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51 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
The term ` Working Party` means a specialized technical subsidiary body under the ECE whose function is to develop recommendations regarding the establishment of harmonized or new global technical regulations for inclusion in the Global Registry and to consider amendments to the global technical regulations established in the Global Registry.
»Delovna skupina« pomeni posebno strokovno tehnično pomožno telo v okviru ECE, katerega naloga je pripraviti priporočila za oblikovanje usklajenih ali novih svetovnih tehničnih predpisov za uvrstitev v svetovni register in obravnavati spremembe svetovnih tehničnih predpisov, uvrščenih v svetovni register.
52 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
The fixing of the costs by the registry may be reviewed by a decision of the Opposition Division on a request filed within the period laid down in the Implementing Regulations.
Znesek stroškov, ki ga je določila pisarna, se lahko na podlagi zahteve, vložene v roku, ki ga določa pravilnik o izvajanju, spremeni z odločitvijo oddelka za ugovore.
53 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
International Registrations
Mednarodna registracija
54 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
The global technical regulation shall be considered to be established in the Global Registry on the date of the consensus vote by the Executive Committee in favour of the regulation.
6.3.6 Šteje se, da je svetovni tehnični predpis uvrščen v svetovni register z dnem, ko je izvršilni odbor izglasoval predpis.
55 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Luggage registration voucher
56 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(conditions for registration)
(pogoji za registracijo)
57 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-93
Registration of the Agreement
Registracija Sporazuma
58 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
(i) Names, including trade name or names, commercial name or names and synonyms, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry number, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) name; and
(i) imena, vključno s trgovskim imenom ali imeni, tržnim imenom ali imeni in sinonimi, registrska številka po mednarodnem seznamu odkritih kemičnih snovi (CAS), ime po seznamu Mednarodne zveze za čisto in uporabno kemijo (IUPAC) ter
59 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(iii) the registration number of the registration concerned;
(iii) številko zadevne registracije;
60 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
13 "State of the ship's registry" means in relation to a registered ship the State of registration of the ship, and in relation to an unregistered ship the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.
13 »Država ladijskega registra« pomeni v zvezi z ladjo, ki je vpisana v register, državo ladijskega registra, in v zvezi z ladjo, ki ni vpisana v register, državo, za katero ima ladja pravico, da pluje pod njeno zastavo.
61 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(i) a request for registration;
(i) zahtevo za registracijo;
62 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
10 ` State of the ship's registry" means, in relation to a registered ship, the State of registration of the ship and, in relation to an unregistered ship, the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.
"Država registracije ladje" pomeni glede na registrirano ladjo državo registracije ladje in glede na neregistrirano ladjo državo, pod katere zastavo je ladja upravičena pluti,
63 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
The Registry shall be responsible for the non-judicial aspects of the administration and servicing of the Court, without prejudice to the functions and powers of the Prosecutor in accordance with article 42.
Tajništvo Sodišča je odgovorno za nesodne vidike delovanja Sodišča in opravljanja storitev zanj, kar pa ne posega v naloge in pooblastila tožilca iz 42. člena.
64 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(2) The decision shall be authenticated by the Chairman of the Board of Appeal and by the competent employee of the registry of the Board of Appeal, either by their signature or by any other appropriate means.
(2) Pisno odločitev potrdita predsedujoči pritožbenega senata in pristojni uslužbenec pisarne pritožbenega senata s podpisom ali na kateri koli drug primeren način.
65 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-81
Registration and authentic texts
Registracija in verodostojna besedila
66 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
upon the establishment in the Global Registry of a global technical regulation embodying product requirements addressing the same elements of performance or design characteristics as the listed technical regulation;
5.3.1 bodisi po uvrstitvi v svetovni register kot svetovni tehnični predpis, ki vsebuje pogoje za kakovost izdelka, ki obravnavajo enake učinke ali konstrukcijske značilnosti kakor vpisani tehnični predpis;
67 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
The Deputy Registrar, the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor and the staff of the Registry shall enjoy such privileges, immunities and facilities as are necessary for the independent performance of their functions.
Namestnik tajnika sodišča, osebje tožilstva in osebje tajništva sodišča uživajo privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti, ki so potrebni za neodvisno opravljanje njihovih nalog.
68 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(ii) ` registration` means the registration of a mark by an Office;
(ii) ` registracija ` pomeni registracijo znamke s strani urada;
69 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
A State Party that has reasonable grounds to suspect that a vessel exercising freedom of navigation in accordance with international law and flying the flag or displaying the marks of registry of another State Party is engaged in the smuggling of migrants by sea may so notify the flag State, request confirmation of registry and, if confirmed, request authorization from the flag State to take appropriate measures with regard to that vessel.
Država pogodbenica, ki utemeljeno sumi, da se plovilo, ki v skladu z mednarodno zakonodajo svobodno plove in uporablja zastavo oziroma registrske oznake druge države pogodbenice, ukvarja s tihotapljenjem migrantov po morju, lahko o tem uradno obvesti državo zastave, zaprosi za potrditev registracije, in če je potrjena, zaprosi državo zastave za pooblastilo, da lahko izvede ustrezne ukrepe glede tega plovila.
70 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
Establishing a global technical regulation in the Global Registry, amending an established global technical regulation and amending this Agreement shall be by a consensus vote of the Contracting Parties present and voting.
7.2 Uvrščanje svetovnega tehničnega predpisa v svetovni register, sprememba uvrščenega svetovnega tehničnega predpisa in sprememba tega sporazuma se opravljajo s soglasno potrditvijo navzočih in glasujočih pogodbenic.
71 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-110
Apartment Registration Development
Razvoj sistema registracije stanovanj
72 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
States Parties shall not be obliged to exempt from income tax pensions or annuities paid to former Deputy Registrars, members of the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor, members of the staff of the Registry and their dependants.
Države pogodbenice niso dolžne priznati oprostitve davka na dohodek pokojnin ali rent, izplačanih nekdanjim namestnikom tajnika sodišča, članom osebja tožilstva in članom osebja tajništva sodišča ter njihovim vzdrževancem.
73 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
Duration and Renewal of Registration
Trajanje in podaljšanje veljavnosti registracije
74 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
Registration with the United Nations
Vpis v seznam pri Združenih narodih
75 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
The Registrar shall communicate periodically to all States Parties the categories and names of the judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors, the Registrar, the Deputy Registrar, the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor, the staff of the Registry and counsel to whom the provisions of the present Agreement apply.
Tajnik sodišča redno sporoča vsem državam pogodbenicam kategorije in imena sodnikov, tožilca, namestnikov tožilca, tajnika sodišča, namestnika tajnika sodišča, osebja tožilstva, osebja tajništva in zagovornika, na katere se nanašajo določbe tega sporazuma.
76 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-133
(f) "Registrar" means the Registrar of the Tribunal and includes any official of the Tribunal acting as Registrar;
f) »tajnik« pomeni tajnika sodišča in vključuje katerega koli uradnika sodišča, ki deluje kot tajnik;
77 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
Date of the International Registration
Datum mednarodne registracije
78 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
Each State Party shall designate an authority or, where necessary, authorities to receive and respond to requests for assistance, for confirmation of registry or of the right of a vessel to fly its flag and for authorization to take appropriate measures.
Država pogodbenica imenuje organ oziroma organe za sprejem in odgovore na zaprosila za pomoč, potrditev registracije ali pravice plovila, da plove pod njeno zastavo, in pooblastilo za izvedbo ustreznih ukrepov.
79 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-96
a ` Intervening State` means a State Party which has requested or proposes to request authorisation from another Party to take action under this Agreement in relation to a vessel flying the flag or displaying the marks of registry of that other State Party;
a) ` država, ki ukrepa` pomeni državo pogodbenico, ki je zaprosila ali namerava zaprositi drugo pogodbenico za pooblastilo, da v skladu s tem sporazumom ukrepa v zvezi z ladjo, ki pluje pod zastavo te druge pogodbenice ali ima njene registrske oznake;
80 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
5 The certificate shall be carried on board the ship and a copy shall be deposited with the authorities who keep the record of the ship's registry or, if the ship is not registered in a State Party, with the authorities issuing or certifying the certificate.
Potrdilo se hrani na krovu ladje, kopijo pa se deponira pri oblasteh, ki hranijo zapis o registraciji ladje ali, če ladja ni registrirana v državi pogodbenici, pri oblasteh, ki izdajajo ali potrjujejo potrdilo.
81 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(2) [Contents of the Registration] The international registration shall contain
(2) [Vsebina registracije] Mednarodna registracija vsebuje:
82 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-35
The nationality or registry, tonnage measurement and safety certificates, and other vessel documents, issued or recognised by the Competent Authority of one of the Contracting Party, shall be recognised by the Competent Authority of the other Contracting Party.
Pripadnost ali register, tonažna izmeritvena spričevala in spričevala o varnosti in druge ladijske listine, ki jih izda ali prizna pristojni organ ene od pogodbenic, prizna tudi pristojni organ druge pogodbenice.
83 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
Division of Application and Registration
Delitev prijave in registracije
84 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
Depositary, registration, authentic text
Depozitar, registracija, verodostojno besedilo
85 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
A State Party shall respond expeditiously to a request from another State Party to determine whether a vessel that is claiming its registry or flying its flag is entitled to do so and to a request for authorization made in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article.
Država pogodbenica takoj odgovori na zaprosilo druge države pogodbenice, da ugotovi, ali ima plovilo, ki se sklicuje na njeno registracijo ali plove pod njeno zastavo, do tega pravico, in na zaprosilo za pooblastilo v skladu z drugim odstavkom tega člena.
86 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(3) The request for a decision by the Opposition Division on the awarding of costs by the registry, stating the reasons on which it is based, must be filed in writing to the European Patent Office within one month after the date of notification of the awarding of costs.
(3) Zahteva za odločitev oddelka za ugovore glede stroškov, ki jih je določila njegova pisarna, mora biti obrazložena in vložena v pisni obliki pri Evropskem patentnem uradu v enem mesecu od datuma uradnega obvestila o določitvi stroškov.
87 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
The privileges and immunities of: (a) A judge or the Prosecutor may be waived by an absolute majority of the judges; (b) The Registrar may be waived by the Presidency; (c) The Deputy Prosecutors and staff of the Office of the Prosecutor may be waived by the Prosecutor; (d) The Deputy Registrar and staff of the Registry may be waived by the Registrar.
Privilegije in imunitete lahko odvzamejo: (a) sodniku ali tožilcu sodniki z absolutno večino, (b) tajniku Sodišča predsedstvo, (c) namestnikom tožilca in osebju tožilstva tožilec, (d) namestniku tajnika in osebju tajništva Sodišča tajnik Sodišča.
88 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
Effects of the International Registration
Učinki mednarodne registracije
89 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-40
a. registration number of the application
a. številko vloge,
90 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
The States Parties shall recognize and accept the United Nations laissez-passer or the travel document issued by the Court to the judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors, the Registrar, the Deputy Registrar, the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor and the staff of the Registry as valid travel documents.
Države pogodbenice priznavajo in sprejemajo prepustnice Združenih narodov ali potne listine, ki jih sodišče izda sodnikom, tožilcu, namestnikom tožilca, tajniku sodišča, namestniku tajnika sodišča, osebju tožilstva in osebju tajništva, kot veljavne potne listine.
91 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
Replacement of a National or Regional Registration by an International Registration
Nadomestitev nacionalne ali regionalne registracije z mednarodno
92 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
The Deputy Registrar, the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor and the staff of the Registry shall enjoy the privileges and immunities and facilities necessary for the performance of their functions, in accordance with the agreement on the privileges and immunities of the Court.
Namestnik tožilca, osebje tožilstva in tajništva sodišča uživajo privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti, potrebne za opravljanje njihovih nalog v skladu z dogovorom o privilegijih in imunitetah Sodišča.
93 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-57
They shall require that operators of aircraft of their registry or operators of aircraft who have their principal place of business or permanent residence in their territory and the operators of airports in their territory act in conformity with such aviation security provisions.
Pogodbenici zahtevata od letalskih družb, ki so vpisane v njunih registrih ali imajo glavni sedež ali stalni naslov na njunih ozemljih, ter od letaliških podjetij na svojih ozemljih, da delujejo v skladu s takimi predpisi o varovanju letalstva.
94 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Z1-05-2070
14.1 For one international registration 144
14.1 za eno mednarodno registracijo 144
95 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
consider the establishment of a recommended global technical regulation in accordance with the procedures set forth in paragraph 7.2. of Article 7 of Annex B. A consensus vote by the Executive Committee in favour of the regulation shall establish the Regulation in the Global Registry. obravnava uvrstitev priporočenega svetovnega tehničnega predpisa v skladu s postopkom, opredeljenim v točki 7.2 iz 7. člena priloge B. Predpis se uvrsti v svetovni register po soglasnem pritrdilnem glasovanju izvršilnega odbora o predpisu.
96 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
(b) references to the State of a ship's registry and, in relation to a compulsory insurance certificate, to the issuing or certifying State, shall be construed as referring to the territorial unit respectively in which the ship is registered and which issues or certifies the certificate;
(b) se sklicevanja na državo, v kateri je ladja registrirana, in, glede obveznega potrdila o zavarovanju, na državo, ki izdaja ali potrjuje potrdila, razumejo, kot da se nanašajo na ozemeljsko enoto, v kateri je ladja registrirana oziroma katera izdaja ali potrjuje potrdilo;
97 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-84
Both Contracting Parties shall require that operators of aircraft of their registry, operators who have their principal place of business or permanent residence in their territory, and the operators of airports in their territory, act in conformity with such aviation security provisions.
Pogodbenici od letalskih družb, ki so vpisane v njunih registrih ali imajo glavni kraj poslovanja ali stalni naslov na njunih ozemljih, ter od upravljavcev letališč na svojih ozemljih, zahtevata, da delujejo v skladu s takimi predpisi o varovanju letalstva.
98 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
consider the establishment of a recommended new global technical regulation in accordance with the procedures set forth in paragraph 7.2. of Article 7 of Annex B. A consensus vote by the Executive Committee in favour of the regulation shall establish the Regulation in the Global Registry. obravnava uvrstitev priporočenega novega svetovnega tehničnega predpisa v skladu s postopkom, opredeljenim v točki 7.2 iz 7. člena priloge B. Predpis se uvrsti v svetovni register, ko ga izvršilni odbor soglasno potrdi.
99 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
4 The compulsory insurance certificate shall be carried on board the ship and a copy shall be deposited with the authorities who keep the record of the ship's registry or, if the ship is not registered in a State Party, with the authority of the State issuing or certifying the certificate.
4 Potrdilo o obveznem zavarovanju je na krovu ladje, kopija pa se deponira pri organih, ki vodijo evidenco o vpisu ladje, ali, če ladja ni vpisana v ladijski register v državi pogodbenici, pri organu države, ki izda ali overi potrdilo.
100 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Agreement to refer to arbitration. Registrar
Sporazum o arbitraži, sodna pisarna
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