembnih dejavnikov in indeksov, ki so vplivali na položaj industrije Skupnosti.
60 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
This examination would include factors not commented upon in the provisional Regulation such as the impact of the magnitude of the margin of dumping, productivity, return on investment, cash flow, wages, growth and the ability to raise capital.
To preučevanje pa vključuje dejavnike, ki v začasni uredbi niso bili obrazloženi, kot so vplivi višine dampinške marže, produktivnost, donosnost naložb, denarni tok, plače, rast in z možnost zbiranja kapitala.
61 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0311
As concerns the impact on the situation of the Community industry of the magnitude of the actual margin of dumping during the IP, this is not considered a relevant factor in the present review examination as the imposition of duties is meant to remedy the dumping found.
Vpliv višine dejanske stopnje dampinga v obdobju preiskave na položaj industrije Skupnosti se pri preučevanju v okviru sedanjega pregleda ne šteje kot pomemben dejavnik, ker naj bi uvedba dajatev popravila škodo od ugotovljenega dampinga.
62 Pravna redakcija
Whereas it is necessary to lay down for the Court of First Instance procedures adapted to the duties of such a court and to the task entrusted to the Court of First Instance of ensuring effective judicial protection of individual interests in cases requiring close examination of complex facts;
ker je treba določiti postopke za Sodišče prve stopnje, prilagojene dolžnostim takega sodišča in nalogi, ki je zaupana Sodišču prve stopnje, namreč zagotavljanje učinkovitega sodnega varstva posameznih interesov v zadevah, ki zahtevajo natančno preiskavo zapletenih dejstev;
63 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2603
Without prejudice to the question of whether the scheme constitutes a drawback system in conformity with the provisions of the basic Regulation, the Commission, following further examination, accepts that there is in fact no excess remission of duty in the case of either company concerned.
Ne glede na vprašanje, ali shema pomeni sistem povračil v skladu z določbami osnovne uredbe, Komisija po dodatni preučitvi priznava, da dejansko pri nobenem od zadevnih podjetij ni prišlo do presežnega odpusta dajatev.
64 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the rules of procedures to be followed during the examination procedure provided for in this Regulation should also be confirmed, in particular as regards the rights and obligations of the Community authorities and the parties involved, and the conditions under which interested parties may have access to information and may ask to be informed of the essential facts and considerations resulting from the examination procedure;
ker je treba potrditi tudi poslovnik, po katerem naj se ravna med postopkom pregleda, predvidenim s to uredbo, zlasti glede pravic in obveznosti organov Skupnosti in udeleženih strank ter pogojev, pod katerimi imajo lahko zainteresirane stranke dostop do informacij in lahko zaprosijo, da se jih obvešča o bistvenih dejstvih in premislekih, ki izhajajo iz postopka pregleda;
65 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
The RTG and one exporting producer claimed that, based on an interpretation of the WTO ADA, the examination of the economic situation of the Community industry requires an evaluation of all relevant economic factors and indices having a bearing on the state of that industry, including factors such as productivity, return on investments, the magnitude of the actual margin of dumping, negative effects on cash flow, wages and growth.
Kraljeva tajska vlada in eden od proizvajalcev - izvoznikov sta na podlagi razlage Protidampinškega sporazuma WTO dokazovala, da se morajo pri preučevanju gospodarskega položaja industrije Skupnosti oceniti vsi zadevni gospodarski dejavniki in kazalci, ki vplivajo na položaj te industrije, vključno z dejavniki, kot so produktivnost, donosnost naložb, višina dejanskih dampinških marž in negativni učinki na denarni tok, plače in rast.
66 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
It was claimed by some exporting producers that, pursuant to the provisions of Article 3.4 of the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement, the examination of the economic situation of the Community industry required an assessment of all relevant economic factors and indices having a bearing on the state of that industry.
Nekateri proizvajalci izvozniki so dokazovali, da se morajo v skladu z določbami člena 3.4 Protidampinškega sporazuma STO pri preučevanju gospodarskega položaja industrije Skupnosti oceniti vsi zadevni gospodarski dejavniki in kazalci, ki vplivajo na položaj te gospodarske panoge.
67 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1799
As concerns the impact on the situation of the Community industry of the magnitude of the actual margin of dumping during the IP, this is not considered a relevant factor in the present review examinations as the imposition of anti-dumping duties in 1997 and the subsequent anti-circumvention measures have practically stopped imports from Belarus.
Vplivi višine dejanske stopnje dampinga v obdobju preiskave na položaj industrije Skupnosti se v okviru teh preučevanj ne štejejo kot pomemben dejavnik, saj se je zaradi uvedbe protidampinških carin leta 1997 in kasnejših ukrepov proti izogibanju uvoz zadevnega izdelka iz Belorusije praktično ustavil.
68 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2263
In accordance with Article 3(5) of the basic Regulation, the examination of the impact of the dumped imports on the Community industry included an evaluation of all relevant economic factors and indices having a bearing on the state of the industry including a decline of sales, profits, production, market share, productivity, return on investments, capacity utilisation, factors affecting Community prices, cash flow, inventories, employment, wages, growth, ability to raise capital or investments.
V skladu s členom 3(5) osnovne uredbe je pregled vpliva dampinškega uvoza na industrijo Skupnosti vključila oceno vseh pomembnih ekonomskih dejavnikov in kazalnikov, ki vplivajo na stanje v industriji Skupnosti, vključno s padcem prodaje, dobičkom, proizvodnjo, tržnim deležem, produktivnostjo, donosnostjo naložb, izkoriščenostjo zmogljivosti, dejavniki, ki vplivajo na cene v Skupnosti, denarnim tokom, zalogami, zaposlenostjo, plačami, rastjo, sposobnostjo pridobivanja kapitala ali naložb.
69 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0054
in order to make seed rapidly available, notwithstanding the fact that the official examination to check compliance with the conditions laid down in Annex I in respect of germination has not been concluded, authorise the official certification and the marketing as far as the first buyer by way of trade of seed of the categories `basic seed' or `certified seed'.
da bi bilo seme hitro na razpolago, ne glede na dejstvo, da uradni pregled za nadzor ustreznosti s pogojem v Prilogi I glede kalivosti še ni zaključen, dovolijo uradno potrditev in trženje do prvega kupca za trgovanje s semenom kategorije "osnovno seme" ali "certificirano seme".
70 Pravna redakcija
Where it is found (as a result of the examination procedure, unless the factual and legal situation is such that an examination procedure may not be required) that action is necessary in the interests of the Community in order to ensure the exercise of the Community's rights under international trade rules, with a view to removing the injury or the adverse trade effects resulting from obstacles to trade adopted or maintained by third countries, the appropriate measures shall be determined in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 13.
Če se (kot posledica postopka pregleda, razen če zaradi dejanske in pravne situacije postopek pregleda ni potreben) izkaže, da interesi Skupnosti zahtevajo ukrepanje, da bi zagotovili izvajanje pravic Skupnosti po mednarodnih pravilih trgovanja s ciljem odpraviti škodo ali škodljive učinke na trgovino, ki izhajajo iz trgovinskih ovir, ki jih sprejmejo ali ohranjajo tretje države, se po postopkih iz člena 13 določijo primerni ukrepi.
71 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2861
This examination covered, as pointed out in recital 66 of the provisional Regulation, imports from third countries not included in the proceeding, and it was found that, even if some of the injury could have been attributed to these imports, this did not alter the fact that the injury caused by the dumped imports from the countries subject to the proceeding was, taken in isolation, material.
To preučevanje obsega, kot je navedeno v uvodni izjavi 66 začasne uredbe, uvoz iz tretjih držav, ki niso vključene v postopek, in čeprav je del škode mogoče pripisati temu uvozu, to ne spremeni dejstva, da je bila škoda, povzročena z dampinškim uvozom iz držav, ki so predmet postopka, sama po sebi znatna.
72 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31996D0040
Following the initiation of the proceeding, the Commission conducted a factual and legal examination and presented on 20 February 1992 its examination report to the Advisory Committee established under Regulation (EC) No 2641/84. From this it appeared that, during the reference period, and essentially as a result of the Thai authorities' failure to properly enforce the then Thai legislation on copyright, the level of piracy of sound recordings (international repertoire) was likely to have reached 90 %, and that this situation resulted in material injury to the Community industry, notably in the form of lost sales on the Thai market (as well as certain other third markets).
Po uvedbi postopka je Komisija opravila dejansko in pravno preiskavo ter je 20. februarja 1992 predložila svoje poročilo o preverjanju Svetovalnemu odboru, ustanovljenemu skladno z Uredbo (ES) št. 2641/84. Iz njenega poročila izhaja, da je v referenčnem obdobju in predvsem zaradi tega, ker tajski organi niso bili sposobni ustrezno izvrševati tedanje tajske zakonodaje o avtorskih pravicah, raven piratstva posnetih nosilcev zvočnega zapisa (mednarodni repertoar) verjetno dosegla 90 %, pri čemer je to povzročilo materialno škodo gospodarski panogi Skupnosti, zlasti v obliki izgubljene prodaje na tajskem trgu (kot tudi na nekaterih drugih tretjih trgih).
73 Pravna redakcija
Should one Party consider that imports of textile products not subject to quantitative limits, originating in the other Party and covered by this Protocol take place in such increased, absolute or relative, quantities or under such conditions, so as to threaten to cause injury to the importing Party's production of like or directly competitive products, or where the economic interests of the importing Party so require, it may, after examination of the relevant facts, impose a prior or retrospective surveillance system on the category of products, on the products, concerned for a period that it considers appropriate.
Če katera pogodbenica meni, da uvoz tekstilnih izdelkov, za katere ne veljajo količinske omejitve, s poreklom iz druge pogodbenice in zajetih v tem protokolu, poteka v tako povečanih količinah, absolutno ali relativno, ali pod pogoji, ki grozijo, da bodo povzročili škodo proizvodnji podobnih ali neposredno konkurenčnih izdelkov v pogodbenici uvoznici, ali če tako zahtevajo gospodarski interesi pogodbenice uvoznice, lahko po preučitvi ustreznih dejstev uvede predhodni ali naknadni sistem nadzora za zadevno kategorijo izdelkov ali za zadevne izdelke za obdobje, ki se ji zdi ustrezno.
74 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The case sent to the Commission shall include all the facts necessary for a full examination of the case presented.
Primer, poslan Komisiji, mora vsebovati vse podatke, ki so potrebni za popolno obravnavo predloženega primera.
75 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
The examination of the abovementioned factors shows that between 1999 and the IP the situation of the Community industry deteriorated.
Analiza zgornjih dejavnikov kaže, da se je stanje industrije Skupnosti med 1999 in OP poslabšalo.
76 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
The examination of the abovementioned factors shows that between 1999 and the IP, the situation of the Community industry deteriorated.
Preučitev zgoraj navedenih dejavnikov kaže, da se je med letom 1999 in obdobjem preiskave položaj Skupnosti poslabšal.
77 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
A member of the staff of the Examination Office taking part in a technical examination is not allowed to make any unauthorized use of, or disclose to any unauthorized person, any facts, documents and information coming to their knowledge in the course of or in connection with the technical examination;
Član osebja urada za preskušanje sort, ki sodeluje pri preskušanju, ne sme nepooblaščeno uporabiti ali razkriti nobeni nepooblaščeni osebi katerih koli dejstev, dokumentov in podatkov, s katerimi se seznani med preskušanjem ali v povezavi s preskušanjem;
78 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996D0040
Following the initiation of the proceeding, the Commission conducted a factual and legal examination and presented on 20 February 1992 its examination report to the Advisory Committee established under Regulation (EC) No 2641/84.
Po uvedbi postopka je Komisija opravila dejansko in pravno preiskavo ter je 20. februarja 1992 predložila svoje poročilo o preverjanju Svetovalnemu odboru, ustanovljenemu skladno z Uredbo (ES) št. 2641/84.
79 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988D0591
Whereas, in respect of actions requiring close examination of complex facts, the establishment of a second court will improve the judicial protection of individual interests;
ker bo ustanovitev dodatnega sodišča izboljšala sodno varstvo interesov posameznika v postopkih, ki zahtevajo natančno preučitev zapletenih dejstev;
80 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R2100
In proceedings before it the Office shall make investigations on the facts of its own motion, to the extent that they come under the examination pursuant to Articles 54 and 55.
V postopkih pred uradom ta na lastno pobudo razišče dejstva v okviru zahtevanih pregledov iz členov 54 in 55.
81 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0187
employ methods for selection of containers for examination which take into account physical, documentary and intelligence factors and random and systematic selection procedures.
uporabiti metode za izbiro zabojnikov, ki se pregledajo, pri čemer se upošteva fizične, dokumentirane in inteligenčne dejavnike ter naključne in sistematične izbirne postopke.
82 Prevajalska redakcija
In order to facilitate the examination of factors that may cause market disturbances, a mechanism shall be instituted for the statistical surveillance of certain ACP exports to the Community.
Za lažjo proučitev dejavnikov, ki bi lahko povzročili motnje na trgu, se vzpostavi mehanizem za statistični nadzor določenega izvoza iz držav AKP v Skupnost.
83 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1599
The GOK did not carry out such an examination. Therefore the Commission did not examine whether there was in fact an excess drawback of import charges on inputs consumed in the production of the exported product.
Korejska vlada takega preverjanja ni opravila Komisija zato ni preverila, ali je dejansko prišlo do presežnega povračila uvoznih dajatev na vložke, porabljene pri proizvodnji blaga za izvoz.
84 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3285
Examination of the trend of imports, of the conditions in which they take place and of serious injury or threat of serious injury to Community producers resulting from such imports shall cover in particular the following factors:
Raziskava uvoznih trendov, pogojev, v katerih se ta uvoz izvaja, in iz tega uvoza izhajajoče resne škode ali grožnje resne škode za proizvajalce Skupnosti obravnava predvsem naslednje dejavnike:
85 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
In its examination of the grounds of jurisdiction referred to in the foregoing paragraph, the court or authority applied to shall be bound by the findings of fact on which the court of the Member State of origin based its jurisdiction.
Pri preverjanju pristojnosti iz prejšnjega odstavka je sodišče ali pristojen organ, pred katerih se zahteva priznanje, vezan na ugotovitve dejstev, na katerih je sodišče v državi članici izvora utemeljilo svojo pristojnost.
86 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0519
The examination of the trend of imports, of the conditions in which they take place and of the serious injury or threat of serious injury to Community producers resulting from such imports, shall cover in particular the following factors.
Pregled uvoznih trendov, pogojev, pod katerimi ta uvoz poteka, in iz tega uvoza izhajajoče že povzročene resne škode ali grožnje resne škode za proizvajalce Skupnosti zajema zlasti naslednje dejavnike:
87 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0385
The examination of the impact of the sale at less than normal value on the Community industry concerned shall include an evaluation of all relevant economic factors and indices having a bearing on the state of the industry including:
Pregled vpliva prodaje pod normalno vrednostjo na zadevno industrijo Skupnosti vključuje oceno vseh zadevnih gospodarskih dejavnikov in kazalcev, ki vplivajo na položaj industrije, vključno z:
88 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1006
An in-depth examination of the costs of production supplied by the Filipino producer concerned showed that due to the fact that certain parts used in the manufacture of disposable flint lighters were bought from related parties, additional costs were incurred.
Podroben pregled stroškov proizvodnje, ki jih je predložil filipinski proizvajalec, je pokazal, da so nastali dodatni stroški, ker so nekateri deli, ki se uporabljajo pri proizvodnji vžigalnikov na kresilni kamen za enkratno uporabo, bili kupljeni od povezanih strank.
89 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0105
In order to make seed of the current seasons crop rapidly available, notwithstanding the fact that the examination in respect of germination as laid down in paragraph 2(b) has not been concluded, Member States may authorise marketing as far as to the first buyer.
Da bi bilo seme, proizvedeno v tekočem letu, hitro na voljo, lahko države članice dovolijo prvo prodajo ne glede na dejstvo, da še ni zaključen pregled kalivosti skladno z odstavkom 2(b).
90 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1352
When opening the detailed examination procedure, the Commission shall summarise the relevant issues of fact and law and include a preliminary assessment of the investment project in relation to the provisions and objectives of the Euratom Treaty and Regulation (Euratom) No 2587/1999.
Ko Komisija začne podrobni postopek preverjanja, povzame pomembna dejstva in pravna vprašanja in vključi predhodno oceno naložbenega programa glede na določbe in cilje Pogodbe Euratom in Uredbe (Euratom) št. 2587/1999.
91 Prevajalska redakcija
For greater clarity as to whether an investment made in the area of one Contracting Party is controlled, directly or indirectly, by an investor of any other Contracting Party, control of an investment means control in fact, determined after an examination of the actual circumstances in each situation.
Zaradi večje jasnosti glede vprašanja, ali je naložba na območju ene pogodbenice pod posrednim ali neposrednim nadzorom vlagatelja katere koli druge pogodbenice, nadzor naložbe pomeni dejanski nadzor, ki se določi po pregledu dejanskih okoliščin v vsakokratnih razmerah.
92 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0436
As shown above, a full examination of the facts established and the conclusions reached in the original investigation, taking account of the recommendations and rulings set out in the Reports, demonstrates that imports from Brazil were still injuriously dumped, although at a slightly lower level,
Kakor je prikazano zgoraj, dokazuje popolno preverjanje ugotovljenih dejstev in zaključki, sprejeti v prvotni preiskavi, ob upoštevanju priporočil in odločitev iz poročil, da je bil uvoz iz Brazilije kljub temu dampinško škodljiv, četudi na znatno nižji ravni.
93 Prevajalska redakcija
The examination of the impact of the subsidized imports on the domestic industry shall include an evaluation of all relevant economic factors and indices having a bearing on the state of the industry, including actual and potential decline in output, sales, market share, profits, productivity, return on investments, or utilization of capacity;
Ugotavljanje vplivov subvencioniranega uvoza na domačo industrijo upošteva vse pomembne dejavnike in kazalce, ki se nanašajo na stanje industrije, vključno z dejanskim ali možnim zmanjšanjem proizvodnje, prodaje, dobičkov, produktivnosti, amortizacijo vlaganj, ali izrabe zmogljivosti;
94 Prevajalska redakcija
The examination of the impact of the dumped imports on the domestic industry concerned shall include an evaluation of all relevant economic factors and indices having a bearing on the state of the industry, including actual and potential decline in sales, profits, output, market share, productivity, return on investments, or utilization of capacity;
Proučitev učinkovanja dumpinškega uvoza na določeno domačo industrijo vključuje ovrednotenje vseh ustreznih gospodarskih dejavnikov in pokazateljev, ki vplivajo na stanje industrije, vključno z dejanskim in potencialnim padanjem prodaje, dobička, proizvodnje, tržnega deleža, produktivnosti, povračil na vlaganje ali izrabe zmogljivosti;
95 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31971L0319
The examination carried out for the purpose of approving a model of a meter must show that the variations in error due to maximum variations in the properties of the liquids, to the pressure and the temperature of the liquid, within the limits which are to be specified in the certificate of approval, must not exceed, for each of these factors, one half of the values stated in items 1, 2 and 3 of Chapter II.
Pregled, ki se opravi za odobritev merila, mora pokazati, da spremembe pogreška zaradi največjih sprememb lastnosti tekočin, tlaka in temperature tekočine znotraj omejitev, navedenih v certifikatu o odobritvi, za vsakega od teh faktorjev ne smejo presegati polovice vrednosti, naštetih v točkah 1, 2 in 3 poglavja II.
96 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0016
The Council shall decide, not later than 25 January 1989, whether the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 are to be maintained or amended, in the light of a re-examination of the situation and on a proposal by the Commission, with due regard to the fact that the possibility of part-time training should continue to exist in certain circumstances to be examined specialty by specialty.
Svet bo po ponovnem pregledu stanja in na predlog Komisije najpozneje do 25. januarja 1989 odločil, ali naj se določbe odstavkov 1 in 2 ohranijo ali spremenijo, in sicer ob upoštevanju dejstva, da naj bi možnost izrednega študija še naprej obstajala v nekaterih okoliščinah, ki jih je treba pregledati za vsako specialistično področje posebej.
97 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0350
Whereas the attachment to the Court of Justice of a Court of First Instance by Decision 88/591/ECSC, EEC, Euratom (2) is intended, by the establishment of a second court, in particular in respect of actions requiring close examination of complex facts, to improve the judicial protection of individual interests and to maintain the quality and effectiveness of judicial review in the Community legal order by enabling the Court of Justice to concentrate its activities on its fundamental task, of ensuring uniform interpretation of Community law;
ker Sklep 88/591/ESPJ, EGS, Euratom [2] predvideva, da se Sodišču doda Sodišče prve stopnje in sicer z ustanovitvijo dodatnega sodišča, predvsem v zvezi s tožbami, ki zahtevajo natančno preiskavo zapletenih dejstev, da bi izboljšali sodno varstvo interesov posameznika in ohranili kvaliteto in učinkovitost sodnega nadzora v pravnem redu Skupnosti tako, da bi omogočili Sodišču osredotočiti svoje dejavnosti na njegovo temeljno nalogo zagotavljanja enotne razlage prava Skupnosti;
98 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0384
The examination of the impact of the dumped imports on the Community industry concerned shall include an evaluation of all relevant economic factors and indices having a bearing on the state of the industry, including the fact that an industry is still in the process of recovering from the effects of past dumping or subsidization, the magnitude of the actual margin of dumping, actual and potential decline in sales, profits, output, market share, productivity, return on investments, utilization of capacity; factors affecting Community prices;
Preiskava učinka dumpinškega uvoza na zadevno industrijo Skupnosti vsebuje oceno vseh gospodarskih dejavnikov in pokazateljev, ki vplivajo na stanje industrije, vključno z dejstvom, da je kaka industrija morda še vedno v procesu okrevanja zaradi učinkov dumpinga ali subvencioniranja v preteklosti, nadalje velikost dejanske stopnje dumpinga, dejanski in potencialni padec prodaje, dobičke, obseg proizvodnje, tržni delež, produktivnost, donosnost investicij, stopnjo izkoriščenosti zmogljivosti, dejavnike, ki vplivajo na cene v Skupnosti, dejanske in potencialne negativne učinke na denarni tok, zalogo, zaposlovanje, plače, rast, sposobnost zbiranja kapitala ali investicij.
99 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988D0591
Whereas it is therefore necessary to make use of the powers granted by Article 32d of the ECSC Treaty, Article 168a of the EEC Treaty and Article 140a of the EAEC Treaty and to transfer to the Court of First Instance jurisdiction to hear and determine at first instance certain classes of action or proceeding which frequently require an examination of complex facts, that is to say actions or proceedings brought by servants of the Communities and also, in so far as the ECSC Treaty is concerned, by undertakings and associations in matters concerning levies, production, prices, restrictive agreements, decisions or practices and concentrations, and so far as the EEC Treaty is concerned, by natural or legal persons in competition matters,
ker je zato potrebno uporabiti pooblastila, ki jih predvideva člen 32d Pogodbe ESPJ, člen 168a Pogodbe EGS in člen 140a Pogodbe ESAE, in prenesti na Sodišče prve stopnje pristojnost za obravnavo in odločitev na prvi stopnji o določenih vrstah tožb ali postopkov, ki pogosto zahtevajo preiskavo zapletenih dejstev, to se pravi tožb ali postopkov, ki jih vložijo uslužbenci Skupnosti in v zvezi s Pogodbo o ESPJ tudi podjetja in združenja v zadevah glede davkov, proizvodnje, cen, omejevalnih sporazumov, sklepov ali ravnanj in koncentracije ter v zvezi s Pogodbo EGS tudi fizične ali pravne osebe v zadevah konkurence,
100 Prevajalska redakcija
Within the framework of the general objectives set forth in Article 1, and with a view to contributing towards the standardization of the market for olive oil and olive-pomace oil and correcting any imbalance between international supply and demand due to irregularity of harvests or to other factors, the Council shall, at the autumn session, make a detailed examination of olive-oil balances and an overall estimate of the supplies of and demand for olive oil and olive-pomace oil, on the basis of the information furnished by each member under Article 48 and any information communicated to the Council by governments of States not Parties to this Agreement but interested in the international olive oil and olive-pomace oil trade, and of any other relevant statistical material available to the Council.
V okviru splošnih ciljev, določenih v členu 1, in da bi se trg oljčnega olja in olja iz olivnih tropin normaliziral ter od-pravilo vsako neravnovesje v mednarodni ponudbi in povpraševanju zaradi neenakih trgatev ali drugih vzrokov, bo svet na svojem jesenskem zasedanju natančno proučil bilance oljčnega olja in celotno oceno ponudbe in povpraševanja po oljčnem olju in olju iz olivnih tropin na podlagi obvestila, ki ga vsaka članica pošlje po členu 48, in drugih obvestil, ki jih dobi od vlad držav, ki niso članice tega sporazuma, zainteresirane pa so za mednarodno trgovino z oljčnim oljem in oljem iz olivnih tropin, ter na podlagi kakršnih koli drugih statističnih podatkov, s katerimi razpolaga.
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examination of facts