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property inventory
51 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
Finally, it is necessary to lay down the rules relating to the property inventory and to clarify the respective responsibilities in this field of the accounting officers and authorising officers, as well as the rules applicable to the resale of property entered in the inventory.
Določiti je treba pravila za popis premoženja in pojasniti odgovornosti računovodij in odredbodajalcev na tem področju ter pravila, ki se uporabljajo za odprodajo stvarnega premoženja, ki so vodi v evidenci dolgoročnih sredstev.
52 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
(Chapter 4 of the Financial Regulation) property inventories
(Poglavje 4 Finančne uredbe) Vodenje evidence premoženja
53 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
In the case of the delegations, the permanent inventories of movable property belonging to the Communities shall be kept locally.
V primeru delegacij se stalna evidenca premičnin, ki pripadajo Skupnostim, vodi na lokalni ravni.
54 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
The system of property inventories shall be established by the authorising officer with technical assistance from the accounting officer.
Sistem za vodenje evidenc premoženja vzpostavi odredbodajalec s strokovno pomočjo računovodje.
55 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
Movable property in transit to the delegations shall be entered on a provisional list before being recorded in the permanent inventories.
Premičnine na poti v delegacije se pred vpisom v stalne evidence vpišejo na začasni seznam.
56 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
A debtor who has already submitted the inventory or produced in court a statement on his property for the record may nevertheless be ordered to submit another inventory or produce another statement if the creditor proves presumptively that the debtor acquired new property in the meantime.
Dolžniku, ki je že predložil ali na sodišču podal izjavo o svojem premoženju, lahko sodišče naloži, da ponovno predloži ali poda izjavo o svojem premoženju, če je upnik izkazal za verjetno, da je dolžnik pridobil novo premoženje.
57 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
Each of the institutions shall adopt provisions on safeguarding the property included in their respective balance sheets and decide which administrative departments are responsible for the inventory system.
Vsaka institucija sprejme določbe o varovanju premoženja, prikazanega v njeni bilanci stanja, in določi katera upravna služba je odgovorna za evidenco.
58 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
A statement or record shall be drawn up by the authorising officer whenever any property in the inventory is sold, given away free of charge, scrapped, hired out or missing on account of loss, theft or any other reason.
Odredbodajalec pripravi izjavo ali zapisnik vedno, kadar se kakršno koli premoženje, ki je vpisano v evidenci, proda, brezplačno odda, da na odpad, v najem ali če manjka zaradi izgube, tatvine ali drugega razloga.
59 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
If the creditor proves presumptively that the execution measures will not suffice for the satisfaction of his claim, the debtor shall, upon an application by the creditor or at the discretion of the court, submit an inventory of his property and state the evidence which supports his claims.
Če upnik verjetno izkaže, da s sredstvi izvršbe ne bo mogel biti v celoti poplačan, je na predlog upnika ali po oceni sodišča dolžnik dolžan predložiti seznam svojega premoženja in za svoje terjatve navesti dokazna sredstva.
60 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Notwithstanding the provision of the fifth paragraph of the present Article, the court may repeat the order to the debtor to submit the inventory of his property and, in the event of non-compliance with this order, act in accordance with the fourth and fifth paragraphs of the present Article.
Ne glede na določbo petega odstavka tega člena, lahko sodišče ponovno odredi, da je dolžnik dolžan predložiti seznam svojega premoženja, in če dolžnik tega ne stori, ravna sodišče po četrtem in petem odstavku tega člena.
Prevodi: en > sl
property inventory