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supervising customs office
51 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Without prejudice to other Community provisions governing the keeping of customs documents, the supervising office may decide as part of its internal administration how long such declarations will be kept there.
Brez poseganja v druge določbe Skupnosti o hrambi carinskih dokumentov lahko nadzorni urad v okviru svoje upravne ureditve določi roke za hrambo teh deklaracij v svojih prostorih.
52 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3017
If the holder needs the authorization for outstanding reimports of compensating products, he shall contact the competent authorities who will take the appropriate measures and inform the customs supervising office.
Če potrebuje imetnik dovoljenje za ponovni uvoz zaostalih pošiljk pridobljenih izdelkov, vzpostavi stik s pristojnimi organi, ki ustrezno ukrepajo in o tem obvestijo nadzorni carinski urad.
53 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3017
Without prejudice to Article 14 (5), the customs office indicated in the prior authorization, competent for the handling of the economic outward processing arrangements and to be called the 'customs supervising office`, will control the functioning of the arrangements, notably on the basis of:
Brez poseganja v člen 14(5) carinski urad, naveden v predhodnem dovoljenju kakor "nadzorni carinski urad", pristojen za izvajanje gospodarskih postopkov pasivnega oplemenitenja, nadzira izvajanje postopkov, predvsem na podlagi naslednjih dokumentov:
54 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0482
The booklet of T2M forms shall be issued at the request of the appropriate person by the Community customs office responsible for supervising the base port of the Community fishing vessel for which the booklet is intended.
Zvezek obrazcev T2M na zahtevo ustrezne osebe izda carinski urad Skupnosti, odgovoren za nadzorovanje matičnega pristanišča ribiškega plovila Skupnosti, ki mu je zvezek namenjen.
55 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3017
Where the issue of one or more partial authorizations discharges the initial prior authorization, the competent authorities shall retain copy No 1 of this prior authorization and shall inform the customs supervising office.
Ko vrednost enega ali več delnih dovoljenj doseže vrednost osnovnega predhodnega dovoljenja, pristojni organi zadržijo izvod št. 1 tega predhodnega dovoljenja in o tem obvestijo nadzorni carinski urad.
56 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
the said draft shall include, at least, the rate of yield, the approved methods of identification, the customs offices referred to at point 11 of the model authorization in Annex 68/E, if appropriate the customs office responsible for the arrangements ('supervising office') and any simplified procedures used for entry for the arrangements or release for free circulation under the arrangements as well as the rules to be observed inter alia as regards notification to the supervising office;
navedeni osnutek mora vsebovati vsaj normativ porabe, sprejete metode za zagotovitev istovetnosti, carinske urade iz točke 11 vzorca dovoljenja iz Priloge 68/E, po potrebi pa tudi carinski urad, pristojen za postopke (` nadzorni urad` ), in uporabljene poenostavljene postopke za vnos v postopke ali za sprostitev v prosti promet po teh postopkih, pa tudi pravila, ki jih je med drugim treba upoštevati pri obveščanju nadzornega urada;
57 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Where the person concerned asks permission to present the goods or declare them for the procedure at customs offices other than the supervising office and the proper conduct of the operations would not be affected, the customs authorities may empower one or more offices to act as office(s) of entry for the procedure.
Če udeleženi zahteva, da se blago da in prijavi za postopek pri drugih carinskih uradih in ne pri nadzornem uradu ter pravilno izvajanje postopkov s tem ni ogroženo, lahko carinski organi pooblastijo enega ali več uradov, da delujejo kot urad vnosa v postopek.
58 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Goods to be entered for the customs warehousing procedure and the corresponding declarations of entry for the procedure shall be presented at the supervising office or, where Article 511 (4) is applied, at an office of entry for the procedure indicated in the authorization.
Blago, namenjeno vnosu v postopek carinskega skladiščenja, in ustrezna deklaracija za vnos v postopek se morata predložiti oziroma vložiti pri nadzornem uradu, ali v primeru izvajanja člena 511(4), enem od uradov vnosa v postopek, opredeljenem v dovoljenju.
59 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Without prejudice to Article 524, the supervising office may lay down specific methods of identifying such goods, with a view in particular to distinguishing them from goods entered for the customs warehousing procedure stored on the same premises.
Brez poseganja v člen 524 lahko nadzorni urad predvidi posebne metode za ugotavljanje istovetnosti tega blaga, predvsem zato, da ga lahko loči od blaga, danega v postopek carinskega skladiščenja, ki se skladišči v istem prostoru.
60 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978R3076
One copy shall be forwarded by the customs authorities to the official body responsible for supervising the certification system, as referred to in Article 1 (6) of Regulation (EEC) No 1784/77, of the Member State where the product enters into free circulation.
Eno kopijo carinski organi posredujejo uradnemu organu, odgovornem za nadzorovanje sistema certificiranja, kot je navedeno v členu 1(6) Uredbe (EGS) št. 1784/77, države članice, v kateri proizvod vstopa v prost pretok.
61 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The customs authorities with which the declaration for free circulation or for another customs procedure which could result in the incurrence of a customs debt is lodged shall use information sheet INF 8, which it shall endorse, to ask the supervising office for the customs warehouse where the usual forms of handling were carried out to indicate the nature, customs value and quantity of the declared goods which would be taken into account if they had not undergone the said handling.
Carinski organi, pri katerih se vloži deklaracija za sprostitev v prosti promet ali vnos v drug carinski postopek, ki bi lahko povzročil nastanek carinskega dolga, na podlagi lista INF 8, ki so ga ti potrdili, zaprosijo nadzorni urad carinskega skladišča, kjer so bila opravljena običajna ravnanja, da jim sporoči vrsto, carinsko vrednost in količino prijavljenega blaga, ki bi jih bilo treba upoštevati, če blago ne bi bilo podvrženo tem ravnanjem.
62 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Goods entered for the customs warehousing procedure in a type A, type C or type D warehouse shall be entered in the stock records in accordance with Article 107 of the Code at the time when they are physically placed in the customs warehouse, on the basis of particulars recognized or accepted by the supervising office or the office of entry for the procedure, in accordance with Article 513 (2).
Blago, ki se da v postopek carinskega skladiščenja v skladišču tipa A, C ali D, je treba v trenutku njegovega dejanskega vnosa v carinsko skladišče v skladu s členom 107 zakonika vpisati v evidence blaga na podlagi podatkov, ki jih prizna ali sprejme nadzorni urad ali urad vnosa v postopek v skladu s členom 513(2).
63 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The provisions governing the customs warehousing procedure shall be applicable from the date on which the office of entry for the procedure accepts the declaration of entry for the procedure; such declaration shall also be used for transport of the goods, which shall take place as soon as possible, and their introduction into the premises of the customs warehouse without presentation to the supervising office.
Določbe, ki urejajo postopek carinskega skladiščenja, se uporabljajo od dne, ko carinski urad vnosa v postopek sprejeme deklaracijo za vnos v postopek; ta deklaracija velja tudi za prevoz blaga, ki se mora opraviti v najkrajšem možnem času, in za vnos blaga v prostore carinskega skladišča brez predložitve pri nadzornem uradu.
64 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Where the goods to which the declaration or document relates have not been assigned to a customs-approved treatment or use within the time limit the supervising office shall require that the goods be assigned such treatment or use or that the initial declaration or document of entry for the procedure be replaced by a new declaration reproducing all the particulars of the old declaration or old document.
Če blago, na katero se nanaša deklaracija ali dokument, do preteka tega roka ni pridobilo carinsko dovoljene rabe ali uporabe, nadzorni urad zahteva, da se za blago določi ena od teh rab ali uporab ali da se prvotna deklaracija ali dokument za vnos blaga v postopek nadomesti z novo deklaracijo, ki povzema vse podatke stare deklaracije ali starega dokumenta.
65 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Where the declaration for release for free circulation relates to products or goods referred to in Article 610 (2) and the commercial policy measures are to be applied in the Member State where use of the procedure was authorized, the customs authorities responsible for accepting the said declaration, using the INF 1 sheet endorsed by them, shall ask the supervising office to indicate whether the commercial policy measures in force for goods entered for the inward processing procedure have in fact been applied.
Če se deklaracija za sprostitev v prosti promet nanaša na proizvode ali blago iz člena 610 (2) in se morajo ukrepi trgovinske politike uporabiti v državi članici, v kateri je bil postopek odobren, carinski organi, odgovorni za sprejetje deklaracije za sprostitev v prosti promet, z listom INF 1, ki so ga potrdili, zahtevajo od nadzornega urada, da navede, ali so bili veljavni ukrepi trgovinske politike za blago, dano v postopek aktivnega oplemenitenja, uporabljeni.
66 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The INF 7 sheet referred to in paragraph 1 shall be used where the compensating products obtained from processing operations under the drawback system are transferred, without a repayment claim being lodged, to a supervising office other than the one where release for free circulation took place and are assigned there, either in the unaltered state or after further duly authorized processing, to one of the customs-approved treatments or uses permitting repayment or remission, in accordance with Article 128 (1) of the Code.
List INF 7 iz odstavka 1 se uporablja, če se pridobljeni proizvodi, ki so rezultat postopkov oplemenitenja po sistemu povračila, brez vložitve zahtevka za povračilo prenesejo do nadzornega urada, pri katerem ni bila opravljena sprostitev v prosti promet, in tam pridobijo, v nespremenjenem stanju ali po zaključku pravilno odobrenih postopkov oplemenitenja, eno od carinsko dovoljenih rab ali uporab, ki dovoljujejo povračilo ali odpust v skladu s členom 128 (1) zakonika.
67 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Where the compensating products obtained from inward processing operations under the drawback system are consigned to another supervising office in the same or another Member State under the external Community transit procedure, which may constitute justification for a request for repayment, and are the subject of a new inward processing application, the duly empowered customs authorities responsible for issuing the new authorization, either with the suspension system or with the drawback system, shall use the INF 1 sheet referred to in Article 611 to determine the amount of any import duties to be levied or the amount of the customs debt liable to be incurred.
Če so pridobljeni proizvodi, ki so rezultat operacij aktivnega oplemenitenja po sistemu povračila, prepeljani k drugemu nadzornemu uradu v isti ali drugi državi članici v okviru zunanjega skupnostnega tranzitnega postopka (kar lahko predstavlja upravičenost za vložitev zahtevka za povračilo), in se za te proizvode vloži zahtevek za novo dovoljenje za aktivno oplemenitenje, pooblaščeni carinski organi, ki so odgovorni za izdajo novega dovoljenja po sistemu odloga ali povračila, uporabijo list INF 1 iz člena 611, zato da določijo znesek uvoznih dajatev, ki se po potrebi poberejo, ali znesek carinskega dolga, ki lahko nastane.
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supervising customs office