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scope of work
51 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0530
The inclusion of economic activities defined in sections M (Education), N (Health and social work) and O (Other Community, social and personal service activities) of NACE Rev. 1 in the scope of this Regulation shall be optional for the reference years 2000 and 2002.
Vključitev gospodarskih dejavnosti, opredeljenih v oddelkih M (izobraževanje), N (zdravstveno in socialno delo) in O (druge družbene, socialne in osebne storitvene dejavnosti) iz NACE Rev. 1 za področje te uredbe je vključitev neobvezna za referenčni leti 2000 in 2002.
52 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1399
Orphans' pensions, except those granted under insurance schemes for accidents at work and occupational diseases, shall be treated as 'benefits' within the scope of Article 78(1) if the deceased was at any time covered by a scheme which provides only family allowances or supplementary or special allowances for orphans.
Družinske pokojnine, razen tistih, ki so dodeljene po sistemu zavarovanja za nesreče pri delu in poklicne bolezni, se štejejo za 'dajatve' v okviru člena 78/1, če je bil pokojni kadar koli zajet v sistem, ki zagotavlja samo družinske dodatke ali dodatne ali posebne dodatke za sirote.
53 Pravna redakcija
54 Končna redakcija
(3) The first phase of the restricted procedure may be applied also in cases where the object of public procurement is a permanent purchase of goods, services or construction works that cannot be planned in advance in terms of scope and time, and may immediately be purchased or performed, and are not produced following contractors' specific requests but are subject to market conditions. In the first phase, the contractor shall set the tender documentation in such a way that the lowest price is the sole criterion in the second phase.
(3) Prvo fazo omejenega postopka lahko uporabi naročnik tudi v primeru, če so predmet javnega naročila stalne nabave blaga, storitev ali gradenj, ki jih naročnik po obsegu in časovno ne more vnaprej določiti in jih je mogoče takoj kupiti ali opraviti ter se ne proizvajajo po posebnih zahtevah naročnika, oziroma za katere je vzpostavljen trg. Naročnik mora v prvi fazi razpisno dokumentacijo oblikovati tako, da je v drugi fazi za izbiro ponudbe edino merilo najnižja cena.
55 Končna redakcija
Article 112 of the Agreement shall be applicable also to the situations specified or referred to in the provisions of Article 37 of the Act of Accession of 16 April 2003 and in the safeguard mechanisms contained in the transitional arrangements under the headings "Transition period" in Annex V (Free movement of workers) and Annex VIII (Right of establishment), in point 30 (Directive 96/71/EC) of Annex XVIII (Health and safety at work, labour law, and equal treatment for men and women) and in point 26c (Council Regulation (EEC) No 3118/93) of Annex XIII (Transport) with the same time limits, scope and effects as set out in those provisions.
porazuma se uporablja tudi za primere, opredeljene ali omenjene v določbah člena 37 Akta o pristopu z dne 16. aprila 2003, in pri zaščitnih mehanizmih, ki jih vsebujejo prehodne ureditve pod naslovom "Prehodno obdobje" v Prilogi V (Prosto gibanje delavcev) in Prilogi VIII (Pravica do ustanavljanja), v točki 30 (Direktiva 96/71/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta) Priloge XVIII (Zdravje in varnost pri delu, delovno pravo in enako obravnavanje moških in žensk) in v točki 26c (Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 3118/93) Priloge XIII (Promet) z enakimi roki, v enakem obsegu in z enakimi učinki, kakor je določeno v teh določbah.
56 Pravna redakcija
NATURE AND SCOPE OF WORK (use continuation sheet if necessary)
VRSTA IN OBSEG GRADNJE (uporabite nov list, če je to potrebno):
57 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
where appropriate, additional guarantees proposed by the tenderer concerning, inter alia, the period of performance and the scope of work;
kjer je to primerno, dodatne garancije, ki jih predlaga ponudnik, med drugim v zvezi z obdobjem izvedbe in obsegom dela;
58 Pravna redakcija
The organization and scope of work connected with the implementation of tasks referred to in the preceding paragraphs should primarily be outlined by the Commission.
Organizacijo in obseg dela, povezanega z izvajanjem nalog iz prejšnjih odstavkov, mora v prvi vrsti določiti Komisija.
59 Pravna redakcija
Such disclosures shall be for use only within the terms of their permits or licences with the Parties or the scope of work of their contracts with the Parties and in work relating to the subject matter of the information so disseminated.
Tako razkrivanje je dovoljeno le za uporabo v skladu s pogoji njihovih dovoljenj ali licenc, podeljenih s strani pogodbenic, oziroma v okviru obsega dela njihovih pogodb s pogodbenicama in obsega dela, nanašajočega se na predmet tako razširjenih informacij.
60 Pravna redakcija
The provisions of Directive 93/104/EC shall apply to mobile workers excluded from the scope of this Directive.
Določbe Direktive 93/104/ES veljajo za vozno osebje, ki je izvzeto s področja uporabe te direktive.
61 Pravna redakcija
DRUGO: 62003J0286
49 It is not disputed, moreover, that Mr Hosse is a worker falling within the scope of Regulation No 1408/71.
49 Poleg tega ni sporno, da je g. Hosse zaposlena oseba, ki sodi v področje uporabe Uredbe št.
62 Pravna redakcija
Consequently, only the originals of works of modern and contemporary art may fall within the scope of the resale right.
Iz tega izhaja, da se lahko s sledno pravico varovana le izvirna dela moderne in sodobne umetnosti.
63 Pravna redakcija
64 Pravna redakcija
This Directive shall apply to all workers, including those exposed to radiation covered by the scope of the EAEC Treaty, with the exception of workers engaged in sea transport and in air transport.
Ta direktiva se uporablja za vse delavce, vključno z delavci, ki so izpostavljeni sevanju, zajetemu v Pogodbi ESAE, razen delavcev, zaposlenih v pomorskem in zračnem prometu.
65 Pravna redakcija
Thus ESA 95 increases the scope of gross fixed capital formation by the amount of exploration expenditures incurred prior to the decision to work the deposit.
Tako se z ESR 95 poveča obseg bruto investicij v osnovna sredstva za znesek izdatkov raziskovanja, ki nastanejo pred odločitvijo glede izkoriščanja nahajališča.
66 Pravna redakcija
whereas this means that a recording or an audiovisual, cinematographic, literary or musical work as such does not fall within the scope of this Directive;
ker to pomeni, da posnetek avdiovizualnega, kinematografskega, literarnega ali glasbenega dela kot tak ne sodi v področje uporabe te direktive;
67 Pravna redakcija
the use of the word 'bitter' in this connection shall be without prejudice to its use to define products which do not fall within the scope of this Regulation,
uporaba besede 'biter' v tej zvezi je brez poseganja v njeno uporabo za opredelitev proizvodov, ki ne spadajo v področje uporabe te uredbe,
68 Pravna redakcija
The use of the word 'bitter' in this connection shall be without prejudice to its use to define products which do not fall within the scope of this Regulation;
Uporaba besede 'biter' v tej zvezi je brez poseganja v njeno uporabo za opredelitev proizvodov, ki ne spadajo v področje uporabe te uredbe;
69 Pravna redakcija
Therefore, the scope of certain exceptions or limitations may have to be even more limited when it comes to certain new uses of copyright works and other subject-matter.
Torej je mogoče, da je obseg določenih izjem ali omejitev še bolj omejen, kadar gre za določene nove rabe varovanih del in predmetov sorodnih pravic.
70 Pravna redakcija
However, the degree to which the TSI is applied will vary according to the scope and extent of the works foreseen and the costs and the benefits generated by the intended applications.
Vendar pa se bo stopnja, s katero se bo TSI uporabljala, spreminjala glede na področje in obseg predvidenih del ter stroškov in koristi, ki jih povzroči predvideno področje uporabe.
71 Pravna redakcija
Copyright and other rights in respect of works produced by officials or other servants are excluded from the scope of the above provisions, without prejudice to Article 18 of the Staff Regulations.
Avtorske in druge pravice v zvezi z rezultati dela uradnikov in drugih uslužbencev, so izvzete iz področja, ki ga urejajo zgoraj navedene določbe brez vpliva na člen 18 kadrovskih predpisov.
72 Pravna redakcija
The environmental verifier shall operate within his/her scope of accreditation, on the basis of a written agreement with the organisation which defines the scope of the work, enables the environmental verifier to operate in an independent professional manner and commits the organisation to providing the necessary cooperation.
Okoljski preveritelj mora delovati v okviru obsega svoje akreditacije, na podlagi pisnega sporazuma z organizacijo, ki opredeljuje obseg dela, omogoča okoljskemu preveritelju, da deluje neodvisno in strokovno, ter zavezuje organizacijo, da zagotovi potrebno sodelovanje.
73 Pravna redakcija
It should be made clear that mobile workers excluded from the scope of this Directive, other than self-employed drivers, benefit from the basic protection provided for in Directive 93/104/EC.
Pojasniti je treba, da je vozno osebje, ki je izvzeto s področja uporabe te direktive, razen samozaposlenih voznikov, deležno osnovne zaščite, predvidene v Direktivi 93/104/ES.
74 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0460
Where necessary and within the Agency's scope, objectives and tasks, the Executive Director may establish, in consultation with the Permanent Stakeholders' Group, ad hoc Working Groups composed of experts.
Kadar je to potrebno in v okviru področja delovanja Agencije, njenih ciljev in nalog, izvršni direktor lahko po posvetovanju s stalno interesno skupino ustanovi priložnostne delovne skupine, v katere so vključeni strokovnjaki.
75 Pravna redakcija
The communication from the Commission on its programme concerning safety, hygiene and health at work (5) provides for the adoption of measures to promote safety at work, particularly with a view to extending the scope of Directive 86/188/EEC and the reevaluation of the threshold values.
Sporočilo Komisije o programu za varnost, higieno in zdravje pri delu fn predvideva sprejetje ukrepov za spodbujanje varnosti pri delu, zlasti zaradi razširitve obsega Direktive 86/188/EGS in ponovne ocene pragovnih vrednosti.
76 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in order to avoid any confusion over the extent of the enlargement of the scope of Regulation (EC) No 2965/94, it is necessary to replace in it the word 'bodies` by the term 'agencies and offices` wherever necessary;
ker je v izogib nejasnosti glede obsega razširitve področja veljavnosti Uredbe (ES) št. 2965/94 treba v njej zamenjati besedo "organi" z izrazom "agencije in uradi", tam kjer je to potrebno,
77 Pravna redakcija
actual levels of sulphur emissions, and of ambient concentrations and depositions of oxidised sulphur and other acidifying compounds, taking into account, for those Parties within the geographical scope of EMEP, the work plan of EMEP; and
dejanskih vrednostih emisij žvepla, okoliških koncentracijah in usedanju oksidiranega žvepla ter drugih kislih spojin, ob upoštevanju delovnega načrta EMEP za pogodbenice, ki spadajo v območje geografske veljavnosti EMEP; in
78 Pravna redakcija
concerning the scope of Article 71 (1) (b) (ii) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 relating to the right to unemployment benefits of workers, other than frontier workers, who, during their last employment, were residing in the territory of a Member State other than the competent State (96/172/EC)
o področju uporabe člena 71(1)(b)(ii) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1408/71, ki se nanaša na pravico do dajatev za brezposelnost delavcev, ki niso obmejni delavci in so med zadnjo zaposlitvijo stalno prebivali na ozemlju države članice, ki ni pristojna država (96/172/ES)
79 Pravna redakcija
Council Directive 72/194/EEC of 18 May 1972 extending to workers exercising the right to remain in the territory of a Member State after having been employed in that State the scope of Directive 64/221/EEC (OJ No L 121, 26.5.1972, p. 32).
Direktiva Sveta 72/194/EGS z 18. maja 1972 o razširitvi področja veljavnosti Direktive 64/221/EGS (UL št. L 121, 26. 5. 1972, str. 32) na delavce, ki uresničujejo pravico, da ostanejo na ozemlju države članice po tem, ko so bili v tej državi zaposleni.
80 Pravna redakcija
DRUGO: 62004J0406
If that were the case, it could fall within the scope of Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68 of the Council of 15 October 1968 on freedom of movement for workers within the Community (OJ, English Special Edition 1968 (II), p. 475) as a social advantage.
Če bi bilo tako, bi kot socialna ugodnost lahko spadalo na področje uporabe Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1612/68 z dne 15. oktobra 1968 o prostem gibanju delavcev v Skupnosti (UL L 257, str. 475).
81 Pravna redakcija
Decision No 160 of 28 November 1995 concerning the scope of Article 71 (1) (b) (ii) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 relating to the right to unemployment benefits of workers, other than frontier workers, who, during their last employment, were residing in the territory of a Member State other than the competent State
SKLEP št. 160 z dne 28. novembra 1995 o področju uporabe člena 71(1)(b)(ii) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1408/71, ki se nanaša na pravico do dajatev za brezposelnost delavcev, ki niso obmejni delavci in so med zadnjo zaposlitvijo stalno prebivali na ozemlju države članice, ki ni pristojna država
82 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0460
The Management Board shall ensure that the work programme is consistent with the Agency's scope, objectives and tasks as well as with the Community's legislative and policy priorities in the area of network and information security.
Zagotovi, da je program dela skladen s področjem delovanja Agencije, njenimi cilji in nalogami, pa tudi s prednostnimi nalogami zakonodaje in politik Skupnosti na področju varnosti omrežij in informacij.
83 Pravna redakcija
Decision No 160 of 28 November 1995 concerning the scope of Article 71(1)(b)(ii) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 relating to the right to unemployment benefits of workers, other than frontier workers, who, during their last employment, were residing in the territory of a Member State other than the competent State (OJ No L 49, 28.2.1996, p. 31).
Sklep št. 160 z dne 28. novembra 1995 o področju uporabe člena 71(1)(b)(ii) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) 1408/71 v zvezi s pravico do dajatve za brezposelnost za delavce, razen obmejnih delavcev, ki so v času zadnje zaposlitve stalno prebivali na ozemlju države članice, ki ni pristojna država (UL C 49, 28.2.1996, str. 31).
84 Pravna redakcija
Decision No 160 of 28 November 1995 concerning the scope of Article 71 (1) (b) (ii) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 relating to the right to unemployment benefits of workers, other than frontier workers, who, during their last employment, were residing in the territory of a Member State other than the competent State (OJ No L 49, 28.2.1996, p. 31)."
Sklep št. 160 z dne 28. novembra 1995 o podrocju uporabe clena 71(1)(b)(ii) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) 1408/71 v zvezi s pravico do dajatve za brezposelnost za delavce, razen obmejnih delavcev, ki so v casu zadnje zaposlitve stalno prebivali na ozemlju države clanice, ki ni pristojna država (UL C 49, 28.2.1996, str. 31)."
85 Pravna redakcija
Decision No 131 of 3 December 1985 concerning the scope of Article 71(1)(b)(ii) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 relating to the right to unemployment benefits of workers, other than frontier workers, who, during their last employment, were residing in the territory of a Member States other than the competent State (OJ No C 141, 7.6.1986, p. 10). Norway
Sklep št. 131 z dne 3. decembra 1985 o področju uporabe člena 71(1)(b)(ii) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) 1408/71 v zvezi s pravico do nadomestil za primer brezposelnosti za delavce, z izjemo dnevnih migrantov, ki so v času zadnje zaposlitve prebivali na ozemlju države članice, ki ni pristojna država (OJ C 141, 7. 6. 1986, str. 10).
86 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0050
( 1 ) Irrespective of the rules for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature, the wording of the product description must be considered to have merely indicative value, since the applicability of the preferential arrangements is deter mined in the context of this Annex by the scope of the CN code.
( 1 ) Ne glede na pravila za razlago kombinirane nomenklature je treba šteti, da je besedilo poimenovanja proizvoda samo okvirno, ker je veljavnost preferencialnih režimov določena v sklopu te priloge z obsegom oznake KN.
87 Pravna redakcija
For certain activities such as maintenance, in respect of which it is foreseeable that there is the potential for a significant increase in exposure of workers, and in respect of which all scope for further technical preventive measures for limiting workers' exposure has already been exhausted, the employer shall determine, after consultation of the workers and/or their representatives in the undertaking or establishment, without prejudice to the employer's responsibility, the measures necessary to reduce the duration of workers' exposure to the minimum possible and to ensure protection of workers while they are engaged in such activities.
Pri določenih dejavnostih, kot je vzdrževanje, pri katerih je predvidena možnost znatnega povečanja izpostavljenosti delavcev in za katere so izčrpani vsi nadaljnji tehnični preventivni ukrepi za omejitev izpostavljenosti delavcev, delodajalec določi po posvetu z delavci in/ali njihovimi predstavniki v podjetju ali enoti, brez vpliva na delodajalčevo odgovornost, ukrepe, ki so potrebni, da se trajanje izpostavljenosti delavcev skrajša na najkrajši možni čas in zagotovi zaščita delavcev med opravljanjem takih dejavnosti.
88 Pravna redakcija
The EUEB shall carry out preparatory work to determine whether the product group under consideration falls within the scope of the Community Eco-label award scheme as laid down in Article 2 of the said Regulation, and in particular satisfies the conditions laid down in Article 2(2).
EUEB opravi pripravljalna dela, da ugotovi, ali omenjena skupina proizvodov sodi v področje sistema Skupnosti za podeljevanje znaka za okolje, kakor določa člen 2 navedene uredbe, ter zlasti izpolnjuje pogoje, določene v členu 2(2).
89 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Decision No 160 of 28 November 1995 concerning the scope of Article 71(1) (b) (ii) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 relating to the right to unemployment benefits of workers, other than frontier workers, who, during their last employment, were residing in the territory of a Member State other than the competent State, adopted by the Administrative Commission of the European Communities on social security for migrant workers fn, is to be incorporated into the Agreement,
ker je treba Sklep št. 160 z dne 28. novembra 1995 o področju uporabe člena 71(1)(b)(ii) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1408/71, ki se nanaša na pravico do dajatev za brezposelnost delavcev, ki niso obmejni delavci in so med zadnjo zaposlitvijo stalno prebivali na ozemlju države članice, ki ni pristojna država, ki ga je sprejela Upravna komisija Evropskih skupnosti za socialno varnost delavcev migrantov fn, vključiti v Sporazum -
90 Pravna redakcija
Whereas it is therefore necessary to extend the scope of the services provided by the Centre to enable those institutions and bodies of the Union which already have a translation service to have access to the Centre's services, on a voluntary basis and with the aim of absorbing any surplus work which may arise;
ker je treba povečati obseg storitev, ki jih nudi Center z namenom institucijam in organom Unije, ki že imajo prevajalsko službo, omogočili dostop do storitev Centra prostovoljno in z namenom prevzemanja morebitnih presežkov dela,
91 Pravna redakcija
In order to supplement and broaden the scope of its commitments vis- ŕ- vis Switzerland under the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) signed on 15 April 1994 within the framework of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the Community undertakes to amend its Annexes and General Notes to Appendix I of the GPA as follows:
Za dopolnitev in razširitev področja uporabe svojih obveznosti napram Švici v skladu s Sporazumom o vladnih naročilih, ki se je 15. aprila 1994 podpisal v okviru Svetovne trgovinske organizacije (STO), se Skupnost obvezuje, da bo spremenila svoje Priloge in splošne opombe k Dodatku I Sporazuma o vladnih naročilih kot sledi:
92 Pravna redakcija
Within the scope of their powers, the Contracting Parties undertake to coordinate and step up their efforts to prevent, reduce and eradicate the illegal production, distribution and consumption of drugs, narcotics and psycho tropic substances, taking account of the work carried out in this field by regional and international bodies.
Pogodbenici se v okviru svojih pristojnosti zavezujeta, da bosta uskladili in okrepili svoja prizadevanja za preprečevanje in odpravljanje nezakonite proizvodnje, nedovoljenega prometa in uživanja prepovedanih drog, narkotikov in psihotropnih snovi, ob upoštevanju dela, ki ga na tem področju opravljajo regionalni in mednarodni organi.
93 Pravna redakcija
The scope of this Directive covers only mobile workers employed by transport undertakings established in a Member State participating in mobile road transport activities covered by Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 or, failing that, by the European agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transport (AETR).
Področje uporabe te direktive vključuje zgolj vozno osebje, zaposleno v prevoznih podjetjih s sedežem v državi članici, ki opravljajo spremljevalne dejavnostih v cestnem prometu v smislu Uredbe (EGS) št. 3820/85 ali sicer Evropskega sporazuma o delu posadke na vozilih, ki opravlja mednarodne cestne prevoze (AETR).
94 Pravna redakcija
Council Directive 72/194/EEC of 18 May 1972 extending to workers exercising the right to remain in the territory of a Member State after having been employed in that State the scope of the Directive of 25 February 1964 on coordination of special measures concerning the movement and residence of foreign nationals which are justified on grounds of public policy, public security or public health
DIREKTIVA SVETA z dne 18. maja 1972 o razširitvi področja uporabe Direktive z dne 25. februarja 1964 o uskladitvi posebnih ukrepov v zvezi z gibanjem in prebivanjem tujih državljanov, ki so upravičeni na podlagi javnega reda, varnosti ali zdravja ljudi, na delavce, ki uresničujejo pravico, da ostanejo na ozemlju države članice po tem, ko so bili v tej državi zaposleni (72/194/EGS)
95 Pravna redakcija
The Parties shall take measures with a view to a mutual opening of their respective government procurement markets and the procurement markets of undertakings operating in the utilities sectors for purchase of goods, works and services beyond the scope of what has been mutually and reciprocally covered under the Government Procurement Agreement concluded in the framework of the WTO.
Pogodbenici sprejmeta ukrepe, da bi medsebojno odprli svoje trge vladnih naročil in trge javnih naročil podjetij, ki delujejo v sektorju javnih služb za nakup blaga, dela in storitev, v obsegu, ki presega obojestransko in vzajemno dogovorjeni okvir na podlagi Sporazuma o vladnih naročilih, sklenjenega v okviru WTO.
96 Pravna redakcija
Voluntary contributions may be made by the Contracting Parties or Signatories to the present Protocol, even if their territory lies outside the geographical scope of EMEP, as well as, subject to approval by the Executive Body, on the recommendation of the Steering Body of EMEP, by any other country, organization or individual which wishes to contribute to the work programme.
Prostovoljne prispevke lahko plačajo pogodbenice ali podpisnice tega protokola, čeprav njihovo območje leži zunaj geografskega območja EMEP; nadalje lahko katera koli druga država, organizacija ali posameznik, ki želi prispevati k delovnemu programu, če to odobri izvršilno telo na priporočilo pripravljalnega telesa EMEP, plača prispevke,.
97 Pravna redakcija
specific support actions with particular characteristics and value to the objectives and the scientific and technological content of specific programmes, for which grant applications may be submitted to the Commission if so provided for in the work programme of the relevant specific programme and where such a request does not fall within the scope of an open call for proposals;
posebne podporne aktivnosti z določenimi značilnostmi in vrednostjo do ciljev ter znanstvenimi in tehnološkimi vsebinami posebnih programov, za katere se Komisiji lahko predložijo vloge za nepovratna sredstva, če je to predvideno v programu dela ustreznega posebnega programa in kadar takšna vloga ne sodi v odprt razpis za predloge;
98 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in view of the worrying economic and social situation of the sector involving vessels with a dead weight of less than 450 tonnes and in particular the boat owners' financial situation and limited scope for conversion, specific measures are called for, such as special adjustment coefficients for inland waterway vessels or specific improvement measures for the networks most affected;
ker so glede na skrb zbujajoče gospodarske in socialne razmere v sektorju, ki zadevajo plovila z nosilnostjo manj kakor 450 ton, ter predvsem glede na finančno stanje lastnikov plovil in na omejene možnosti za njihovo preusposabljanje potrebni posebni ukrepi, kakršni so posebni izravnalni koeficienti za plovila na celinskih plovnih poteh ali posebni ukrepi za izboljšanje najbolj prizadetih omrežij;
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