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relevant examinations
51 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
Each notified body must also communicate to the other notified bodies the relevant information concerning the EC type-examination certificates it has withdrawn or refused.
Vsak priglašeni organ mora drugim priglašenim organom sporočiti ustrezne informacije o certifikatih o ES-pregledu tipa, ki jih je umaknil ali zavrnil.
52 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
each notified body must also communicate to the other notified bodies the relevant information concerning the EC design-examination certificates it has withdrawn or refused.
vsak priglašeni organ mora drugim priglašenim organom sporočiti tudi ustrezne informacije o certifikatih o ES-pregledu načrtovanja, ki jih je umaknil ali zavrnil.
53 Končna redakcija
It shall also examine the accounts of all revenue and expenditure of all bodies set up by the Community insofar as the relevant constituent instrument does not preclude such examination.
Prav tako izvaja revizije prihodkov in odhodkov vseh organov, ki jih je ustanovila Skupnost, če ustrezni ustanovni akt takšne revizije ne izključuje.
54 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
Each notified body must communicate to the Member States the relevant information concerning EC type-examination certificates which it has withdrawn, and, on request, those it has issued.
Vsak priglašeni organ mora državam članicam sporočiti ustrezne informacije o certifikatih o ES-pregledu tipa, ki jih je umaknil, in na zahtevo o tistih, ki jih je izdal.
55 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 11975R
It shall also examine the accounts of all revenue and expenditure of all bodies set up by the Community in so far as the relevant constituent instrument does not preclude such examination.
Prav tako izvaja revizije prihodkov in odhodkov vseh organov, ki jih je ustanovila Skupnost, če ustrezni ustanovni akt takšne revizije ne izključuje.
56 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
Each notified body must communicate to the Member States the relevant information concerning EC design-examination certificates which it has withdrawn, and, on request, those it has issued.
Vsak priglašeni organ mora državam članicam sporočiti ustrezne informacije o certifikatih o ES-pregledu načrtovanja, ki jih je umaknil, in na zahtevo o tistih, ki jih je izdal.
57 Končna redakcija
Each notified body must communicate to the other notified bodies the relevant information concerning the quality system approvals and the design examination certificates which it has withdrawn or refused.
Vsak priglašeni organ mora drugim priglašenim organom sporočiti pomembne informacije v zvezi z odobritvami sistema kakovosti in certifikati o pregledu projektiranja, ki jih je preklical ali zavrnil.
58 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0398
The examination of the trends relevant for the assessment of a likelihood of a continuation or recurrence of injury covered the period from 1 January 1998 up to the end of the IP (period under consideration).
Pregled trendov, ki zadevajo oceno verjetnosti nadaljevanja ali ponovnega pojava škode, je obsegal obdobje od 1. januarja 1998 do konca OP (obravnavano obdobje).
59 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
must perform or have performed the appropriate examinations and necessary tests to check whether, where the manufacturer has chosen to apply the relevant European specifications, these have actually been applied;
4.3 mora izvršiti ali zagotoviti izvršitev ustreznih ocenjevanj in potrebnih preizkusov, da preveri, ali so se ustrezne evropske specifikacije, če so bile izbrane, tudi zares uporabile;
60 Končna redakcija
The certificate shall contain the conclusions of the examination, conditions for its validity, the necessary data for identification of the approved design and, if relevant, a description of the product's functioning.
Certifikat vsebuje ugotovitve pregleda, pogoje za njegovo veljavnost, potrebne podatke za identifikacijo odobrenega projektiranja in, če je pomembno, opis delovanja proizvoda.
61 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
The certificate shall contain the conclusions of the examination, conditions for its validity, the necessary data for identification of the approved design and, if relevant, a description of the component's functioning.
Certifikat vsebuje ugotovitve ocenjevanja, pogoje za njegovo veljavnost, potrebne podatke za identifikacijo odobrenega projekta in, če je primerno, opis delovanja elementa.
62 Končna redakcija
The report shall contain the conclusions of the design examination, conditions for its validity, the necessary data for identification of the design examined and, if relevant, a description of the subsystem's functioning.
Poročilo vsebuje ugotovitve pregleda projektiranja, pogoje za njegovo veljavnost, potrebne podatke za identifikacijo pregledanega projektiranja in po potrebi opis delovanja podsistema.
63 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
perform or have performed the appropriate examinations and necessary tests in accordance with points 4.2 and 4.3 to establish whether, where the relevant European specifications have been chosen, these have actually been applied;
4.6 izvesti ali zagotoviti izvedbo ustreznih pregledov in potrebnih preskusov v skladu s točkama 4.2 in 4.3, da ugotovi, ali se, kadar so za uporabo izbrane ustrezne evropske specifikacije, te dejansko uporabljajo,
64 Končna redakcija
For other manufacturers (subsuppliers) the quality system has to ensure compliance of their relevant contribution to the subsystem with the type as described in the type-examination certificate and with the requirements of the TSI.
Za druge proizvajalce (poddobavitelje) mora sistem kakovosti omogočati skladnost njihovega zadevnega prispevanja k podsistemu s tipom, kakor je opisan v ES-certifikatu o pregledu tipa, in zahtevami TSI.
65 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
The inspection body must perform the appropriate examinations and tests in order to check the conformity of the transportable pressure equipment with the relevant requirements of the Directive by examining and testing every product.
Kontrolni organ mora opraviti ustrezne preglede in preskuse, da bi preveril skladnost premične tlačne opreme z ustreznimi zahtevami direktive, tako da pregleda in preskusi vsak proizvod.
66 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
The certificate must contain the conclusions of the examination, the conditions for its validity, the necessary data for identification of the approved design and, if relevant, a description of the functioning of the transportable pressure equipment;
Certifikat mora vsebovati rezultate pregleda, pogoje njegove veljavnosti, potrebne podatke za identifikacijo odobrenega načrtovanja in po potrebi opis delovanja premične tlačne opreme;
67 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
perform or have performed the appropriate examinations and necessary tests in accordance with points 4.2., 4.3. and 4.4. to establish whether, where the manufacturer has chosen to apply the relevant European specification, these have actually been applied,
4.7 izvesti ali zagotoviti izvedbo ustreznih pregledov in potrebnih preskusov v skladu s točkami 4.2, 4.3 in 4.4, da ugotovi, ali se v primerih, ko proizvajalec za uporabo izbere ustrezne evropske specifikacije, le-te dejansko uporabljajo,
68 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
The notified body must perform the appropriate examinations and tests in order to check the conformity of the transportable pressure equipment with the relevant requirements of the Directive by examining and testing every product in accordance with point 4.
Priglašeni organ mora opraviti ustrezne preglede in preskuse, da bi preveril skladnost premične tlačne opreme z ustreznimi zahtevami direktive s pregledovanjem in preskušanjem vsakega proizvoda v skladu s točko 4.
69 Končna redakcija
Before 31 May each year, the Commission shall carry out a comparative examination of the information referred to in Articles 14 and 15 and shall fix the relevant correcting coefficients in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 23 of Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92.
Vsako leto pred 31. majem Komisija opravi primerjalni pregled informacij iz členov 14 in 15 in določi ustrezne korekcijske koeficiente v skladu s postopkomiz člena 23 Uredbe (EGS) št. 1766/92.
70 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
copies of any marketing authorisation obtained in another Member State or in a third country for the relevant veterinary medicinal product, together with a list of those Member States in which an application for authorisation submitted in accordance with this Directive is under examination.
kopije vseh dovoljenj za promet, pridobljenih v drugi državi članici ali v tretji državi za ustrezno zdravilo za uporabo v veterinarski medicini, skupaj s seznamom tistih držav članic, v katerih je bila vloga za pridobitev dovoljenja za promet vložena v skladu s to direktivo in je v obravnavi.
71 Končna redakcija
If the cosmetic product is put up for sale in a special way, as a result of which it cannot be treated in accordance with these instructions, and if no provision is made for the relevant methods of examination an original procedure may be adopted, provided that it is set out in writing as part of the analysis report.
Če se kozmetični izdelek prodaja na poseben način, zaradi česar se ne more obravnavati v skladu s temi predpisi, in če za ustrezne preizkusne metode ni določb, se lahko uporabi poseben postopek, če je pripravljen v pisni obliki kot del poročila o analizi.
72 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
All components must be individually examined and appropriate tests as set out in the relevant European specification(s) referred to in Article 2 or equivalent tests shall be carried out in order to verify their conformity with the type described in the EC type-examination certificate and to the requirements of this Directive.
Vse elemente je treba posamično oceniti in izvesti ustrezne preizkuse, kot so opisani v zadevni(-h) evropski(-h) specifikaciji(-ah) iz člena 2, ali enakovredne preizkuse, da se preveri njihova skladnost s tipom, ki je opisan v certifikatu ES o skladnosti tipa, in z zahtevami te direktive.
73 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
You may request that the Commission accept that the reasoned submission is complete notwithstanding the failure to provide information required by this Form, if you consider that any particular information requested by this Form may not be necessary for the Commission's or the relevant Member State/s' examination of the case.
Lahko zahtevate, da Komisija kljub manjkajočim podatkom, ki se zahtevajo v tem obrazcu, sprejme utemeljeno vlogo za popolno, če menite, da Komisija ali ustrezna država članica/države članice ne potrebuje določenih podatkov, zahtevanih v tem obrazcu, da bi preučila zadevo.
74 Končna redakcija
All products must be individually examined and appropriate tests as set out in the relevant European specifications referred to in the TSI or equivalent tests shall be carried out in order to verify their conformity with the type as described in the type-examination certificate and the requirements of the TSI that apply to them(4).
Vse proizvode je treba posamično pregledati in ustrezno preskusiti, kakor je določeno v ustreznih evropskih specifikacijah iz TSI, ali pa se izvedejo primerljivi preskusi, da se preveri njihova skladnost s tipom, kakor je opisan v certifikatu o pregledu tipa, in zahtevami TSI, ki zanje veljajo.
75 Končna redakcija
Maximum residue limits should be established only after the examination within the Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products of all the relevant information concerning the safety of residues of the substance concerned for the consumer of foodstuffs of animal origin and the impact of residues on the industrial processing of foodstuffs.
Najvišje dovoljene vrednosti ostankov je treba določiti šele potem, ko se v okviru Odbora za zdravila za uporabo v veterinarski medicini preučijo vsi ustrezni podatki o varnosti ostankov zadevnih snovi za potrošnike živil živalskega izvora in o vplivu ostankov na industrijsko predelavo živil.
76 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0324
Maximum residue limits should be established only after the examination within the Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products of all the relevant information concerning the safety of residues of the substance concerned for the consumer of foodstuffs of animal origin and the impact of residues on the industrial processing of foodstuffs.
Najvišje mejne vrednosti ostankov je treba določiti v okviru Odbora za zdravila za uporabo v veterinarski medicini le po pregledu vseh ustreznih podatkov glede varnosti ostankov zadevne snovi za porabnika živil živalskega izvora in vpliva ostankov na industrijsko predelavo živil.
77 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0546
Maximum residue limits should be established only after the examination within the Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products of all the relevant information concerning the safety of residues of the substance concerned for the consumer of foodstuffs of animal origin and the impact of residues on the industrial processing of foodstuffs.
Najvišje mejne vrednosti ostankov je treba določiti v okviru Odbora za zdravila za uporabo v veterinarski medicini le po pregledu vseh ustreznih informacij glede varnosti ostankov zadevne snovi za porabnika živil živalskega izvora in vpliva ostankov na industrijsko predelavo živil.
78 Končna redakcija
shall, on request and without prejudice to other provisions of this Directive, be officially certified seed in any Member State if that seed has undergone field inspection satisfying the conditions laid down in Annex I for the relevant category and if official examination has shown that the conditions laid down in Annex II for the same category are satisfied.
na zahtevo in brez poseganja v druge določbe te direktive uradno potrjeno kot certificirano seme v vsaki državi članici, če navedeno seme prestane poljski pregled in izpolni pogoje, določene v Prilogi I za ustrezno kategorijo, in če uradni pregled pokaže, da so izpolnjeni pogoji, določeni v Prilogi II za isto kategorijo.
79 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
All subsystems (as serial products) must be individually examined and appropriate tests and verifications as set out in the TSI and in the relevant European specifications (or equivalent tests(17)) shall be carried out in order to verify their conformity with the type as described in the type-examination certificate and the requirements of the TSI that apply to them.
Vse podsisteme (kakor serijske proizvode) je treba posamično pregledati in izvedejo se ustrezni preskusi in preverjanja, kakor so določena v TSI in zadevnih evropskih specifikacijah (ali primerljivi preskusi), da se zagotovi njihova skladnost s tipom, kakor je opisan v certifikatu o pregledu tipa in zahtevami TSI, ki zanje veljajo.
80 Končna redakcija
In particular the results of unofficial tests and knowledge gained from practical experience during cultivation, reproduction and use and the detailed descriptions of the varieties and their relevant denominations, as notified to the Member State concerned, shall be taken into account and, if sufficient, shall result in exemption from the requirement of official examination.
Upoštevajo se zlasti rezultati neuradnih testov in znanje, pridobljeno s praktičnimi izkušnjami med pridelavo, razmnoževanjem in uporabo, ter podrobni opisi sort in njihovih ustreznih poimenovanj, o čemer je zadevna država članica obveščena, in če to zadostuje, je posledica izvzetje iz zahteve po uradnem preizkušanju.
81 Končna redakcija
shall, on request and without prejudice to the provisions of Directive 2002/53/EC, be officially certified as certified seed in any Member State if that seed has undergone field inspection satisfying the conditions laid down in Annex I for the relevant category and if official examination has shown that the conditions laid down in Annex II for the same category are satisfied.
na zahtevo in brez poseganja v določbe Direktive 2002/53/ES uradno potrjeno kot certificirano seme v vsaki državi članici, če navedeno seme prestane poljski pregled in izpolni pogoje, določene v Prilogi I za ustrezno kategorijo, in če uradni pregled pokaže, da so pogoji, določeni v Prilogi II za isto kategorijo, izpolnjeni.
82 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
shall, on request, be officially certified as certified seed in any of those Member States where the basic seed was either produced or officially certified, if the seed has undergone field inspection satisfying the conditions laid down in an equivalence decision made under Article 20(a) for the relevant category and if official examination has shown that the conditions laid down in Annex II for the same category are satisfied.
na zahtevo uradno potrjeno kot certificirano seme v vsaki izmed tistih držav članic, kjer je bilo osnovno seme,proizvedeno ali uradno potrjeno, če seme prestane poljski pregled in izpolni pogoje, določene v odločbi o enakovrednosti po členu 20(a) za ustrezno kategorijo, in če uradni pregled pokaže, da so pogoji, določeni v Prilogi II za isto kategorijo, izpolnjeni.
83 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
shall, on request, be officially certified as certified seed in any of those Member States where the basic seed was either produced or officially certified, if the seed has undergone field inspection satisfying the conditions laid down in an equivalence decision made under Article 37(1)(a) for the relevant category, and if official examination has shown that the conditions laid down in Annex II for the same category are satisfied.
na zahtevo uradno potrjeno kot certificirano seme v vsaki izmed tistih držav članic, kjer je osnovno seme proizvedeno ali uradno potrjeno, če seme prestane poljski pregled in izpolni pogoje, določene v odločbi o enakovrednosti po členu 37(1)(a) za ustrezno kategorijo, in če uradni pregled pokaže, da so izpolnjeni pogoji, določeni v Prilogi II za isto kategorijo.
84 Končna redakcija
shall, on request, be officially certified as certified seed in any of those Member States where the basic seed was either produced or officially certified, if the seed has undergone field inspection satisfying the conditions laid down in an equivalence decision made under Article 23(1)(a) for the relevant category, and if official examination has shown that the conditions laid down in Annex I, part B for the same category are satisfied.
na zahtevo uradno potrjeno kot certificirano seme v kateri koli državi članici, kjer je bilo osnovno seme proizvedeno ali uradno potrjeno, če je bilo to seme pregledano na polju in izpolnjuje pogoje, določene v odločbi o enakovrednosti, po členu 23(1)(a) za ustrezno kategorijo, in če je uradni pregled pokazal, da so pogoji iz dela B Priloge I za isto kategorijo izpolnjeni.
85 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L0777
However, the indications listed in Annex III to this Directive shall be authorized if they meet the relevant criteria laid down in that Annex or, in the absence thereof, criteria laid down in national provisions and provided that they have been drawn up on the basis of physico-chemical analyses and, where necessary, pharmacological, physiological and clinical examinations carried out according to recognized scientific methods, in accordance with Section I, paragraph 2 of Annex I.
Navedbe iz Priloge III k tej direktivi pa so dovoljene, ee upoštevajo ustrezna merila iz navedene priloge, ali ee teh ni, merila, ki so doloeena v nacionalnih predpisih in temeljijo na fizikalno-kemijskih analizah, in kadar je to potrebno, farmakoloških, fizioloških in klinienih preiskavah, izvedeni h po priznanih znanstvenih metodah v skladu z oddelkom I, odstavek 2 Priloge I.
86 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
Where, in the course of the examination pursuant to Article 149(1) of the Regulation, the Office finds that pursuant to Article 38(2) of the Regulation, registration of the mark must be subject to the statement by the holder of the international registration that he disclaims any exclusive rights in a non-distinctive element of the mark, the notification of ex officio refusal of provisional protection pursuant to paragraph 1 shall state that the international registration will be refused protection if the relevant statement is not submitted within the specified time limit.
Če Urad med preizkusom po členu 149(1) uredbe ugotovi, da je registracija znamke po členu 38(2) uredbe pogojena z izjavo imetnika mednarodne registracije, da se odreka vsem izključnim pravicam na nerazlikovalnem elementu znamke, mora biti v obvestilu o zavrnitvi začasnega varstva po uradni dolžnosti po odstavku 1 navedeno, da bo varstvo za mednarodno registracijo zavrnjeno, če ustrezna izjava ne bo predložena v določenem roku.
87 Pravna redakcija
examination of records relevant to the quantities, origin and disposition of the material;
pregledovanje dokumentov v zvezi s količinami in izvorom materiala in razpolaganjem z njim;
88 Pravna redakcija
This may include an examination of relevant inspection and certification records and documents.
To lahko vključuje pregled ustreznih inšpekcijskih in certifikacijskih evidenc in dokumentov.
89 Pravna redakcija
measurements, observations and examinations were in accordance with the study plan and relevant SOPs,
so bile meritve, opazovanja in pregledi v skladu z načrtom študije in ustreznimi SOP,
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relevant examinations