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special authorization
51 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0369
By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the competent authorities of a Member State may grant an authorization for plants with a nominal capacity of less than one tonne/h where special local conditions so require, provided that a limit value of 500 mg/nm 3 of total dust and all the provisions of Directive 84/360/EEC are complied with.
Z odstopanjem od odstavka 1 lahko pristojni organi države članice izdajo dovoljenje za naprave z nazivno zmogljivostjo manj od ene tone/h, kadar to zahtevajo posebne lokalne razmere, pod pogojem da se upoštevajo mejna vrednost za celotni prah 500 mg/nm3 in vse določbe Direktive 84/360/EGS.
52 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0046
In the field of telecommunications services, such special legal or regulatory advantages may consist, among other things, in a right to make compulsory purchases in the general interest, in derogations from law on town-and-country planning, or in the possibility of obtaining an authorization without having to go through the usual procedure.
Na področju telekomunikacijskih storitev lahko take posebne prednosti, priznane z zakoni ali drugimi predpisi, med drugim vključujejo pravico do obveznih odkupov v splošnem interesu, odstopanje od zakonodaje o načrtovanju mest in podeželja ali možnost pridobitve dovoljenja brez običajnega predhodnega postopka.
53 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
radio and television production and broadcasting equipment and vehicles specially adapted for use for the above purpose and their equipment imported by public or private organizations establised outside the customs territory of the Community and approved by the customs authorities issuing the authorization for the procedure to import such equipment and vehicles,
opreme za radijsko in televizijsko produkcijo in oddajanje ter vozil, posebej opremljenih za radijsko ali televizijsko oddajanje, in njihove opreme, ki jih uvažajo javne ali zasebne organizacije s sedežem zunaj carinskega območja Skupnosti in so jih carinski organi, ki so izdali dovoljenje za postopek, pooblastili za uvoz te opreme in vozil,
54 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
in certain special circumstances, where the nature of the goods in question and the rapid turnover so warrant, exempt the holder of the authorization from the requirement to notify the competent customs office of each arrival of goods, provided that he supplies the said office with all the information it considers necessary to enable it to exercise its right to examine the goods should the need arise.
v nekaterih posebnih okoliščinah, ki jih upravičujeta narava zadevnega blaga in pospešeni tempo postopkov, dovolijo, da imetniku dovoljenja ni treba sporočati pristojnemu carinskemu uradu vsakega prispetja blaga, pod pogojem, da imetnik dovoljenja temu carinskemu uradu predloži vse podatke, ki mu omogočajo, da lahko po potrebi izvaja svojo pravico pregleda blaga.
55 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R4060
Article 17 of Council Regulation No 517/72/EEC of 28 February 1972 on the introduction of common rules for regular and special regular services by coach and bus between Member States (%) as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1301/78 (&), which provides that the authorization provided for in Article 3 of that Regulation and established by Commission Regulation 1172/72 shall be carried on the vehicle and be produced at the request of any authorized inspecting officer;
člen 17 Uredbe Sveta št. 517/72/EGS z dne 28. februarja 1972 o uvedbi skupnih pravil za linijski prevoz in posebne oblike linijskega prevoza z avtobusom med državami članicami [20], kakor je nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 1301/78 [21], ki določa, da mora biti dovoljenje, opredeljeno v členu 3 te uredbe in določeno z Uredbo Komisije 1172/72, v vozilu in ga je treba na zahtevo predložiti pristojni kontrolni osebi;
56 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1627
'fishing licence and special fishing permit of a fishing vessel flying the flag of a third country' means an attestation from the Commission giving the minimum data concerning the identification, technical characteristics and fitting out of that vessel, supplemented by a prior authorization enabling it to carry out its activities in Community fishing waters in accordance with the relevant provisions of Community law and the fisheries agreement concluded with the country in question.
"ribolovno dovoljenje in posebna ribolovna karta za ribiško plovilo, ki pluje pod zastavo tretje države" pomeni potrdilo Komisije, v katerem morajo biti podani minimalni podatki v zvezi z identifikacijo, tehničnimi lastnostmi in opremljenostjo plovila, dopolnjeno s predhodno odobritvijo, ki temu plovilu omogoča izvajanje njegovih aktivnosti v ribolovnih vodah Skupnosti v skladu z ustreznimi določbami prava Skupnosti in sporazuma o ribištvu, sklenjenega z zadevno državo.
57 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0051
the name or business name and the address or registered place of business of the manufacturer, if he is not responsible for the particulars in the label, the active-substance level, the expiry date of the guarantee or the storage life from the date of manufacture, the batch reference number and the date of manufacture, the directions for use and, where appropriate, a safety recommendation regarding use in the case of additives which are the subject of special provisions upon authorization;
ime in naslov oziroma firmo in sedež proizvajalca, če ta ni odgovoren za podatke na oznaki, vsebnost aktivne snovi, datum, ko poteče veljavnost garancije, ali rok trajanja od dneva proizvodnje, referenčno številko serije in datum proizvodnje, navodila za uporabo in, kjer je primerno, varnostna priporočila glede uporabe pri dodatkih, ki so predmet posebnih ukrepov pri izdaji dovoljenja;
58 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0082
The marketing authorization may require the holder to indicate on the container and/or the outer wrapping and the package insert, where the latter is required, other particulars essential for safety or health protection, including any special precautions relating to use and any other warnings resulting from the clinical and pharmacological trials prescribed in Articles 12(3)(j) and 13(1) or from experience gained during the use of the veterinary medicinal product once it has been marketed.
Dovoljenje za promet z zdravilom lahko zahteva od imetnika, da na vsebniku in/ali zunanji ovojnini in na navodilu za uporabo, če je navodilo zahtevano, navede še druge podrobne podatke, potrebne za varnost ali varovanje zdravja, vključno z morebitnimi posebnimi previdnostnimi ukrepi glede uporabe ter druga opozorila, ki so rezultat kliničnih in farmakoloških preskusov, ki jih določata člena 12(3)(j) in 13(1), ali so rezultat izkušnje, pridobljene med uporabo zdravila za uporabo v veterinarski medicini, potem ko je že bilo v prometu.
59 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0051
identification of the strain(s) in accordance with the authorization granted, the file number of the strain(s), the number of colony-forming units (CFU per gram), the EC registration number of the additive, the name or business name and the address or registered place of business of the person responsible for the particulars on the label, the name or business name and the address or registered place of business of the manufacturer, if he is not responsible for the particulars on the label, the approval number assigned to the establishment or the intermediary pursuant to Article 5 of Directive 95/69/EC, the expiry date of the guarantee or the storage life from the date of manufacture, the batch reference number and the date of manufacture, the directions for use and, where applicable, safety recommendations as provided for in the authorization for the additive, the net weight and, in the case of liquid additives, either the net volume or the net weight, where appropriate an indication of special significant characteristics due to the manufacturing process, in accordance with the provisions concerning labelling in the authorization of the additive.
identifikacijo seva(-ov) v skladu z izdanim dovoljenjem, številka vrste seva(-ov), število kolonije formirajočih enot (CFU na gram), registracijsko številko ES za dodatek, ime in naslov oziroma firmo in sedež, odgovorne za podatke na oznaki, ime in naslov oziroma firmo in sedež proizvajalca, če ta ni odgovoren za podatke na oznaki, številko registracije, dodeljeno obratu ali posredniku v skladu s členom 5 direktive 95/69/ES, datum, ko poteče veljavnost garancije, ali rok trajanja od dneva proizvodnje, navodila za uporabo in, kjer je primerno, varnostna priporočila, kakor je določeno v dovoljenju dodatka, neto maso in pri tekočih dodatkih še neto volumen ali neto maso, kjer je primerno, indikacijo posebnih pomembnih značilnosti, ki izhajajo iz proizvodnega procesa, v skladu z ukrepi, ki zadevajo označevanje, določeno v dovoljenju dodatka.
60 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1762
Whereas, on the adoption of Council Directive 94/5/EC of 14 February 1994 supplementing the common system of value added tax and amending Directive 77/388/EEC - Special arrangements applicable to second-hand goods, works of art, collectors' items and antiques (6), the Commission and the Member States accepted the obligation to review the conditions for the authorization and the functioning of temporary importation procedures and agreed to allow, for these goods, a period of 24 months to remain under temporary importation;
ker so se ob sprejemu Direktive Sveta 94/5/ES z dne 14. februarja 1994 o dopolnitvi skupnega sistema davka na dodano vrednost in o spremembi Direktive 77/388/EGS posebne ureditve za rabljeno blago, umetniška dela, zbirke, in starine [6], Komisija in države članice obvezale, da bodo pregledale pogoje za dovoljenja in delovanje postopkov začasnega uvoza, in se dogovorile, da bodo za to blago dovolile, da ostane pod začasnim uvozom 24 mesecev;
61 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0051
(units of activity per gram or units of activity per millilitre), the EC registration number of the additive, the name or business name and the address or registered place of business of the person responsible for the particulars on the label, the name or business name and the address or registered place of business of the manufacturer, if he is not responsible for the particulars on the label, the approval number assigned to the establishment or the intermediary pursuant to Article 5 of Directive 95/69/EC, the expiry date of the guarantee or the storage life from the date of manufacture, the batch reference number and the date of manufacture, the directions for use specifying in particular the recommended dose, in the form of a range if appropriate, in accordance with the percentage(s) by weight of target feed material(s) per kilogram of the whole feedingstuff in accordance with the requirements laid down on a case-by-case basis in the authorization for the additive and, where applicable, safety recommendations as provided for in the authorization for the additive, the net weight and, in the case of liquid additives, either the net volume or the net weight, where appropriate indication of special significant characteristics due to the manufacturing process, in accordance with the provisions concerning labelling in the authorization for the additive;
(enote aktivnosti na gram ali enote aktivnosti na mililiter), registracijsko številko ES za dodatek, ime in naslov oziroma firmo in sedež fizične oziroma pravne osebe, odgovorne za podatke na oznaki, ime in naslov oziroma firmo in sedež proizvajalca, če ni odgovoren za podatke na oznaki, številko registracije, dodeljeno obratu ali posredniku v skladu s členom 5 direktive 95/69/ES, datum, ko poteče veljavnost garancije, ali rok trajanja od dneva proizvodnje, referenčno številko serije in datum proizvodnje, navodila za uporabo, ki posebno specificirajo priporočeni odmerek; v obliki lestvice, če je primerno; v skladu z odstotki mase ciljnih posamičnih krmil na kilogram celotne krme, določene od primera do primera v dovoljenju dodatka, in, kjer je primerno, varnostna priporočila, kakor je določeno v dovoljenju dodatka, neto maso in pri tekočih dodatkih še neto volumen ali neto maso, kjer je primerno, indikacijo posebnih pomembnih značilnosti, ki izhajajo iz proizvodnega procesa, v skladu z ukrepi, ki zadevajo označevanje, določeno v dovoljenju dodatka;
62 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0046
Taking into account the fact that in most equipment markets there is typically a large range of telecommunication equipment markets there is typically a large range of telecommunication equipment, and the likely development of the markets in which there are as yet a limited number of manufacturers, any specialy right which directly or indirectly - for example by not providing for an open and non-discrimnatory authorization procedure - limits the number of the undertakings authorized to import, market, connect, bring into service and maintain such equipment, is liable to have the same kind of effect as the grant of exclusive rights.
Ob upoštevanju dejstva, da je za večino trgov opreme značilna velika izbira telekomunikacijske opreme, in pričakovanega razvoja trgov, na katerih je do zdaj bilo le omejeno število proizvajalcev, ima vsaka posebna pravica, ki neposredno ali posredno - na primer če ne zagotavlja odprtega in nediskriminacijskega postopka izdaje dovoljenja - omejuje število podjetij, pooblaščenih za uvoz, trženje, priključitev, spuščanje v obratovanje in vzdrževanje take opreme, verjetno enak učinek kakor odobritev izključnih pravic.
63 Prevod
The establishment of branches is subject to a special authorization for the representative of the branch.
Ustanavljanje podružnic je pogojeno s posebnim dovoljenjem za predstavnika podružnice.
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special authorization