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celotna ocena
51 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
pri naročanju blaga, o ocenjeni celotni vrednosti naročil ali okvirnih sporazumov glede na področje proizvoda, ki jih nameravajo oddati oziroma skleniti v naslednjih 12 mesecih, če je celotna ocenjena vrednost, ob upoštevanju členov 7 in 9, enaka ali večja od 750000 eurov.
where supplies are concerned, the estimated total value of the contracts or the framework agreements by product area which they intend to award over the following 12 months, where the total estimated value, taking into account Articles 7 and 9, is equal to or greater than EUR 750000.
52 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Plačilna agencija lahko na podlagi ocene, ki jo zagotovi pristojni organ v poročilu o kontroli v skladu s členom 48(l)(c), sklene znižati odstotek na 1 % ali ga povečati na 5 % celotnega zneska ali v primerih iz drugega pododstavka člena 48(l)(c) ne uvesti nobenih znižanj.
However, the Paying Agency may, on the basis of the assessment provided by the competent control authority in the control report in accordance with Article 48(1)(c), decide either to reduce that percentage to 1 % or to increase it to 5 % of that overall amount or, in the cases referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 48(1)(c), not to impose any reductions at all.
53 Končna redakcija
(4) Ponudnik mora v svoji ponudbi navesti, ali se njegova ponudba nanaša na celotno naročilo ali le na posamezne sklope. Ne glede na to, ali ponudnik oddaja ponudbo za vse sklope, mora biti njegova ponudba predložena tako, da se lahko ocenjuje po sklopih. Po ocenitvi ponudb po posameznih sklopih in ocenitvi ponudb za vse sklope skupaj naročnik sklene pogodbo z enim ali več ponudniki, z najugodnejšo kombinacijo ponudb.
(4) Tenderers shall state in their tender whether their bid refers to the entire procurement or only to particular lots. Even if tenderers submit their bid for all lots, their bid shall be submitted so that it can be assessed by individual lots. After assessment of bids by individual lots, and the assessment of bids for all lots, tenderers may conclude a contract with one or more tenderers offering the most favourable combination of bids.
54 Končna redakcija
Je način gledanja, ki deluje skozi celotno družbeno telo. Toliko bolj, ker v resnici ne gre za pogled od zunaj, pač pa od znotraj: ženska se gleda in ocenjuje skozi ta zunanji, »objektivni«, moški pogled. »Nikakršne potrebe ni po orožju, fizičnem nasilju, materialnih ovirah. Samo pogled.
It is a way of viewing which characterizes the entire social corpus, all the more so because it is not a view from the outside, but from within - a woman views and assesses herself through this external, male view 'there is no need for arms, physical violence, material constrains. Just a gaze.
55 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
pri naročilu storitev, o ocenjeni celotni vrednosti naročil ali okvirnih sporazumov iz vsake kategorije storitev s seznama v Prilogi II A, ki jih nameravajo skleniti v naslednjih 12 mesecih, če je ocenjena celotna vrednost, ob upoštevanju določb iz členov 7 in 9, enaka ali večja od 750000 eurov;
where services are concerned, the estimated total value of the contracts or the framework agreements in each of the categories of services listed in Annex II A which they intend to award over the following 12 months, where such estimated total value, taking into account the provisions of Articles 7 and 9, is equal to or greater than EUR 750000;
56 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
"Elektronska dražba" je ponavljajoči se postopek, ki vključuje elektronsko napravo za predstavitev novih cen, popravljenih navzdol, in/ali novih vrednosti za nekatere sestavne dele ponudb po začetni celotni oceni ponudb in omogoča razvrščanje ponudb z uporabo metod za avtomatsko ocenjevanje.
An "electronic auction" is a repetitive process involving an electronic device for the presentation of new prices, revised downwards, and/or new values concerning certain elements of tenders, which occurs after an initial full evaluation of the tenders, enabling them to be ranked using automatic evaluation methods.
57 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Obsega neposredno ocenjevanje celotne proizvodnje, pridelane med letom n, z uporabo tehtane povprečne cene za tržno leto (n/n+1), od tega pa se odšteje vrednost vseh prodaj (in drugih uporab) med koledarskim letom n, ki ustreza letu spravila pridelka [34], po cenah, ki se uporabljajo v času prodaje (ali drugih uporab).
It involves directly evaluating total output harvested during year n using the weighted average price for the marketing year (n/n + 1) and deducting from this the value of all sales (and other uses) made during calendar year n corresponding to the year of harvest(35) at the prices applicable at the time of sale (or other uses).
58 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
"Elektronska dražba" je ponavljajoči se postopek, ki vključuje elektronsko sredstvo za predstavitev novih cen, popravljenih navzdol in/ali novih vrednosti v zvezi z nekaterimi elementi ponudb, ki se pojavijo po začetni celotni oceni ponudb, kar omogoči razvrščanje ob uporabi metod za avtomatsko ocenjevanje.
An "electronic auction" is a repetitive process involving an electronic device for the presentation of new prices, revised downwards, and/or new values concerning certain elements of tenders, which occurs after an initial full evaluation of the tenders, enabling them to be ranked using automatic evaluation methods.
59 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Vrednost po osnovnih cenah za prvo kategorijo živine bi se morala obravnavati kot vsota proizvodnih stroškov v celotnem življenjskem obdobju povprečne živali v različnih kategorijah živine do referenčnega leta in vključno z njim, s prištetim pribitkom za ocenjeni poslovni presežek ali oceno raznovrstnega dohodka (prim. 2.176).
The value at basic prices for the first category of animal should be considered to be the sum of the production costs throughout the life of the average animal in the different livestock classes up to and including the reference year, plus a mark-up for the estimated operating surplus or an estimate of mixed income (cf. 2.176).
60 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0423
Raven celotnega dovoljenega ulova ne preseže ravni ulova, v zvezi s katero je znanstveno vrednotenje, ki ga je opravil STEFC glede na najnovejše poročilo ICES-a, pokazalo, da bo imela na koncu leta, ko se uporablja, za posledico 30 % povečanje količin odraslih rib v morju v primerjavi s količinami, ki so bile po ocenah v morju ob začetku tega leta.
The TACs shall not exceed a level of catches which a scientific evaluation, carried out by the STECF in the light of the most recent report of the ICES, has indicated will result in an increase of 30 % in the quantities of mature fish in the sea at the end of the year of their application, compared to the quantities estimated to have been in the sea at the start of that year.
61 Končna redakcija
Kadar obveznost upravljanja ali izvajanja prevoza zajema eno ali veè kategorij prometa potnikov ali blaga v celotnem omrežju ali v veèjem delu omrežja, se finanèna obremenitev, ki bi bila odpravljena s prenehanjem obveznosti, oceni s porazdelitvijo skupnih stroškov podjetja izhajajoèih iz njegovih prevoznih dejavnosti med razliène kategorije prometa.
However, where the obligation to operate or to carry covers one or more categories of the passenger or goods traffic on the whole or a substantial part of a network, the financial burden which would be eliminated by terminating the obligation shall be estimated by allocating among the various categories of traffic the total costs borne by the undertaking by reason of its transport activities.
62 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0423
Svet vsako leto na predlog Komisije določi s kvalificirano večino za plovila, ki uporabljajo orodja z velikostjo mrežnega očesa enako ali večjo od 100 mm, prilagoditve števila ribolovnih dni na način, ki je neposredno sorazmeren z letnimi prilagoditvami smrtnosti zaradi ribolova, v zvezi s katerimi ICES in STECF ocenita, da so skladne z uporabo ravni celotnega dovoljenega ulova, določenih v skladu z metodo, navedeno v členu 6.
Each year, the Council shall decide by a qualified majority, on the basis of a proposal from the Commission, on adjustments to the number of fishing days for vessels deploying gear of mesh size equal to or greater than 100 mm in direct proportion to the annual adjustments in fishing mortality that are estimated by ICES and STECF as being consistent with the application of the TACs established according to the method described in Article 6.
63 Končna redakcija
(1) Študija ranljivosti okolja temelji na ekosistemski členitvi prostora in jo sestavljajo kakovostna in količinska analiza okolja in njegovih sestavin, njegove občutljivosti glede posegov v okolje, regeneracijske in nevtralizacijske sposobnosti okolja, dosežene stopnje celotne in integralne obremenjenosti in ogroženosti, ocena še sprejemljivega obsega obremenitve in predlog stopnje varovanja okolja pred obremenitvami, vključno z območji, na katerih zaradi čezmerne obremenjenosti novi posegi v okolje niso dovoljeni.
(1) An environmental vulnerability study shall be based on ecosystem divisions and shall involve the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the environment and its components, its sensitivity to activities, the regenerative and neutralizing abilities of the environment, the levels reached of total and integral environmental strain and endangerment, the assessment of acceptable levels of environmental strain and suggested levels of protection against environmental strain including areas in which new activities are not allowed due to excessive environmental strain.
64 Pravna redakcija
ocena celotne letine;
an estimate of the total harvest;
65 Pravna redakcija
ocenjeni celotni pridelek;
the estimated total harvest;
66 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
Vsako merilo se ocenjuje po lestvici od 0 do 5. Celotna ocena se povzame na obrazcu letnega poročila, ki se hrani v osebni mapi uslužbenca.
Each criterion shall be assessed on a scale of 0 to 5. The entire evaluation shall be summarised on an annual report form kept in the staff member's personal file.
67 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1535
(c) oceno celotnega pridelka;
(c) the estimated total harvest;
68 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2111
(b) ocena celotnega pridelka;
(b) the estimated total harvest;
69 Pravna redakcija
Vendar celotna ocena obstoječih ocen tveganja teh snovi ter celotna nadgradnja obstoječih znanstvenih informacij in podatkov nakazujeta, da pri preseženem vnosu zaostankov hormonov in njihovih metabolitov, ob upoštevanju notranjih lastnosti hormonov progestagenov in epidemioloških ugotovitev, obstaja potencialno tveganje za potrošnika.
However, the overall evaluation of the available risk assessments of these substances and of the entire body of available scientific information and data indicate that, as concerns the excess intake of hormone residues and their metabolites, and in view of the intrinsic properties of progestagen hormones and epidemiological findings, a potential risk to the consumer has been identified.
70 Pravna redakcija
končno oceno celotnega programa do 30. junija 2008.
a final evaluation of the entire programme by 30 June 2008.
71 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32004D0213
Za celotno oceno se določi minimalni prag 18/25 točk.
A minimum threshold of 18/25 will be set for the total score.
72 Pravna redakcija
Po končanem celotnem ocenjevanju Svet sprejme ustrezne ukrepe.
At the end of a complete evaluation exercise, the Council shall take the appropriate measures.
73 Pravna redakcija
Celotni stroški skupnega ukrepa v breme Sklada se ocenijo na 30 milijonov ekujev.
The estimated total cost to the Fund of the common measure is 30 million ECU.
74 Pravna redakcija
ocenjena celotna vrednost naročil pod pragom, ki jih je posamezen naročnik oddal,
the estimated overall value of contracts awarded below the threshold by each contracting authority,
75 Pravna redakcija
oceno stroškov na enoto za vzorčenje in laboratorijsko preiskavo kot tudi oceno celotnih stroškov za izvajanje ukrepov.
the estimated unit costs for sampling and laboratory examination, as well as estimated total costs for carrying out the operations.
76 Pravna redakcija
Po potrebi predložite oceno celotne zmogljivosti v Skupnosti in v EFTI v zadnjih treh letih.
Where appropriate, provide an estimate of the total Community-wide and EFTA-wide capacity for the last three years.
77 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0224
celotni ocenjeni stroški vključujejo tudi stroške, ki jih nosi(-jo) prizadeti sektor(-ji).
the estimated total costs include also the costs borne by the sector(s) affected.
78 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
Zahteva se celotna in kritična ocena nekliničnega ovrednotenja zdravila na živalih/ in vitro.
An integrated and critical assessment of the non-clinical evaluation of the medicinal product in animals/in vitro shall be required.
79 Pravna redakcija
Celotno ocenjevanje prednosti vsake skupine proizvodov mora potekati ob razpravah in konsenzu v EUEB.
The overall priority grading of each product group should be arrived at by discussions and consensus within the EUEB.
80 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0224
Ocena celotnega števila prebivalcev, ki so bili v referenčnem letu izpostavljeni ravni onesnaženosti nad MV
Estimate of the total population exposed to a level above the LV in the reference year
81 Pravna redakcija
Če osnovne cene dokončanega objekta ni mogoče oceniti, se mora vrednotiti s celotnimi proizvodnimi stroški.
If it is not possible to estimate the basic price of the finished structure, it must be valued by its total costs of production.
82 Pravna redakcija
Čas dela delavcev na akord je ocenjen z deljenjem celotne vsote plačane za delo z urnim plačilom delavca zaposlenega po urah.
the working time given should correspond to the hours which would have been taken by a fit person to do the work.
83 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Namen te analize torej ni primerjati začetno leto z obdobjem preiskave, pač pa oceniti letna gibanja v celotnem obravnavanem obdobju.
The purpose of this analysis is therefore not to compare the starting year with the IP but rather to assess the annual developments within the entire period considered.
84 Pravna redakcija
celotna populacija živali iz vrst govedi v starosti nad 24 mesecev in ocenjeni obseg vsake podpopulacije iz točke 1 dela I poglavja A;
the total population of bovine animals over 24 months of age and the estimated size of each sub-population referred to in Chapter A, Part I, point 1;
85 Pravna redakcija
Za izračun ocenjene vrednosti naročila vključi naročnik celotni ocenjeni znesek plačila ponudniku storitve, ob upoštevanju odstavkov 3 do 7."
For the purposes of calculating the estimated value of the contract, the contracting authority shall include the estimated total remuneration of the service provider, taking account of the provisions of paragraphs 3 to 7.'
86 Pravna redakcija
(i) izvedejo celovite in sistematične varnostne ocene pred gradnjo in prevzemanjem jedrskega objekta tako kot med njegovo celotno življenjsko dobo.
(i) ab ab comprehensive and systematic safety assessments are carried out before the construction and commissioning of a nuclear installation and throughout its life.
87 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Na koncu mora vodja skupine sestaviti tabelo z ocenami celotne skupine in izračunati aritmetično sredino in standardni odmik od aritmetične sredine.
Finally, the panel supervisor should make up a table with the gradings for the whole group and calculate the arithmetic mean and the degree of error (of the mean).
88 Pravna redakcija
ocenitev celotnega tveganja, ki ga pomeni živ spremenjen organizem, na podlagi presoje verjetnosti in posledic nastanka opredeljenih škodljivih učinkov;
an estimation of the overall risk posed by the living modified organism based on the evaluation of the likelihood and consequences of the identified adverse effects being realized;
89 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0638
Države članice posredujejo Komisiji (Eurostat) mesečne statistične podatke, ki zajemajo njihovo celotno menjavo blaga, če je potrebno, v obliki ocene.
Member States shall provide the Commission (Eurostat) with monthly results which cover their total trade in goods by using estimates, where necessary.
90 Pravna redakcija
Ta resnost se oceni na podlagi celotne brezposelnosti in dolgotrajne brezposelnosti zunaj regij, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje za pridobitev pomoči v okviru cilja 1;
Such severity shall be assessed on the basis of total unemployment and long-term unemployment outside the regions under Objective 1;
91 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1980
Če so blago ali storitve zagotovljeni za zasebno rabo in za rabo pri delu, je treba oceniti zasebno rabo kot delež celotne rabe in jo prišteti celotnemu znesku.
If any goods or services are provided for both private and work use, then private use as a proportion of total use has to be estimated and applied to the total value.
92 Pravna redakcija
Naročniki lahko odstopijo od te določbe za sklope, katerih ocenjena neto vrednost brez DDV je nižja od 1 000 000 ekujev pod pogojem, da celotna ocenjena vrednost vseh izvzetih sklopov ne presega 20 % celotne vrednosti vseh sklopov.
Contracting authorities shall be permitted to depart from this provision for lots whose estimated value net of VAT is less than ECU 1 000 000, provided that the total estimated value of all the lots exempted does not, in consequence, exceed 20 % of the total estimated value of all lots.
93 Pravna redakcija
ker je bila izpostavljenost uporabnikov živilskim izdelkom, tretiranimi s pesticidi, zajetimi v tej direktivi, prek celotnega njihovega življenja ocenjena in ovrednotena skladno s
Whereas the lifetime exposure of consumers of food products treated with the pesticides covered by this Directive have been assessed and evaluated in accordance
94 Pravna redakcija
Države članice sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe za omejitev napak pri poročanju, in če je potrebno, za ocenitev učinkov na celotnem zemljišču, zasajenem s sadnim drevjem vsake od sort.
Member States shall take appropriate measures to limit mistakes of reporting and, if necessary, to estimate their effect on the whole of the area planted with fruit trees of each species.
95 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1954
Ribolovni napor ribiških plovil celotne dolžine 15 metrov ali manj se oceni globalno za vsako vrsto ribištva ter območje ali razdelek iz člena 3(1) v obdobju od leta 1998 do 2002.
The fishing effort of fishing vessels equal to or less than 15 metres in length overall shall be assessed globally for each fishery and area or division referred to in Article 3(1) during the period 1998 to 2002.
96 Pravna redakcija
Iz nacionalnega programa države članice se lahko izključi ocena bioloških parametrov za staleže, za katere so bili določeni celotni dovoljeni ulov in kvote pod naslednjimi pogoji:
The national programme of a Member State can exclude the estimation of the biological parameters for stocks for which TACs and quotas have been defined under the following conditions:
97 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000S2730
Namen te analize ni narediti končno analizo, ampak bolj oceniti gibanja v celotnem upoštevanem obdobju, da bi določili, ali položaj industrije Skupnosti med OP lahko velja za škodljivega.
The purpose of this analysis is not to do an end-point to end-point analysis but rather to assess the developments within the entire period considered in order to determine whether the situation of the Community industry in the IP can be considered as injurious.
98 Pravna redakcija
ker je dejanski razvoj v celotni Skupnosti že presegel dosedanje uradne ocene o povečanju gostote prometa in ker je zato treba opredeliti zelo stroge standarde o emisijah za vsa motorna vozila;
whereas official estimates of the increase in traffic density made hitherto have been exceeded by the actual trend throughout the Community and whereas for that reason very stringent emission standards should be laid down for all motor vehicles;
99 Pravna redakcija
iz nacionalnega programa države članice se lahko izključi ocena razdelitve po dolžini za iztovarjanja staležev, za katere je bil določen celotni dovoljeni ulov in kvote pod naslednjimi pogoji:
the national programme of a Member State can exclude the estimation of the length distribution of the landings for stocks for which TACs and quotas have been defined under the following conditions:
100 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1982
Če v vzorčnem gospodinjstvu pride do neodgovora pri posameznem vprašalniku, se za ocenitev celotnega dohodka gospodinjstva uporabijo ustrezni statistični postopki uteževanja in/ali imputiranja.
Where non-response to an individual questionnaire occurs within a sample household, appropriate statistical procedures for weighting and/or imputation shall be used to estimate the total income of the household.
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celotna ocena