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inspection and supervision
51 Pravna redakcija
The satisfaction of the abovementioned standards or other conditions shall, in the case of basic seed, be examined in official field inspections and, in the case of certified seed, be examined either in official field inspections or in inspections carried out under official supervision.'.
Izpolnjevanje zgoraj navedenih standardov ali drugih pogojev se v primeru osnovnega semena preverja z uradnimi poljskimi pregledi, v primeru certificiranega semena pa se preverja bodisi z uradnimi poljskimi pregledi bodisi s pregledi, ki se opravljajo pod uradnim nadzorom."
52 Pravna redakcija
All the cylinders in the batch must undergo the hydraulic test specified in 3.3 in the presence and under the supervision of a representative of the inspection body.
Na vseh jeklenkah iz serije mora biti izveden hidravlični preskus, določen v 3.3, v navzočnosti in pod nadzorom predstavnika organa, ki opravlja preglede.
53 Pravna redakcija
For the application of the inspection system operated by private bodies, Member States shall designate an authority responsible for the approval and supervision of such bodies.
Za uporabo kontrolnega sistema, ki ga vodijo zasebni organi, države članice določijo organ, ki je pristojen za odobritev takih organizacij in nadzor nad njimi.
54 Pravna redakcija
where animals and products are imported from third countries, they must be sent, under customs supervision, to inspection posts in order that veterinary checks may be carried out.
kadar se živali in proizvodi uvažajo iz tretjih držav, jih je treba pod carinskim nadzorom poslati na mejne kontrolne točke, da se lahko opravijo veterinarski pregledi.
55 Pravna redakcija
the organization of the meat inspection service or services of the third country, the powers of this service or these services and the supervision to which it or they is or are subject.
organiziranost službe ali služb za nadzor mesa v tretji državi, njene pristojnosti ter nadzor nad njo ali nad njimi.
56 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0253
Live animals shall be moved immediately from the crossing point to the corresponding inspection sites under customs supervision and accompanied by personnel from the competent authority.
Žive živali je treba pod carinskim nadzorom in v spremstvu osebja pristojnega organa takoj prepeljati z mejnega prehoda na ustrezna mesta pregleda.
57 Pravna redakcija
an additional period up to 15 August 1979 at the latest, to comply with the provisions relating to supervision of establishments and to the ante mortem and post mortem inspections prescribed by this Directive,
podaljšajo obdobje do najkasneje 15. avgusta 1979 zaradi izpolnjevanja določb te direktive, ki se nanašajo na nadzor obratov ter preglede pred in po zakolu,
58 Pravna redakcija
'technical roadside inspection' shall mean an inspection of a technical nature, not announced by the authorities and therefore unexpected, of a commercial vehicle circulating within the territory of a Member State carried out on the public highway by the authorities, or under their supervision;
"cestni pregled tehnične brezhibnosti vozila" pomeni tehnični pregled gospodarskega vozila, krožečega na ozemlju države članice, ki ga pooblaščeni organi ne napovedo in je torej nepričakovan ter ga na javni avtocesti izvedejo pooblaščeni organi ali kdo drug pod njihovim nadzorom;
59 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in the course of a Commission inspection visit to Ecuador, serious flaws have come to light in the equine health monitoring, veterinary supervision, disease reporting and procedures for imports and exports of equidae;
ker so bile med inšpekcijskim obiskom Komisije v Ekvadorju odkrite resne pomanjkljivosti v spremljanju in nadziranju zdravstvenega stanja kopitarjev, veterinarskem nadzoru, prijavljanju bolezni in postopkih za uvoz in izvoz kopitarjev;
60 Pravna redakcija
After all the tests specified have been carried out, all the cylinders in the batch must be subjected to the hydraulic test specified in 3.4 in the presence and under the supervision of a representative of the inspection body.
Po vseh opravljenih predpisanih preskusih mora biti na vseh jeklenkah iz serije izveden hidravlični preskus, določen v 3.4, v navzočnosti in pod nadzorom predstavnika organa, ki opravlja preglede.
61 Pravna redakcija
After all the specified tests have been carried out, all the cylinders in the batch shall be subjected to the hydraulic test specified in 3.4 in the presence and under the supervision of a representative of the inspection body.
Po izvedbi vseh predpisanih preskusov se na vseh jeklenkah iz serije opravi hidravlični preskus, določen v 3.4, v navzočnosti in pod nadzorom predstavnika organa, ki opravlja preglede.
62 Pravna redakcija
the organisation of the competent authority and its inspection services in the third country, the powers of those services, the supervision to which they are subject, and their authority to monitor effectively the application of their legislation;
organizacijo pristojnih organov ter njihovih inšpekcijskih služb v tretji državi, pooblastila teh služb, nadzor nad njimi, in njihova pooblastila za učinkovito spremljanje uporabe njihove zakonodaje;
63 Pravna redakcija
The frequency of inspections and supervision shall depend on the size of the plant, the type of products manufactured, risk assessment and guarantees offered in accordance with the principles of the system of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP).
Pogostost inšpekcijskih pregledov in nadzora je odvisna od velikosti obrata, vrste proizvedenih proizvodov, ocene tveganja in jamstev, ki jih zagotavlja v skladu z načeli sistema analize tveganj in kritičnih kontrolnih točk (HACCP).
64 Pravna redakcija
In carrying out ante mortem and post mortem inspections and supervising the hygiene conditions laid down in Chapters II and IV of Annex I, to be satisfied by slaughterhouses, the official veterinarian may be helped by assistants working under his supervision and responsibility.
Pri opravljanju pregledov pred in po zakolu ter pri nadzoru higienskih pogojev iz Poglavja II in IV v Prilogi I, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati klavnice, lahko uradnemu veterinarju pomagajo pomočniki, ki delajo pod njegovim nadzorom in za katere je odgovoren.
65 Pravna redakcija
the organization of the competent authority of the third country and of its inspection services, the powers of such services and the supervision to which they are subject, as well as their facilities for monitoring the implementation of their legislation in force;
organizacija pristojnega organa v tretji državi in njegovih inšpekcijskih služb, pooblastila takšnih služb in nadzor nad njimi, kot tudi njihova oprema za spremljanje in izvajanje veljavne zakonodaje;
66 Pravna redakcija
In the case of certified seed of all categories there shall be at least one field inspection, either official or under official supervision, and in the case of basic seed at least two official field inspections, one of stecklings and one of the seed-producing plants.
Pri potrjenem semenu vseh kategorij se opravi najmanj en poljski pregled, uradno ali pod uradnim nadzorom, in pri osnovnem semenu najmanj dva uradna poljska pregleda, eden za korene in eden za semenice.
67 Pravna redakcija
In the case of certified seed of all categories there shall be at least one field inspection, either official or under official supervision, and in the case of basic seed at least two official field inspections, one of stecklings and one of the seed-producing plants.'
V primeru certificiranega semena vseh kategorij se opravi vsaj en poljski pregled, uradno ali pod uradnim nadzorom, in v primeru osnovnega semena vsaj dva uradna poljska pregleda, eden za korene in eden za semenice."
68 Pravna redakcija
the organization of the competent authority of the third country and of its inspection services, the powers of such services and the supervision to which they are subject, as well as their facilities for effectively verifying the implementation of their legislation in force;
organizacijo pristojnega organa v tretji državi in njegovih inšpekcijskih služb, pooblastila takšnih služb in nadzor nad njimi, kakor tudi njihovo opremo za učinkovito preverjanje izvajanja veljavne zakonodaje;
69 Pravna redakcija
Animals which have obtained an import authorization and the destination of which is not the Member State which carried out the import inspection laid down in paragraph 1, must be forwarded to the country of destination under customs supervision without being unloaded.
Živali, ki so prejele odobritev za uvoz in katerih namembno območje ni država članica, ki je izvedla pregled ob uvozu iz odstavka 1, je treba brez razkladanja pod carinskim nadzorom spremiti v namembno državo.
70 Pravna redakcija
Whereas in order to ensure satisfactory health inspection, taking into account the particular conditions under which it is carried out, certain tasks must be entrusted to qualified assistants acting under the responsibility and supervision of the official veterinarian;
ker je treba za zagotavljanje ustreznih zdravstvenih inšpekcij, z upoštevanjem posebnih pogojev, pod katerimi se opravljajo, nekatere naloge zaupati usposobljenim pomočnikom, za katere je odgovoren uradni veterinar in ki delajo pod njegovim nadzorom;
71 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Where consignments of products have received veterinary clearance at the border inspection post as provided for in Article 3(1), but remain under customs supervision and are released for free circulation at a later stage, the procedure set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 shall apply.
Kadar pošiljke proizvodov dobijo veterinarsko dovoljenje na mejni kontrolni točki, kakor je predvideno v členu 3(1), vendar ostanejo pod carinskim nadzorom in se sprostijo v prosti promet pozneje, se uporablja postopek iz odstavkov 2, 3 in 4.
72 Pravna redakcija
However, due to legislative developments concerning inspections and authorisations of clinical trials in the European Community, detailed arrangements for the mutual recognition of the official supervision of these trials will have to be considered in the near future and laid down in a specific Chapter.
Na podlagi zakonodajnih sprememb v zvezi z inšpekcijami in dovoljenji kliničnih poskusov v Evropski Skupnosti pa bo treba v prihodnosti proučiti režime vzajemnega priznavanja uradnega nadzora nad temi poskusi in jih opredeliti v posebnem poglavju.
73 Pravna redakcija
When carrying out ante mortem and post mortem inspections, health control of cut meat as provided for in Chapter IX of Annex I, and supervising the hygiene conditions to be satisfied by establishment pursuant to Chapters III and V of Annex I, the official veterinarian may be helped by assistants working under his supervision and responsibility.
Pri opravljanju pregledov pred zakolom in po zakolu, zdravstvenih kontrolnih pregledov razkosanega mesa, predvidenih v poglavju IX Priloge I, ter nadzorovanju higienskih pogojev, ki jih morajo v skladu s poglavjema III in V Priloge izpolnjevati obrati, lahko uradnemu veterinarju pomagajo pomočniki, ki delajo pod njegovim nadzorom in za katere je odgovoren.
74 Pravna redakcija
which, in view of their legislation and the organization of their competent authority and of their inspection services, the powers of such services and the supervision to which they are subject, have been recognized, in accordance with Article 3 (2) of Directive 72/462/EEC, as capable of guaranteeing the implementation of their legislation in force;
ki so bile glede na svojo zakonodajo in organizacijo pristojnih organov ter inšpekcijskih služb, pooblastila teh služb in nadzor, ki se v njih opravlja, priznane v skladu s členom 3(2) Direktive 72/462/EGS za sposobne jamčiti izvajanje veljavne zakonodaje;
75 Pravna redakcija
Member States shall make available to the Commission all information required for the proper working of the Fund and shall take all suitable measures to facilitate the supervision which the Commission may consider necessary to undertake within the framework of the management of Community financing, including inspections on the spot.
Države članice zagotovijo Komisiji vse podatke, potrebne za pravilno delovanje sklada in sprejmejo vse ustrezne ukrepe, da se olajša nadzor, ki ga Komisija šteje za potrebnega v okviru upravljanja financiranja Skupnosti, vključno s pregledi na kraju samem.
76 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2698
Financing decisions and any financing agreements and contracts resulting therefrom shall provide, inter alia, for supervision and financial control by the Commission (including the European Anti-fraud Office (OLAF)), including on-the-spot checks and inspection in conformity with Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 (), and audits by the Court of Auditors, where appropriate, to be carried out on the spot.
Sklepi o financiranju ter vsi iz njih izhajajoči sporazumi in pogodbe morajo med drugim predvideti spremljanje in finančni nadzor Komisije (vključno z Evropskim uradom za boj proti prevaram (OLAF)), vključno s kontrolami na kraju samem in inšpekcijo v skladu z Uredbo (Euratom, ES) št. 2185/96* ter revizijo Računskega sodišča, po potrebi na kraju samem.
77 Pravna redakcija
which, in view of their legislation and the organization of their veterinary services and of their inspection services, the powers of such services and the supervision to which they are subject, have been recognized, in accordance with Article 3 (2) of Directive 72/462/EEC or Article 9 (2) of Directive 91/494/EEC, as capable of guaranteeing the implementation of their legislation in force;
ki so bile, glede na svojo zakonodajo in organizacijo svojih veterinarskih služb ter njihovih inšpekcijskih služb, pristojnosti teh služb in nadzor, ki se nad njimi izvaja v skladu s členom 3(2) Direktive 72/462/EGS ali členom 9(2) Direktive 91/494/EGS, spoznane za sposobne jamčiti izvajanje svoje veljavne zakonodaje;
78 Pravna redakcija
which, in view of their legislation and the organization of their veterinary services and of their inspection services, the powers of such services and the supervision to which they are subject, have been recognized, in accordance with Article 3 (2) of Directive 72/462/EEC (1) or Article 9(2) of Directive 91/494/EEC, as capable of guaranteeing the implementation of their legislation in force;
ki so bile, glede na svojo zakonodajo in organizacijo svojih veterinarskih služb ter njihovih inšpekcijskih služb, pristojnosti teh služb in nadzor, ki se nad njimi izvaja, v skladu s členom 3(2) Direktive 72/462/EGS fn ali členom 9(2) Direktive 91/494/EGS, spoznane za sposobne jamčiti izvajanje svoje veljavne zakonodaje;
79 Pravna redakcija
firms which deal with intervention products or processed intervention products by, for instance, buying, selling, stocking, transporting, transhipping, repackaging, working or processing shall submit to any measures of inspection or supervision considered to be necessary and keep such records as to enable the authorities to carry out any checks that they consider necessary,
da podjetja, ki se ukvarjajo z intervencijskimi proizvodi ali s predelanimi intervencijskimi proizvodi, na primer z nakupom, prodajo, skladiščenjem, prevozom, pretovarjanjem, prepakiranjem ali z njihovo obdelavo ali predelavo, upoštevajo vse inšpekcijske ali kontrolne ukrepe, ki jih imajo za potrebne, in hranijo takšne evidence, da tako omogočijo pristojnim organom izvedbo vseh pregledov, ki jih imajo za potrebne,
80 Pravna redakcija
The results of the ante-mortem and post-mortem health inspections shall be recorded by the official veterinarian and, if the presence of the diseases referred to in point 3 or the presence of residues are found, these shall be communicated to the authorities of the official service responsible for supervision of the stock from which the animals originated, as well as to the person responsible for the stock in question.
Uradni veterinar zapiše rezultate pregleda pred zakolom in pregleda po zakolu in v primeru odkritja bolezni iz točke 3 ali prisotnosti ostankov obvesti organe uradne službe, pristojne za nadzor črede, iz katere izvirajo živali, pa tudi osebo, ki odgovarja za to čredo.
81 Pravna redakcija
The results of the post-mortem health inspections shall be recorded by the official veterinarian and, where diseases communicable to man as referred to in the third indent of Article 3 (1) (d) or Article 9 are diagnosed, communicated to the competent veterinary authorities responsible for supervision of the hunting area from which the wild game originated, as well as to the person responsible for the said area.
Uradni veterinar zabeleži izide pregledov po odstrelu in kadar so bile diagnosticirane bolezni, prenosljive na ljudi, kot je navedeno v tretji alinei člena 3(1)(d) ali člena 9, o njih obvesti veterinarske organe, pristojne za nadzor lovišča, iz katerega izvira divjad ter tudi osebo, pristojno za zadevno lovišče.
82 Pravna redakcija
Products referred to in Annexes VII and VIII, except for technical products, must come from plants on a Community list drawn up under the procedure referred to in Article 33(2) on the basis of a communication from the competent authorities of the third country to the Commission declaring that the plant complies with the Community requirements and is subject to supervision by an official inspection service in the third country.
Proizvodi iz Prilog VII in VIII, razen tehničnih proizvodov, morajo prihajati iz obratov s seznama Skupnosti, sestavljenega v skladu s postopkom iz člena 33(2), na podlagi sporočila pristojnih organov tretje države Komisiji, v katerem je navedeno, da je obrat skladen z zahtevami Skupnosti in je pod nadzorom uradne inšpekcijske službe v tretji državi.
83 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0608
Whereas, pursuant to Article 11 (6) of Directive 85/397/EEC, the Council is to lay down the detailed arrangements for the checks provided for in Article 11 (2); whereas the purpose of such checks, to be carried out by establishments under the supervision and responsibility of the official department and with periodic inspection by the official department, is to ensure compliance with the requirements of Directive 85/397/EEC and in particular those laid down in Article 3 (A) (3) thereof;
ker mora Svet na podlagi člena 11(6) Direktive 85/397/EGS določiti podrobno ureditev za preglede, predvidene v členu 11(2); ker je namen takih pregledov, ki jih opravijo obrati pod nadzorom in odgovornostjo uradnega organa ter z njegovim periodičnim pregledovanjem, zagotoviti skladnost z zahtevami Direktive 85/397/EGS in zlasti z zahtevami, določenimi v členu 3(A)(3) Direktive;
84 Pravna redakcija
which, in view of their legislation and the organization of their veterinary services and of their inspection services, the powers of such services and the supervision to which they are subject, have been recognized, in accordance with Article 3 (2) of Directive 72/462(EEC) of Article 9 (2) of Directive 91/494/EEC, as capable of guaranteeing and supervising the implementation of their legislation in force, or the veterinary services of which are able to guarantee that health requirements at least equivalent to those laid down in Articles 3 and 5 are being complied with.
za katero se z ozirom na njeno zakonodajo in organizacijo vetrinarske in inšpekcijske službe, pooblastila teh služb in način nadzorovanja teh služb v skladu s členom 3(2)člena Direktive 72/462/EGS ali členom 9(2) Direktive 91/494/EGS prizna, da je sposobna zagotoviti in nadzorovati izvajanje svoje zakonodaje, ali katere veterinarska služba lahko zagotovi izpolnjevanje zdravstvenih zahtev, ki so najmanj enakovredne zahtevam iz člena 3 in 5.
85 Pravna redakcija
If, during the supervision and monitoring provided for in Article 6 (4), the official inspection provided for in Article 17, or the trials provided for in Article 20, it is found that vegetable propagating and planting material does not meet the requirements of this Directive, the responsible official body of the Member State shall take appropriate action to ensure that it does comply with the provisions of this Directive or, if that is not possible, to ban the marketing of that vegetable propagating and planting material in the Community.
Če je med nadzorom in spremljanjem, iz člena 6(4), med uradnim inšpekcijskim pregledom, iz člena 17, ali med preizkusi, iz člena 20, ugotovljeno, da razmnoževalni in sadilni material zelenjadnic ne ustreza zahtevam te direktive, sprejme pristojni organ države članice ustrezne ukrepe, da tako zagotovi izpolnjevanje te direktive, ali če to ni mogoče, prepove trženje takega razmnoževalnega in sadilnega materiala zelenjadnic v Skupnosti.
86 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to the supervision effected by the Member States in accordance with national provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action and without prejudice to Article 248 of the Treaty, or to any inspection organised on the basis of Article 279(c) of the Treaty, authorised representatives appointed by the Commission to carry out inspections on the spot shall have access to the books and all other documents, including information created or stored in electronic form, relating to expenditure financed by the Fund.
Brez poseganja v nadzor, ki ga izvajajo države članice skladno z nacionalnimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi, in brez poseganja v člen 248 Pogodbe in vse preglede, izvedene na podlagi člena 279(c) Pogodbe, imajo pooblaščeni predstavniki, ki jih je imenovala Komisija za izvajanje pregledov na kraju samem, pravico do vpogleda v knjige in vseh druge dokumente, vključno s podatki, ustvarjenimi in shranjenimi v elektronski obliki, ki se nanašajo na odhodke, ki jih financira sklad.
87 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0497
the inspection and supervision of approved establishments in accordance with Article 10.
pregled in nadzor odobrenih obratov v skladu s členom 10.
88 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0257
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ)
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ)
89 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0096
The satisfaction of the abovementioned standards or other conditions shall, in the case of basic seed, be examined in official field inspections and, in the case of certified seed, be examined either in official field inspections or in inspections carried out under official supervision.`
Izpolnjevanje zgoraj navedenih standardov ali drugih pogojev se v primeru osnovnega semena preverja z uradnimi poljskimi pregledi, v primeru certificiranega semena pa se preverja bodisi z uradnimi poljskimi pregledi bodisi s pregledi, ki se opravljajo pod uradnim nadzorom."
90 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0096
The satisfaction of the abovementioned standards or other conditions shall, in the case of basic seed, be examined in official field inspections and, in the case of certified seed, be examined either in official field inspections or in inspections carried out under official supervision.`.
Izpolnjevanje zgoraj navedenih standardov ali drugih pogojev se v primeru osnovnega semena preverja z uradnimi poljskimi pregledi, v primeru certificiranega semena pa se preverja bodisi z uradnimi poljskimi pregledi bodisi s pregledi, ki se opravljajo pod uradnim nadzorom."
91 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0016
The body and its staff must carry out the inspection or supervision operations with the highest degree of professional integrity and technical competence and must be free from all pressures and inducements, particularly financial, which might influence their judgment or the results of the inspection, especially from persons or groups of persons with an interest in the result of inspection or supervision.
Organ in njegovo osebje morata preglede ali nadzorne operacije izvajati z najvišjo stopnjo strokovne integritete in tehnične pristojnosti ter biti osvobojena vseh pritiskov in motivov, zlasti finančnih, ki bi lahko vplivali na presojo ali rezultate pregleda, zlasti ljudi ali skupin ljudi, ki so zainteresirani za rezultat pregleda ali nadzora.
92 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0091
organiziranost službe ali služb za nadzor mesa v tretji državi, njene pristojnosti ter nadzor nad njo ali nad njimi.
93 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0090
Uradnemu veterinarju lahko pri opravljanju pregledov po zakolu iz odstavka 1(A)(d), nadzora iz odstavka 1(B)(d) in nadzora skladnosti z zahtevami iz Poglavja XIV Priloge I pomagajo njemu podrejeni pomočniki.
94 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0016
The body must have at its disposal the necessary staff and possess the necessary facilities to enable it to perform properly the technical and administrative tasks connected with inspection or supervision;
Organ mora imeti na razpolago potrebno osebje in potrebne zmogljivosti, ki mu omogočajo pravilno izvajanje tehničnih in administrativnih nalog, povezanih s pregledom ali nadzorom.
95 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0030
"technical roadside inspection" shall mean an inspection of a technical nature, not announced by the authorities and therefore unexpected, of a commercial vehicle circulating within the territory of a Member State carried out on the public highway by the authorities, or under their supervision;
"cestni pregled tehnične brezhibnosti vozila" pomeni tehnični pregled gospodarskega vozila, vozečega na ozemlju države članice, ki ga pooblaščeni organi ne napovedo in je torej nepričakovan ter ga na javni avtocesti izvedejo pooblaščeni organi ali kdo drug pod njihovim nadzorom;
96 Prevajalska redakcija
The members of the Commission shall, on request by any State Party or other party concerned, be accompanied by a representative of such State or other party concerned when carrying out their function of supervision and inspection.
Na zahtevo vsake države stranke ali druge zainteresirane stranke spremlja člane komisije pri opravljanju njihovih nalog nadzorovanja in inšpekcije predstavnik te države stranke ali druge zainteresirane stranke.
97 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2320
The monitoring of security measures requires the setting up at national level of appropriate quality control systems and the organisation of inspections under the supervision of the Commission, so as to verify the effectiveness of each national system.
Spremljanje varnostnih ukrepov narekuje oblikovanje ustreznih sistemov za obvladovanje kakovosti na nacionalni ravni in organizacijo inšpekcij pod nadzorom Komisije, z namenom preveriti učinkovitost vsakega nacionalnega sistema.
98 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0096
In the case of certified seed of all categories there shall be at least one field inspection, either official or under official supervision, and in the case of basic seed at least two official field inspections, one of stecklings and one of the seed-producing plants.`
V primeru certificiranega semena vseh kategorij se opravi vsaj en poljski pregled, uradno ali pod uradnim nadzorom, in v primeru osnovnega semena vsaj dva uradna poljska pregleda, eden za korene in eden za semenice."
99 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R1538
Whereas, in view of the specialized nature of these inspections, responsibility for them may be delegated by the competent authorities of the Member State concerned, subject to the appropriate supervision and safeguards, to properly qualified and duly licensed outside bodies;
ker lahko pristojni organi zadevne države članice, ob upoštevanju ustreznega nadzora in varnostnih ukrepov, zaradi specializirane narave teh inšpekcij odgovornost za te inšpekcije prenesejo na ustrezno usposobljene zunanje organe, ki izpolnjujejo pravne pogoje;
100 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0099
the organisation of the competent veterinary authority and its inspection services in the third country, the powers of these services, the supervision to which they are subject, and the means at their disposal, including staff capacity, to apply their legislation effectively;
organizacija pristojnega veterinarskega organa in njegovih inšpekcijskih služb v tretji državi, pooblastila teh služb, nadzor, ki velja zanje, in sredstva, ki so jim na razpolago, vključno z zmogljivostjo osebja, da se bo njihova zakonodaja učinkovito uporabljala;
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inspection and supervision