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ob ugotavljanju
51 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
mora, za plemenske svinje, najmanjše število svinj za preiskavo v podenoti, v kateri so živali, ki se premeščajo, nastanjene, omogočati ugotavljanje povišane telesne temperature ob 5 % razširjenosti s 95 % zanesljivostjo;
breeding sows, the minimum number of sows to be examined must allow for the detection of fever if it occurs at a prevalence of 5 % with 95 % confidence in the sub-unit where the sows to be moved are kept;
52 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0868
treba je predvideti tudi možnost uporabe drugih podatkov za ugotavljanje rezultatov preiskave v primeru, da strani ne sodelujejo v zadovoljivi meri, in da so takšni podatki lahko zanje manj ugodni, kot bi bili ob dobrem sodelovanju.
it is necessary to provide that, where parties do not cooperate satisfactorily, other information may be used to establish findings and that such information may be less favourable to the parties than if they had cooperated.
53 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
Vendar mora, za plemenske svinje ali merjasce, najmanjše število prašičev za preiskavo v podenoti, v kateri so nastanjeni prašiči, ki se premeščajo, omogočati ugotavljanje povišane telesne temperature ob 5 % razširjenosti s 95 % zanesljivostjo.
However, in the case of breeding sows or boars, the minimum number of pigs to be examined must allow for the detection of fever if it occurs at a prevalence of 5 % with 95 % confidence in the subunit where the pigs to be moved are kept.
54 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0038
ob upoštevanju Direktive Sveta 76/625/EGS z dne 20. julija 1976 o statističnih raziskovanjih, ki jih države članice izvajajo z namenom ugotavljanja proizvodnega potenciala intenzivnih sadovnjakov določenih vrst sadnega drevja 1, in zlasti člena 4(2) in (4) Direktive,
Having regard to Council Directive 76/625/EEC, of 20 July 1976, concerning the statistical surveys to be carried out by the Member States in order to determine the production potential of plantations of certain species of fruit trees(1), and in particular Article 4(2) and (4) thereof,
55 Končna redakcija
ob upoštevanju Direktive Sveta (EGS) 76/625 z dne 20. julija 1976 o statističnih raziskovanjih, ki jih države članice izvajajo z namenom ugotavljanja proizvodnega potenciala določenih vrst sadnih dreves v intenzivnih sadovnjakih, in zlasti člena 2(1)B, člena 2 (1)Cin člena 9 direktive
Having regard to Council Directive 76/625/EEC of 20 July 1976 concerning the statistical surveys to be carried out by the Member States in order to determine the production potential of plantations of certain species of fruit trees (1), and in particular Articles 2 (1) B, 2 (1) C and 9 thereof,
56 Končna redakcija
Glede sodne prakse "Soda-pepel" bo specifikacija vsebovala povzetek, ki bo omogočal ugotavljanje vsebine in predmeta dokumentacije, tako da bo podjetje, ki je zahtevalo dostop do spisa, lahko ob popolnem poznavanju dejstev ugotovilo, ali bi bili dokumenti lahko pomembni za njegovo obrambo, in se odločilo, ali naj kljub tej razvrstitvi zahteva dostop;
In view of the 'Soda-ash` case-law, the list will include a summary enabling the content and subject of the documents to be identified, so that any firm having requested access to the file is able to determine in full knowledge of the facts whether the documents are likely to be relevant to its defence and to decide whether to request access despite that classification;
57 Pravna redakcija
zadovoljni OB UGOTAVLJANJU dosežkov teh sporazumov,
NOTING with satisfaction the achievements resulting from these Agreements;
58 Pravna redakcija
OB UGOTAVLJANJU, da člen 17 Sporazuma, podpisanega v Bruslju 18. decembra 1972, predvideva sklenitev novega Sporazuma na širši podlagi,
NOTING that Article 17 of the Agreement signed in Brussels on 18 December 1972 provides for the conclusion on a wider basis of a new Agreement,
59 Pravna redakcija
OB UGOTAVLJANJU, da številni mednarodni in regionalni sporazumi obravnavajo vprašanje varstva in ohranjanja okolja v zvezi s prevozom nevarnega blaga,
NOTING that a number of international and regional agreements have addressed the issue of protection and preservation of the environment with regard to the transit of dangerous goods.
60 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Za uradnike, zaposlene pred 1. majem 2004, ki na dan 1. maja 2004 ne dobivajo pokojnine, se način izračuna iz prejšnjih odstavkov uporabi ob ugotavljanju pokojninskih pravic za:
For officials recruited before 1 May 2004 not receiving a pension as at 1 May 2004, the method of calculation of the preceding paragraphs shall apply at the time when pension rights are determined:
61 Pravna redakcija
OB UGOTAVLJANJU, da poteka aktivno sodelovanje in izmenjava informacij na številnih znanstvenih in tehnoloških področjih po Sporazumu o sodelovanju med Skupnostjo in Indijo o partnerstvu in razvoju, podpisanem 20. decembra 1993,
NOTING that there has been active cooperation and information exchange in a number of scientific and technological areas under the Cooperation Agreement between the Community and India on Partnership and Development signed on 20 December 1993,
62 Pravna redakcija
Blagovna znamka Skupnosti se razglasi za neveljavno ob pritožbi Uradu ali na podlagi nasprotnega zahtevka v postopku za ugotavljanje kršitev:
A Community trade mark shall be declared invalid on application to the Office or on the basis of a counterclaim in infringement proceedings:
63 Pravna redakcija
Ob vsakem zagonu motorja se začne zaporedje pregledov za ugotavljanje napak in zaključi vsaj enkrat, če so izpolnjeni pravilni preskusni pogoji.
A sequence of diagnostic checks must be initiated at each engine start and completed at least once provided that the correct test conditions are met.
64 Pravna redakcija
Ob spremembah predpisov, omenjenih v Dodatku 1, ali ob uvedbi novih predpisov, ki vplivajo na postopke ugotavljanja skladnosti pri kateri od pogodbenic, bosta pogodbenici posodobili to prilogo.
In the event that there are changes to the regulations referenced in Attachment 1 or the introduction of new regulations affecting conformity assessment procedures taking place in either Party, the Parties will update this Annex.
65 Pravna redakcija
Ob spremembah tehničnih predpisov in postopkov ugotavljanje skladnosti, omenjenih v Dodatku 1, ali ob uvedbi novih predpisov v zakonodajo katere od pogodbenic bosta pogodbenici posodobili to prilogo.
In the event that there are changes to the technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures referenced in Attachment 1 or in the event of the introduction of new regulations in the jurisdiction of either Party, the Parties will update this Annex.
66 Pravna redakcija
Kadar organ ni tisti, ki je izdal zadevni certifikat ES-homologacije, se mora ob težavah v zvezi z ugotavljanjem skladnosti vzorcev povezati s priglašenim organom.
Where a body is not the body that issued the relevant EC type-approval certificate it shall contact the body of which notification has been given in the event of difficulties in connection with the assessment of the conformity of samples.
67 Pravna redakcija
OB PRIZNAVANJU pomembnosti vzajemnega priznavanja rezultatov postopkov ugotavljanja skladnosti za olajševanje dostopa do trga in spodbujanje trgovine med pogodbenicama;
RECOGNISING the significance of mutual recognition of the results of conformity assessment procedures in facilitating market access and promoting trade between the parties;
68 Pravna redakcija
Ob takšnem preklicu pogodbenica, ki izpodbija, sprejme rezultate postopkov ugotavljanja skladnosti, ki jih zadevni organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti izvede pred dnevom preklica.
In the event of such suspension, the contesting party shall accept the results of conformity assessment procedures conducted by that conformity assessment body prior to the date of suspension.
69 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0422
(b) določa minimalne zahteve v zvezi z biološko varnostjo in standarde kakovosti, ki jih morajo upoštevati diagnostični laboratoriji za ugotavljanje APK in ob prevozu vzorcev;
(b) establishes minimum bio-safety requirements and quality standards to be observed by the ASF diagnostic laboratories and for transport of samples;
70 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
(b) določa minimalne zahteve glede biološke varnosti in standarde kakovosti, ki jih morajo upoštevati laboratoriji za ugotavljanje klasične prašičje kuge in ob prevozu vzorcev;
(b) establishes minimum bio-safety requirements and quality standards to be observed by the classical swine fever diagnostic laboratories and for transport of samples;
71 Pravna redakcija
Po tem, ko pogodbenica opredeli sistem imenovanja za vrednotenje sposobnosti organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti, lahko druga pogodbenica ob posvetovanju z organi, pristojnimi za imenovanje, preveri, ali ta sistem nudi dovolj dobra zagotovila, da imenovanje organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti izpolnjuje njene zahteve.
Once the designation systems to evaluate the capabilities of conformity assessment bodies have been defined by each Party, the other Party may, in consultation with the designating authorities, check that the systems give sufficient assurance that the designation of the conformity assessment bodies satisfies its requirements.
72 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Ta preskusna metoda se lahko uporablja za ugotavljanje, ali se zaradi reakcije snovi ob stiku z vodo ali vlažnim zrakom razvije nevarna količina plina ali plinov, ki so morda lahko vnetljivi.
This test method can be used to determine whether the reaction of a substance with water or damp air leads to the development of dangerous amounts of gas or gases which may be highly flammable.
73 Pravna redakcija
Ob preklicu imenovanja registriranega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti pogodbenica, katere organ za imenovanje je preklical imenovanje, o tem takoj uradno obvesti drugo pogodbenico in Skupni odbor.
In case of suspension of the designation of a registered conformity assessment body, the party whose designating authority has suspended the designation shall immediately notify the other party and the Joint Committee to that effect.
74 Pravna redakcija
Ob registraciji novega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti druga pogodbenica sprejme rezultate postopkov ugotavljanja skladnosti, ki jih ta organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti izvede od dneva registracije.
In the case of the registration of a new conformity assessment body, the other party shall accept the results of conformity assessment procedures conducted by that conformity assessment body from the date of the registration.
75 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0154
ob upoštevanju Sporazuma med Evropsko skupnostjo in Švicarsko konfederacijo o vzajemnem priznavanju (Sporazum) ugotavljanja skladnosti, podpisanega 21. junija 1999, in zlasti člena 10 (5) Sporazuma,
Having regard to the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on mutual recognition (the Agreement) in relation to Conformity Assessment signed on the 21 of June 1999, and in particular Article 10 (5) thereof,
76 Pravna redakcija
ker bo uporaba teh modulov pri eksplozivih omogočila določitev odgovornosti proizvajalcev in organov, odgovornih za uporabo postopkov ugotavljanja skladnosti ob upoštevanju narave zadevnih eksplozivov;
whereas the application of these modules to explosives will make it possible to determine the responsibility of manufacturers and of bodies responsible for applying procedures for conformity assessment by taking account of the nature of the explosives concerned;
77 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0128
ob upoštevanju Sporazuma med Evropsko skupnostjo in Švicarsko konfederacijo o vzajemnem priznavanju ugotavljanja skladnosti (Sporazum), podpisanega 21. junija 1999, ter zlasti členov 10(4)(a) in 11 Sporazuma,
Having regard to the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on Mutual Recognition (the Agreement) in relation to Conformity Assessment signed on the 21 st of June 1999, and in particular Article 10(4)(a) and 11 thereof,
78 Pravna redakcija
Ob odpravi preklica imenovanja registriranega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti pogodbenica, katere organ za imenovanje je odpravil preklic imenovanja, o tem takoj uradno obvesti drugo pogodbenico in Skupni odbor.
In case of lifting of the suspension of the designation of a registered conformity assessment body, the party whose designating authority has lifted the suspension of the designation shall immediately notify the other party and the Joint Committee to that effect.
79 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22004D0116
ob upoštevanju Sporazuma med Evropsko skupnostjo in Švicarsko konfederacijo o medsebojnem priznavanju ugotavljanja skladnosti (Sporazum), podpisanega 21. junija 1999, in zlasti člena 10.4 (a) in 11 navedenega Sporazuma,
Having regard to the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on Mutual Recognition in relation to Conformity Assessment (the Agreement) signed on 21 June 1999, and in particular Article 10.4(a) and 11 thereof,
80 Pravna redakcija
Ob pritožbi ali v kakršnih koli okoliščinah, ki zadevajo sposobnost organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti opravljati naloge v okviru te priloge, mora ustrezni organ za imenovanje, ukrepati tako, da zadovolji obe pogodbenici.
Where a complaint or any other circumstance arises concerning a conformity assessment body's ability to perform under this Annex, the appropriate designating authority must take action to the mutual satisfaction of the Parties.
81 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
- mora, za plemenske svinje, najmanjše število svinj za preiskavo v podenoti, v kateri so živali, ki se premeščajo, nastanjene, omogočati ugotavljanje povišane telesne temperature ob 5 % razširjenosti s 95 % zanesljivostjo;
- breeding sows, the minimum number of sows to be examined must allow for the detection of fever if it occurs at a prevalence of 5 % with 95 % confidence in the sub-unit where the sows to be moved are kept;
82 Pravna redakcija
Namen te priloge je vzpostaviti okvir za sprejem električnih proizvodi s priznavanjem ugotavljanja skladnosti izvedenih od organov, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve druge pogodbenice, ob ohranitvi celovitosti varnostnega sistema vsake od pogodbenic.
The purpose of this Annex is to establish a framework for the acceptance of electrical products through the recognition of conformity assessment carried out by bodies which comply with the requirements of the other Party, while maintaining the integrity of the safety system in each of the Parties.
83 Pravna redakcija
Ta oddelek se smiselno uporablja pri ugotavljanju, ali imajo izdelki poreklo izvozne države upravičenke in lahko izkoristijo ugodnosti splošne sheme preferencialov ob uvozu v Ceuto in Melillo oziroma ali imajo izdelki poreklo iz Ceute in Melille.
This Section shall apply mutatis mutandis in determining whether products may be regarded as originating in the exporting beneficiary country benefiting from the generalized system of preferences when imported into Ceuta and Melilla or as originating in Ceuta and Melilla.
84 Pravna redakcija
Če se pogodbenici ne strinjata in njuno nestrinjanje potrdi tudi Odbor, preverjanje strokovne usposobljenosti zadevnega organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti v skladu z zahtevami izvajata obe pogodbenici skupaj ob sodelovanju zadevnih usposobljenih organov.
In the event of a disagreement between the Parties, confirmed in the Committee, a verification of the technical competence of the conformity assessment body in question shall be undertaken in accordance with requirements jointly by the Parties, with the participation of the competent authorities concerned.
85 Pravna redakcija
Organi za uradno imenovanje z ustreznimi sredstvi ugotavljajo, ali organi za ugotavljanje skladnosti v njihovi pristojnosti, našteti v Prilogi 1, spoštujejo splošna načela imenovanja iz Priloge 2, ob upoštevanju določb, naštetih v ustreznem Oddelku IV v Prilogi 1.
The designating authorities shall ascertain by appropriate means whether the conformity assessment bodies under their jurisdiction listed in Annex 1 are observing the general principles of designation listed in Annex 2, subject to the provisions listed in the respective section IV in Annex 1.
86 Pravna redakcija
Ob prenehanju veljavnosti registracije organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti druga pogodbenica sprejme rezultate postopkov ugotavljanja skladnosti, ki jih ta organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti izvede pred prenehanjem veljavnosti registracije, ne glede na člen 6(1) in člen 7(3).
In the event that the registration of a conformity assessment body is terminated, the other party shall accept the results of the conformity assessment procedures conducted by that conformity assessment body prior to the termination, without prejudice to 6(1) and Article 7(3).
87 Pravna redakcija
Če organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki jih imenuje druga pogodbenica za izpolnjevanje takšnih zahtev ob izvajanju teh novih ali dodatnih zahtev, pogodbenica, ki je uvedla zahteve, ni priznala, lahko druga pogodbenica opusti svoje obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz ustrezne področne priloge.
If, upon implementation of such new or additional requirements, conformity assessment bodies designated by the other Party in order to meet such requirements have not been recognised by the Party implementing the requirements, the other Party may suspend its obligations under the Sectoral Annex in question.
88 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici si izmenjata informacije o postopkih, ki sta jih uporabili za zagotavljanje, da organi za ugotavljanje skladnosti v njuni pristojnosti, ki so našteti v Prilogi 1, ustrezajo splošnim načelom imenovanja iz Priloge 2, ob upoštevanju določb iz ustreznega Oddelka IV v Prilogi 1.
The Parties shall exchange information concerning the procedures used to ensure that the conformity assessment bodies under their jurisdiction listed in Annex 1 comply with the general principles of designation outlined in Annex 2 subject to the provisions of the respective section IV in Annex 1.
89 Pravna redakcija
Treba je vzpostaviti postopek za ugotavljanje epidemiološkega statusa držav članic, tretjih držav ali ene izmed njihovih regij, v nadaljevanju navedenih kot "države ali regije" glede BSE, na osnovi verjetnosti širjenja in tveganja za izpostavljenost ljudi bolezni, ob uporabi razpoložljivih informacij.
A procedure should be established for the determination of the epidemiological status of a Member State, a third country and of one of their regions, hereinafter referred to as "countries or regions" with respect to BSE, on the basis of the incident propagation and human exposure risk, using information available.
90 Pravna redakcija
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da ima Sierra Leone izključno upravo in nadzor nad ribolovnimi viri in drugimi vodnimi viri v svoji ribolovni coni, ki sega do 200 navtičnih milj od njenih obal, v katerem uresničuje svoje suverene pravice za ugotavljanje, izkoriščanje, ohranjanje in upravljanje virov navedenega območja;
RECALLING that Sierra Leone has exclusive management and control over the fishery resources and other aquatic resources within its fishing zone which extends up to 200 nautical miles from its shore, within which it exercises its sovereign rights for the purpose of identifying, exploiting, conserving and managing the resources of the said zone;
91 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici primerjata metode, ki jih uporabljata pri preverjanju, če organi ustrezajo splošnim načelom glede imenovanja iz Priloge 2, ob upoštevanju določb ustreznega Oddelka IV v Prilogi 1. Za namen tovrstnih primerjav se lahko uporabijo sistemi za akreditacijo organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki pri pogodbenicah že obstajajo.
The Parties shall compare methods used to verify conformity of the bodies with the general principles of designation outlined in Annex 2, subject to the provisions of the respective section IV in Annex 1. Existing systems for the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies in the Parties may be used for the purpose of such comparisons.
92 Pravna redakcija
Glede sodne prakse »Soda-pepel« bo specifikacija vsebovala povzetek, ki bo omogočal ugotavljanje vsebine in predmeta dokumentacije, tako da bo podjetje, ki je zahtevalo dostop do spisa, lahko ob popolnem poznavanju dejstev ugotovilo, ali bi bili dokumenti lahko pomembni za njegovo obrambo, in se odločilo, ali naj kljub tej razvrstitvi zahteva dostop;
In view of the 'Soda-ash` case-law, the list will include a summary enabling the content and subject of the documents to be identified, so that any firm having requested access to the file is able to determine in full knowledge of the facts whether the documents are likely to be relevant to its defence and to decide whether to request access despite that classification;
93 Pravna redakcija
Stalno spremljanje programov ekvivalentnosti procesov imenovanja in ugotavljanja skladnosti po zahtevah vsake od pogodbenic, ki so ob koncu programa vzpostavljanja zaupanja proglašeni za ekvivalentne, in vse kasnejše odločitve v zvezi s to ekvivalentnostjo potekajo po skupno oblikovanem in upravljanem programu vzdrževanja in izvajanja ekvivalentnosti.
The continuous monitoring of the equivalency of designation processes and conformity assessments for each Party's requirements that have been determined to be equivalent at the conclusion of the confidence building programme, and any subsequent decisions concerning that equivalence, must be made according to mutually developed and managed equivalence maintenance and implementation activities.
94 Pravna redakcija
To prilogo o ugotavljanju skladnosti in certificiranju skladnosti za medicinske pripomočke sporazuma o medsebojnem priznavanju (MRA) sta sestavili Evropska skupnost in Kanada za razširitev bilateralnega zakonodajnega sodelovanja na področju medicinskih pripomočkov in olajšanje svetovne trgovine ob ohranitvi enako visokih ravni zdravja in varnosti v obeh jurisdikcijah.
This Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) Annex on conformity assessment and compliance certification pertaining to medical devices has been developed by the European Community and Canada to enhance bilateral medical device regulatory cooperation while facilitating global trade and maintaining the same high standards of health and safety in both jurisdictions.
95 Pravna redakcija
OB SKLICEVANJU na to, da sta Skupnost in Tanzanija podpisnici Konvencije Združenih narodov o pomorskem pravu in da je Tanzanija v skladu s to konvencijo uredila izključno ekonomsko cono, ki se razteza 200 navtičnih milj od njene obale, v tem območju pa Tanzanija v skladu z načeli mednarodnega prava uveljavlja suverene pravice do ugotavljanja, izkoriščanja, ohranitve in upravljanja virov;
RECALLING that the Community and Tanzania are signatories to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and that, in accordance with that Convention, Tanzania has established an exclusive economic zone extending 200 nautical miles from its shores, within which it exercises its sovereign rights for the purpose of identifying, exploiting, conserving and managing the resources of the said zone, in accordance with the principles of international law;
96 Pravna redakcija
Potrošniške raziskave o vzorcih in odnosu uporabe, podatki o potrošniških navadah potrošnikov, stališča trgovcev na drobno in, bolj splošno, študije raziskav trga, ki so jih predložila udeležena podjetja in njihovi konkurenti se upoštevajo pri ugotavljanju ali ekonomsko pomemben delež potrošnikov meni, da sta dva proizvoda nadomestljiva, ob hkratnem upoštevanju pomena blagovnih znamk zadevnih proizvodov.
Consumer surveys on usage patterns and attitudes, data from consumer's purchasing patterns, the views expressed by retailers and more generally, market research studies submitted by the parties and their competitors are taken into account to establish whether an economically significant proportion of consumers consider two products as substitutable, also taking into account the importance of brands for the products in question.
97 Pravna redakcija
ker pa zaradi skrbi glede možne prikrite okužbe krompirja s krompirjevo rjavo gnilobo Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith dodatni ukrepi vključujejo testiranje, zaradi ugotavljanja prisotnosti tega organizma v Egiptu na krompirju, namenjenem za izvoz v Skupnost, nadzorni testni program navedenega krompirja ob vnosu v Skupnost in ustrezne kontrole pri odstranjevanju odpadkov po pakiranju ali predelavi navedenega krompirja v Skupnosti,
Whereas, because of concern for possible latent infection of potatoes by Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith the additional measures include testing for the presence of the organism in Egypt in potatoes intended for export to the Community as well as a monitoring testing programme of the said potatoes on entry into the Community and appropriate controls on the waste disposal after packaging or processing of the said potatoes in the Community;
98 Pravna redakcija
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da sta pogodbenici na osnovi dosedanjih izkušenj po Okvirnem sporazumu o trgovinskem in gospodarskem sodelovanju med Evropskimi skupnostmi in Kanado iz leta 1976, in z namenom krepitve dialoga na področju standardov, kot je določeno v Deklaraciji o odnosih med ES in Kanado iz leta 1990, izrazili željo, da vzpostavita bolj formalen okvir za sodelovanje na področju medsebojnega priznavanja glede ugotavljanja skladnosti;
CONSIDERING that on the basis of past experience under the 1976 Framework Agreement on commercial and economic cooperation between the European Communities and Canada, and in order to further develop their dialogue in the area of standards as specified in the 1990 Declaration on EC-Canada relations, both Parties have expressed a desire to establish a more formal framework for the conduct of collaboration in the field of mutual recognition in relation to conformity assessment;
99 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici se obvezujeta zagotoviti, da bodo njuni organi za uradno imenovanje imeli potrebna pooblastila in pristojnosti, da imenujejo, trajno ali začasno prekličejo imenovanje ali umaknejo začasni preklic imenovanja za organe, naštete v Prilogi 1. Pri imenovanju organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti organi za uradno imenovanje upoštevajo splošna načela za imenovanje, navedena v Prilogi 2, ob upoštevanju določb ustreznega Oddelka IV v Prilogi 1. Organi za uradno imenovanje upoštevajo enaka načela pri trajnem ali začasnem preklicu imenovanja, ali umiku začasnega preklica.
The Parties hereby undertake to ensure that their designating authorities have the necessary power and competence to designate or withdraw designation, suspend or remove suspension of the bodies listed in Annex 1. For the designation of conformity assessment bodies, the authorities shall observe the general principles for designation set out in Annex 2, subject to the provisions of the respective section IV in Annex 1. These authorities shall observe the same principles when withdrawing designation, suspending or removing suspension.
100 Strokovna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0098
(16) Transfuzijske ustanove morajo uvesti in vzdrževati sisteme kakovosti, ki vključujejo vse dejavnosti, ki opredeljujejo cilje politike kakovosti in odgovornosti, in jih izvajati v smislu načrtovanja kakovosti, nadzora kakovosti, zagotavljanja kakovosti ter izboljševanja kavosti znotraj sistema kakovosti, ob upoštevanju načel dobre proizvodne prakse, kot tudi sistema ES za ugotavljanje skladnosti.
(16) Blood establishments should establish and maintain quality systems involving all activities that determine the quality policy objectives and responsibilities and implement them by such means as quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvement within the quality system, taking into account the principles of good manufacturing practice as well as the EC conformity assessment system.
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