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tested party
51 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0841
Difficulties have been encountered in meeting that deadline, in particular where such samples are to be tested in laboratories agreed by the Member State of destination.
Upoštevanje tega roka se je izkazalo kot težavno zlasti tedaj, ko je treba vzorce preučiti v laboratorijih, ki jih določijo namembne države članice.
52 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0037
This requirement is considered as satisfied if the surface of the rear parts of seats tested in the conditions specified in Appendix 1 exhibit radii of curvature of not less than:
Ta zahteva velja za izpolnjeno, če površina zadnjih delov sedežev, preskušenih v pogojih, opredeljenih v Dodatku 1, ne kaže premerov krivine, manjših od:
53 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2316
Whereas new additives belonging to Part 1 'Carotenoids and xanthophylls` of the group 'Colouring matters including pigments` have been successfully tested in certain Member States;
ker so bili v nekaterih državah članicah izvedeni uspešni preskusi novih dodatkov, ki spadajo v del 1 "Karotenoidi in ksantofili" iz skupine "Barvila, vključno s pigmenti";
54 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2771
The samples must be taken randomly from different parts of the offered quantity and tested before or at the time of entry into the cold store designated by the intervention agency.
Vzorce se jemlje naključno iz različnih delov ponujene količine in se jih preskusi pred ali v trenutku uskladiščenja v hladilnico, ki jo določi intervencijska agencija.
55 Prevajalska redakcija
If your female partner is not pregnant now but is of childbearing age, she must be tested for pregnancy each month during treatment and for the 7 months after treatment has stopped.
Če vaša partnerka sicer trenutno ni noseča, a je v rodni dobi, mora opraviti nosečnostni test vsak mesec med vašim
56 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0975
have been regularly inspected and tested with negative results for avian influenza as laid down in the approved vaccination programme, with particular attention to be paid to the sentinel birds.
so bili redno pregledovani, rezultati preskusov na aviarno influenco pa so bili negativni, kakor je določeno v odobrenem programu cepljenja, posebna pozornost se zlasti posveti dovzetnim pticam.
57 Prevajalska redakcija
As a precaution, if the female partner is not pregnant now but is of childbearing age, she must be tested for pregnancy each month during treatment, and for 7 months after treatment has stopped.
Če je bolnikova partnerka v rodni dobi, toda trenutno ni noseča, mora med zdravljenjem opraviti test nosečnosti vsak mesec ter še sedem mesecev po zaključenem zdravljenju.
58 Prevajalska redakcija
It is also recommended that dogs should be tested periodically for adult heartworm infections, as an integral part of a heartworm prevention strategy, even when Stronghold has been administered monthly.
V okviru preprečevanja dirofilarije se priporoča periodično testiranje psov na prisotnost okužbe z odraslo dirofilarijo, tudi takrat, ko Stronghold uporabljamo mesečno.
59 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0320
Where a Member State participates in the experiment, an appropriate proportion of the samples supplied by that Member State for Community comparative trials shall represent samples tested under the experiment.
Če država članica sodeluje v poskusu, potem ustrezni delež vzorcev, ki jih predloži za primerjalne poskuse Skupnosti, predstavljajo vzorci, vzeti v okviru poskusa.
60 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0662
In the case of steering controls not intended to form part of the original equipment they shall be required to meet the specification when tested in accordance with Annex III, item 2.1.3 and Annex IV, item 2.3.
Naprave za upravljanje krmilja, ki niso namenjene za del originalne opreme, morajo pri preskusu skladno z alineo 2.1.3 Priloge III in alineo 2.3 Priloge IV ustrezati predpisom.
61 Prevajalska redakcija
Blood phenylalanine and tyrosine levels should be tested, particularly in children, one to two weeks after each dose adjustment and monitored frequently thereafter, under the direction of the treating physician.
Ravni fenilalanina in tirozina v krvi je potrebno preverjati, še posebno pri otrocih, po enem ali dveh tednih po vsaki prilagoditvi odmerka ter pod nadzorom lečečega zdravnika pogosto spremljati tudi v nadaljevanju zdravljenja.
62 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2316
Whereas a new use for an additive belonging to Part 1 'Carotenoids and xanthophylls` of the group 'Colouring matters including pigments` which has already been authorised has been successfully tested in some Member States;
ker so novo uporabo dodatka, ki spada v del 1 "Karotenoidi in ksantofili" iz skupine "Barvila, vključno s pigmenti" in je bil že dovoljen, uspešno preskušali v nekaterih državah članicah;
63 Prevajalska redakcija
However, when an official batch release procedure applies, the manufacturer will provide, at the request of the importing Party, the official batch release certificate if the batch in question has been tested by the control authorities of the exporting Party.
Če pa se uporabi uradna sprostitev serije, bo proizvajalec na zahtevo pogodbenice, ki uvaža, zagotovil certifikat o uradni sprostitvi serije, če so zadevno serijo testirali kontrolni organi pogodbenice, ki izvaža.
64 Prevajalska redakcija
However, when an official batch release procedure applies, the manufacturer shall provide, at the request of the importing Party, the official batch release certificate if the batch in question has been tested by the control authorities of the exporting Party.
Če pa se uporabi uradna sprostitev serije, proizvajalec na zahtevo pogodbenice, ki uvaža, zagotovi certifikat o uradni sprostitvi serije, če so zadevno serijo testirali kontrolni organi pogodbenice, ki izvaža.
65 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0080
decide that the in-service conformity of a vehicle type, or vehicle type(s) that is/are part of an in-service family, is unsatisfactory and proceed to have such vehicle type(s) tested in accordance with Appendix 3 to this Annex.
odločiti, da je skladnost nekega tipa vozila ali tipa(-ov) vozila, ki je (so) del družine vozil, v uporabi nezadovoljiva, in nadalje preskušati ta tip (te tipe) vozil skladno z Dodatkom 3 k tej prilogi.
66 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31971L0320
Where this device forms part of the control device, the minimum value of GB fixed in item 4 73 for the control device must not be less than the total permissible weight GB for the brakes used on the trailer which is being tested.
Če ta naprava tvori del naletne naprave, najmanjša vrednost GB, določena v točki 4.3 za naletno napravo, ne sme biti manjša od skupne dovoljene teže GB za zavore, ki se uporabljajo na preskušanem priklopniku.
67 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0105
Material of the species and artificial hybrids listed in Annex I, which consists wholly or partly of genetically modified organisms, shall not be marketed unless it is of the "tested" category and meets the requirements of Annex V.
material vrst in umetnih križancev, navedenih v Prilogi I, ki v celoti ali delno sestoji iz genskotehnično spremenjenih organizmov, se ne trži, razen če se uvršča v kategorijo "testiran" in če izpolnjuje zahteve iz Prilogi V.
68 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0079
The manufacturer shall inform the notified body without delay if it has obtained information about changes to the pathogen and markers of infections to be tested, in particular as a consequence of biological complexity and variability.
Proizvajalec brez odlašanja obvesti priglašeni organ, če dobi informacije o spremembah patogena in markerjev infekcij, ki se bodo testirali, še posebej kot posledica biološke kompleksnosti in spremenljivosti.
69 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0342
Before distribution is allowed, each batch of vaccines has to be tested on innocuity, in particular regarding attenuation or inactivation and absence of undesired contaminating agents, and on efficacy on behalf of the competent authorities.
Preden se dovoli distribucija, je treba v imenu pristojnih organov pri vsaki seriji cepiv preveriti neškodljivost, zlasti glede oslabitve ali inaktivacije in odsotnosti nezaželenih kontaminantov, ter učinkovitost.
70 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0055
ballasts designed specifically for luminaires to be mounted in furniture and which form a non-replaceable part of the luminaire which cannot be tested separately from the luminaire (according to European Standard EN 60920, clause 2.1.3), and
predstikalne naprave, ki so posebej konstruirane za svetilke za vgradnjo v pohištvo in so nezamenljivi deli svetilke ter se ne morejo preizkušati ločeno od svetilke (v skladu z evropskim standardom EN 60920, klavzula 2.1.3) in
71 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0149
A one-dimensional length "measurement uncertainty" equal to or less (better) than (1,25 + L/1000) µm tested with a probe of an "accuracy" of less (better) than 0,2 µm (L is the measured length in millimeters) (Ref.:VDI/VDE 2617 Parts 1 and 2);
"merilna negotovost" enodimenzijske mere, ki je enaka ali manjša (boljša) od (1,25 + L/1000) μm, merjeno s sondo "merilno negotovostjo", ki je manjša (boljša) od 0,2 μm (L je merjena dolžina v mm) (sklic:VDI/VDE 2617, dela 1 in 2);
72 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0030
The audible warning device must be rigidly mounted, using the part or parts intended for that purpose by its manufacturer on a support, the mass of which is at least 10 times greater than that of the warning device to be tested and at least 30 kg.
Zvočna opozorilna naprava mora biti togo pritrjena, z uporabo dela ali delov, ki jih za ta namen predvideva proizvajalec, na podlago, katere masa je vsaj 10-krat večja od mase opozorilne naprave in znaša najmanj 30 kg.
73 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31971L0320
The manufacturer must make available to the technical service responsible for the tests, in addition to the brakes to be tested, drawings of the brakes showing the type, dimensions and material of the main parts, and the make and type of the linings.
Proizvajalec mora tehnični službi, pristojni za opravljanje preskusov, poleg zavor, ki jih je treba preskušati, dati na voljo risbe zavor, v katerih so prikazani tip, mere in material glavnih delov ter znamka in tip oblog.
74 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0023
Whereas, under the conditions laid down by this Directive, certain procedures for conformity assessment may require each item to be inspected and tested by a notified body or a user inspectorate as part of the final assessment of the pressure equipment;
ker po pogojih, določenih v tej direktivi, nekateri postopki za oceno skladnosti lahko zahtevajo, da vsak kos pregleda in preskusi priglašeni organ ali inšpektorat uporabnikov kot sestavni del končne ocene tlačne opreme;
75 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0085
The bodywork section to be tested shall be firmly and securely attached to the mounting frame through the cross-bearers or parts which replace these in such a way that no significant energy is absorbed in the support frame and its attachments during the impact.
Del nadgradnje, ki se preskuša, je treba prek prečnih nosilcev ali delov, ki jih nadomeščajo, trdno pritrditi na preskusno pripravo tako, da preskusna priprava in njene pritrditve pri udarcu z nihalom ne absorbirajo bistvene količine energije.
76 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0080
In the case that the manufacturer has been permitted to not carry out an audit for a particular vehicle type in accordance with section 7.1.2, the type-approval authority may proceed to have such vehicle types tested in accordance with Appendix 3 to this Annex.
Če proizvajalec ni dolžan opraviti ocene za določen tip vozila skladno s točko 7.1.2, lahko homologacijski organ zahteva preskus teh tipov vozil skladno z Dodatkom 3 k tej prilogi."
77 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0079
In testing the devices covered by Annex II, List A, the manufacturer shall take into account the most recent available information, in particular as regards the biological complexity and variability of the specimens to be tested with the in vitro device concerned.
Pri testiranju pripomočkov, zajetih v Prilogi II, Seznam A, proizvajalec upošteva najnovejše razpoložljive informacije, še posebej kar zadeva biološko kompleksnost in spremenljivost vzorcev, ki se bodo testirali z določenim in vitro pripomočkom.
78 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0080
The connection interface between the vehicle and the diagnostic tester must be standardised and must meet all the requirements of ISO DIS 15031-3 "Road vehicles - Communication between vehicle and external test equipment for emissions-related diagnostics - Part 3:
Vmesnik za povezavo med vozilom in diagnostično preskusno napravo mora biti standardiziran in mora ustrezati vsem zahtevam standarda ISO DIS 15031-3 "Cestna vozila - Povezava med vozilom in zunanjo preskuševalno opremo za diagnostiko, povezano z emisijami - Del 3:
79 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2245
All parts of the body of a tested animal including the hide shall be retained under official control until a negative result to the rapid test has been obtained, unless they are disposed of in accordance with Article 4.2(a) and (b) of Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002.
Vsi deli telesa preiskane živali, vključno s kožo, se zadržijo pod uradnim nadzorom do prejema negativnega rezultata hitrega testa, razen če se uničijo v skladu s členom 4.2(a) in (b) Uredbe (ES) št. 1774/2002.
80 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0319
If the buckle or adjusting device is part of the attachment or of the common component of a three-point strap, the buckle or adjusting device must be tested together with the attachment in accordance with Item, except in the case of retractors with a return pulley at the upper strap anchorage.
Če pa je sponka ali naprava za nastavljanje del pritrdilnega elementa ali običajnega dela tritočkovnega pasu, je treba sponko ali napravo za nastavljanje preskušati skupaj s pritrdilnim elementom, skladno s točko, razen pri navijalih s prekretnim vodilom na zgornjem pritrdišču pasu.
81 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0085
If body sections are tested, the technical service responsible for conducting the test shall ensure that the vehicle complies with the conditions specified in Subappendix 2 of Appendix 3, which contains requirements for the distribution of the main energy absorbing parts of the superstructure of a vehicle.
Pri opravljanju preskusov na delih nadgradnje mora tehnična služba, pristojna za opravljanje preskusov, zagotoviti, da vozilo izpolnjuje zahteve, določene v Poddodatku 2 Dodatka 3, tj. zahteve za porazdelitev glavnih delov nadgradnje vozila, ki absorbirajo energijo.
82 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2245
All parts of the body of an animal tested for BSE including the hide shall be retained under official control until a negative result to the rapid test has been obtained, unless they are disposed of in accordance with Article 4(2)(a) and (b) of Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council(3).
Vsi deli telesa živali, ki se preiskuje na BSE, vključno s kožo, se zadržijo pod uradnim nadzorom, do prejema negativnega rezultata hitrega testa, razen če se uničijo v skladu s členom 4(2)(a) in (b) Uredbe (ES) št. 1774/202 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta [4].
83 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0033
Due to the fact that a test chemical might not be cytotoxic up to the defined limit concentration of 100 µg/ml in the dark experiment (- UVA), but highly cytotoxic when irradiated (+ UVA), the concentration ranges to be tested in both parts of the experiment may need to differ by orders of magnitude to fulfil the requirement of adequate data quality.
Glede na dejstvo, da preskušana kemikalija morebiti ni citotoksična do določene mejne koncentracije v višini 100 μg/ml v temnem poskusu (- UVA), vendar je zelo citotoksična pri obsevanju (+ UVA), se bodo razponi koncentracij, namenjeni preskušanju v obeh delih poskusa, po velikosti morda morali razlikovati, da bo izpolnjena zahteva glede ustrezne kakovosti podatkov.
84 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0043
In particular, when checks are carried out in accordance with Appendix 1 to Annex V in order to check the conformity of production, if the noise level of the tyre tested does not exceed the limit values set out in section 4.2. of Annex V by more than 1 dB(A), the production shall be deemed to conform to the requirements of section 4 of the abovementioned Annex V.
Če raven hrupa preskušane pnevmatike zlasti pri preverjanjih skladnosti proizvodnje skladno z Dodatkom 1 k Prilogi V ne presega mejnih vrednosti, predpisanih v točki 4.2 Priloge V, za več kot 1 dB(A), se šteje, da proizvodnja izpolnjuje zahteve točke 4 navedene Priloge V.
85 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0517
However, if that value is more than 1,0 mrad, but not more than 1,5 mrad (1,0 mrad < D rI 9 1,5 mrad), a second headlamp shall be tested as described in 2.1 after being subjected three times in succession to the cycle described below, in order to stabilize the position of the mechanical parts of the headlamp on a base representative of the correct installation on the vehicle:
Če je ta vrednost večja od 1,0, vendar manjša od 1,5 mrad ([pic]), je treba preskusiti še drug žaromet po opisu iz točke 2.1, in sicer potem ko je bil trikrat zaporedoma opravljen ciklus, opisan v nadaljnjem besedilu, da bi se položaj mehanskih delov žarometa na nosilcu, ki predstavlja pravilno namestitev na vozilo, stabiliziral: - enourno delovanje žarometa s kratkim svetlobnim pramenom
86 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
13 The function of the detection system shall be periodically tested to the satisfaction of the Administration of the flag State by means of equipment producing hot air at the appropriate temperature, or smoke or aerosol particles having the appropriate range of density or particle size, or other phenomena associated with incipient fires to which the detector is designed to respond.
.13 Delovanje sistema za odkrivanje se občasno preskuša po zahtevah uprave države zastave z uporabo opreme, ki proizvaja vroč zrak ustrezne temperature, dim ali aerosolne delce, ki imajo ustrezno gostoto ali velikost, ali druge pojave, povezane z začetkom požara, na katerega se mora detektor odzvati.
87 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0105
Member States may approve, for a maximum period of ten years, in all or part of their territory, basic material for the production of tested reproductive material where, from the provisional results of the genetic evaluation or comparative tests referred to in Annex V, it can be assumed that the basic material will, when tests have been completed, satisfy the requirements for approval under this Directive.
Države članice lahko na vsem svojem ozemlju ali delu svojega ozemlja za obdobje največ 10 let odobrijo izhodiščni material za proizvodnjo testiranega reprodukcijskega materiala, kadar se na podlagi začasnih rezultatov ocenitvenih genskih testov ali primerjalnih testov iz Priloge V lahko domneva, da bo izhodiščni material po zaključenih preskusih izpolnjeval zahteve za odobritev skladno s to direktivo.
88 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
5 Tanks which are intended to hold liquids, and which form part of the subdivision of the ship, shall be tested for tightness with water to a head up to the deepest subdivision load line or to a head corresponding to two thirds of the depth from the top of keel to the margin line in way of the tanks, whichever is the greater, provided that in no case shall the test head be less than 0,9 metres above the top of the tank;
.5 Tanki, ki so namenjeni za skladiščenje tekočine in so sestavni del pregrajevanja ladje, se preskusijo za neprepustnost z vodo pod pritiskom, ki ustreza višini do najvišje pregradne tovorne črte ali višini, ki je enaka dvema tretjinama višine od zgornjega roba kobilice do mejne ugrezne črte, merjeno v območju tanka, glede na večji pritisk, pri čemer preskusni pritisk v nobenem primeru ni manjši od tistega, ki ustreza višini vodnega stebra 0,9 metra nad pokrovom tanka;
89 Prevajalska redakcija
The questions identified pertained to: i) the lack of a significant effect in favour of atorvastatin for the composite primary endpoint and several secondary endpoints in the female subgroup, ii) the exclusion of non-diabetic patients at high cardiovascular risk from the proposed indication, iii) the higher cardioprotective effect of atorvastatin when used in combination with particular antihipertensive therapies iv) the extent to which the claimed therapeutic indication could be applied to atorvastatin doses other than those tested in the pivotal trials
Ugotovljena vprašanja so se nanašala na: i) odsotnost značilno pomembnega učinka v prid atorvastatinu za kombinirano primarno končno točko in za več sekundarnih končnih točk v ženski podskupini, ii) izključitev nediabetičnih bolnikov z visokim kardiovaskularnim tveganjem iz predlagane indikacije, iii) večji kardiozaščitni učinek atorvastatina, kadar je v kombinaciji z določenimi antihipertenzivnimi terapijami iv) obseg, do katerega je lahko zahtevana terapevtska indikacija veljavna tudi za odmerke atorvastatina, ki niso bili preizkušeni v osrednji raziskavi.
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tested party