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51 Prevajalska redakcija
Duly authorized officials of a Contracting Party may, with the agreement of the other Contracting Party and within the conditions laid down by the latter, obtain from the offices of the requested authority the relevant books, registers, and other documents or data media held in those offices, make copies thereof or extract any information or particulars relating to operations in breach of customs legislation which the applicant authority needs for the purposes of this Agreement.
Pravilno pooblaščeni uradniki pogodbenice lahko s soglasjem druge pogodbenice in po pogojih, ki jih določi slednja, od uradov zaprošenega organa dobijo ustrezne knjige, registre in druge dokumente ali nosilce podatkov, ki so shranjeni v teh uradih, jih kopirajo ali iz njih izpišejo katero koli informacijo ali posebnosti v zvezi z dejavnostmi, ki kršijo carinsko zakonodajo in jih organ prosilec potrebuje za namene tega sporazuma.
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register extract