Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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statement of facts
51 Končna redakcija
(5) Upon expiration of the time limit for the statement, the party shall not be entitled to produce new facts and new evidence.
(5) Po izteku roka za izjavo stranka nima pravice navajati novih dejstev in predlagati novih dokazov.
52 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(3) In the statement, the party may refer to facts which show that the facts and circumstances referred to in the invitation under the first paragraph of this article are not given and may submit evidence whereby it substantiates the existence of the stated facts.
(3) V izjavi lahko stranka navaja dejstva, iz katerih izhaja, da dejstva in okoliščine, navedene v pozivu iz prvega odstavka tega člena, niso podane in predlaga dokaze, s katerimi dokazuje obstoj zatrjevanih dejstev.
53 Končna redakcija
3. instruction to the party that documentary evidence must be attached to the statement if referred to therein, and that after the expiration of the time limit for the statement he/she will not be entitled to produce new facts and new evidence.
3. pouk stranki, da mora izjavi priložiti listinske dokaze, če se nanje sklicuje, in da po preteku roka za izjavo ne bo imela pravice navajati novih dejstev in predlagati novih dokazov.
54 Končna redakcija
(1) In the statement concerning the grounds for the licence withdrawal, the subject under supervision may state the facts proving that the licence withdrawal is unfounded, and may produce evidence proving the presence of the alleged facts.
(1) V izjavi o razlogih za odvzem dovoljenja lahko subjekt nadzora navaja dejstva, iz katerih izhaja, da odvzem dovoljenja ni utemeljen, in predlaga dokaze, s katerimi dokazuje obstoj zatrjevanih dejstev.
55 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(1) In the statement regarding the grounds for the revocation of the authorisation, the subject of supervision may state facts showing that there are no grounds for the revocation of the authorisation and submit evidence substantiating the existence of the stated facts.
(1) V izjavi o razlogih za odvzem dovoljenja lahko subjekt nadzora navaja dejstva, iz katerih izhaja, da odvzem dovoljenja ni utemeljen in predlaga dokaze, s katerimi dokazuje obstoj zatrjevanih dejstev.
56 Končna redakcija
(3) Upon expiration of the time limit for the statement concerning the grounds for the licence withdrawal, the subject under supervision shall not be entitled to produce new facts and new evidence.
(3) Po izteku roka za izjavo o razlogih za odvzem dovoljenja subjekt nadzora nima pravice navajati novih dejstev in predlagati novih dokazov.
57 Končna redakcija
The visual image is the most important means in creating the impression of the competence of television personalities, and of the veracity, factuality, and objectivity of statements and the mediatory role of television.
Vizualna podoba je najpomembnejše sredstvo, ki ustvarja vtis kompetence televizijskih osebnosti in vtis verodostojnosti, faktualnosti, objektivnosti izjav in posredniške vloge na televiziji.
58 Končna redakcija
(1) Prior to the issue of a decision which is issued ex officio and is non-appealable, the Institute shall request the party to make a statement concerning the facts and the circumstances relevant to the decision-making, unless in a particular case another method of allowing the party to make a statement is provided by law.
(1) Pred izdajo odločbe, ki jo izda po uradni dolžnosti in proti kateri ni ugovora, mora Inštitut stranko pozvati, da se izjavi o dejstvih in okoliščinah, ki so pomembni za odločitev, kolikor zakon v posameznem primeru ne določa drugačnega načina zagotovitve možnosti stranki, da se izjavi.
59 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(3) After the expiration of the deadline for the statement regarding the grounds for the revocation of the authorisation, the subject of supervision shall not have the right to state new facts and submit new evidence.
(3) Po izteku roka za izjavo o razlogih za odvzem dovoljenja subjekt nadzora nima pravice navajati novih dejstev in predlagati novih dokazov.
60 Končna redakcija
A surprising and decisive element of the first part of Nightwatch is the fact that it ostensibly reports (informs) on what the 'true' subject of statement has said, but the latter is not the same person as the author (M. S.).
Presenetljivi in odločilni element prvega dela Nedelove 'Nočne kronike' je ta, da gre dejansko za (s)poročila o tem, kaj izjavlja 'resnični' subjekt izjavljanja, ki se razlikuje od avtorja M. S.
61 Končna redakcija
From the secondary statements it is possible to make out that the element which, in addition to the aforementioned 'knowledge'/'knowing', determines this epitome of sociability par excellence, is in fact their incapacity.
Iz sekundarnih izjav je namreč mogoče razbrati, da je tisto, kar poleg omenjene 'vednosti'/'vedenja' opredeljuje to skupino družbenosti par excellence, pravzaprav zlasti njihova nemoč.
62 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
After consideration of documents submitted and having regard to any statement made orally or in writing and to the results of any investigation undertaken, the Board shall, by majority vote, deliver a reasoned opinion as to whether the facts complained of are established and as to any penalty to which those facts should give rise.
Po proučitvi predloženih dokumentov in ob upoštevanju vseh ustnih ali pisnih izjav ter izidov opravljene preiskave komisija z večino glasov sprejme obrazloženo mnenje o tem, ali so dejstva v zvezi z obtožbo dokazana in o kakršni koli kazni, ki bi morala izhajati iz njih.
63 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0707
If an entity's first IFRS financial statements are for a period beginning before 1 January 2004 and the entity applies this IFRS instead of SIC-8 First-time Application of IASs as the Primary Basis of Accounting, it shall disclose that fact.
Če so prvi računovodski izkazi IFRS podjetja za obdobje, ki se začne pred 1. januarjem 2004 in podjetje uporablja ta MSRP namesto SOP-8, Prva uporaba MRS kot glavne podlage računovodstva, to dejstvo razkrije."
64 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
3. instructions to the party that it must attach to the statement documentary evidence, if the party refers to it, and that it will not have the right, after the expiration of the deadline, to cite new facts and submit new evidence.
3. pouk stranki, da mora izjavi priložiti listinske dokaze, če se nanje sklicuje in da po preteku roka za izjavo ne bo imela pravice navajati novih dejstev in predlagati novih dokazov.
65 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(1) Before the issue of the decision, which the Bank of Slovenia shall issue by official duty and against which an appeal is not allowed, it must invite the party to make a statement regarding the facts and circumstances which are of importance for the decision, to the extent that the law in an individual case does not require another manner of providing to the party the possibility for making a statement.
(1) Pred izdajo odločbe, ki jo izda po uradni dolžnosti in proti kateri ni ugovora, mora Banka Slovenije stranko pozvati, da se izjavi o dejstvih in okoliščinah, ki so pomembna za odločitev, kolikor zakon v posameznem primeru ne določa drugačnega načina zagotovitve možnosti stranki, da se izjavi.
66 Končna redakcija
(1) After the investigation is completed, the Office shall compile a record, which must contain the allegation of the documents examined, and the statements obtained, as well as its own findings with respect to the facts and evidence relevant to the procedure.
(1) Urad po opravljenih preiskovalnih dejanjih sestavi zapisnik, v katerem navede listine, ki so bile pregledane, in izjave, ki so bile pridobljene, ter svoje ugotovitve glede dejstev in dokazov, ki so pomembne za postopek.
67 Končna redakcija
This criterion was not only referred to in statements by politicians, but also Red Cross representatives claimed that "we have come to the point where we can't help anymore," and its general acceptance was signalled by the matter-of-fact way in which it was echoed in the media, as in (5):
Tega merila niso uporabljali samo politiki, tudi uradniki Rdečega križa so trdili, da "smo prišli do točke, ko ne moremo več pomagati"; o tem, da je bilo to merilo splošno sprejeto, govori tudi suhoparno poročanje medijev:
68 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
In the light of the proposal under paragraph 2 and any written and verbal statements from the official concerned or from witnesses, the Joint Advisory Committee shall deliver by a majority a reasoned opinion stating the measure which it considers appropriate in the light of the facts established at its request.
Ob upoštevanju predloga po odstavku 2 in vseh pisnih in ustnih izjav zadevnega uradnika ali prič, sprejme skupni svetovalni odbor z večino glasov obrazloženo mnenje, v katerem navede ukrep, ki se mu zdi primeren glede na dejstva, ugotovljena na njegovo zahtevo.
69 Končna redakcija
The journalists reported the assumed doings of the Roma on the basis of rumors, even when the statements were quite problematic, like for example the threat about shooting. "As a matter of fact, the Roma from Grosuplje publicly threaten the villagers of Maline that they will burn the village, shoot the villagers, forcibly move in and organize the Roma (who are more numerous than the villagers of Maline), if they refuse to accept among them their cousins. The threats triggered a self-defense mechanism." (Delo, 26.9.1997)3.
Novinarji so o domnevnih dejavnostih Romov pisali na podlagi govoric tudi takrat, ko je šlo za tako problematične izjave, kakršne so grožnje s streljanjem: Grusupeljski Romi namreč javno grozijo vaščanom Malin s požigom vasi, streljanjem vaščanov, z nasilnim vseljevanjem in organiziranjem Romov (ki jih je več kot članov Malin), če ne bodo marali medse njihovih rojakov. (Delo, 26. 9. 1997) 2 (podčrtale a.).
70 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2519
A copy of the statement of facts and a breakdown of laytime must be submitted with the request for payment.
Kopija poročila o dejanskem stanju ("statement of facts") in poročila o času postanka v pristanišču ("laytime") se morata predložiti z zahtevkom za plačilo.
71 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
a statement of the facts supporting the claim;
izjavo o dejstvih, ki utemeljujejo tožbeni predlog;
72 Pravna redakcija
An application shall be accompanied by a statement of the grounds on which it is based and the facts on which it relies.
Zahtevi se priloži izjava z utemeljitvijo in dejstvi, na katere se opira.
73 Pravna redakcija
The following paragraphs are meant to discuss the issues relating to crest factor and to clarify the intent of the initial incorrect statement.
Naslednji odstavki obravnavajo vprašanje vršnega faktorja in poskušajo razjasniti namen prvotne napačne zahteve.
74 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
This statement was reinforced by the fact that the main raw materials used in the PSF industry are largely influenced by the price of crude oil.
To ugotovitev je potrdilo dejstvo, da so cene najpomembnejših surovin, ki jih uporablja industrija RVP, zelo odvisne od cen surove nafte.
75 Pravna redakcija
The discovery of slight discrepancies between the statements made in the certificate of origin and those made in the documents produced to the customs office for the purpose of carrying out the formalities for importing the product shall not ipso facto cast doubt upon the statements in the certificate.
Če so ugotovljene manjše razlike med navedbami na potrdilu o poreklu in tistimi na dokumentih, ki so bili predloženi carinskemu uradu zaradi izpolnjevanja formalnosti za uvoz izdelkov, to ipso facto ne vzbuja dvoma o izjavah na potrdilu.
76 Pravna redakcija
The discovery of slight discrepancies between the statements made in the certificate of origin and those made in the documents produced to the customs office for the purpose of carrying out the formalities for importing the products shall not ipso facto cast doubt upon the statements in the certificate.
Če so ugotovljene manjše razlike med navedbami na potrdilu o poreklu in tistimi na listinah, ki so bili predloženi carinskemu uradu zaradi izpolnjevanja formalnosti za uvoz izdelkov, to ipso facto ne vzbuja dvoma o izjavah na potrdilu.
77 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
The tribunal may, if it considers it appropriate, require the parties to deliver to the tribunal and to the other party, within such time limit as the tribunal shall decide, a summary of the documents and other evidence which that party offers to present in support of the facts in issue set out in his statement of claim or statement of defence.
Razsodišče lahko od strank zahteva, če meni, da je to primerno, da v roku, o katerem odloča razsodišče, dostavita razsodišču in nasprotni stranki povzetek dokumentov in drugih dokazov, ki jih stranka predlaga v kot utemeljitev spornih dejstev, katera je navedla v svojem tožbenem predlogu ali odgovoru na tožbeni predlog.
78 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
After consideration of documents submitted and having regard to any statement made orally or in writing and to the results of any investigation undertaken, the Board shall, by majority vote, deliver a reasoned opinion as to whether the facts complained of are established and as to any penalty to which those facts should give rise.
Po proučitvi predloženih dokumentov in ob upoštevanju vseh ustnih ali pisnih izjav ter izidov opravljene preiskave komisija z večino glasov sprejme obrazloženo mnenje o tem, ali so dejstva v zvezi z obtožbo dokazana in o kakršni koli kazni, ki bi morala izhajati iz njih.
79 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0138
The request for consultation shall provide China with a detailed factual statement of reasons and justifications for the request, with current data showing the existence or threat of market disruption and the role of products of Chinese origin in that disruption.
V zahtevi za posvetovanje se Kitajski predloži podrobna dejanska utemeljitev in obrazložitev zahteve, skupaj s tekočimi podatki, iz katerih je razviden obstoj ali nevarnost motenj na trgu in vloga, ki jo imajo pri teh motnjah izdelki s kitajskim poreklom.
80 Pravna redakcija
The discovery of slight discrepancies between details on the certificate of origin and those on the documents produced at the customs office when going through the import formalities for the goods, does not, ipso facto, cast doubt upon the statements in the certificate.
Če so ugotovljene manjše razlike med navedbami na potrdilu o poreklu in tistimi na listinah, ki so bile predložene carinskemu uradu zaradi izpolnjevanja uvoznih formalnosti za blago, to ipso facto ne vzbuja dvoma o izjavah na potrdilu.
81 Pravna redakcija
Every security issued or guaranteed by the Bank shall bear on its face a conspicuous statement to the effect that it is not an obligation of any Government or member, unless it is in fact the obligation of a particular Government or member, in which case it shall so state.
Vsak vrednostni papir, ki ga izda ali zanj jamči Banka, ima na svoji prednji strani jasno oznako, da ne gre za obveznico katere koli vlade ali članice, razen če je to dejansko obveznica določene vlade ali članice; v tem primeru se tako glasi tudi oznaka.
82 Pravna redakcija
It should be understood that once the credibility of the asylum-seeker's statements has been sufficiently established, it will not be necessary to seek detailed confirmation of the facts put forward and the asylum-seeker should, unless there are good reasons to the contrary, be given the benefit of the doubt.
Razumeti je treba, da potem, ko je ugotovljena zadostna verodostojnost izjav prosilca za azil, ni treba zahtevati podrobnejšega preverjanja predloženih dejstev, in je treba, razen če ne obstajajo utemeljeni razlogi, ki bi kazali nasprotno, v dvomu verjeti prosilcu za azil.
83 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
In the light of the proposal under paragraph 2 and any written and verbal statements from the official concerned or from witnesses, the Joint Advisory Committee shall deliver by a majority a reasoned opinion stating the measure which it considers appropriate in the light of the facts established at its request.
Ob upoštevanju predloga po odstavku 2 in vseh pisnih in ustnih izjav zadevnega uradnika ali prič, sprejme skupni svetovalni odbor z večino glasov obrazloženo mnenje, v katerem navede ukrep, ki se mu zdi primeren glede na dejstva, ugotovljena na njegovo zahtevo.
84 Pravna redakcija
If during transport, by reason of force majeure or some unforeseen accident, a consignment for which an accompanying document is required must be split up or is wholly or partially lost, the carrier shall request the competent authority where the incident or the case of force majeure took place to make a statement of the facts.
Če je zaradi višje sile ali kake nepredvidene nesreče med prevozom treba pošiljko, za katero se zahteva spremni dokument, razdeliti ali se ta v celoti ali delno izgubi, prevoznik od pristojnega organa, kjer se je zgodil dogodek ali primer višje sile, zahteva, da naredi zapisnik o dejstvih.
85 Pravna redakcija
The discovery of slight discrepancies between the statements made in the EUR 1 certificate and those made in the documents submitted to the customs office for the purpose of carrying out the formalities for importing the goods shall not ipso facto render the certificate null and void if it is duly established that the certificate does correspond to the goods submitted.
Če so ugotovljene manjše razlike med navedbami na potrdilu EUR. 1 in tistimi na dokumentih, ki so se predložili carinskemu uradu zaradi izpolnjevanja uvoznih formalnosti za blago, to ne pomeni ipso facto ničnosti omenjenega potrdila, če se pravilno ugotovi, da to potrdilo ustreza predloženemu blagu.
86 Pravna redakcija
The discovery of slight discrepancies between the statements made in the certificate and those made in the documents produced to the customs office for the purpose of carrying out the formalities for importing the products shall not ipso facto render the certificate null and void, provided it is duly established that the certificate corresponds to the products concerned.
Če so ugotovljene manjše razlike med navedbami na potrdilu in tistimi na dokumentih, ki so bili predloženi carinskim uradom zaradi izpolnjevanja uvoznih formalnosti za izdelke, to še ne pomeni neveljavnosti tega potrdila, če se pravilno ugotovi, da ta dokument ustreza predloženim izdelkom.
87 Pravna redakcija
The discovery of slight discrepancies between the statements made in the movement certificate EUR 1 and those made in the documents submitted to the customs office for the purpose of carrying out the formalities for importing the goods shall not ipso facto render the certificate null and void if it is duly established that the certificate does correspond to the goods submitted.
Če so ugotovljene manjše razlike med navedbami na potrdilu o gibanju blaga EUR. 1 in tistimi na dokumentih, ki so se predložili carinskemu uradu zaradi opravljanja uvoznih formalnosti za blago, to še ne pomeni ničnosti in neveljavnosti omenjenega potrdila, če se pravilno ugotovi, da to potrdilo ustreza predloženemu blagu.
88 Pravna redakcija
The discovery of slight discrepancies between the statements made in the movement certificate EUR.l and those made in the documents submitted to the customs office for the purpose of carrying out the formalities for importing the goods shall not ipso facto render the certificate null and void if it is duly established that the certificate does correspond to the goods submitted.
Če so ugotovljene manjše razlike med navedbami na potrdilu o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in tistimi na dokumentih, ki so se predložili carinskemu uradu zaradi opravljanja uvoznih formalnosti za blago, to še ne pomeni ničnosti in neveljavnosti omenjenega potrdila, če se pravilno ugotovi, da to potrdilo ustreza predloženemu blagu.
89 Pravna redakcija
The discovery of slight discrepancies between the statements made in the movement certificate EUR.1 or in the form EUR.2 and those made in the documents submitted to the customs office for the purpose of carrying out the formalities for importing the products shall not ipso facto render the document null and void if it is duly established that it corresponds to the products submitted.
Če se ugotovijo manjša razhajanja med navedbami na potrdilu o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali obrazcu EUR.2 ter navedbami v dokumentih, predloženih carinskemu uradu za namen izpolnjevanja uvoznih formalnosti za izdelke, to še ne pomeni ničnosti dokumenta, če se pravilno ugotovi, da ustreza predloženim izdelkom.
90 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA argued furthermore that information provided by the Victorian Government in relation to the grant payment under the IAP had been disregarded, and that the statements by the European Commission that the Victorian Government grant payment is contingent on export and that exports are one of the objectives of the Economic Development Act 1981, are not correct and not supported by the facts.
Avstralska vlada je nadalje trdila, da niso bile upoštevane informacije v zvezi s plačilom subvencije v okviru IAP, ki jih je zagotovila vlada Viktorije, in da izjave Evropske komisije, da je plačilo subvencije vlade Viktorije pogojeno z izvozom ter da je izvoz eden od ciljev Zakona o gospodarskem razvoju iz leta 1981, niso pravilne in utemeljene z dokazi.
91 Pravna redakcija
Member States shall notify any infringements detected as referred to in Article 10 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 1627/94, indicating as a minimum the name of the vessel involved, its external marking, its international radio call sign, the third country of the flag flown, the names and addresses of the master and the owner, a detailed statement of the facts of the case, details of any judicial, administrative or other action undertaken and any final decision in law concerning the infringement.
Države članice morajo poročati o vsaki ugotovljeni kršitvi, navedeni v členu 10(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 1627, in pri tem navesti najmanj ime vpletenega plovila, njegovo zunanjo oznako, njegovo mednarodno radijsko oznako, tretjo državo, pod katere zastavo pluje, ime in naslov kapitana in lastnika, podroben opis dejstev v zvezi s primerom, podrobnosti o kakršnem koli uvedenem sodnem, administrativnem ali drugačnem postopku ter vsako dokončno pravno odločitev v zvezi s kršitvijo.
92 Pravna redakcija
The discovery of slight discrepancies between the statements made in an EUR.1 movement certificate, or in an invoice declaration and those made in the documents submitted to the customs office for the purpose of carrying out the formalities for importing the products shall not ipso facto render the EUR.1 movement certificate, or the invoice declaration null and void if it is duly established that this document does correspond to the products submitted.
Če so ugotovljene manjše razlike med navedbami na potrdilu o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjavi na računu in tistimi na dokumentih, predloženih carinskemu uradu zaradi izpolnjevanja uvoznih formalnosti za izdelke, to še ne pomeni ničnosti omenjenega potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjave na računu, če se pravilno ugotovi, da ta dokument ustreza predloženim izdelkom.
93 Pravna redakcija
The discovery of slight discrepancies between the statements made in a movement certificate EUR.l, or in an invoice declaration, and those made in the documents submitted to the customs office for the purpose of carrying out the formalities for importing the products shall not ipso facto render the movement certificate EUR.1, or the invoice declaration, null and void if it is duly established that this document does correspond to the products submitted.
Če so ugotovljene manjše razlike med navedbami na potrdilu o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjavi na računu in tistimi na dokumentih, predloženih carinskemu uradu zaradi izpolnjevanja uvoznih formalnosti za izdelke, to še ne pomeni ničnosti omenjenega potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 ali izjave na računu, če se pravilno ugotovi, da ta dokument ustreza predloženim izdelkom.
94 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1560
Where a request for taking back is based on data supplied by the Eurodac Central Unit and checked by the requesting Member State, in accordance with Article 4(6) of Regulation (EC) No 2725/2000, the requested Member State shall acknowledge its responsibility unless the checks carried out reveal that its obligations have ceased under the second subparagraph of Article 4(5) or under Article 16(2), (3) or (4) of Regulation (EC) No 343/2003. The fact that obligations have ceased on the basis of those provisions may be relied on only on the basis of material evidence or substantiated and verifiable statements by the asylum seeker.
Kadar zahtevek za ponoven sprejem temelji na podatkih, ki jih je posredovala Centralna enota Eurodac-a in jih je zaprošena država članica preverila, zaprošena država članica v skladu s členom 4(6) Uredbe (ES) št. 2725/2000 potrdi svojo pristojnost, razen če se v preverjanjih izkaže, da so njene obveznosti prenehale na podlagi drugega pododstavka člena 4(5) ali na podlagi člena 16(2), (3) ali (4) Uredbe (ES) št. 343/2003. Na dejstvo, da so obveznosti prenehale na podlagi teh določb, se lahko sklicuje le na podlagi materialnih dokazov ali utemeljenih in preverljivih izjav prosilca za azil.
95 Strokovna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32004R0707
If an entity's first IFRS financial statements are for a period beginning before 1 January 2004 and the entity applies this IFRS instead of SIC-8 First-time Application of IASs as the Primary Basis of Accounting, it shall disclose that fact.
Če so prvi računovodski izkazi IFRS podjetja za obdobje, ki se začne pred 1. januarjem 2004 in podjetje uporablja ta MSRP namesto SOP-8, Prva uporaba MRS kot glavne podlage računovodstva, to dejstvo razkrije.
96 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1206
the nature and subject matter of the case and a brief statement of the facts;
vrsto in vsebino primera ter kratko navedbo dejstev;
97 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0179
"Observation" means a statement of fact made during a safety management audit and substantiated by objective evidence.
"Opažanje" pomeni navajanje dejstev, ugotovljenih med revizijo varnega upravljanja in utemeljenih z objektivnimi dokazi.
Prevodi: en > sl
statement of facts