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joint agent
51 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
Where there is a fundamental conflict over scientific points and the body concerned is a Community agency or a scientific committee, the Agency and the body concerned shall work together either to resolve the conflict or to submit a joint document to the Commission clarifying the scientific points of conflict.
Kadar obstaja osnoven spor o znanstvenem vprašanju in je zadevni organ agencija ali znanstveni odbor Skupnosti, agencija in zadevni organ sodelujeta, da razrešita vprašanje ali da predložita Komisiji skupen dokument, ki pojasnjuje točke znanstvenega spora.
52 Končna redakcija
Estimates shall be drawn up for each financial year of all revenue and expenditure of the Community, other than those of the Agency and the Joint Undertakings, and such revenue and expenditure shall be shown either in the operating budget or in the research and investment budget.
Za vsako proračunsko leto je treba pripraviti načrt vseh prihodkov in odhodkov Skupnosti, razen prihodkov in odhodkov Agencije in skupnih podjetij, ter jih prikazati v operativnem proračunu ali v proračunu za raziskave in naložbe.
53 Končna redakcija
The Council may, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission, apply, in whole or in part, to the Agency and to Joint Undertakings the exchange arrangements provided for in the preceding paragraphs, and, where appropriate, adapt these arrangements to their operational requirements.
Svet lahko na predlog Komisije soglasno razglasi, da se določbe v zvezi z uporabo posameznih valut iz prejšnjih odstavkov lahko v celoti ali delno uporabljajo za Agencijo in skupna podjetja, in jih, kadar je primerno, prilagodi potrebam njihovega delovanja.
54 Končna redakcija
The institutions of the Community, the Agency and the Joint Undertakings shall, in applying this Treaty, comply with the conditions of access to ores, source materials and special fissile materials laid down in national rules and regulations made for reasons of public policy or public health.
Institucije Skupnosti, pa tudi Agencija in skupna podjetja morajo pri uporabi te pogodbe upoštevati pogoje v zvezi z dostopom do rud, snovi vira in posebnih cepljivih snovi, določene v nacionalnih predpisih, sprejetih zaradi javnega reda ali javnega zdravja.
55 Končna redakcija
Accordingly it proposed a merger with several local media companies in Murska Sobota (i.e. Podjetje za informiranje which comprises the local weekly Vestnik, the non-commercial radio station Murski val and an advertising agency), Celje (a joint-stock company nt&rc which brings together Novi tednik newspaper, radio station Radio Celje and a common advertising agency), and Ptuj (Radio Ptuj station and Tednik weekly).
Tako je lokalnim medijem v Murski Soboti (Podjetje za informiranje, v okviru katerega poslujejo lokalni tednik Vestnik, nekomercialna radijska postaja Murski val in oglaševalska agencija), Celju (delniška družba nt&rc združuje časopis Novi tednik, Radio Celje in skupno oglasno agencijo) in na Ptuju (Radio Ptuj in Tednik) ponudil združitev v enotno podjetje z Večerom.
56 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
Save as otherwise provided in this Regulation, in Directive 2001/83/EC or in Directive 2001/82/EC, where there is a fundamental conflict over scientific points and the body concerned is a body in a Member State, the Agency and the national body concerned shall work together either to resolve the conflict or to prepare a joint document clarifying the scientific points of conflict.
Če ni drugače predvideno v tej uredbi, Direktivi 2001/83/ES ali v Direktivi 2001/82/ES in obstaja osnoven spor o znanstvenem vprašanju ter je zadevni organ v državi članici, potem agencija in zadevni nacionalni organ sodelujeta, da razrešita vprašanje ali pripravita skupen dokument, ki pojasnjuje točke znanstvenega spora.
57 Končna redakcija
(2) If proceedings for the withdrawal of the authorisation to assume the function of member of the board of directors were initiated against a member of the board of directors as a result of violations due to which the proceedings for the withdrawal of the authorisation to perform insurance business were initiated against the insurance public limited company, the Insurance Supervision Agency may join both proceedings.
(2) Če je bil nad članom uprave začet postopek za odvzem dovoljenja za opravljanje funkcije člana uprave zaradi kršitev, zaradi katerih je bil nad zavarovalno delniško družbo začet postopek za odvzem dovoljenja za opravljanje zavarovalnih poslov, lahko Agencija za zavarovalni nadzor oba postopka združi.
58 Končna redakcija
The revenue and expenditure of the European Community, the administrative expenditure of the European Coal and Steel Community and the revenue relating thereto and the revenue and expenditure of the European Atomic Energy Community, except for those of the Supply Agency and Joint Undertakings, shall be shown in the budget of the European Communities, under the conditions laid down respectively in the Treaties establishing the three Communities.
Prihodki in odhodki Evropske skupnosti, odhodki za poslovanje Evropske skupnosti za premog in jeklo in pripadajoči prihodki ter prihodki in odhodki Evropske skupnosti za atomsko energijo, razen prihodkov in odhodkov agencije za preskrbo ter skupnih podjetij, se prikažejo v proračunu Evropskih skupnosti pod pogoji, določenimi v pogodbah o ustanovitvi teh treh skupnosti.
59 Pravna redakcija
In such a situation, the joint venture may be closer to a joint sales agency.
V takšnem primeru je lahko skupno podjetje bliže skupnemu prodajnemu zastopstvu.
60 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0834
(b) elements for a draft Joint Action establishing the Agency.
(b) podlage za skupno ukrepanje v zvezi z ustanovitvijo agencije.
61 Pravna redakcija
The agenda for Joint Committee meetings shall be set by mutual agreement.
Dnevni red sestankov Skupnega odbora se določi sporazumno.
62 Pravna redakcija
The agendas for Joint Committee meetings shall be set by mutual agreement.
Dnevni red sestankov Skupnega odbora se določi sporazumno.
63 Pravna redakcija
The Parties may jointly invite the Agency to participate in such consultations.
Pogodbenici lahko skupaj povabita Agencijo, da se udeleži teh posvetovanj..
64 Pravna redakcija
The Joint Undertaking shall conclude an agreement with the European Space Agency by which:
Skupno podjetje sklene z Evropsko vesoljsko agencijo sporazum, s katerim:
65 Pravna redakcija
Wherever possible, the agenda for meetings of the Joint Committee will be agreed beforehand.
Če je le mogoče, so dnevni redi Skupnega odbora dogovorjeni v naprej.
66 Pravna redakcija
Wherever possible, the agenda for meetings of the Joint Committee shall be agreed beforehand.
Če je le mogoče, se dnevni red skupnega odbora dogovori vnaprej.
67 Pravna redakcija
Wherever possible, the agenda for meetings of the joint committee shall be agreed beforehand.
je le mogoče, se dnevni redi skupnega odbora dogovorijo v naprej.
68 Pravna redakcija
The agenda for meetings of the Joint Committee shall be determined by agreement between the Parties.
Dnevni red sestankov skupnega odbora se določi sporazumno.
69 Pravna redakcija
The agenda for meetings of the Joint Commission shall be determined by agreement between the Parties.
Dnevni red sestankov skupne komisije se določi sporazumno.
70 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0703
The agenda shall be adopted by joint agreement by the heads of delegation at the start of each meeting.
Dnevni red soglasno sprejmejo vodje delegacij na začetku vsake seje.
71 Pravna redakcija
Each Party may invite its representatives from the joint sectoral groups to attend meetings of the Joint Committee when its sectoral interests are the subject of an agenda item.
Pogodbenica lahko povabi svoje predstavnike mešanih področnih skupin, da se udeležijo zasedanj Skupnega odbora, če se na njih obravnavajo interesi tega področja.
72 Pravna redakcija
He shall prepare the provisional agenda and ensure the execution of the decisions of the Joint Supervisory Body.
Pripravi tudi začasni dnevni red in zagotavlja izvajanje odločitev Skupnega nadzornega organa.
73 Pravna redakcija
The agenda for meetings of the Joint Commission shall be determined by agreement between the Contracting Parties.
Pogodbenici sporazumno določita dnevni red sestankov skupne komisije.
74 Pravna redakcija
The Joint Customs Cooperation Committee shall meet at a place and on a date with an agenda fixed by mutual consent.
Sestanki Skupnega odbora za carinsko sodelovanje potekajo v kraju, na dan in na podlagi dnevnega reda, ki se določijo z medsebojnim soglasjem.
75 Pravna redakcija
The Parties shall consult at least 30 days in advance regarding the date and agenda for the Joint Committee meeting.
Pogodbenici se posvetujeta vsaj 30 dni vnaprej o datumu in dnevnem redu srečanja skupnega odbora.
76 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties shall establish by agreement the agendas and dates and locations of Joint Committee meetings.
Pogodbenici sporazumno določita dnevni red, datum in kraj zasedanj Skupnega odbora.
77 Pravna redakcija
The parties shall consult at least 30 days in advance regarding the date and agenda for meetings of the joint committee.
Stranki se glede datuma in dnevnega reda sestankov skupnega odbora posvetujeta vsaj 30 dni vnaprej.
78 Pravna redakcija
The JSG will prepare a list of the equivalent regulatory agencies and provide its recommendations to the Joint Committee,
Skupina bo sestavila seznam ekvivalentnih zakonodajnih agencij in predložila svoja priporočila Skupnemu odboru,
79 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The agencies shall be jointly represented in accordance with rules to be fixed by agreement between them and the Commission.
Agencije imajo skupno zastopstvo v skladu s pravili, ki jih pripravijo sporazumno s Komisijo.
80 Pravna redakcija
The executive agents shall set up an EC-Morocco Joint Scientific and Technical Cooperation Committee with responsibility for:
Izvršilni zastopniki imenujejo Skupni odbor za znanstveno in tehnično sodelovanje ES - Maroko, odgovoren za:
81 Pravna redakcija
The executive agents shall set up an EC-Tunisia Joint Scientific and Technical Cooperation Committee with responsibility for:
Izvršilni zastopniki imenujejo Skupni odbor za znanstveno in tehnično sodelovanje ES - Tunizija, odgovoren za:
82 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Agencies shall be jointly represented in these consultations in accordance with rules to be fixed by agreement between them.";
Na teh posvetovanji so agencije zastopane skupno v skladu s pravili, ki jih določijo sporazumno.";
83 Pravna redakcija
recommending Joint RTD projects, to be sponsored on a cost-sharing basis by the Parties, received in response to an approved Joint Call for Proposal text issued simultaneously by the Executive Agents.
priporočanje skupnih RTP projektov, ki jih pogodbenici sponzorirata na podlagi delitve stroškov, dobljenih kot odgovor na odobreno besedilo skupnega povabila za ponudbe, ki so ga istočasno izdali izvršilni zastopniki.
84 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
The OCT authorities shall be informed of the agenda, resolutions and recommendations of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly.
Upravni organi ČDO so obveščeni o dnevnem redu, resolucijah in priporočilih Skupne parlamentarne skupščine AKP-EU.
85 Pravna redakcija
A group of agents may be registered as a non-traditional operator if its members jointly meet the requirements of this Regulation.
Skupina subjektov se lahko registrira kot tradicionalni dobavitelj, če njeni člani skupno izpolnjujejo zahteve te uredbe.
86 Pravna redakcija
The Joint Committee shall meet once a year, in Brussels and Ulan Bator alternately, and its agenda will be fixed by mutual agreement.
Skupni odbor se srečuje enkrat letno, izmenično v Bruslju in Ulan Batorju, dnevni red se določi z medsebojnim dogovorom.
87 Pravna redakcija
cooperation between economic agents, such as joint ventures, subcontracting, transfers of technology, licensing, applied research and franchising,
sodelovanje med gospodarskimi subjekti, kot so skupna vlaganja (joint ventures), podizvajalske pogodbe, prenosi tehnologij, podeljevanje licenc, uporabne raziskave in franšize,
88 Pravna redakcija
The Joint Committee will be kept informed of the agendas and conclusions of meetings as well as on the progress made during the transition period.
O dnevnem redu in sklepih sestankov ter o napredku v prehodnem obdobju skupina obvešča Skupni odbor.
89 Pravna redakcija
The Joint Committee shall have 90 days to settle the dispute, counting from the date of adoption of the agenda on which the dispute has been placed.
Skupni odbor ima za rešitev spora 90 dni od datuma sprejetja dnevnega reda, na katerega je bil spor uvrščen.
90 Pravna redakcija
The Joint Committee shall generally meet once a year, on a date and with an agenda agreed in advance by the Parties, in Brussels one year and Mexico the next.
Skupni odbor se splošno sestaja enkrat letno, eno leto v Bruslju, naslednje v Mehiki, pri čemer datum in dnevni red vnaprej določita pogodbenici.
91 Pravna redakcija
The EC-Morocco Joint Scientific and Technical Cooperation Committee shall be composed of an equal number of representatives of the executive agents of each Party.
Skupni odbor za znanstveno in tehnično sodelovanje ES - Maroko sestavlja enako število predstavnikov izvršilnih zastopnikov vsake pogodbenice.
92 Pravna redakcija
The EC-Tunisia Joint Scientific and Technical Cooperation Committee shall be composed of an equal number of representatives of the executive agents of each Party.
Skupni odbor za znanstveno in tehnično sodelovanje ES - Tunizija sestavlja enako število predstavnikov izvršilnih zastopnikov vsake pogodbenice.
93 Pravna redakcija
However, the fact that a joint venture makes use of the distribution network or outlet of one or more of its parent companies normally will not disqualify it as 'full- function` as long as the parent companies are acting only as agents of the joint venture fn.
Dejstvo, da skupno podjetje uporablja distribucijsko mrežo ali prodajno mesto ene ali več matičnih družb, običajno ne pomeni, da ni "polno delujoče" skupno podjetje, dokler matične družbe delujejo samo kot zastopniki skupnega podjetja fn.
94 Pravna redakcija
The Joint Committee shall generally meet once a year, on a date and with an agenda agreed in advance, alternately in Brussels and in one of the Mercosur Party States.
Skupni odbor se sestaja enkrat letno, izmenično v Bruslju in v eni od držav pogodbenic Mercosur-a, datum in dnevni red pogodbenici določita vnaprej.
95 Pravna redakcija
On the Canadian side, the National Research Council is hereby designated as the executing agency which will appoint the Canadian representatives to the joint committee.
Na kanadski strani je kot izvršna agencija, ki imenuje kanadska predstavnika v skupni odbor, določen Nacionalni raziskovalni svet.
96 Pravna redakcija
Community and Argentina and is designated as joint research in writing by the Parties or their institutions and agencies implementing the scientific research programmes.
Skupnosti in Argentine ter jo pogodbenici ali njune ustanove in agencije, ki izvajajo znanstvene raziskovalne programe, pismeno označijo za raziskavo.
97 Pravna redakcija
Where agreement on a joint text is reached within the Conciliation Committee, the matter shall be placed on the agenda of a sitting of Parliament to be held within six or, if extended, eight weeks of the date of approval of the joint text by the Conciliation Committee.
Ko je v usklajevalnem odboru dosežen dogovor o skupnem besedilu, se zadeva uvrsti na dnevni red seje Parlamenta, ki bo potekala v roku šestih ali, če je bil rok podaljšan, osmih tednov od dneva, ko je usklajevalni odbor sprejel skupno besedilo.
98 Pravna redakcija
HAVING REGARD to the Declaration on EC-US relations of 23 November 1990 and the New Transatlantic Agenda and the Joint EU-US Action Plan adopted in Madrid on 3 December 1995;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU Deklaracije o odnosih med EU in ZDA z dne 23. novembra 1990, Nove transatlantske agende in skupnega akcijskega načrta EU in ZDA, sprejetega v Madridu 3. decembra 1995,
99 Pravna redakcija
The list of the authorities, agencies and laboratories authorised to complete the certificate referred to in point 1.5 shall be drawn up jointly and exchanged between the Parties.
Seznam organov, agencij in laboratorijev, ki so pooblaščeni za izpolnjevanje potrdila iz točke 1.5, pogodbenici pripravita skupaj in si ga izmenjata.
100 Pravna redakcija
This is also the case where a joint venture is essentially limited to the distribution or sales of its parent companies' products and, therefore, acts principally as a sales agency.
Tako je tudi v primeru, ko je skupno podjetje posebej omejeno na distribucijo ali prodajo proizvodov matične družbe in tako deluje povečini kot prodajni posrednik.
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joint agent