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inspection and investigation
51 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3285
Whereas there should be more detailed provisions on the opening of investigations, the checks and inspections required, access by exporter countries and interested parties to the information gathered, hearings for the parties involved and the opportunities for those parties to submit their views;
ker bi morale obstajati podrobnejše določbe o začetku preiskav, preverjanj in pregledov, dostopa držav izvoznic in udeleženih strank do zbranih informacij, zaslišanj vpletenih strank in dajanja priložnosti tem strankam, da predstavijo svoja stališča;
52 Prevajalska redakcija
The Commission considers that normally disclosure, at any time, of documents received in the context of this notice would undermine the protection of the purpose of inspections and investigations within the meaning of Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Komisija meni, da bi v normalnih okoliščinah razkritje, ob katerem koli času, dokumentov, prejetih v smislu tega obvestila, ogrozilo varovanje namena inšpekcij in preiskav v smislu člena 4(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 1049/2001 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta.
53 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0044
The plant material subjected to the visual inspections referred to in point 2 and on which signs and symptoms of harmful organisms have been observed shall be subject to an investigation including testing where necessary, to determine as far as possible, the identity of the harmful organisms causing the signs and symptoms.
Rastlinski material, na katerem je bil opravljen vizualni pregled, naveden v točki 2, in na katerem so bila opažena znamenja in simptomi škodljivih organizmov, je treba preiskati, po potrebi tudi s preskusi, da se ugotovi, kolikor je mogoče, identiteto škodljivih organizmov, ki povzročajo znamenja in simptome.
54 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0044
The plant material subjected to the visual inspections referred to in point 2 and on which signs and symptoms of harmful organisms have been observed shall be subjected to an investigation including testing where necessary, to determine as fas as possible, the identity of the harmful organisms causing the signs and symptoms.
Rastlinski material, na katerem je bil opravljen vizualni pregled, naveden v točki 2, na katerem so bili opaženi znaki in simptomi škodljivih organizmov, je treba preiskati, po potrebi tudi s preskusi, da se ugotovi, kolikor je mogoče, identiteto škodljivih organizmov, ki povzročajo znamenja in simptome.
55 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0044
The plant material subjected to the visual inspections referred to in point 2 and on which signs and symptoms of harmful organisms have been observed shall be subjected to an investigation including testing where necessary, to determine as far as possible, the identity of the harmful organisms causing the signs and symptoms.
Rastlinski material, na katerem je bil opravljen vizualni pregled, naveden v točki 2, in na katerem so bili opaženi znaki in simptomi škodljivih organizmov, je treba preiskati, po potrebi tudi s preskusi, da se ugotovi, kolikor je to mogoče, identiteto škodljivih organizmov, ki povzročajo znamenja in simptome.
56 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0046
The plant material subjected to the visual inspections referred to in point 2 and on which signs and symptoms of harmful organisms have been observed, shall be subjected to an investigation including testing where necessary, to determine as far as possible, the identity of the harmful organisms causing the signs and symptoms.
Rastlinski material, ki je bil pregledan na vizualni način iz točke 2, na njem pa so bili opažena znamenja in simptomi škodljivih organizmov, je treba, če se pokaže za potrebno, preveriti še s preskusi. Le tako je namreč mogoče v največji mogoči meri prepoznati škodljive organizme, povzročitelje zaznanih znamenj in simptomov.
57 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0384
The Commission may request Member States to carry out all necessary checks and inspections, particularly amongst importers, traders and Community producers, and to carry out investigations in third countries, provided that the firms concerned give their consent and that the government of the country in question has been officially notified and raises no objection.
Komisija lahko zahteva od držav članic, da izvedejo vse potrebne preglede in preverjanja, predvsem med uvozniki, trgovci in proizvajalci Skupnosti, in da izvedejo preiskave v tretjih državah, pod pogojem, da zadevna podjetja dajo svoje soglasje in da je bila vlada zadevne države uradno obveščena in ni vložila nobenega ugovora.
58 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0385
The Commission may request the authorities of third countries, where appropriate, as well as the Member States, to carry out all necessary checks and inspections, particularly amongst Community producers, and to carry out investigations in third countries, provided that the firms concerned give their consent and that the government of the country in question has been officially notified and raises no objection.
Komisija lahko zaprosi organe tretjih držav, kjer je to primerno, in države članice, da izvedejo vsa potrebna preverjanja in preglede, zlasti med proizvajalci Skupnosti, in da izvedejo preiskave v tretjih državah, pod pogojem, da zadevna podjetja soglašajo in da je bila vlada zadevne države uradno obveščena ter nima nikakršnih ugovorov.
59 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R2868
Whereas detailed rules should be laid down for implementing the Scheme of Joint International Inspection, hereinafter referred to as 'the Scheme', and Regulation (EEC) No 1956/88, in particular with regard to the adoption and notification of the provisional plan for the participation of the Community in the Scheme, the notification and investigation of apparent infringements and the cooperation of the Member States and the Commission in these matters;
ker bi bilo treba določiti podrobna pravila za izvedbo Programa skupnega mednarodnega inšpekcijskega nadzora, v nadaljnjem besedilu "programa", in Uredbe (EGS) št. 1956/88, zlasti v zvezi s sprejetjem in notifikacijo začasnega načrta za sodelovanje Skupnosti v programu, notifikacijo in preiskavo predvidenih kršitev in sodelovanjem držav članic ter Komisije pri teh zadevah;
60 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1073
Within the meaning of this Regulation, "administrative investigations" (hereinafter "investigations") shall mean all inspections, checks and other measures undertaken by employees of the Office in the performance of their duties, in accordance with Articles 3 and 4, with a view to achieving the objectives set out in Article l and to establishing, where necessary, the irregular nature of the activities under investigation.
V tej uredbi so "upravne preiskave" (v nadaljevanju "preiskave") vse inšpekcije, pregledi in drugi ukrepi, ki jih izvajajo uslužbenci urada pri opravljanju svojih delovnih nalog v skladu s členoma 3 in 4, da bi dosegli cilje iz člena 1 in da bi po potrebi dokazali nepravilnost preiskovanih dejavnosti.
61 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1074
Within the meaning of this Regulation, "administrative investigations" (hereinafter "investigations") shall mean all inspections, checks and other measures undertaken by employees of the Office in the performance of their duties, in accordance with Articles 3 and 4, with a view to achieving the objectives set out in Article 1 and to establishing, where necessary, the irregular nature of the activities under investigation.
V tej uredbi so "upravne preiskave" (v nadaljevanju "preiskave") vse inšpekcije, pregledi in drugi ukrepi, ki jih izvajajo zaposleni urada pri opravljanju svojih pooblastil v skladu s členom 3 in 4, da bi dosegli cilje iz člena 1 in da bi po potrebi dokazali nepravilnost preiskovanih dejavnosti.
62 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0023
Any failure to cooperate with the competent authority and any obstruction by slaughterhouse personnel or the slaughterhouse supervisor or, in the case of a private enterprise, by the slaughterhouse owner or owners, or by the owner of the animals or person having charge of them, during inspection and sampling as required for the implementation of national plans for monitoring residues and during the investigations and checks provided for in this Regulation, shall result in appropriate criminal and/or administrative penalties being imposed by the competent national authorities.
Kadar osebje klavnice ali nadzornik klavnice ali, v primeru zasebnega podjetja, lastnik ali lastniki klavnice ali lastnik živali ali oseba, ki je odgovorna za živali, nočejo sodelovati s pristojnim organom ali kakorkoli ovirajo njegovo delo v času pregledov in vzorčenja, ki jih terja izvajanje državnih načrtov za nadzor nad ostanki škodljivih snovi in v času preiskav ter pregledov, ki jih predvideva ta direktiva, jim morajo pristojni državni organi izreči ustrezne sodne in/ali administrativne kazni.
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inspection and investigation