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investigation of claims
51 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
In this respect, although a slight improvement occurred between 2000 and the IP, it is far from a 25 % improvement as claimed by the exporting producer and in addition it should be pointed out that the figures from both investigations are not comparable, since the definition of the Community industry is not the same in these investigations.
Čeprav je v tem pogledu res prišlo do majhnega povečanja med letom 2000 in obdobjem preiskave, pa je to daleč od 25 % povečanja, kot trdi proizvajalec izvoznik, ob tem pa je treba še poudariti, da številke iz obeh preiskav niso primerljive, saj opredelitev industrije Skupnosti v njih ni enaka.
52 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
On the basis of the information collected in the course of the investigation, the Commission decided not to include CN codes 3920 62 11 and 3920 62 13 within the scope of the investigation as no information has been submitted which would suggest that the claim made by the Community industry in the complaint in terms of lack of interchangeability is not correct.
Na osnovi informacij, ki jih je pridobila med potekom preiskave, je Komisija sklenila, da ne bo vključila oznaki KN 3920 62 11 in 3920 62 13 v okvir preiskave, ker ni prejela nobenih informacij, ki bi nakazovale, da trditev v pritožbi industrije Skupnosti v zvezi s pomanjkanjem zamenljivosti ni pravilna.
53 Pravna redakcija
Clinical investigations must be performed on the basis of an appropriate plan of investigation reflecting the latest scientific and technical knowledge and defined in such a way as to confirm or refute the manufacturer's claims for the device;
Klinične preiskave morajo biti opravljene na osnovi ustreznega načrta preiskav, ki odraža najnovejše znanstveno in tehnično znanje in ki je opredeljen tako, da potrdi ali zavrne proizvajalčeve trditve o pripomočku;
54 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
But, following the disclosure of the findings of the investigation, it claimed that this change of category of the assets was advised by tax consultants and that the purpose of this change was to reduce the taxable profits in order to avoid paying income tax.
Vendar pa je po razkritju ugotovitev preiskave trdila, da so ji to spremembo kategorije sredstev svetovali davčni svetovalci in da je bil namen spremembe zmanjšati obdavčljive dobičke, da bi se izognili plačilu davka na dohodek.
55 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1796
One Indian exporting producer claimed that the costs of production for the investigation period (1 January 1997 to 31 March 1998, hereinafter referred to as the 'IP'), should be established on the basis of data relating to the period preceding the IP.
En indijski proizvajalec izvoznik je trdil, da je treba proizvodne stroške za obdobje preiskave (od 1. januarja 1997 do 31. marca 1998, v nadaljnjem besedilu "OP") določiti na podlagi podatkov, ki se nanašajo na obdobje pred OP.
56 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0408
In view of the fact that the first interested party gave no other factors which it considered could be responsible for the injury suffered by the Community industry, this claim adds nothing new to the investigation and should therefore be rejected.
Ker prva zainteresirana stranka ni navedla drugih dejavnikov, ki so bili po njenem mnenju vzrok škode, povzročene industriji Skupnosti, ta trditev ne pomeni novih informacij, pomembnih za preiskavo, in jo je zato treba zavrniti.
57 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
However, this exporting producer's new claim for a further adjustment on import duties for a material imported and paid for by a related company cannot be accepted since this claim was neither made in good time nor demonstrated to affect price comparability and in addition, the new information submitted in this respect was not verifiable at this stage of the investigation.
Nadalje je ta proizvajalec izvoznik zahteval dodaten popravek za uvozne dajatve na material, ki ga je uvozilo in plačalo povezano podjetje; vendar tega zahtevka ni mogoče odobriti, ker ni bil predložen v roku in ker ni bil dokazan vpliv na cenovno primerljivost, poleg tega pa zadevnih novih informacij v tej fazi preiskave ni bilo mogoče več preveriti.
58 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1335
Furthermore, the company claimed that it had not exported the product concerned to the Community during the original period of investigation (1 March 1994 to 28 February 1995) but that it had exported the product concerned to the Community subsequently.
Poleg tega je podjetje trdilo, da zadevnega proizvoda ni izvažalo v Skupnost med prvotnim obdobjem preiskave (od 1. marca 1994 do 28. februarja 1995), temveč da je zadevni proizvod izvažalo v Skupnost pozneje.
59 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2603
The exporting producer claims that it opted to use its accumulated net losses from the previous years, instead of the corporate income tax exemption, to offset current taxable profit, and consequently no benefit was obtained during the period of investigation.
Proizvajalec izvoznik je navedel, da se je namesto za oprostitev plačila davka od dobička odločil, da svoje nakopičene čiste izgube iz predhodnih let uporabi za poravnavo tekočega obdavčljivega dobička in zato ni dobil v obdobju preiskave nobene ugodnosti.
60 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1994
The GOT and one Community importer claimed that the high level of market share of the Community industry (89 % during the investigation period) showed that the Community industry could not suffer injury caused by imports from Taiwan, with a much smaller market share (6,1 %).
TV in en uvoznik v Skupnost sta trdila, da je visoka stopnja tržnega deleža industrije Skupnosti (v času preiskave 89 %) pokazala, da industriji Skupnosti zaradi uvoza s Tajvana, ki ima veliko manjši tržni delež (6,1 %), ni mogla biti povzročena škoda.
61 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
They further claimed that the initiation of a new proceeding against the Republic of Korea two months after the termination of a previous proceeding (see recital 7 of the provisional Regulation), contradicted the finding in that investigation that there was no likelihood of a recurrence of dumping.
Nadalje so ugovarjale, da je začetek novega postopka proti Republiki Koreji dva meseca po zaključku prejšnjega postopka (glej uvodno izjavo 7 začasne uredbe) v nasprotju s sklepom v okviru takratne preiskave, da ni verjetnosti ponovitve dampinga.
62 Pravna redakcija
The Administrative Commission may arrange for any checks appropriate to the investigation of the statistical and accounting data needed in the drawing up of the statement of claims provided for in paragraph 1, in particular to ensure their compliance with the rules laid down under this Title 2.
Upravna komisija lahko predpiše ustrezno preverjanje za preiskavo statističnih in računovodskih podatkov, potrebnih za oblikovanje poročila o zahtevkih, predvidenega v odstavku 1, zlasti da zagotovi skladnost s predpisi, določenimi v tem naslovu.
63 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1993
The Government of Taiwan (GOT) and one Community importer claimed that the high level of market share of the Community industry (89 % during the investigation period) showed that the Community industry could not suffer injury caused by imports from Taiwan, with a much smaller market share (6,1 %).
Tajvanska vlada (TV) in eden od uvoznikov Skupnosti sta dokazovala, da velik tržni delež industrije Skupnosti (89 % v obdobju preiskave) kaže na to, da uvoz iz Tajvana industriji Skupnosti ni mogel povzročiti škode, saj je bil njegov tržni delež precej manjši (6,1 %).
64 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
In addition to the GOK's claim regarding the non-specificity of the provisions of this Article, the GOK pointed out that the provision of preferential treatment for domestic over imported facilities which was contained in this Article was deleted at the end of 1996 which is before the investigation period.
Poleg trditve korejske vlade, da so določbe tega člena nespecifične, je korejska vlada izpostavila, da je bila določba tega člena, po kateri so imeli domači stroji in oprema prednost pred uvoženimi, črtana konec leta 1996, to je pred obdobjem preiskave.
65 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2605
It was claimed by one of the other operators in the Community (which has been excluded from the definition of a Community producer because it is also one of the exporting producers in the PRC) that the level of cooperation mentioned above (39 %) was not sufficient to justify the continuation of the investigation.
Eno od podjetij iz Skupnosti (ki se ni štelo za proizvajalca Skupnosti, ker je bilo hkrati tudi eden od proizvajalcev-izvoznikov na Kitajskem) je trdilo, da zgoraj navedena raven sodelovanja (39 %) ne zadostuje za utemeljitev nadaljevanja preiskave.
66 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0312
The Community industry claimed that two other Taiwanese producers of microdisks are still active in the business and that these two companies, which had not cooperated in the investigation, would export large quantities of 3,5` microdisks at dumped prices, should measures be repealed in respect of Taiwan.
(36) Industrija Skupnosti je trdila, da sta dva druga tajvanska proizvajalca palčnih disket še vedno dejavna na tem področju in da bi ti dve podjetji, ki nista sodelovali pri preiskavi, po dampinških cenah izvažali velike količine 3,5-palčnih disket, če se ukrepi za Tajvan odpravijo.
67 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1784
Some interested parties reiterated their claim concerning the non-inclusion of certain third countries in the investigation, namely Bulgaria, Poland, Turkey and the United States of America in the sense that this non-inclusion would be discriminatory and therefore invalidate the initiation of the proceeding.
Nekatere zainteresirane stranke so ponovile svoj zahtevek, ki se je nanašal na to, da nekatere tretje stranke niso bile vključene v raziskavo, in sicer Bolgarija, Poljska, Turčija in Združene države Amerike, saj naj bi bila takšna nevključitev diskriminatorna, začetek postopka pa naj bi bil zato neveljaven.
68 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2604
An Indonesian exporter claimed that imports originating in Indonesia should not be assessed cumulatively with the other imports concerned, especially in view of the differences in trends in volumes between imports originating in this country and in the other countries subject to the investigation.
Eden od indonezijskih izvoznikov je trdil, da se uvoza s poreklom iz Indonezije ne bi smelo presojati kumulativno z drugimi zadevnimi uvozi, zlasti zato, ker je bilo količinsko gibanje uvoza s poreklom iz te države drugačno od uvoza iz drugih držav, zajetih v to preiskavo.
69 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1696
The investigation revealed that certain camera models concerned were indeed imported already before an adequate request for exemption had been submitted to the Commission, although initially Ikegami claimed that no imports of the models subject to the request had taken place prior to such request.
Preiskava je odkrila, da so bili nekateri zadevni modeli kamer dejansko uvoženi, še preden je bil ustrezen zahtevek za oprostitev predložen Komisiji, čeprav je na začetku družba Ikegami trdila, da ni pred vlogo tega zahtevka uvozila nobenega od modelov, ki so bili predmet zahtevka.
70 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2604
It was argued that it would be incorrect to reject the company's claim for a duty drawback adjustment in the context of the anti-dumping investigation, when at the same time the DEPB scheme from which the company benefits had been considered as an export subsidy in the context of the anti-subsidy proceeding.
Trdil je, da bi bilo nepravilno v okviru protidampinške preiskave zavrniti zahtevo podjetja za popravek zaradi povračila dajatev, ker se je program DEBP, ki jo podjetje koristi, v protisubvencijskem postopku štela za izvozno subvencijo.
71 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0502
The investigation confirmed the complainant's legal claim that the C-57 Amendment to the Canadian Trade- Marks Act violates Articles 23.1 and 2 as well as Article 24.3 (the so-called standstill clause) of TRIPS and that such infringements cannot be justified on the basis of the exception under Article 24.6 of TRIPS.
Preiskava je potrdila pravno zahtevo pritožnika, da Amandma C-57 kanadskega Zakona o blagovnih znamkah krši člena 23.1 in 2 ter člen 24.3 (tako imenovano klavzulo o mirovanju) TRIP-a in da takih kršitev ni mogoče upravičevati na podlagi izjeme po členu 24.6 TRIP-a.
72 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0311
The HKETO claimed, at the initiation of the investigation, that there was only one Hong Kong exporting producer of 3,5" microdisks still active in the market and that the production capacity of this company, if exported, was too limited to cause injury to the Community industry even if the anti-dumping duties were allowed to lapse.
HKETO je na začetku preiskave trdil, da je bil samo eden proizvajalec 3,5-palčnih disket izvoznik iz Hongkonga še vedno dejaven na trgu in da je proizvodna zmogljivost tega podjetja, če bi svojo proizvodnjo izvozil, premajhna za povzročitev škode industriji Skupnosti, tudi če bi dopustili iztek protidampinških dajatev.
73 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0312
Another interested producer in the Peo` le's Republic of China, which did not cooperate in the investigation, claimed that the Community indus` ry's injury was not due to the imports from the Peo` le's Republic of China, but rather was a result of ` ,5" microdisks being a mature product which would disappear within the next two years.
Drugi zainteresirani proizvajalec v Ljudski republiki Kitajski, ki ni sodeloval pri preiskavi, je trdil, da škode industriji Skupnosti ni povzročil uvoz iz Ljudske republike Kitajske, temveč jo gre pripisati dejstvu, da so 3,5-palčne diskete zrel izdelek, ki bo v naslednjih dveh letih izginil.
74 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1676
Moreover, the Indian exporters claimed that the deduction, in accordance with Article 14(1) of the basic Regulation, of the export subsidies accounted for by the existing countervailing duty from the anti-dumping duty was legally not justified as the countervailing duties were determined on the basis of a different investigation period.
Poleg tega so indijski izvozniki trdili, da znižanje v skladu s členom 14(1) osnovne uredbe v višini izvoznih subvencij, obračunanih z veljavno izravnalno dajatvijo, pravno ni upravičeno, saj so bile izravnalne dajatve določene na podlagi drugega preiskovalnega obdobja.
75 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0658
It was also claimed by the same importers' association that, since the deterioration of the situation of the Community industry has already been attributed to Poland and Ukraine in the context of another investigation, leading to the imposition of anti-dumping measures, it cannot be considered in relation to the imports of AN originating in Russia as well.
Isto združenje uvoznikov je trdilo tudi, da je poslabšanje položaja industrije Skupnosti že bilo pripisano Poljski in Ukrajini v okviru druge preiskave, ki je povzročila uvedbo protidampinških ukrepov, in glede na to ne more biti upoštevano tudi v zvezi z uvozom AN s poreklom iz Rusije.
76 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1784
Secondly, as to the development of the Community industry's production volumes, and in particular the aspect of the closure of the manufacturing plant located in Germany, the investigation has confirmed that this plant was indeed closed at the end of 1995 and that the related facilities were not relocated to Austria as claimed by one interested party.
Glede razvoja obsega proizvodnje industrije Skupnosti in zlasti glede zaprtja proizvodnega obrata v Nemčiji je preiskava potrdila, da so ta obrat dejansko zaprli konec leta 1995 in da z njim povezane zmogljivosti niso bile premeščene v Avstrijo, kakor je trdila ena od zainteresiranih strank.
77 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
The wording of the description of the relevant CN code was understood correctly by all interested parties to this proceeding except for the users' association mentioned, that repeated a claim that had already been rejected in an earlier investigation on imports of PSF from Australia, Indonesia and Thailand contained in Regulation (EC) No 1522/2000 ().
Besedilo opisa zadevne oznake KN so pravilno razumele vse zainteresirane stranke v tem postopku razen navedenega združenja uporabnikov, ki je ponovilo argument, ki je že bil zavrnjen v Uredbi (ES) št. 1522/2000 ( fn ) na podlagi prejšnje preiskave v zvezi z uvozom RVP iz Avstralije, Indonezije in Tajske.
78 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2313
It also claimed that its actual sales volume for export to the Community was below the de minimis threshold, on the basis that the level of consumption established by the Commission at provisional stage (see recitals 41 to 44 of the provisional Regulation) was highly imprecise, and requested that the investigation should be terminated with respect to China.
Trdil je tudi, da je bil njegov dejanski obseg prodaje za izvoz v Skupnost pod pragom de minimis na podlagi dejstva, da je stopnja porabe, ki jo je Skupnost opredelila v začasni fazi (glej uvodne izjave 41 do 44 začasne uredbe), zelo netočna, in je zaprosil za ustavitev preiskave v zvezi s Kitajsko.
79 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0164
However, in accordance with the findings in the initial investigation (Commission Regulation (EC) No 618/ 1999, recital 34, as confirmed by Regulation (EC) No 1599/1999), this claim cannot be granted since the sale of a licence at a price less than the face value is a purely commercial decision which does not alter the countervailable benefit from this scheme.
Vendar pa se v skladu z ugotovitvami iz izhodiščne preiskave (uvodna izjava 34 Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 618/1999 ( fn ), potrjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 1599/1999) ta zahtevek ne more odobriti, saj je prodaja dovoljenja po ceni, ki je nižja od nominalne vrednosti, izključno poslovna odločitev, ki ne spremeni višine izravnalne koristi iz te sheme.
80 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1338
It was also claimed that measures were against the Community interest as the production capacity of the Community industry was insufficient to meet Community demand and as a possible duopolistic situation based on the two Community producers could result from the closure of the market to imports from India and also from the PRC, which is itself subject to the parallel anti-dumping investigation.
Prav tako se je trdilo, da so bili ukrepi v nasprotju z interesom Skupnosti, ker proizvodna zmogljivost industrije Skupnosti ni mogla v zadostni meri zadovoljiti povpraševanja v Skupnosti in ker bi lahko zaradi zaprtja tržišča za uvoz iz Indije in tudi iz Ljudske republike Kitajske, v kateri že poteka vzporedna protidampinška preiskava, nastal duopolni položaj, temelječ na obeh proizvajalcih Skupnosti.
81 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1995
In particular, it claimed that its selling, general and administrative (SG & A) expenses had been overstated and that these same expenses had been taken from a different set of accounts (the audited accounts for 1998) to that used for calculating the manufacturing cost (internal management accounts covering the investigation period, June 1998 to May 1999), thereby distorting the results.
Predvsem je trdil, da so bili njegovi prodajni, splošni in upravni stroški precenjeni ter da so bili ti stroški vzeti iz računovodskih izkazov (revidirani računovodski izkazi za leto 1998), ki so bili različni od tistih, uporabljenih za izračun proizvodnih stroškov (interno kratko finančno poročilo za poslovodno odločanje za obdobje preiskave, od junija 1998 do maja 1999), kar je izkrivilo rezultate.
82 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
It was also claimed that the interest rate used for the provisional findings should have been the one which is used for comparable loans and that anyway, the interest rate applied by the Commission is not commensurate with the interest rate which the companies are capable of obtaining on the market and that commercial loans were in fact made to the companies during the investigation period.
Poleg tega se so pojavile tudi trditve, da bi morala biti obrestna mera, uporabljena pri začasnih ugotovitvah, tista, ki se uporablja za primerljiva posojila; da obrestna mera, ki jo je uporabila Komisija, ni sorazmerna z obrestno mero, ki jo podjetja lahko dobijo na trgu; in da so podjetja v obdobju preiskave dejansko prejela komercialna posojila.
83 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The exporting producers claimed that the interest rate used for the provisional findings should have been the one which is used for comparable loans and that anyway, the interest rate applied by the Commission is not commensurate with the interest rate which the companies are capable of obtaining on the market and that commercial loans were in fact made to the companies during the investigation period.
Proizvajalci izvozniki so trdili, da bi morala biti obrestna mera, uporabljena pri začasnih ugotovitvah, tista, ki se uporablja za primerljiva posojila; da obrestna mera, ki jo je uporabila Komisija, ni sorazmerna z obrestno mero, ki jo podjetja lahko dobijo na trgu; in da so podjetja v obdobju preiskave dejansko prejela komercialna posojila.
84 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2238
'(b) In anti-dumping investigations concerning imports from the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China, the Ukraine, Vietnam and Kazakhstan and any non-market-economy country which is a member of the WTO at the date of the initiation of the investigation, normal value will be determined in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 6, if it is shown, on the basis of properly substantiated claims by one or more producers subject to the investigation and in accordance with the criteria and procedures set out in subparagraph (c) that market economy conditions prevail for this producer or producers in respect of the manufacture and sale of the like product concerned.
"(b) Pri proti dampinških preiskavah v zvezi z uvozom iz Ruske federacije, Ljudske republike Kitajske, Ukrajine, Vietnama in Kazahstana ter katere koli države, ki nima tržnega gospodarstva in je članica WTO na dan začetka preiskave, se normalna vrednost določi v skladu z odstavki 1 do 6, če se na podlagi ustrezno utemeljenih zahtevkov enega ali več proizvajalcev, vključenih v preiskavo, in v skladu z merili in postopki, določenimi v pododstavku (c), pokaže, da za tega proizvajalca ali proizvajalce prevladujejo pogoji tržnega gospodarstva glede proizvodnje in prodaje zadevnega podobnega proizvoda.
85 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1338
Concerning the calculation of the subsidy amount as set out in recitals 72 to 74 of the provisional Regulation, the GOI and the company concerned claimed that the amount of benefit obtained under the tax deferral incentive should be allocated over the total sales during the investigation period ('IP') rather than over the total domestic sales during the IP as it was provisionally allocated, because it is a benefit to the company as a whole and should for this reason not solely be attributed to its domestic sales.
Glede izračuna zneska subvencije, kakor je navedeno v uvodnih izjavah od 72 do 74 začasne uredbe, sta "IV" in zadevno družba zahtevale, naj se znesek koristi, pridobljen v okviru spodbude davčnega odloga, porazdeli na celotno prodajo v obdobju preiskave("OP"), namesto na skupno domačo prodajo v "PO", kakor je bil prvotno porazdeljen, ker je to korist družbe kot celote in naj se zato ne pripiše samo njeni domači prodaji.
86 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0552
Whereas the Myanmar authorities were formally notified of the opening of the investigation; whereas they denied that the practices referred to in the complaint constituted forced labour, citing the exceptions in Article 2 (2) of ILO Convention No 29, and claiming that those exceptions covered the 1907 Town Act and the 1908 Village Act, which allow the population to be made to carry out works and services; whereas that interpretation has been challenged by the ILO, whose competent bodies have called for the immediate repeal of the laws in question in order to ensure compliance with the letter and the spirit of Convention No 29;
ker so bile oblasti Mjanmara uradno obveščene o začetku preiskave; ker so zanikale, da so bile prakse, navedene v pritožbi, prisilno delo in se sklicevale na izjeme iz člena 2(2) Konvencije MOD št. 29 ter trdile, da so navedene izjeme zajele določbe zakona o mestih iz leta 1907 in zakona o vaseh iz leta 1908, ki dovoljujeta, da lahko prebivalstvo opravlja dela in storitve; ker je navedeno razlago izpodbijala organizacija MOD, katere pristojni organi so zahtevali takojšno razveljavitev zadevnih zakonov, da se le-ti uskladijo s pismom in duhom Konvencije št. 29;
87 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0192
One importer came forward during the investigation claiming that there was production of the product concerned in Taiwan.
En uvoznik je med preiskavo trdil, da je v Tajvanu obstajala proizvodnja zadevnega izdelka.
88 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0520
interference with private causes of action, including the prevention, investigation or detection of legal claims or the right to a fair trial;
poseg v civilnopravne postopke, vključno s preprečevanjem, preiskovanjem ali odkrivanjem pravnih zahtevkov in s pravico do pravičnega sojenja;
89 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0119
Moreover, the exporter's claim refers to an estimated figure of such rebates, whereas the amounts actually deducted by the Commission were those verified in the investigation.
Poleg tega se izvoznikova zahteva nanaša na ocenjeno številko takih zbirnih popustov, medtem ko so bili zneski, ki jih je Komisija dejansko odbila, tisti, ki so bili preverjeni v preiskavi.
90 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
It was claimed that bleached bed linen sold to institutions should be excluded from the scope of the investigation on the grounds that it should not be treated as a product concerned.
Zahtevalo se je, da se beljeno posteljno perilo, ki se prodaja ustanovam, izključi iz obsega preiskave, in sicer zato, ker naj ne bi bilo obravnavano kot zadevni izdelek.
91 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
During the investigation, which led to the imposition of definitive anti-dumping duties, Republica SA claimed that a substantial volume of its domestic sales was made on the basis of debt compensatory arrangements.
Med preiskavo, ki je privedla do uvedbe dokončnih protidampinških dajatev, je Republica SA trdila, da je opravila velik del svojih domačih prodaj na podlagi dogovora o kompenzaciji dolga.
92 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0348
In this respect it was claimed that the volume of imports from Croatia in the investigation period (hereinafter referred to as "IP") was substantially lower than that from Ukraine, while the prices of these imports were higher.
S tega vidika je trdil, da je bil v obdobju preiskave (v nadaljevanju "OP") obseg uvoza iz Hrvaške znatno manjši kot uvoz iz Ukrajine, medtem ko so bile cene tega uvoza višje.
93 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0822
This company claimed that it was not individually investigated during the original period of investigation (i.e. from 1 October 1998 to 30 September 1999) for reasons other than the refusal to cooperate with the Commission.
To podjetje je izjavilo, da ni bilo individualno pregledano med prvotno preiskavo (tj. od 1. oktobra 1998 do 30. septembra 1999) iz drugih razlogov in ne zaradi zavrnitve sodelovanja s Komisijo.
94 Prevajalska redakcija
if the claim does not appear to be justified, the competent Commission department will ask the firm, in the course of the investigation and no later than the time at which the statement of objections is sent, to review its position.
če se zahtevek zdi neutemeljen, pristojna služba Komisije v času med preiskavo in najpozneje takrat, ko je bila poslana izjava o ugovoru, zaprosi podjetje, da ponovno preuči svoje stališče.
95 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0823
Furthermore, it claimed that it had not exported the product concerned during the original period of investigation (i.e. from 1 October 1998 to 30 September 1999), but had exported the product concerned to the Community since then.
Izjavilo je tudi, da zadevnega izdelka v Skupnost ni izvažalo v prvotnem obdobju preiskave (tj. od 1. oktobra 1998 do 30. septembra 1999), temveč šele pozneje.
96 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
To the contrary, the significant price undercutting by the dumped imports (see recital 60) clearly shows that the imports under investigation were the main cause of injury to the Community industry and, therefore, the claim cannot be accepted.
Nasprotno, veliko nelojalno nižanje cen dampinškega uvoza (glej uvodno izjavo 60) jasno kaže, da je bil preiskovani uvoz glavni vzrok škode industriji Skupnosti in zato zahtevek ne more biti sprejet.
97 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1006
Following disclosure of the essential findings of the investigation, the importer which cooperated claimed that a Hong Kong Company, Cli-Claque Ltd, allegedly manufacturing flint disposable lighters in the Philippines, should also have been contacted.
Po razkritju bistvenih ugotovitev preiskave je uvoznik, ki je sodeloval, trdil, da bi bilo treba navezati stike tudi s podjetjem Cli-Claque Ltd iz Hongkonga, ki naj bi na Filipinih proizvajalo vžigalnike na kresilni kamen za enkratno uporabo.
98 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1796
One Indian exporting producer claimed that the costs of production for the investigation period (1 January 1997 to 31 March 1998, hereinafter referred to as the "IP"), should be established on the basis of data relating to the period preceding the IP.
En indijski proizvajalec izvoznik je trdil, da je treba proizvodne stroške za obdobje preiskave (od 1. januarja 1997 do 31. marca 1998, v nadaljnjem besedilu "OP") določiti na podlagi podatkov, ki se nanašajo na obdobje pred OP.
99 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31971R1408
A worker, members of his family or his survivors who, during the investigation of a claim, cease to be entitled to benefits in kind under the legislation of the Member State last competent, shall nevertheless receive such benefits under the following conditions:
Delavec, njegovi družinski člani ali preživele osebe, ki v času obravnave zahtevka za pokojnino prenehajo biti upravičeni do storitev po zakonodaji nazadnje pristojne države, kljub temu prejemajo te storitve pod naslednjimi pogoji:
100 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2080
In view of the above, the claim to exclude certain types of IGH from the scope of the present investigation had to be rejected, and all IGH containing a gear-shifting mechanism with three or more gears are considered as a single product for the purpose of this proceeding.
Glede na zgornje je bilo treba zavrniti zahtevo po izločitvi določenih tipov NPP iz obsega sedanje preiskave in vsa NPP, ki vsebujejo mehanizem prestavljanja s tremi ali več prestavami se za namen tega postopka obravnavajo kot en sam izdelek.
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investigation of claims