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Odbor za ugotavljanje skladnosti
51 Prevajalska redakcija
Če je sporni organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti vključen v oddelku II sektorske priloge, ga pristojni organ za imenovanje, razen, če Skupni odbor ne odloči drugače, začasno odstavi, od tedaj, ko je v Skupnem odboru ugotovljeno nesoglasje, do tedaj, ko je v Skupnem odboru doseženo soglasje glede statusa navedenega organa.
Except when decided otherwise by the Joint Committee, the contested conformity assessment body, where it is included in Section II of a Sectoral Annex, shall be suspended by the competent designating authority from the time disagreement has been established in the Joint Committee until agreement has been reached in the Joint Committee on the status of that Body.
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Odbor za ugotavljanje skladnosti