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single point
51 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
A farmer who does not apply for aid under any of the area-related aid schemes but applies for aid under another aid scheme listed in Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003, shall submit a single application form if he has agricultural area as defined in Article 2, point (a) of Regulation (EC) No 796/2004 at his disposal in which he shall list these areas in accordance with Article 14.
Kmet, ki ne zaprosi za pomoč po shemah za pomoč na površino, ampak v skladu z drugo shemo pomoči, navedeno v Prilogi I Uredbe (ES) št. 1782/2003, predloži obrazec za enotni zahtevek, če razpolaga s kmetijskim zemljiščem, kakor je opredeljeno v točki (a) člena 2 Uredbe (ES) št.796/2004, v katerem navede ta zemljišča v skladu s členom 14.
52 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0072
Member States shall ensure that competent authorities shall, when considering the need for safeguard referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph, in particular analyse the impact of the relevant market practice against the main market parameters, such as the specific market conditions before carrying out the relevant market practice, the weighted average price of a single session or the daily closing price.
Države članice zagotovijo, da pristojni organi pri obravnavanju potrebe po zaščiti iz točke (b) prvega pododstavka, predvsem analizirajo vpliv zadevnega tržnega ravnanja na podlagi glavnih tržnih parametrov, kot so posebni tržni pogoji pred izvajanjem zadevnega tržnega ravnanja, tehtana povprečna cena enega posla ali dnevna zaključna cena.
53 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0477
an agglomerate of fibres which at one or more points on its length appears solid and undivided but at other points is divided into separate strands (a split fibre) is counted as a single fibre if it conforms with the description in the second subparagraph of point 1 of Article 7 and indent 1 of this paragraph, the diameter measured being that of the undivided part, not that of the split part, - in any other agglomerate of fibres in which individual fibres touch or cross each other (a bundle), the fibres shall be counted individually if they can be distinguished sufficiently to determine that they conform with the description in the second subparagraph of point 1 of Article 7 and indent 1 of this paragraph.
aglomerat vlaken, ki je na eni ali več točkah po svoji dolžini celovit in nerazcepljen, toda na drugih mestih razcepljen v ločene pramene (razcepljeno vlakno), se šteje kot eno samo vlakno, če ustreza opisu iz drugega pododstavka točke 1 člena 7 in alinei 1 tega odstavka; meri se premer nerazcepljenega dela in ne razcepljenega dela; v katerem koli drugačnem aglomeratu vlaken, pri katerem se posamezna vlakna dotikajo ali križajo (sveženj), se šteje vsako vlakno posebej, če jih je mogoče dovolj razločno ločiti med seboj, da se ugotovi, ali ustrezajo opisu iz drugega pododstavka točke 1 člena 7 in iz alinee 1 tega odstavka;
54 Pravna redakcija
induction, vapour injection (single point, multipoint), liquid injection (single point, multipoint).
sesanje, vbrizgavanje tekočega naftnega plina v plinastem stanju (enotočkovno, večtočkovno), vbrizgavanje v tekočem stanju (enotočkovno, večtočkovno).
55 Pravna redakcija
These means shall be accessible free of charge through a single point of access specified in Annex XIII, Appendix 2.
Ta sredstva so dosegljiva zastonj prek ene same dostopne točke, ki je določena v Prilogi XIII, Dodatek 2.
56 Pravna redakcija
The study director is the single point of study control and has the responsibility for the overall conduct of the study and for its final report.
Vodja študije je posameznik, ki obvladuje študijo in je odgovoren za celotno izvedbo študije ter njeno zaključno poročilo.
57 Pravna redakcija
Each Member State shall designate a single contact point.
Vsaka država članica določi eno točko za stike.
58 Pravna redakcija
Optical fabrication "technology" using single point diamond turning techniques to produce surface finish accuracies of better than 10 nm rms on non-planar surfaces exceeding 0,5 m2;
"tehnologija", ki uporablja tehniko enotočkovnega brušenja diamantov, katere namen je oblikovanje površine s končno natančnostjo, boljšo od 10 nm rms na neravni površini, katere ploščina je večja od 0,5 m 2;
59 Pravna redakcija
in the United Kingdom, by a single further appeal on a point of law.
v Združenem kraljestvu z eno samo dodatno pritožbo s pravnim vprašanjem.
60 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1560
Each Member State shall have a single designated National Access Point.
Vsaka država članica ima eno samo določeno nacionalno vstopno točko.
61 Pravna redakcija
Intake manifold (single-/multi-point (1))/direct injection/other (specify) (1):
vbrizgavanje v sesalno cev (eno-/večtočkovno( 1 ))/direktno vbrizgavanje/drugo (točen opis) ( 1 ):
62 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1946
A single entity may fulfil the functions of both focal point and competent authority.
En sam subjekt lahko nastopa v funkciji tako kontaktne osebe kot pristojnega organa.
63 Pravna redakcija
the establishment and maintenance of a system which ensures that information about all suspected adverse reactions which are reported to the personnel of the company and to its representatives is collected, evaluated and collated so that it may be accessed at a single point within the Community;
oblikovanje in vzdrževanje sistema, ki zagotavlja, da se podatki o domnevnih neželenih učinkih, ki jih sporočijo osebju podjetja in njegovim predstavnikom, zbirajo, ocenjujejo in primerjajo, tako da so dostopni na enem kraju v Skupnosti;
64 Pravna redakcija
the establishment and maintenance of a system which ensures that information about all suspected adverse reactions which are reported to the personnel of the company and to medical representatives, is collected, evaluated and collated so that it may be accessed at a single point within the Community;
oblikovanje in vzdrževanje sistema, ki zagotavlja, da se podatki o domnevnih neželenih učinkih, ki jih sporočijo osebju podjetja in zdravstvenim predstavnikom, zbirajo, ocenjujejo in primerjajo, tako da so dostopni na enem kraju v Skupnosti;
65 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Each operator referred to in point 4.2 uses a single postal network to compete in a variety of markets.
Vsak operater iz točke 4.2 uporablja eno samo poštno omrežje za konkuriranje na različnih trgih.
66 Pravna redakcija
A single route plan will have to be drawn up in accordance with point (c) to cover the whole period of the journey;
Izdelati bo treba en sam načrt poti v skladu z točko (c), ki bo pokrival celotni čas poti;
67 Pravna redakcija
A Party may designate a single entity to fulfill the functions of both focal point and competent national authority.
Pogodbenica lahko imenuje organ, ki deluje hkrati kot točka za stike in pristojni državni organ.
68 Pravna redakcija
However, by way of derogation from point (b), Member States may authorize the presentation of a single certificate for a batch of animals.
Kot odstopanje od točke (b) lahko države članice dovolijo predložitev enega samega potrdila za celotno pošiljko živali.
69 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
In a single rate auction (Dutch auction), the allotment interest rate/price/swap point applied for all satisfied bids is equal to the marginal interest rate/price/swap point (i.e. the interest rate/price/swap point at which the total allotment was exhausted).
Pri avkciji nizozemskega tipa, je dodelitvena obrestna mera/cena/swap točke, ki se uporablja za vse sprejete protiponudbe, enaka mejni obrestni meri/ceni/swap točkam (t. j. obrestni meri/ceni/swap točkam, pri kateri je bil izčrpan znesek za dodelitev).
70 Pravna redakcija
or replaced by a single special mark consisting of the health mark defined in point 44 (a) and (b) of Chapter X of Annex I to Directive 71/118/EEC, overstamped in accordance with point (a) of this paragraph.
bodisi nadomeščena s posebno oznako, ki sestoji iz oznake zdravstvene ustreznosti, opredeljene v točki 44(a) in (b) Poglavja X Priloge I k Direktivi 71/118/EGS, ki je odtisnjena v skladu s točko (a) tega odstavka.
71 Pravna redakcija
One image is defined as one 8,5" x 11" or A4-sized printed page of single-spaced monochrome text output, 12 point type, Times font, 1" (2,54 cm) margins on all sides of the page.
Ena slika je opredeljena kot ena stran velikosti 8,5" x 11" ali A4 z besedilom velikosti 12 točk, pisave Times, tiskanim z enojnim presledkom in s širino vseh robov strani 1" (2,54 cm).
72 Pravna redakcija
In this case, provided the size uniformity required in Title III, point C, is retained, the size range in the package may fall outside a single size code, but within two adjacent codes.`
V tem primeru, če je izenačenost po velikosti, ki se zahteva v naslovu III točki C, ohranjena, lahko velikostni razredi v enoti pakiranja sodijo zunaj ene same oznake, vendar znotraj dveh sosednjih oznak.`
73 Pravna redakcija
The licence shall be attached to copy 3 of the single administrative document and must accompany the consignment to the customs office at the point of exit from the customs territory of the Community.
Dovoljenje se priloži izvodu 3 enega samega upravnega dokumenta, potem pa spremlja predmet v carinski urad do točke izhoda s carinskega ozemlja Skupnosti.
74 Pravna redakcija
In order to facilitate the involvement of these countries a single entry point within the Commission will be created for information about activities undertaken in the fields of international cooperation.
Da bi olajšali vključevanje teh držav, bo ustanovljena ena sama vstopna točka pri Komisiji, ki bo dajala informacije o dejavnostih, ki se izvajajo na področjih mednarodnega sodelovanja.
75 Pravna redakcija
Batch means a portion of nuclear material handled as a unit for accounting purposes at a key measurement point and for which the composition and quantity are defined by a single set of specifications or measurements.
Šarža pomeni del jedrskega materiala, ki se vzame za enoto v knjigovodske namene na ključni točki merjenja in za katero se sestava in količina določita z enim kompletom specifikacij ali meritev.
76 Pravna redakcija
The single central authority of the Member State having received notification of interception from another Member State ensure, immediately on receipt, that the information is sent to its own points of entry in question.
Osrednji organ države članice, ki je prejel obvestilo o zadržanju od druge države članice, takoj po prejemu zagotovi, da se podatki posredujejo zadevnim vstopnim mestom njegove države članice.
77 Pravna redakcija
If a written declaration is required then the licence must be attached to copy 3 of the single administrative document and accompany the good to the customs office at the point of exit from the customs territory of the Community.
Če se zahteva pisna deklaracija, se dovoljenje priloži izvodu 3 enega samega upravnega dokumenta; to dovoljenje potem spremlja predmet v carinski urad do točke izhoda iz carinskega ozemlja Skupnosti.
78 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
On the right-hand side of the sheet, a scale from 1 to 9 points is shown (9 for exceptional quality, 1 for the worst) which the tasters shall use to give a single, overall grading for the characteristics of the oil being examined.
Na desni strani obrazca je ocenjevalna tabela kakovosti s točkami od 1 do 9 (9 za izjemno kakovost, 1 za najslabšo kakovost)s katero preskuševalci ocenijo kakovost.
79 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1040
(6) In the light of the experience gained it appears also necessary to provide that staging points be transited only by animals complying with the Community health requirements for the species for which the staging point is approved and which after the completion of a compulsory residence on a single holding have transited only through a single approved assembly centre.
(6) Glede na pridobljene izkušnje se zdi tudi potrebno predvideti, da gredo preko počivališč samo živali, ki so v skladu z zdravstvenimi zahtevami Skupnosti za vrsto, za katero je počivališče odobreno, in ki gredo po zaključku obveznega bivanja na enem samem gospodarstvu samo preko enega samega odobrenega zbirnega centra.
80 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1782
In case the area accepted for certification for which the aid for seeds is claimed is used also for claiming the aid under the single payment scheme, the amount of aid for seed, except in the case of species referred to in Annex XI points 1 and 2, shall be reduced, but not to less than zero, by the amount of aid of the single payment scheme to be granted in a given year for the area concerned.
V primeru, ko se za površino, sprejeto za certificiranje, za katero se je zaprosilo za pomoč za seme, zaprosi tudi za pomoč v okviru sheme enotnega plačila, se zmanjša znesek pomoči za seme, razen v primeru vrst, navedenih v točkah 1 in 2 Priloge XI, vendar ne na manj kot nič, za znesek pomoči v okviru sheme enotnega plačila, ki se v danem letu odobri za zadevno površino.
81 Pravna redakcija
When designating the authority or body under Article 2 of Directive 93/5/EEC, each Member State shall provide the name of a single authority or body, together with the name and address of a contact point for the Commission and the other Member States.
Ko država članica imenuje organ oblasti ali organ po členu 2 Direktive 93/5/EGS, navede ime posameznega organa oblasti ali organa, skupaj z imenom in naslovom kontaktne točke za Komisijo in ostale države članice.
82 Pravna redakcija
However, point (3)(a) and point (12) of Article 1 of this Regulation shall not apply to amendments to rural development programming documents and rural development measures funded by the EAGGF Guarantee Section contained in single programming documents under Objective 2 which had been received by the Commission before the entry into force of this Regulation and which have not yet been the subject of a Commission decision by that date.
Vendar pa točka (3)(a) in točka (12) člena 1 te uredbe ne veljata za spremembe programskih dokumentov za razvoj podeželja in ukrepov za razvoj podeželja, ki jih financira Jamstveni oddelek Evropskega kmetijskega usmerjevalnega in jamstvenega sklada (EKUJS), vsebovanih v enotnih programskih dokumentih v okviru cilja 2, ki jih je Komisija prejela pred začetkom veljavnosti te uredbe in ki do tega datuma še niso bili predmet odločbe Komisije.
83 Pravna redakcija
The increasing use of electronic means of communication of information on adverse reactions to veterinary medicinal products marketed in the Community is intended to allow a single reporting point for adverse reactions, at the same time ensuring that this information is shared with the competent authorities in all Member States.
Vse večja uporaba elektronskih sredstev izmenjave informacij o neželenih škodljivih učinkih zdravil za uporabo v veterinarski medicini, ki so v prometu znotraj Skupnosti ima za cilj omogočiti enotne točke obveščanja o neželenih škodljivih učinkih, hkrati pa zagotoviti, da so te informacije na voljo vsem državam članicam.
84 Pravna redakcija
The water must be directed on to the surface(s) of the disc(s) in a continuous jet, in a direction perpendicular to the surface of the disc, from single jet nozzles so positioned as to be between the inner extremity and a point two-thirds of the distance from the outer extremity of that part of the disc swept by the friction pad(s) (see Figure 1).
Voda mora pritekati na površino(-e) koluta(-ov) v neprekinjenem curku pravokotno na površino koluta iz posamičnih dovodnih šob, postavljenih med notranjim robom in točko na dveh tretjinah razdalje od zunanjega roba dela koluta, po katerem drsi(-jo) zavorna(-e) ploščica(-e) (glej sliko 1).
85 Pravna redakcija
This Directive constitutes the essential instrument for the achievement of the internal market, a course determined by the Single European Act and set out in timetable form in the Commission's White Paper, from the point of view of both the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide financial services, in the field of credit institutions.
Ta direktiva predstavlja osnovni instrument za vzpostavitev notranjega trga, kakor ga določata Enotni evropski akt in časovni razpored Bele knjige Komisije z vidika svobode ustanavljanja in svobode opravljanja finančnih storitev na področju delovanja kreditnih institucij.
86 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0483
By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the movement through staging points may be authorised for intra-Community trade in animals of the bovine and porcine species complying with the conditions set out in Directive 64/432/EEC, including any additional guaranties, provided that in the case of animals for slaughter the completion of a residence period of at least 21 days on a single holding before being dispatched from that holding either directly or transiting through one single approved assembly centre, is supported by the following additional certification:
Z odstopanjem od odstavka 1 se lahko dovolijo premiki preko počivališč za trgovino znotraj Skupnosti z govedom in prašiči v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v Direktivi 64/432/EGS, vključno s kakršnimi koli dodatnimi jamstvi, če je za živali za zakol obdobje bivanja najmanj 21 dni na enem samem gospodarstvu pred odpošiljanjem s tega gospodarstva, neposredno ali preko enega samega odobrenega zbirnega centra, podprto z naslednjim dodatnim certificiranjem:
87 Pravna redakcija
Transport of goods to which the Community transit procedure applies may be effected between two points in the customs territory of the Community through the territory of a third country other than an EFTA country under the Community transit procedure provided that transport through that third country is effected under cover of a single transport document drawn up in a Member State;
Prevoz blaga, za katero velja skupnostni tranzitni postopek, sme potekati v okviru skupnostnega tranzitnega postopka med dvema točkama na carinskem območju Skupnosti prek ozemlja tretje države, ki ni članica EFTE, če se prek te tretje države prevaža na podlagi enotne prevozne listine, sestavljene v državi članici;
88 Pravna redakcija
Digital displays, consisting of a printed circuit board of a size not exceeding 35 x 90 mm with a single line of characters, not less than 3 in number, comprising light-emitting diodes (LED) made from gallium-based semiconductor materials mounted thereon. Each character is composed of up to 8 segments with or without a decimal point and the line of characters has a protective cover of plastic
digitalni zasloni iz plošče tiskanega vezja velikosti največ 35 x 90 mm, z eno samo linijo iz najmanj 3 znakov, vključno s svetlečimi diodami (LED) iz polprevodniških materialov na osnovi galija, ki so montirani nanje. Vsak znak je sestavljen iz do 8 segmentov z ali brez decimalne pike in linija znakov ima zaščitni pokrov iz plastike
89 Pravna redakcija
In transactions where a joint venture acquires control of another company, the question arises whether or not, from the point of view of the acquiring party, the joint venture should be regarded as a single undertaking concerned (the turnover of which would include the turnover of its parent companies), or whether each of its parent companies should individually be regarded as undertakings concerned.
Pri transakcijah, kjer skupno podjetje pridobi nadzor nad drugim podjetjem, se pojavi vprašanje, ali naj se ali naj se ne, s stališča prevzemnice, skupno podjetje šteje za eno udeleženo podjetje (katerega promet bi vključeval promet njegovih matičnih družb), ali se naj vsako njegovo matično podjetje posebej šteje za udeleženo podjetje.
90 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
- By derogation from the provisions of the second indent of the present point (evaluation and certification), where a Plasma Master File corresponds only to blood/plasma-derived medicinal products the marketing authorisation of which is restricted to a single Member State, the scientific and technical evaluation of the said Plasma Master File shall be carried out by the national competent authority of that Member State.
- Z odstopanjem od odločb druge alinee te točke (vrednotenje in certificiranje), kadar je glavna dokumentacija o plazmi ustrezna le za zdravila, pridobljena iz krvi/plazme, za katera je izdano dovoljenje za promet omejeno na eno samo državo, znanstveno in strokovno ovrednotenje navedene glavne dokumentacije o plazmi izvede pristojni nacionalni organ te države članice.
91 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
"1. Where goods are transported from one point in the customs territory of the Community to another under the procedure for the international transport of goods under cover of TIR carnets (TIR Convention) or under cover of ATA carnets (ATA Convention), the customs territory of the Community shall, for the purposes of the rules governing the use of the TIR or ATA carnets for such transport, be considered to form a single territory."
"1. Kadar se blago prevaža od ene do druge točke na carinskem ozemlju Skupnosti po postopku za mednarodni prevoz blaga na podlagi zvezkov TIR (konvencija TIR) ali zvezkov ATA (konvencija ATA), se zaradi pravil o uporabi zvezka TIR ali ATA za takšen prevoz carinsko območje Skupnosti šteje kot enotno ozemlje."
92 Pravna redakcija
Where, in accordance with Articles 91 (2) (e) and 163 (2) (e) of the Code, goods are transported from one point in the customs territory of the Community to another under cover of form 302 established under the Convention between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Status of their Forces, signed in London on 19 June 1951, the customs territory of the Community shall be considered, for the purposes of the rules governing the use of the said form for such transport, to form a single territory.
Kadar se v skladu s členoma 91(2)(e) in 162(2)(e) zakonika blago prevaža z ene točke na carinskem območju Skupnosti do druge na podlagi obrazca 302, ki ga je uvedel Sporazum med pogodbenicami Severnoatlantskega pakta o statusu njihovih sil, podpisan v Londonu 19. junija 1951, se zaradi pravil, ki urejajo uporabo navedenega obrazca za tak prevoz, carinsko območje Skupnosti šteje za enotno ozemlje.
93 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0088
single-point or multi-point:...
enotočkovno ali večtočkovno: …
94 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31974L0347
"Reference point" means the position, fixed by convention, of the tractor driver's eyes notionally located at a single point.
Izraz "referenčna točka" pomeni po dogovoru določen položaj oči voznika traktorja, namišljeno združen v eno samo točko.
Prevodi: en > sl
single point