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transmission document
51 Pravna redakcija
Transmission of specific documents
Posredovanje posebnih dokumentov
52 Pravna redakcija
53 Pravna redakcija
Transmission of EU classified documents
Prenos tajnih dokumentov EU
54 Pravna redakcija
55 Pravna redakcija
Transmission and service of judicial documents
Pošiljanje in vročanje sodnih listin
56 Pravna redakcija
expedite the transmission and service of documents;
pospešili pošiljanje in vročanje listin;
57 Pravna redakcija
Other means of transmission and service of judicial documents
Drugi načini pošiljanja in vročanje sodnih listin
58 Pravna redakcija
It is necessary to regulate the transmission of documents by telefax.
Urediti je treba prenos dokumentov po telefaksu.
59 Pravna redakcija
Member states shall specify the code of the varieties on the transmission documents.
Države članice opredelijo kodo sort v listinah za prenos.
60 Pravna redakcija
transmission to the Member State of the supporting documents for the expenditure effected,
prenosa dodatne dokumentacije državi članici za uporabljene izdatke,
61 Pravna redakcija
Speed of transmission warrants documents being served within days of reception of the document.
Hitrost pošiljanja zagotavlja, da se listine vročijo v nekaj dneh po prejemu.
62 Pravna redakcija
seeking solutions to any difficulties which may arise during transmission of documents for service;
reševanje vseh težav, do katerih lahko pride med pošiljanjem listin za vročitev;
63 Pravna redakcija
the mode of transportation complies with national rules governing the transmission of national TOP SECRET documents;
je način prenosa v skladu z nacionalnimi pravili o prenosu nacionalnih dokumentov TOP SECRET;
64 Pravna redakcija
the transmission of TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET documents in accordance with the regulations defined in Section VII;
pošiljanje dokumentov TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET v skladu s predpisi, ki jih določa Oddelek VII;
65 Pravna redakcija
Transmission of documents and invitations from the Commission to the addressees may be effected in any of the following ways:
Komisija lahko listine in vabila pošlje naslovnikom na katerega koli izmed naslednjih načinov:
66 Pravna redakcija
Facsimile machine for the transmission and automatic reception of documents containing text and/or graphics via the telephone lines.
Telefaks za prenos in samodejno sprejemanje dokumentov, ki vsebujejo besedilo in/ali grafiko, po telefonski liniji.
67 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003D1152
(a) permit the electronic transmission of the accompanying document provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 2719/92, and the improvement of checks;
(a) dovoliti elektronsko prenašanje spremnega dokumenta, opredeljenega v Uredbi (EGS) št. 2719/92, in izboljšati preverjanja;
68 Pravna redakcija
Member States shall specify on the documents accompanying the transmission the number of species and the number of varieties within each species.
Države članice pri prenosu na priloženih dokumentih navedejo število vrst in število sort vsake vrste.
69 Pravna redakcija
Any transmission of a sensitive document must be accompanied by a statement of the position of the originating authority with regard to authorisation for registration and disclosure of the document.
Vsakemu prenosu občutljivega dokumenta se kot priloga doda izjava avtorja o njegovem stališču glede odobritve evidentiranja in razkritja dokumenta.
70 Pravna redakcija
the transmission of TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET documents in accordance with regulations contained in Section VII and paragraphs 5 and 6 of Section VIII;
prenos dokumentov TRČS SECRET UE/EU TOP SECRET v skladu s predpisi, ki jih vsebujejo Oddelek VII in odstavka 5 in 6 Oddelka VIII;
71 Pravna redakcija
The Registrar may send messages and serve documents by all appropriate means which urgency requires, and in particular by means of facsimile transmission; in the event of facsimile transmission, the Registrar shall nevertheless ensure that the facsimile transmission is followed by a dispatch in the manner prescribed by Article 100 of the Rules of Procedure.
Sodni tajnik lahko pošilja sporočila in vroča dokumente na vse primerne načine, ki jih pogojuje nujnost, in zlasti po telefaksu; v primeru pošiljanja po telefaksu sodni tajnik kljub temu zagotovi, da pošiljanju po telefaksu sledi pošiljka na način, ki ga predpisuje člen 100 Poslovnika.
72 Pravna redakcija
WHEREAS, to that end, the transmission of these documents shall be effected directly and by rapid means, between the agencies designated by the Member States;
KER mora zato pošiljanje teh listin potekati neposredno in na hiter način med organi, ki jih imenujejo države članice,
73 Pravna redakcija
DESIRING to improve and expedite the transmission of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters for service between the Member States,
V ŽELJI, da se izboljša in pospeši pošiljanje sodnih in zunajsodnih listin za vročitev v civilnih ali gospodarskih zadevah med državami članicami,
74 Pravna redakcija
all the necessary accompanying documents are received by the competent authorities within the same time limits as in the case of transmission by non-electronic means;
pristojni organi prejmejo vse potrebne spremljajoče dokumente v enakem roku, kot v primeru prenosa z neelektronskimi sredstvi;
75 Pravna redakcija
a period of time of not less than six months, considered adequate by the judge in the particular case, has elapsed since the date of the transmission of the document;
od datuma pošiljanja listine je minilo najmanj šest mesecev, če je sodnik mnenja, da je to v določeni zadevi dovolj dolgo obdobje;
76 Pravna redakcija
This notice must be sent by the swiftest possible means of transmission as soon as possible after receipt of the document and in any event within seven days of receipt.
To obvestilo je treba poslati na najhitrejši možni način takoj po prejemu listine in v vsakem primeru v roku sedem dni od prejema.
77 Pravna redakcija
The practical procedures for the transmission of documents will be decided by agreement on the basis of the provisions of Section VII of the Council Security Regulations.
Praktični postopki za prenos dokumentov se določijo z dogovorom na podlagi določb Oddelka VII Varnostnih predpisov Sveta.
78 Pravna redakcija
Speed in transmission warrants the use of all appropriate means, provided that certain conditions as to the legibility and reliability of the document received are observed.
Hitrost pošiljanja zagotavlja uporabo vseh ustreznih sredstev, pod pogojem, da se upoštevajo nekateri pogoji glede čitljivosti in zanesljivosti prejete listine.
79 Pravna redakcija
printing of documents (from digital information received from direct connect computers, networked computers, file servers and fax transmissions) or faxing (send and receive).
tiskanje dokumentov (na podlagi digitalnih informacij, prejetih od neposredno priključenega računalnika, računalnikov iz omrežja, datotečnih strežnikov ali po faksu) ali faksiranje (pošiljanje in prejemanje faksov).
80 Pravna redakcija
This acknowledgment must be sent by the swiftest possible means of transmission as soon as possible after receipt of the document and in any event within seven days of receipt.
To potrditev je treba poslati na najhitrejši možni način takoj po prejemu listine in v vsakem primeru v roku sedem dni od prejema.
81 Pravna redakcija
This acknowledgement must be sent by the swiftest possible means of transmission as soon as possible after receipt of the document and in any event within seven days of receipt.
To potrdilo je treba poslati na najhitrejši možni način čim prej po prejemu listine, v vsakem primeru pa v sedmih dneh po prejemu.
82 Pravna redakcija
a secure reading room (without photocopying machines, telephones, fax facilities, scanners or any other technical equipment for the reproduction and transmission of documents, etc.);
varna soba za branje (brez fotokopirnih strojev, telefonov, telefaksa, optičnih čitalcev ali druge tehnične opreme za razmnoževanje ali pošiljanje dokumentov, ipd.);
83 Pravna redakcija
The practical procedures for the transmission of documents will be agreed between the GSC Security Office and the security bodies of the recipient States or international organisations.
O praktičnih postopkih za prenos dokumentov se dogovorijo Varnostni urad GSS in varnostni organi držav prejemnic ali mednarodnih organizacij.
84 Pravna redakcija
INFOSEC measures include those of computer, transmission, emission and cryptographic security, and the detection, documentation and countering of threats to information and to the SYSTEMS.
Ukrepi INFOSEC vsebujejo ukrepe varovanja tajnosti pri računalnikih, prenosih, oddajanju in kriptografski metodi ter odkrivanju, dokumentiranju in zoperstavljanju grožnjam, uperjenim proti podatkom in SISTEMOM.
85 Pravna redakcija
The Registrar shall be responsible, under the authority of the President, for the acceptance, transmission and custody of documents and for effecting service as provided for by these Rules.
Sodni tajnik je pod vodstvom predsednika odgovoren za sprejem, prenos in hranjenje dokumentov in za izvršitev vročitve, kot je določeno s tem Poslovnikom.
86 Pravna redakcija
They will in particular specify the precise addresses to which the documents must be forwarded as well as the courier or mail services used for the transmission of the EU classified information.
V pravilih morajo biti navedeni zlasti točni naslovi, na katere se dokumenti pošiljajo, skupaj s kurirskimi ali poštnimi službami, ki opravljajo prenos tajnih podatkov EU.
87 Pravna redakcija
The Schengen States agree that the police forces and judicial authorities may transmit requests for authorisation and the documents resulting from dealing with such requests by any means that allow swift transmission, provided the transmission provides a written trace of the document's author, (for example telefax, e-mail).
Schengenske države se strinjajo, da lahko policija in sodni organi pošiljajo prošnje za pooblastilo in dokumente, ki izhajajo iz obravnavanja takšnih prošenj, s kakršnimi koli sredstvi, ki omogočajo hitro pošiljanje, če pošiljanje zagotavlja pisno sled za avtorjem dokumenta (na primer telefaks ali elektronska pošta).
88 Pravna redakcija
Unless otherwise provided in this Regulation, paragraph 1 also applies to the transmission of documents from the notifying parties, from other involved parties or from third parties to the Commission.
Če ta uredba ne predpisuje drugače, velja odstavek 1 tudi, kadar listino pošiljajo Komisiji priglasitelji, druge udeležene stranke ali tretje osebe.
89 Pravna redakcija
Where a procedural document is received at the Registry by means of facsimile transmission before the expiry of the period prescribed for its lodgment and the original of the document concerned is then lodged with the required promptness, the Registrar shall accept lodgment of the document as if it had occurred on the date on which the facsimile transmission was received, provided that the time limit is one which may be extended pursuant to Article 103 of the Rules of Procedure.
Kadar sodna pisarna prejme dokument po telefaksu pred iztekom roka, predpisanega za njegovo vložitev, in se izvirnik dokumenta nato vloži tako hitro, kot je zahtevano, sodni tajnik sprejme vlogo dokumenta, kot da bi do nje prišlo na datum prejema dokumenta po telefaksu, pod pogojem, da gre za rok, ki se ga lahko podaljša skladno s členom 103 Poslovnika.
90 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to Article 10 (3) of these Instructions concerning the use of facsimile transmission, the Registrar shall accept only documents bearing the original signature of the party's lawyer or agent.
Brez poseganja v člen 10 (3) teh navodil glede faksiranja, sodni tajnik sprejme le dokumente z izvirnim podpisom strankinega odvetnika ali zastopnika.
91 Pravna redakcija
The applicant shall bear any costs of translation prior to the transmission of the document, without prejudice to any possible subsequent decision by the court or competent authority on liability for such costs.
Prosilec krije vse stroške za prevod pred pošiljanjem listine, ne da bi se s tem posegalo v morebitne naknadne odločitve sodišča ali pristojnega organa o obveznosti za plačilo takšnih stroškov.
92 Pravna redakcija
The proper functioning of the internal market entails the need to improve and expedite the transmission of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters for service between the Member States.
Pravilno delovanje notranjega trga vključuje potrebo po izboljšanem in hitrejšem pošiljanjeu sodnih in zunajsodnih listin v civilnih in gospodarskih zadevah za vročanje med državami članicami.
93 Pravna redakcija
the use of a specific system of classification linking the sensitivity of the information to the control measures required of the beneficiary methods of transmission of the documents (see examples in paragraph 14).
uporabo značilnega sistema razvrstitev po stopnji tajnosti, ki občutljivost podatkov povezuje z ukrepi nadzora, ki se zahtevajo pri načinih prenosa dokumentov s strani uporabnikov (glej primere iz odstavka 14).
94 Pravna redakcija
This Regulation does not preclude Member States from maintaining or concluding agreements or arrangements to expedite or simplify the transmission of documents, provided that they are compatible with the Regulation.
Ta uredba ne preprečuje državam članicam, da obdržijo ali sklenejo sporazume ali dogovore o pospešitvi ali poenostavitvi posredovanja listin, pod pogojem, da so združljive s to uredbo.
95 Pravna redakcija
Efficiency and speed in judicial procedures in civil matters means that the transmission of judicial and extrajudicial documents is to be made direct and by rapid means between local bodies designated by the Member States.
Učinkovitost in hitrost sodnih postopkov v civilnih zadevah pomeni, da mora posredovanje sodnih in zunajsodnih listin potekati neposredno in s hitrimi sredstvi med lokalnimi organi, ki jih imenujejo države članice.
96 Pravna redakcija
The applicant shall be advised by the transmitting agency to which he or she forwards the document for transmission that the addressee may refuse to accept it if it is not in one of the languages provided for in Article 8.
Organ za pošiljanje, kateremu prosilec dostavi listino za pošiljanje, prosilca opozori, da lahko naslovnik zavrne sprejem listine, če ta ni v enem od jezikov, predvidenih v členu 8.
97 Pravna redakcija
They also agree on a number of specific implementing measures (i) on the legislative process, (ii) on international agreements and enlargement, and (iii) on the transmission of confidential Commission documents and information.
Sporazumeta se tudi o več specifičnih izvedbenih ukrepih (i) o zakonodajnem postopku, (ii) o mednarodnih sporazumih in širitvi ter (iii) o pošiljanju zaupnih dokumentov in informacij Komisije.
98 Pravna redakcija
Where, for technical reasons or on account of the nature or length of the document, such transmission is impossible or impracticable, the document shall be served, if the addressee has failed to state an address for service, at his address in accordance with the procedures laid down in paragraph 1 of this article.
Če je tak prenos zaradi tehničnih razlogov ali zaradi značaja ali dolžine dokumenta nemogoč ali neizvedljiv, se v primeru, da naslovljenec ni določil naslova za vročitev, dokument vroči na njegov naslov v skladu s postopki določenimi v odstavku 1 tega člena.
99 Pravna redakcija
This Regulation shall not preclude individual Member States from maintaining or concluding agreements or arrangements to expedite further or simplify the transmission of documents, provided that they are compatible with this Regulation.
Ta uredba ne preprečuje posameznim državam članicam, da obdržijo ali sklenejo sporazume ali dogovore za dodatno pospešitev ali poenostavitev pošiljanja listin, pod pogojem, da so združljive s to uredbo.
100 Pravna redakcija
Where, in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 38(2), the addressee has agreed that service is to be effected on him by telefax or other technical means of communication, any procedural document other than a judgment or order of the Court may be served by the transmission of a copy of the document by such means.
Kadar se skladno z drugim pododstavkom člena 38(2) naslovljenec strinja, da se mu opravi vročitev s telefaksom ali katerim drugim tehničnim sredstvom sporočanja, se lahko s prenosom kopije dokumenta s takim sredstvom vročijo vsi procesni dokumenti, razen sodbe ali odredbe Sodišča.
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transmission document