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homologacijski organ
51 Pravna redakcija
Na podlagi pregleda iz 7.1.1 mora homologacijski organ:
On the basis of the audit referred to in 7.1.1, the type-approval authority must either:
52 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0757
Če se pojavijo "sistematične napake v uporabi", se odvzeti deli vsakič pošljejo homologacijskemu organu, ki je podelil EGS-homologacijo sestavnega dela, z zahtevo za mnenje.
If a type of reflex reflector displays a consistent failure to conform when in use, they shall send any parts selected for testing to the authority which granted EEC component type-approval, with a request for its opinion.
53 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0757
Če se pojavijo "sistematične napake v uporabi", se odvzeti deli vsakič pošljejo homologacijskemu organu, ki je podelil EGS-homologacijo sestavnega dela, z zahtevo za mnenje.
If a type of reflex reflector displays a consistent failure to conform when in use, they shall send any parts selected for testing to the administration which granted EEC component type-approval, with a request for its opinion.
54 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0078
Proizvajalec vozila mora tehnični službi in/ali homologacijskemu organu predložiti potrebne podatke v elektronski obliki, ki omogočajo povezavo med ustreznimi številkami delov in ustrezno homologacijsko dokumentacijo.
2.3.4. The vehicle manufacturer shall provide to the technical service and/or approval authority the necessary information in electronic format which makes the link between the relevant part numbers and the type approval documentation.
55 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0007
Organi držav članic, ki podeljujejo homologacije, sprejmejo homologacije in homologacijske oznake, podeljene skladno z zahtevami navedenega Pravilnika R 39 po določbah tega pravilnika, namesto ustreznih homologacij in homologacijskih oznak, podeljenih skladno z zahtevami te direktive.
The authorities of the Member States which grant type-approval shall accept approvals, and type-approval marks, granted in accordance with the requirements of the said Regulation No 39 within the scope of that Regulation, in place of the corresponding approvals and type-approval marks granted in accordance with the requirements of this Directive.
56 Končna redakcija
Če proizvajalec homologacijskemu organu lahko dokaže, da ugotavljanje višjih odstotkov izpadlih vžigov še vedno ni izvedljivo oziroma da izpadlih vžigov ni mogoče ločevati od drugih vplivov (npr. luknjasta cesta, menjanje prestave po zagonu motorja itd.), se lahko sistem za nadzor izpadlih vžigov izključi, dokler obstajajo take okoliščine.”
When a manufacturer can demonstrate to the authority that the detection of higher levels of misfire percentages is still not feasible, or that misfire cannot be distinguished from other effects (e.g. rough roads, transmission shifts, after engine starting; etc.) the misfire monitoring system may be disabled when such conditions exist."
57 Pravna redakcija
Razlike so dovoljene, če homologacijski organ potrdi, da je njihova točnost primerljiva.
Variations are permissible, provided that they are approved by the authority granting the approval as being of comparable accuracy.
58 Pravna redakcija
Načrt popravnih ukrepov, ki ga predloži proizvajalec, mora potrditi homologacijski organ.
The plan of remedial measures presented by the manufacturer must be approved by the type-approval authority.
59 Pravna redakcija
Ime homologacijskega organa
Name of Administration
60 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31970L0220
Ime homologacijskega organa
Name of administration
61 Pravna redakcija
62 Pravna redakcija
Naslednje štiri števke (1234) homologacijski organ dodeli nadomestnemu katalizatorju kot osnovno homologacijsko številko.”
The following four digits (1234) are those allocated by the approval authority to the replacement catalytic converter as the base approval number.'
63 Pravna redakcija
1.2 Zahtevo iz odstavka 1.1 je treba preveriti na način, da se homologacijski organ strinja s predvideno ureditvijo in postopki, vendar to lahko v imenu in na zahtevo organa, ki podeljuje homologacijo, preveri tudi homologacijski organ druge države pogodbenice.
The requirement in paragraph 1. 1 must be verfied to the satisfaction of the authority granting type-approval but may also be verified, on behalf and at the request of the authority granting type-approval, by the approval authority of another Contracting Party.
64 Pravna redakcija
Pri obravnavi te zahteve homologacijski organ ugotovi, ali je skladnost z zahtevami te priloge tehnično nemogoča ali pa nesmiselna.
In considering the request, the authority shall determine whether compliance with the requirements of this Annex is infeasible or unreasonable.
65 Pravna redakcija
Vse druge informacije, poročila ali podatke, ki jih lahko homologacijski organ določi kot pomembne za presojo načrta popravnih ukrepov.
Any other information, reports or data the type-approval authority may reasonably determine is necessary to evaluate the plan of remedial measures.
66 Pravna redakcija
Treba je določiti rok, v katerem je treba na pozneje proizvedenih vozilih odpraviti pomanjkljivosti, ki jih je homologacijski organ odobril.
A period should be specified within which deficiencies authorised by the authority must be corrected on future manufactured vehicles.
67 Pravna redakcija
Če homologacijski organ ni zadovoljen s preskusnim postopkom proizvajalca, se uporabita točki 2.4.2 in 2.4.3 Priloge X k Direktivi 70/156/EGS.
If the authority is not satisfied with the auditing procedure of the manufacturer, then Sections 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 of Annex X to Directive 70/156/EEC are applicable.
68 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0025
V določenih okoliščinah lahko homologacijski organ zaključi, da je mogoče nivo najslabše emisije najbolje določiti s preskušanjem še enega motorja.
Under certain circumstances, the approval authority may conclude that the worst-case emission rate of the family can best be characterised by testing a second engine.
69 Pravna redakcija
To obvestiloo je povzetek glavnih značilnosti vgradnje in navaja, ali jo homologacijski organ ocenjuje kot zadovoljivo, nezadovoljivo ali ne več zadovoljivo.
This notification is a summary of the main features of the installation and states whether the administration considered it to be satisfactory, unsatisfactory or no longer satisfactory.
70 Pravna redakcija
Ravno tako homologacijski organ ne bo ugodil zahtevi za podelitev homologacije za OBD-sistem, če niso upoštevane mejne vrednosti za OBD-sistem iz točke 3.3.2.
The authority will not accept any deficiency request that does not respect the OBD threshold limits in Section 3.3.2.
71 Pravna redakcija
Kadar homologacijski organ meni, da je kakovost proizvodnje nezadovoljiva, se iz serije naključno izbere vozilo za preskušanje, navedeno v Prilogi XI, Dodatek 1.
When the approval authority determines that the quality of production seems unsatisfactory a vehicle is randomly taken from the series and subjected to the tests described in Annex XI, Appendix 1.
72 Pravna redakcija
Če so rezultati pregleda nezadovoljivi, mora homologacijski organ zagotoviti vse potrebne ukrepe za čim hitrejšo ponovno vzpostavitev skladnosti proizvodnje.”
In the case where negative results are recorded during one of these inspections, the competent authority shall ensure that all necessary steps are taken to re-establish the conformity of production as rapidly as possible.'
73 Pravna redakcija
Zahtevo iz odstavka 1.1. je treba preveriti zaradi zadovoljitve homologacijskega organa, vendar jo lahko v imenu in na zahtevo homologacijskega organa preveri tudi homologacijski organ druge države pogodbenice.
The requirement in paragraph 1.1 must be verfied to the satisfaction of the authority granting type-approval but may also be verified, on behalf and at the request of the authority granting type-approval, by the approval authority of another Contracting Party.
74 Pravna redakcija
Če se homologacijski organ ne strinja s proizvajalčevim postopkom presoje, se uporabljata točki 2.4.2 in 2.4.3 Priloge X k Direktivi 70/156/EGS ter točki 7.3.1 in 7.3.2 spodaj.
If the authority is not satisfied with the auditing procedure of the manufacturer, then items 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 of Annex X to Directive 70/156/EEC and paragraphs 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 below shall apply.
75 Pravna redakcija
Kadar je homologacijski organ prepričan, da tip vozila ni skladen z zahtevami teh določb, mora od proizvajalca zahtevati predložitev načrta popravnih ukrepov za odpravo napake.
When the type-approval authority is certain that a vehicle type is not in conformity with the requirements of these provisions, it must request the manufacturer to submit a plan of remedial measures to remedy the non-compliance.
76 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0025
Tako lahko homologacijski organ izbere dodaten motor za preskus na podlagi lastnosti, ki kažejo na to, da bi ta motor lahko imel med motorji v tej družini najvišji nivo emisije.
Thus, the approval authority may select an additional engine for tests based on features which indicate that it may have the highest emission levels of the engines within that family.
77 Pravna redakcija
1.4 Ko homologacijski organ prejme vlogo organa druge države pogodbenice, takoj pošlje izjavo o skladnosti, navedeno v zadnjem stavku odstavka 1.2, ali sporoči, da take izjave ne more dati.
On receiving an application from the authority of another Contracting Party the approval authority shall send forthwith the statement of compliance mentioned in the last sentence of paragraph 1. 2 or advise that it is not in a position to provide such a statement.
78 Pravna redakcija
Ko homologacijski organ prejme vlogo od organa druge države pogodbenice, takoj pošlje izjavo o skladnosti, navedeno v zadnjem stavku odstavka 1.2., ali sporoči, da take izjave ne more dati.
On receiving an application from the authority of another Contracting Party the approval authority shall send forthwith the statement of compliance mentioned in the last sentence of paragraph 1.2 or advise that it is not in a position to provide such a statement.
79 Pravna redakcija
Če v primeru vloge za podelitev homologacije družine motorjev homologacijski organ ugotovi, da glede na izbrani osnovni motor, predložena vloga ne predstavlja v popolnosti družino motorjev, opisano v Dodatku 2 Priloge II Direktive 97/68/ES, je treba skladno s členom 3(1) Direktive 97/68/ES predložiti drug in, po potrebi, dodaten osnovni motor, ki ga določi homologacijski organ.
In the case of an applicant for type-approval of an engine family, if the approval authority determines that, with regard to the selected parent engine, the submitted application does not fully represent the engine family described in Annex II, Appendix 2, to Directive 97/68/EC an alternative and, if necessary an additional parent engine which is determined by the approval authority shall be provided for approval according to Article 3(1) of Directive 97/68/EC.
80 Pravna redakcija
Če se homologacijski organ strinja s standardnim odstopanjem proizvodnje, kakor ga podaja proizvajalec skladno s Prilogo X k Direktivi 70/156/EGS, se preskusi opravijo skladno z Dodatkom 1 te priloge.
If the authority is satisfied with the production standard deviation given by the manufacturer in accordance with Annex X to Directive 70/156/EEC, the tests are carried out according to Appendix 1 of this Annex.
81 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0102
O svoji odločitvi o ugoditvi zahtevi za sprejetje pomanjkljivosti homologacijski organ obvesti vse homologacijske organe v drugih državah članicah skladno z zahtevami člena 4 Direktive 70/156/EGS.`
The authority shall notify its decision in granting a deficiency request to all authorities in other Member States according to the requirements of Article 4 to Directive 70/156/EEC.'
82 Pravna redakcija
V primeru neizpolnjevanja teh določb homologacijski organ skladno s postopki, določenimi za homologacijo in preglede vozil v prometu, ustrezno ukrepa, da zagotovi razpoložljivost informacij o popravilu.
In the event of failure to comply with these provisions the approval authority shall take appropriate measures to ensure that repair information is available, in accordance with the procedures laid down for type-approval and in-service surveys.
83 Pravna redakcija
1.3 Homologacijski organ mora sprejeti tudi certifikat, podeljen proizvajalcu na podlagi harmoniziranega standarda ISO 9002 (katerega področje uporabe zajema izdelek(-e), ki ga (jih) je treba homologirati) ali ustreznega uradno priznanega standarda kot upoštevanje zahtev iz odstavka 1.1. Proizvajalec mora predložiti podatke o certifikatu in se obvezati, da bo obveščal homologacijski organ o vsaki spremembi veljavnosti ali področja uporabe certifikata.
The approval authority must also accept the manufacturer's registration to Harmonized Standard ISO 9002 (the scope of which covers the product(s) to be approved) or an equivalent accreditation standard as satisfying the requirements of paragraph 1. 1. The manufacturer must provide details of the registration and undertake to inform the approval authority of any revisions to its validity or scope.
84 Pravna redakcija
Pri tem homologacijski organ dopušča, da pri vozilih, ki so prevozila večje razdalje od navedenih za trajnost tipa V iz 3.3.1, lahko pride do poslabšanja delovanje sistema OBD tako, da so mejne vrednosti emisij iz 3.3.2 lahko prekoračene, preden sistem OBD vozniku javi okvaro.
In achieving this objective the approval authority must accept that vehicles which have travelled distances in excess of the Type V durability distance, referred to in 3.3.1, may show some deterioration in OBD system performance such that the emission limits given in 3.3.2 may be exceeded before the OBD system signals a failure to the driver of the vehicle.
85 Pravna redakcija
Najpozneje tri mesece potem, ko je proizvajalec kateremu koli svojemu pooblaščenemu trgovcu ali mehanični delavnici v Skupnosti predložil podatke o popravilu, mora proizvajalec te podatke (vključno z vsemi poznejšimi spremembami in dopolntvamiili) dati na voljo po zmerni nediskriminatorni ceni brez razlik in o tem ustrezno obvestiti homologacijski organ.
No later than three months after the manufacturer has provided any authorised dealer or repair shop within the Community with repair information, the manufacturer shall make that information (including all subsequent amendments and supplements) available upon reasonable and non-discriminatory payment and shall notify the approval authority accordingly.
86 Pravna redakcija
Pri tem mora homologacijski organ upoštevati navedbe proizvajalca, ki med drugim vsebujejo tudi podatke, kakršni so tehnična izvedljivost, čas zagona proizvodnje, in proizvodne cikle, ki vključujejo fazo uvajanja oziroma fazo izteka proizvodnje motorjev ali konstrukcijo vozila, ter programirane izboljšave računalnikov. Preuči še stopnjo pričakovane učinkovitosti OBD-sistema glede izpolnjevanja zahtev te direktive in ali si je proizvajalec dovolj prizadeval, da bi kar najbolj izpolnil zahteve te direktive.
The authority shall take into consideration data from the manufacturer that details such factors as, but not limited to, technical feasibility, lead time and production cycles including phase-in or phase-out of engines or vehicle designs and programmed upgrades of computers, the extent to which the resultant OBD system will be effective in complying with the requirements of this directive and that the manufacturer has demonstrated an acceptable level of effort toward compliance with the requirements of this Directive.
87 Pravna redakcija
poskrbeti, da so rezultati preskusov zapisani in so s potrebnimi prilogami na voljo za obdobje, dogovorjeno s homologacijskim organom;
Ensure that data of test results are recorded and that annexed documents remain available for a period to be determined in accordance with the administrative service;
88 Pravna redakcija
Načrt popravnih ukrepov je treba vložiti pri homologacijskem organu najpozneje v 60 delovnih dneh od datuma uradnega obvestila, navedenega v točki 6.1.
The plan of remedial measures must be filed with the type-approval authority not later than 60 working days from the date of the notification referred to in section 6.1.
89 Pravna redakcija
Če načrt popravnih ukrepov vključuje pozivanje vozil na popravilo, je homologacijskemu organu treba predložiti opis načina, kako se bo zabeležilo popravilo.
Where the plan of remedial measures includes a recall, a description of the method for recording the repair must be submitted to the type-approval authority.
90 Pravna redakcija
zagotoviti, da se podatki o rezultatih preskusov zapišejo in da ostane priložena dokumentacija na voljo tako dolgo, kakor je določeno v dogovoru s homologacijskim organom.
ensure that test results' data are recorded and that annexed documents remain available for a period to be determined in agreement with the approval authority.
91 Pravna redakcija
Proizvajalec lahko od homologacijskega organa zahteva homologacijo OBD-sistema, tudi če ima ta eno pomanjkljivost ali več in tako niso v celoti izpolnjene zahteve te priloge.
A manufacturer may request to the authority that an OBD system be accepted for type-approval even though the system contains one or more deficiencies such that the specific requirements of this Annex are not fully met.
92 Pravna redakcija
Položaj namestitve mora biti po dogovoru s homologacijskim organom hitro dostopen servisnemu osebju, vendar zaščiten pred naključno poškodbo ob običajnih pogojih uporabe.
The installation position must be subject to agreement of the approval authority such that it is readily accessible by service personnel but protected from accidental damage during normal conditions of use.
93 Pravna redakcija
Vendar, če proizvajalec lahko zadovoljivo dokaže homologacijskemu organu, da potrebuje več časa za preučitev napak zaradi priprave načrta popravnih ukrepov, se mu podaljšanje odobri.
However, where the manufacturer can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the competent type-approval authority, that further time is required to investigate the non-compliance in order to submit a plan of remedial measures, an extension is granted.
94 Pravna redakcija
Organi držav članic, ki so podelili ES-homologacijo za tip ali družino motorjev, priznajo homologacije, podeljene po določbah Priloge III ter ustrezne homologacijske oznake kot so skladne s to direktivo.
The authorities of Member States granting EC type-approval for a type or family of engines shall recognise the type-approvals granted in accordance with the provisions of Annex III and the corresponding type-approval marks as being in conformity with this Directive.
95 Pravna redakcija
Proizvajalec lahko od homologacijskega organa, ki je podelil prvotno homologacijo, zahteva sprejetje pomanjkljivosti s povratnim učinkom, če se pomanjkljivost ugotovi, ko je bila homologacija že podeljena.
A manufacturer may request that the original type-approval authority grant a deficiency retrospectively when such a deficiency is discovered after the original type-approval.
96 Pravna redakcija
Pri izpolnjevanju zahtev iz in in s soglasjem homologacijskega organa mora proizvajalec sprejeti ustrezne ukrepe v dokazilo, da bo sistem OBD ob prekinitvi električne povezave prikazal napako.
In meeting the requirements of and, and with the agreement of the approval authority, the manufacturer must take appropriate steps to demonstrate that the OBD system will indicate a fault when disconnection occurs.
97 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0154
Če zadevna država ugotovi, da sprememba opisnega lista pomeni nove preglede ali nove preskuse in da je v skladu s tem treba spremeniti obstoječi homologacijski certifikat ali izpolniti nov homologacijski certifikat, pristojni organi te države o tem obvestijo proizvajalca in te nove dokumente v enem mesecu potem, ko so izpolnjeni, pošljejo pristojnim organom drugih držav članic ali Švice.
If the State in question finds that an amendment to an information document warrants fresh checks or fresh tests and that it is accordingly necessary to amend the existing type- approval certificate or complete a new type- approval certificate, the competent authorities of that state shall inform the manufacturer thereof and shall, within one month of such new documents being completed, send them to the competent authorities of the other Member States or Switzerland.
98 Pravna redakcija
Proizvajalci lahko homologacijskemu organu dokažejo, da posamezni sestavni deli ali sistemi ne potrebujejo nadzora, če ob njihovi popolni odpovedi ali odstranitvi emisije ne presežejo mejnih vrednosti iz 3.3.2.
Manufacturers may demonstrate to the approval authority that certain components or systems need not be monitored if, in the event of their total failure or removal, emissions do not exceed the emission limits given in 3.3.2.
99 Pravna redakcija
Vozilo, ki je predstavnik tipa vozila, za katerega je vložena vloga za homologacijo, se posreduje organu za tehnično preskušanje, odgovornemu za homologacijske preskuse, da opravi preskuse, navedene v točki 5 te priloge.
A vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved is submitted for the tests described in 5 of this Annex to the technical service responsible for the type-approval tests.
100 Pravna redakcija
Proizvajalec mora priskrbeti izvod vseh sporočil, povezanih z načrtom popravnih ukrepov, in shraniti zapise pozivov kupcem naj vrnejo izdelke s serijsko napako ter dostavljati redna poročila o stanju homologacijskemu organu.
The manufacturer must provide a copy of all communications related to the plan of remedial measures, and must also maintain a record of the recall campaign, and supply regular status reports to the type-approval authority.
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