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51 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
a) krvni doping, vključno z uporabo avtologne, homologne ali heterologne krvi ali eritrocitnih proizvodov kakršnega koli izvora, razen za zdravljenje;
(a) Blood doping, including the use of autologous, homologous or heterologous blood or red blood cell products of any origin, other than for medical treatment.
52 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-26
Taka posvetovanja med pristojnima organoma, ki so lahko v obliki razgovorov ali dopisovanja, se bodo začela v šestdesetih (60) dneh po prejemu zahteve.
Such consultations between the Aeronautical Authorities may be conducted by discussion or by correspondence, and shall begin within a period of sixty (60) days from the date of the request.
53 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-67
Uradno dopisovanje Centra z Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije bo potekalo prek za to določene službe Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije.
4 The Center's official correspondence with the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, will be conducted through the designated Directorate of the MOD of the Republic of Slovenia,
54 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-114
V nujnih primerih in ne glede na določbe iz odstavka 9 te priloge lahko IRP sprejme odločitve dopisno z glasovanjem vladnih članov po naslednjem postopku:
In cases of urgency, and without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 9 of this Annex, the IRP may take decisions by correspondence through a vote of the governmental members, under the following procedures:
55 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
(e) spodbujajo sodelovanje med laboratoriji za dopinški nadzor, ki so v njihovi pristojnosti, in laboratoriji, ki so v pristojnosti drugih držav pogodbenic.
(e) promote cooperation between doping control laboratories within their jurisdiction and those within the jurisdiction of other States Parties.
56 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(c) Navedba naslova lahko vključuje številki telefona in telefaksa ter za namene dopisovanja naslov, ki je drugačen od tistega, ki je naveden v pododstavku (a).
(c) The indication of an address may contain a telephone number and a telefacsimile number and, for the purposes of correspondence, an address different from the address indicated under subparagraph (a).
57 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
Dopise, ki se nanašajo na katero koli zadevo iz tega sporazuma in na katerih sta, kadar je to primerno, navedena številka in naziv programa, je treba nasloviti takole:
Correspondence relating to any matter falling within the scope of this Agreement, where appropriate stating the Programme's number and title, shall be addressed to the following:
58 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
Izraz »testiranje« pomeni dele postopka dopinškega nadzora, ki vključujejo načrtovanje razporeda testiranj, zbiranje vzorcev, obdelavo in prevoz vzorcev v laboratorij.
` Testing` means the parts of the doping control process involving test distribution planning, sample collection, sample handling and sample transport to the laboratory.
59 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Obravnavanje sodišča na ozemlju vsake države pogodbenice glede uradnega sporazumevanja in dopisovanja ni manj ugodno, kot ga posamezna država pogodbenica nameni medvladnim organizacijam ali diplomatskim predstavništvom v zvezi s prednostno obravnavo, cenami in taksami, ki veljajo za pošto in različne oblike sporazumevanja in dopisovanja.
The Court shall enjoy in the territory of each State Party for the purposes of its official communications and correspondence treatment not less favourable than that accorded by the State Party concerned to any intergovernmental organization or diplomatic mission in the matter of priorities, rates and taxes applicable to mail and the various forms of communication and correspondence.
60 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
(d) pravico do uporabe kod ali šifer, do prejemanja listin in dokumentov ali dopisov po kurirju ali v zapečatenih pošiljkah, do prejemanja in pošiljanja elektronskih sporočil;
(d) The right to use codes or cipher, to receive papers and documents or correspondence by courier or in sealed bags and to receive and send electronic communications;
61 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Države članice soglašajo, da bodo sprejele vse možne ukrepe, ki so v skladu z uporabljenim telekomunikacijskim sistemom, zato da bi zagotovile tajnost mednarodnega dopisovanja.
Member States agree to take all possible measures, compatible with the system of telecommunication used, with a view to ensuring the secrecy of international correspondence.
62 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
Izraz »kodeks« pomeni Svetovni kodeks proti dopingu, ki ga je Svetovna protidopinška agencija sprejela 5. marca 2003 v Köbenhavnu in je kot dodatek 1 priložen k tej konvenciji.
` Code` means the World Anti-Doping Code adopted by the World Anti-Doping Agency on 5 March 2003 at Copenhagen which is attached as Appendix 1 to this Convention.
63 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Pogodbenice se medsebojno obvestijo o organih, ki so imenovani za prejem zahtev za prevoz s spremljajočimi potrebnimi dokumenti ter vseh drugih uradnih dopisov v zvezi z zahtevami za prevoz.
The Contracting Parties shall notify each other of the authority designated for each State responsible for receiving transit requests and the necessary documents, as well as any other official correspondence relating to transit requests.
64 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
(b) spodbujajo in omogočajo, da športne in protidopinške organizacije sprejmejo sporazume, ki omogočajo, da njihove člane testirajo pooblaščene skupine za dopinški nadzor iz drugih držav;
(b) encourage and facilitate the negotiation by sports organizations and anti-doping organizations of agreements permitting their members to be tested by duly authorized doping control teams from other countries;
65 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(b) Kadar je sporočilo poslano uradu pogodbenice v imenu dveh ali več oseb z različnimi naslovi, lahko pogodbenica zahteva, da je v takem sporočilu naveden en sam naslov kot naslov za dopisovanje.
(b) Where a communication to the Office of a Contracting Party is in the name of two or more persons with different addresses, that Contracting Party may require that such communication indicate a single address as the address for correspondence.
66 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-133
Sodišče ima pravico, da dopise in druge dokumente ali sporočila pošilja in sprejema po pošti ali v zapečatenih vrečah, ki uživajo enake privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti kot diplomatska pošta.
The Tribunal shall have the right to dispatch and receive correspondence and other materials or communications by courier or in sealed bags, which shall have the same privileges, immunities and facilities as diplomatic couriers and bags.
67 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-133
Če je to združljivo z mednarodnimi obveznostmi zadevne države, sodišče za namene svojih uradnih sporočil in dopisovanja v zvezi s prednostmi, tarifami in davki, ki veljajo za poštno službo in različne oblike sporočanja in dopisovanja, uživa obravnavo, ki ni manj ugodna od tiste, ki jo država pogodbenica priznava kateri koli medvladni organizaciji ali kateremu koli diplomatskemu predstavništvu.
For the purposes of its official communications and correspondence, the Tribunal shall enjoy in the territory of each State Party, insofar as is compatible with the international obligations of the State concerned, treatment not less favourable than that which the State Party accords to any intergovernmental organization or diplomatic mission in the matter of priorities, rates and taxes applicable to mail and the various forms of communication and correspondence.
68 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
(c) se zavezujejo, da bodo športnim in protidopinškim organizacijam, ki so v njihovi pristojnosti, pomagale pri dostopu do akreditiranega laboratorija za dopinški nadzor, da bo opravil kontrolno analizo.
(c) undertake to assist the sports organizations and anti-doping organizations within their jurisdiction in gaining access to an accredited doping control laboratory for the purposes of doping control analysis.
69 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Sodišče lahko uporablja vsa ustrezna komunikacijska sredstva, vključno z elektronskimi komunikacijskimi sredstvi, ter ima pravico, da za svoje uradno sporazumevanje in dopisovanje uporablja kode ali šifre.
The Court may use all appropriate means of communication, including electronic means of communication, and shall have the right to use codes or cipher for its official communications and correspondence.
70 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
Naslov za dopisovanje, naslov za vročitev in drug naslov Pogodbenica lahko ob upoštevanju določb, predpisanih v pravilniku, zahteva, da prijavitelj, lastnik ali druga zainteresirana oseba v sporočilu navede:
[ Address for Correspondence, Address for Legal Service and Other Address ] A Contracting Party may, subject to any provisions prescribed in the Regulations, require that an applicant, owner or other interested person indicate in any communication:
71 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
(g) medsebojno priznavajo postopke za dopinški nadzor in ravnanje z izsledki testiranj, vključno s sankcijami v športu, ki jih v tej zvezi izreče katera koli protidopinška organizacija in so skladne s kodeksom.
(g) mutually recognize the doping control procedures and test results management, including the sport sanctions thereof, of any anti-doping organization that are consistent with the Code.
72 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(6) [Naslov za dopisovanje, naslov za vročitev in drug naslov] Pogodbenica lahko ob upoštevanju določb, predpisanih v pravilniku, zahteva, da prijavitelj, lastnik ali druga zainteresirana oseba v sporočilu navede:
(6) [Address for Correspondence, Address for Legal Service and Other Address] A Contracting Party may, subject to any provisions prescribed in the Regulations, require that an applicant, owner or other interested person indicate in any communication:
73 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
Sodišče ima pravico, da odpošilja in prejema dopise in drugo gradivo ali sporočila po kurirju ali v zapečatenih pošiljkah, ki uživajo iste privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti kot diplomatski kurirji in pošiljke.
The Court shall have the right to dispatch and receive correspondence and other materials or communications by courier or in sealed bags, which shall have the same privileges, immunities and facilities as diplomatic couriers and bags.
74 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0338
(a) spremne dopise in kopije pisem v zvezi z zakonodajnimi akti, ki so jih na Svet naslovile bodisi druge institucije ali organi Evropske unije bodisi država članica ob upoštevanju člena 4(5) Uredbe (ES) št. 1049/2001;
(a) cover notes and copies of letters concerning legislative acts addressed to the Council by other institutions or bodies of the European Union or, subject to Article 4(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, by a Member State;
75 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-58
c) imajo take osebe glede pritožbe na sodišče ali postopka, ki iz take pritožbe izhaja, pravico do dopisovanja in zasebnega posvetovanja z odvetnikom, pooblaščenim za nastopanje pred sodišči države, v kateri so priprti.
c such persons shall have the right to correspond, and consult out of hearing of other persons, with a lawyer qualified to appear before the courts of the country where they are detained in regard to an application to the Court, or any proceedings resulting therefrom.
76 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
(b) Če skupščina ni sklepčna, lahko sprejema sklepe; ti sklepi, razen tistih, ki se nanašajo na njen postopek, so polnoveljavni samo, če sta bili sklepčnost in potrebna večina doseženi z glasovanjem prek dopisov, predvidenih s pravilnikom.
(b) In the absence of the quorum, the Assembly may make decisions but, with the exception of decisions concerning its own procedure, all such decisions shall take effect only if the quorum and the required majority are attained through voting by correspondence as provided in the Regulations.
77 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
(a) omogočijo, da SPA in protidopinške organizacije, ki delujejo skladno s kodeksom in upoštevanjem ustreznih predpisov držav gostiteljic, opravljajo dopinški nadzor njihovih športnikov na tekmovanjih ali zunaj njih na njihovem ozemlju ali drugje;
(a) facilitate the task of the World Anti-Doping Agency and anti-doping organizations operating in compliance with the Code, subject to relevant host countries' regulations, of conducting in- or out-of-competition doping controls on their athletes, whether on their territory or elsewhere;
78 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
Kadar se terapevtska izjema prizna športniku, vključenemu v skupino športnikov za nenapovedane dopinške kontrole, se temu športniku in WADA takoj pošlje odobritev, ki vsebuje podatke o trajanju izjeme in pogojih, povezanih s priznanjem terapevtske izjeme.
Where a TUE has been granted to an Athlete in the Anti-Doping Organization Registered Testing Pool, the Athlete and WADA will be provided promptly with an approval which includes information pertaining to the duration of the exemption and any conditions associated with the TUE.
79 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
(a) spodbujajo športne in protidopinške organizacije, ki so v njihovi pristojnosti, da opravljajo dopinški nadzor skladno s kodeksom, vključno s testiranjem brez vnaprejšnjega obvestila, testiranjem na tekmovanju in zunaj njega, in jim tak nadzor omogočajo;
(a) encourage and facilitate the implementation by sports organizations and antidoping organizations within their jurisdiction of doping controls in a manner consistent with the Code, including no-advance notice, out-of-competition and incompetition testing;
80 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-37
Ne glede na kraj prebivališča ali življenjske okoliščine invalidi ne smejo biti izpostavljeni samovoljnemu ali nezakonitemu vmešavanju v svojo zasebnost, družino, dom ali dopisovanje in druge vrste komunikacij ali nezakonitim napadom na svojo čast in ugled.
No person with disabilities, regardless of place of residence or living arrangements, shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his or her privacy, family, home or correspondence or other types of communication or to unlawful attacks on his or her honour and reputation.
81 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-58
` Dopise, ki se nanašajo na katero koli zadevo iz tega Večletnega sporazuma o financiranju in/ali iz letnega sporazuma o financiranju, predvidenega po 2. členu, in na katerih sta, kadar je to primerno, navedena številka in naziv programa, je treba nasloviti takole:
` Correspondence relating to any matter falling within the scope of this Multi-Annual Financing Agreement, and/or the scope of the Annual Financing Agreements provided for in Article 2, where appropriate stating the Programme's number and title, shall be addressed to the following:
82 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
* »Na Seznamu prepovedanih snovi in postopkov 2005 so lahko navedene specificirane snovi, s katerimi se zaradi njihove splošne dostopnosti v zdravilih še zlasti lahko nenamerno kršijo protidopinška pravila ali za katere je malo verjetno, da bi se uspešno zlorabile za doping
* ` The Prohibited List may identify specified substances which are particularly susceptible to unintentional anti-doping rule violations because of their general availability in medicinal products or which are less likely to be successfully abused as doping agents.`
83 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
Države pogodbenice z akreditiranimi laboratoriji za dopinški nadzor morajo predvsem spodbujati laboratorije, ki so v njihovi pristojnosti, da drugim državam pogodbenicam pomagajo pridobiti izkušnje, veščine in tehnologije, potrebne za ustanavljanje njihovih lastnih laboratorijev, če to želijo;
In particular, States Parties with accredited doping control laboratories should encourage laboratories within their jurisdiction to assist other States Parties in enabling them to acquire the experience, skills and techniques necessary to establish their own laboratories should they wish to do so;
84 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Vsaka država članica si pridržuje pravico, da ukine vse mednarodne telekomunikacijske storitve ali samo v določenih smereh oziroma določeno vrsto odhodnega, dohodnega ali tranzitnega dopisovanja pod pogojem, da o tem ukrepu s posredovanjem generalnega sekretarja takoj uradno obvesti vse druge države članice.
Each Member State reserves the right to suspend the international telecommunication service, either generally or only for certain relations and/or for certain kinds of correspondence, outgoing, incoming or in transit, provided that it immediately notifies such action to each of the other Member States through the Secretary-General.
85 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
(a) iz svojih proračunov zagotavljajo sredstva za financiranje nacionalnega programa testiranja v vseh športnih panogah ali športnim in protidopinškim organizacijam pomagajo financirati dopinški nadzor z neposrednimi subvencijami ali donacijami ali s priznavanjem stroškov takega nadzora, kadar jim odmerjajo znesek subvencije ali donacije;
(a) provide funding within their respective budgets to support a national testing programme across all sports or assist sports organizations and anti-doping organizations in financing doping controls either by direct subsidies or grants, or by recognizing the costs of such controls when determining the overall subsidies or grants to be awarded to those organizations;
86 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
Zadostno uradno obvestilo Vsako uradno obvestilo po tej pogodbi ali pravilniku, ki ga urad pošlje na naslov za dopisovanje ali na naslov za vročitev, omenjen v šestem odstavku 8. člena, ali vsak drug naslov, predviden v pravilniku za namene te določbe, in ki je v skladu z določbami glede tega obvestila, je za namene te pogodbe in pravilnika zadostno uradno obvestilo.
[ Sufficient Notification ] Any notification under this Treaty or the Regulations which is sent by the Office to an address for correspondence or address for legal service indicated under Article 8(6), or any other address provided for in the Regulations for the purpose of this provision, and which complies with the provisions with respect to that notification, shall constitute a sufficient notification for the purposes of this Treaty and the Regulations.
87 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(1) [Zadostno uradno obvestilo] Vsako uradno obvestilo po tej pogodbi ali pravilniku, ki ga urad pošlje na naslov za dopisovanje ali na naslov za vročitev, omenjen v šestem odstavku 8. člena, ali vsak drug naslov, predviden v pravilniku za namene te določbe, in ki je v skladu z določbami glede tega obvestila, je za namene te pogodbe in pravilnika zadostno uradno obvestilo.
(1) [Sufficient Notification] Any notification under this Treaty or the Regulations which is sent by the Office to an address for correspondence or address for legal service indicated under Article 8(6), or any other address provided for in the Regulations for the purpose of this provision, and which complies with the provisions with respect to that notification, shall constitute a sufficient notification for the purposes of this Treaty and the Regulations.
88 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
Naslov ob imenovanju zastopnika Kadar je zastopnik imenovan, pogodbenica obravnava naslov tega zastopnika kot naslov za dopisovanje iz točke (i) šestega odstavka 8. člena ali naslov za vročitev iz točke (ii) šestega odstavka 8. člena, kot zahteva pogodbenica, razen če ta prijavitelj, lastnik ali druga zainteresirana oseba izrecno navede drug tak naslov po šestem odstavku 8. člena.
[ Address Where Representative Is Appointed ] Where a representative is appointed, a Contracting Party shall consider the address of that representative to be the address for correspondence referred to in Article 8(6)(i) or the address for legal service referred to in Article 8(6)(ii), as required by the Contracting Party, unless that applicant, owner or other interested person expressly indicates another such address under Article 8(6).
89 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(4) [Naslov ob imenovanju zastopnika] Kadar je zastopnik imenovan, pogodbenica obravnava naslov tega zastopnika kot naslov za dopisovanje iz točke (i) šestega odstavka 8. člena ali naslov za vročitev iz točke (ii) šestega odstavka 8. člena, kot zahteva pogodbenica, razen če ta prijavitelj, lastnik ali druga zainteresirana oseba izrecno navede drug tak naslov po šestem odstavku 8. člena.
(4) [Address Where Representative Is Appointed] Where a representative is appointed, a Contracting Party shall consider the address of that representative to be the address for correspondence referred to in Article 8(6)(i) or the address for legal service referred to in Article 8(6)(ii), as required by the Contracting Party, unless that applicant, owner or other interested person expressly indicates another such address under Article 8(6).
90 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Po dveh letih od začetka veljavnosti te ustave in konvencije pa tista država članica podpisnica, ki ne deponira listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi v skladu s št. 208 zgoraj, nima več pravice glasovati na nobeni konferenci Zveze, na nobeni seji Sveta, na nobenem zasedanju kateregakoli sektorja Zveze ali med nobenim dopisnim posvetovanjem, ki poteka v skladu z določbami te ustave in konvencije, vse dokler ne deponira take listine.
From the end of a period of two years from the date of entry into force of this Constitution and the Convention, a signatory Member State which has not deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, in accordance with No. 208 above, shall no longer be entitled to vote at any conference of the Union, at any session of the Council, at any meeting of any of the Sectors of the Union, or during any consultation by correspondence conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and of the Convention until it has so deposited such an instrument.
91 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
Naslov ob neimenovanju zastopnika Kadar zastopnik ni imenovan in prijavitelj, lastnik ali druga zainteresirana oseba navede kot svoj naslov naslov na ozemlju, ki ga je predpisala pogodbenica na podlagi drugega odstavka, ta pogodbenica obravnava ta naslov kot naslov za dopisovanje iz točke (i) šestega odstavka 8. člena ali naslov za vročitev iz točke (ii) šestega odstavka 8. člena, kot zahteva pogodbenica, razen če ta prijavitelj, lastnik ali druga zainteresirana oseba izrecno navede drug tak naslov po šestem odstavku 8. člena.
[ Address Where No Representative Is Appointed ]Where no representative isappointed and an applicant, owner or other interested personhas provided, as his address, an address on a territory prescribed bythe Contracting Party under paragraph (2),that Contracting Party shall consider that address to be the address for correspondence referred to in Article 8(6)(i) orthe address forlegalservice referred to in Article 8(6)(ii), as required by the Contracting Party, unless that applicant, owner or other interested person expressly indicates another suchaddress under Article 8(6).
92 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
Naslov ob neimenovanju zastopnika Kadar zastopnik ni imenovan in prijavitelj, lastnik ali druga zainteresirana oseba navede kot svoj naslov naslov na ozemlju, ki ga je predpisala pogodbenica na podlagi drugega odstavka, ta pogodbenica obravnava ta naslov kot naslov za dopisovanje iz točke (i) šestega odstavka 8. člena ali naslov za vročitev iz točke (ii) šestega odstavka 8. člena, kot zahteva pogodbenica, razen če ta prijavitelj, lastnik ali druga zainteresirana oseba izrecno navede drug tak naslov po šestem odstavku 8. člena.
[ Address Where No Representative Is Appointed ] Where no representative is appointed and an applicant, owner or other interested person has provided, as his address, an address on a territory prescribed by the Contracting Party under paragraph (2), that Contracting Party shall consider that address to be the address for correspondence referred to in Article 8(6)(i) or the address for legal service referred to in Article 8(6)(ii), as required by the Contracting Party, unless that applicant, owner or other interested person expressly indicates another such address under Article 8(6).
93 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(3) [Naslov ob neimenovanju zastopnika] Kadar zastopnik ni imenovan in prijavitelj, lastnik ali druga zainteresirana oseba navede kot svoj naslov naslov na ozemlju, ki ga je predpisala pogodbenica na podlagi drugega odstavka, ta pogodbenica obravnava ta naslov kot naslov za dopisovanje iz točke (i) šestega odstavka 8. člena ali naslov za vročitev iz točke (ii) šestega odstavka 8. člena, kot zahteva pogodbenica, razen če ta prijavitelj, lastnik ali druga zainteresirana oseba izrecno navede drug tak naslov po šestem odstavku 8. člena.
(3) [Address Where No Representative Is Appointed] Where no representative is appointed and an applicant, owner or other interested person has provided, as his address, an address on a territory prescribed by the Contracting Party under paragraph (2), that Contracting Party shall consider that address to be the address for correspondence referred to in Article 8(6)(i) or the address for legal service referred to in Article 8(6)(ii), as required by the Contracting Party, unless that applicant, owner or other interested person expressly indicates another such address under Article 8(6).
94 Končna redakcija
95 Končna redakcija
zunanje zadeve
41.13. [GR] Doping kontrola
96 Končna redakcija
zunanje zadeve
d) prostor za doping kontrolo,
d) Doping control station.
97 Končna redakcija
Maja 1994 so 6782 članov Socialdemokratske stranke Slovenije (sdss) in predstavniki časopisa Slovenec prejeli dopis, v katerem je pisalo:
In May 1994, the representatives of Slovenec and 6,782 members of the Social Democratic Party of Slovenia (sdss) received a letter with the following content:
98 Končna redakcija
odobritev Komisije z dopisom dne …,
approved by the Commission by letter dated… ,
99 Končna redakcija
Tednik Demokracija (24. 7. 1990) je, denimo, objavil dopis predstavnikov nekdanje szdl (sicer ustanoviteljice čgp Delo), v katerem soglašajo s prenosom ustanoviteljskih pravic.
Demokracija weekly newspaper published (on 24 July 1990) a letter, signed by the representatives of the Socialist Alliance of Workers which founded the former čgp Delo, in which they stated that they agreed with the transfer of founder rights.
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CELEX: 32004R0422
Če se prijava znamke Skupnosti šteje za umaknjeno, Urad pošlje prijavitelju dopis, ki določa rok treh mesecev od datuma navedenega dopisa, v katerem se lahko vloži prijava za konverzijo.
In cases where a Community trade mark application is deemed to be withdrawn, the Office shall send to the applicant a communication fixing a period of three months from the date of that communication in which a request for conversion may be filed.
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