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expanded inspection
51 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0021
In addition to the items listed under section 1, the following items may also be considered as part of the expanded inspection for bulk carriers:
Poleg postavk, naštetih v oddelku 1, lahko upoštevamo navedene postavke kot del razširjenega inšpekcijskega pregleda ladij za prevoz razsutega tovora:
52 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0021
In addition to the items listed under section 1, the following items may also be considered as part of the expanded inspection for passenger ships.
Poleg točk, naštetih v oddelku 1, lahko upoštevamo navedene postavke kot del razširjenega inšpekcijskega pregleda potniških ladij:
53 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0106
In addition to the items listed under section C 1, the following items may also be considered as part of the expanded inspection for passenger ships:
Poleg točk, navedenih v oddelku C 1, spadajo v razširjeni pregled potniških ladij naslednje točke:
54 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0106
In addition to the items listed under section 1, the following items are to be considered as part of the expanded inspection for gas and chemical tankers:
Poleg točk, navedenih v oddelku 1, je treba za razširjeni pregled tankerjev za prevoz plinov in kemikalij predvideti naslednje točke:
55 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0021
In addition to the items listed under section 1, the following items can also be considered as part of the expanded inspection for gas and chemical tankers:
Poleg postavk, naštetih v oddelku 1, lahko upoštevamo navedene postavke kot del razširjenega inšpekcijskega pregleda ladij za prevoz plinov in ladij za prevoz kemikalij:
56 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0021
When a passenger ship operates such a schedule between ports in Member States, one of the States between which the ship is operating shall undertake the expanded inspection.
Kadar potniška ladja pluje po takem voznem redu med dvema pristaniščema v državah članicah, opravi razširjeni inšpekcijski pregled ena od obeh držav, med katerima ladja opravlja tak prevoz.
57 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0021
The ships referred to in paragraph 1 shall be subject to an expanded inspection by any of the competent authorities of the Member States only once during a period of 12 months.
Na ladjah, navedenih v odstavku 1, kateri koli pristojni organ držav članic opravi razširjeni inšpekcijski pregled samo enkrat v 12 mesecih.
58 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0106
Ships referred to in paragraph 1 shall be subject to an inspection, as provided for in Article 5(2)(a) or a mandatory expanded inspection as referred to in Article 7(4), as appropriate, in the next port of call in the Community.
Ladje iz odstavka 1 morajo biti pregledane, kakor je določeno v členu 5(2)(a), ali obvezno razširjeno pregledane v skladu s členom 7(4), kakor je primerno, v naslednjem pristanišču Skupnosti, v katerem pristanejo.
59 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0106
Subject to their practical feasibility or any constraints relating to the safety of persons, the ship or the port, the following items at least must be part of an expanded inspection.
Ob upoštevanju izvedljivosti v praksi ali morebitnih omejitev v zvezi z varnostjo oseb, ladje ali pristanišča, razširjeni pregled obsega vsaj točke, navedene v nadaljevanju.
60 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0021
On completion of an inspection, a more detailed inspection, or an expanded inspection, the master of the ship shall be provided by the inspector with a document in the form specified in Annex 3 to the MOU, giving the results of the inspection and details of any decisions taken by the inspector, and of corrective action to be taken by the master, owner or operator.
Po zaključku inšpekcijskega pregleda, podrobnejšega ali razširjenega, dobi poveljnik ladje od inšpektorja dokument v obliki, določeni v Prilogi 3 k MOU, ki podaja rezultate inšpekcijskega pregleda in podrobnosti vseh odločb, ki jih je inšpektor sprejel, ter ukrepe za odpravo nepravilnosti, ki jih mora sprejeti poveljnik, lastnik ali upravljavec ladje.
61 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0021
In the case of passenger ships operating on a regular schedule in or out of a port in a Member State, an expanded inspection of each ship shall be carried out by the competent authority of that Member State.
Na vseh potniških ladjah, ki plujejo na rednih linijskih plovbah v pristanišče države članice ali iz njega, razširjeni inšpekcijski pregled vsake ladje opravi pristojni organ te države članice.
62 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0106
In cases where, for operational reasons, a Member State is unable to carry out an inspection of a ship with a target factor of more than 50 as referred to in Article 5(2)(a) or a mandatory expanded inspection as referred to in Article 7(4), the Member State shall, without delay, inform the Sirenac system that such inspection did not take place.
Kadar država članica iz operativnih razlogov ne more izvesti inšpekcijskega pregleda ladje s ciljnim faktorjem nad 50 iz člena 5(2)(a) ali obveznega razširjenega inšpekcijskega pregleda iz člena 7(4), država članica takoj obvesti sistem Sirenac, da tak pregled ni bil izveden.
63 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0106
The competent authority shall, subject to the provisions of Article 7a, ensure that an inspection in accordance with Article 6 is carried out on any ship not subject to an expanded inspection with a target factor greater than 50 in the Sirenac information system, provided that a period of at least one month has elapsed since the last inspection carried out in a port in the MOU region.
2.(a) Pristojni organ zagotovi, ob upoštevanju določb člena 7a, da se v skladu s členom 6 opravi pregled vsake ladje, za katero ni predpisan razširjeni inšpekcijski pregled, s ciljnim dejavnikom nad 50 po informacijskem sistemu Sirenac, pod pogojem, da je pretekel najmanj en mesec od zadnjega inšpekcijskega pregleda, izvedenega v pristanišču z območja MOU.
64 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0021
Whereas the casualty, detention and deficiency statistics published in the Commission's communication entitled 'A common policy on safe seas' and in the annual report of the MOU show that certain categories of ships need to be subject to an expanded inspection;
ker podatki o nesrečah, zadržanjih in pomanjkljivostih, objavljeni v sporočilu Komisije, naslovljenem "Skupna politika o varnosti v pomorskem prometu", in v letnem poročilu MOU, kažejo, da je treba na nekaterih kategorijah ladij opraviti razširjeni inšpekcijski pregled;
65 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0106
The operator or master of a ship to which paragraph 1 applies shall communicate all the information listed in Annex V, section B, to the competent authority of the Member State of each port visited after a period of 12 months since the last expanded inspection.
Upravljavec ali poveljnik ladje, za katero velja odstavek 1, javi vse podatke, navedene v oddelku B Priloge V, pristojnemu organu države članice vsakega pristanišča, v katerega ladja pripluje po 12 mesecih od zadnjega razširjenega inšpekcijskega pregleda.
66 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0106
In particular, given the risks of major pollution caused by oil tankers and in view of the fact that the great majority of deficiencies leading to detention concern ships older than 15 years, the expanded inspection regime should be applied to oil tankers from the age of 15 years.
Zlasti glede nevarnosti večjega onesnaževanja, ki ga povzročajo tankerji, in zaradi dejstva, da se velika večina pomanjkljivosti, ki privedejo do zadržanja, nanaša na ladje, starejše od 15 let, bi se režim razširjenih inšpekcijskih pregledov moral uporabljati za tankerje, starejše od 15 let.
67 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0106
Where there is a risk that an amendment or draft amendment to the MOU may weaken the scope of the obligation for expanded inspection under this Article, the Commission shall submit without delay to the Committee established by Article 18, draft measures with a view to reintroducing target factor values complying with the objectives of this Directive.";
Kadar obstaja možnost, da lahko sprememba ali osnutek spremembe Pariškega memoranduma o soglasju (MOU) zmanjša obseg obveznosti za razširjeni pregled po tem členu, Komisija takoj predloži odboru, ustanovljenemu na podlagi člena 18, osnutke ukrepov za ponovno uvedbo vrednosti ciljnega faktorja, ki ustrezajo ciljem te direktive.";
68 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0106
However an inspection in accordance with Article 6 may be carried out in the period between two expanded inspections.
Vendar pa se lahko izvede pregled v skladu s členom 6 v obdobju med dvema razširjenima pregledoma.
69 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0021
an oil tanker as mentioned above meeting the requirements of a new oil tanker as defined in Regulation 1 (26) of Annex I to Marpol 73/78 will be subject to expanded inspection 25 years after its date of delivery as indicated on the Supplement, Form B, to the IOPP Certificate, unless it complies with or has been reconstructed to comply with Regulation 13F of that Annex.
zgoraj navedene tankerje, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve novega tankerja, opredeljene v Pravilu 1(26) Priloge I k Marpol 73/78, je treba podrobneje pregledati 25 let po datumu prevzema, kakor je navedeno v Dodatku k spričevalu IOPP, obrazec B, razen če izpolnjujejo zahteve ali so bili obnovljeni v skladu s pravilom 13F te priloge.
70 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0106
The review will examine, inter alia, the number of port State control inspectors in each Member State and the number of inspections carried out, including mandatory expanded inspections.
Ta pregled med drugimobsega število inšpektorjev pomorske inšpekcije v vsaki državi članici in število opravljenih inšpekcijskih pregledov, vključno z obveznimi razširjenimi pregledi.
71 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0106
The content of the expanded inspections for which guidelines have been laid down may vary considerably at the discretion of the inspection authority.
Vsebina razširjenih inšpekcijskih pregledov, za katere so bila določena navodila, se lahko znatno spreminja po prostem preudarku inšpekcijskega organa.
72 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0021
a crude oil tanker of 20 000 tonnes deadweight and above or a product carrier of 30 000 tonnes deadweight and above, not meeting the requirements of a new oil tanker as defined in Regulation 1 (26) of Annex I to Marpol 73/78, will be subject to expanded inspection 20 years after its date of delivery as indicated on the Supplement, Form B, to the IOPP Certificate, or 25 years after that date, if the ship's wing tanks or double-bottom spaces not used for the carriage of oil meet the requirements of Regulation 13G (4) of that Annex, unless it has been reconstructed to comply with Regulation 13F of the same Annex,
tankerje za surovo nafto z nosilnostjo 20 000 ton in več ali ladje za prevoz naftnih derivatov z nosilnostjo 30 000 ton in več, ki ne izpolnjujejo zahtev novega tankerja, opredeljenih v Pravilu 1(26) Priloge I k Marpol 73/78, je treba razširjeno pregledati 20 let po datumu prevzema, kakor je navedeno v Dodatku k spričevalu IOPP, obrazec B, ali 25 let po tem datumu, če tanki na ladijskem boku ali prostori z dvojnim dnom, ki se ne uporabljajo za prevoz olj, izpolnjujejo zahteve Pravila 13G(4) te priloge, razen če je bil tanker obnovljen tako, da je v skladu s pravilom 13F te priloge,
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expanded inspection