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uniform system
51 Končna redakcija
Whereas a variety of systems are used in the different Member States for measuring and classifying wood in the rough and this lack of uniformity directly affects the functioning of the common market;
ker se za merjenje in klasifikacijo neobdelanega lesa v različnih državah uporablja vrsta različnih sistemov in ker pomanjkanje enotnosti neposredno vpliva na delovanje skupnega trga;
52 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
This recording method offers the advantage of being conducive to uniform treatment of agricultural output, intermediate consumption and GFCF, irrespective of the VAT system to which farmers are subject.
Prednost te metode zajemanja je, da spodbuja enotno obravnavo kmetijske proizvodnje, vmesne potrošnje in bruto investicij v osnovna sredstva ne glede na sistem DDV, ki velja za kmetovalce.
53 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
With these systems, the flow into the transfer tube is matched to the bulk exhaust flow in terms of gas velocity and/or pressure, thus requiring an undisturbed and uniform exhaust flow at the sampling probe.
Pri teh sistemih se tok v cev za prenos vzorca glede hitrosti in/ali tlaka plinov ujema s tokom celotnega izpuha, kar zahteva nemoten in enoten tok izpušnih plinov pri sondi za vzorčenje.
54 Končna redakcija
Whereas, in order to establish a system ensuring that competition shall not be distorted in the common market, it is necessary to provide for balanced application of Articles 85 and 86 in a uniform manner in the Member States;
ker je za vzpostavitev sistema, ki zagotavlja, da na skupnem trgu konkurenca ni izkrivljena, treba predvideti uravnoteženo uporabo členov 85 in 86 na enoten način v vseh državah članicah;
55 Končna redakcija
Whereas it is important to simplify the combined nomenclature to be used on a uniform basis in both intra-Community and external trade, so as to make it easier to apply the system - in particular for small and medium-sized undertakings;
ker je pomembno poenostaviti kombinirano nomenklaturo, ki se mora uporabljati enotno tako pri blagovni menjavi znotraj Skupnosti kakor tudi pri blagovni menjavi z državami nečlanicami zato, da se poenostavi uporaba sistema - zlasti za mala in srednje velika podjetja;
56 Končna redakcija
Having regard to Sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC of 17 May 1977 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes - Common system of value added tax (uniform basis of assessment), and particular Article 17 (4) thereof,
ob upoštevanju Šeste direktive Sveta 77/388/EEC z dne 17. maja 1977 o uskladitvi zakonov držav članic, ki se nanašajo na prometne davke - Skupni sistem davka na dodano vrednost (enotna osnova za odmero), zlasti člena 17(4),
57 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41997D0035
The Contracting Parties' contributions shall be determined on the basis of each Contracting Party's share in the uniform VAT assessment base within the meaning of Article 2(1)(c) of the Council Decision of 24 June 1988 on the system of the Communities' own resources.
Prispevki pogodbenic se določijo na podlagi deleža posamezne pogodbenice v okviru enotne ocene osnove DDV po členu 2(1)(c) Sklepa Sveta z dne 24. junija 1988 o sistemu virov lastnih sredstev Evropskih skupnosti.
58 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
For the proper functioning of the system of veterinary checks in the single market all the information pertaining to a product should be brought together in a single document with a uniform design to reduce problems of differences of language in different Member States.
Za pravilno delovanje sistema veterinarskih pregledov na enotnem trgu je treba vse informacije, ki se nanašajo na proizvod, zbrati v enem samem dokumentu z enotno obliko, da se zmanjšajo težave zaradi različnih jezikov v različnih državah.
59 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0549
"procedure", as used in the context of the interoperability Regulation, means a standard method for either the technical or the operational use of systems, in the context of agreed and validated concepts of operation requiring uniform implementation throughout the EATMN;
"postopek", kakor se uporablja v okviru uredbe o interoperabilnosti, pomeni standardna metoda za tehnično ali operativno uporabo sistemov v smislu dogovorjenih in potrjenih operativnih konceptov, za katere je potrebno enotno izvajanje v celotnem EATMN;
60 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0241
Whereas Council Regulation (EC) No 40/94 of 20 December 1993 on the Community trademark (7) has established a system whereby right holders can, by means of a single procedure, obtain Community trade marks enjoying uniform protection and producing their effects throughout the Community;
ker je z Uredbo Sveta (ES) št. 40/94 z dne 20. 12. 1993 o blagovni znamki Skupnosti vzpostavljen sistem, ki imetnikom pravic omogoča, da na podlagi enotnega postopka pridobijo znamko Skupnosti, ki jim nudi enako varstvo in učinke kjer koli v Skupnosti;
61 Končna redakcija
whereas they have been able to take advantage of the systematic plant selection work carried out over several decades which has resulted in the development of sufficiently stable and uniform cereal varieties which, by reason of their characters, promise to be of great value for the purposes in view;
ker so lahko izkoristile sistematično selekcijo rastlin, ki se izvaja že več desetletij in je pripeljala do razvoja dovolj nespremenljivih in izenačenih sort žit, ki s svojimi lastnostmi obetajo, da bodo zelo koristne za predvidene namene;
62 Končna redakcija
whereas they have been able to take advantage of the systematic plant selection work carried out over several decades which has resulted in the development of sufficiently stable and uniform fodder plant varieties which, by reason of their characters, promise to be of great value for the purposes in view;
ker so se posluževale rezultatov dela sistematične selekcije rastlin, ki ga izvajajo že nekaj desetletij in je vodilo k razvoju dovolj obstojnih in homogenih sort krmnih rastlin, ki pa zaradi svojih značilnosti obljubljajo znatne prednosti;
63 Končna redakcija
Whereas, in view of the proportionality principle, a Council Directive is the appropriate legal instrument as it provides a framework for the Member States' uniform and compulsory application of the common safety standards, while leaving each Member State the right to decide which implementation tools best fit its internal system;
ker je glede na načelo sorazmernosti direktiva Sveta ustrezen pravni instrument, saj predstavlja okvir za enotno in obvezno uporabo skupnih varnostnih standardov za države članice, pri čemer ima vsaka država članica pravico odločati, katera oblika izvajanja najbolj ustreza njenemu notranjemu sistemu;
64 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999D0622
Whereas the sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC of 17 May 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes - Common system of value added tax: uniform basis of assessment(2), as last amended by Directive 1999/59/EC(3), specifies the notions of taxable person, of non-taxable person and of exempt activity;
ker šesta direktiva Sveta 77/388/EGS z dne 17. maja 1977 o uskladitvi pravnih predpisov držav članic v zvezi s prometnimi davki - skupni sistem davka na dodano vrednost: enotna osnova odmere(), nazadnje spremenjena z direktivo 1999/59/ES(), določa pojem davčnega zavezanca, osebe, ki ni davčni zavezanec, in oproščene dejavnosti;
65 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0053
A variety shall be regarded as sufficiently uniform if, apart from a very few aberrations, the plants of which it is composed are, account being taken of the distinctive features of the reproductive systems of the plants, similar or genetically identical as regards the characteristics, taken as a whole, which are considered for this purpose.
Sorta velja za dovolj izenačeno, če so rastline, ki jo sestavljajo, kljub manjšim odstopanjem in ob upoštevanju značilnih lastnosti reprodukcijskega sistema rastlin, podobne ali gensko identične kar zadeva značilnosti, gledano v celoti, ki so obravnavane v ta namen.
66 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0638
the identification number allocated to the party responsible for providing information in accordance with Article 22(1)(c) of the Sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC of 17 May 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes - common system of value added tax: uniform basis of assessment(7), in the version given in Article 28h thereof;
identifikacijsko številko, dodeljeno enoti, odgovorni za posredovanje informacij v skladu s členom 22(1)(c) Šeste direktive Sveta 77/388/EGS z dne 17. maja 1977 o usklajevanju zakonov držav članic, ki se nanašajo na prometne davke - skupni sistem davka na dodano vrednost: enotna osnova za odmero[7], v različici iz člena 28h Direktive;
67 Končna redakcija
Whereas with the introduction of a system of a uniform and compulsory refunds on exports to third countries on the achievement of a single market for agricultural products, which has to a large extent existed since 1 July 1967, the criterion of the lowest average refund laid down in Article 3 (1) (a) of Regulation No 25 (2) on the financing of the common agricultural policy is no longer valid for the financing of refunds:
ker z uvedbo sistema enotnih in obveznih nadomestil za izvoz v tretje države pri vzpostavitvi enotnega trga s kmetijskimi proizvodi, ki v glavnem že obstaja od 1. julija 1967, merilo najnižjega povprečnega nadomestila iz člena 3 (1) (a) Uredbe št. 25 () o financiranju skupne kmetijske politike za financiranje nadomestil ne velja več;
68 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0006
The tactical and operational requirements for a future cross-border digital radio system for the police and customs services in the Schengen States defined in accordance with the mandate pursuant to Article 44, the rules for manufacturing and administering uniform encryption algorithms, and other agreements established within the remit of the Subgroup on telecommunications, as set out in the following nine documents, are hereby approved.
Odobrijo se taktične in operativne potrebe za prihodnji čezmejni digitalni radijski sistem za policijske in carinske službe v schengenskih državah, opredeljene v skladu s pooblastilom iz člena 44 schengenske konvencije, pravila za izdelavo in urejanje enotnih šifrirnih algoritmov ter drugi sporazumi v pristojnosti podskupine za telekomunikacije, kot je to določeno v naslednjih devetih dokumentih.
69 Končna redakcija
Whereas it is an essential feature of the legal system set up by the Treaties establishing the Communities that certain of their provisions and certain acts of the Community institutions are directly applicable, that Community law takes precedence over any national provisions conflicting with it, and that procedures exist for ensuring the uniform interpretation of this law; whereas accession to the Communities entails recognition of the binding force of these rules, observance of which is indispensable to guarantee the effectiveness and unity of Community law;
ker je bistvena lastnost pravnega reda, uvedenega s pogodbami o ustanovitvi Skupnosti, da se nekatere določbe in nekateri akti, ki so jih sprejele institucije Skupnosti, neposredno uporabljajo, da ima pravo Skupnosti prednost pred katerimi koli nacionalnimi določbami, ki bi utegnile biti v nasprotju z njim, in da obstajajo postopki za zagotavljanje enotne razlage tega prava; ker pristop k Skupnostim pomeni priznavanje obvezujoče narave teh predpisov, katerih upoštevanje je nujno za zagotavljanje učinkovitosti in enotnosti prava Skupnosti;
70 Končna redakcija
Whereas it is an essential feature of the legal system set up by the Treaties establishing the Communities that certain of their provisions and certain acts of the Community institutions are directly applicable, that Community law takes precedence over any national provisions conflicting with it, and that procedures exist for ensuring the uniform interpretation of this law; and whereas accession to the Communities entails recognition of the binding force of these rules, observance of which is indispensable to guarantee the effectiveness and unity or Community law,
ker je bistvena lastnost pravnega sistema, uvedenega s Pogodbami o ustanovitvi Skupnosti, da se nekatere določbe in nekateri akti, ki so jih sprejele institucije Skupnosti, neposredno uporabljajo, da ima pravo Skupnosti prednost pred katerimi koli nacionalnimi določbami, ki bi utegnile biti v nasprotju z njim, in da obstajajo postopki za zagotavljanje enotne razlage teh predpisov; ker pristop k Skupnostim pomeni priznavanje obvezujoče narave teh predpisov, upoštevanje katerih je nujno za zagotavljanje učinkovitosti in enotnosti prava Skupnosti,
71 Končna redakcija
Whereas the present relationships between the national insurers' bureaux of the Member States, Norway, Switzerland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Iceland and Slovenia as defined in Article 1(3) of Directive 72/166/EEC (bureaux), which collectively provide for the practical means to abolish insurance inspection in the case of vehicles normally based in the territories of the nineteen countries, are governed by the following agreements supplementary to the Uniform Agreement on the Green Card System between national insurers' bureaux of 2 September 1951 (Supplementary Agreements) which were concluded:
ker sedanje odnose med nacionalnimi zavarovalnimi biroji držav članic, Norveške, Švice, Madžarske, Češke Republike, Slovaške, Islandije in Slovenije, kot je opredeljeno v členu 1(3) Direktive 72/166/EGS (v nadaljevanju »biroji«), ki skupaj določajo praktične načine odprave preverjanja zavarovanja v primeru vozil, ki so običajno na ozemlju teh devetnajstih držav, urejajo naslednji sporazumi, ki dopolnjujejo Enotni sporazum o sistemu zelenih kart med nacionalnimi zavarovalnimi biroji z dne 2. septembra 1951 (»Dopolnilni sporazumi«), ki so bili sklenjeni:
72 Pravna redakcija
use of a uniform reference system,
uporabo enotnega referenčnega sistema,
73 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the Treaty does not provide, for the adoption of a uniform system at Community level, as provided for by this Regulation, powers other than those of Article 235,
ker pogodba za sprejetje enotnega sistema na ravni Skupnosti, kot to določa ta uredba, ne predvideva drugih pooblastil, razen tista, ki so navedena v členu 235,
74 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in order to ensure uniform application of the system of aid, the payment procedures should be defined;
ker je treba za zagotovitev enotnega izvajanja sistema pomoči opredeliti postopke izplačil;
75 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the system of programming should be simplified by fixing a uniform lifetime for programming of seven years;
ker bi bilo treba poenostaviti sistem programiranja, tako da se določi enotna doba sedmih let za načrtovanje;
76 Pravna redakcija
This system must ensure that the freshness and size of the products contained in the lot are as uniform as possible.
Ta sistem mora zagotoviti, da sta svežost in velikost proizvodov, vsebovanih v šarži, čim bolj enotni.
77 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0008
(c) procedures to set up a uniform system and common models for the exchange of labour market and mobility-related information within the EURES network, as provided for in Articles 14, 15 and 16 of Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68, including information on jobs and on learning opportunities in the European Union to be incorporated into an integrated job mobility information website.
(c) postopke za vzpostavitev enotnega sistema in skupnih vzorcev za izmenjavo ustreznih informacij o trgu delovne sile in mobilnosti v okviru mreže EURES, kakor je predvideno v členih 14, 15 in 16 Uredbe (EGS) št. 1612/68, vključno z informacijami o delovnih mestih in možnostih za učenje v Evropski uniji, ki jih treba vključiti v integrirano informacijsko spletno stran na témo delovne mobilnosti.
78 Pravna redakcija
This quality system documentation must permit a uniform interpretation of the quality programmes, plans, manuals and records.
Ta dokumentacija sistema kakovosti mora omogočati nedvoumno razlago programov kakovosti, načrtov, priročnikov in zapisov.
79 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the detailed rules for calculating the aid should be specified in order to ensure uniform application of that system;
ker je treba določiti podrobna pravila za izračunavanje pomoči, da bi s tem zagotovili enotno uporabo tega sistema;
80 Pravna redakcija
This quality system documentation must enable the quality programmes, plans, manuals and records to be interpreted in a uniform manner.
Ta dokumentacija sistema kakovosti mora omogočati enotno razlago programov, načrtov, priročnikov in zapiskov o kakovosti.
81 Pravna redakcija
A unified system for obtaining a Community design to which uniform protection is given with uniform effect throughout the entire territory of the Community would further the objectives of the Community as laid down in the Treaty.
Poenoteni sistem za pridobitev modela Skupnosti, ki mu je priznano enotno varstvo z enotnim učinkom na celotnem ozemlju Skupnosti, bi pospešil doseganje ciljev Skupnosti, kot so zapisani v Pogodbi.
82 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32004L0007
(8) In order to improve the functioning of the internal market, it is essential to ensure more uniform application of the current VAT system.
(8) Da bi izboljšali delovanje notranjega trga, je nujno treba zagotoviti enotnejšo uporabo sedanjega sistema DDV.
83 Pravna redakcija
This quality system documentation must permit uniform interpretation of the quality programmes, quality plans, quality manuals and quality records.
Dokumentacija sistema kakovosti mora omogočati enotno interpretacijo programov, načrtov, priročnikov in evidenc kakovosti.
84 Pravna redakcija
Furthermore, the setting of maximum levels is indispensable for the implementation of a regulatory control system and to ensure uniform application.
Določitev zgornjih mejnih vrednosti je nujno potrebno za izvajanje sistema normativne kontrole in za zagotavljanje enotne uporabe.
85 Pravna redakcija
This system should be as reliable and uniform as possible throughout the Community but should exclude specific controls at borders between Member States.
Ta sistem naj bi bil čim bolj zanesljiv in enoten po vsej Skupnosti, vendar naj bi izključeval posebne kontrole na mejah med državami članicami.
86 Pravna redakcija
To ensure that the system operates uniformly in all Member States, applications should be lodged and aid paid to distillers within time limits to be laid down.
Da bi ta sistem v vseh državah članicah deloval enotno, morajo biti zahtevki vloženi in pomoč izplačana destilarnam v rokih, ki jih je treba določiti.
87 Pravna redakcija
whereas, therefore, in order to ensure a uniform interpretation covering also the aforesaid system, Regulation (EEC) No 2220/85 should be completed accordingly;
ker je zato, da se zagotovi enotna razlaga, ki zajema tudi prej navedeni sistem, treba ustrezno dopolniti Uredbo (EGS) št. 2220/85;
88 Pravna redakcija
This quality system documentation must permit uniform interpretation of the quality policy and procedures such as quality programmes, plans, manuals and records.
Dokumentacija sistema kakovosti mora omogočati enotno interpretacijo pravil glede kakovosti in postopkov, kot so izraženi v programih, načrtih, priročnikih in evidencah kakovosti.
89 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0092
uniform basis of assessment, in order to modernise and simplify the operation of the VAT system within the context of the internal market, a strategy to which the Commission is committed.
enotna osnova za odmero fn, da se posodobi in poenostavi delovanje sistema DDV v okviru konteksta notranjega trga, kar je strategija, ki ji je Komisija zavezana.
90 Pravna redakcija
whereas, however, so that the required uniformity of intervention systems may be maintained, those special circumstances should be assessed and the appropriate measures determined at Community level;
vendar, da bi se lahko ohranilo zahtevano enotnost intervencijskih sistemov, je treba navedene posebne okoliščine in ustrezne ukrepe oceniti na ravni Skupnosti;
91 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
This recording method offers the advantage of being conducive to uniform treatment of agricultural output, intermediate consumption and GFCF, irrespective of the VAT system to which farmers are subject.
Prednost te metode zajemanja je, da spodbuja enotno obravnavo kmetijske proizvodnje, vmesne potrošnje in bruto investicij v osnovna sredstva ne glede na sistem DDV, ki velja za kmetovalce.
92 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2295
In order to avoid confusion and facilitate identification of consignments of egg, each collector and packing centre should be allotted a distinguishing registration number based on a uniform coding system.
Da bi se izognili zmedi in olajšali identifikacijo pošiljk jajc, se vsakemu zbiralcu in pakirnemu centru dodeli identifikacijska registrska številka, osnovana na enotnem šifrnem sistemu.
93 Pravna redakcija
the criteria required for the uniform application of these provisions and in particular those relating to the proper functioning of the system shall be laid down in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 26;
merila za enotno izvajanje teh določb in zlasti tistih, ki se nanašajo na pravilno delovanje sistema, se določijo v skladu s postopkom iz člena 26;";
94 Pravna redakcija
Sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC of 17 May 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes - common system of value added tax: uniform basis of assessment (OJ L 145, 13.6.1977, p. 1).';
Šesta Direktiva Sveta 77/388/EGS z dne 17. maja 1977 o uskladitvi zakonodaje držav članic v zvezi s prometnim davkom - skupni sistem davka na dodano vrednost: enotna osnova ocene (UL L 145, 13.6.1977, str. 1).`;
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uniform system