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substantive provision
51 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0048
whereas this standstill obligation may be imposed by the Commission on the relevant Member State only if the draft national rule contains provisions which are not substantively consistent with the proposal submitted by the Commission;
ker lahko Komisija določi to obveznost odložitve za ustrezno državo članico le, če osnutek nacionalnega predpisa vsebuje določbe, ki niso bistveno skladne s predlogi, ki jih je predložila Komisija;
52 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2988
Whereas the Treaties make no provision for the specific powers necessary for the adoption of substantive law of horizontal scope on checks, measures and penalties with a view to ensuring the protection of the Communities' financial interests;
ker pogodbe ne predvidevajo posebnih pooblastil za sprejemanje horizontalnega materialnega prava o pregledih, ukrepih in kaznih za zaščito finančnih interesov Skupnosti;
53 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0035
Article 9(2) and (4) of the Arhus Convention provides for access to judicial or other procedures for challenging the substantive or procedural legality of decisions, acts or omissions subject to the public participation provisions of Article 6 of the Convention.
Člen 9(2) in (4) Arhuške konvencije predvideva dostop do sodnih ali drugih postopkov izpodbijanja materialne in postopkovne zakonitosti odločb, aktov ali opustitev, ki so predmet določb sodelovanja javnosti člena 6 Konvencije.
54 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0647
the Committee shall be informed as soon as possible of delays or difficulties in the implementation of projects or action programmes which could result in significant additional commitments or substantive changes likely to entail compulsory referral under the provisions of the Internal Agreement.
se odbor čim prej mogoče obvesti o zamudah ali težavah pri izvajanju projektov ali akcijskih programov, ki bi lahko imele za posledico znatne dodatne obveznosti ali vsebinske spremembe, ki bi lahko povzročile obvezno obravnavanje zadeve na podlagi Notranjega sporazuma.
55 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3295
In accordance with national provisions on the protection of peronal data, commercial and industrial secrecy and professional and administrative confidentiality, the customs office or the service which dealt with the application shall notify the holder of the right, at his request, of the name and address of the declarant and, if known, of those of the consignee so as to enable the holder of the right to ask the competent authorities to take a substantive decision.
V skladu z nacionalnimi predpisi o varstvu osebnih podatkov, trgovskih in industrijskih skrivnosti ter poklicne in upravne zaupnosti carinski urad ali služba, ki se je ukvarjala z zahtevo, imetnika pravice na njegovo zahtevo obvesti o imenu in naslovu deklaranta ter prejemnika, če je ta znan, s čimer imetniku pravice omogoči, da zahteva od pristojnih organov meritorno odločitev.
56 Prevajalska redakcija
During the period between the date of entry into force of this Agreement and the date of its application by Hong Kong, the rights and obligations between Hong Kong and all other Parties in this Agreement which were on 15 April 1994 Parties to the Agreement on Government Procurement done at Geneva on 12 April 1979 as amended on 2 February 1987 (the '1988 Agreement') shall be governed by the substantive (9) provisions of the 1988 Agreement, including its Annexes as modified or rectified, which provisions are incorporated herein by reference for that purpose and shall remain in force until 31 December 1996.
V obdobju med datumom začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma in datumom uporabe v Hong Kongu vse pravice in obveznosti med Hong Kongom in vsemi drugimi podpisnicami tega sporazuma, ki so bile 15. aprila 1994 podpisnice Sporazuma o javnem naročanju, sklenjenega v Ženevi 12. aprila 1979, kakor je bil spremenjen 2. februarja 1987 ("sporazum 1988"), urejajo vsebinske [9] določbe sporazuma 1988, vključno s prilogami z vsemi spremembami in dopolnitvami, ki so vključene v ta sporazum s sklicevanjem v ta namen in ostanejo v veljavi do 31. decembra 1996.
57 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0767
If it is apparent from a substantive examination of the file that the vessel, or the vessels of a single type, have been produced or are intended to be produced in accordance with the relevant documents, but do not satisfy the statutory requirements for pressure vessels in the recipient country and may not be granted a derogation from these requirements, the recipient administration shall notify the applicant accordingly within the period laid down in 2.2.1, and shall indicate which provisions have not been complied with and which provisions must be complied with if the vessel, or the vessels of a single type are to be accepted.
Če je iz vsebinskega pregleda uradnega spisa očitno, da je bila posoda ali posode istega tipa izdelana ali se namerava izdelati v skladu z ustrezno dokumentacijo, vendar ne izpolnjuje zakonsko določene zahteve za tlačno posodo v namembni državi in se zanjo ne sme dovoliti odstopanje od teh zahtev, namembna uprava obvesti vlagatelja zahteve v roku, ki je določen v 2.2.1, ter navede, katere določbe niso izpolnjene in katere morajo biti izpolnjene, da bi bila posoda ali posode istega tipa sprejeta.
58 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0079
Following the Council Decision of 19 December 2002 authorising the Presidency of the Council to open negotiations with a view to the application of certain provisions in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters on the basis of Articles 24 and 38 of the Treaty on European Union, the Presidency, assisted by the Commission, negotiated an agreement with the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway, according to which the content of the other substantive provisions of the EU Mutual Assistance Convention and the EU Mutual Assistance Protocol will also become applicable to the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway in their mutual relations and in their relations with the Member States of the European Union.
Po Sklepu Sveta z dne 19. decembra 2002, ki omogoča predsedstvu Sveta, da začne pogajanja glede uporabe nekaterih določb na področju pravosodnega sodelovanja v kazenskih zadevah na podlagi členov 24 in 38 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji, je predsedstvo ob pomoči Komisije s pogajanji doseglo sporazum z Republiko Islandijo in Kraljevino Norveško, na podlagi katerega se bo uporabljala vsebina drugih bistvenih določb Konvencije EU o medsebojni pomoči in Protokola EU o medsebojni pomoči tudi za Republiko Islandijo in Kraljevino Norveško pri njunih medsebojnih odnosih in odnosih z državami članicami Evropske unije.
59 Prevajalska redakcija
in Article 6(4) and (5), "Article 88 of the ECSC Treaty" shall read "Article 88 of the ECSC Treaty and the corresponding procedure set out in the Agreement between the EFTA States on the establishment of a surveillance authority and a Court of Justice".` (*) The provisions of point 14.5.3, paragraphs (3) and (4) of the Procedural and substantive rules in the field of State aid, applicable to a research project which is in accordance with the objectives of a specific project or programme undertaken as part of the current Community RTD framework programme, also apply to aid to a research project which is undertaken as part of an ECSC steel RTD project or programme.
v členu 6(4) in 5 se "člen 88 Pogodbe ESPJ" glasi "člen 88 Pogodbe ESPJ in odgovarjajoči postopek, določen v Sporazumu med državami EFTE o ustanovitvi nadzornega organa in sodišča";"
60 Prevod
The EFTA States shall comply in their law with the substantive provisions of the European Patent Convention of 5 October 1973.
Države Efte so po svojem pravu usklajene z vsebinskimi določbami Evropske patentne konvencije z dne 5. oktobra 1973.
61 Prevod
However, Ireland shall comply in its internal legislation with the substantive provisions of the Berne Convention by 1 January 1995.
Irska pa uskladi svojo notranjo zakonodajo z vsebinskimi določbami Bernske konvencije do 1. januarja 1995.
62 Prevod
Where the substantive provisions of the Free Trade Agreements continue to be applied, the institutional provisions of those agreements will also be applicable.
Kjer še naprej veljajo vsebinske določbe sporazumov o prosti trgovini, se uporabljajo tudi institucionalne določbe teh sporazumov.
63 Prevod
Upon entry into force of this Protocol, the Contracting Parties shall comply in their internal legislation with the substantive provisions of the Conventions listed in paragraph 1(a) to (c).
Ob začetku veljavnosti tega protokola pogodbenice uskladijo svojo notranjo zakonodajo z vsebinskimi določbami konvencij, ki so navedene v odstavkih 1(a) do (c).
64 Prevod
The substantive rules of the system established by the HNS Convention fall under the national competence of Member States and only the provisions of jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of the judgments are matters covered by exclusive Community competence.
Bistvena pravila sistema, ki ga je uvedla Konvencija NZŠS, so v mednarodni pristojnosti držav članic in samo določbe o pristojnosti ter priznavanju in izvrševanju sodb so v izključni pristojnosti Skupnosti.
65 Prevod
The substantive rules of the system established by the Bunkers Convention fall under the national competence of Member States and only the provisions of jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of the judgments are matters covered by exclusive Community competence.
Bistvena pravila sistema, določena s Konvencijo o gorivih, spadajo v nacionalno pristojnost držav članic, v izključno pristojnost Skupnosti pa sodijo le določbe o pristojnosti in priznanju ter izvrševanju sodb.
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substantive provision