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inspection arrangements
51 Pravna redakcija
that the product is covered by the inspection arrangements laid down in this Regulation.
da je proizvod zajet v kontrolne postopke, določene v tej uredbi.
52 Pravna redakcija
the third country concerned has inspection arrangements equivalent to those laid down in Article 10,
ima tretja država sistem kontrole, enakovreden tistim iz člena 10,
53 Pravna redakcija
Whereas some Member States have already adopted rules and inspection arrangements for the use of such indications;
ker so nekatere države članice že sprejele pravila in kontrolne sisteme za uporabo takih označb;
54 Pravna redakcija
When the inspection arrangements are first implemented, the producer, even where his activity is limited to the collection of wild plants, and the inspection body must draw up:
Pri začetnem izvajanju kontrole morata pridelovalec, četudi je njegova dejavnost omejena na nabiranje divje rastočih rastlin, in kontrolni organ pripraviti:
55 Pravna redakcija
have been subject to the inspection arrangements referred to in Article 9 throughout the production and preparation process;
so ti proizvodi v vseh postopkih proizvodnje in priprave predmet kontrolnih postopkov iz člena 9;
56 Pravna redakcija
have been subject to the inspection arrangements referred to in Article 9 (3) throughout the production and preparation stages;
so taki proizvodi v vseh postopkih proizvodnje in priprave predmet kontrolnih postopkov iz člena 9 (3);
57 Pravna redakcija
Under the inspection arrangements provided for in Article 14 of Regulation (EEC) No 2261/84, the Member States shall make provision:
Po inšpekcijskih režimih, predvidenih v členu 14 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2261/84, države članice predvidijo:
58 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0083
continue alignment of veterinary and phytosanitary legislation and upgrade inspection arrangements, in particular at future external borders,
nadaljevanje prilagajanja veterinarske in fitosanitarne zakonodaje in posodobitev ureditve inšpekcij, zlasti na prihodnjih zunanjih mejah,
59 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0397
Continue alignment of veterinary and phytosanitary legislation and upgrade inspection arrangements, in particular at future external borders.
Nadaljevati prilagajanje veterinarske in fitosanitarne zakonodaje in posodobiti ureditev inšpekcij, zlasti na prihodnjih zunanjih mejah.
60 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0857
continue alignment of the veterinary and phytosanitary legislation and upgrade inspection arrangements, in particular at future external borders,
nadaljevanje prilagajanja veterinarske in fitosanitarne zakonodaje in nadgraditev ureditve inšpekcij, zlasti na prihodnjih zunanjih mejah,
61 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0852
- continue the alignment of veterinary and phytosanitary legislation and upgrade inspection arrangements, in particular at the future external borders of the European Union,
- nadaljevanje prilagajanja veterinarske in fitosanitarne zakonodaje in nadgraditev ureditve inšpekcij, zlasti na prihodnjih zunanjih mejah Evropske unije,
62 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2236
The Member States shall introduce inspection arrangements for on-the-spot verification of the operations conferring entitlement to the premium and compliance with the subquota laid down for each starch-producing undertaking.
Države članice uvedejo inšpekcijske režime za preverjanje na kraju samem, s katerimi nadzorujejo dejavnosti, ki so upravičene do premije, in upoštevanje podkvot, določenih za vsako podjetje za proizvodnjo škroba.
63 Pravna redakcija
The marketing of vegetable propagating and planting material which complies with the requirements and conditions of this Directive shall be subject to no restrictions as regards supplier, plant health, growing medium and inspection arrangements other than those laid down in this Directive.
Za razmnoževalni in sadilni material zelenjadnic, ki ustreza zahtevam te direktive, ne veljajo nobene omejitve glede dobavitelja, zdravstvenega stanja rastlin, rastnega substrata in ureditve inšpekcijskih pregledov, razen tistih, ki so navedene v tej direktivi.
64 Pravna redakcija
The notification referred to in (b) shall not be required where it concerns production and inspection arrangements already notified by another Member State, pursuant to (b), unless significant new evidence is submitted justifying a review of the examination and decision referred to in (c).
Obvestilo iz (b) se ne zahteva, kadar zadeva proizvodne predpise in kontrolne ukrepe, ki jih je v skladu z (b) sporočila že druga država članica, razen če ne predloži novih pomembnih dokazov in s tem upraviči revizijo preučitve in odločitve iz (c).
65 Pravna redakcija
Establish an appropriate alignment strategy for veterinary and plant health Community legislation with as first priority the harmonisation of legislation to combat animal and plant diseases and upgrade enforcement capacity, in particular of laboratory testing, inspection arrangements and establishments.
Vzpostaviti ustrezno strategijo za usklajevanje veterinarske zakonodaje Skupnosti in zakonodaje Skupnosti glede zdravstvenega varstva rastlin, pri kateri bi bila prva prednostna naloga usklajevanje zakonodaje za boj proti boleznim živali in rastlin, ter nadgraditi institucije in kadre za uveljavljanje, zlasti za laboratorijsko preskušanje, inšpekcijske ureditve in obrate.
66 Pravna redakcija
the periodic inspection of the security arrangements for the protection of EU classified information;
periodične inšpekcije sistemov za zaščito tajnih podatkov EU;
67 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, therefore, pending the inclusion of a third country in the list referred to in Article 11 (1) (a), importers should be able to obtain authorization to import from third countries products shown to comply with production rules and inspection arrangements equivalent to those provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91,
ker bi zato do vključitve tretje države na seznam, naveden v členu 11(1) (a), uvozniki morali biti sposobni pridobiti dovoljenje za uvoz iz tretjih držav, ki izpolnjujejo proizvodne in kontrolne ukrepe, enakovredne tistim, ki jih predvideva Uredba (EGS) št. 2092/91,
68 Pravna redakcija
Where a Member State has received sufficient evidence from an importer, it shall forthwith notify to the Commission and the other Member States the third country from which products are imported and supply detailed information on the production and inspection arrangements and the guarantees that they will be pemanently and effectively applied.
Kadar država članica dobi dovolj dokazov od uvoznika, nemudoma obvesti Komisijo in druge države članice, o tretji državi, iz katere uvaža proizvode, in predloži natančne informacije o proizvodnih predpisih in kontrolnih ukrepih ter zagotovi, da se bodo trajno in učinkovito uporabljali.
69 Pravna redakcija
Where an operator runs several production units in the same area, units in the area producing crop or crop products not covered by Article 1 must also be subject to the inspection arrangements as regards the first subparagraph of point 2 and points 3, 4 and 5. Plants of the same variety as those produced at the unit referred to in point 1 may not be produced at these units.
Kadar pridelovalec upravlja več pridelovalnih enot na istem območju, morajo biti enote na tem območju, ki pridelujejo pridelke ali proizvode pridelkov, ki niso zajeti s členom 1, prav tako predmet kontrolnih predpisov glede na prvi pododstavek točke 2 in točka 3, 4 in 5. Rastlin iste sorte, kakor se pridelujejo v zadevni enoti, navedeni v točki 1, se v teh enotah ne sme pridelovati.
70 Pravna redakcija
Customs declaration checked after clearance, customs arrangements or customs use concerned (post-clearance inspections)
Preverjene carinske deklaracije po carinjenju, glede na carinski režim ali carinsko rabo ali uporabo (naknadno preverjanje deklaracij)
71 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0398
Adopt a programme for transposition of the veterinary and phytosanitary acquis; strengthen the administrative, scientific and technical structures enabling the efficient and effective implementation of the acquis on plant protection, in particular laboratory testing; strengthen inspection arrangements of both domestic production and imports of plants and plant products, as well as in food-processing establishments.
Sprejeti program za prenos veterinarskega in fitosanitarnega pravnega reda; okrepiti upravne, znanstvene in tehnične strukture, ki omogočajo smotrno in učinkovito izvajanje pravnega redu o varstvu rastlin, zlasti laboratorijsko preskušanje; okrepiti inšpekcijo domače pridelave in uvoženih rastlin in rastlinskih proizvodov, prav tako v obratih za predelavo hrane.
72 Pravna redakcija
Each customs office of export shall make the necessary arrangements to ensure that compliance with the inspection rate of 5 % can be verified at any time.
Vsak carinski urad izvoza sprejme nujne ukrepe, ki zagotavljajo, da se lahko kadar koli preveri upoštevanje 5 % inšpekcijske stopnje.
73 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21, it shall be decided whether vegetable propagating and planting material produced in a third country and affording the same guarantees as regards obligations on the supplier, identity, characteristics, plant health, growing medium, packaging, inspection arrangements, marking and sealing, is equivalent in all these respects to vegetable propagating and planting material produced in the Community and complying with the requirements and conditions of this Directive.
Po postopku iz člena 21, je treba odločiti, ali razmnoževalni in sadilni material zelenjandic, ki je pridelan v tretji državi in daje enaka zagotovila glede, lastnosti, zdravstvenega stanja rastlin, rastnega substrata, pakiranja, ureditve inšpekcijskih pregledov, označevanja in pečatenja, v vseh teh pogledih enakovreden razmnoževalnemu in sadilnemu materialu zelenjadnic, ki je pridelan v Skupnosti in izpolnjuje zahteve te direktive.
74 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to the auditing of the accounts and to checks that they are lawful and regular and as laid down in Article 206a of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, such auditing and checks being mainly concerned with the reliability and effectiveness of national systems and procedures for determining the base for own resources accruing from VAT and GNP and without prejudice to the inspection arrangements made pursuant to Article 209 (c) of that Treaty, the Council shall, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament, adopt the provisions necessary to apply this Decision and to make possible the inspection of the collection, the making available to the Commission and payment of the revenue referred to in Articles 2 and 5.
Na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju z Evropskim parlamentom Svet soglasno sprejme potrebne določbe za uporabo tega sklepa in za zagotovitev nadzora zbiranja, dajanja na razpolago Komisiji in plačil prihodkov iz členov 2 in 5, kar pa ne vpliva na revidiranje računovodskih izkazov in preverjanja njihove zakonitosti in pravilnosti in, kot določa člen 206a Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti, pri čemer se revizije in preverjanja predvsem nanašajo na zanesljivost in učinkovitost nacionalnih sistemov in postopkov za določanje osnove za lastna sredstva iz naslova DDV in na osnovi BNP, in kar tudi ne vpliva na način izvajanja inšpekcijskega nadzora v skladu členom 209 (c) te pogodbe.
75 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to the auditing of the accounts and to checks that they are lawful and regular as laid down in Article 248 of the EC Treaty and Article 160C of the Euratom Treaty, such auditing and checks being mainly concerned with the reliability and effectiveness of national systems and procedures for determining the base for own resources accruing from VAT and GNP and without prejudice to the inspection arrangements made pursuant to Article 279(c) of the EC Treaty and Article 183 point (c) of the Euratom Treaty, the Council shall, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament, adopt the provisions necessary to apply this Decision and to make possible the inspection of the collection, the making available to the Commission and payment of the revenue referred to in Articles 2 and 5.
Na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju z Evropskim parlamentom Svet soglasno sprejme potrebne določbe za uporabo tega sklepa in za zagotovitev nadzora zbiranja, dajanja na razpolago Komisiji in plačil prihodkov iz členov 2 in 5, kar pa ne vpliva na revizijo računovodske evidence in preglede njene zakonitosti in rednosti, ki jo določa člen 248 Pogodbe o ES in člen 160c Pogodbe o Euratom, pri čemer so revizije in pregledi povezani predvsem z zanesljivostjo in učinkovitostjo nacionalnih sistemov in postopkov za ugotavljanje osnove za lastna sredstva iz DDV in BNP, ter na način izvajanja nadzora v skladu s členom 279(c) Pogodbe o ES in členom 183, točka (c) Pogodbe o Euratom.
76 Pravna redakcija
The Commission is required pursuant to Article 16(1) of Directive 92/33/EEC to decide whether vegetable propagating and planting material, other than seed, produced in a third country and affording the same guarantees as regards obligations on the supplier, identity, characteristics, plant health, growing medium, packaging, inspection arrangements, marking and sealing, is equivalent in all these respects to vegetable propagating and planting material other than seed produced in the Community and complying with the requirements and conditions of that Directive.
V skladu s členom 16(1) Direktive 92/33/EGS mora Komisija odločiti, ali je razmnoževalni in sadilni material zelenjadnic razen semena, ki je pridelan v tretji državi in zagotavlja enaka jamstva glede obveznosti dobavitelja, istovetnosti, značilnosti, zdravstvenega stanja rastlin, načina pridelave, pakiranja, nadzora, označevanja in ožigosanja, v vseh teh pogledih enakovreden razmnoževalnemu in sadilnemu materialu zelenjadnic razen semena, pridelanemu v Skupnosti in v skladu z zahtevami in pogoji navedene direktive.
77 Pravna redakcija
the seedlings come from a producer who has accepted an inspection system equivalent to the arrangements laid down in Article 9 and has agreed to apply the restriction in subparagraph (b);
sadike izvirajo od proizvajalca, ki je sprejel sistem kontrolnih pregledov, enakovreden ureditvi iz člena 9, in je privolil v uporabo omejitve iz pododstavka (b);
78 Pravna redakcija
In addition, by 31 March each year, Member States shall inform the Commission of the list of inspection bodies approved on 31 December of the previous year, their legal and operational structure, their standard inspection procedure, their penalty arrangements and, where appropriate, their mark.
Vsako leto do 31. marca države članice Komisijo obvestijo o seznamu kontrolnih organov, odobrenih 31. decembra predhodnega leta, njihovi pravni in upravni organizaciji, njihovem standardnem inšpekcijskem postopku, njihovih ureditvah sankcij in, kadar je to primerno, njihovih oznakah.
79 Pravna redakcija
However, Member States shall be entitled to continue to make inspections under national arrangements of any third country establishments which have not been inspected under the Community procedure.
Države članice imajo pravico, da nadaljujejo izvajanje pregledov po nacionalni ureditvi obratov v tretjih državah, v katerih ni bil opravljen pregled po postopku Skupnosti.
80 Pravna redakcija
The Commission may conclude technical arrangements with the competent organisations in third countries on the procedures whereby the evaluations and inspections referred to in (a) are to be carried out.
Komisija lahko s pristojnimi organizacijami v tretjih državah sklene dogovore o postopkih, po katerih je treba izvesti vrednotenja in inšpekcijske preglede iz (a).
81 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0002
(b) The Commission may conclude technical arrangements with the competent organisations in third countries on the procedures whereby the evaluations and inspections referred to in (a) are to be carried out.
b) Komisija lahko s pristojnimi organizacijami v tretjih državah sklene dogovore o postopkih, po katerih je treba izvesti vrednotenja in inšpekcijske preglede iz (a).
82 Pravna redakcija
the nature, quantities and consignees of the lot concerned, and on request by the inspection body, and details on the transport arrangements from the importer's premises or storage facilities to the consignees.
vrsto, količine in prejemnike zadevne pošiljke in na zahtevo kontrolnega organa vse podrobnosti o prevozu od uvoznikovih prostorov ali skladiščnih objektov do prejemnikov blaga.
83 Pravna redakcija
activities of inspection on plants, plant products or other objects in the consignment or lot were already carried out in the consignor third country under technical arrangements referred to in Article 13b(6), or
so inšpekcijske preglede rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov ali drugih predmetov v pošiljki ali partiji že opravili v pošiljateljevi tretji državi po tehničnih dogovorih iz člena 13b(6) ali
84 Pravna redakcija
the origin, nature and quantity of the lot concerned, and on request by the inspection body, any details on the transport arrangements from the exporter in the third country to the importer's premises or storage facilities;
izvor, vrsto in količino zadevne pošiljke in na zahtevo kontrolnega organa vse podrobnosti o prevozu od izvoznika v tretji državi do uvoznikovih prostorov ali skladiščnih objektov;
85 Pravna redakcija
To that end, they shall organize the business hours of the departments which are to carry out inspections and formalities, the staff available and the practical arrangements for processing goods and documents associated with the carrying out of the inspections and formalities in such a way as to reduce waiting time in the flow of traffic to a minimum.
V ta namen poskrbijo, da so uradne ure služb, ki izvajajo kontrole in formalnosti, razpoložljivo osebje in praktične rešitve za obravnavo blaga in dokumentov v zvezi z izvajanjem kontrol in formalnosti organizirani tako, da se čakalni čas skrajša na najnižjo raven."
86 Pravna redakcija
whereas, in order to avoid multiple inspections, which are in effect barriers to the free movement of appliances burning gaseous fuels, arrangements should be made for the mutual recognition of certification procedures by the Member States;
ker je treba, da bi se izognili večkratnim pregledom, ki dejansko ovirajo prosti pretok naprav na plinsko gorivo, urediti vzajemno priznavanje certifikacijskih postopkov držav članic;
87 Pravna redakcija
To that end, they shall organize the business hours of the departments which are to carry out inspections and formalities, the staff available and the practical arrangements for processing goods and documents associated with the carrying out of inspections and formalities in such a way as to reduce waiting time in the flow of traffic to the fullest possible extent.
V ta namen organizirata uradne ure oddelkov, ki opravljajo preglede in formalnosti, kadre ter ureditev obdelave blaga in dokumentov, povezane z opravljanjem pregledov in formalnosti, na način, ki skrajša čakalno dobo v pretoku blaga na najmanjšo možno mejo.
88 Pravna redakcija
Periodic inspections of the security arrangements for the protection of EU classified information in the EU decentralised agencies, shall be carried out by the GSC Security Office or, at the Secretary-General's request, by the NSA of the host Member State.
Periodične inšpekcije sistemov za zaščito tajnih podatkov EU v decentraliziranih agencijah EU izvaja Varnostni urad GSS ali na zahtevo generalnega sekretarja ONV države članice gostiteljice.
89 Pravna redakcija
Each Member State shall introduce technical roadside inspections such as will achieve the objectives stated in Article 1 as regards commercial vehicles covered by this Directive, bearing in mind the national arrangements applicable to such vehicles under Directive 96/96/EC.
Vsaka država članica mora uvesti take cestne preglede tehnične brezhibnosti vozil, da bodo doseženi cilji iz člena 1 za gospodarska vozila, zajeta v tej direktivi, ob upoštevanju nacionalnih ureditev, ki veljajo za taka vozila na podlagi Direktive 96/96/ES.
90 Pravna redakcija
In particular, special arrangements shall be made at ports, airports, railway stations, marshalling yards, and border inspection posts referred to in Article 6 of Directive 91 /496/EEC to expedite the transport of animals under conditions in keeping with the requirements of this Directive.
Posebne ukrepe bi bilo treba predvideti predvsem v pristaniščih, na letališčih, železniških postajah, ranžirnih postajah in mejnih kontrolnih točkah, na katere se nanaša člen 6 Direktive 91/496/EGS, da se pospeši prevoz živali pod pogoji, ki so v skladu z zahtevami te direktive.
91 Pravna redakcija
However, due to legislative developments concerning inspections and authorisations of clinical trials in the European Community, detailed arrangements for the mutual recognition of the official supervision of these trials will have to be considered in the near future and laid down in a specific Chapter.
Na podlagi zakonodajnih sprememb v zvezi z inšpekcijami in dovoljenji kliničnih poskusov v Evropski Skupnosti pa bo treba v prihodnosti proučiti režime vzajemnega priznavanja uradnega nadzora nad temi poskusi in jih opredeliti v posebnem poglavju.
92 Pravna redakcija
describe the documentation which will be required for the test facility inspection, such as lists of on-going and completed studies, study plans, standard operating procedures, study reports, etc. Access to and, if necessary, arrangements for the copying of relevant documents should be agreed on at this time,
opisati dokumentacijo, ki bo potrebna za inšpekcijski pregled preskuševalnega laboratorija, kot npr. sezname študij v teku in končanih študij, načrte študij, standardne operativne postopke, poročila o študijah, itd. Hkrati se dogovorijo o dostopu do dokumentov in, po potrebi, kopiranju pomembnih dokumentov,
93 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2152
Member States shall provide the Commission with all the necessary information and shall make any arrangements which may facilitate checks, including on-the-spot inspections by the Commission or the European Court of Auditors, which the Commission considers appropriate for the purposes of managing Community financing.
Države članice Komisiji zagotovijo vse potrebne informacije in storijo vse potrebno za olajšanje preverjanja, vključno s pregledi Komisije ali Evropskega računskega sodišča na kraju samem, za katere Komisija meni, da so primerni za namene upravljanja financiranja Skupnosti.
94 Pravna redakcija
The observers or inspectors may be appointed by the Commission or by a Member State and may be placed on board any Member State vessel or, by arrangement with another Contracting Party, on a vessel of the latter, engaged in or about to be engaged in observation or inspection duties or scientific research in the Convention area.
Opazovalce ali inšpektorje lahko imenuje Skupnost ali država članica in se lahko vkrcajo na plovilo vsake države članice ali na plovilo druge pogodbenice po dogovoru s slednjo, na katerem se ali se bodo izvajale naloge opazovanja ali inšpekcijskih pregledov ali znanstvenih raziskav na območju Konvencije.
95 Pravna redakcija
Pending the establishment of the system of observation and inspection, the members of the Commission shall seek to establish interim arrangements to designate observers and inspectors and such designated observers and inspectors shall be entitled to carry out inspections in accordance with the principles set out in paragraph 2 above.
Do uvedbe sistema za opazovanje in inšpekcijske preglede si članice Komisije prizadevajo vzpostaviti začasen sistem za imenovanje opazovalcev in inšpektorjev in ti opazovalci in inšpektorji so upravičeni do izvajanja inšpekcijskih pregledov v skladu z načeli, določenimi v odstavku 2 zgoraj.
96 Pravna redakcija
(iii) for a facility to be under IAEA safeguards inspections pursuant to the safeguards agreement referred to in paragraph 1(d) of Article 6, a confirmation that the relevant safeguards arrangements have been agreed upon with the IAEA and that those arrangements will permit the IAEA to exercise fully its rights pursuant to the aforementioned safeguards agreement, in the light of how this agreement is implemented during the life of this Agreement and so as to enable the IAEA to meet its objectives and inspection goal;
(iii) za objekt, ki naj bo v okviru inšpekcije po varovanju IAEA v skladu s sporazumom o varovanju iz odstavka 1(d) člena 6, potrditev, da je zadevna ureditev varovanja dogovorjena z IAEA, in da bo ta ureditev dopuščala IAEA v celoti uveljavljati njene pravice v skladu s prej navedeno ureditvijo varovanja v zvezi z načinom, kako se ta ureditev izvaja med veljavnostjo tega sporazuma, ter omogoča IAEA izpolnitev njenih ciljev in inšpekcijskih nalog;
97 Pravna redakcija
(iii) for a facility to be under IAEA safeguards inspections pursuant to a safeguards agreement referred to in paragraph 1(a), (b) or (c) of Article 6, a confirmation that relevant safeguards arrangements have been agreed upon with the IAEA and that those arrangements will permit the IAEA to exercise fully its rights pursuant to the aforementioned safeguards agreements, in the light of how these agreements are implemented during the life of this Agreement and so as to enable the IAEA to meet its objectives and inspection goal;
(iii) za objekt, ki naj bo v okviru inšpekcije po varovanju IAEA v skladu s sporazumi o varovanju iz odstavka 1(a), (b) ali (c) člena 6, potrdilo, da je bila zadevna ureditev varovanja dogovorjena z IAEA, in da bo ta ureditev dopuščala IAEA v celoti uveljavljati njene pravice v skladu s prej navedeno ureditvijo varovanja v zvezi z načinom, kako se ta ureditev izvaja med veljavnostjo tega sporazuma, ter omogoča IAEA izpolnitev njenih ciljev in inšpekcijskih nalog;
98 Pravna redakcija
Periodic inspections of the security arrangements for the protection of EU classified information in the GSC and in the Permanent Representations of the Member States to the European Union, as well as to the Member States premises in the Council buildings shall be carried out by the GSC Security Office and by the NSA concerned, jointly and in mutual agreement().
Periodične inšpekcije sistemov za zaščito tajnih podatkov EU v GSS in v stalnih predstavništvih držav članic v Evropski uniji ter v prostorih zgradb Sveta, ki jih zasedajo države članice, izvajajo Varnostni urad GSS in zadevni ONV, skupaj in v medsebojnem soglasju( fn ).
99 Pravna redakcija
Subject to any arrangements which may have been concluded between the Community and third countries in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 38, the Commission may, upon receipt of a reasoned request from a Member State, the Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products, or on its own initiative, require a manufacturer established in a third country to submit to an inspection.
V skladu s kakršnimi koli dogovori, ki so lahko sklenjeni med Skupnostjo in tretjimi državami skladno z drugim odstavkom člena 38, lahko Komisija po prejemu utemeljene zahteve od države članice, Odbora za zdravila za uporabo v veterini ali na lastno pobudo zahteva, da izdelovalec s sedežem v tretji državi dovoli pregled.
100 Pravna redakcija
Subject to any arrangements which may have been concluded between the Community and third countries in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 16, the Commission may, upon receipt of a reasoned request from a Member State, the Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products, or on its own initiative, require a manufacturer established in a third country to submit to an inspection.
V skladu s sporazumi, ki so lahko sklenjeni med Skupnostjo in tretjimi državami skladno z drugim pododstavkom člena 16, lahko Komisija po prejemu utemeljene zahteve od države članice, odbora za lastniška zdravila ali na lastno pobudo zahteva, da izdelovalec s sedežem v tretji državi dovoli pregled.
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inspection arrangements