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internal control system
51 Pravna redakcija
The temperature conditioning system must be capable of controlling the internal enclosure air temperature to follow the prescribed temperature versus time profile throughout the test, and an average tolerance of ± 1 K over the duration of the test.
Klimatizacijski sistem mora biti sposoben nadzirati temperaturo zraka v prostoru, da se ta spreminja glede na zahteve, predpisane v preskusu za čas in temperaturo, s povprečnim dovoljenim odstopanjem ± 1 °K v celotnem trajanju preskusa.
52 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1653
The internal auditor shall advise the President on dealing with risks, by issuing independent opinions on the quality of management and control systems and by issuing recommendations for improving the conditions of implementation of operations and promoting sound financial management.
Notranji revizor predstojniku svetuje pri obravnavanju tveganj z izdajanjem neodvisnih mnenj o kakovosti sistemov upravljanja in nadzora ter z izdajanjem priporočil za izboljšanje pogojev izvajanja operacij in pospeševanja dobrega finančnega poslovodenja.
53 Pravna redakcija
The internal auditor shall advise the Commission on dealing with risks, by issuing independent opinions on the quality of management and control systems and by issuing recommendations for improving the conditions of implementation of operations and promoting sound financial management.
Notranji revizor svetuje Komisiji, kako naj ravna s tveganji, z izdajo neodvisnih mnenj o kakovosti sistemov upravljanja in nadzora ter z izdajo priporočil za izboljšanje pogojev za izvajanje dejavnosti in za spodbujanje dobrega finančnega poslovodenja.
54 Pravna redakcija
However, as regards the Schengen Information System (SIS), extension of which under the SIS 1 + project should be completed with test exercises demonstrating its ability to operate in 18 countries, visits to evaluate its functioning should be carried out before controls at the future internal borders are lifted.
Kar pa zadeva Schengenski informacijski sistem (SIS), katerega razširitev je treba zaključiti v okviru projekta SIS 1+ s testnimi vajami, ki dokazujejo njegovo zmožnost delovanja v 18 državah, je treba pred odpravo kontrol na bodočih notranjih mejah opraviti obiske, na katerih se oceni njegovo delovanje.
55 Pravna redakcija
Under this system, border control officials of the country of destination may, on the basis of international agreements, carry out checks in the airport of departure to determine whether passengers fulfil certain conditions for entering the territory of the Schengen State of destination and whether they can board the flight.
Pri tem sistemu lahko kontrolni uradniki namembne države na podlagi mednarodnih dogovorov opravljajo kontrole na izhodiščnem letališču, da bi ugotovili, ali potniki izpolnjujejo pogoje za vstop na območje schengenske ciljne države in ali se lahko vkrcajo na letalo.
56 Pravna redakcija
To check that the SIS is functioning correctly in the Nordic States, the national section of the Schengen Information System (N.SIS) of the Nordic States should become fully operational (i.e. final users should be able to access real data in all 15 countries) as from 1 January 2001, before the abolition of internal border controls.
Za preverjanje pravilnega delovanja SIS v nordijskih državah mora postati državna nacionalna sekcija Schengenskega informacijskega sistema ( D N.SIS) v celoti operativna (npr. končnim uporabnikom mora biti omogočen pristop do dejanskih podatkov v vseh 15 državah) s 1. januarjem 2002, pred odpravo kontrol na notranjih mejah.
57 Pravna redakcija
This is why, in addition to deploying extra staff, special arrangements must be made at airports to enable compliance with the level of Schengen controls and to ensure that time spent on checks is not incompatible with the time constraints imposed by the other systems that must be taken into account, such as international air traffic.
Zato so poleg namestitve dodatnega osebja na letališčih potrebni še posebni ukrepi, ki omogočajo, da se mejne kontrole izvajajo v skladu s schengensko kontrolno ravnijo, in da za to potreben čas v osnovi ni diametralno nasproten časovnim omejitvam drugih sistemov, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati, kot npr. mednarodni zračni promet.
58 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
(h) the on-going activities of the Host Party, supported by the EU and the International Community, to strengthen the rule of law, particularly to promote reform of the criminal justice system, and to take further action to prevent and control organised crime and develop policing standards in accordance with internationally recognised standards,
(h) potekajočih dejavnosti države gostiteljice, ki jih podpirata EU in mednarodna skupnost, za okrepitev vladavine prava zlasti s pospeševanjem reforme kazenskega pravosodnega sistema in za sprejemanje nadaljnjih ukrepov za preprečevanje in nadzor nad organiziranim kriminalom ter oblikovanje policijskih standardov v skladu z mednarodno priznanimi standardi,
59 Pravna redakcija
In compliance with the minimum standards adopted by the Commission and having due regard to the risks associated with the management environment and the nature of the operations financed, the Chief Authorising Officer shall put in place the organisational structure and the internal management and control systems and procedures suited to the performance of his duties, including where appropriate ex post checks.
V skladu z minimalnimi standardi, ki jih sprejme Komisija in ob primernem upoštevanju tveganj, povezanih z okoljem upravljanja ter naravo financirane dejavnosti, glavni odredbodajalec sestavi organizacijsko strukturo in sistem notranje uprave in nadzora ter postopke, primerne za opravljanje njegovih nalog, vključno, če je primerno, z naknadnimi pregledi.
60 Pravna redakcija
to develop and keep updated a full and adequate set of own rules and regulations on hull, machinery and electrical and control equipment having the quality of internationally recognised technical standards on the basis of which SOLAS Convention and Passenger Ship Safety Certificates (as regards adequacy of ship structure and essential shipboard machinery systems) and Load Line Certificates (as regards adequacy of ship strength) can be issued;
razvijanje in ažuriranje popolnega in ustreznega sklopa lastnih pravil in predpisov o ladijskem trupu, strojih ter električni in nadzorni opremi s kakovostjo, ki je v skladu z mednarodno priznanimi tehničnimi standardi, na podlagi katerih je mogoče izdati spričevala v okviru Konvencije SOLAS in varnostna spričevala za potniške ladje (glede primernosti ladijske konstrukcije in pomembnih strojnih sistemov na ladji) ter spričevala o tovorni črti (glede primernosti moči ladijskega pogona);
61 Pravna redakcija
Under the rules and general principles of private international law, where one undertaking controls another governed by a different legal system, its ensuing rights and obligations as regards the protection of minority shareholders and third parties are governed by the law governing the controlled undertaking, without prejudice to the obligations imposed on the controlling undertaking by its own law, for example the requirement to prepare consolidated accounts.
V skladu s pravili in temeljnimi načeli mednarodnega zasebnega prava, ko eno podjetje obvladuje drugo, ki ga ureja drugačen pravni sistem, so njegove pravice in dolžnosti glede zaščite manjšinskih delničarjev in tretjih strani urejene z zakonodajo, ki ureja odvisno podjetje, brez poseganja v obveznosti, ki jih obvladujočemu podjetju predpisuje njegovo nacionalno pravo, npr. v zahtevo po pripravi konsolidiranih računovodskih izkazov.
62 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 of 12 October 1993 establishing a control system applicable to the common fisheries policy (4) applies to all fishing activities and to all associated activities carried out within the territory and within the maritime waters subject to the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the Member States and also applies to the activities of Community fishing vessels which operate in the waters of third countries or on the high seas, without prejudice to the fisheries agreements concluded between the Community and third countries and to International Conventions to which the Community is a party,
ker se Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 2847/93 z dne 12. oktobra 1993 o vzpostavitvi nadzornega sistema za skupno ribiško politiko fn uporablja za vse ribolovne dejavnosti in za vse pripadajoče dejavnosti, ki se izvajajo na ozemlju in v morskih vodah pod suverenostjo ali jurisdikcijo držav članic, in se uporablja tudi za dejavnosti ribiških plovil Skupnosti, ki delujejo v vodah tretjih držav ali na odprtem morju, brez vpliva na ribiške sporazume, sklenjene med Skupnostjo in tretjimi državami, in na mednarodne konvencije, katerih pogodbenica je Skupnost;
63 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0087
assessment of the financial conglomerate's structure, organisation and internal control system as set out in Article 9;
ocena sestave finančnega konglomerata, organizacijskega sistema in sistema notranjih kontrol, kakor določa člen 9;
64 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2368
WELCOMING voluntary self-regulation initiatives announced by the diamond industry and recognising that a system of such voluntary self-regulation contributes to ensuring an effective internal control system of rough diamonds based upon the international certification scheme for rough diamonds;
OB ZADOVOLJSTVU nad pobudami o samouravnavanju, ki jih je najavila industrija diamantov, in ob priznavanju, da sistem prostovoljnega samouravnavanja prispeva k zagotavljanju učinkovitega notranjega sistema nadzora nad surovimi diamanti, s podlago na mednarodnem sistemu potrjevanja za surove diamante;
65 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2343
This report shall indicate the results of his/her operations by reference to the objectives set, the risks associated with these operations, the use made of the resources provided and the way the internal control system functions.
To poročilo opisuje rezultate poslovanja glede na določene cilje, tveganja, povezana s tem poslovanjem, uporabo odobrenih sredstev in delovanje sistema notranjih kontrol.
66 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0087
the organisation, risk management and internal control systems at financial conglomerate level;
organizaciji, upravljanju s tveganji ter sistemi notranjih kontrol na ravni finančnega konglomerata;
67 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2152
ensure that the bodies mentioned in paragraph 1 have proper internal management and control systems;
se zagotovi, da imajo organi, navedeni v odstavku 1, pravilne notranje upravljavske in nadzorne sisteme;
68 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2368
when establishing a system of internal controls, take into account, where appropriate, the further options and recommendations for internal controls as elaborated in Annex II.
pri vzpostavljanju sistema notranjega nadzora upoštevati, kjer je primerno, nadaljnje možnosti in priporočila o notranjem nadzoru, kakor so razdelana v Prilogi II.
69 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0857
complete legislative framework and strengthen internal and external financial control bodies including regional control units, in particular through use of a comprehensive information technology system and clear separation of ex-ante control and approval and internal financial control;
dokončanje zakonodajnega okvira in krepitev notranjega in zunanjega finančnega nadzora organov, vključno z regionalnimi enotami za nadzor, zlasti z uporabo celovitega sistema informacijske tehnologije in jasno ločevanje med predhodnim nadzorom in odobritvijo ter notranjim finančnim nadzorom;
70 Prevajalska redakcija
The Agency is committed to full implementation of the EMEA integrated quality-management system and internal control standards.
Agencija je zavezana, da bo v celoti izvajala integriran sistem EMEA za vodenje kakovosti in standarde notranje kontrole.
71 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2343
for assessing the suitability and quality of the internal control systems applicable to every budgetary implementation operation.
ocenjevanje ustreznosti in kakovosti sistemov notranjega nadzora, ki se uporabljajo za vsako operacijo izvrševanja proračuna.
72 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990D0424
Whereas the new control strategy postulates the suppression of internal frontier controls and the harmonization of the control system for products coming from third countries;
ker nova strategija nadzora predvideva odpravo nadzora na notranjih mejah in uskladitev sistema nadzora nad proizvodi, ki prihajajo iz tretjih držav;
73 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1663
the objective of this service or equivalent procedure is to ensure that the agency's system of internal control operates effectively;
cilj te službe ali enakovrednega postopka je zagotoviti učinkovito delovanje sistema notranje kontrole agencije;
74 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2222
The objective of this service or equivalent procedure is to ensure that the agency's system of internal control operates effectively;
Cilj te službe ali enakovrednega postopka je zagotoviti, da sistem interne kontrole agencije deluje učinkovito;
75 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1653
The Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market should have control and audit systems comparable with those of the Community institutions.
Urad za harmonizacijo notranjega trga naj bi imel sisteme nadzora in revizije, primerljive s sistemi institucij Skupnosti.
76 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0396
Complete alignment of veterinary and phytosanitary legislation in order to enforce internal market control systems and imports from third countries fully and effectively;
Dokončati uskladitev veterinarske in fitosanitarne zakonodaje za celovito in učinkovito uveljavitev sistemov nadzora notranjega trga in uvoza iz tretjih držav;
77 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0782
"AFS-Convention" means the International Convention on the control of harmful anti-fouling systems on ships, adopted on 5 October 2001, irrespective of its entry into force;
"Konvencija AFS" pomeni Mednarodno konvencijo o nadzoru škodljivih sistemov proti obraščanju na ladjah, sprejeto 5. oktobra 2001, ne glede na začetek njene veljavnosti;
78 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
An investment firm shall have sound administrative and accounting procedures, internal control mechanisms, effective procedures for risk assessment, and effective control and safeguard arrangements for information processing systems.
Investicijsko podjetje mora imeti smotrne administrativne in računovodske postopke, mehanizme notranje kontrole, učinkovite postopke za oceno tveganja ter učinkovito kontrolo in zaščitne ukrepe za sisteme obdelovanja informacij.
79 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2368
establish a system of internal controls designed to eliminate the presence of conflict diamonds from shipments of rough diamonds imported into and exported from its territory;
vzpostaviti sistem notranjega nadzora z namenom odstranitve konfliktnih diamantov iz pošiljk surovih diamantov, ki se uvažajo na ali izvažajo z njegovega ozemlja;
80 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002E0210
at ministries and senior police officers level adopt a professional culture based on a fair, transparent and accountable internal management system including the exercise of internal controls and disciplinary procedures of the highest standard;
na ravni ministrstev in višjih policijskih uradnikov sprejele kulturo profesionalnosti, ki temelji na poštenem, preglednem in odgovornem sistemu notranjega vodenja, vključno z izvajanjem notranjega nadzora in disciplinskih postopkov po najvišjih standardih;
81 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0006
Whereas the existence, in all institutions, of internal systems for monitoring and controlling interest-rate risks on all of their business is a particularly important way of minimizing such risks;
ker je v vseh institucijah obstoj notranjih sistemov za spremljanje in nadzor tveganj sprememb obrestne mere celotnega poslovanja posebej pomemben način zmanjševanja takšnih tveganj;
82 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1266
demonstration of effective internal controls including an independent audit function and an effective accounting and financial reporting system which meets internationally accepted audit standards;
dokaz o učinkovitih notranjih kontrolah, vključno z neodvisno funkcijo revizije ter učinkovitim računovodskim in finančnim sistemom poročanja, ki ustreza mednarodno sprejetim revizijskim standardom,
83 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0031
the institution has established procedures for monitoring and ensuring compliance with a documented set of internal policies and controls concerning the overall operation of the risk-measurement system;
institucija ima vzpostavljene postopke za spremljanje in zagotavljanje skladnosti z dokumentiranimi internimi politikami in nadzorom na področju splošnega delovanja sistema za merjenje tveganj;
84 Prevajalska redakcija
'GNSS 2`: means a worldwide civil navigation satellite system to be internationally controlled and managed, which meets the requirements of all categories of users for position, velocity and time determination.
"GNSS 2" pomeni civilni satelitski navigacijski sistem, razširjen po vsem svetu, ki ga je treba mednarodno nadzorovati in upravljati in ki izpolnjuje zahteve vseh vrst uporabnikov za določanje položaja, hitrosti in časa.
85 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0782
An International Convention on the control of harmful anti-fouling systems on ships (AFS-Convention) was adopted on 5 October 2001 at a Diplomatic Conference (AFS-Conference) held under the aegis of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) with the attendance of Member States of the Community.
Mednarodna konvencija o nadzoru škodljivih sistemov proti obraščanju na ladjah (Konvencija AFS) je bila sprejeta na diplomatski konferenci (konferenca AFS) dne 5. oktobra 2001 pod okriljem Mednarodne pomorske organizacije (IMO), na kateri so bile prisotne države članice Skupnosti.
86 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0062
An IMO International Convention on the Control of Harmful Antifouling Systems, agreed at an IMO Diplomatic Conference in October 2001, includes a prohibition from 1 January 2003, on the application or re-application to ships of organotin compounds which act as biocides in antifouling systems.
Mednarodni sporazum IMO o nadzoru nad škodljivimi sredstvi za preprečevanje obraščanja organizmov na površinah, ki prihajajo v stik z vodo, glede katerega so se strinjali na diplomatski konferenci IMO oktobra 2001, vključuje prepoved uporabe ali ponovne uporabe organokositrnih spojin, ki delujejo kot biocidi v sredstvih za preprečevanje obraščanja organizmov na ladjah, od 1. januarja 2003 dalje.
87 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2343
In the event of delegation, the authorising officer shall continue to be responsible for the effectiveness of the internal management and control systems put in place and for the choice of the authorising officer by delegation.
V primeru prenosa nalog odredbodajalec ostane odgovoren za uspešnost notranjih sistemov poslovodenja in kontrol ter za izbiro odredbodajalca na podlagi prenosa.
88 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1334
An effective common system of export controls on dual-use items is necessary to ensure that the international commitments and responsabilities of the Member States, especially regarding non-proliferation, and of the European Union, are complied with.
Potreben je učinkovit skupni sistem nadzora izvoza blaga z dvojno rabo, da se zagotovi spoštovanje mednarodnih obveznosti in odgovornosti držav članic in Evropske unije, predvsem glede neširjenja orožja.
89 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987D0594
The dual-channel or red/green system is a simplified customs control which enables customs authorities to improve the flow of passenger traffic at international airports and to deal efficiently with the increasing number of passengers without reducing the effectiveness of the control and without a corresponding increase in the number of customs staff.
Sistem dvojnega prehoda ali sistem zelenega/rdečega prehoda je poenostavljena carinska kontrola, ki carinskim organom omogoča, da izboljšajo pretok potniškega prometa na mednarodnih letališčih in učinkovito obravnavajo vse več potnikov, ne da bi se zato zmanjšala učinkovitost kontrole in povečalo število carinskega osebja.
90 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1663
The criteria for accreditation are such that the paying agency provides sufficient assurance concerning the proper functioning of its administrative organization and of the system of internal control, and the maintenance of documents pursuant to Article 4 of Regulation (EEC) No 729/70.
Merila za akreditacijo omogočajo, da plačilna agencija dá zadostno zagotovilo za pravilno delovanje svoje upravne strukture in sistema notranje kontrole in za hranjenje dokumentov na podlagi člena 4 Uredbe (EGS) št. 729/70.
91 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2343
The internal auditor shall advise the Community body on dealing with risks, by issuing independent opinions on the quality of management and control systems and by issuing recommendations for improving the conditions of implementation of operations and promoting sound financial management.
Notranji revizor svetuje organu Skupnosti glede obvladovanja tveganj z neodvisnimi mnenji o kakovosti sistemov poslovodenja in nadzora ter s priporočili za izboljšanje pogojev izvajanja postopkov in za spodbujanje dobrega finančnega poslovodenja.
92 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2368
The Kimberley Process negotiations, bringing together the Community and producer and trading countries representing practically all international trade in rough diamonds, as well as the diamond industry and representatives of civil society, were initiated with a view to developing such an effective control system.
Pogajanja v okviru procesa Kimberley, z združevanjem Skupnosti in držav proizvajalk ter trgovskih držav, ki predstavljajo praktično vso mednarodno trgovino s surovimi diamanti in tudi industrije diamantov in predstavnikov civilne družbe, so se začela z namenom oblikovanja učinkovitega nadzornega sistema.
93 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0058
In accordance with the financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities, the director shall set up management and internal control systems adapted to the tasks entrusted to the executive agency to ensure the operations it performs are lawful, comply with the rules and are effective.
V skladu z določbami finančne uredbe, ki se uporablja za splošni proračun Evropskih skupnosti, direktor vzpostavi sisteme za upravljanje in notranji nadzor, prilagojene izvajanju nalog, zaupanih izvajalski agenciji, zato da se zagotovi zakonitost, pravilnost in učinkovitost postopkov, ki jih ta izvaja.
94 Prevajalska redakcija
Clinical efficacy and safety The efficacy and safety of Vidaza were studied in an international, multicenter, controlled, open-label, randomised, parallel-group, Phase 3 comparative study (AZA PH GL 2003 CL 001) in patients with: intermediate-2 and high-risk MDS according to the International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS), refractory anaemia with excess blasts (RAEB), refractory anaemia with excess blasts in transformation (RAEB-T) and modified chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (mCMML) according to the French American British (FAB) classification system.
Klinična učinkovitost in varnost Učinkovitost in varnost zdravila Vidaza sta bili preučeni v mednarodni, multicentrični, kontrolirani, odprti, randomizirani primerjalni študiji 3. faze z vzporednimi skupinami (AZA PH GL 2003 CL 001) pri bolnikih z: MDS z vmesno stopnjo 2 in visoko stopnjo tveganja po Mednarodnem prognostičnem sistemu ocenjevanja (IPSS), refraktorno anemijo s presežkom blastov (RAEB - refractory anaemia with excess blasts), refraktorno anemijo s presežkom blastov v transformaciji (RAEB- T - refractory anaemia with excess blastsin transformation) in modificirano kronično mielomonocitno levkemijo (mKMMoL) po francosko- ameriško- britanskem (FAB) razvrstitvenem sistemu.
95 Prevajalska redakcija
the on-going activities of the Host Party, supported by the EU and the International Community, to strengthen the rule of law, particularly to promote reform of the criminal justice system, and to take further action to prevent and control organised crime and develop policing standards in accordance with internationally recognised standards,
potekajočih dejavnosti države gostiteljice, ki jih podpirata EU in mednarodna skupnost, za okrepitev vladavine prava zlasti s pospeševanjem reforme kazenskega pravosodnega sistema in za sprejemanje nadaljnjih ukrepov za preprečevanje in nadzor nad organiziranim kriminalom ter oblikovanje policijskih standardov v skladu z mednarodno priznanimi standardi;
96 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0025
the fields of application of the quality standards cover the administration of the certification systems, all training courses and programmes, examinations and assessments carried out by or under the authority of each Member State and the qualifications and experience required of instructors and assessors, having regard to the policies, systems, controls and internal quality-assurance reviews established to ensure achievement of the defined objectives.
področje uporabe standardov kakovosti zajema upravljanje sistemov za izdajanje spričeval, vse izobraževalne tečaje in programe, izpitno preverjanje in ocenjevanje, ki ga izvaja vsaka država članica ali se izvaja z njenim pooblastilom, ter kvalifikacije in izkušnje, ki jih morajo imeti vodje izobraževanja in ocenjevalci ob upoštevanju strategij, sistemov, nadzora in notranje kontrole zagotavljanja kakovosti, ki so bili uvedeni, da bi zagotovili doseganje zastavljenih ciljev.
97 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1663
The examination shall include, in particular, the arrangements regarding the execution of payments, the safeguarding of the treasury, the security of computer systems, the maintenance of accounting records, the division of duties and the adequacy of internal and external controls, in respect of transactions financed by the Guarantee Section of the EAGGF.
Pregled zajema zlasti pogoje za izvajanje plačil, zaščito denarnih sredstev, varnost računalniških sistemov, vodenje računovodskih evidenc, delitev nalog in ustreznost notranjih in zunanjih kontrol v zvezi s transakcijami, ki jih financira Jamstveni oddelek EKUJS.
98 Prevajalska redakcija
To this end, the Agency will: conduct self-assessment activities as part of the EU benchmarking system, alongside its European partners; review the level of implementation of the internal control standards; conduct annual management-review activities; assess its achievements in the area of risk management; and assess the impact of improvements following audits.
V ta namen bo Agencija: skupaj z evropskimi partnerji izvajala dejavnosti samoocenjevanja v okviru sistema EU za primerjalne analize; pregledala stopnjo izvajanja standardov notranje kontrole; izvajala dejavnosti letnega pregleda upravljanja; ocenila svoje dosežke na področju obvladovanja tveganja in ocenila vpliv izboljšav po revizijah.
99 Prevajalska redakcija
States, acting through the competent international organisation or general diplomatic conference, shall establish international rules and standards to prevent, reduce and control pollution of the marine environment from vessels and promote the adoption, in the same manner, wherever appropriate, of routeing systems designed to minimise the threat of accidents which might cause pollution of the marine environment, including the coastline, and pollution damage to the related interests of coastal States.
Države prek pristojne mednarodne organizacije ali na splošni diplomatski konferenci določijo mednarodna pravila in standarde za preprečevanje, zmanjševanje in nadziranje onesnaževanja morskega okolja z ladij; na enak način, kjer je to ustrezno, pa tudi spodbujajo sprejetje plovnih sistemov, s katerimi naj bi se zmanjšale nevarnosti pred nezgodami, ki bi utegnile povzročiti onesnaženje morskega okolja in tudi obale, ter škoda z onesnaženjem, ki bi utegnila prizadeti s tem povezane interese obalnih držav.
100 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0057
to develop and keep updated a full and adequate set of own rules and regulations on hull, machinery and electrical and control equipment having the quality of internationally recognized technical standards on the basis of which Solas Convention and Passenger Ship Safety Certificates (as regards adequacy of ship structure and essential shipboard machinery systems) and Load Line Certificates (as regards adequacy of ship strength) can be issued;
razvoj in ažuriranje celotnega in ustreznega sklopa lastnih pravil in predpisov o ladijskem trupu, strojni opremi in električni ter nadzorni opremi s kakovostjo, ki je v skladu z mednarodno priznanimi tehničnimi standardi, na podlagi katerih je mogoče izdati spričevala v okviru Konvencije Solas in spričevala o varnosti potniških ladij (glede primernosti ladijske konstrukcije in pomembnih ladijskih strojnih sistemov) ter spričevala o tovornih črtah (glede primernosti ladijskega pogona);
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internal control system