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forward results
51 Pravna redakcija
As a contribution to expenses incurred by the Member States in carrying, out the basic survey and the surveys provided for in Article 3, 20 ECU per holding for which complete survey results are forwarded to the Statistical Office of the European Communities shall be reimbursed up to a maximum per survey of:
Kot prispevek k stroškom, ki nastanejo v državah članicah za izvajanje osnovnega raziskovanja in za raziskovanja, določena v členu 3, se povrne 20 ekujev na gospodarstvo, za katero so bili posredovani celotni rezultati raziskovanja Statističnemu uradu Evropskih skupnosti, na raziskovanje do največ::
52 Pravna redakcija
In order to permit assessment of the results of applying this Directive, Member States shall forward to the Commission a statistical report on the service contracts awarded by contracting authorities during the preceding year not later than 31 October 1997 and thereafter not later than 31 October each year.
Da bi omogočile ocenitev rezultatov uporabe te direktive, pošljejo države članice Komisiji statistično poročilo o naročilih storitev, ki so jih oddali naročniki v predhodnem letu najkasneje do 31. oktobra 1997 in nato najkasneje do 31. oktobra vsako leto.
53 Pravna redakcija
In order to permit assessment of the results of applying this Directive, Member States shall forward to the Commission a statistical report on the works contracts awarded by contracting authorities during the preceding year, not later than 31 October 1997 and thereafter not later than 31 October of each year.
Da bi države članice omogočile ocenitev rezultatov uporabe te direktive, pošljejo Komisiji statistično poročilo o naročilih za dela, ki so jih oddali naročniki v predhodnem letu najkasneje do 31. oktobra 1997 in nato vsako leto najkasneje do 31. oktobra.
54 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2377
No later than 18.00 Brussels time on the day of lodging of licence applications, the competent authorities shall forward to the Commission by fax a notification in accordance with the model established in Annex II, and the total quantity resulting from the sum of all quantities indicated on the import licence applications.
Pristojni organi na dan vložitve zahtevkov za dovoljenje najkasneje do 18.00 ure po bruseljskem času pošljejo uradno obvestilo Komisiji po faksu v skladu z vzorcem v Prilogi II in jo obvestijo o skupni količini, ki izhaja iz vsote vseh količin, navedenih v zahtevkih za uvozno dovoljenje.
55 Pravna redakcija
For the purpose of the Member States' reports to the Commission under the excessive deficit procedure laid down in Council Regulation (EC) No 3605/93 (1), "Government deficit" is the balancing item "net borrowing/net lending" of General Government, including streams of interest payments resulting from swaps arrangements and forward rate agreements.
Za namene poročanja držav članic Komisiji v okviru postopka v zvezi s čezmernim primanjkljajem iz Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 3605/93 fn je »javnofinančni primanjkljaj« bilančna postavka »neto izposojanje/neto posojanje« države v širšem smislu, vključno s tokovi plačil obresti iz poslov zamenjave (swap) in nestandardiziranih terminskih pogodb.
56 Pravna redakcija
whereas Article 7(3) of the Decision provides for Parliament to be fully informed about agendas, draft implementing measures arising from legislative acts adopted under codecision which have been submitted to committees, the results of voting, provisional summary records of meetings, lists of participants in committees and drafts of implementing measures forwarded to the Council,
ker člen 7(3) Sklepa predvideva, da mora biti Parlament polno obveščen o dnevnih redih, osnutkih ukrepov za izvajanje aktov, sprejetih v skladu s postopkom soodločanja, ki so bili predloženi odborom, izidih glasovanj, kratkih zapisnikih sej, seznamih članov odborov in osnutkih izvedbenih ukrepov, predloženih Svetu,
57 Pravna redakcija
By way of derogation from Article 356(2) the office of destination shall retain the transit accompanying document and shall communicate the arrival to the office of departure immediately using the message specified in Annexes 37a and 37b, and, without delay, shall forward the control results to the office of departure as soon as these are available using the message specified in the same Annexes.
Z odstopanjem od člena 356(2) obdrži namebni urad spremno tranzitno listino in nemudoma obvesti odhodni urad o prispetju blaga z uporabo sporočila iz prilog 37a in 37b, ter odhodnemu uradu posreduje rezultate kontrole v obliki sporočila iz iste priloge takoj, ko so le-ti na voljo.
58 Pravna redakcija
In order to permit assessment of the results of applying this Directive, Member States shall forward to the Commission a statistical report on the supply contracts awarded by contracting authorities during the preceding year, not later than 31 October 1996 and, in respect of the contracting authorities not listed in Annex I, not later than 31 October 1997 and thereafter not later than 31 October of each year.
Da bi omogočile ocenitev rezultatov uporabe te direktive, pošljejo države članice statistično poročilo o oddaji naročil blaga, ki so jih naročniki oddali v predhodnem letu najkasneje do 31. oktobra 1996 in za naročnike, ki niso našteti Prilogi I, najkasneje do 31. oktobra 1997 in nato vsako leto najkasneje do 31.oktobra.
59 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2521
Whereas examination of the information forwarded has shown that the tolerances laid down for verification of the declared fat content are too narrow; whereas the tolerances for the averages of the results obtained from samples taken and for individual results should be doubled; whereas, under those circumstances, the requirement that each sample must comply with the limits laid down in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 2991/94 can no longer be maintained; whereas the requirement that the average content established must comply with those limits must be stipulated;
ker je preiskava predloženih podatkov pokazala, da so dovoljena odstopanja, določena za preverjanje navedene vsebnosti maščobe, premajhna; ker je treba dovoljena odstopanja za povprečja rezultatov, dobljenih iz odvzetih vzorcev, in za posamezne rezultate podvojiti; ker v teh okoliščinah ni več mogoče obdržati zahteve, da mora vsak vzorec ustrezati mejnim vrednostim, določenim v Prilogi k Uredbi (ES) št. 2991/94; ker je treba določiti zahtevo, da mora povprečna ugotovljena vsebnost ustrezati navedenim mejnim vrednostim;
60 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1228
6. The costs incurred as a result of hosting cross-border flows shall be established on the basis of the forward looking long-run average incremental costs, taking into account losses, investment in new infrastructure, and an appropriate proportion of the cost of existing infrastructure, as far as infrastructure is used for the transmission of cross-border flows, in particular taking into account the need to guarantee security of supply.
6. Stroški, nastali zaradi prevajanja čezmejnih pretokov, se določijo na podlagi predvidenega dolgoročnega povprečja dodatnih stroškov, ob upoštevanju izgub, naložb v novo infrastrukturo in ustreznega deleža stroškov obstoječe infrastrukture, če se ta infrastruktura uporablja za prenos čezmejnih pretokov, zlasti ob upoštevanju potrebe po zagotavljanju zanesljivosti oskrbe.
61 Pravna redakcija
In principle a forward-looking approach based on current costs fn will foster fair and sustainable competition and provide alternative investment incentives; however, if this could result in distortions of competition in the short term, for example where the notified operator's end user tariffs remain unbalanced on the basis of current costs, then it is recommended that the national regulatory authority, following the procedure of point 5, specify the reasonable time period necessary for the gradual adjustment to current costs of the price of local loops, while keeping consistency with the cost system used when regulating retail services.
Načeloma bo v prihodnost usmerjen pristop, ki temelji na trenutnih stroških fn, okrepil pošteno in trajnostno konkurenco in ponudil alternativne investicijske spodbude; če pa je kratkoročna posledica tega lahko izkrivljenje konkurence, na primer takrat, ko tarife za končne uporabnike priglašenega operaterja ostanejo neuravnovešene na podlagi tekočih stroškov, je priporočljivo, da nacionalni regulativni organ, ki ravna po postopku iz točke 5, določi razumno časovno obdobje, potrebno za postopno prilagajanje cene krajevne zanke tekočim stroškom, hkrati pa ohranja skladnost s stroškovnim sistemom, ki se uporablja za regulacijo maloprodajnih cen.
62 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2521
Whereas Article 2(1) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 577/97 of 1 April 1997 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 2991/94 laying down standards for spreadable fats and of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1898/87 on the protection of designations used in the marketing of milk and milk products (3), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1298/98 (4), lays down the rules concerning indication of the fat content of spreadable fats with the exception of the products referred to in Regulation (EC) No 2991/94 having a minimum fat content of 80 %; whereas a method for verifying compliance with those rules is laid down in Article 2(3) of Regulation (EC) No 577/97 and in Annex II thereto; whereas the date of application of that method has been deferred to 1 January 1999 in order to allow users to gain experience with it and, on the basis of results forwarded to the Commission, to allow a thorough examination of its viability;
ker je člen 2(1) Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 577/97 z dne 1. aprila 1997 o nekaterih podrobnih pravilih za uporabo Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 2991/94 o določitvi standardov za mazave maščobe in Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1898/87 o zaščiti poimenovanj, uporabljenih pri trženju mleka in mlečnih proizvodov fn, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 1298/98 fn, določa pravila v zvezi z navajanjem vsebnosti maščobe pri mazavih maščobah, razen pri proizvodih iz Uredbe (ES) št. 2991/94, ki imajo najmanj 80 % vsebnost maščobe; ker je metoda za preverjanje usklajenosti z navedenimi pravili določena v členu 2(3) Uredbe (ES) št. 577/97 in v Prilogi II k Uredbi; ker je bil datum uporabe navedene metode preložen na 1. januar 1999, da bi uporabnikom omogočili, da pridobijo izkušnje z njo, in da bi na podlagi rezultatov, predloženih Komisiji, omogočili temeljito preučitev njene izvedljivosti;
63 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1577
As a result the latter documents need no longer be forwarded.
Slednjih zato ni treba več pošiljati.
64 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0065
The test results shall immediately be forwarded to the competent authority;
Rezultate testov je treba takoj sporočiti pristojnemu organu;
65 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0043
The results of the assessment undertaken shall be forwarded to the committee for information;
Rezultati opravljene presoje se pošljejo odboru v vednost;
66 Prevajalska redakcija
Consistent results were obtained with the last observation carried forward method of analysis.
Konsistentne rezultate je dala analiza z uporabo metode prenosa zadnjega opažanja.
67 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0054
this level of forward power, or another parameter directly related to the forward power required to define the field, shall be measured and the results recorded.
Ta napredujoča dovedena moč ali neki drug parameter, neposredno povezan z napredujočo dovedeno močjo, potrebno za generiranje polja, se izmeri in dobljeni rezultati se zapišejo.
68 Prevajalska redakcija
the result of a forward sale shall be recorded in the financial year in which the commitment was undertaken.
rezultat terminske prodaje se evidentira v poslovnem letu, v katerem je bila obveznost prevzeta.
69 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2160
When a specific control programme is in force, the results of testing should be forwarded to purchasers of animals.
Če velja neki program nadzora, bi bilo treba rezultate testiranja dati kupcem živali.
70 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0085
Where any seated passenger is likely to be thrown forward into a step well as a result of heavy braking, a guard shall be fitted.
Na mestih, kjer obstaja nevarnost, da bi ob močnem zaviranju sedeči potniki lahko padli naprej na stopnišče, mora biti nameščena varovalna priprava.
71 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31982R0948
Whereas sugar carried forward may be affected as a result of force majeure, and the provisions should be supplemented accordingly;
ker na preneseni sladkor lahko vpliva višja sila in je treba določbe ustrezno dopolniti;
72 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3949
In agreement with the Commission, a Member State may forward the results of the survey on the basis of the NACE classification (version 70).
V dogovoru s Komisijo lahko država članica posreduje rezultate ankete na podlagi klasifikacije NACE (različica 70).
73 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0031
when the vehicle moves forward as a result of deliberate action by the driver following the first contact of the prop stand with the ground;
ko voznik namenoma pomakne vozilo naprej po prvem stiku bočnega stojala s podlago;
74 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986L0635
income and charges resulting from covered forward contracts, spread over the actual duration of the contract and similar in nature to interest;
prihodki in odhodki, ki izvirajo iz pokritih terminskih pogodb, porazdeljeni na dejansko trajanje pogodbe in po naravi podobni obrestim;
75 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
The results of the checks should be forwarded to the veterinary authority responsible for the border inspection post at which the products entered.
Rezultate pregledov je treba posredovati veterinarskemu organu, pristojnemu za mejno kontrolno točko, prek katere so proizvodi vstopili.
76 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0178
The Authority shall forward the results of its work in the field of data collection to the European Parliament, the Commission and the Member States.
Agencija predloži rezultate svojega dela na področju zbiranja podatkov Evropskemu parlamentu, Komisiji in državam članicam.
77 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R2467
By way of derogation, Germany will not forward individual data but tabular results corresponding to the BDT table programme mentioned under paragraph 2.
Nemčija izjemoma ne bo posredovala individualnih podatkov, bo pa pošiljala tabelarne rezultate, ki ustrezajo tabelarnemu programu BDT, omenjenem v drugem odstavku.
78 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0077
They shall forward the provisional results referred to in Article 5(1) to the Commission before 1 March and the results referred to in Article 5(2) before 1 April of the year following the reference year.`
Komisiji pošljejo predhodne podatke, ki se nanašajo na člen 5(1), pred 1. marcem in podatke, ki se nanašajo na člen 5(2), pred 1. aprilom leta, ki sledi referenčnemu letu."
79 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0025
Member States shall forward the Commission the results of the statistics referred to in Article 13 (1) within the two months following the reference month.
Države članice pošljejo Komisiji rezultate statistike iz člena 13(1) v dveh mesecih, ki sledita referenčnemu mesecu.
80 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0025
They shall forward the provisional results referred to in Article 5 (1) to the Commission before 1 March and the results referred to in Article 5 (2) before 15 September of the year following the reference year.
Predhodne rezultate iz člena 5(1) pošljejo Komisiji pred 1. marcem, rezultate iz člena 5(2) pa pred 15. septembrom leta, ki sledi referenčnemu letu.
81 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0032
The first notifier must give his agreement in writing to the reference to the results of the tests/studies he has forwarded before such reference can be made.
Preden je takšno sklicevanje mogoče, mora prvi prijavitelj pisno soglašati s sklicevanjem na rezultate preskusov/študij, ki jih je poslal.
82 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0319
" that the danger of a correctly positioned belt slipping from the shoulder of a wearer as a result of his/her forward movement is reduced to a minimum."
" mora biti ob pravilni uporabi le minimalna možnost zdrsa pasu z ramena uporabnika/uporabnice zaradi njegovega/njenega premika naprej."
83 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0055
By 31 December 2005, the Commission shall forward an assessment to the European Parliament and the Council of the results obtained as compared with those expected.
Do 31. decembra 2005 Komisija posreduje Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu oceno dobljenih rezultatov v primerjavi s pričakovanimi.
84 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31964L0475
Subject to any national legislation on the secrecy of statistics, the results of the surveys, broken down by industrial sector, shall be forwarded to the Commission.
V skladu s katero koli nacionalno zakonodajo o tajnosti statističnih podatkov, se rezultati pregleda, razčlenjeni po industrijskih dejavnostih, posredujejo Komisiji.
85 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0079
The value of the resultant head acceleration during forward impact which is exceeded for 3 ms cumulatively is calculated from the resultant head acceleration measured according to paragraph 5.2.1 of Appendix 1 to this Annex.
Vrednost rezultante pospeška glave med čelnim trkom, ki je kumulativno presežena pri 3 ms, se izračuna iz rezultante pospeška glave, ki je bil izmerjen skladno s točko 5.2.1 Dodatka 1 k tej prilogi.
86 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0016
They shall forward to the Commission in the form of a methodological report all information enabling the accuracy of the results transmitted to be assessed, in particular:
V obliki metodološkega poročila predložijo Komisiji vse informacije, ki omogočajo ocenitev natančnosti posredovanih rezultatov, zlasti:
87 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0023
By not later than 31 March each year, Member States shall forward to the Commission the results of their residue and substance detection plans and of their control measures.
Države članice morajo najpozneje do 31. marca tekočega leta poslati Komisiji rezultate izvajanja načrtov za odkrivanje snovi in ostankov škodljivih snovi in njihovih kontrolnih ukrepov.
88 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2368
A report on the results of compliance verification measures is to be forwarded to the Chair and to the Participant concerned within three weeks of completion of the mission.
Poročilo o rezultatih nadzornih ukrepov v zvezi s spoštovanjem sistema potrjevanja se pošlje predsedstvu in zadevnemu udeležencu v roku treh tednov po dokončanju naloge.
89 Prevajalska redakcija
Consistent results were obtained with the last observation carried forward method of analysis (time-averaged difference of 0.11, 97.5 % confidence interval [ -0.15, 0.36 ]).
Konsistentni rezultati so bili doseženi z analizo po metodi prenosa zadnjega opažanja naprej (časovno povprečna razlika 0, 11 pri 97, 5 % intervalu zaupanja [ - 0, 15, 0, 36 ]).
90 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0036
In order to permit assessment of the results of applying this Directive, Member States shall forward to the Commission a statistical report relative to supply contract awards:
Da Komisija lahko oceni dosežene rezultate pri izvrševanju te direktive, ji morajo države članice poslati statistično poročilo glede izbora ponudnikov:
91 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31980R1992
whereas it is therefore advisable to allow this Member State to postpone for one year the dates by which this survey must be completed and the results forwarded to the Commission;
ker je zato priporočljivo tej državi članici dovoliti, da za eno leto preloži datum, do katerega mora zaključiti to raziskovanje in rezultate predložiti Komisiji;
92 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R1390
Whereas the results of the observations on permanent observation plots for the continuous surveillance of forest ecosystems should be forwarded to the Commission on a yearly basis;
ker je Komisiji treba vsako leto poslati rezultate opazovanj na trajnih opazovalnih ploskvah za stalno spremljanje gozdnih ekosistemov;
93 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31981R3719
whereas it is therefore advisable to allow this Member State to postpone for a further year the dates by which this survey must be completed and the results forwarded to the Commission;
ker je zato priporočljivo omogočiti tej državi članici, da za nadaljnje leto odloži datum, do katerega mora biti to raziskovanje zaključeno in rezultati poslani Komisiji;
94 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2846
'The Member States concerned shall inform the Commission of the results of the inquiry and forward a copy of the report drawn up not more than three months after the Commission's request.
"Najkasneje v roku treh mesecev po zahtevku Komisije zadevne države članice obvestijo Komisijo o rezultatih preiskave in pošljejo kopijo izdelanega poročila.
95 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0788
In submitting a request for an extension, a Member State shall forward to the Commission the results of a sample survey showing the problems encountered in the application of this Regulation.
Pri predložitvi zahteve za podaljšanje, država članica posreduje Komisiji rezultate vzorčne raziskave, kjer opozori na težave pri uporabi te uredbe.
96 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The supervising customs office shall comply promptly with this request and shall forward the information obtained and the results of the checks carried out to the decision-making customs authority.
Nadzorni carinski urad zahtevku čimprej ugodi in carinskemu organu odločanja posreduje pridobljene podatke ali rezultate opravljenih pregledov.
97 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0119
The allegation that the injury suffered is resulting from past anti-competitive practices which had been put forward before the provisional duty Regulation, has been reiterated by a number of parties.
Domnevo, da povzročena škoda izvira iz preteklih protikonkurenčnih praks, ki so bile izvedene pred Uredbo o začasnih dajatvah, so ponovile številne stranke.
98 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1901
The Member States shall forward to the Commission (Eurostat) the monthly results of their statistics on trade between the Member States, compiled in accordance with the Basic Regulation, no later than:
Države članice posredujejo Komisiji (Eurostatu) mesečne rezultate svoje statistike blagovne menjave med državami članicami, pripravljene skladno z Osnovno uredbo, najkasneje:
99 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1091
Member States shall forward to the Commission the data collected from the different inventories carried out between 1991 and 1996 for each permanent plot together with an interpretation of the results per plot.
Države članice pošljejo Komisiji podatke, zbrane pri različnih popisih, izvedenih med letoma 1991 in 1996 za vsako trajno ploskev, skupaj z interpretacijo rezultatov po ploskvah.
100 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R1390
In addition, an annual progress report on evaluations and interpretations of results carried out on national level shall be forwarded to the Commission before 31 December every year as specified in Annex VIIb.`
Kakor je določeno v Prilogi VIIb, se vsako leto pred 31. decembrom Komisiji pošlje letno poročilo o napredku pri ocenjevanju in interpretaciji rezultatov, izvedenima na nacionalni ravni."
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forward results