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meeting document
51 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
copies of all analyses, reports, studies, surveys, and any comparable documents prepared by or for any member(s) of the board of directors, or the supervisory board, or the other person(s) exercising similar functions (or to whom such functions have been delegated or entrusted), or the shareholders' meeting, for the purpose of assessing or analysing the concentration with respect to market shares, competitive conditions, competitors (actual and potential), the rationale of the concentration, potential for sales growth or expansion into other product or geographic markets, and/or general market conditions.(14).
kopije vseh analiz, poročil, študij, raziskav in vseh primerljivih dokumentov, ki so bili pripravljeni za člana ali s strani člana upravnega odbora ali nadzornih organov, ali za osebo ali s strani osebe, ki opravlja enake funkcije (ali kateri so bile dodeljene ali zaupane takšne funkcije) ali za zbor delničarjev zaradi ocenitve ali analize koncentracije glede tržnih deležev, konkurenčnih pogojev, konkurentov (dejanskih ali potencialnih), razloge za koncentracijo, ki bi morebiti povečala prodajo ali razširitev na druge proizvodne ali geografske trge in/ali splošne tržne pogoje [14].
52 Pravna redakcija
"simplified accompanying document" means a document meeting the requirements of Regulation (EEC) No 3649/92;
"poenostavljeni spremni dokument" pomeni dokument, ki izpolnjuje zahteve Uredbe (EGS) št. 3649/92;
53 Pravna redakcija
"accompanying administrative document" means a document meeting the requirements of Regulation (EEC) No 2719/92;
"spremni upravni dokument" pomeni dokument, ki izpolnjuje zahteve Uredbe (EGS) št. 2719/92;
54 Pravna redakcija
The rapporteur shall draw up a working document for the first study group meeting.
Poročevalec pripravi delovni dokument za prvo sejo študijske skupine.
55 Pravna redakcija
Members must receive the documents at least 10 days before the opening of the meeting.
Člani morajo gradivo prejeti najmanj deset dni pred začetkom seje.
56 Pravna redakcija
Delegations should be responsible for taking EU classified documents to and from meetings.
Za prinašanje in odnašanje tajnih dokumentov EU na sestanke in z njih so odgovorne delegacije.
57 Pravna redakcija
The notice shall include the provisional agenda and the documents needed for the meeting, unless the nature of these documents does not allow so.
Vabilu so priloženi začasni dnevni red in za sestanek potrebni dokumenti, razen če to preprečuje narava teh dokumentov.
58 Pravna redakcija
At the end of the meeting, all documents held but no longer wanted by the GSC or delegations should be treated as waste.
Ob koncu sestanka se vsi dokumenti, ki so pri GSS ali delegacijah a jih ti več ne potrebujejo, obravnavajo kot odpadki.
59 Pravna redakcija
The documents, which shall be numbered, shall be distributed at the beginning of the meeting and collected again at the end.
Dokumenti, ki so oštevilčeni, se na začetku seje razdelijo, na koncu pa poberejo.
60 Pravna redakcija
The host Member States' help may be requested for the transportation of classified documents to and from the place of the meeting.
Za dostavo na kraj sestanka in odnašanje tajnih dokumentov s kraja sestanka delegacije za pomoč lahko zaprosijo državo članico gostiteljico.
61 Pravna redakcija
This draft timetable shall take account of the section deadline and the time needed for the preparation of documents between meetings.
Osnutek časovnega razporeda upošteva roke strokovne skupine in čas, ki je potreben za pripravo dokumentov med sejami.
62 Pravna redakcija
However, if a meeting is held in camera, the committee may, subject to Article 4(1) to (4) of European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, open documents and minutes from the meeting to public access.
Kadar zasedanje poteka brez navzočnosti javnosti, lahko odbor na podlagi člena 4(1) do (4) Uredbe Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta (ES) št. 1049/2001 kljub temu omogoči dostop javnosti do dokumentov in zapisnika zasedanja.
63 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0503
The opportunity should be taken of displaying the European Community flag in meeting rooms and the European Community emblem on documents.
Ob takih priložnostih naj bo v konferenčnih dvoranah zastava Evropske skupnosti in na dokumentih emblem Evropske skupnosti.
64 Pravna redakcija
In order to avoid needlessly complicating administrative formalities, no document should be required for carriage meeting certain criteria.
Za prevoz, ki izpolnjuje nekatera merila, ni potreben noben dokument, s čimer se izogne nepotrebnemu oteževanju upravnih formalnosti.
65 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
The document `Summary of the meeting` of 4 January 2001 to discuss the KDB Fast Track Programme describes the functioning of the programme.
Listina "Summary of the meeting of 4 January 2001 to discuss the KDB Fast Track Programme" opisuje delovanje programa.
66 Pravna redakcija
All draft opinions and other discussion documents to be translated and distributed before a meeting shall be sent to the secretariat of the commission in question not later than five weeks before the date set for the meeting.
Vsi osnutki mnenj in drugo gradivo za razpravo morajo biti prevedeni in razdeljeni pred sejo ter poslani sekretariatu zadevne komisije najmanj pet tednov pred dnem, določenim za sejo.
67 Pravna redakcija
In due time, and at least 15 days before each meeting of the Administrative Board, the Commission shall convene the Supervisory Board and submit all documents to its members convening the issues on the agenda for that meeting.
Komisija pravočasno, najkasneje pa v 15 v dneh pred vsakim srečanjem upravnega odbora, skliče nadzorni odbor in svojim članom predloži dokumente o vseh zadevah, ki so na dnevnem redu za navedeni sestanek.
68 Pravna redakcija
The EC Commission shall, in due time, inform the participants of the date of the meeting of the Committee and transmit the relevant documentation.
Komisija ES pravočasno obvesti vse udeležence o datumu sestanka Odbora in jim posreduje ustrezno dokumentacijo.
69 Pravna redakcija
At the meeting, the parties shall exchange any relevant documentation or information helping to clarify the circumstances of the established facts.
Na sestanku si stranke izmenjajo ustrezne dokumente ali informacije, ki pomagajo pri razrešitvi ugotovljenih dejstev.
70 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
The GOK claimed that the Commission had posed imprecise questions and that the documents and meetings were not covered by the Commission's requests.
Korejska vlada je trdila, da je Komisija postavljala nenatančna vprašanja in da zahteve Komisije niso obsegale listin in sestankov.
71 Pravna redakcija
The EC Commission shall, in due time, inform the participants about the date of the meeting of the Committee and transmit the relevant documentation.
Komisija ES pravočasno obvesti sodelujoče o datumu sestanka odbora in pošlje ustrezne dokumente.
72 Pravna redakcija
For that purpose the agency shall send the Commission by telex or fax, not later than 15 days before the date of each meeting of its supervisory or managing body, the date of that meeting, the agenda and any documents to be discussed there.
V ta namen pošlje agencija Komisiji po teleksu ali faksu, najpozneje 15 dni pred datumom vsake seje njenega posvetovalnega ali vodstvenega telesa, datum te seje, dnevni red in dokumente, ki bodo obravnavani.
73 Pravna redakcija
Standards for national legislation based on the 'master document' developed after the 1985 Stockholm meeting of Environment Ministers from eight countries.
Standardi za nacionalno zakonodajo na podlagi 'temeljnega dokumenta', ki so bili razviti po sestanku okoljskih ministrov iz osmih držav v Stockholmu leta 1985.
74 Pravna redakcija
The Commission shall in due time inform the participants of the dates of the meetings of the Group and shall transmit to them the relevant documentation.`.
Komisija pravočasno obvesti sodelujoče o datumu sestankov Skupine in jim posreduje v zvezi s tem pomembno dokumentacijo.'
75 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
In this particular case, it has become apparent that the GOK failed to provide a number of requested documents on meetings relating to the future of Hynix.
V tem primeru je postalo očitno, da korejska vlada ni predložila številnih zahtevanih listin o sestankih v zvezi s prihodnostjo Hynixa.
76 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22004D0009
The European Commission shall, in due time, inform the participants of the dates of the meetings of the Group and transmit to them the relevant documentation."
Evropska Komisija pravočasno obvesti vse udeležence o datumih sestankov skupine in jim posreduje ustrezno dokumentacijo."
77 Pravna redakcija
At its meeting in Berlin on 16 December 1998, the Executive Committee decided to compile a manual of documents to which a visa may be affixed (SCH/Com-ex (98) 56).
Izvršni odbor je na sestanku 6. decembra 1998 v Berlinu sklenil, da bo sestavil priročnik o listinah, v katere se lahko vpiše vizum (SCH/Com-ex (98) 56).
78 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0076
Release for free circulation of the products covered by this Regulation should be made subject to presentation of a surveillance document meeting uniform criteria.
Za sprostitev izdelkov, zajetih v tej uredbi, v prost promet je treba predložiti listino o nadzoru, ki izpolnjuje enotna merila.
79 Pravna redakcija
The EC Commission shall, in due time, inform the EFTA Surveillance Authority about the date of the meeting of the Committee and transmit the relevant documentation.
Komisija ES pravočasno obvesti Nadzorni organ EFTA o datumu sestanka odbora in pošlje ustrezne dokumente.
80 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties shall adopt, by consensus, and make available to the public a document addressing issues discussed and conclusions reached during a meeting.
Pogodbenice sprejmejo s konsenzom in dajo na voljo javnosti dokument, ki se nanaša na obravnavane zadeve in sprejete sklepe na sestanku.
81 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0853
The European Community shall vote in favour of the documents listed in annex in the vote held at the meeting of the Administrative Committee on 12 November 2002 during the 128th meeting of the `World Forum for Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations` of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe or, as appropriate, when they are put to the vote at a later meeting.
Evropska skupnost glasuje za dokumente, navedene v prilogi pri glasovanju na srečanju Upravnega odbora dne 12. novembra 2002 med 128. srečanjem "Svetovnega foruma za usklajevanje predpisov o vozilih" Gospodarske komisije OZN za Evropo, ali, če je to primerno, ko se dajo na glasovanje na poznejšem srečanju.
82 Pravna redakcija
Under Rule 36, meetings should be organized in such a way that all the members or their alternates and the experts and assistants have sufficient time to study the documents.
Na podlagi člena 36 morajo biti seje organizirane tako, da imajo člani ali njihovi namestniki ter strokovnjaki in pomočniki dovolj časa za preučitev dokumentov.
83 Pravna redakcija
If the GSC, the Commission or delegations are unable to store their classified documents in accordance with approved standards, they may lodge those documents in a sealed envelope with the meeting security officer, against receipt, so that the latter can store the documents in accordance with approved standards.
Če GSS, Komisija ali delegacije tajnih dokumentov ne morejo shraniti v skladu z odobrenimi standardi, te dokumente lahko ob povratnem potrdilu v zapečateni ovojnici predajo uradniku, zadolženemu za varovanje tajnosti, tako da ta dokumente lahko shrani v skladu z odobrenimi standardi.
84 Pravna redakcija
Officials cleared in this way subject to the 'need-to-know' principle shall be invited to attend the above-mentioned information meetings or to peruse the documents in question.
Uradniki, preverjeni na ta način skladno z načelom "poznavanje potrebno", se lahko udeležijo zgoraj navedenih informativnih sestankov ali se seznanijo z vsebino zadevnih dokumentov.
85 Pravna redakcija
Officials cleared in this way subject to the "need-to-know" principle shall be invited to attend the above-mentioned information meetings or to peruse the documents in question.
Uradniki, preverjeni na ta način skladno z načelom "poznavanje potrebno", se lahko udeležijo zgoraj navedenih informativnih sestankov ali se seznanijo z vsebino zadevnih dokumentov.
86 Pravna redakcija
Whereas if Community surveillance is applied, release for free circulation of the products concerned must be made subject to presentation of an import document meeting uniform criteria;
ker je pri izvajanju nadzora Skupnosti treba predložiti uvozni dokument, ki izpolnjuje enotna merila, preden se zadevne izdelke lahko da v prosti promet;
87 Pravna redakcija
Each new Presidency shall oversee the documentation of the Management Board, drawing up for that purpose a document which it shall submit to the Board for approval at the first ordinary meeting.
Vsako novo predsedstvo nadzira dokumentacijo Upravnega odbora, ter v ta namen pripravi dokument, ki ga na prvem rednem srečanju predloži v odobritev Upravnemu odboru.
88 Pravna redakcija
At its meeting on 16 September 1998, the Executive Committee underlined the special importance of document advice in combating illegal immigration into the Schengen area (SCH/Com-ex (98) decl 3).
Na sestanku 16. septembra 1998 je Izvršni odbor poudaril poseben pomen, ki ga ima svetovanje o dokumentih v boju proti nezakonitemu priseljevanju na območje schengenskih držav (SCG/Com-ex (98) decl 3).
89 Pravna redakcija
Except in cases of urgency, members of the Technical Commission may reserve their final position until the following meeting with regard to items appearing on the provisional agenda for which they have not received the relevant documents in their own language five working days before the beginning of the meeting.
Razen v nujnih primerih lahko člani tehnične komisije do naslednjega sestanka zadržijo svoje dokončno mnenje v zvezi s točkami, ki so na začasnem dnevnem redu in o katerih niso prejeli ustreznih dokumentov v svojem jeziku, in sicer pet delovnih dni pred začetkom sestanka.
90 Pravna redakcija
The meeting security officer should arrange for the GSC and delegations' offices to be inspected at the end of each working day to ensure that all EU classified documents are being kept in a safe place;
Ob koncu vsakega delovnega dne mora uradnik, zadolžen za varnost sestanka, poskrbeti za pregled prostorov GSS in delegacij z namenom zagotoviti, da so vsi tajni dokumenti EU shranjeni na varnem kraju;
91 Pravna redakcija
The information obtained at such meetings or during the consultation of such documents on the Council's premises shall not be disclosed, disseminated or reproduced, either in full or in part, in any form.
Informacije, pridobljene na takih sestankih ali pri vpogledu v take dokumente v prostorih Sveta, se niti v celoti niti delno ne razkrivajo, razširjajo ali razmnožujejo v nobeni obliki.
92 Pravna redakcija
Except in special circumstances, the meetings must be held at intervals four to six weeks so that documents can be passed on to the secretariat good time and the deadline set by the bureau can be observed.
Razen v izjemnih primerih morajo seje potekati v časovnih razmikih od štirih do šestih tednov, da se dokumenti lahko posredujejo sekretariatu pravočasno in se upošteva rok, ki ga je določilo predsedstvo.
93 Pravna redakcija
The draft agenda and the other documents pertaining to a section meeting shall be sent in good time to the members of the section and, for information purposes, to any member of the Committee who so requests.
Osnutek dnevnega reda in drugi dokumenti, ki se nanašajo na sejo strokovne skupine, se pravočasno pošljejo članom strokovne skupine, v informacijo pa tudi članom Odbora, ki to zahtevajo.
94 Pravna redakcija
HAVING REGARD to the importance of giving full effect to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Concluding Documents of subsequent meetings of the CSCE participating States,
OB UPOŠTEVANJU pomena popolne izvršitve sklepne listine Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi ter sklepnih dokumentov poznejših srečanj držav, ki sodelujejo v KVSE,
95 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0669
( 3 ) implements the catch documentation scheme adopted by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, hereinafter referred to as `CCAMLR` , at its 18th annual meeting in November 1999.
izvaja sistem dokumentacije o ulovu, ki ga je sprejela Komisija za ohranjanje morskih živih virov na Antarktiki (v nadaljnjem besedilu: "CCAMLR") na svojem 18. zasedanju novembra 1999.
96 Pravna redakcija
Exceptionally, TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET documents may be taken by officials, other than messengers, outside the confines of a building or group of buildings for local use at meetings and discussions, provided that:
Izjemoma dokumente TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET zunaj meja zgradbe ali skupine zgradb zaradi lokalne rabe na sestankih in razpravah lahko prenašajo uradniki, ki niso kurirji, pod pogojem da:
97 Pravna redakcija
At that meeting, the auditor shall be entrusted with the task of reviewing the audit plan and confirming that adequate resources, documentation, and any other facilities necessary are available for conducting the audit.
Na tem sestanku dobi revizor nalogo, da pregleda načrt revizije in potrdi, ali so na voljo ustrezni viri, dokumentacija in vsa druga sredstva, ki so potrebna za izvajanje revizije.
98 Pravna redakcija
At this meeting the auditor will be responsible for reviewing the verification plan and confirming that adequate resources, documentation, and any other necessary facilities are available for conducting the verification.
Na tem srečanju je revizor dolžen pregledati načrt kontrol in potrditi, da so na voljo zadostni viri, dokumentacija in vsa druga potrebna sredstva za izvedbo kontrole.
99 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
In its comments on the final disclosure the GOK objected to the conclusions made that it had withheld important information in relation to certain documents and meetings and had not fully cooperated with the investigation.
V svojih pripombah o dokončnem razkritju je korejska vlada nasprotovala sprejetim zaključkom, da je zadržala pomembne informacije v zvezi z nekaterimi listinami in sestanki ter da ni v celoti sodelovala v preiskavi.
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meeting document