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kompenzacija Skupnosti
51 Končna redakcija
Kompenzacijski znesek za kilogram prašičjega trupa se izračuna na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov, ki se uporabljajo za količino krmnega žita, ki je potrebno za proizvodnjo enega kilograma prašičjega mesa v Skupnosti.
The compensatory amount per kilogramme of pig carcase shall be calculated on the basis of the compensatory amounts applicable to the quantity of feed grain required for the production in the Community of one kilogram me of pigmeat.
52 Končna redakcija
Kompenzacijski znesek za kilogram prašičjega trupa se izračuna na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov, ki se uporabljajo za količino krmnega žita, ki je v Skupnosti potrebna za proizvodnjo enega kilograma prašičjega mesa.
The compensatory amount applicable per kilogram of pig carcase shall be calculated on the basis of the compensatory amounts applicable to the quantity of feed-grain necessary for the production in the Community of one kilogram of pigmeat.
53 Končna redakcija
V ta namen se kompenzacijski znesek za kilogram prašičjega trupa izračuna na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov, ki se uporabljajo za količino žita, ki je potrebna za proizvodnjo enega kilograma prašičjega mesa v Skupnosti.
To this end, the compensatory amount per kilogram of pig carcase shall be calculated on the basis of the compensatory amounts applicable to the quantity of grain required for the production in the Community of one kilogram of pigmeat.
54 Končna redakcija
se za kilogram jajc v lupini kompenzacijski znesek za kilogram jajc v lupini izračuna na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov, ki se uporabljajo za količino žita, ki je potrebna za proizvodnjo enega kilograma jajc v lupini v Skupnosti;
for eggs in shell, the compensatory amount per kilogram of eggs in shell shall be calculated on the basis of the compensatory amounts applicable to the quantity of feed grain required for the production in the Community of one kilogram of eggs in shell;
55 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0824
Družba se tudi obvezuje, da se ne bo izognila obveznosti s sklepanjem kompenzacijskih dogovorov s katerokoli drugo stranko, kar povzroči, da je neto cena, ki jo plača prva samostojna stranka v Skupnosti, pod minimalnimi uvoznimi cenami.
The company also undertakes not to circumvent the undertaking by making compensatory arrangements with any other party which causes the net price paid by the first independent customer in the Community to be below the MIPs.
56 Končna redakcija
Kompenzacijski znesek za kilogram zaklane perutnine se izračuna na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov, ki se uporabljajo za količino krmnega žita, ki je v Skupnosti potrebna za proizvodnjo enega kilograma zaklane perutnine, odvisno od vrste.
The compensatory amount applicable per kilogram of slaughtered poultry shall be calculated on the basis of the compensatory amounts applicable to the quantity of feed-grain necessary for the production in the Community of one kilogram of slaughtered poultry, differentiated on the basis of species.
57 Končna redakcija
Kompenzacijski znesek za kilogram zaklane perutnine se izračuna na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov, ki se uporabljajo za količino krmnega žita, ki je v Skupnosti potrebna za proizvodnjo enega kilograma zaklane perutnine, odvisno od vrste.
The compensatory amount applicable per kilogram of slaughtered poultry shall be calculated on the basis of the compensatory amounts applicable to the quantity of feed-grain necessary for the production, in the Community, of one kilogram of slaughtered poultry, differentiated on the basis of species.
58 Končna redakcija
Če se v trgovini med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Portugalsko republiko uporabljajo kompenzacijski zneski iz člena 240 ali kompenzacijski mehanizem iz člena 270 za enega ali več osnovnih proizvodov, za katere se šteje, da so bili uporabljeni v proizvodnji blaga iz Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3033/80 z dne 11. novembra 1980 o trgovinskih dogovorih za določeno blago, ki izhaja iz predelave kmetijskih proizvodov, se uporabijo naslednji prehodni ukrepi:
Where the compensatory amounts referred to in Article 240 or the compensatory mechanism referred to in Article 270 are applied in trade between the Community as at present constituted and the Portuguese Republic to one or more of the basic products considered as having been used in the manufacture of goods covered by Council Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80 of 11 November 1980 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products, the following transitional measures shall be applied:
59 Končna redakcija
V ta namen se kompenzacijski znesek, ki se uporablja za kilogram prašičjega trupa, izračuna na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov, ki se uporabljajo za količino krmnega žita, ki je v Skupnosti potrebna za proizvodnjo enega kilograma prašičjega mesa.
To that end, the compensatory amount applicable per kilogram of pig carcase shall be calculated on the basis of the compensatory amounts applicable to the quantity of feed-grain necessary for the production in the Community of a kilogram of pigmeat.
60 Končna redakcija
se kompenzacijski znesek za kilogram zaklane perutnine izračuna na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov, ki se uporabljajo za količino krmnega žita, ki je v Skupnosti potrebna za proizvodnjo enega kilograma zaklane perutnine, glede na posamezne vrste perutnine;
for slaughtered poultry, the compensatory amount per kilogram of slaughtered poultry shall be calculated on the basis of the compensatory amounts applicable to the quantity of feed grain required for the production in the Community of one kilogram of slaughtered poultry, differentiated by species;
61 Končna redakcija
Kompenzacijski znesek za kilogram zaklane perutnine se izračuna na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov, ki se uporabljajo za količino krmnega žita, ki se razlikuje glede na vrsto perutnine, ki je potrebno za proizvodnjo enega kilograma zaklane perutnine v Skupnosti.
The compensatory amount per kilogramme of slaughtered poultry shall be calculated on the basis of the compensatory amounts applicable to the quantity of feed grain, differentiated according to species of poultry, which is required for the production in the Community of one kilogramme of slaughtered poultry.
62 Končna redakcija
Pri določanju ravni različnih elementov cenovnega in intervencijskega sistema, razen cen iz členov 51 in 70, se za nove države članice upošteva, kolikor je potrebno za pravilno delovanje pravil Skupnosti, razlika v cenah, ki se izrazi s kompenzacijskim zneskom.
In fixing the level of the various elements of the price and intervention system, except for the prices referred to in Articles 51 and 70, account shall be taken for the new Member States, to the extent necessary for the proper functioning of the Community rules, of the difference in prices expressed by the compensatory amount.
63 Končna redakcija
pri uvozu tega blaga v Skupnost v sedanji sestavi iz Španije se uporablja kompenzacijski znesek, izračunan na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov iz člena 72 in v skladu s pravili Uredbe (EGS) št. 3033/80 za izračunavanje spremenljivega dela za zadevno blago iz te uredbe.
A compensatory amount calculated on the basis of the compensatory amounts referred to in Article 72 and in accordance with the rules laid down by Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80 for calculating the variable component applicable to the goods covered by this Regulation shall be applied on importation of those goods into the Community as at present constituted from Spain.
64 Končna redakcija
Za proizvode, katerih cene so določene v skladu s členoma 58 in 59, so kompenzacijski zneski, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Grčijo ter med Grčijo in tretjimi državami, enaki razliki med cenami, določenimi za Grčijo, in skupnimi cenami.
For products in respect of which prices are fixed in accordance with Articles 58 and 59, the compensatory amounts applicable in trade between the Community as at present constituted and Greece, and between Greece and third countries, shall be equal to the difference between the prices fixed for Greece and the common prices.
65 Končna redakcija
kompenzacijski znesek, izračunan na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov iz člena 61 in v skladu s predpisi, določenimi v Uredbi (EGS) št. 1059/69 za izračunavanje spremenljivih delov dajatve za blago, ki ga zajema ta uredba, se uporablja za uvoz tega blaga v Skupnost iz Grčije,
a compensatory amount calculated on the basis of the compensatory amounts referred to in Article 61 and in accordance with the rules laid down by Regulation (EEC) No 1059/69 for calculating the variable component applicable to the goods covered by this Regulation shall be applied on importation of those goods into the Community from Greece,
66 Končna redakcija
zza proizvode, za katere so cene določene v skladu s členoma 68 in 70, so kompenzacijski zneski, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Španijo ter med Španijo in tretjimi državami, enaki razliki med cenami, določenimi za Španijo, in skupnimi cenami.
For products in respect of which prices are fixed in accordance with Articles 68 and 70, the compensatory amounts applicable in trade between the Community as at present constituted and Spain, and between Spain and third countries, shall be equal to the difference between the prices fixed for Spain and the common prices.
67 Končna redakcija
Z odstopanjem od členov 240 (3) (b) in 284 se prelevmani ali druge uvozne dajatve, ki se uporabljajo v okviru skupne kmetijske politike v trgovini med Portugalsko in tretjimi državami, ne znižajo za kompenzacijske zneske, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini s Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi.
By way of derogation from Articles 240 (3) (b) and 284, in trade between Portugal and third countries, levies or other import charges applied under the common agricultural policy shall not be reduced by compensatory amounts applicable in trade with the Community as at present constituted.
68 Končna redakcija
v trgovini med Grčijo in tretjimi državami se prelevmani ali druge uvozne dajatve, ki se uporabljajo v okviru skupne kmetijske politike, in izvozna nadomestila zvišajo ali znižajo, odvisno od primera, za kompenzacijske zneske, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini s Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi.
in trade between Greece and third countries, levies or other import charges applied under the common agricultural policy, and export refunds, shall be reduced or increased, as the case may be, by the compensatory amounts applicable in trade with the Community as at present constituted.
69 Končna redakcija
Za proizvode, za katere so cene določene v skladu s členoma 236 in 238, so kompenzacijski zneski, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Portugalsko ter med Portugalsko in tretjimi državami, enake razliki med cenami, določenimi za Portugalsko, in skupnimi cenami.
For products in respect of which prices are fixed in accordance with Articles 236 and 238, the compensatory amounts applicable in trade between the Community as at present constituted and Portugal, and between Portugal and third countries, shall be equal to the difference between the prices fixed for Portugal and the common prices.
70 Končna redakcija
Če se proizvodi iz člena 1(2)(a) in (b) uvažajo iz tretjih držav v takih količinah in pod takimi pogoji, da bi to lahko resno škodovalo ali grozilo, da bo škodovalo interesom proizvajalcev Skupnosti, ki proizvajajo blago iz člena 1(2), se lahko na uvoz zaračuna kompenzacijski znesek.
Where the products listed in Article 1 (2) (a) and (b) are imported from third countries in such quantities and under such conditions as might seriously prejudice or threaten to prejudice the interests of Community producers of the products listed in Article 1 (2), a compensatory amount may be charged on imports.
71 Končna redakcija
Če zaključek postopka povzroči nastanek carinskega dolga se, da bi se ohranilo enakost med imetniki dovoljenj v sedanjih državah članicah in novih državah članicah, plača kompenzacijske obresti na uvozne dajatve, ki so od dne pristopa dolgovane v skladu s pogoji iz zakonodaje Skupnosti.
where the discharge gives rise to a customs debt, in order to maintain equity between the holders of authorisations established in the present Member States and those in the new Member States, compensatory interest shall be paid on the import duties due under the conditions of Community legislation from the date of accession.
72 Končna redakcija
Kadar se iz tretjih držav uvažajo proizvodi, navedeni v členu 1(2)(a) in (b), v takih količinah in pod takimi pogoji, ki lahko ogrozijo ali bi lahko resno ogrozili interese proizvajalcev Skupnosti proizvodov, navedenih v členu 1, se lahko uvede kompenzacijski znesek za uvoz teh proizvodov.
Where the products listed in Article 1 (2) (a) and (b) are imported from third countries in such quantities and under such conditions as might prejudice or threaten to prejudice seriously the interests of Community producers of the products listed in Article 1, a compensatory amount may be charged on imports.
73 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: PP-aa00031
Če zaključek postopka povzroči nastanek carinskega dolga se, da bi se ohranilo enakost med imetniki dovoljenj v sedanjih državah članicah in novih državah članicah, plača kompenzacijske obresti na uvozne dajatve, ki so od dne pristopa dolgovane v skladu s pogoji iz zakonodaje Skupnosti.
where the discharge gives rise to a customs debt, in order to maintain the equity between the holders of authorisations established in the present Member States and those in the new Member States, compensatory interest shall be paid on the import duties due under the conditions of Community legislation from the date of accession;
74 Končna redakcija
Skupnost na prvi delovni dan vsakega meseca izplača Češki, Cipru, Malti in Sloveniji kot postavko porabe iz splošnega proračuna Evropskih skupnosti eno osmino od dne pristopa dalje v letu 2004 ter eno dvanajstino v letu 2005 in 2006 od naslednjih zneskov začasnih proračunskih kompenzacij:
On the first working day of each month the Community shall pay the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Malta and Slovenia, as an item of expenditure under the general budget of the European Communities, one eighth in 2004, as of the date of accession, and one twelfth in 2005 and 2006 of the following amounts of temporary budgetary compensation:
75 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0594
Za namene uporabe drugega pododstavka člena 15(3) Uredbe (ES) št. 2200/96, je menjalni tečaj za najvišje dodatke, določene v Prilogi II k Uredbi (ES) št. 103/2004, tečaj, ki se uporablja za zadevno kompenzacijo Skupnosti za umik s trga, kakor je določena v skladu s členom 4(1) te uredbe.
For the purpose of applying the second subparagraph of Article 15(3) of Regulation (EC) No 2200/96, the conversion rate for the maximum supplements fixed in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 103/2004 shall be the rate applicable to the Community withdrawal compensation concerned, as fixed pursuant to Article 4(1) of this Regulation.
76 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1467
ker je za namene izračuna kompenzacijske pomoči opravičljivo razčleniti vse podatke o trženju banan, ki so bili poslani Komisiji, za banane, odpremljene v Skupnost izven regije njihovega proizvajalca, in za banane, ki se tržijo v regiji proizvajalca, kot določa člen 12 Uredbe (EGS) št. 404/93;
Whereas, for the purposes of calculating the compensatory aid, it is justified to break down all the information on the marketing of bananas forwarded to the Commission by bananas dispatched to the Community outside their producer region and bananas placed on the market in a producer region as defined in Article 12 of Regulation (EEC) No 404/93;
77 Končna redakcija
med tistimi, določenimi kot prelevmani, prihodki iz kompenzacijskega zneska pri uvozu skladno s členi 47 in 55 in iz nespremenljivih delov dajatve, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini med Skupnostjo v prvotni sestavi in novimi državami članicami ter med novimi državami članicami samimi skladno s členom 61;
among those designated as agricultural levies, the revenue from any compensatory amount levied on imports under Articles 47 and 55, and from the fixed components applied in trade between the Community as originally constituted and the new Member States and between the new Member States themselves under Article 61;
78 Končna redakcija
Če se na grškem trgu pojavijo motnje zaradi uvoza iz sedanjih držav članic, se lahko za uvoz sadja in zelenjave, za katerega je določena institucionalna cena, v Grčijo iz Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi sprejmejo ustrezni ukrepi, ki lahko uvedejo kompenzacijski mehanizem, podoben tistemu iz prejšnjih odstavkov.
If the Greek market is disturbed by the fact of imports from the present Member States, appropriate measures, which may provide for a compensatory mechanism similar to that provided for in the preceding paragraphs, may be decided in respect of imports into Greece of fruit and vegetables from the Community as at present constituted for which an institutional price is fixed.
79 Končna redakcija
v trgovini med novimi državami članicami in tretjimi državami se prelevmani ali druge uvozne dajatve, ki se uporabljajo v okviru skupne kmetijske politike, in izvozna nadomestila zvišajo oziroma znižajo, odvisno od primera, za kompenzacijske zneske, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini s Skupnostjo v prvotni sestavi.
in trade between the new Member States and third countries, levies or other import charges applied under the common agricultural policy and export refunds shall be reduced or increased, as the case may be, by the compensatory amounts applicable in trade with the Community as originally constituted.
80 Končna redakcija
pri uvozu tega blaga v Skupnost v sedanji sestavi iz Portugalske se uporablja kompenzacijski znesek, izračunan na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov iz člena 240 ali kompenzacijskega mehanizma iz člena 270 v skladu s pravili Uredbe (EGS) št. 3033/80 za izračunavanje spremenljivega dela za zadevno blago iz te uredbe.
A compensatory amount calculated on the basis of the compensatory amounts referred to in Article 240 or of the compensatory mechanism referred to in Article 270 and in accordance with the rules laid down by Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80 for calculating the variable component applicable to the goods covered by this Regulation shall be applied on importation of those goods into the Community as at present constituted from Portugal.
81 Končna redakcija
Do prve uskladitve je kompenzacijski znesek, ki se uporablja za trgovino med novo državo članico, v kateri so izpolnjeni pogoji iz člena 65 (1), in Skupnostjo v prvotni sestavi, drugo novo državo članico, razen tistih iz naslednjega pododstavka, ali tretjimi državami, enak razliki med cenami iz člena 65 (1) (c).
Until the first move towards alignment, the compensatory amount applicable in trade between a new Member State in which the conditions referred to in Article 65 (1) are fulfilled and the Community as originally constituted, another new Member State, with the exception of those referred to in the following subparagraph, or third countries, shall be equal to the difference between the prices referred to in Article 65 (1) (c).
82 Končna redakcija
Za poskusne izdelke, razen tistih iz člena 85, se kompenzacijski znesek, ki se uporablja do prve uskladitve, določi na podlagi razlike med reprezentativno ravnijo tržnih cen v zadevni novi državi članici in reprezentativno ravnijo tržnih cen v Skupnosti v prvotni sestavi v reprezentativnem časovnem obdobju pred uvedbo pravil Skupnosti v zadevni novi državi članici.
For pilot products other than those referred to in Article 85, the compensatory amount applicable until the first move towards alignment shall be determined on the basis of the difference between the representative market price level of the new Member State concerned and the representative market price level of the Community as originally constituted over a representative period preceding the introduction of the Community rules in the new Member State in question.
83 Končna redakcija
V trgovini med Španijo in tretjimi državami se prelevmani ali druge uvozne dajatve, ki se uporabljajo v okviru skupne kmetijske politike, in izvozna nadomestila, razen ob izrecnem odstopanju, zvišajo ali znižajo, odvisno od primera, za kompenzacijske zneske, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini s Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi.
In trade between Spain and third countries, levies or other import charges applied under the common agricultural policy, and, save for express derogation, export refunds, shall be reduced or increased, as the case may be, by the compensatory amounts applicable in trade with the Community as at present constituted.
84 Končna redakcija
Če je višina carine, ki se uporablja za trgovino med Skupnostjo v prvotni sestavi in novimi državami članicami ter med novimi državami članicami samimi višja od kompenzacijskega zneska, izračunanega v skladu z odstavkom 55, se carina začasno opusti na takšni ravni, da njena višina ustreza kompenzacijskemu znesku.
If the incidence of the customs duty applicable to trade between the Community as originally constituted and the new Member States and between the new Member States themselves is higher than the compensatory amount calculated in accordance with Article 55, the customs duty shall be suspended at a level such that its incidence corresponds to the compensatory amount.
85 Končna redakcija
V trgovini med Portugalsko in tretjimi državami se prelevmani ali druge uvozne dajatve, ki se uporabljajo v okviru skupne kmetijske politike, in izvozna nadomestila, razen ob izrecnem odstopanju, znižajo ali zvišajo, odvisno od primera, za kompenzacijske zneske, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini s Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi.
In trade between Portugal and third countries, levies or other import charges applied under the common agricultural policy, and, save for express derogation, export refunds, shall be reduced or increased, as the case may be, by the compensatory amounts applicable in trade with the Community as at present constituted.
86 Končna redakcija
pri uvozu proizvodov, zajetih v Uredbah (EGS) št. 2730/75 in (EGS) št. 2783/75, v Grčijo iz tretjih držav in iz Skupnosti ter v Skupnost iz Grčije se uporablja kompenzacijski znesek, ki se izračuna na osnovi kompenzacijskih zneskov iz člena 61 in v skladu s predpisi, določenimi v zgoraj navedenih uredbah za izračun uvozne dajatve,
on importation into Greece from third countries and from the Community and into the Community from Greece of products covered by Regulations (EEC) No 2730/75 and (EEC) No 2783/75 there shall be applied a compensatory amount calculated on the basis of the compensatory amounts referred to in Article 61 and in accordance with the rules laid down by the above Regulations for the calculation of the import charge,
87 Končna redakcija
Za proizvode, za katere so cene določene vnaprej v skladu s členoma 51 in 52, so kompenzacijski zneski, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini med Skupnostjo v prvotni sestavi in novimi državami članicami, ter med omenjenimi državami in tretjimi državami, enaki razliki med cenami, določenimi za zadevne nove države članice in skupnimi cenami.
For products in respect of which prices are fixed in accordance with Articles 51 and 52, the compensatory amounts applicable in trade between the Community as originally constituted and the new Member States, and between those States and third countries, shall be equal to the difference between the prices fixed for the new Member State concerned and the common prices.
88 Končna redakcija
Izdatki, ki so povezani s plačilom kompenzacije Skupnosti za umik s trga in s financiranjem operativnega sklada s strani Skupnosti, s posebnimi ukrepi iz člena 17 in členov 53, 54 in 55 ter s pregledi strokovnjakov držav članic, ki so na voljo Komisiji pri izvajanju člena 40(1), se štejejo za intervencijo za stabilizacijo kmetijskih trgov v smislu člena 1(2)(b) Uredbe (ES) št. 1258/1999(*).
Expenditure relating to the payment of the Community withdrawal compensation and to Community financing of the operational fund, the specific measures referred to in Article 17 and Articles 53, 54 and 55 and checks by experts of the Member States made available to the Commission in application of Article 40(1) shall be deemed to be intervention to stabilise agricultural markets within the meaning of Article 1(2)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999(27).
89 Končna redakcija
Kompenzacijski zneski za surovi sladkor in proizvode iz člena 1 (b), razen sveže sladkorne pese, ter za proizvode iz člena 1 (1) (d) in (f) Uredbe (EGS) št. 1785/81 o skupni ureditvi trga za sladkor se lahko določijo, kolikor je potrebno za preprečevanje vsakršnega tveganja motenj v trgovini med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Portugalsko.
For raw sugar and for products other than fresh beet, appearing in Article 1 (b), and for the products appearing in Article 1 (1) (d) and (f) of Regulation (EEC) No 1785/81 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector, compensatory amounts may be fixed to the extent necessary to avoid all risk of disturbance in trade between the Community as at present constituted and Portugal.
90 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
Cene se v skladu s takimi zavezami ne zvišajo za več, kot je potrebno za kompenzacijo zneska subvencij, proti katerim se lahko uvedejo izravnalni ukrepi, hkrati pa se morajo zvišati za manj kot za znesek subvencij, proti katerim se lahko uvedejo izravnalni ukrepi, če bi tako zvišanje zadostovalo za odpravo škode industriji Skupnosti.";
Price increases under such undertakings shall not be higher than is necessary to offset the amount of countervailable subsidies, and should be less than the amount of countervailable subsidies if such increases would be adequate to remove the injury to the Community industry.";
91 Končna redakcija
Kompenzacijski zneski za surovi sladkor in proizvode iz člena 1 (1) (b), razen sveže sladkorne pese, ter za proizvode iz člena 1 (1) (d) in (f) Uredbe (EGS) št. 1785/81 o skupni ureditvi trga za sladkor se lahko določijo, kolikor je potrebno za preprečevanje vsakršnega tveganja motenj v trgovini med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Španijo.
For raw sugar and for products, other than fresh beet, in Article 1 (1) (b) and for products in Article 1 (1) (d) and (f) of Regulation (EEC) No 1785/81 on the common organization of the markets in sugar, compensatory amounts may be fixed to the extent necessary to avoid all risk of disturbance in trade between the Community as at present constituted and Spain.
92 Končna redakcija
Za proizvode iz odstavka 1 so kompenzacijski zneski, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Portugalsko ter med Portugalsko in tretjimi državami, enaki razliki med skupnimi cenami in cenami, določenimi na Portugalskem, kakor so popravljene, kadar je to primerno, z upoštevanjem tržnih cen, ugotovljenih v tej državi članici.
For the products referred to in paragraph 1, the compensatory amounts applicable in trade between the Community as at present constituted and Portugal and between Portugal and third countries shall be equal to the difference between the common prices and the prices fixed in Portugal as corrected, where appropriate, to take account of the market prices recorded in this Member State.
93 Končna redakcija
Dohodek, imenovan "prelevmani", iz člena 2(a) Sklepa z dne 21. aprila 1970 obsega tudi dohodek od vseh kompenzacijskih zneskov, ki bremenijo uvoz skladno s členi 43, 61 in 75, ter od nespremenljivih delov dajatve, ki se uporabljajo v trgovini med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Grčijo ter v trgovini med Grčijo in tretjimi državami skladno s členom 66.
The revenue designated as "agricultural levies", referred to in Article 2 (a) of the Decision of 21 April 1970, shall also include the revenue from any compensatory amount levied on imports under Articles 43, 61 and 75 and from the fixed components applied in trade between the Community as at present constituted and Greece and in trade between Greece and third countries under Article 66.
94 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1257
Kmetom, za katere veljajo omejitve kmetijske rabe na območjih z okoljskimi omejitvami, se smejo izplačati plačila za kompenzacijo stroškov in izpada dohodka, ki nastanejo zaradi izvajanja omejitev kmetijske rabe na podlagi pravil Skupnosti o varstvu okolja, če in kolikor so taka plačila potrebna za reševanje posebnih težav, ki izhajajo iz teh pravil.
Payments to compensate for costs incurred and income foregone may be made to farmers who are subject to restrictions on agricultural use in areas with environmental restrictions as a result of the implementation of limitations on agricultural use based on Community environmental protection rules, if and in so far as such payments are necessary to solve the specific problems arising from those rules.
95 Končna redakcija
Kadar se prag v Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi prekorači, se po postopku iz člena 20 Uredbe (EGS) št. 516/77, če je to potrebno za zagotovitev normalnih pogojev konkurence med špansko industrijo in industrijo Skupnosti, odloči, da se v skladu s členom 72 (3) (a) uporabi kompenzacijski znesek, ki je največ enak razliki med pomočjo, določeno za Španijo, in pomočjo, ki bi izhajala iz določene pomoči Skupnosti, in ga Kraljevina Španija obračunava pri izvozu v tretje države.
Where the threshold in the Community as at present constituted is exceeded, if this proves necessary to ensure normal conditions for competition between Spanish industries and those of the Community, it shall be decided, in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 20 of Regulation (EEC) No 516/77, that a compensatory amount, at the most equal to the difference between the aid fixed for Spain and that which would have been derived from the fixed Community aid, will be applied in accordance with Article 72 (3) (a) and levied by the Kingdom of Spain on exports to third countries.
96 Končna redakcija
Kadar se prag v Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi prekorači, se po postopku iz člena 20 Uredbe (EGS) št. 516/77, če je to potrebno za zagotovitev normalnih pogojev konkurence med portugalsko industrijo in industrijo Skupnosti, odloči, da se v skladu s členom 240 (3) (a) uporabi kompenzacijski znesek, ki je največ enak razliki med pomočjo, določeno za Portugalsko in pomočjo, ki bi izhajala iz določene pomoči Skupnosti, in ga Portugalska republika obračunava pri izvozu v tretje države.
Where the threshold in the Community as at present constituted is exceeded, if this proves necessary to ensure normal conditions for competition between Portuguese industries and those of the Community, it shall be decided, in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 20 of Regulation (EEC) No 516/77, that a compensatory amount, at the most equal to the difference between the aid fixed for Portugal and that which would have been derived from the Community aid fixed, will be applied in accordance with Article 240 (3) (a) and levied by the Portuguese Republic on exports to third countries.
97 Končna redakcija
Za določanje nadaljnjih cen se najnižja cena, ki se uporablja v Grčiji, uskladi s skupno najnižjo ceno v skladu z določbami iz člena 59. V času posameznih stopenj uskladitve se v Grčiji uporablja enaka finančna kompenzacija kot v Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi, od katere se odšteje, kjer je to primerno, razlika med skupno najnižjo ceno na eni strani in najnižjo ceno, ki se uporablja v Grčiji, na drugi strani.
For fixing subsequent prices, the minimum price applicable in Greece shall be aligned on the common minimum price in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 59. The financial compensation applicable in Greece at the time of each stage of alignment shall be that of the Community as at present constituted less, where appropriate, the difference between, on the one hand, the common minimum price, and, on the other hand, the minimum price applicable in Greece.
98 Končna redakcija
Če se v trgovini med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Kraljevino Španijo uporabljajo kompenzacijski zneski iz člena 72 za enega ali več osnovnih proizvodov, za katere se šteje, da so bili uporabljeni v proizvodnji blaga iz Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3033/80 z dne 11. novembra 1980 o določitvi trgovinskih dogovorov za določeno blago, ki izhaja iz predelave kmetijskih proizvodov, se uporabijo naslednji prehodni ukrepi:
Where the compensatory amounts referred to in Article 72 are applied in trade between the Community as at present constituted and the Kingdom of Spain to one or more of the basic products considered as having been used in the manufacture of goods covered by Council Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80 of 11 November 1980 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products, the following transitional measures shall be applied:
99 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0829
Sporazum v obliki izmenjave pisem v zvezi z začasno uporabo sprememb Protokola o možnostih ribolova in kompenzaciji, predvidenih v Sporazumu med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in vlado Republike Gvineja Bissau o ribolovu v obalnih vodah Gvineje Bissau za obdobje od 16. junija 2001 do 15. junija 2006 in Sklep 2001/179/ES o pogojih za finančno podporo Gvineji Bissau na področju ribolova se s tem v imenu Skupnosti odobrita.
The Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters concerning the provisional application of amendments to the Protocol establishing the fishing opportunities and the compensation provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau for the period 16 June 2001 to 15 June 2006, and in Decision 2001/179/EC setting the terms for financial support to Guinea-Bissau in the fisheries sector is hereby approved on behalf of the Community.
100 Končna redakcija
Carina, ki predstavlja nespremenljivi del dajatve, ki se od dneva pristopa uporablja za uvoz blaga iz Uredbe (EGS) št. 3033/80 na Portugalsko iz Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi, se določi tako, da se od osnovne carine, ki jo Portugalska republika uporablja za proizvode s poreklom iz Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi, odšteje spremenljivi del, enak spremenljivemu delu, določenemu pri izvajanju Uredbe (EGS) št. 3033/80, ki se zveča ali zmanjša, odvisno od primera, za kompenzacijski znesek iz prve in tretje alinee odstavka 1.
The customs duty constituting the fixed component of the charge applicable, as from the date of accession, to imports into Portugal from the Community as at present constituted of goods covered by Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80 shall be determined by deducting from the basic customs duty applied by the Portuguese Republic to products originating in the Community as at present constituted a variable component equal to the variable component laid down in application of Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80, increased or reduced, as the case may be, by the compensatory amount referred to in the first and third indents of paragraph 1.
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